View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * An XML document type.
3    * Localname: NARANEH_Budget
4    * Namespace:
5    * Java type: gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument
6    *
7    * Automatically generated - do not modify.
8    */
9   package gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.impl;
10  /**
11   * A document containing one NARANEH_Budget(@ element.
12   *
13   * This is a complex type.
14   */
15  public class NARANEHBudgetDocumentImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument
16  {
17      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
19      public NARANEHBudgetDocumentImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
20      {
21          super(sType);
22      }
24      private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName NARANEHBUDGET$0 = 
25          new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "NARANEH_Budget");
28      /**
29       * Gets the "NARANEH_Budget" element
30       */
31      public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget getNARANEHBudget()
32      {
33          synchronized (monitor())
34          {
35              check_orphaned();
36              gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget target = null;
37              target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget)get_store().find_element_user(NARANEHBUDGET$0, 0);
38              if (target == null)
39              {
40                  return null;
41              }
42              return target;
43          }
44      }
46      /**
47       * Sets the "NARANEH_Budget" element
48       */
49      public void setNARANEHBudget(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget naranehBudget)
50      {
51          generatedSetterHelperImpl(naranehBudget, NARANEHBUDGET$0, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
52      }
54      /**
55       * Appends and returns a new empty "NARANEH_Budget" element
56       */
57      public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget addNewNARANEHBudget()
58      {
59          synchronized (monitor())
60          {
61              check_orphaned();
62              gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget target = null;
63              target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget)get_store().add_element_user(NARANEHBUDGET$0);
64              return target;
65          }
66      }
67      /**
68       * An XML NARANEH_Budget(@
69       *
70       * This is a complex type.
71       */
72      public static class NARANEHBudgetImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget
73      {
74          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
76          public NARANEHBudgetImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
77          {
78              super(sType);
79          }
81          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName NARANEHBUDGET$0 = 
82              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "NARANEH_Budget");
83          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BUDGETATTACHMENT$2 = 
84              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "BudgetAttachment");
85          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FORMVERSION$4 = 
86              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FormVersion");
89          /**
90           * Gets array of all "NARANEH_Budget" elements
91           */
92          public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2[] getNARANEHBudgetArray()
93          {
94              synchronized (monitor())
95              {
96                  check_orphaned();
97                  java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
98                  get_store().find_all_element_users(NARANEHBUDGET$0, targetList);
99                  gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2[targetList.size()];
100                 targetList.toArray(result);
101                 return result;
102             }
103         }
105         /**
106          * Gets ith "NARANEH_Budget" element
107          */
108         public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 getNARANEHBudgetArray(int i)
109         {
110             synchronized (monitor())
111             {
112                 check_orphaned();
113                 gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 target = null;
114                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2)get_store().find_element_user(NARANEHBUDGET$0, i);
115                 if (target == null)
116                 {
117                     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
118                 }
119                 return target;
120             }
121         }
123         /**
124          * Returns number of "NARANEH_Budget" element
125          */
126         public int sizeOfNARANEHBudgetArray()
127         {
128             synchronized (monitor())
129             {
130                 check_orphaned();
131                 return get_store().count_elements(NARANEHBUDGET$0);
132             }
133         }
135         /**
136          * Sets array of all "NARANEH_Budget" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
137          */
138         public void setNARANEHBudgetArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2[] naranehBudgetArray)
139         {
140             check_orphaned();
141             arraySetterHelper(naranehBudgetArray, NARANEHBUDGET$0);
142         }
144         /**
145          * Sets ith "NARANEH_Budget" element
146          */
147         public void setNARANEHBudgetArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 naranehBudget)
148         {
149             generatedSetterHelperImpl(naranehBudget, NARANEHBUDGET$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
150         }
152         /**
153          * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "NARANEH_Budget" element
154          */
155         public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 insertNewNARANEHBudget(int i)
156         {
157             synchronized (monitor())
158             {
159                 check_orphaned();
160                 gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 target = null;
161                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2)get_store().insert_element_user(NARANEHBUDGET$0, i);
162                 return target;
163             }
164         }
166         /**
167          * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "NARANEH_Budget" element
168          */
169         public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 addNewNARANEHBudget()
170         {
171             synchronized (monitor())
172             {
173                 check_orphaned();
174                 gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2 target = null;
175                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2)get_store().add_element_user(NARANEHBUDGET$0);
176                 return target;
177             }
178         }
180         /**
181          * Removes the ith "NARANEH_Budget" element
182          */
183         public void removeNARANEHBudget(int i)
184         {
185             synchronized (monitor())
186             {
187                 check_orphaned();
188                 get_store().remove_element(NARANEHBUDGET$0, i);
189             }
190         }
192         /**
193          * Gets the "BudgetAttachment" element
194          */
195         public gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType getBudgetAttachment()
196         {
197             synchronized (monitor())
198             {
199                 check_orphaned();
200                 gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType target = null;
201                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETATTACHMENT$2, 0);
202                 if (target == null)
203                 {
204                     return null;
205                 }
206                 return target;
207             }
208         }
210         /**
211          * True if has "BudgetAttachment" element
212          */
213         public boolean isSetBudgetAttachment()
214         {
215             synchronized (monitor())
216             {
217                 check_orphaned();
218                 return get_store().count_elements(BUDGETATTACHMENT$2) != 0;
219             }
220         }
222         /**
223          * Sets the "BudgetAttachment" element
224          */
225         public void setBudgetAttachment(gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType budgetAttachment)
226         {
227             generatedSetterHelperImpl(budgetAttachment, BUDGETATTACHMENT$2, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
228         }
230         /**
231          * Appends and returns a new empty "BudgetAttachment" element
232          */
233         public gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType addNewBudgetAttachment()
234         {
235             synchronized (monitor())
236             {
237                 check_orphaned();
238                 gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType target = null;
239                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.attachmentsV10.AttachedFileDataType)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETATTACHMENT$2);
240                 return target;
241             }
242         }
244         /**
245          * Unsets the "BudgetAttachment" element
246          */
247         public void unsetBudgetAttachment()
248         {
249             synchronized (monitor())
250             {
251                 check_orphaned();
252                 get_store().remove_element(BUDGETATTACHMENT$2, 0);
253             }
254         }
256         /**
257          * Gets the "FormVersion" attribute
258          */
259         public java.lang.String getFormVersion()
260         {
261             synchronized (monitor())
262             {
263                 check_orphaned();
264                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
265                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
266                 if (target == null)
267                 {
268                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_default_attribute_value(FORMVERSION$4);
269                 }
270                 if (target == null)
271                 {
272                     return null;
273                 }
274                 return target.getStringValue();
275             }
276         }
278         /**
279          * Gets (as xml) the "FormVersion" attribute
280          */
281         public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType xgetFormVersion()
282         {
283             synchronized (monitor())
284             {
285                 check_orphaned();
286                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType target = null;
287                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
288                 if (target == null)
289                 {
290                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_default_attribute_value(FORMVERSION$4);
291                 }
292                 return target;
293             }
294         }
296         /**
297          * Sets the "FormVersion" attribute
298          */
299         public void setFormVersion(java.lang.String formVersion)
300         {
301             synchronized (monitor())
302             {
303                 check_orphaned();
304                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
305                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
306                 if (target == null)
307                 {
308                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
309                 }
310                 target.setStringValue(formVersion);
311             }
312         }
314         /**
315          * Sets (as xml) the "FormVersion" attribute
316          */
317         public void xsetFormVersion(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType formVersion)
318         {
319             synchronized (monitor())
320             {
321                 check_orphaned();
322                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType target = null;
323                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
324                 if (target == null)
325                 {
326                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().add_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$4);
327                 }
328                 target.set(formVersion);
329             }
330         }
331         /**
332          * An XML NARANEH_Budget(@
333          *
334          * This is a complex type.
335          */
336         public static class NARANEHBudgetImpl2 extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2
337         {
338             private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
340             public NARANEHBudgetImpl2(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
341             {
342                 super(sType);
343             }
345             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BUDGETPERIOD$0 = 
346                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "BudgetPeriod");
347             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName PROJECTDIRNAME$2 = 
348                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ProjectDirName");
349             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4 = 
350                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ApplicantOrganization");
351             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6 = 
352                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "RequestedGrantPeriodFrom");
353             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8 = 
354                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "RequestedGrantPeriodTo");
355             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName APPLICATIONNUMBER$10 = 
356                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ApplicationNumber");
357             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12 = 
358                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "BudgetDetailPeriodFrom");
359             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14 = 
360                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "BudgetDetailPeriodTo");
361             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARIESANDWAGES$16 = 
362                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalariesAndWages");
363             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGEBENEFITS$18 = 
364                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeBenefits");
365             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTANTFEES$20 = 
366                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultantFees");
367             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELS$22 = 
368                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "Travels");
369             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24 = 
370                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SuppliesMaterials");
371             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICES$26 = 
372                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "Services");
373             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERCOSTS$28 = 
374                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherCosts");
375             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30 = 
376                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "DirectCostsTotal");
377             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTS$32 = 
378                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCosts");
379             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34 = 
380                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalProjectCosts");
381             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMMARYBUDGET$36 = 
382                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SummaryBudget");
383             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38 = 
384                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumPageTotalProjectCosts");
385             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName GRANTFUNDSREQUESTED$40 = 
386                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "GrantFundsRequested");
387             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName COSTSHARING$42 = 
388                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "CostSharing");
389             private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALPROJECTFUND$44 = 
390                 new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalProjectFund");
393             /**
394              * Gets the "BudgetPeriod" element
395              */
396             public int getBudgetPeriod()
397             {
398                 synchronized (monitor())
399                 {
400                     check_orphaned();
401                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
402                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0, 0);
403                     if (target == null)
404                     {
405                       return 0;
406                     }
407                     return target.getIntValue();
408                 }
409             }
411             /**
412              * Gets (as xml) the "BudgetPeriod" element
413              */
414             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod xgetBudgetPeriod()
415             {
416                 synchronized (monitor())
417                 {
418                     check_orphaned();
419                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod target = null;
420                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0, 0);
421                     return target;
422                 }
423             }
425             /**
426              * Sets the "BudgetPeriod" element
427              */
428             public void setBudgetPeriod(int budgetPeriod)
429             {
430                 synchronized (monitor())
431                 {
432                     check_orphaned();
433                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
434                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0, 0);
435                     if (target == null)
436                     {
437                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0);
438                     }
439                     target.setIntValue(budgetPeriod);
440                 }
441             }
443             /**
444              * Sets (as xml) the "BudgetPeriod" element
445              */
446             public void xsetBudgetPeriod(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod budgetPeriod)
447             {
448                 synchronized (monitor())
449                 {
450                     check_orphaned();
451                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod target = null;
452                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0, 0);
453                     if (target == null)
454                     {
455                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETPERIOD$0);
456                     }
457                     target.set(budgetPeriod);
458                 }
459             }
461             /**
462              * Gets the "ProjectDirName" element
463              */
464             public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType getProjectDirName()
465             {
466                 synchronized (monitor())
467                 {
468                     check_orphaned();
469                     gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType target = null;
470                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(PROJECTDIRNAME$2, 0);
471                     if (target == null)
472                     {
473                       return null;
474                     }
475                     return target;
476                 }
477             }
479             /**
480              * Sets the "ProjectDirName" element
481              */
482             public void setProjectDirName(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType projectDirName)
483             {
484                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(projectDirName, PROJECTDIRNAME$2, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
485             }
487             /**
488              * Appends and returns a new empty "ProjectDirName" element
489              */
490             public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType addNewProjectDirName()
491             {
492                 synchronized (monitor())
493                 {
494                     check_orphaned();
495                     gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType target = null;
496                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.HumanNameDataType)get_store().add_element_user(PROJECTDIRNAME$2);
497                     return target;
498                 }
499             }
501             /**
502              * Gets the "ApplicantOrganization" element
503              */
504             public java.lang.String getApplicantOrganization()
505             {
506                 synchronized (monitor())
507                 {
508                     check_orphaned();
509                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
510                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4, 0);
511                     if (target == null)
512                     {
513                       return null;
514                     }
515                     return target.getStringValue();
516                 }
517             }
519             /**
520              * Gets (as xml) the "ApplicantOrganization" element
521              */
522             public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType xgetApplicantOrganization()
523             {
524                 synchronized (monitor())
525                 {
526                     check_orphaned();
527                     gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType target = null;
528                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4, 0);
529                     return target;
530                 }
531             }
533             /**
534              * Sets the "ApplicantOrganization" element
535              */
536             public void setApplicantOrganization(java.lang.String applicantOrganization)
537             {
538                 synchronized (monitor())
539                 {
540                     check_orphaned();
541                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
542                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4, 0);
543                     if (target == null)
544                     {
545                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4);
546                     }
547                     target.setStringValue(applicantOrganization);
548                 }
549             }
551             /**
552              * Sets (as xml) the "ApplicantOrganization" element
553              */
554             public void xsetApplicantOrganization(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType applicantOrganization)
555             {
556                 synchronized (monitor())
557                 {
558                     check_orphaned();
559                     gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType target = null;
560                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4, 0);
561                     if (target == null)
562                     {
563                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().add_element_user(APPLICANTORGANIZATION$4);
564                     }
565                     target.set(applicantOrganization);
566                 }
567             }
569             /**
570              * Gets the "RequestedGrantPeriodFrom" element
571              */
572             public java.util.Calendar getRequestedGrantPeriodFrom()
573             {
574                 synchronized (monitor())
575                 {
576                     check_orphaned();
577                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
578                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6, 0);
579                     if (target == null)
580                     {
581                       return null;
582                     }
583                     return target.getCalendarValue();
584                 }
585             }
587             /**
588              * Gets (as xml) the "RequestedGrantPeriodFrom" element
589              */
590             public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetRequestedGrantPeriodFrom()
591             {
592                 synchronized (monitor())
593                 {
594                     check_orphaned();
595                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
596                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6, 0);
597                     return target;
598                 }
599             }
601             /**
602              * Sets the "RequestedGrantPeriodFrom" element
603              */
604             public void setRequestedGrantPeriodFrom(java.util.Calendar requestedGrantPeriodFrom)
605             {
606                 synchronized (monitor())
607                 {
608                     check_orphaned();
609                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
610                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6, 0);
611                     if (target == null)
612                     {
613                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6);
614                     }
615                     target.setCalendarValue(requestedGrantPeriodFrom);
616                 }
617             }
619             /**
620              * Sets (as xml) the "RequestedGrantPeriodFrom" element
621              */
622             public void xsetRequestedGrantPeriodFrom(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate requestedGrantPeriodFrom)
623             {
624                 synchronized (monitor())
625                 {
626                     check_orphaned();
627                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
628                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6, 0);
629                     if (target == null)
630                     {
631                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODFROM$6);
632                     }
633                     target.set(requestedGrantPeriodFrom);
634                 }
635             }
637             /**
638              * Gets the "RequestedGrantPeriodTo" element
639              */
640             public java.util.Calendar getRequestedGrantPeriodTo()
641             {
642                 synchronized (monitor())
643                 {
644                     check_orphaned();
645                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
646                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8, 0);
647                     if (target == null)
648                     {
649                       return null;
650                     }
651                     return target.getCalendarValue();
652                 }
653             }
655             /**
656              * Gets (as xml) the "RequestedGrantPeriodTo" element
657              */
658             public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetRequestedGrantPeriodTo()
659             {
660                 synchronized (monitor())
661                 {
662                     check_orphaned();
663                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
664                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8, 0);
665                     return target;
666                 }
667             }
669             /**
670              * Sets the "RequestedGrantPeriodTo" element
671              */
672             public void setRequestedGrantPeriodTo(java.util.Calendar requestedGrantPeriodTo)
673             {
674                 synchronized (monitor())
675                 {
676                     check_orphaned();
677                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
678                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8, 0);
679                     if (target == null)
680                     {
681                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8);
682                     }
683                     target.setCalendarValue(requestedGrantPeriodTo);
684                 }
685             }
687             /**
688              * Sets (as xml) the "RequestedGrantPeriodTo" element
689              */
690             public void xsetRequestedGrantPeriodTo(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate requestedGrantPeriodTo)
691             {
692                 synchronized (monitor())
693                 {
694                     check_orphaned();
695                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
696                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8, 0);
697                     if (target == null)
698                     {
699                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(REQUESTEDGRANTPERIODTO$8);
700                     }
701                     target.set(requestedGrantPeriodTo);
702                 }
703             }
705             /**
706              * Gets the "ApplicationNumber" element
707              */
708             public java.lang.String getApplicationNumber()
709             {
710                 synchronized (monitor())
711                 {
712                     check_orphaned();
713                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
714                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10, 0);
715                     if (target == null)
716                     {
717                       return null;
718                     }
719                     return target.getStringValue();
720                 }
721             }
723             /**
724              * Gets (as xml) the "ApplicationNumber" element
725              */
726             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber xgetApplicationNumber()
727             {
728                 synchronized (monitor())
729                 {
730                     check_orphaned();
731                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber target = null;
732                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10, 0);
733                     return target;
734                 }
735             }
737             /**
738              * True if has "ApplicationNumber" element
739              */
740             public boolean isSetApplicationNumber()
741             {
742                 synchronized (monitor())
743                 {
744                     check_orphaned();
745                     return get_store().count_elements(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10) != 0;
746                 }
747             }
749             /**
750              * Sets the "ApplicationNumber" element
751              */
752             public void setApplicationNumber(java.lang.String applicationNumber)
753             {
754                 synchronized (monitor())
755                 {
756                     check_orphaned();
757                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
758                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10, 0);
759                     if (target == null)
760                     {
761                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10);
762                     }
763                     target.setStringValue(applicationNumber);
764                 }
765             }
767             /**
768              * Sets (as xml) the "ApplicationNumber" element
769              */
770             public void xsetApplicationNumber(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber applicationNumber)
771             {
772                 synchronized (monitor())
773                 {
774                     check_orphaned();
775                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber target = null;
776                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber)get_store().find_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10, 0);
777                     if (target == null)
778                     {
779                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber)get_store().add_element_user(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10);
780                     }
781                     target.set(applicationNumber);
782                 }
783             }
785             /**
786              * Unsets the "ApplicationNumber" element
787              */
788             public void unsetApplicationNumber()
789             {
790                 synchronized (monitor())
791                 {
792                     check_orphaned();
793                     get_store().remove_element(APPLICATIONNUMBER$10, 0);
794                 }
795             }
797             /**
798              * Gets the "BudgetDetailPeriodFrom" element
799              */
800             public java.util.Calendar getBudgetDetailPeriodFrom()
801             {
802                 synchronized (monitor())
803                 {
804                     check_orphaned();
805                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
806                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12, 0);
807                     if (target == null)
808                     {
809                       return null;
810                     }
811                     return target.getCalendarValue();
812                 }
813             }
815             /**
816              * Gets (as xml) the "BudgetDetailPeriodFrom" element
817              */
818             public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetBudgetDetailPeriodFrom()
819             {
820                 synchronized (monitor())
821                 {
822                     check_orphaned();
823                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
824                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12, 0);
825                     return target;
826                 }
827             }
829             /**
830              * Sets the "BudgetDetailPeriodFrom" element
831              */
832             public void setBudgetDetailPeriodFrom(java.util.Calendar budgetDetailPeriodFrom)
833             {
834                 synchronized (monitor())
835                 {
836                     check_orphaned();
837                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
838                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12, 0);
839                     if (target == null)
840                     {
841                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12);
842                     }
843                     target.setCalendarValue(budgetDetailPeriodFrom);
844                 }
845             }
847             /**
848              * Sets (as xml) the "BudgetDetailPeriodFrom" element
849              */
850             public void xsetBudgetDetailPeriodFrom(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate budgetDetailPeriodFrom)
851             {
852                 synchronized (monitor())
853                 {
854                     check_orphaned();
855                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
856                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12, 0);
857                     if (target == null)
858                     {
859                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODFROM$12);
860                     }
861                     target.set(budgetDetailPeriodFrom);
862                 }
863             }
865             /**
866              * Gets the "BudgetDetailPeriodTo" element
867              */
868             public java.util.Calendar getBudgetDetailPeriodTo()
869             {
870                 synchronized (monitor())
871                 {
872                     check_orphaned();
873                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
874                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14, 0);
875                     if (target == null)
876                     {
877                       return null;
878                     }
879                     return target.getCalendarValue();
880                 }
881             }
883             /**
884              * Gets (as xml) the "BudgetDetailPeriodTo" element
885              */
886             public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetBudgetDetailPeriodTo()
887             {
888                 synchronized (monitor())
889                 {
890                     check_orphaned();
891                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
892                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14, 0);
893                     return target;
894                 }
895             }
897             /**
898              * Sets the "BudgetDetailPeriodTo" element
899              */
900             public void setBudgetDetailPeriodTo(java.util.Calendar budgetDetailPeriodTo)
901             {
902                 synchronized (monitor())
903                 {
904                     check_orphaned();
905                     org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
906                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14, 0);
907                     if (target == null)
908                     {
909                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14);
910                     }
911                     target.setCalendarValue(budgetDetailPeriodTo);
912                 }
913             }
915             /**
916              * Sets (as xml) the "BudgetDetailPeriodTo" element
917              */
918             public void xsetBudgetDetailPeriodTo(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate budgetDetailPeriodTo)
919             {
920                 synchronized (monitor())
921                 {
922                     check_orphaned();
923                     org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
924                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14, 0);
925                     if (target == null)
926                     {
927                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETDETAILPERIODTO$14);
928                     }
929                     target.set(budgetDetailPeriodTo);
930                 }
931             }
933             /**
934              * Gets the "SalariesAndWages" element
935              */
936             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages getSalariesAndWages()
937             {
938                 synchronized (monitor())
939                 {
940                     check_orphaned();
941                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages target = null;
942                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages)get_store().find_element_user(SALARIESANDWAGES$16, 0);
943                     if (target == null)
944                     {
945                       return null;
946                     }
947                     return target;
948                 }
949             }
951             /**
952              * Sets the "SalariesAndWages" element
953              */
954             public void setSalariesAndWages(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages salariesAndWages)
955             {
956                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(salariesAndWages, SALARIESANDWAGES$16, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
957             }
959             /**
960              * Appends and returns a new empty "SalariesAndWages" element
961              */
962             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages addNewSalariesAndWages()
963             {
964                 synchronized (monitor())
965                 {
966                     check_orphaned();
967                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages target = null;
968                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages)get_store().add_element_user(SALARIESANDWAGES$16);
969                     return target;
970                 }
971             }
973             /**
974              * Gets the "FringeBenefits" element
975              */
976             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits getFringeBenefits()
977             {
978                 synchronized (monitor())
979                 {
980                     check_orphaned();
981                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits target = null;
982                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEBENEFITS$18, 0);
983                     if (target == null)
984                     {
985                       return null;
986                     }
987                     return target;
988                 }
989             }
991             /**
992              * True if has "FringeBenefits" element
993              */
994             public boolean isSetFringeBenefits()
995             {
996                 synchronized (monitor())
997                 {
998                     check_orphaned();
999                     return get_store().count_elements(FRINGEBENEFITS$18) != 0;
1000                 }
1001             }
1003             /**
1004              * Sets the "FringeBenefits" element
1005              */
1006             public void setFringeBenefits(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits fringeBenefits)
1007             {
1008                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(fringeBenefits, FRINGEBENEFITS$18, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1009             }
1011             /**
1012              * Appends and returns a new empty "FringeBenefits" element
1013              */
1014             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits addNewFringeBenefits()
1015             {
1016                 synchronized (monitor())
1017                 {
1018                     check_orphaned();
1019                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits target = null;
1020                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEBENEFITS$18);
1021                     return target;
1022                 }
1023             }
1025             /**
1026              * Unsets the "FringeBenefits" element
1027              */
1028             public void unsetFringeBenefits()
1029             {
1030                 synchronized (monitor())
1031                 {
1032                     check_orphaned();
1033                     get_store().remove_element(FRINGEBENEFITS$18, 0);
1034                 }
1035             }
1037             /**
1038              * Gets the "ConsultantFees" element
1039              */
1040             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees getConsultantFees()
1041             {
1042                 synchronized (monitor())
1043                 {
1044                     check_orphaned();
1045                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees target = null;
1046                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTANTFEES$20, 0);
1047                     if (target == null)
1048                     {
1049                       return null;
1050                     }
1051                     return target;
1052                 }
1053             }
1055             /**
1056              * True if has "ConsultantFees" element
1057              */
1058             public boolean isSetConsultantFees()
1059             {
1060                 synchronized (monitor())
1061                 {
1062                     check_orphaned();
1063                     return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTANTFEES$20) != 0;
1064                 }
1065             }
1067             /**
1068              * Sets the "ConsultantFees" element
1069              */
1070             public void setConsultantFees(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees consultantFees)
1071             {
1072                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(consultantFees, CONSULTANTFEES$20, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1073             }
1075             /**
1076              * Appends and returns a new empty "ConsultantFees" element
1077              */
1078             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees addNewConsultantFees()
1079             {
1080                 synchronized (monitor())
1081                 {
1082                     check_orphaned();
1083                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees target = null;
1084                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTANTFEES$20);
1085                     return target;
1086                 }
1087             }
1089             /**
1090              * Unsets the "ConsultantFees" element
1091              */
1092             public void unsetConsultantFees()
1093             {
1094                 synchronized (monitor())
1095                 {
1096                     check_orphaned();
1097                     get_store().remove_element(CONSULTANTFEES$20, 0);
1098                 }
1099             }
1101             /**
1102              * Gets the "Travels" element
1103              */
1104             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels getTravels()
1105             {
1106                 synchronized (monitor())
1107                 {
1108                     check_orphaned();
1109                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels target = null;
1110                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELS$22, 0);
1111                     if (target == null)
1112                     {
1113                       return null;
1114                     }
1115                     return target;
1116                 }
1117             }
1119             /**
1120              * True if has "Travels" element
1121              */
1122             public boolean isSetTravels()
1123             {
1124                 synchronized (monitor())
1125                 {
1126                     check_orphaned();
1127                     return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELS$22) != 0;
1128                 }
1129             }
1131             /**
1132              * Sets the "Travels" element
1133              */
1134             public void setTravels(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels travels)
1135             {
1136                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(travels, TRAVELS$22, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1137             }
1139             /**
1140              * Appends and returns a new empty "Travels" element
1141              */
1142             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels addNewTravels()
1143             {
1144                 synchronized (monitor())
1145                 {
1146                     check_orphaned();
1147                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels target = null;
1148                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELS$22);
1149                     return target;
1150                 }
1151             }
1153             /**
1154              * Unsets the "Travels" element
1155              */
1156             public void unsetTravels()
1157             {
1158                 synchronized (monitor())
1159                 {
1160                     check_orphaned();
1161                     get_store().remove_element(TRAVELS$22, 0);
1162                 }
1163             }
1165             /**
1166              * Gets the "SuppliesMaterials" element
1167              */
1168             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials getSuppliesMaterials()
1169             {
1170                 synchronized (monitor())
1171                 {
1172                     check_orphaned();
1173                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials target = null;
1174                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24, 0);
1175                     if (target == null)
1176                     {
1177                       return null;
1178                     }
1179                     return target;
1180                 }
1181             }
1183             /**
1184              * True if has "SuppliesMaterials" element
1185              */
1186             public boolean isSetSuppliesMaterials()
1187             {
1188                 synchronized (monitor())
1189                 {
1190                     check_orphaned();
1191                     return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24) != 0;
1192                 }
1193             }
1195             /**
1196              * Sets the "SuppliesMaterials" element
1197              */
1198             public void setSuppliesMaterials(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials suppliesMaterials)
1199             {
1200                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(suppliesMaterials, SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1201             }
1203             /**
1204              * Appends and returns a new empty "SuppliesMaterials" element
1205              */
1206             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials addNewSuppliesMaterials()
1207             {
1208                 synchronized (monitor())
1209                 {
1210                     check_orphaned();
1211                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials target = null;
1212                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24);
1213                     return target;
1214                 }
1215             }
1217             /**
1218              * Unsets the "SuppliesMaterials" element
1219              */
1220             public void unsetSuppliesMaterials()
1221             {
1222                 synchronized (monitor())
1223                 {
1224                     check_orphaned();
1225                     get_store().remove_element(SUPPLIESMATERIALS$24, 0);
1226                 }
1227             }
1229             /**
1230              * Gets the "Services" element
1231              */
1232             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services getServices()
1233             {
1234                 synchronized (monitor())
1235                 {
1236                     check_orphaned();
1237                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services target = null;
1238                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICES$26, 0);
1239                     if (target == null)
1240                     {
1241                       return null;
1242                     }
1243                     return target;
1244                 }
1245             }
1247             /**
1248              * True if has "Services" element
1249              */
1250             public boolean isSetServices()
1251             {
1252                 synchronized (monitor())
1253                 {
1254                     check_orphaned();
1255                     return get_store().count_elements(SERVICES$26) != 0;
1256                 }
1257             }
1259             /**
1260              * Sets the "Services" element
1261              */
1262             public void setServices(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services services)
1263             {
1264                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(services, SERVICES$26, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1265             }
1267             /**
1268              * Appends and returns a new empty "Services" element
1269              */
1270             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services addNewServices()
1271             {
1272                 synchronized (monitor())
1273                 {
1274                     check_orphaned();
1275                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services target = null;
1276                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICES$26);
1277                     return target;
1278                 }
1279             }
1281             /**
1282              * Unsets the "Services" element
1283              */
1284             public void unsetServices()
1285             {
1286                 synchronized (monitor())
1287                 {
1288                     check_orphaned();
1289                     get_store().remove_element(SERVICES$26, 0);
1290                 }
1291             }
1293             /**
1294              * Gets the "OtherCosts" element
1295              */
1296             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts getOtherCosts()
1297             {
1298                 synchronized (monitor())
1299                 {
1300                     check_orphaned();
1301                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts target = null;
1302                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTS$28, 0);
1303                     if (target == null)
1304                     {
1305                       return null;
1306                     }
1307                     return target;
1308                 }
1309             }
1311             /**
1312              * True if has "OtherCosts" element
1313              */
1314             public boolean isSetOtherCosts()
1315             {
1316                 synchronized (monitor())
1317                 {
1318                     check_orphaned();
1319                     return get_store().count_elements(OTHERCOSTS$28) != 0;
1320                 }
1321             }
1323             /**
1324              * Sets the "OtherCosts" element
1325              */
1326             public void setOtherCosts(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts otherCosts)
1327             {
1328                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(otherCosts, OTHERCOSTS$28, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1329             }
1331             /**
1332              * Appends and returns a new empty "OtherCosts" element
1333              */
1334             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts addNewOtherCosts()
1335             {
1336                 synchronized (monitor())
1337                 {
1338                     check_orphaned();
1339                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts target = null;
1340                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERCOSTS$28);
1341                     return target;
1342                 }
1343             }
1345             /**
1346              * Unsets the "OtherCosts" element
1347              */
1348             public void unsetOtherCosts()
1349             {
1350                 synchronized (monitor())
1351                 {
1352                     check_orphaned();
1353                     get_store().remove_element(OTHERCOSTS$28, 0);
1354                 }
1355             }
1357             /**
1358              * Gets the "DirectCostsTotal" element
1359              */
1360             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal getDirectCostsTotal()
1361             {
1362                 synchronized (monitor())
1363                 {
1364                     check_orphaned();
1365                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal target = null;
1366                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal)get_store().find_element_user(DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30, 0);
1367                     if (target == null)
1368                     {
1369                       return null;
1370                     }
1371                     return target;
1372                 }
1373             }
1375             /**
1376              * True if has "DirectCostsTotal" element
1377              */
1378             public boolean isSetDirectCostsTotal()
1379             {
1380                 synchronized (monitor())
1381                 {
1382                     check_orphaned();
1383                     return get_store().count_elements(DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30) != 0;
1384                 }
1385             }
1387             /**
1388              * Sets the "DirectCostsTotal" element
1389              */
1390             public void setDirectCostsTotal(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal directCostsTotal)
1391             {
1392                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(directCostsTotal, DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1393             }
1395             /**
1396              * Appends and returns a new empty "DirectCostsTotal" element
1397              */
1398             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal addNewDirectCostsTotal()
1399             {
1400                 synchronized (monitor())
1401                 {
1402                     check_orphaned();
1403                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal target = null;
1404                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal)get_store().add_element_user(DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30);
1405                     return target;
1406                 }
1407             }
1409             /**
1410              * Unsets the "DirectCostsTotal" element
1411              */
1412             public void unsetDirectCostsTotal()
1413             {
1414                 synchronized (monitor())
1415                 {
1416                     check_orphaned();
1417                     get_store().remove_element(DIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$30, 0);
1418                 }
1419             }
1421             /**
1422              * Gets the "IndirectCosts" element
1423              */
1424             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts getIndirectCosts()
1425             {
1426                 synchronized (monitor())
1427                 {
1428                     check_orphaned();
1429                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts target = null;
1430                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTS$32, 0);
1431                     if (target == null)
1432                     {
1433                       return null;
1434                     }
1435                     return target;
1436                 }
1437             }
1439             /**
1440              * True if has "IndirectCosts" element
1441              */
1442             public boolean isSetIndirectCosts()
1443             {
1444                 synchronized (monitor())
1445                 {
1446                     check_orphaned();
1447                     return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTS$32) != 0;
1448                 }
1449             }
1451             /**
1452              * Sets the "IndirectCosts" element
1453              */
1454             public void setIndirectCosts(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts indirectCosts)
1455             {
1456                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(indirectCosts, INDIRECTCOSTS$32, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1457             }
1459             /**
1460              * Appends and returns a new empty "IndirectCosts" element
1461              */
1462             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts addNewIndirectCosts()
1463             {
1464                 synchronized (monitor())
1465                 {
1466                     check_orphaned();
1467                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts target = null;
1468                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTS$32);
1469                     return target;
1470                 }
1471             }
1473             /**
1474              * Unsets the "IndirectCosts" element
1475              */
1476             public void unsetIndirectCosts()
1477             {
1478                 synchronized (monitor())
1479                 {
1480                     check_orphaned();
1481                     get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTS$32, 0);
1482                 }
1483             }
1485             /**
1486              * Gets the "TotalProjectCosts" element
1487              */
1488             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts getTotalProjectCosts()
1489             {
1490                 synchronized (monitor())
1491                 {
1492                     check_orphaned();
1493                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts target = null;
1494                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34, 0);
1495                     if (target == null)
1496                     {
1497                       return null;
1498                     }
1499                     return target;
1500                 }
1501             }
1503             /**
1504              * True if has "TotalProjectCosts" element
1505              */
1506             public boolean isSetTotalProjectCosts()
1507             {
1508                 synchronized (monitor())
1509                 {
1510                     check_orphaned();
1511                     return get_store().count_elements(TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34) != 0;
1512                 }
1513             }
1515             /**
1516              * Sets the "TotalProjectCosts" element
1517              */
1518             public void setTotalProjectCosts(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts totalProjectCosts)
1519             {
1520                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(totalProjectCosts, TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1521             }
1523             /**
1524              * Appends and returns a new empty "TotalProjectCosts" element
1525              */
1526             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts addNewTotalProjectCosts()
1527             {
1528                 synchronized (monitor())
1529                 {
1530                     check_orphaned();
1531                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts target = null;
1532                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34);
1533                     return target;
1534                 }
1535             }
1537             /**
1538              * Unsets the "TotalProjectCosts" element
1539              */
1540             public void unsetTotalProjectCosts()
1541             {
1542                 synchronized (monitor())
1543                 {
1544                     check_orphaned();
1545                     get_store().remove_element(TOTALPROJECTCOSTS$34, 0);
1546                 }
1547             }
1549             /**
1550              * Gets the "SummaryBudget" element
1551              */
1552             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget getSummaryBudget()
1553             {
1554                 synchronized (monitor())
1555                 {
1556                     check_orphaned();
1557                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget target = null;
1558                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget)get_store().find_element_user(SUMMARYBUDGET$36, 0);
1559                     if (target == null)
1560                     {
1561                       return null;
1562                     }
1563                     return target;
1564                 }
1565             }
1567             /**
1568              * Sets the "SummaryBudget" element
1569              */
1570             public void setSummaryBudget(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget summaryBudget)
1571             {
1572                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(summaryBudget, SUMMARYBUDGET$36, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1573             }
1575             /**
1576              * Appends and returns a new empty "SummaryBudget" element
1577              */
1578             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget addNewSummaryBudget()
1579             {
1580                 synchronized (monitor())
1581                 {
1582                     check_orphaned();
1583                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget target = null;
1584                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget)get_store().add_element_user(SUMMARYBUDGET$36);
1585                     return target;
1586                 }
1587             }
1589             /**
1590              * Gets the "SumPageTotalProjectCosts" element
1591              */
1592             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts getSumPageTotalProjectCosts()
1593             {
1594                 synchronized (monitor())
1595                 {
1596                     check_orphaned();
1597                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts target = null;
1598                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts)get_store().find_element_user(SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38, 0);
1599                     if (target == null)
1600                     {
1601                       return null;
1602                     }
1603                     return target;
1604                 }
1605             }
1607             /**
1608              * True if has "SumPageTotalProjectCosts" element
1609              */
1610             public boolean isSetSumPageTotalProjectCosts()
1611             {
1612                 synchronized (monitor())
1613                 {
1614                     check_orphaned();
1615                     return get_store().count_elements(SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38) != 0;
1616                 }
1617             }
1619             /**
1620              * Sets the "SumPageTotalProjectCosts" element
1621              */
1622             public void setSumPageTotalProjectCosts(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts sumPageTotalProjectCosts)
1623             {
1624                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(sumPageTotalProjectCosts, SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1625             }
1627             /**
1628              * Appends and returns a new empty "SumPageTotalProjectCosts" element
1629              */
1630             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts addNewSumPageTotalProjectCosts()
1631             {
1632                 synchronized (monitor())
1633                 {
1634                     check_orphaned();
1635                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts target = null;
1636                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts)get_store().add_element_user(SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38);
1637                     return target;
1638                 }
1639             }
1641             /**
1642              * Unsets the "SumPageTotalProjectCosts" element
1643              */
1644             public void unsetSumPageTotalProjectCosts()
1645             {
1646                 synchronized (monitor())
1647                 {
1648                     check_orphaned();
1649                     get_store().remove_element(SUMPAGETOTALPROJECTCOSTS$38, 0);
1650                 }
1651             }
1653             /**
1654              * Gets the "GrantFundsRequested" element
1655              */
1656             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested getGrantFundsRequested()
1657             {
1658                 synchronized (monitor())
1659                 {
1660                     check_orphaned();
1661                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested target = null;
1662                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested)get_store().find_element_user(GRANTFUNDSREQUESTED$40, 0);
1663                     if (target == null)
1664                     {
1665                       return null;
1666                     }
1667                     return target;
1668                 }
1669             }
1671             /**
1672              * Sets the "GrantFundsRequested" element
1673              */
1674             public void setGrantFundsRequested(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested grantFundsRequested)
1675             {
1676                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(grantFundsRequested, GRANTFUNDSREQUESTED$40, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1677             }
1679             /**
1680              * Appends and returns a new empty "GrantFundsRequested" element
1681              */
1682             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested addNewGrantFundsRequested()
1683             {
1684                 synchronized (monitor())
1685                 {
1686                     check_orphaned();
1687                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested target = null;
1688                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested)get_store().add_element_user(GRANTFUNDSREQUESTED$40);
1689                     return target;
1690                 }
1691             }
1693             /**
1694              * Gets the "CostSharing" element
1695              */
1696             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing getCostSharing()
1697             {
1698                 synchronized (monitor())
1699                 {
1700                     check_orphaned();
1701                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing target = null;
1702                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing)get_store().find_element_user(COSTSHARING$42, 0);
1703                     if (target == null)
1704                     {
1705                       return null;
1706                     }
1707                     return target;
1708                 }
1709             }
1711             /**
1712              * Sets the "CostSharing" element
1713              */
1714             public void setCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing costSharing)
1715             {
1716                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(costSharing, COSTSHARING$42, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1717             }
1719             /**
1720              * Appends and returns a new empty "CostSharing" element
1721              */
1722             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing addNewCostSharing()
1723             {
1724                 synchronized (monitor())
1725                 {
1726                     check_orphaned();
1727                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing target = null;
1728                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing)get_store().add_element_user(COSTSHARING$42);
1729                     return target;
1730                 }
1731             }
1733             /**
1734              * Gets the "TotalProjectFund" element
1735              */
1736             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund getTotalProjectFund()
1737             {
1738                 synchronized (monitor())
1739                 {
1740                     check_orphaned();
1741                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund target = null;
1742                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUND$44, 0);
1743                     if (target == null)
1744                     {
1745                       return null;
1746                     }
1747                     return target;
1748                 }
1749             }
1751             /**
1752              * True if has "TotalProjectFund" element
1753              */
1754             public boolean isSetTotalProjectFund()
1755             {
1756                 synchronized (monitor())
1757                 {
1758                     check_orphaned();
1759                     return get_store().count_elements(TOTALPROJECTFUND$44) != 0;
1760                 }
1761             }
1763             /**
1764              * Sets the "TotalProjectFund" element
1765              */
1766             public void setTotalProjectFund(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund totalProjectFund)
1767             {
1768                 generatedSetterHelperImpl(totalProjectFund, TOTALPROJECTFUND$44, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
1769             }
1771             /**
1772              * Appends and returns a new empty "TotalProjectFund" element
1773              */
1774             public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund addNewTotalProjectFund()
1775             {
1776                 synchronized (monitor())
1777                 {
1778                     check_orphaned();
1779                     gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund target = null;
1780                     target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUND$44);
1781                     return target;
1782                 }
1783             }
1785             /**
1786              * Unsets the "TotalProjectFund" element
1787              */
1788             public void unsetTotalProjectFund()
1789             {
1790                 synchronized (monitor())
1791                 {
1792                     check_orphaned();
1793                     get_store().remove_element(TOTALPROJECTFUND$44, 0);
1794                 }
1795             }
1796             /**
1797              * An XML BudgetPeriod(@
1798              *
1799              * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$BudgetPeriod.
1800              */
1801             public static class BudgetPeriodImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaIntHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.BudgetPeriod
1802             {
1803                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
1805                 public BudgetPeriodImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
1806                 {
1807                     super(sType, false);
1808                 }
1810                 protected BudgetPeriodImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
1811                 {
1812                     super(sType, b);
1813                 }
1814             }
1815             /**
1816              * An XML ApplicationNumber(@
1817              *
1818              * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$ApplicationNumber.
1819              */
1820             public static class ApplicationNumberImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaStringHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ApplicationNumber
1821             {
1822                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
1824                 public ApplicationNumberImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
1825                 {
1826                     super(sType, false);
1827                 }
1829                 protected ApplicationNumberImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
1830                 {
1831                     super(sType, b);
1832                 }
1833             }
1834             /**
1835              * An XML SalariesAndWages(@
1836              *
1837              * This is a complex type.
1838              */
1839             public static class SalariesAndWagesImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages
1840             {
1841                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
1843                 public SalariesAndWagesImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
1844                 {
1845                     super(sType);
1846                 }
1848                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYROWS$0 = 
1849                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryRows");
1850                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
1851                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalarySubtotalFunds");
1852                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
1853                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalarySubtotalCostSharing");
1854                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYSUBTOTAL$6 = 
1855                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalarySubtotal");
1858                 /**
1859                  * Gets array of all "SalaryRows" elements
1860                  */
1861                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows[] getSalaryRowsArray()
1862                 {
1863                     synchronized (monitor())
1864                     {
1865                       check_orphaned();
1866                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
1867                       get_store().find_all_element_users(SALARYROWS$0, targetList);
1868                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows[targetList.size()];
1869                       targetList.toArray(result);
1870                       return result;
1871                     }
1872                 }
1874                 /**
1875                  * Gets ith "SalaryRows" element
1876                  */
1877                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows getSalaryRowsArray(int i)
1878                 {
1879                     synchronized (monitor())
1880                     {
1881                       check_orphaned();
1882                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows target = null;
1883                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYROWS$0, i);
1884                       if (target == null)
1885                       {
1886                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
1887                       }
1888                       return target;
1889                     }
1890                 }
1892                 /**
1893                  * Returns number of "SalaryRows" element
1894                  */
1895                 public int sizeOfSalaryRowsArray()
1896                 {
1897                     synchronized (monitor())
1898                     {
1899                       check_orphaned();
1900                       return get_store().count_elements(SALARYROWS$0);
1901                     }
1902                 }
1904                 /**
1905                  * Sets array of all "SalaryRows" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
1906                  */
1907                 public void setSalaryRowsArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows[] salaryRowsArray)
1908                 {
1909                     check_orphaned();
1910                     arraySetterHelper(salaryRowsArray, SALARYROWS$0);
1911                 }
1913                 /**
1914                  * Sets ith "SalaryRows" element
1915                  */
1916                 public void setSalaryRowsArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows salaryRows)
1917                 {
1918                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(salaryRows, SALARYROWS$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
1919                 }
1921                 /**
1922                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "SalaryRows" element
1923                  */
1924                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows insertNewSalaryRows(int i)
1925                 {
1926                     synchronized (monitor())
1927                     {
1928                       check_orphaned();
1929                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows target = null;
1930                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows)get_store().insert_element_user(SALARYROWS$0, i);
1931                       return target;
1932                     }
1933                 }
1935                 /**
1936                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "SalaryRows" element
1937                  */
1938                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows addNewSalaryRows()
1939                 {
1940                     synchronized (monitor())
1941                     {
1942                       check_orphaned();
1943                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows target = null;
1944                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYROWS$0);
1945                       return target;
1946                     }
1947                 }
1949                 /**
1950                  * Removes the ith "SalaryRows" element
1951                  */
1952                 public void removeSalaryRows(int i)
1953                 {
1954                     synchronized (monitor())
1955                     {
1956                       check_orphaned();
1957                       get_store().remove_element(SALARYROWS$0, i);
1958                     }
1959                 }
1961                 /**
1962                  * Gets the "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
1963                  */
1964                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSalarySubtotalFunds()
1965                 {
1966                     synchronized (monitor())
1967                     {
1968                       check_orphaned();
1969                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
1970                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
1971                       if (target == null)
1972                       {
1973                         return null;
1974                       }
1975                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
1976                     }
1977                 }
1979                 /**
1980                  * Gets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
1981                  */
1982                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSalarySubtotalFunds()
1983                 {
1984                     synchronized (monitor())
1985                     {
1986                       check_orphaned();
1987                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
1988                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
1989                       return target;
1990                     }
1991                 }
1993                 /**
1994                  * True if has "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
1995                  */
1996                 public boolean isSetSalarySubtotalFunds()
1997                 {
1998                     synchronized (monitor())
1999                     {
2000                       check_orphaned();
2001                       return get_store().count_elements(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
2002                     }
2003                 }
2005                 /**
2006                  * Sets the "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
2007                  */
2008                 public void setSalarySubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal salarySubtotalFunds)
2009                 {
2010                     synchronized (monitor())
2011                     {
2012                       check_orphaned();
2013                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2014                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
2015                       if (target == null)
2016                       {
2017                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
2018                       }
2019                       target.setBigDecimalValue(salarySubtotalFunds);
2020                     }
2021                 }
2023                 /**
2024                  * Sets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
2025                  */
2026                 public void xsetSalarySubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType salarySubtotalFunds)
2027                 {
2028                     synchronized (monitor())
2029                     {
2030                       check_orphaned();
2031                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2032                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
2033                       if (target == null)
2034                       {
2035                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
2036                       }
2037                       target.set(salarySubtotalFunds);
2038                     }
2039                 }
2041                 /**
2042                  * Unsets the "SalarySubtotalFunds" element
2043                  */
2044                 public void unsetSalarySubtotalFunds()
2045                 {
2046                     synchronized (monitor())
2047                     {
2048                       check_orphaned();
2049                       get_store().remove_element(SALARYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
2050                     }
2051                 }
2053                 /**
2054                  * Gets the "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2055                  */
2056                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSalarySubtotalCostSharing()
2057                 {
2058                     synchronized (monitor())
2059                     {
2060                       check_orphaned();
2061                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2062                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
2063                       if (target == null)
2064                       {
2065                         return null;
2066                       }
2067                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2068                     }
2069                 }
2071                 /**
2072                  * Gets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2073                  */
2074                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSalarySubtotalCostSharing()
2075                 {
2076                     synchronized (monitor())
2077                     {
2078                       check_orphaned();
2079                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2080                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
2081                       return target;
2082                     }
2083                 }
2085                 /**
2086                  * True if has "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2087                  */
2088                 public boolean isSetSalarySubtotalCostSharing()
2089                 {
2090                     synchronized (monitor())
2091                     {
2092                       check_orphaned();
2093                       return get_store().count_elements(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
2094                     }
2095                 }
2097                 /**
2098                  * Sets the "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2099                  */
2100                 public void setSalarySubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal salarySubtotalCostSharing)
2101                 {
2102                     synchronized (monitor())
2103                     {
2104                       check_orphaned();
2105                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2106                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
2107                       if (target == null)
2108                       {
2109                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
2110                       }
2111                       target.setBigDecimalValue(salarySubtotalCostSharing);
2112                     }
2113                 }
2115                 /**
2116                  * Sets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2117                  */
2118                 public void xsetSalarySubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType salarySubtotalCostSharing)
2119                 {
2120                     synchronized (monitor())
2121                     {
2122                       check_orphaned();
2123                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2124                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
2125                       if (target == null)
2126                       {
2127                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
2128                       }
2129                       target.set(salarySubtotalCostSharing);
2130                     }
2131                 }
2133                 /**
2134                  * Unsets the "SalarySubtotalCostSharing" element
2135                  */
2136                 public void unsetSalarySubtotalCostSharing()
2137                 {
2138                     synchronized (monitor())
2139                     {
2140                       check_orphaned();
2141                       get_store().remove_element(SALARYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
2142                     }
2143                 }
2145                 /**
2146                  * Gets the "SalarySubtotal" element
2147                  */
2148                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSalarySubtotal()
2149                 {
2150                     synchronized (monitor())
2151                     {
2152                       check_orphaned();
2153                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2154                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
2155                       if (target == null)
2156                       {
2157                         return null;
2158                       }
2159                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2160                     }
2161                 }
2163                 /**
2164                  * Gets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotal" element
2165                  */
2166                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSalarySubtotal()
2167                 {
2168                     synchronized (monitor())
2169                     {
2170                       check_orphaned();
2171                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2172                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
2173                       return target;
2174                     }
2175                 }
2177                 /**
2178                  * True if has "SalarySubtotal" element
2179                  */
2180                 public boolean isSetSalarySubtotal()
2181                 {
2182                     synchronized (monitor())
2183                     {
2184                       check_orphaned();
2185                       return get_store().count_elements(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
2186                     }
2187                 }
2189                 /**
2190                  * Sets the "SalarySubtotal" element
2191                  */
2192                 public void setSalarySubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal salarySubtotal)
2193                 {
2194                     synchronized (monitor())
2195                     {
2196                       check_orphaned();
2197                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2198                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
2199                       if (target == null)
2200                       {
2201                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6);
2202                       }
2203                       target.setBigDecimalValue(salarySubtotal);
2204                     }
2205                 }
2207                 /**
2208                  * Sets (as xml) the "SalarySubtotal" element
2209                  */
2210                 public void xsetSalarySubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType salarySubtotal)
2211                 {
2212                     synchronized (monitor())
2213                     {
2214                       check_orphaned();
2215                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2216                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
2217                       if (target == null)
2218                       {
2219                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6);
2220                       }
2221                       target.set(salarySubtotal);
2222                     }
2223                 }
2225                 /**
2226                  * Unsets the "SalarySubtotal" element
2227                  */
2228                 public void unsetSalarySubtotal()
2229                 {
2230                     synchronized (monitor())
2231                     {
2232                       check_orphaned();
2233                       get_store().remove_element(SALARYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
2234                     }
2235                 }
2236                 /**
2237                  * An XML SalaryRows(@
2238                  *
2239                  * This is a complex type.
2240                  */
2241                 public static class SalaryRowsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows
2242                 {
2243                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
2245                     public SalaryRowsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
2246                     {
2247                       super(sType);
2248                     }
2250                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName NAMETITLEPOSITION$0 = 
2251                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "NameTitlePosition");
2252                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2 = 
2253                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryNoofPosition");
2254                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4 = 
2255                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryCostComputationMethod");
2256                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYFUNDS$6 = 
2257                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryFunds");
2258                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYCOSTSHARING$8 = 
2259                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryCostSharing");
2260                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10 = 
2261                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SalaryPositionTotal");
2264                     /**
2265                      * Gets the "NameTitlePosition" element
2266                      */
2267                     public java.lang.String getNameTitlePosition()
2268                     {
2269                       synchronized (monitor())
2270                       {
2271                         check_orphaned();
2272                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2273                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0, 0);
2274                         if (target == null)
2275                         {
2276                           return null;
2277                         }
2278                         return target.getStringValue();
2279                       }
2280                     }
2282                     /**
2283                      * Gets (as xml) the "NameTitlePosition" element
2284                      */
2285                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetNameTitlePosition()
2286                     {
2287                       synchronized (monitor())
2288                       {
2289                         check_orphaned();
2290                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
2291                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0, 0);
2292                         return target;
2293                       }
2294                     }
2296                     /**
2297                      * True if has "NameTitlePosition" element
2298                      */
2299                     public boolean isSetNameTitlePosition()
2300                     {
2301                       synchronized (monitor())
2302                       {
2303                         check_orphaned();
2304                         return get_store().count_elements(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0) != 0;
2305                       }
2306                     }
2308                     /**
2309                      * Sets the "NameTitlePosition" element
2310                      */
2311                     public void setNameTitlePosition(java.lang.String nameTitlePosition)
2312                     {
2313                       synchronized (monitor())
2314                       {
2315                         check_orphaned();
2316                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2317                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0, 0);
2318                         if (target == null)
2319                         {
2320                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0);
2321                         }
2322                         target.setStringValue(nameTitlePosition);
2323                       }
2324                     }
2326                     /**
2327                      * Sets (as xml) the "NameTitlePosition" element
2328                      */
2329                     public void xsetNameTitlePosition(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType nameTitlePosition)
2330                     {
2331                       synchronized (monitor())
2332                       {
2333                         check_orphaned();
2334                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
2335                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0, 0);
2336                         if (target == null)
2337                         {
2338                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0);
2339                         }
2340                         target.set(nameTitlePosition);
2341                       }
2342                     }
2344                     /**
2345                      * Unsets the "NameTitlePosition" element
2346                      */
2347                     public void unsetNameTitlePosition()
2348                     {
2349                       synchronized (monitor())
2350                       {
2351                         check_orphaned();
2352                         get_store().remove_element(NAMETITLEPOSITION$0, 0);
2353                       }
2354                     }
2356                     /**
2357                      * Gets the "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2358                      */
2359                     public int getSalaryNoofPosition()
2360                     {
2361                       synchronized (monitor())
2362                       {
2363                         check_orphaned();
2364                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2365                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2, 0);
2366                         if (target == null)
2367                         {
2368                           return 0;
2369                         }
2370                         return target.getIntValue();
2371                       }
2372                     }
2374                     /**
2375                      * Gets (as xml) the "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2376                      */
2377                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition xgetSalaryNoofPosition()
2378                     {
2379                       synchronized (monitor())
2380                       {
2381                         check_orphaned();
2382                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition target = null;
2383                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2, 0);
2384                         return target;
2385                       }
2386                     }
2388                     /**
2389                      * True if has "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2390                      */
2391                     public boolean isSetSalaryNoofPosition()
2392                     {
2393                       synchronized (monitor())
2394                       {
2395                         check_orphaned();
2396                         return get_store().count_elements(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2) != 0;
2397                       }
2398                     }
2400                     /**
2401                      * Sets the "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2402                      */
2403                     public void setSalaryNoofPosition(int salaryNoofPosition)
2404                     {
2405                       synchronized (monitor())
2406                       {
2407                         check_orphaned();
2408                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2409                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2, 0);
2410                         if (target == null)
2411                         {
2412                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2);
2413                         }
2414                         target.setIntValue(salaryNoofPosition);
2415                       }
2416                     }
2418                     /**
2419                      * Sets (as xml) the "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2420                      */
2421                     public void xsetSalaryNoofPosition(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition salaryNoofPosition)
2422                     {
2423                       synchronized (monitor())
2424                       {
2425                         check_orphaned();
2426                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition target = null;
2427                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2, 0);
2428                         if (target == null)
2429                         {
2430                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2);
2431                         }
2432                         target.set(salaryNoofPosition);
2433                       }
2434                     }
2436                     /**
2437                      * Unsets the "SalaryNoofPosition" element
2438                      */
2439                     public void unsetSalaryNoofPosition()
2440                     {
2441                       synchronized (monitor())
2442                       {
2443                         check_orphaned();
2444                         get_store().remove_element(SALARYNOOFPOSITION$2, 0);
2445                       }
2446                     }
2448                     /**
2449                      * Gets the "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2450                      */
2451                     public java.lang.String getSalaryCostComputationMethod()
2452                     {
2453                       synchronized (monitor())
2454                       {
2455                         check_orphaned();
2456                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2457                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4, 0);
2458                         if (target == null)
2459                         {
2460                           return null;
2461                         }
2462                         return target.getStringValue();
2463                       }
2464                     }
2466                     /**
2467                      * Gets (as xml) the "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2468                      */
2469                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetSalaryCostComputationMethod()
2470                     {
2471                       synchronized (monitor())
2472                       {
2473                         check_orphaned();
2474                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
2475                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4, 0);
2476                         return target;
2477                       }
2478                     }
2480                     /**
2481                      * True if has "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2482                      */
2483                     public boolean isSetSalaryCostComputationMethod()
2484                     {
2485                       synchronized (monitor())
2486                       {
2487                         check_orphaned();
2488                         return get_store().count_elements(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4) != 0;
2489                       }
2490                     }
2492                     /**
2493                      * Sets the "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2494                      */
2495                     public void setSalaryCostComputationMethod(java.lang.String salaryCostComputationMethod)
2496                     {
2497                       synchronized (monitor())
2498                       {
2499                         check_orphaned();
2500                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2501                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4, 0);
2502                         if (target == null)
2503                         {
2504                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4);
2505                         }
2506                         target.setStringValue(salaryCostComputationMethod);
2507                       }
2508                     }
2510                     /**
2511                      * Sets (as xml) the "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2512                      */
2513                     public void xsetSalaryCostComputationMethod(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType salaryCostComputationMethod)
2514                     {
2515                       synchronized (monitor())
2516                       {
2517                         check_orphaned();
2518                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
2519                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4, 0);
2520                         if (target == null)
2521                         {
2522                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4);
2523                         }
2524                         target.set(salaryCostComputationMethod);
2525                       }
2526                     }
2528                     /**
2529                      * Unsets the "SalaryCostComputationMethod" element
2530                      */
2531                     public void unsetSalaryCostComputationMethod()
2532                     {
2533                       synchronized (monitor())
2534                       {
2535                         check_orphaned();
2536                         get_store().remove_element(SALARYCOSTCOMPUTATIONMETHOD$4, 0);
2537                       }
2538                     }
2540                     /**
2541                      * Gets the "SalaryFunds" element
2542                      */
2543                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSalaryFunds()
2544                     {
2545                       synchronized (monitor())
2546                       {
2547                         check_orphaned();
2548                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2549                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6, 0);
2550                         if (target == null)
2551                         {
2552                           return null;
2553                         }
2554                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2555                       }
2556                     }
2558                     /**
2559                      * Gets (as xml) the "SalaryFunds" element
2560                      */
2561                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetSalaryFunds()
2562                     {
2563                       synchronized (monitor())
2564                       {
2565                         check_orphaned();
2566                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
2567                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6, 0);
2568                         return target;
2569                       }
2570                     }
2572                     /**
2573                      * True if has "SalaryFunds" element
2574                      */
2575                     public boolean isSetSalaryFunds()
2576                     {
2577                       synchronized (monitor())
2578                       {
2579                         check_orphaned();
2580                         return get_store().count_elements(SALARYFUNDS$6) != 0;
2581                       }
2582                     }
2584                     /**
2585                      * Sets the "SalaryFunds" element
2586                      */
2587                     public void setSalaryFunds(java.math.BigDecimal salaryFunds)
2588                     {
2589                       synchronized (monitor())
2590                       {
2591                         check_orphaned();
2592                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2593                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6, 0);
2594                         if (target == null)
2595                         {
2596                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6);
2597                         }
2598                         target.setBigDecimalValue(salaryFunds);
2599                       }
2600                     }
2602                     /**
2603                      * Sets (as xml) the "SalaryFunds" element
2604                      */
2605                     public void xsetSalaryFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType salaryFunds)
2606                     {
2607                       synchronized (monitor())
2608                       {
2609                         check_orphaned();
2610                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
2611                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6, 0);
2612                         if (target == null)
2613                         {
2614                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYFUNDS$6);
2615                         }
2616                         target.set(salaryFunds);
2617                       }
2618                     }
2620                     /**
2621                      * Unsets the "SalaryFunds" element
2622                      */
2623                     public void unsetSalaryFunds()
2624                     {
2625                       synchronized (monitor())
2626                       {
2627                         check_orphaned();
2628                         get_store().remove_element(SALARYFUNDS$6, 0);
2629                       }
2630                     }
2632                     /**
2633                      * Gets the "SalaryCostSharing" element
2634                      */
2635                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSalaryCostSharing()
2636                     {
2637                       synchronized (monitor())
2638                       {
2639                         check_orphaned();
2640                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2641                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
2642                         if (target == null)
2643                         {
2644                           return null;
2645                         }
2646                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2647                       }
2648                     }
2650                     /**
2651                      * Gets (as xml) the "SalaryCostSharing" element
2652                      */
2653                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetSalaryCostSharing()
2654                     {
2655                       synchronized (monitor())
2656                       {
2657                         check_orphaned();
2658                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
2659                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
2660                         return target;
2661                       }
2662                     }
2664                     /**
2665                      * True if has "SalaryCostSharing" element
2666                      */
2667                     public boolean isSetSalaryCostSharing()
2668                     {
2669                       synchronized (monitor())
2670                       {
2671                         check_orphaned();
2672                         return get_store().count_elements(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8) != 0;
2673                       }
2674                     }
2676                     /**
2677                      * Sets the "SalaryCostSharing" element
2678                      */
2679                     public void setSalaryCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal salaryCostSharing)
2680                     {
2681                       synchronized (monitor())
2682                       {
2683                         check_orphaned();
2684                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2685                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
2686                         if (target == null)
2687                         {
2688                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8);
2689                         }
2690                         target.setBigDecimalValue(salaryCostSharing);
2691                       }
2692                     }
2694                     /**
2695                      * Sets (as xml) the "SalaryCostSharing" element
2696                      */
2697                     public void xsetSalaryCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType salaryCostSharing)
2698                     {
2699                       synchronized (monitor())
2700                       {
2701                         check_orphaned();
2702                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
2703                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
2704                         if (target == null)
2705                         {
2706                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8);
2707                         }
2708                         target.set(salaryCostSharing);
2709                       }
2710                     }
2712                     /**
2713                      * Unsets the "SalaryCostSharing" element
2714                      */
2715                     public void unsetSalaryCostSharing()
2716                     {
2717                       synchronized (monitor())
2718                       {
2719                         check_orphaned();
2720                         get_store().remove_element(SALARYCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
2721                       }
2722                     }
2724                     /**
2725                      * Gets the "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2726                      */
2727                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSalaryPositionTotal()
2728                     {
2729                       synchronized (monitor())
2730                       {
2731                         check_orphaned();
2732                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2733                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10, 0);
2734                         if (target == null)
2735                         {
2736                           return null;
2737                         }
2738                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2739                       }
2740                     }
2742                     /**
2743                      * Gets (as xml) the "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2744                      */
2745                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSalaryPositionTotal()
2746                     {
2747                       synchronized (monitor())
2748                       {
2749                         check_orphaned();
2750                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2751                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10, 0);
2752                         return target;
2753                       }
2754                     }
2756                     /**
2757                      * True if has "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2758                      */
2759                     public boolean isSetSalaryPositionTotal()
2760                     {
2761                       synchronized (monitor())
2762                       {
2763                         check_orphaned();
2764                         return get_store().count_elements(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10) != 0;
2765                       }
2766                     }
2768                     /**
2769                      * Sets the "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2770                      */
2771                     public void setSalaryPositionTotal(java.math.BigDecimal salaryPositionTotal)
2772                     {
2773                       synchronized (monitor())
2774                       {
2775                         check_orphaned();
2776                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2777                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10, 0);
2778                         if (target == null)
2779                         {
2780                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10);
2781                         }
2782                         target.setBigDecimalValue(salaryPositionTotal);
2783                       }
2784                     }
2786                     /**
2787                      * Sets (as xml) the "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2788                      */
2789                     public void xsetSalaryPositionTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType salaryPositionTotal)
2790                     {
2791                       synchronized (monitor())
2792                       {
2793                         check_orphaned();
2794                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2795                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10, 0);
2796                         if (target == null)
2797                         {
2798                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10);
2799                         }
2800                         target.set(salaryPositionTotal);
2801                       }
2802                     }
2804                     /**
2805                      * Unsets the "SalaryPositionTotal" element
2806                      */
2807                     public void unsetSalaryPositionTotal()
2808                     {
2809                       synchronized (monitor())
2810                       {
2811                         check_orphaned();
2812                         get_store().remove_element(SALARYPOSITIONTOTAL$10, 0);
2813                       }
2814                     }
2815                     /**
2816                      * An XML SalaryNoofPosition(@
2817                      *
2818                      * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$SalariesAndWages$SalaryRows$SalaryNoofPosition.
2819                      */
2820                     public static class SalaryNoofPositionImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaIntHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SalariesAndWages.SalaryRows.SalaryNoofPosition
2821                     {
2822                       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
2824                       public SalaryNoofPositionImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
2825                       {
2826                         super(sType, false);
2827                       }
2829                       protected SalaryNoofPositionImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
2830                       {
2831                         super(sType, b);
2832                       }
2833                     }
2834                 }
2835             }
2836             /**
2837              * An XML FringeBenefits(@
2838              *
2839              * This is a complex type.
2840              */
2841             public static class FringeBenefitsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits
2842             {
2843                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
2845                 public FringeBenefitsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
2846                 {
2847                     super(sType);
2848                 }
2850                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGEROW$0 = 
2851                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeRow");
2852                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
2853                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeSubtotalFunds");
2854                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
2855                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeSubtotalCostSharing");
2856                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGESUBTOTAL$6 = 
2857                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeSubtotal");
2860                 /**
2861                  * Gets array of all "FringeRow" elements
2862                  */
2863                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow[] getFringeRowArray()
2864                 {
2865                     synchronized (monitor())
2866                     {
2867                       check_orphaned();
2868                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
2869                       get_store().find_all_element_users(FRINGEROW$0, targetList);
2870                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow[targetList.size()];
2871                       targetList.toArray(result);
2872                       return result;
2873                     }
2874                 }
2876                 /**
2877                  * Gets ith "FringeRow" element
2878                  */
2879                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow getFringeRowArray(int i)
2880                 {
2881                     synchronized (monitor())
2882                     {
2883                       check_orphaned();
2884                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow target = null;
2885                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEROW$0, i);
2886                       if (target == null)
2887                       {
2888                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
2889                       }
2890                       return target;
2891                     }
2892                 }
2894                 /**
2895                  * Returns number of "FringeRow" element
2896                  */
2897                 public int sizeOfFringeRowArray()
2898                 {
2899                     synchronized (monitor())
2900                     {
2901                       check_orphaned();
2902                       return get_store().count_elements(FRINGEROW$0);
2903                     }
2904                 }
2906                 /**
2907                  * Sets array of all "FringeRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
2908                  */
2909                 public void setFringeRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow[] fringeRowArray)
2910                 {
2911                     check_orphaned();
2912                     arraySetterHelper(fringeRowArray, FRINGEROW$0);
2913                 }
2915                 /**
2916                  * Sets ith "FringeRow" element
2917                  */
2918                 public void setFringeRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow fringeRow)
2919                 {
2920                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(fringeRow, FRINGEROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
2921                 }
2923                 /**
2924                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "FringeRow" element
2925                  */
2926                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow insertNewFringeRow(int i)
2927                 {
2928                     synchronized (monitor())
2929                     {
2930                       check_orphaned();
2931                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow target = null;
2932                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow)get_store().insert_element_user(FRINGEROW$0, i);
2933                       return target;
2934                     }
2935                 }
2937                 /**
2938                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "FringeRow" element
2939                  */
2940                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow addNewFringeRow()
2941                 {
2942                     synchronized (monitor())
2943                     {
2944                       check_orphaned();
2945                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow target = null;
2946                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEROW$0);
2947                       return target;
2948                     }
2949                 }
2951                 /**
2952                  * Removes the ith "FringeRow" element
2953                  */
2954                 public void removeFringeRow(int i)
2955                 {
2956                     synchronized (monitor())
2957                     {
2958                       check_orphaned();
2959                       get_store().remove_element(FRINGEROW$0, i);
2960                     }
2961                 }
2963                 /**
2964                  * Gets the "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
2965                  */
2966                 public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeSubtotalFunds()
2967                 {
2968                     synchronized (monitor())
2969                     {
2970                       check_orphaned();
2971                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
2972                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
2973                       if (target == null)
2974                       {
2975                         return null;
2976                       }
2977                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
2978                     }
2979                 }
2981                 /**
2982                  * Gets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
2983                  */
2984                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetFringeSubtotalFunds()
2985                 {
2986                     synchronized (monitor())
2987                     {
2988                       check_orphaned();
2989                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
2990                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
2991                       return target;
2992                     }
2993                 }
2995                 /**
2996                  * True if has "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
2997                  */
2998                 public boolean isSetFringeSubtotalFunds()
2999                 {
3000                     synchronized (monitor())
3001                     {
3002                       check_orphaned();
3003                       return get_store().count_elements(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
3004                     }
3005                 }
3007                 /**
3008                  * Sets the "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
3009                  */
3010                 public void setFringeSubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal fringeSubtotalFunds)
3011                 {
3012                     synchronized (monitor())
3013                     {
3014                       check_orphaned();
3015                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3016                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3017                       if (target == null)
3018                       {
3019                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
3020                       }
3021                       target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeSubtotalFunds);
3022                     }
3023                 }
3025                 /**
3026                  * Sets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
3027                  */
3028                 public void xsetFringeSubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType fringeSubtotalFunds)
3029                 {
3030                     synchronized (monitor())
3031                     {
3032                       check_orphaned();
3033                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3034                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3035                       if (target == null)
3036                       {
3037                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
3038                       }
3039                       target.set(fringeSubtotalFunds);
3040                     }
3041                 }
3043                 /**
3044                  * Unsets the "FringeSubtotalFunds" element
3045                  */
3046                 public void unsetFringeSubtotalFunds()
3047                 {
3048                     synchronized (monitor())
3049                     {
3050                       check_orphaned();
3051                       get_store().remove_element(FRINGESUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3052                     }
3053                 }
3055                 /**
3056                  * Gets the "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3057                  */
3058                 public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeSubtotalCostSharing()
3059                 {
3060                     synchronized (monitor())
3061                     {
3062                       check_orphaned();
3063                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3064                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3065                       if (target == null)
3066                       {
3067                         return null;
3068                       }
3069                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3070                     }
3071                 }
3073                 /**
3074                  * Gets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3075                  */
3076                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetFringeSubtotalCostSharing()
3077                 {
3078                     synchronized (monitor())
3079                     {
3080                       check_orphaned();
3081                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3082                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3083                       return target;
3084                     }
3085                 }
3087                 /**
3088                  * True if has "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3089                  */
3090                 public boolean isSetFringeSubtotalCostSharing()
3091                 {
3092                     synchronized (monitor())
3093                     {
3094                       check_orphaned();
3095                       return get_store().count_elements(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
3096                     }
3097                 }
3099                 /**
3100                  * Sets the "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3101                  */
3102                 public void setFringeSubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal fringeSubtotalCostSharing)
3103                 {
3104                     synchronized (monitor())
3105                     {
3106                       check_orphaned();
3107                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3108                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3109                       if (target == null)
3110                       {
3111                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
3112                       }
3113                       target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeSubtotalCostSharing);
3114                     }
3115                 }
3117                 /**
3118                  * Sets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3119                  */
3120                 public void xsetFringeSubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType fringeSubtotalCostSharing)
3121                 {
3122                     synchronized (monitor())
3123                     {
3124                       check_orphaned();
3125                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3126                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3127                       if (target == null)
3128                       {
3129                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
3130                       }
3131                       target.set(fringeSubtotalCostSharing);
3132                     }
3133                 }
3135                 /**
3136                  * Unsets the "FringeSubtotalCostSharing" element
3137                  */
3138                 public void unsetFringeSubtotalCostSharing()
3139                 {
3140                     synchronized (monitor())
3141                     {
3142                       check_orphaned();
3143                       get_store().remove_element(FRINGESUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3144                     }
3145                 }
3147                 /**
3148                  * Gets the "FringeSubtotal" element
3149                  */
3150                 public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeSubtotal()
3151                 {
3152                     synchronized (monitor())
3153                     {
3154                       check_orphaned();
3155                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3156                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6, 0);
3157                       if (target == null)
3158                       {
3159                         return null;
3160                       }
3161                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3162                     }
3163                 }
3165                 /**
3166                  * Gets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotal" element
3167                  */
3168                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetFringeSubtotal()
3169                 {
3170                     synchronized (monitor())
3171                     {
3172                       check_orphaned();
3173                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3174                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6, 0);
3175                       return target;
3176                     }
3177                 }
3179                 /**
3180                  * True if has "FringeSubtotal" element
3181                  */
3182                 public boolean isSetFringeSubtotal()
3183                 {
3184                     synchronized (monitor())
3185                     {
3186                       check_orphaned();
3187                       return get_store().count_elements(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
3188                     }
3189                 }
3191                 /**
3192                  * Sets the "FringeSubtotal" element
3193                  */
3194                 public void setFringeSubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal fringeSubtotal)
3195                 {
3196                     synchronized (monitor())
3197                     {
3198                       check_orphaned();
3199                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3200                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6, 0);
3201                       if (target == null)
3202                       {
3203                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6);
3204                       }
3205                       target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeSubtotal);
3206                     }
3207                 }
3209                 /**
3210                  * Sets (as xml) the "FringeSubtotal" element
3211                  */
3212                 public void xsetFringeSubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType fringeSubtotal)
3213                 {
3214                     synchronized (monitor())
3215                     {
3216                       check_orphaned();
3217                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3218                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6, 0);
3219                       if (target == null)
3220                       {
3221                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6);
3222                       }
3223                       target.set(fringeSubtotal);
3224                     }
3225                 }
3227                 /**
3228                  * Unsets the "FringeSubtotal" element
3229                  */
3230                 public void unsetFringeSubtotal()
3231                 {
3232                     synchronized (monitor())
3233                     {
3234                       check_orphaned();
3235                       get_store().remove_element(FRINGESUBTOTAL$6, 0);
3236                     }
3237                 }
3238                 /**
3239                  * An XML FringeRow(@
3240                  *
3241                  * This is a complex type.
3242                  */
3243                 public static class FringeRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.FringeBenefits.FringeRow
3244                 {
3245                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
3247                     public FringeRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
3248                     {
3249                       super(sType);
3250                     }
3252                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGERATE$0 = 
3253                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeRate");
3254                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGEBASE$2 = 
3255                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeBase");
3256                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGEFUNDS$4 = 
3257                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeFunds");
3258                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGECOSTSHARING$6 = 
3259                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeCostSharing");
3260                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FRINGERATETOTAL$8 = 
3261                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FringeRateTotal");
3264                     /**
3265                      * Gets the "FringeRate" element
3266                      */
3267                     public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeRate()
3268                     {
3269                       synchronized (monitor())
3270                       {
3271                         check_orphaned();
3272                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3273                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATE$0, 0);
3274                         if (target == null)
3275                         {
3276                           return null;
3277                         }
3278                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3279                       }
3280                     }
3282                     /**
3283                      * Gets (as xml) the "FringeRate" element
3284                      */
3285                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType xgetFringeRate()
3286                     {
3287                       synchronized (monitor())
3288                       {
3289                         check_orphaned();
3290                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType target = null;
3291                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATE$0, 0);
3292                         return target;
3293                       }
3294                     }
3296                     /**
3297                      * True if has "FringeRate" element
3298                      */
3299                     public boolean isSetFringeRate()
3300                     {
3301                       synchronized (monitor())
3302                       {
3303                         check_orphaned();
3304                         return get_store().count_elements(FRINGERATE$0) != 0;
3305                       }
3306                     }
3308                     /**
3309                      * Sets the "FringeRate" element
3310                      */
3311                     public void setFringeRate(java.math.BigDecimal fringeRate)
3312                     {
3313                       synchronized (monitor())
3314                       {
3315                         check_orphaned();
3316                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3317                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATE$0, 0);
3318                         if (target == null)
3319                         {
3320                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGERATE$0);
3321                         }
3322                         target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeRate);
3323                       }
3324                     }
3326                     /**
3327                      * Sets (as xml) the "FringeRate" element
3328                      */
3329                     public void xsetFringeRate(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType fringeRate)
3330                     {
3331                       synchronized (monitor())
3332                       {
3333                         check_orphaned();
3334                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType target = null;
3335                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATE$0, 0);
3336                         if (target == null)
3337                         {
3338                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGERATE$0);
3339                         }
3340                         target.set(fringeRate);
3341                       }
3342                     }
3344                     /**
3345                      * Unsets the "FringeRate" element
3346                      */
3347                     public void unsetFringeRate()
3348                     {
3349                       synchronized (monitor())
3350                       {
3351                         check_orphaned();
3352                         get_store().remove_element(FRINGERATE$0, 0);
3353                       }
3354                     }
3356                     /**
3357                      * Gets the "FringeBase" element
3358                      */
3359                     public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeBase()
3360                     {
3361                       synchronized (monitor())
3362                       {
3363                         check_orphaned();
3364                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3365                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2, 0);
3366                         if (target == null)
3367                         {
3368                           return null;
3369                         }
3370                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3371                       }
3372                     }
3374                     /**
3375                      * Gets (as xml) the "FringeBase" element
3376                      */
3377                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetFringeBase()
3378                     {
3379                       synchronized (monitor())
3380                       {
3381                         check_orphaned();
3382                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3383                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2, 0);
3384                         return target;
3385                       }
3386                     }
3388                     /**
3389                      * True if has "FringeBase" element
3390                      */
3391                     public boolean isSetFringeBase()
3392                     {
3393                       synchronized (monitor())
3394                       {
3395                         check_orphaned();
3396                         return get_store().count_elements(FRINGEBASE$2) != 0;
3397                       }
3398                     }
3400                     /**
3401                      * Sets the "FringeBase" element
3402                      */
3403                     public void setFringeBase(java.math.BigDecimal fringeBase)
3404                     {
3405                       synchronized (monitor())
3406                       {
3407                         check_orphaned();
3408                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3409                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2, 0);
3410                         if (target == null)
3411                         {
3412                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2);
3413                         }
3414                         target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeBase);
3415                       }
3416                     }
3418                     /**
3419                      * Sets (as xml) the "FringeBase" element
3420                      */
3421                     public void xsetFringeBase(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType fringeBase)
3422                     {
3423                       synchronized (monitor())
3424                       {
3425                         check_orphaned();
3426                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3427                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2, 0);
3428                         if (target == null)
3429                         {
3430                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEBASE$2);
3431                         }
3432                         target.set(fringeBase);
3433                       }
3434                     }
3436                     /**
3437                      * Unsets the "FringeBase" element
3438                      */
3439                     public void unsetFringeBase()
3440                     {
3441                       synchronized (monitor())
3442                       {
3443                         check_orphaned();
3444                         get_store().remove_element(FRINGEBASE$2, 0);
3445                       }
3446                     }
3448                     /**
3449                      * Gets the "FringeFunds" element
3450                      */
3451                     public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeFunds()
3452                     {
3453                       synchronized (monitor())
3454                       {
3455                         check_orphaned();
3456                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3457                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4, 0);
3458                         if (target == null)
3459                         {
3460                           return null;
3461                         }
3462                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3463                       }
3464                     }
3466                     /**
3467                      * Gets (as xml) the "FringeFunds" element
3468                      */
3469                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetFringeFunds()
3470                     {
3471                       synchronized (monitor())
3472                       {
3473                         check_orphaned();
3474                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3475                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4, 0);
3476                         return target;
3477                       }
3478                     }
3480                     /**
3481                      * True if has "FringeFunds" element
3482                      */
3483                     public boolean isSetFringeFunds()
3484                     {
3485                       synchronized (monitor())
3486                       {
3487                         check_orphaned();
3488                         return get_store().count_elements(FRINGEFUNDS$4) != 0;
3489                       }
3490                     }
3492                     /**
3493                      * Sets the "FringeFunds" element
3494                      */
3495                     public void setFringeFunds(java.math.BigDecimal fringeFunds)
3496                     {
3497                       synchronized (monitor())
3498                       {
3499                         check_orphaned();
3500                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3501                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4, 0);
3502                         if (target == null)
3503                         {
3504                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4);
3505                         }
3506                         target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeFunds);
3507                       }
3508                     }
3510                     /**
3511                      * Sets (as xml) the "FringeFunds" element
3512                      */
3513                     public void xsetFringeFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType fringeFunds)
3514                     {
3515                       synchronized (monitor())
3516                       {
3517                         check_orphaned();
3518                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3519                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4, 0);
3520                         if (target == null)
3521                         {
3522                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGEFUNDS$4);
3523                         }
3524                         target.set(fringeFunds);
3525                       }
3526                     }
3528                     /**
3529                      * Unsets the "FringeFunds" element
3530                      */
3531                     public void unsetFringeFunds()
3532                     {
3533                       synchronized (monitor())
3534                       {
3535                         check_orphaned();
3536                         get_store().remove_element(FRINGEFUNDS$4, 0);
3537                       }
3538                     }
3540                     /**
3541                      * Gets the "FringeCostSharing" element
3542                      */
3543                     public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeCostSharing()
3544                     {
3545                       synchronized (monitor())
3546                       {
3547                         check_orphaned();
3548                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3549                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6, 0);
3550                         if (target == null)
3551                         {
3552                           return null;
3553                         }
3554                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3555                       }
3556                     }
3558                     /**
3559                      * Gets (as xml) the "FringeCostSharing" element
3560                      */
3561                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetFringeCostSharing()
3562                     {
3563                       synchronized (monitor())
3564                       {
3565                         check_orphaned();
3566                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3567                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6, 0);
3568                         return target;
3569                       }
3570                     }
3572                     /**
3573                      * True if has "FringeCostSharing" element
3574                      */
3575                     public boolean isSetFringeCostSharing()
3576                     {
3577                       synchronized (monitor())
3578                       {
3579                         check_orphaned();
3580                         return get_store().count_elements(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6) != 0;
3581                       }
3582                     }
3584                     /**
3585                      * Sets the "FringeCostSharing" element
3586                      */
3587                     public void setFringeCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal fringeCostSharing)
3588                     {
3589                       synchronized (monitor())
3590                       {
3591                         check_orphaned();
3592                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3593                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6, 0);
3594                         if (target == null)
3595                         {
3596                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6);
3597                         }
3598                         target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeCostSharing);
3599                       }
3600                     }
3602                     /**
3603                      * Sets (as xml) the "FringeCostSharing" element
3604                      */
3605                     public void xsetFringeCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType fringeCostSharing)
3606                     {
3607                       synchronized (monitor())
3608                       {
3609                         check_orphaned();
3610                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
3611                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6, 0);
3612                         if (target == null)
3613                         {
3614                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6);
3615                         }
3616                         target.set(fringeCostSharing);
3617                       }
3618                     }
3620                     /**
3621                      * Unsets the "FringeCostSharing" element
3622                      */
3623                     public void unsetFringeCostSharing()
3624                     {
3625                       synchronized (monitor())
3626                       {
3627                         check_orphaned();
3628                         get_store().remove_element(FRINGECOSTSHARING$6, 0);
3629                       }
3630                     }
3632                     /**
3633                      * Gets the "FringeRateTotal" element
3634                      */
3635                     public java.math.BigDecimal getFringeRateTotal()
3636                     {
3637                       synchronized (monitor())
3638                       {
3639                         check_orphaned();
3640                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3641                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8, 0);
3642                         if (target == null)
3643                         {
3644                           return null;
3645                         }
3646                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3647                       }
3648                     }
3650                     /**
3651                      * Gets (as xml) the "FringeRateTotal" element
3652                      */
3653                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetFringeRateTotal()
3654                     {
3655                       synchronized (monitor())
3656                       {
3657                         check_orphaned();
3658                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3659                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8, 0);
3660                         return target;
3661                       }
3662                     }
3664                     /**
3665                      * True if has "FringeRateTotal" element
3666                      */
3667                     public boolean isSetFringeRateTotal()
3668                     {
3669                       synchronized (monitor())
3670                       {
3671                         check_orphaned();
3672                         return get_store().count_elements(FRINGERATETOTAL$8) != 0;
3673                       }
3674                     }
3676                     /**
3677                      * Sets the "FringeRateTotal" element
3678                      */
3679                     public void setFringeRateTotal(java.math.BigDecimal fringeRateTotal)
3680                     {
3681                       synchronized (monitor())
3682                       {
3683                         check_orphaned();
3684                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3685                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8, 0);
3686                         if (target == null)
3687                         {
3688                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8);
3689                         }
3690                         target.setBigDecimalValue(fringeRateTotal);
3691                       }
3692                     }
3694                     /**
3695                      * Sets (as xml) the "FringeRateTotal" element
3696                      */
3697                     public void xsetFringeRateTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType fringeRateTotal)
3698                     {
3699                       synchronized (monitor())
3700                       {
3701                         check_orphaned();
3702                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3703                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8, 0);
3704                         if (target == null)
3705                         {
3706                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(FRINGERATETOTAL$8);
3707                         }
3708                         target.set(fringeRateTotal);
3709                       }
3710                     }
3712                     /**
3713                      * Unsets the "FringeRateTotal" element
3714                      */
3715                     public void unsetFringeRateTotal()
3716                     {
3717                       synchronized (monitor())
3718                       {
3719                         check_orphaned();
3720                         get_store().remove_element(FRINGERATETOTAL$8, 0);
3721                       }
3722                     }
3723                 }
3724             }
3725             /**
3726              * An XML ConsultantFees(@
3727              *
3728              * This is a complex type.
3729              */
3730             public static class ConsultantFeesImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees
3731             {
3732                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
3734                 public ConsultantFeesImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
3735                 {
3736                     super(sType);
3737                 }
3739                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTANTROW$0 = 
3740                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultantRow");
3741                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
3742                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultSubtotalFunds");
3743                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
3744                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing");
3745                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6 = 
3746                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultSubtotal");
3749                 /**
3750                  * Gets array of all "ConsultantRow" elements
3751                  */
3752                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow[] getConsultantRowArray()
3753                 {
3754                     synchronized (monitor())
3755                     {
3756                       check_orphaned();
3757                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
3758                       get_store().find_all_element_users(CONSULTANTROW$0, targetList);
3759                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow[targetList.size()];
3760                       targetList.toArray(result);
3761                       return result;
3762                     }
3763                 }
3765                 /**
3766                  * Gets ith "ConsultantRow" element
3767                  */
3768                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow getConsultantRowArray(int i)
3769                 {
3770                     synchronized (monitor())
3771                     {
3772                       check_orphaned();
3773                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow target = null;
3774                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTANTROW$0, i);
3775                       if (target == null)
3776                       {
3777                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
3778                       }
3779                       return target;
3780                     }
3781                 }
3783                 /**
3784                  * Returns number of "ConsultantRow" element
3785                  */
3786                 public int sizeOfConsultantRowArray()
3787                 {
3788                     synchronized (monitor())
3789                     {
3790                       check_orphaned();
3791                       return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTANTROW$0);
3792                     }
3793                 }
3795                 /**
3796                  * Sets array of all "ConsultantRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
3797                  */
3798                 public void setConsultantRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow[] consultantRowArray)
3799                 {
3800                     check_orphaned();
3801                     arraySetterHelper(consultantRowArray, CONSULTANTROW$0);
3802                 }
3804                 /**
3805                  * Sets ith "ConsultantRow" element
3806                  */
3807                 public void setConsultantRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow consultantRow)
3808                 {
3809                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(consultantRow, CONSULTANTROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
3810                 }
3812                 /**
3813                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ConsultantRow" element
3814                  */
3815                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow insertNewConsultantRow(int i)
3816                 {
3817                     synchronized (monitor())
3818                     {
3819                       check_orphaned();
3820                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow target = null;
3821                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow)get_store().insert_element_user(CONSULTANTROW$0, i);
3822                       return target;
3823                     }
3824                 }
3826                 /**
3827                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ConsultantRow" element
3828                  */
3829                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow addNewConsultantRow()
3830                 {
3831                     synchronized (monitor())
3832                     {
3833                       check_orphaned();
3834                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow target = null;
3835                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTANTROW$0);
3836                       return target;
3837                     }
3838                 }
3840                 /**
3841                  * Removes the ith "ConsultantRow" element
3842                  */
3843                 public void removeConsultantRow(int i)
3844                 {
3845                     synchronized (monitor())
3846                     {
3847                       check_orphaned();
3848                       get_store().remove_element(CONSULTANTROW$0, i);
3849                     }
3850                 }
3852                 /**
3853                  * Gets the "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3854                  */
3855                 public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultSubtotalFunds()
3856                 {
3857                     synchronized (monitor())
3858                     {
3859                       check_orphaned();
3860                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3861                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3862                       if (target == null)
3863                       {
3864                         return null;
3865                       }
3866                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3867                     }
3868                 }
3870                 /**
3871                  * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3872                  */
3873                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetConsultSubtotalFunds()
3874                 {
3875                     synchronized (monitor())
3876                     {
3877                       check_orphaned();
3878                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3879                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3880                       return target;
3881                     }
3882                 }
3884                 /**
3885                  * True if has "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3886                  */
3887                 public boolean isSetConsultSubtotalFunds()
3888                 {
3889                     synchronized (monitor())
3890                     {
3891                       check_orphaned();
3892                       return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
3893                     }
3894                 }
3896                 /**
3897                  * Sets the "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3898                  */
3899                 public void setConsultSubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal consultSubtotalFunds)
3900                 {
3901                     synchronized (monitor())
3902                     {
3903                       check_orphaned();
3904                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3905                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3906                       if (target == null)
3907                       {
3908                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
3909                       }
3910                       target.setBigDecimalValue(consultSubtotalFunds);
3911                     }
3912                 }
3914                 /**
3915                  * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3916                  */
3917                 public void xsetConsultSubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType consultSubtotalFunds)
3918                 {
3919                     synchronized (monitor())
3920                     {
3921                       check_orphaned();
3922                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3923                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3924                       if (target == null)
3925                       {
3926                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
3927                       }
3928                       target.set(consultSubtotalFunds);
3929                     }
3930                 }
3932                 /**
3933                  * Unsets the "ConsultSubtotalFunds" element
3934                  */
3935                 public void unsetConsultSubtotalFunds()
3936                 {
3937                     synchronized (monitor())
3938                     {
3939                       check_orphaned();
3940                       get_store().remove_element(CONSULTSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
3941                     }
3942                 }
3944                 /**
3945                  * Gets the "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
3946                  */
3947                 public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultSubtotalCostSharing()
3948                 {
3949                     synchronized (monitor())
3950                     {
3951                       check_orphaned();
3952                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3953                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3954                       if (target == null)
3955                       {
3956                         return null;
3957                       }
3958                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
3959                     }
3960                 }
3962                 /**
3963                  * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
3964                  */
3965                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetConsultSubtotalCostSharing()
3966                 {
3967                     synchronized (monitor())
3968                     {
3969                       check_orphaned();
3970                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
3971                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3972                       return target;
3973                     }
3974                 }
3976                 /**
3977                  * True if has "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
3978                  */
3979                 public boolean isSetConsultSubtotalCostSharing()
3980                 {
3981                     synchronized (monitor())
3982                     {
3983                       check_orphaned();
3984                       return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
3985                     }
3986                 }
3988                 /**
3989                  * Sets the "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
3990                  */
3991                 public void setConsultSubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal consultSubtotalCostSharing)
3992                 {
3993                     synchronized (monitor())
3994                     {
3995                       check_orphaned();
3996                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
3997                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
3998                       if (target == null)
3999                       {
4000                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
4001                       }
4002                       target.setBigDecimalValue(consultSubtotalCostSharing);
4003                     }
4004                 }
4006                 /**
4007                  * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
4008                  */
4009                 public void xsetConsultSubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType consultSubtotalCostSharing)
4010                 {
4011                     synchronized (monitor())
4012                     {
4013                       check_orphaned();
4014                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4015                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
4016                       if (target == null)
4017                       {
4018                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
4019                       }
4020                       target.set(consultSubtotalCostSharing);
4021                     }
4022                 }
4024                 /**
4025                  * Unsets the "ConsultSubtotalCostSharing" element
4026                  */
4027                 public void unsetConsultSubtotalCostSharing()
4028                 {
4029                     synchronized (monitor())
4030                     {
4031                       check_orphaned();
4032                       get_store().remove_element(CONSULTSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
4033                     }
4034                 }
4036                 /**
4037                  * Gets the "ConsultSubtotal" element
4038                  */
4039                 public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultSubtotal()
4040                 {
4041                     synchronized (monitor())
4042                     {
4043                       check_orphaned();
4044                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4045                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
4046                       if (target == null)
4047                       {
4048                         return null;
4049                       }
4050                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4051                     }
4052                 }
4054                 /**
4055                  * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotal" element
4056                  */
4057                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetConsultSubtotal()
4058                 {
4059                     synchronized (monitor())
4060                     {
4061                       check_orphaned();
4062                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4063                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
4064                       return target;
4065                     }
4066                 }
4068                 /**
4069                  * True if has "ConsultSubtotal" element
4070                  */
4071                 public boolean isSetConsultSubtotal()
4072                 {
4073                     synchronized (monitor())
4074                     {
4075                       check_orphaned();
4076                       return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
4077                     }
4078                 }
4080                 /**
4081                  * Sets the "ConsultSubtotal" element
4082                  */
4083                 public void setConsultSubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal consultSubtotal)
4084                 {
4085                     synchronized (monitor())
4086                     {
4087                       check_orphaned();
4088                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4089                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
4090                       if (target == null)
4091                       {
4092                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6);
4093                       }
4094                       target.setBigDecimalValue(consultSubtotal);
4095                     }
4096                 }
4098                 /**
4099                  * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultSubtotal" element
4100                  */
4101                 public void xsetConsultSubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType consultSubtotal)
4102                 {
4103                     synchronized (monitor())
4104                     {
4105                       check_orphaned();
4106                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4107                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
4108                       if (target == null)
4109                       {
4110                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6);
4111                       }
4112                       target.set(consultSubtotal);
4113                     }
4114                 }
4116                 /**
4117                  * Unsets the "ConsultSubtotal" element
4118                  */
4119                 public void unsetConsultSubtotal()
4120                 {
4121                     synchronized (monitor())
4122                     {
4123                       check_orphaned();
4124                       get_store().remove_element(CONSULTSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
4125                     }
4126                 }
4127                 /**
4128                  * An XML ConsultantRow(@
4129                  *
4130                  * This is a complex type.
4131                  */
4132                 public static class ConsultantRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow
4133                 {
4134                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
4136                     public ConsultantRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
4137                     {
4138                       super(sType);
4139                     }
4141                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTNAMETYPE$0 = 
4142                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultNameType");
4143                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2 = 
4144                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultNoofDays");
4145                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTDAILYRATE$4 = 
4146                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultDailyRate");
4147                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTFUNDS$6 = 
4148                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultFunds");
4149                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8 = 
4150                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultCostSharing");
4151                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName CONSULTTOTAL$10 = 
4152                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ConsultTotal");
4155                     /**
4156                      * Gets the "ConsultNameType" element
4157                      */
4158                     public java.lang.String getConsultNameType()
4159                     {
4160                       synchronized (monitor())
4161                       {
4162                         check_orphaned();
4163                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4164                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0, 0);
4165                         if (target == null)
4166                         {
4167                           return null;
4168                         }
4169                         return target.getStringValue();
4170                       }
4171                     }
4173                     /**
4174                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultNameType" element
4175                      */
4176                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetConsultNameType()
4177                     {
4178                       synchronized (monitor())
4179                       {
4180                         check_orphaned();
4181                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
4182                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0, 0);
4183                         return target;
4184                       }
4185                     }
4187                     /**
4188                      * True if has "ConsultNameType" element
4189                      */
4190                     public boolean isSetConsultNameType()
4191                     {
4192                       synchronized (monitor())
4193                       {
4194                         check_orphaned();
4195                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0) != 0;
4196                       }
4197                     }
4199                     /**
4200                      * Sets the "ConsultNameType" element
4201                      */
4202                     public void setConsultNameType(java.lang.String consultNameType)
4203                     {
4204                       synchronized (monitor())
4205                       {
4206                         check_orphaned();
4207                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4208                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0, 0);
4209                         if (target == null)
4210                         {
4211                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0);
4212                         }
4213                         target.setStringValue(consultNameType);
4214                       }
4215                     }
4217                     /**
4218                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultNameType" element
4219                      */
4220                     public void xsetConsultNameType(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType consultNameType)
4221                     {
4222                       synchronized (monitor())
4223                       {
4224                         check_orphaned();
4225                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
4226                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0, 0);
4227                         if (target == null)
4228                         {
4229                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0);
4230                         }
4231                         target.set(consultNameType);
4232                       }
4233                     }
4235                     /**
4236                      * Unsets the "ConsultNameType" element
4237                      */
4238                     public void unsetConsultNameType()
4239                     {
4240                       synchronized (monitor())
4241                       {
4242                         check_orphaned();
4243                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTNAMETYPE$0, 0);
4244                       }
4245                     }
4247                     /**
4248                      * Gets the "ConsultNoofDays" element
4249                      */
4250                     public int getConsultNoofDays()
4251                     {
4252                       synchronized (monitor())
4253                       {
4254                         check_orphaned();
4255                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4256                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2, 0);
4257                         if (target == null)
4258                         {
4259                           return 0;
4260                         }
4261                         return target.getIntValue();
4262                       }
4263                     }
4265                     /**
4266                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultNoofDays" element
4267                      */
4268                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays xgetConsultNoofDays()
4269                     {
4270                       synchronized (monitor())
4271                       {
4272                         check_orphaned();
4273                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays target = null;
4274                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2, 0);
4275                         return target;
4276                       }
4277                     }
4279                     /**
4280                      * True if has "ConsultNoofDays" element
4281                      */
4282                     public boolean isSetConsultNoofDays()
4283                     {
4284                       synchronized (monitor())
4285                       {
4286                         check_orphaned();
4287                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2) != 0;
4288                       }
4289                     }
4291                     /**
4292                      * Sets the "ConsultNoofDays" element
4293                      */
4294                     public void setConsultNoofDays(int consultNoofDays)
4295                     {
4296                       synchronized (monitor())
4297                       {
4298                         check_orphaned();
4299                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4300                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2, 0);
4301                         if (target == null)
4302                         {
4303                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2);
4304                         }
4305                         target.setIntValue(consultNoofDays);
4306                       }
4307                     }
4309                     /**
4310                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultNoofDays" element
4311                      */
4312                     public void xsetConsultNoofDays(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays consultNoofDays)
4313                     {
4314                       synchronized (monitor())
4315                       {
4316                         check_orphaned();
4317                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays target = null;
4318                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2, 0);
4319                         if (target == null)
4320                         {
4321                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2);
4322                         }
4323                         target.set(consultNoofDays);
4324                       }
4325                     }
4327                     /**
4328                      * Unsets the "ConsultNoofDays" element
4329                      */
4330                     public void unsetConsultNoofDays()
4331                     {
4332                       synchronized (monitor())
4333                       {
4334                         check_orphaned();
4335                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTNOOFDAYS$2, 0);
4336                       }
4337                     }
4339                     /**
4340                      * Gets the "ConsultDailyRate" element
4341                      */
4342                     public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultDailyRate()
4343                     {
4344                       synchronized (monitor())
4345                       {
4346                         check_orphaned();
4347                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4348                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4, 0);
4349                         if (target == null)
4350                         {
4351                           return null;
4352                         }
4353                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4354                       }
4355                     }
4357                     /**
4358                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultDailyRate" element
4359                      */
4360                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetConsultDailyRate()
4361                     {
4362                       synchronized (monitor())
4363                       {
4364                         check_orphaned();
4365                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4366                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4, 0);
4367                         return target;
4368                       }
4369                     }
4371                     /**
4372                      * True if has "ConsultDailyRate" element
4373                      */
4374                     public boolean isSetConsultDailyRate()
4375                     {
4376                       synchronized (monitor())
4377                       {
4378                         check_orphaned();
4379                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4) != 0;
4380                       }
4381                     }
4383                     /**
4384                      * Sets the "ConsultDailyRate" element
4385                      */
4386                     public void setConsultDailyRate(java.math.BigDecimal consultDailyRate)
4387                     {
4388                       synchronized (monitor())
4389                       {
4390                         check_orphaned();
4391                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4392                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4, 0);
4393                         if (target == null)
4394                         {
4395                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4);
4396                         }
4397                         target.setBigDecimalValue(consultDailyRate);
4398                       }
4399                     }
4401                     /**
4402                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultDailyRate" element
4403                      */
4404                     public void xsetConsultDailyRate(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType consultDailyRate)
4405                     {
4406                       synchronized (monitor())
4407                       {
4408                         check_orphaned();
4409                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4410                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4, 0);
4411                         if (target == null)
4412                         {
4413                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4);
4414                         }
4415                         target.set(consultDailyRate);
4416                       }
4417                     }
4419                     /**
4420                      * Unsets the "ConsultDailyRate" element
4421                      */
4422                     public void unsetConsultDailyRate()
4423                     {
4424                       synchronized (monitor())
4425                       {
4426                         check_orphaned();
4427                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTDAILYRATE$4, 0);
4428                       }
4429                     }
4431                     /**
4432                      * Gets the "ConsultFunds" element
4433                      */
4434                     public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultFunds()
4435                     {
4436                       synchronized (monitor())
4437                       {
4438                         check_orphaned();
4439                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4440                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6, 0);
4441                         if (target == null)
4442                         {
4443                           return null;
4444                         }
4445                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4446                       }
4447                     }
4449                     /**
4450                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultFunds" element
4451                      */
4452                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetConsultFunds()
4453                     {
4454                       synchronized (monitor())
4455                       {
4456                         check_orphaned();
4457                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4458                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6, 0);
4459                         return target;
4460                       }
4461                     }
4463                     /**
4464                      * True if has "ConsultFunds" element
4465                      */
4466                     public boolean isSetConsultFunds()
4467                     {
4468                       synchronized (monitor())
4469                       {
4470                         check_orphaned();
4471                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTFUNDS$6) != 0;
4472                       }
4473                     }
4475                     /**
4476                      * Sets the "ConsultFunds" element
4477                      */
4478                     public void setConsultFunds(java.math.BigDecimal consultFunds)
4479                     {
4480                       synchronized (monitor())
4481                       {
4482                         check_orphaned();
4483                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4484                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6, 0);
4485                         if (target == null)
4486                         {
4487                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6);
4488                         }
4489                         target.setBigDecimalValue(consultFunds);
4490                       }
4491                     }
4493                     /**
4494                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultFunds" element
4495                      */
4496                     public void xsetConsultFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType consultFunds)
4497                     {
4498                       synchronized (monitor())
4499                       {
4500                         check_orphaned();
4501                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4502                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6, 0);
4503                         if (target == null)
4504                         {
4505                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTFUNDS$6);
4506                         }
4507                         target.set(consultFunds);
4508                       }
4509                     }
4511                     /**
4512                      * Unsets the "ConsultFunds" element
4513                      */
4514                     public void unsetConsultFunds()
4515                     {
4516                       synchronized (monitor())
4517                       {
4518                         check_orphaned();
4519                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTFUNDS$6, 0);
4520                       }
4521                     }
4523                     /**
4524                      * Gets the "ConsultCostSharing" element
4525                      */
4526                     public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultCostSharing()
4527                     {
4528                       synchronized (monitor())
4529                       {
4530                         check_orphaned();
4531                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4532                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
4533                         if (target == null)
4534                         {
4535                           return null;
4536                         }
4537                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4538                       }
4539                     }
4541                     /**
4542                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultCostSharing" element
4543                      */
4544                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetConsultCostSharing()
4545                     {
4546                       synchronized (monitor())
4547                       {
4548                         check_orphaned();
4549                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4550                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
4551                         return target;
4552                       }
4553                     }
4555                     /**
4556                      * True if has "ConsultCostSharing" element
4557                      */
4558                     public boolean isSetConsultCostSharing()
4559                     {
4560                       synchronized (monitor())
4561                       {
4562                         check_orphaned();
4563                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8) != 0;
4564                       }
4565                     }
4567                     /**
4568                      * Sets the "ConsultCostSharing" element
4569                      */
4570                     public void setConsultCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal consultCostSharing)
4571                     {
4572                       synchronized (monitor())
4573                       {
4574                         check_orphaned();
4575                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4576                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
4577                         if (target == null)
4578                         {
4579                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8);
4580                         }
4581                         target.setBigDecimalValue(consultCostSharing);
4582                       }
4583                     }
4585                     /**
4586                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultCostSharing" element
4587                      */
4588                     public void xsetConsultCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType consultCostSharing)
4589                     {
4590                       synchronized (monitor())
4591                       {
4592                         check_orphaned();
4593                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
4594                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
4595                         if (target == null)
4596                         {
4597                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8);
4598                         }
4599                         target.set(consultCostSharing);
4600                       }
4601                     }
4603                     /**
4604                      * Unsets the "ConsultCostSharing" element
4605                      */
4606                     public void unsetConsultCostSharing()
4607                     {
4608                       synchronized (monitor())
4609                       {
4610                         check_orphaned();
4611                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
4612                       }
4613                     }
4615                     /**
4616                      * Gets the "ConsultTotal" element
4617                      */
4618                     public java.math.BigDecimal getConsultTotal()
4619                     {
4620                       synchronized (monitor())
4621                       {
4622                         check_orphaned();
4623                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4624                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10, 0);
4625                         if (target == null)
4626                         {
4627                           return null;
4628                         }
4629                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4630                       }
4631                     }
4633                     /**
4634                      * Gets (as xml) the "ConsultTotal" element
4635                      */
4636                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetConsultTotal()
4637                     {
4638                       synchronized (monitor())
4639                       {
4640                         check_orphaned();
4641                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4642                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10, 0);
4643                         return target;
4644                       }
4645                     }
4647                     /**
4648                      * True if has "ConsultTotal" element
4649                      */
4650                     public boolean isSetConsultTotal()
4651                     {
4652                       synchronized (monitor())
4653                       {
4654                         check_orphaned();
4655                         return get_store().count_elements(CONSULTTOTAL$10) != 0;
4656                       }
4657                     }
4659                     /**
4660                      * Sets the "ConsultTotal" element
4661                      */
4662                     public void setConsultTotal(java.math.BigDecimal consultTotal)
4663                     {
4664                       synchronized (monitor())
4665                       {
4666                         check_orphaned();
4667                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4668                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10, 0);
4669                         if (target == null)
4670                         {
4671                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10);
4672                         }
4673                         target.setBigDecimalValue(consultTotal);
4674                       }
4675                     }
4677                     /**
4678                      * Sets (as xml) the "ConsultTotal" element
4679                      */
4680                     public void xsetConsultTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType consultTotal)
4681                     {
4682                       synchronized (monitor())
4683                       {
4684                         check_orphaned();
4685                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4686                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10, 0);
4687                         if (target == null)
4688                         {
4689                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(CONSULTTOTAL$10);
4690                         }
4691                         target.set(consultTotal);
4692                       }
4693                     }
4695                     /**
4696                      * Unsets the "ConsultTotal" element
4697                      */
4698                     public void unsetConsultTotal()
4699                     {
4700                       synchronized (monitor())
4701                       {
4702                         check_orphaned();
4703                         get_store().remove_element(CONSULTTOTAL$10, 0);
4704                       }
4705                     }
4706                     /**
4707                      * An XML ConsultNoofDays(@
4708                      *
4709                      * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$ConsultantFees$ConsultantRow$ConsultNoofDays.
4710                      */
4711                     public static class ConsultNoofDaysImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaIntHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.ConsultantFees.ConsultantRow.ConsultNoofDays
4712                     {
4713                       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
4715                       public ConsultNoofDaysImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
4716                       {
4717                         super(sType, false);
4718                       }
4720                       protected ConsultNoofDaysImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
4721                       {
4722                         super(sType, b);
4723                       }
4724                     }
4725                 }
4726             }
4727             /**
4728              * An XML Travels(@
4729              *
4730              * This is a complex type.
4731              */
4732             public static class TravelsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels
4733             {
4734                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
4736                 public TravelsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
4737                 {
4738                     super(sType);
4739                 }
4741                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELROW$0 = 
4742                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelRow");
4743                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2 = 
4744                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelSubtotalCostSharing");
4745                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4 = 
4746                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelSubtotal");
4747                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6 = 
4748                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelSubtotalFunds");
4751                 /**
4752                  * Gets array of all "TravelRow" elements
4753                  */
4754                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow[] getTravelRowArray()
4755                 {
4756                     synchronized (monitor())
4757                     {
4758                       check_orphaned();
4759                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
4760                       get_store().find_all_element_users(TRAVELROW$0, targetList);
4761                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow[targetList.size()];
4762                       targetList.toArray(result);
4763                       return result;
4764                     }
4765                 }
4767                 /**
4768                  * Gets ith "TravelRow" element
4769                  */
4770                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow getTravelRowArray(int i)
4771                 {
4772                     synchronized (monitor())
4773                     {
4774                       check_orphaned();
4775                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow target = null;
4776                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELROW$0, i);
4777                       if (target == null)
4778                       {
4779                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
4780                       }
4781                       return target;
4782                     }
4783                 }
4785                 /**
4786                  * Returns number of "TravelRow" element
4787                  */
4788                 public int sizeOfTravelRowArray()
4789                 {
4790                     synchronized (monitor())
4791                     {
4792                       check_orphaned();
4793                       return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELROW$0);
4794                     }
4795                 }
4797                 /**
4798                  * Sets array of all "TravelRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
4799                  */
4800                 public void setTravelRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow[] travelRowArray)
4801                 {
4802                     check_orphaned();
4803                     arraySetterHelper(travelRowArray, TRAVELROW$0);
4804                 }
4806                 /**
4807                  * Sets ith "TravelRow" element
4808                  */
4809                 public void setTravelRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow travelRow)
4810                 {
4811                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(travelRow, TRAVELROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
4812                 }
4814                 /**
4815                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "TravelRow" element
4816                  */
4817                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow insertNewTravelRow(int i)
4818                 {
4819                     synchronized (monitor())
4820                     {
4821                       check_orphaned();
4822                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow target = null;
4823                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow)get_store().insert_element_user(TRAVELROW$0, i);
4824                       return target;
4825                     }
4826                 }
4828                 /**
4829                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "TravelRow" element
4830                  */
4831                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow addNewTravelRow()
4832                 {
4833                     synchronized (monitor())
4834                     {
4835                       check_orphaned();
4836                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow target = null;
4837                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELROW$0);
4838                       return target;
4839                     }
4840                 }
4842                 /**
4843                  * Removes the ith "TravelRow" element
4844                  */
4845                 public void removeTravelRow(int i)
4846                 {
4847                     synchronized (monitor())
4848                     {
4849                       check_orphaned();
4850                       get_store().remove_element(TRAVELROW$0, i);
4851                     }
4852                 }
4854                 /**
4855                  * Gets the "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4856                  */
4857                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelSubtotalCostSharing()
4858                 {
4859                     synchronized (monitor())
4860                     {
4861                       check_orphaned();
4862                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4863                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
4864                       if (target == null)
4865                       {
4866                         return null;
4867                       }
4868                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4869                     }
4870                 }
4872                 /**
4873                  * Gets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4874                  */
4875                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTravelSubtotalCostSharing()
4876                 {
4877                     synchronized (monitor())
4878                     {
4879                       check_orphaned();
4880                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4881                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
4882                       return target;
4883                     }
4884                 }
4886                 /**
4887                  * True if has "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4888                  */
4889                 public boolean isSetTravelSubtotalCostSharing()
4890                 {
4891                     synchronized (monitor())
4892                     {
4893                       check_orphaned();
4894                       return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2) != 0;
4895                     }
4896                 }
4898                 /**
4899                  * Sets the "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4900                  */
4901                 public void setTravelSubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal travelSubtotalCostSharing)
4902                 {
4903                     synchronized (monitor())
4904                     {
4905                       check_orphaned();
4906                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4907                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
4908                       if (target == null)
4909                       {
4910                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2);
4911                       }
4912                       target.setBigDecimalValue(travelSubtotalCostSharing);
4913                     }
4914                 }
4916                 /**
4917                  * Sets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4918                  */
4919                 public void xsetTravelSubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType travelSubtotalCostSharing)
4920                 {
4921                     synchronized (monitor())
4922                     {
4923                       check_orphaned();
4924                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4925                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
4926                       if (target == null)
4927                       {
4928                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2);
4929                       }
4930                       target.set(travelSubtotalCostSharing);
4931                     }
4932                 }
4934                 /**
4935                  * Unsets the "TravelSubtotalCostSharing" element
4936                  */
4937                 public void unsetTravelSubtotalCostSharing()
4938                 {
4939                     synchronized (monitor())
4940                     {
4941                       check_orphaned();
4942                       get_store().remove_element(TRAVELSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
4943                     }
4944                 }
4946                 /**
4947                  * Gets the "TravelSubtotal" element
4948                  */
4949                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelSubtotal()
4950                 {
4951                     synchronized (monitor())
4952                     {
4953                       check_orphaned();
4954                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4955                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4, 0);
4956                       if (target == null)
4957                       {
4958                         return null;
4959                       }
4960                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
4961                     }
4962                 }
4964                 /**
4965                  * Gets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotal" element
4966                  */
4967                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTravelSubtotal()
4968                 {
4969                     synchronized (monitor())
4970                     {
4971                       check_orphaned();
4972                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
4973                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4, 0);
4974                       return target;
4975                     }
4976                 }
4978                 /**
4979                  * True if has "TravelSubtotal" element
4980                  */
4981                 public boolean isSetTravelSubtotal()
4982                 {
4983                     synchronized (monitor())
4984                     {
4985                       check_orphaned();
4986                       return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4) != 0;
4987                     }
4988                 }
4990                 /**
4991                  * Sets the "TravelSubtotal" element
4992                  */
4993                 public void setTravelSubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal travelSubtotal)
4994                 {
4995                     synchronized (monitor())
4996                     {
4997                       check_orphaned();
4998                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
4999                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4, 0);
5000                       if (target == null)
5001                       {
5002                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4);
5003                       }
5004                       target.setBigDecimalValue(travelSubtotal);
5005                     }
5006                 }
5008                 /**
5009                  * Sets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotal" element
5010                  */
5011                 public void xsetTravelSubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType travelSubtotal)
5012                 {
5013                     synchronized (monitor())
5014                     {
5015                       check_orphaned();
5016                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
5017                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4, 0);
5018                       if (target == null)
5019                       {
5020                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4);
5021                       }
5022                       target.set(travelSubtotal);
5023                     }
5024                 }
5026                 /**
5027                  * Unsets the "TravelSubtotal" element
5028                  */
5029                 public void unsetTravelSubtotal()
5030                 {
5031                     synchronized (monitor())
5032                     {
5033                       check_orphaned();
5034                       get_store().remove_element(TRAVELSUBTOTAL$4, 0);
5035                     }
5036                 }
5038                 /**
5039                  * Gets the "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5040                  */
5041                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelSubtotalFunds()
5042                 {
5043                     synchronized (monitor())
5044                     {
5045                       check_orphaned();
5046                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5047                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6, 0);
5048                       if (target == null)
5049                       {
5050                         return null;
5051                       }
5052                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5053                     }
5054                 }
5056                 /**
5057                  * Gets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5058                  */
5059                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTravelSubtotalFunds()
5060                 {
5061                     synchronized (monitor())
5062                     {
5063                       check_orphaned();
5064                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
5065                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6, 0);
5066                       return target;
5067                     }
5068                 }
5070                 /**
5071                  * True if has "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5072                  */
5073                 public boolean isSetTravelSubtotalFunds()
5074                 {
5075                     synchronized (monitor())
5076                     {
5077                       check_orphaned();
5078                       return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6) != 0;
5079                     }
5080                 }
5082                 /**
5083                  * Sets the "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5084                  */
5085                 public void setTravelSubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal travelSubtotalFunds)
5086                 {
5087                     synchronized (monitor())
5088                     {
5089                       check_orphaned();
5090                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5091                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6, 0);
5092                       if (target == null)
5093                       {
5094                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6);
5095                       }
5096                       target.setBigDecimalValue(travelSubtotalFunds);
5097                     }
5098                 }
5100                 /**
5101                  * Sets (as xml) the "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5102                  */
5103                 public void xsetTravelSubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType travelSubtotalFunds)
5104                 {
5105                     synchronized (monitor())
5106                     {
5107                       check_orphaned();
5108                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
5109                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6, 0);
5110                       if (target == null)
5111                       {
5112                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6);
5113                       }
5114                       target.set(travelSubtotalFunds);
5115                     }
5116                 }
5118                 /**
5119                  * Unsets the "TravelSubtotalFunds" element
5120                  */
5121                 public void unsetTravelSubtotalFunds()
5122                 {
5123                     synchronized (monitor())
5124                     {
5125                       check_orphaned();
5126                       get_store().remove_element(TRAVELSUBTOTALFUNDS$6, 0);
5127                     }
5128                 }
5129                 /**
5130                  * An XML TravelRow(@
5131                  *
5132                  * This is a complex type.
5133                  */
5134                 public static class TravelRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow
5135                 {
5136                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
5138                     public TravelRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
5139                     {
5140                       super(sType);
5141                     }
5143                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELITEM$0 = 
5144                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelItem");
5145                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2 = 
5146                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelNumOfPersons");
5147                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4 = 
5148                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalTravelDays");
5149                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6 = 
5150                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelSubsistenceCosts");
5151                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8 = 
5152                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelTransportationCosts");
5153                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELFUNDS$10 = 
5154                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelFunds");
5155                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12 = 
5156                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelCostSharing");
5157                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TRAVELTOTAL$14 = 
5158                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TravelTotal");
5161                     /**
5162                      * Gets the "TravelItem" element
5163                      */
5164                     public java.lang.String getTravelItem()
5165                     {
5166                       synchronized (monitor())
5167                       {
5168                         check_orphaned();
5169                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5170                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0, 0);
5171                         if (target == null)
5172                         {
5173                           return null;
5174                         }
5175                         return target.getStringValue();
5176                       }
5177                     }
5179                     /**
5180                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelItem" element
5181                      */
5182                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetTravelItem()
5183                     {
5184                       synchronized (monitor())
5185                       {
5186                         check_orphaned();
5187                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
5188                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0, 0);
5189                         return target;
5190                       }
5191                     }
5193                     /**
5194                      * True if has "TravelItem" element
5195                      */
5196                     public boolean isSetTravelItem()
5197                     {
5198                       synchronized (monitor())
5199                       {
5200                         check_orphaned();
5201                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELITEM$0) != 0;
5202                       }
5203                     }
5205                     /**
5206                      * Sets the "TravelItem" element
5207                      */
5208                     public void setTravelItem(java.lang.String travelItem)
5209                     {
5210                       synchronized (monitor())
5211                       {
5212                         check_orphaned();
5213                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5214                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0, 0);
5215                         if (target == null)
5216                         {
5217                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0);
5218                         }
5219                         target.setStringValue(travelItem);
5220                       }
5221                     }
5223                     /**
5224                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelItem" element
5225                      */
5226                     public void xsetTravelItem(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType travelItem)
5227                     {
5228                       synchronized (monitor())
5229                       {
5230                         check_orphaned();
5231                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
5232                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0, 0);
5233                         if (target == null)
5234                         {
5235                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELITEM$0);
5236                         }
5237                         target.set(travelItem);
5238                       }
5239                     }
5241                     /**
5242                      * Unsets the "TravelItem" element
5243                      */
5244                     public void unsetTravelItem()
5245                     {
5246                       synchronized (monitor())
5247                       {
5248                         check_orphaned();
5249                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELITEM$0, 0);
5250                       }
5251                     }
5253                     /**
5254                      * Gets the "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5255                      */
5256                     public int getTravelNumOfPersons()
5257                     {
5258                       synchronized (monitor())
5259                       {
5260                         check_orphaned();
5261                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5262                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2, 0);
5263                         if (target == null)
5264                         {
5265                           return 0;
5266                         }
5267                         return target.getIntValue();
5268                       }
5269                     }
5271                     /**
5272                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5273                      */
5274                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons xgetTravelNumOfPersons()
5275                     {
5276                       synchronized (monitor())
5277                       {
5278                         check_orphaned();
5279                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons target = null;
5280                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2, 0);
5281                         return target;
5282                       }
5283                     }
5285                     /**
5286                      * True if has "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5287                      */
5288                     public boolean isSetTravelNumOfPersons()
5289                     {
5290                       synchronized (monitor())
5291                       {
5292                         check_orphaned();
5293                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2) != 0;
5294                       }
5295                     }
5297                     /**
5298                      * Sets the "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5299                      */
5300                     public void setTravelNumOfPersons(int travelNumOfPersons)
5301                     {
5302                       synchronized (monitor())
5303                       {
5304                         check_orphaned();
5305                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5306                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2, 0);
5307                         if (target == null)
5308                         {
5309                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2);
5310                         }
5311                         target.setIntValue(travelNumOfPersons);
5312                       }
5313                     }
5315                     /**
5316                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5317                      */
5318                     public void xsetTravelNumOfPersons(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons travelNumOfPersons)
5319                     {
5320                       synchronized (monitor())
5321                       {
5322                         check_orphaned();
5323                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons target = null;
5324                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2, 0);
5325                         if (target == null)
5326                         {
5327                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2);
5328                         }
5329                         target.set(travelNumOfPersons);
5330                       }
5331                     }
5333                     /**
5334                      * Unsets the "TravelNumOfPersons" element
5335                      */
5336                     public void unsetTravelNumOfPersons()
5337                     {
5338                       synchronized (monitor())
5339                       {
5340                         check_orphaned();
5341                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELNUMOFPERSONS$2, 0);
5342                       }
5343                     }
5345                     /**
5346                      * Gets the "TotalTravelDays" element
5347                      */
5348                     public int getTotalTravelDays()
5349                     {
5350                       synchronized (monitor())
5351                       {
5352                         check_orphaned();
5353                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5354                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4, 0);
5355                         if (target == null)
5356                         {
5357                           return 0;
5358                         }
5359                         return target.getIntValue();
5360                       }
5361                     }
5363                     /**
5364                      * Gets (as xml) the "TotalTravelDays" element
5365                      */
5366                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays xgetTotalTravelDays()
5367                     {
5368                       synchronized (monitor())
5369                       {
5370                         check_orphaned();
5371                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays target = null;
5372                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4, 0);
5373                         return target;
5374                       }
5375                     }
5377                     /**
5378                      * True if has "TotalTravelDays" element
5379                      */
5380                     public boolean isSetTotalTravelDays()
5381                     {
5382                       synchronized (monitor())
5383                       {
5384                         check_orphaned();
5385                         return get_store().count_elements(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4) != 0;
5386                       }
5387                     }
5389                     /**
5390                      * Sets the "TotalTravelDays" element
5391                      */
5392                     public void setTotalTravelDays(int totalTravelDays)
5393                     {
5394                       synchronized (monitor())
5395                       {
5396                         check_orphaned();
5397                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5398                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4, 0);
5399                         if (target == null)
5400                         {
5401                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4);
5402                         }
5403                         target.setIntValue(totalTravelDays);
5404                       }
5405                     }
5407                     /**
5408                      * Sets (as xml) the "TotalTravelDays" element
5409                      */
5410                     public void xsetTotalTravelDays(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays totalTravelDays)
5411                     {
5412                       synchronized (monitor())
5413                       {
5414                         check_orphaned();
5415                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays target = null;
5416                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4, 0);
5417                         if (target == null)
5418                         {
5419                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4);
5420                         }
5421                         target.set(totalTravelDays);
5422                       }
5423                     }
5425                     /**
5426                      * Unsets the "TotalTravelDays" element
5427                      */
5428                     public void unsetTotalTravelDays()
5429                     {
5430                       synchronized (monitor())
5431                       {
5432                         check_orphaned();
5433                         get_store().remove_element(TOTALTRAVELDAYS$4, 0);
5434                       }
5435                     }
5437                     /**
5438                      * Gets the "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5439                      */
5440                     public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelSubsistenceCosts()
5441                     {
5442                       synchronized (monitor())
5443                       {
5444                         check_orphaned();
5445                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5446                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6, 0);
5447                         if (target == null)
5448                         {
5449                           return null;
5450                         }
5451                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5452                       }
5453                     }
5455                     /**
5456                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5457                      */
5458                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetTravelSubsistenceCosts()
5459                     {
5460                       synchronized (monitor())
5461                       {
5462                         check_orphaned();
5463                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5464                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6, 0);
5465                         return target;
5466                       }
5467                     }
5469                     /**
5470                      * True if has "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5471                      */
5472                     public boolean isSetTravelSubsistenceCosts()
5473                     {
5474                       synchronized (monitor())
5475                       {
5476                         check_orphaned();
5477                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6) != 0;
5478                       }
5479                     }
5481                     /**
5482                      * Sets the "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5483                      */
5484                     public void setTravelSubsistenceCosts(java.math.BigDecimal travelSubsistenceCosts)
5485                     {
5486                       synchronized (monitor())
5487                       {
5488                         check_orphaned();
5489                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5490                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6, 0);
5491                         if (target == null)
5492                         {
5493                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6);
5494                         }
5495                         target.setBigDecimalValue(travelSubsistenceCosts);
5496                       }
5497                     }
5499                     /**
5500                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5501                      */
5502                     public void xsetTravelSubsistenceCosts(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType travelSubsistenceCosts)
5503                     {
5504                       synchronized (monitor())
5505                       {
5506                         check_orphaned();
5507                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5508                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6, 0);
5509                         if (target == null)
5510                         {
5511                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6);
5512                         }
5513                         target.set(travelSubsistenceCosts);
5514                       }
5515                     }
5517                     /**
5518                      * Unsets the "TravelSubsistenceCosts" element
5519                      */
5520                     public void unsetTravelSubsistenceCosts()
5521                     {
5522                       synchronized (monitor())
5523                       {
5524                         check_orphaned();
5525                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELSUBSISTENCECOSTS$6, 0);
5526                       }
5527                     }
5529                     /**
5530                      * Gets the "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5531                      */
5532                     public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelTransportationCosts()
5533                     {
5534                       synchronized (monitor())
5535                       {
5536                         check_orphaned();
5537                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5538                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8, 0);
5539                         if (target == null)
5540                         {
5541                           return null;
5542                         }
5543                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5544                       }
5545                     }
5547                     /**
5548                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5549                      */
5550                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetTravelTransportationCosts()
5551                     {
5552                       synchronized (monitor())
5553                       {
5554                         check_orphaned();
5555                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5556                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8, 0);
5557                         return target;
5558                       }
5559                     }
5561                     /**
5562                      * True if has "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5563                      */
5564                     public boolean isSetTravelTransportationCosts()
5565                     {
5566                       synchronized (monitor())
5567                       {
5568                         check_orphaned();
5569                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8) != 0;
5570                       }
5571                     }
5573                     /**
5574                      * Sets the "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5575                      */
5576                     public void setTravelTransportationCosts(java.math.BigDecimal travelTransportationCosts)
5577                     {
5578                       synchronized (monitor())
5579                       {
5580                         check_orphaned();
5581                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5582                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8, 0);
5583                         if (target == null)
5584                         {
5585                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8);
5586                         }
5587                         target.setBigDecimalValue(travelTransportationCosts);
5588                       }
5589                     }
5591                     /**
5592                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5593                      */
5594                     public void xsetTravelTransportationCosts(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType travelTransportationCosts)
5595                     {
5596                       synchronized (monitor())
5597                       {
5598                         check_orphaned();
5599                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5600                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8, 0);
5601                         if (target == null)
5602                         {
5603                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8);
5604                         }
5605                         target.set(travelTransportationCosts);
5606                       }
5607                     }
5609                     /**
5610                      * Unsets the "TravelTransportationCosts" element
5611                      */
5612                     public void unsetTravelTransportationCosts()
5613                     {
5614                       synchronized (monitor())
5615                       {
5616                         check_orphaned();
5617                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELTRANSPORTATIONCOSTS$8, 0);
5618                       }
5619                     }
5621                     /**
5622                      * Gets the "TravelFunds" element
5623                      */
5624                     public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelFunds()
5625                     {
5626                       synchronized (monitor())
5627                       {
5628                         check_orphaned();
5629                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5630                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10, 0);
5631                         if (target == null)
5632                         {
5633                           return null;
5634                         }
5635                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5636                       }
5637                     }
5639                     /**
5640                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelFunds" element
5641                      */
5642                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetTravelFunds()
5643                     {
5644                       synchronized (monitor())
5645                       {
5646                         check_orphaned();
5647                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5648                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10, 0);
5649                         return target;
5650                       }
5651                     }
5653                     /**
5654                      * True if has "TravelFunds" element
5655                      */
5656                     public boolean isSetTravelFunds()
5657                     {
5658                       synchronized (monitor())
5659                       {
5660                         check_orphaned();
5661                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELFUNDS$10) != 0;
5662                       }
5663                     }
5665                     /**
5666                      * Sets the "TravelFunds" element
5667                      */
5668                     public void setTravelFunds(java.math.BigDecimal travelFunds)
5669                     {
5670                       synchronized (monitor())
5671                       {
5672                         check_orphaned();
5673                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5674                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10, 0);
5675                         if (target == null)
5676                         {
5677                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10);
5678                         }
5679                         target.setBigDecimalValue(travelFunds);
5680                       }
5681                     }
5683                     /**
5684                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelFunds" element
5685                      */
5686                     public void xsetTravelFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType travelFunds)
5687                     {
5688                       synchronized (monitor())
5689                       {
5690                         check_orphaned();
5691                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5692                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10, 0);
5693                         if (target == null)
5694                         {
5695                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELFUNDS$10);
5696                         }
5697                         target.set(travelFunds);
5698                       }
5699                     }
5701                     /**
5702                      * Unsets the "TravelFunds" element
5703                      */
5704                     public void unsetTravelFunds()
5705                     {
5706                       synchronized (monitor())
5707                       {
5708                         check_orphaned();
5709                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELFUNDS$10, 0);
5710                       }
5711                     }
5713                     /**
5714                      * Gets the "TravelCostSharing" element
5715                      */
5716                     public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelCostSharing()
5717                     {
5718                       synchronized (monitor())
5719                       {
5720                         check_orphaned();
5721                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5722                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12, 0);
5723                         if (target == null)
5724                         {
5725                           return null;
5726                         }
5727                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5728                       }
5729                     }
5731                     /**
5732                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelCostSharing" element
5733                      */
5734                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetTravelCostSharing()
5735                     {
5736                       synchronized (monitor())
5737                       {
5738                         check_orphaned();
5739                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5740                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12, 0);
5741                         return target;
5742                       }
5743                     }
5745                     /**
5746                      * True if has "TravelCostSharing" element
5747                      */
5748                     public boolean isSetTravelCostSharing()
5749                     {
5750                       synchronized (monitor())
5751                       {
5752                         check_orphaned();
5753                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12) != 0;
5754                       }
5755                     }
5757                     /**
5758                      * Sets the "TravelCostSharing" element
5759                      */
5760                     public void setTravelCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal travelCostSharing)
5761                     {
5762                       synchronized (monitor())
5763                       {
5764                         check_orphaned();
5765                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5766                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12, 0);
5767                         if (target == null)
5768                         {
5769                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12);
5770                         }
5771                         target.setBigDecimalValue(travelCostSharing);
5772                       }
5773                     }
5775                     /**
5776                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelCostSharing" element
5777                      */
5778                     public void xsetTravelCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType travelCostSharing)
5779                     {
5780                       synchronized (monitor())
5781                       {
5782                         check_orphaned();
5783                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
5784                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12, 0);
5785                         if (target == null)
5786                         {
5787                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12);
5788                         }
5789                         target.set(travelCostSharing);
5790                       }
5791                     }
5793                     /**
5794                      * Unsets the "TravelCostSharing" element
5795                      */
5796                     public void unsetTravelCostSharing()
5797                     {
5798                       synchronized (monitor())
5799                       {
5800                         check_orphaned();
5801                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELCOSTSHARING$12, 0);
5802                       }
5803                     }
5805                     /**
5806                      * Gets the "TravelTotal" element
5807                      */
5808                     public java.math.BigDecimal getTravelTotal()
5809                     {
5810                       synchronized (monitor())
5811                       {
5812                         check_orphaned();
5813                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5814                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14, 0);
5815                         if (target == null)
5816                         {
5817                           return null;
5818                         }
5819                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
5820                       }
5821                     }
5823                     /**
5824                      * Gets (as xml) the "TravelTotal" element
5825                      */
5826                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTravelTotal()
5827                     {
5828                       synchronized (monitor())
5829                       {
5830                         check_orphaned();
5831                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
5832                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14, 0);
5833                         return target;
5834                       }
5835                     }
5837                     /**
5838                      * True if has "TravelTotal" element
5839                      */
5840                     public boolean isSetTravelTotal()
5841                     {
5842                       synchronized (monitor())
5843                       {
5844                         check_orphaned();
5845                         return get_store().count_elements(TRAVELTOTAL$14) != 0;
5846                       }
5847                     }
5849                     /**
5850                      * Sets the "TravelTotal" element
5851                      */
5852                     public void setTravelTotal(java.math.BigDecimal travelTotal)
5853                     {
5854                       synchronized (monitor())
5855                       {
5856                         check_orphaned();
5857                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
5858                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14, 0);
5859                         if (target == null)
5860                         {
5861                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14);
5862                         }
5863                         target.setBigDecimalValue(travelTotal);
5864                       }
5865                     }
5867                     /**
5868                      * Sets (as xml) the "TravelTotal" element
5869                      */
5870                     public void xsetTravelTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType travelTotal)
5871                     {
5872                       synchronized (monitor())
5873                       {
5874                         check_orphaned();
5875                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
5876                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14, 0);
5877                         if (target == null)
5878                         {
5879                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TRAVELTOTAL$14);
5880                         }
5881                         target.set(travelTotal);
5882                       }
5883                     }
5885                     /**
5886                      * Unsets the "TravelTotal" element
5887                      */
5888                     public void unsetTravelTotal()
5889                     {
5890                       synchronized (monitor())
5891                       {
5892                         check_orphaned();
5893                         get_store().remove_element(TRAVELTOTAL$14, 0);
5894                       }
5895                     }
5896                     /**
5897                      * An XML TravelNumOfPersons(@
5898                      *
5899                      * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$Travels$TravelRow$TravelNumOfPersons.
5900                      */
5901                     public static class TravelNumOfPersonsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaIntHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TravelNumOfPersons
5902                     {
5903                       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
5905                       public TravelNumOfPersonsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
5906                       {
5907                         super(sType, false);
5908                       }
5910                       protected TravelNumOfPersonsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
5911                       {
5912                         super(sType, b);
5913                       }
5914                     }
5915                     /**
5916                      * An XML TotalTravelDays(@
5917                      *
5918                      * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$Travels$TravelRow$TotalTravelDays.
5919                      */
5920                     public static class TotalTravelDaysImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaIntHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Travels.TravelRow.TotalTravelDays
5921                     {
5922                       private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
5924                       public TotalTravelDaysImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
5925                       {
5926                         super(sType, false);
5927                       }
5929                       protected TotalTravelDaysImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
5930                       {
5931                         super(sType, b);
5932                       }
5933                     }
5934                 }
5935             }
5936             /**
5937              * An XML SuppliesMaterials(@
5938              *
5939              * This is a complex type.
5940              */
5941             public static class SuppliesMaterialsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials
5942             {
5943                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
5945                 public SuppliesMaterialsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
5946                 {
5947                     super(sType);
5948                 }
5950                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYROW$0 = 
5951                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyRow");
5952                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
5953                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplySubtotalFunds");
5954                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
5955                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplySubtotalCostSharing");
5956                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6 = 
5957                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplySubtotal");
5960                 /**
5961                  * Gets array of all "SupplyRow" elements
5962                  */
5963                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow[] getSupplyRowArray()
5964                 {
5965                     synchronized (monitor())
5966                     {
5967                       check_orphaned();
5968                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
5969                       get_store().find_all_element_users(SUPPLYROW$0, targetList);
5970                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow[targetList.size()];
5971                       targetList.toArray(result);
5972                       return result;
5973                     }
5974                 }
5976                 /**
5977                  * Gets ith "SupplyRow" element
5978                  */
5979                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow getSupplyRowArray(int i)
5980                 {
5981                     synchronized (monitor())
5982                     {
5983                       check_orphaned();
5984                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow target = null;
5985                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYROW$0, i);
5986                       if (target == null)
5987                       {
5988                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
5989                       }
5990                       return target;
5991                     }
5992                 }
5994                 /**
5995                  * Returns number of "SupplyRow" element
5996                  */
5997                 public int sizeOfSupplyRowArray()
5998                 {
5999                     synchronized (monitor())
6000                     {
6001                       check_orphaned();
6002                       return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYROW$0);
6003                     }
6004                 }
6006                 /**
6007                  * Sets array of all "SupplyRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
6008                  */
6009                 public void setSupplyRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow[] supplyRowArray)
6010                 {
6011                     check_orphaned();
6012                     arraySetterHelper(supplyRowArray, SUPPLYROW$0);
6013                 }
6015                 /**
6016                  * Sets ith "SupplyRow" element
6017                  */
6018                 public void setSupplyRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow supplyRow)
6019                 {
6020                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(supplyRow, SUPPLYROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
6021                 }
6023                 /**
6024                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "SupplyRow" element
6025                  */
6026                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow insertNewSupplyRow(int i)
6027                 {
6028                     synchronized (monitor())
6029                     {
6030                       check_orphaned();
6031                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow target = null;
6032                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow)get_store().insert_element_user(SUPPLYROW$0, i);
6033                       return target;
6034                     }
6035                 }
6037                 /**
6038                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "SupplyRow" element
6039                  */
6040                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow addNewSupplyRow()
6041                 {
6042                     synchronized (monitor())
6043                     {
6044                       check_orphaned();
6045                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow target = null;
6046                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYROW$0);
6047                       return target;
6048                     }
6049                 }
6051                 /**
6052                  * Removes the ith "SupplyRow" element
6053                  */
6054                 public void removeSupplyRow(int i)
6055                 {
6056                     synchronized (monitor())
6057                     {
6058                       check_orphaned();
6059                       get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYROW$0, i);
6060                     }
6061                 }
6063                 /**
6064                  * Gets the "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6065                  */
6066                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplySubtotalFunds()
6067                 {
6068                     synchronized (monitor())
6069                     {
6070                       check_orphaned();
6071                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6072                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6073                       if (target == null)
6074                       {
6075                         return null;
6076                       }
6077                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6078                     }
6079                 }
6081                 /**
6082                  * Gets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6083                  */
6084                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSupplySubtotalFunds()
6085                 {
6086                     synchronized (monitor())
6087                     {
6088                       check_orphaned();
6089                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6090                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6091                       return target;
6092                     }
6093                 }
6095                 /**
6096                  * True if has "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6097                  */
6098                 public boolean isSetSupplySubtotalFunds()
6099                 {
6100                     synchronized (monitor())
6101                     {
6102                       check_orphaned();
6103                       return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
6104                     }
6105                 }
6107                 /**
6108                  * Sets the "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6109                  */
6110                 public void setSupplySubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal supplySubtotalFunds)
6111                 {
6112                     synchronized (monitor())
6113                     {
6114                       check_orphaned();
6115                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6116                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6117                       if (target == null)
6118                       {
6119                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
6120                       }
6121                       target.setBigDecimalValue(supplySubtotalFunds);
6122                     }
6123                 }
6125                 /**
6126                  * Sets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6127                  */
6128                 public void xsetSupplySubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType supplySubtotalFunds)
6129                 {
6130                     synchronized (monitor())
6131                     {
6132                       check_orphaned();
6133                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6134                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6135                       if (target == null)
6136                       {
6137                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
6138                       }
6139                       target.set(supplySubtotalFunds);
6140                     }
6141                 }
6143                 /**
6144                  * Unsets the "SupplySubtotalFunds" element
6145                  */
6146                 public void unsetSupplySubtotalFunds()
6147                 {
6148                     synchronized (monitor())
6149                     {
6150                       check_orphaned();
6151                       get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6152                     }
6153                 }
6155                 /**
6156                  * Gets the "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6157                  */
6158                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplySubtotalCostSharing()
6159                 {
6160                     synchronized (monitor())
6161                     {
6162                       check_orphaned();
6163                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6164                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
6165                       if (target == null)
6166                       {
6167                         return null;
6168                       }
6169                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6170                     }
6171                 }
6173                 /**
6174                  * Gets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6175                  */
6176                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSupplySubtotalCostSharing()
6177                 {
6178                     synchronized (monitor())
6179                     {
6180                       check_orphaned();
6181                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6182                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
6183                       return target;
6184                     }
6185                 }
6187                 /**
6188                  * True if has "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6189                  */
6190                 public boolean isSetSupplySubtotalCostSharing()
6191                 {
6192                     synchronized (monitor())
6193                     {
6194                       check_orphaned();
6195                       return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
6196                     }
6197                 }
6199                 /**
6200                  * Sets the "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6201                  */
6202                 public void setSupplySubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal supplySubtotalCostSharing)
6203                 {
6204                     synchronized (monitor())
6205                     {
6206                       check_orphaned();
6207                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6208                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
6209                       if (target == null)
6210                       {
6211                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
6212                       }
6213                       target.setBigDecimalValue(supplySubtotalCostSharing);
6214                     }
6215                 }
6217                 /**
6218                  * Sets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6219                  */
6220                 public void xsetSupplySubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType supplySubtotalCostSharing)
6221                 {
6222                     synchronized (monitor())
6223                     {
6224                       check_orphaned();
6225                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6226                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
6227                       if (target == null)
6228                       {
6229                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
6230                       }
6231                       target.set(supplySubtotalCostSharing);
6232                     }
6233                 }
6235                 /**
6236                  * Unsets the "SupplySubtotalCostSharing" element
6237                  */
6238                 public void unsetSupplySubtotalCostSharing()
6239                 {
6240                     synchronized (monitor())
6241                     {
6242                       check_orphaned();
6243                       get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
6244                     }
6245                 }
6247                 /**
6248                  * Gets the "SupplySubtotal" element
6249                  */
6250                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplySubtotal()
6251                 {
6252                     synchronized (monitor())
6253                     {
6254                       check_orphaned();
6255                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6256                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
6257                       if (target == null)
6258                       {
6259                         return null;
6260                       }
6261                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6262                     }
6263                 }
6265                 /**
6266                  * Gets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotal" element
6267                  */
6268                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSupplySubtotal()
6269                 {
6270                     synchronized (monitor())
6271                     {
6272                       check_orphaned();
6273                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6274                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
6275                       return target;
6276                     }
6277                 }
6279                 /**
6280                  * True if has "SupplySubtotal" element
6281                  */
6282                 public boolean isSetSupplySubtotal()
6283                 {
6284                     synchronized (monitor())
6285                     {
6286                       check_orphaned();
6287                       return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
6288                     }
6289                 }
6291                 /**
6292                  * Sets the "SupplySubtotal" element
6293                  */
6294                 public void setSupplySubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal supplySubtotal)
6295                 {
6296                     synchronized (monitor())
6297                     {
6298                       check_orphaned();
6299                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6300                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
6301                       if (target == null)
6302                       {
6303                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6);
6304                       }
6305                       target.setBigDecimalValue(supplySubtotal);
6306                     }
6307                 }
6309                 /**
6310                  * Sets (as xml) the "SupplySubtotal" element
6311                  */
6312                 public void xsetSupplySubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType supplySubtotal)
6313                 {
6314                     synchronized (monitor())
6315                     {
6316                       check_orphaned();
6317                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6318                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
6319                       if (target == null)
6320                       {
6321                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6);
6322                       }
6323                       target.set(supplySubtotal);
6324                     }
6325                 }
6327                 /**
6328                  * Unsets the "SupplySubtotal" element
6329                  */
6330                 public void unsetSupplySubtotal()
6331                 {
6332                     synchronized (monitor())
6333                     {
6334                       check_orphaned();
6335                       get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
6336                     }
6337                 }
6338                 /**
6339                  * An XML SupplyRow(@
6340                  *
6341                  * This is a complex type.
6342                  */
6343                 public static class SupplyRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SuppliesMaterials.SupplyRow
6344                 {
6345                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
6347                     public SupplyRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
6348                     {
6349                       super(sType);
6350                     }
6352                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYITEM$0 = 
6353                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyItem");
6354                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2 = 
6355                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation");
6356                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYFUNDS$4 = 
6357                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyFunds");
6358                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6 = 
6359                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyCostSharing");
6360                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUPPLYTOTAL$8 = 
6361                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SupplyTotal");
6364                     /**
6365                      * Gets the "SupplyItem" element
6366                      */
6367                     public java.lang.String getSupplyItem()
6368                     {
6369                       synchronized (monitor())
6370                       {
6371                         check_orphaned();
6372                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6373                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0, 0);
6374                         if (target == null)
6375                         {
6376                           return null;
6377                         }
6378                         return target.getStringValue();
6379                       }
6380                     }
6382                     /**
6383                      * Gets (as xml) the "SupplyItem" element
6384                      */
6385                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetSupplyItem()
6386                     {
6387                       synchronized (monitor())
6388                       {
6389                         check_orphaned();
6390                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
6391                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0, 0);
6392                         return target;
6393                       }
6394                     }
6396                     /**
6397                      * True if has "SupplyItem" element
6398                      */
6399                     public boolean isSetSupplyItem()
6400                     {
6401                       synchronized (monitor())
6402                       {
6403                         check_orphaned();
6404                         return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYITEM$0) != 0;
6405                       }
6406                     }
6408                     /**
6409                      * Sets the "SupplyItem" element
6410                      */
6411                     public void setSupplyItem(java.lang.String supplyItem)
6412                     {
6413                       synchronized (monitor())
6414                       {
6415                         check_orphaned();
6416                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6417                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0, 0);
6418                         if (target == null)
6419                         {
6420                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0);
6421                         }
6422                         target.setStringValue(supplyItem);
6423                       }
6424                     }
6426                     /**
6427                      * Sets (as xml) the "SupplyItem" element
6428                      */
6429                     public void xsetSupplyItem(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType supplyItem)
6430                     {
6431                       synchronized (monitor())
6432                       {
6433                         check_orphaned();
6434                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
6435                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0, 0);
6436                         if (target == null)
6437                         {
6438                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYITEM$0);
6439                         }
6440                         target.set(supplyItem);
6441                       }
6442                     }
6444                     /**
6445                      * Unsets the "SupplyItem" element
6446                      */
6447                     public void unsetSupplyItem()
6448                     {
6449                       synchronized (monitor())
6450                       {
6451                         check_orphaned();
6452                         get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYITEM$0, 0);
6453                       }
6454                     }
6456                     /**
6457                      * Gets the "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6458                      */
6459                     public java.lang.String getSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation()
6460                     {
6461                       synchronized (monitor())
6462                       {
6463                         check_orphaned();
6464                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6465                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
6466                         if (target == null)
6467                         {
6468                           return null;
6469                         }
6470                         return target.getStringValue();
6471                       }
6472                     }
6474                     /**
6475                      * Gets (as xml) the "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6476                      */
6477                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation()
6478                     {
6479                       synchronized (monitor())
6480                       {
6481                         check_orphaned();
6482                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
6483                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
6484                         return target;
6485                       }
6486                     }
6488                     /**
6489                      * True if has "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6490                      */
6491                     public boolean isSetSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation()
6492                     {
6493                       synchronized (monitor())
6494                       {
6495                         check_orphaned();
6496                         return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2) != 0;
6497                       }
6498                     }
6500                     /**
6501                      * Sets the "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6502                      */
6503                     public void setSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation(java.lang.String supplyBasisMethodOfComputation)
6504                     {
6505                       synchronized (monitor())
6506                       {
6507                         check_orphaned();
6508                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6509                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
6510                         if (target == null)
6511                         {
6512                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
6513                         }
6514                         target.setStringValue(supplyBasisMethodOfComputation);
6515                       }
6516                     }
6518                     /**
6519                      * Sets (as xml) the "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6520                      */
6521                     public void xsetSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType supplyBasisMethodOfComputation)
6522                     {
6523                       synchronized (monitor())
6524                       {
6525                         check_orphaned();
6526                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
6527                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
6528                         if (target == null)
6529                         {
6530                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
6531                         }
6532                         target.set(supplyBasisMethodOfComputation);
6533                       }
6534                     }
6536                     /**
6537                      * Unsets the "SupplyBasisMethodOfComputation" element
6538                      */
6539                     public void unsetSupplyBasisMethodOfComputation()
6540                     {
6541                       synchronized (monitor())
6542                       {
6543                         check_orphaned();
6544                         get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
6545                       }
6546                     }
6548                     /**
6549                      * Gets the "SupplyFunds" element
6550                      */
6551                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplyFunds()
6552                     {
6553                       synchronized (monitor())
6554                       {
6555                         check_orphaned();
6556                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6557                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4, 0);
6558                         if (target == null)
6559                         {
6560                           return null;
6561                         }
6562                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6563                       }
6564                     }
6566                     /**
6567                      * Gets (as xml) the "SupplyFunds" element
6568                      */
6569                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetSupplyFunds()
6570                     {
6571                       synchronized (monitor())
6572                       {
6573                         check_orphaned();
6574                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
6575                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4, 0);
6576                         return target;
6577                       }
6578                     }
6580                     /**
6581                      * True if has "SupplyFunds" element
6582                      */
6583                     public boolean isSetSupplyFunds()
6584                     {
6585                       synchronized (monitor())
6586                       {
6587                         check_orphaned();
6588                         return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYFUNDS$4) != 0;
6589                       }
6590                     }
6592                     /**
6593                      * Sets the "SupplyFunds" element
6594                      */
6595                     public void setSupplyFunds(java.math.BigDecimal supplyFunds)
6596                     {
6597                       synchronized (monitor())
6598                       {
6599                         check_orphaned();
6600                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6601                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4, 0);
6602                         if (target == null)
6603                         {
6604                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4);
6605                         }
6606                         target.setBigDecimalValue(supplyFunds);
6607                       }
6608                     }
6610                     /**
6611                      * Sets (as xml) the "SupplyFunds" element
6612                      */
6613                     public void xsetSupplyFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType supplyFunds)
6614                     {
6615                       synchronized (monitor())
6616                       {
6617                         check_orphaned();
6618                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
6619                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4, 0);
6620                         if (target == null)
6621                         {
6622                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYFUNDS$4);
6623                         }
6624                         target.set(supplyFunds);
6625                       }
6626                     }
6628                     /**
6629                      * Unsets the "SupplyFunds" element
6630                      */
6631                     public void unsetSupplyFunds()
6632                     {
6633                       synchronized (monitor())
6634                       {
6635                         check_orphaned();
6636                         get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYFUNDS$4, 0);
6637                       }
6638                     }
6640                     /**
6641                      * Gets the "SupplyCostSharing" element
6642                      */
6643                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplyCostSharing()
6644                     {
6645                       synchronized (monitor())
6646                       {
6647                         check_orphaned();
6648                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6649                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
6650                         if (target == null)
6651                         {
6652                           return null;
6653                         }
6654                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6655                       }
6656                     }
6658                     /**
6659                      * Gets (as xml) the "SupplyCostSharing" element
6660                      */
6661                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetSupplyCostSharing()
6662                     {
6663                       synchronized (monitor())
6664                       {
6665                         check_orphaned();
6666                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
6667                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
6668                         return target;
6669                       }
6670                     }
6672                     /**
6673                      * True if has "SupplyCostSharing" element
6674                      */
6675                     public boolean isSetSupplyCostSharing()
6676                     {
6677                       synchronized (monitor())
6678                       {
6679                         check_orphaned();
6680                         return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6) != 0;
6681                       }
6682                     }
6684                     /**
6685                      * Sets the "SupplyCostSharing" element
6686                      */
6687                     public void setSupplyCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal supplyCostSharing)
6688                     {
6689                       synchronized (monitor())
6690                       {
6691                         check_orphaned();
6692                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6693                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
6694                         if (target == null)
6695                         {
6696                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6);
6697                         }
6698                         target.setBigDecimalValue(supplyCostSharing);
6699                       }
6700                     }
6702                     /**
6703                      * Sets (as xml) the "SupplyCostSharing" element
6704                      */
6705                     public void xsetSupplyCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType supplyCostSharing)
6706                     {
6707                       synchronized (monitor())
6708                       {
6709                         check_orphaned();
6710                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
6711                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
6712                         if (target == null)
6713                         {
6714                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6);
6715                         }
6716                         target.set(supplyCostSharing);
6717                       }
6718                     }
6720                     /**
6721                      * Unsets the "SupplyCostSharing" element
6722                      */
6723                     public void unsetSupplyCostSharing()
6724                     {
6725                       synchronized (monitor())
6726                       {
6727                         check_orphaned();
6728                         get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
6729                       }
6730                     }
6732                     /**
6733                      * Gets the "SupplyTotal" element
6734                      */
6735                     public java.math.BigDecimal getSupplyTotal()
6736                     {
6737                       synchronized (monitor())
6738                       {
6739                         check_orphaned();
6740                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6741                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8, 0);
6742                         if (target == null)
6743                         {
6744                           return null;
6745                         }
6746                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6747                       }
6748                     }
6750                     /**
6751                      * Gets (as xml) the "SupplyTotal" element
6752                      */
6753                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSupplyTotal()
6754                     {
6755                       synchronized (monitor())
6756                       {
6757                         check_orphaned();
6758                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6759                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8, 0);
6760                         return target;
6761                       }
6762                     }
6764                     /**
6765                      * True if has "SupplyTotal" element
6766                      */
6767                     public boolean isSetSupplyTotal()
6768                     {
6769                       synchronized (monitor())
6770                       {
6771                         check_orphaned();
6772                         return get_store().count_elements(SUPPLYTOTAL$8) != 0;
6773                       }
6774                     }
6776                     /**
6777                      * Sets the "SupplyTotal" element
6778                      */
6779                     public void setSupplyTotal(java.math.BigDecimal supplyTotal)
6780                     {
6781                       synchronized (monitor())
6782                       {
6783                         check_orphaned();
6784                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6785                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8, 0);
6786                         if (target == null)
6787                         {
6788                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8);
6789                         }
6790                         target.setBigDecimalValue(supplyTotal);
6791                       }
6792                     }
6794                     /**
6795                      * Sets (as xml) the "SupplyTotal" element
6796                      */
6797                     public void xsetSupplyTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType supplyTotal)
6798                     {
6799                       synchronized (monitor())
6800                       {
6801                         check_orphaned();
6802                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6803                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8, 0);
6804                         if (target == null)
6805                         {
6806                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUPPLYTOTAL$8);
6807                         }
6808                         target.set(supplyTotal);
6809                       }
6810                     }
6812                     /**
6813                      * Unsets the "SupplyTotal" element
6814                      */
6815                     public void unsetSupplyTotal()
6816                     {
6817                       synchronized (monitor())
6818                       {
6819                         check_orphaned();
6820                         get_store().remove_element(SUPPLYTOTAL$8, 0);
6821                       }
6822                     }
6823                 }
6824             }
6825             /**
6826              * An XML Services(@
6827              *
6828              * This is a complex type.
6829              */
6830             public static class ServicesImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services
6831             {
6832                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
6834                 public ServicesImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
6835                 {
6836                     super(sType);
6837                 }
6839                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICEROW$0 = 
6840                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServiceRow");
6841                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
6842                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesSubtotalFunds");
6843                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
6844                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing");
6845                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6 = 
6846                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesSubtotal");
6849                 /**
6850                  * Gets array of all "ServiceRow" elements
6851                  */
6852                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow[] getServiceRowArray()
6853                 {
6854                     synchronized (monitor())
6855                     {
6856                       check_orphaned();
6857                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
6858                       get_store().find_all_element_users(SERVICEROW$0, targetList);
6859                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow[targetList.size()];
6860                       targetList.toArray(result);
6861                       return result;
6862                     }
6863                 }
6865                 /**
6866                  * Gets ith "ServiceRow" element
6867                  */
6868                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow getServiceRowArray(int i)
6869                 {
6870                     synchronized (monitor())
6871                     {
6872                       check_orphaned();
6873                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow target = null;
6874                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICEROW$0, i);
6875                       if (target == null)
6876                       {
6877                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
6878                       }
6879                       return target;
6880                     }
6881                 }
6883                 /**
6884                  * Returns number of "ServiceRow" element
6885                  */
6886                 public int sizeOfServiceRowArray()
6887                 {
6888                     synchronized (monitor())
6889                     {
6890                       check_orphaned();
6891                       return get_store().count_elements(SERVICEROW$0);
6892                     }
6893                 }
6895                 /**
6896                  * Sets array of all "ServiceRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
6897                  */
6898                 public void setServiceRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow[] serviceRowArray)
6899                 {
6900                     check_orphaned();
6901                     arraySetterHelper(serviceRowArray, SERVICEROW$0);
6902                 }
6904                 /**
6905                  * Sets ith "ServiceRow" element
6906                  */
6907                 public void setServiceRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow serviceRow)
6908                 {
6909                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(serviceRow, SERVICEROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
6910                 }
6912                 /**
6913                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "ServiceRow" element
6914                  */
6915                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow insertNewServiceRow(int i)
6916                 {
6917                     synchronized (monitor())
6918                     {
6919                       check_orphaned();
6920                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow target = null;
6921                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow)get_store().insert_element_user(SERVICEROW$0, i);
6922                       return target;
6923                     }
6924                 }
6926                 /**
6927                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "ServiceRow" element
6928                  */
6929                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow addNewServiceRow()
6930                 {
6931                     synchronized (monitor())
6932                     {
6933                       check_orphaned();
6934                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow target = null;
6935                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICEROW$0);
6936                       return target;
6937                     }
6938                 }
6940                 /**
6941                  * Removes the ith "ServiceRow" element
6942                  */
6943                 public void removeServiceRow(int i)
6944                 {
6945                     synchronized (monitor())
6946                     {
6947                       check_orphaned();
6948                       get_store().remove_element(SERVICEROW$0, i);
6949                     }
6950                 }
6952                 /**
6953                  * Gets the "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
6954                  */
6955                 public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesSubtotalFunds()
6956                 {
6957                     synchronized (monitor())
6958                     {
6959                       check_orphaned();
6960                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
6961                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6962                       if (target == null)
6963                       {
6964                         return null;
6965                       }
6966                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
6967                     }
6968                 }
6970                 /**
6971                  * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
6972                  */
6973                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetServicesSubtotalFunds()
6974                 {
6975                     synchronized (monitor())
6976                     {
6977                       check_orphaned();
6978                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
6979                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
6980                       return target;
6981                     }
6982                 }
6984                 /**
6985                  * True if has "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
6986                  */
6987                 public boolean isSetServicesSubtotalFunds()
6988                 {
6989                     synchronized (monitor())
6990                     {
6991                       check_orphaned();
6992                       return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
6993                     }
6994                 }
6996                 /**
6997                  * Sets the "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
6998                  */
6999                 public void setServicesSubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal servicesSubtotalFunds)
7000                 {
7001                     synchronized (monitor())
7002                     {
7003                       check_orphaned();
7004                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7005                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7006                       if (target == null)
7007                       {
7008                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
7009                       }
7010                       target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesSubtotalFunds);
7011                     }
7012                 }
7014                 /**
7015                  * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
7016                  */
7017                 public void xsetServicesSubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType servicesSubtotalFunds)
7018                 {
7019                     synchronized (monitor())
7020                     {
7021                       check_orphaned();
7022                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7023                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7024                       if (target == null)
7025                       {
7026                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
7027                       }
7028                       target.set(servicesSubtotalFunds);
7029                     }
7030                 }
7032                 /**
7033                  * Unsets the "ServicesSubtotalFunds" element
7034                  */
7035                 public void unsetServicesSubtotalFunds()
7036                 {
7037                     synchronized (monitor())
7038                     {
7039                       check_orphaned();
7040                       get_store().remove_element(SERVICESSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7041                     }
7042                 }
7044                 /**
7045                  * Gets the "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7046                  */
7047                 public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesSubtotalCostSharing()
7048                 {
7049                     synchronized (monitor())
7050                     {
7051                       check_orphaned();
7052                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7053                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7054                       if (target == null)
7055                       {
7056                         return null;
7057                       }
7058                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7059                     }
7060                 }
7062                 /**
7063                  * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7064                  */
7065                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetServicesSubtotalCostSharing()
7066                 {
7067                     synchronized (monitor())
7068                     {
7069                       check_orphaned();
7070                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7071                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7072                       return target;
7073                     }
7074                 }
7076                 /**
7077                  * True if has "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7078                  */
7079                 public boolean isSetServicesSubtotalCostSharing()
7080                 {
7081                     synchronized (monitor())
7082                     {
7083                       check_orphaned();
7084                       return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
7085                     }
7086                 }
7088                 /**
7089                  * Sets the "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7090                  */
7091                 public void setServicesSubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal servicesSubtotalCostSharing)
7092                 {
7093                     synchronized (monitor())
7094                     {
7095                       check_orphaned();
7096                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7097                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7098                       if (target == null)
7099                       {
7100                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
7101                       }
7102                       target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesSubtotalCostSharing);
7103                     }
7104                 }
7106                 /**
7107                  * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7108                  */
7109                 public void xsetServicesSubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType servicesSubtotalCostSharing)
7110                 {
7111                     synchronized (monitor())
7112                     {
7113                       check_orphaned();
7114                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7115                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7116                       if (target == null)
7117                       {
7118                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
7119                       }
7120                       target.set(servicesSubtotalCostSharing);
7121                     }
7122                 }
7124                 /**
7125                  * Unsets the "ServicesSubtotalCostSharing" element
7126                  */
7127                 public void unsetServicesSubtotalCostSharing()
7128                 {
7129                     synchronized (monitor())
7130                     {
7131                       check_orphaned();
7132                       get_store().remove_element(SERVICESSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7133                     }
7134                 }
7136                 /**
7137                  * Gets the "ServicesSubtotal" element
7138                  */
7139                 public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesSubtotal()
7140                 {
7141                     synchronized (monitor())
7142                     {
7143                       check_orphaned();
7144                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7145                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
7146                       if (target == null)
7147                       {
7148                         return null;
7149                       }
7150                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7151                     }
7152                 }
7154                 /**
7155                  * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotal" element
7156                  */
7157                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetServicesSubtotal()
7158                 {
7159                     synchronized (monitor())
7160                     {
7161                       check_orphaned();
7162                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7163                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
7164                       return target;
7165                     }
7166                 }
7168                 /**
7169                  * True if has "ServicesSubtotal" element
7170                  */
7171                 public boolean isSetServicesSubtotal()
7172                 {
7173                     synchronized (monitor())
7174                     {
7175                       check_orphaned();
7176                       return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
7177                     }
7178                 }
7180                 /**
7181                  * Sets the "ServicesSubtotal" element
7182                  */
7183                 public void setServicesSubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal servicesSubtotal)
7184                 {
7185                     synchronized (monitor())
7186                     {
7187                       check_orphaned();
7188                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7189                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
7190                       if (target == null)
7191                       {
7192                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6);
7193                       }
7194                       target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesSubtotal);
7195                     }
7196                 }
7198                 /**
7199                  * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesSubtotal" element
7200                  */
7201                 public void xsetServicesSubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType servicesSubtotal)
7202                 {
7203                     synchronized (monitor())
7204                     {
7205                       check_orphaned();
7206                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7207                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
7208                       if (target == null)
7209                       {
7210                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6);
7211                       }
7212                       target.set(servicesSubtotal);
7213                     }
7214                 }
7216                 /**
7217                  * Unsets the "ServicesSubtotal" element
7218                  */
7219                 public void unsetServicesSubtotal()
7220                 {
7221                     synchronized (monitor())
7222                     {
7223                       check_orphaned();
7224                       get_store().remove_element(SERVICESSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
7225                     }
7226                 }
7227                 /**
7228                  * An XML ServiceRow(@
7229                  *
7230                  * This is a complex type.
7231                  */
7232                 public static class ServiceRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.Services.ServiceRow
7233                 {
7234                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
7236                     public ServiceRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
7237                     {
7238                       super(sType);
7239                     }
7241                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESITEM$0 = 
7242                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesItem");
7243                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2 = 
7244                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation");
7245                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESFUNDS$4 = 
7246                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesFunds");
7247                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6 = 
7248                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesCostSharing");
7249                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SERVICESTOTAL$8 = 
7250                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ServicesTotal");
7253                     /**
7254                      * Gets the "ServicesItem" element
7255                      */
7256                     public java.lang.String getServicesItem()
7257                     {
7258                       synchronized (monitor())
7259                       {
7260                         check_orphaned();
7261                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7262                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0, 0);
7263                         if (target == null)
7264                         {
7265                           return null;
7266                         }
7267                         return target.getStringValue();
7268                       }
7269                     }
7271                     /**
7272                      * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesItem" element
7273                      */
7274                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetServicesItem()
7275                     {
7276                       synchronized (monitor())
7277                       {
7278                         check_orphaned();
7279                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
7280                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0, 0);
7281                         return target;
7282                       }
7283                     }
7285                     /**
7286                      * True if has "ServicesItem" element
7287                      */
7288                     public boolean isSetServicesItem()
7289                     {
7290                       synchronized (monitor())
7291                       {
7292                         check_orphaned();
7293                         return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESITEM$0) != 0;
7294                       }
7295                     }
7297                     /**
7298                      * Sets the "ServicesItem" element
7299                      */
7300                     public void setServicesItem(java.lang.String servicesItem)
7301                     {
7302                       synchronized (monitor())
7303                       {
7304                         check_orphaned();
7305                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7306                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0, 0);
7307                         if (target == null)
7308                         {
7309                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0);
7310                         }
7311                         target.setStringValue(servicesItem);
7312                       }
7313                     }
7315                     /**
7316                      * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesItem" element
7317                      */
7318                     public void xsetServicesItem(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType servicesItem)
7319                     {
7320                       synchronized (monitor())
7321                       {
7322                         check_orphaned();
7323                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
7324                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0, 0);
7325                         if (target == null)
7326                         {
7327                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESITEM$0);
7328                         }
7329                         target.set(servicesItem);
7330                       }
7331                     }
7333                     /**
7334                      * Unsets the "ServicesItem" element
7335                      */
7336                     public void unsetServicesItem()
7337                     {
7338                       synchronized (monitor())
7339                       {
7340                         check_orphaned();
7341                         get_store().remove_element(SERVICESITEM$0, 0);
7342                       }
7343                     }
7345                     /**
7346                      * Gets the "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7347                      */
7348                     public java.lang.String getServicesBasisMethodOfComputation()
7349                     {
7350                       synchronized (monitor())
7351                       {
7352                         check_orphaned();
7353                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7354                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
7355                         if (target == null)
7356                         {
7357                           return null;
7358                         }
7359                         return target.getStringValue();
7360                       }
7361                     }
7363                     /**
7364                      * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7365                      */
7366                     public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString xgetServicesBasisMethodOfComputation()
7367                     {
7368                       synchronized (monitor())
7369                       {
7370                         check_orphaned();
7371                         org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString target = null;
7372                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
7373                         return target;
7374                       }
7375                     }
7377                     /**
7378                      * True if has "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7379                      */
7380                     public boolean isSetServicesBasisMethodOfComputation()
7381                     {
7382                       synchronized (monitor())
7383                       {
7384                         check_orphaned();
7385                         return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2) != 0;
7386                       }
7387                     }
7389                     /**
7390                      * Sets the "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7391                      */
7392                     public void setServicesBasisMethodOfComputation(java.lang.String servicesBasisMethodOfComputation)
7393                     {
7394                       synchronized (monitor())
7395                       {
7396                         check_orphaned();
7397                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7398                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
7399                         if (target == null)
7400                         {
7401                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
7402                         }
7403                         target.setStringValue(servicesBasisMethodOfComputation);
7404                       }
7405                     }
7407                     /**
7408                      * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7409                      */
7410                     public void xsetServicesBasisMethodOfComputation(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString servicesBasisMethodOfComputation)
7411                     {
7412                       synchronized (monitor())
7413                       {
7414                         check_orphaned();
7415                         org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString target = null;
7416                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
7417                         if (target == null)
7418                         {
7419                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlString)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
7420                         }
7421                         target.set(servicesBasisMethodOfComputation);
7422                       }
7423                     }
7425                     /**
7426                      * Unsets the "ServicesBasisMethodOfComputation" element
7427                      */
7428                     public void unsetServicesBasisMethodOfComputation()
7429                     {
7430                       synchronized (monitor())
7431                       {
7432                         check_orphaned();
7433                         get_store().remove_element(SERVICESBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
7434                       }
7435                     }
7437                     /**
7438                      * Gets the "ServicesFunds" element
7439                      */
7440                     public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesFunds()
7441                     {
7442                       synchronized (monitor())
7443                       {
7444                         check_orphaned();
7445                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7446                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4, 0);
7447                         if (target == null)
7448                         {
7449                           return null;
7450                         }
7451                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7452                       }
7453                     }
7455                     /**
7456                      * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesFunds" element
7457                      */
7458                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetServicesFunds()
7459                     {
7460                       synchronized (monitor())
7461                       {
7462                         check_orphaned();
7463                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
7464                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4, 0);
7465                         return target;
7466                       }
7467                     }
7469                     /**
7470                      * True if has "ServicesFunds" element
7471                      */
7472                     public boolean isSetServicesFunds()
7473                     {
7474                       synchronized (monitor())
7475                       {
7476                         check_orphaned();
7477                         return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESFUNDS$4) != 0;
7478                       }
7479                     }
7481                     /**
7482                      * Sets the "ServicesFunds" element
7483                      */
7484                     public void setServicesFunds(java.math.BigDecimal servicesFunds)
7485                     {
7486                       synchronized (monitor())
7487                       {
7488                         check_orphaned();
7489                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7490                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4, 0);
7491                         if (target == null)
7492                         {
7493                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4);
7494                         }
7495                         target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesFunds);
7496                       }
7497                     }
7499                     /**
7500                      * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesFunds" element
7501                      */
7502                     public void xsetServicesFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType servicesFunds)
7503                     {
7504                       synchronized (monitor())
7505                       {
7506                         check_orphaned();
7507                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
7508                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4, 0);
7509                         if (target == null)
7510                         {
7511                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESFUNDS$4);
7512                         }
7513                         target.set(servicesFunds);
7514                       }
7515                     }
7517                     /**
7518                      * Unsets the "ServicesFunds" element
7519                      */
7520                     public void unsetServicesFunds()
7521                     {
7522                       synchronized (monitor())
7523                       {
7524                         check_orphaned();
7525                         get_store().remove_element(SERVICESFUNDS$4, 0);
7526                       }
7527                     }
7529                     /**
7530                      * Gets the "ServicesCostSharing" element
7531                      */
7532                     public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesCostSharing()
7533                     {
7534                       synchronized (monitor())
7535                       {
7536                         check_orphaned();
7537                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7538                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
7539                         if (target == null)
7540                         {
7541                           return null;
7542                         }
7543                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7544                       }
7545                     }
7547                     /**
7548                      * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesCostSharing" element
7549                      */
7550                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetServicesCostSharing()
7551                     {
7552                       synchronized (monitor())
7553                       {
7554                         check_orphaned();
7555                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
7556                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
7557                         return target;
7558                       }
7559                     }
7561                     /**
7562                      * True if has "ServicesCostSharing" element
7563                      */
7564                     public boolean isSetServicesCostSharing()
7565                     {
7566                       synchronized (monitor())
7567                       {
7568                         check_orphaned();
7569                         return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6) != 0;
7570                       }
7571                     }
7573                     /**
7574                      * Sets the "ServicesCostSharing" element
7575                      */
7576                     public void setServicesCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal servicesCostSharing)
7577                     {
7578                       synchronized (monitor())
7579                       {
7580                         check_orphaned();
7581                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7582                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
7583                         if (target == null)
7584                         {
7585                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6);
7586                         }
7587                         target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesCostSharing);
7588                       }
7589                     }
7591                     /**
7592                      * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesCostSharing" element
7593                      */
7594                     public void xsetServicesCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType servicesCostSharing)
7595                     {
7596                       synchronized (monitor())
7597                       {
7598                         check_orphaned();
7599                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
7600                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
7601                         if (target == null)
7602                         {
7603                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6);
7604                         }
7605                         target.set(servicesCostSharing);
7606                       }
7607                     }
7609                     /**
7610                      * Unsets the "ServicesCostSharing" element
7611                      */
7612                     public void unsetServicesCostSharing()
7613                     {
7614                       synchronized (monitor())
7615                       {
7616                         check_orphaned();
7617                         get_store().remove_element(SERVICESCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
7618                       }
7619                     }
7621                     /**
7622                      * Gets the "ServicesTotal" element
7623                      */
7624                     public java.math.BigDecimal getServicesTotal()
7625                     {
7626                       synchronized (monitor())
7627                       {
7628                         check_orphaned();
7629                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7630                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8, 0);
7631                         if (target == null)
7632                         {
7633                           return null;
7634                         }
7635                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7636                       }
7637                     }
7639                     /**
7640                      * Gets (as xml) the "ServicesTotal" element
7641                      */
7642                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetServicesTotal()
7643                     {
7644                       synchronized (monitor())
7645                       {
7646                         check_orphaned();
7647                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7648                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8, 0);
7649                         return target;
7650                       }
7651                     }
7653                     /**
7654                      * True if has "ServicesTotal" element
7655                      */
7656                     public boolean isSetServicesTotal()
7657                     {
7658                       synchronized (monitor())
7659                       {
7660                         check_orphaned();
7661                         return get_store().count_elements(SERVICESTOTAL$8) != 0;
7662                       }
7663                     }
7665                     /**
7666                      * Sets the "ServicesTotal" element
7667                      */
7668                     public void setServicesTotal(java.math.BigDecimal servicesTotal)
7669                     {
7670                       synchronized (monitor())
7671                       {
7672                         check_orphaned();
7673                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7674                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8, 0);
7675                         if (target == null)
7676                         {
7677                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8);
7678                         }
7679                         target.setBigDecimalValue(servicesTotal);
7680                       }
7681                     }
7683                     /**
7684                      * Sets (as xml) the "ServicesTotal" element
7685                      */
7686                     public void xsetServicesTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType servicesTotal)
7687                     {
7688                       synchronized (monitor())
7689                       {
7690                         check_orphaned();
7691                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7692                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8, 0);
7693                         if (target == null)
7694                         {
7695                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SERVICESTOTAL$8);
7696                         }
7697                         target.set(servicesTotal);
7698                       }
7699                     }
7701                     /**
7702                      * Unsets the "ServicesTotal" element
7703                      */
7704                     public void unsetServicesTotal()
7705                     {
7706                       synchronized (monitor())
7707                       {
7708                         check_orphaned();
7709                         get_store().remove_element(SERVICESTOTAL$8, 0);
7710                       }
7711                     }
7712                 }
7713             }
7714             /**
7715              * An XML OtherCosts(@
7716              *
7717              * This is a complex type.
7718              */
7719             public static class OtherCostsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts
7720             {
7721                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
7723                 public OtherCostsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
7724                 {
7725                     super(sType);
7726                 }
7728                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERROW$0 = 
7729                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherRow");
7730                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2 = 
7731                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherSubtotalFunds");
7732                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4 = 
7733                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherSubtotalCostSharing");
7734                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERSUBTOTAL$6 = 
7735                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherSubtotal");
7738                 /**
7739                  * Gets array of all "OtherRow" elements
7740                  */
7741                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow[] getOtherRowArray()
7742                 {
7743                     synchronized (monitor())
7744                     {
7745                       check_orphaned();
7746                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
7747                       get_store().find_all_element_users(OTHERROW$0, targetList);
7748                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow[targetList.size()];
7749                       targetList.toArray(result);
7750                       return result;
7751                     }
7752                 }
7754                 /**
7755                  * Gets ith "OtherRow" element
7756                  */
7757                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow getOtherRowArray(int i)
7758                 {
7759                     synchronized (monitor())
7760                     {
7761                       check_orphaned();
7762                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow target = null;
7763                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERROW$0, i);
7764                       if (target == null)
7765                       {
7766                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
7767                       }
7768                       return target;
7769                     }
7770                 }
7772                 /**
7773                  * Returns number of "OtherRow" element
7774                  */
7775                 public int sizeOfOtherRowArray()
7776                 {
7777                     synchronized (monitor())
7778                     {
7779                       check_orphaned();
7780                       return get_store().count_elements(OTHERROW$0);
7781                     }
7782                 }
7784                 /**
7785                  * Sets array of all "OtherRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
7786                  */
7787                 public void setOtherRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow[] otherRowArray)
7788                 {
7789                     check_orphaned();
7790                     arraySetterHelper(otherRowArray, OTHERROW$0);
7791                 }
7793                 /**
7794                  * Sets ith "OtherRow" element
7795                  */
7796                 public void setOtherRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow otherRow)
7797                 {
7798                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(otherRow, OTHERROW$0, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
7799                 }
7801                 /**
7802                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "OtherRow" element
7803                  */
7804                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow insertNewOtherRow(int i)
7805                 {
7806                     synchronized (monitor())
7807                     {
7808                       check_orphaned();
7809                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow target = null;
7810                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow)get_store().insert_element_user(OTHERROW$0, i);
7811                       return target;
7812                     }
7813                 }
7815                 /**
7816                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "OtherRow" element
7817                  */
7818                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow addNewOtherRow()
7819                 {
7820                     synchronized (monitor())
7821                     {
7822                       check_orphaned();
7823                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow target = null;
7824                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERROW$0);
7825                       return target;
7826                     }
7827                 }
7829                 /**
7830                  * Removes the ith "OtherRow" element
7831                  */
7832                 public void removeOtherRow(int i)
7833                 {
7834                     synchronized (monitor())
7835                     {
7836                       check_orphaned();
7837                       get_store().remove_element(OTHERROW$0, i);
7838                     }
7839                 }
7841                 /**
7842                  * Gets the "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7843                  */
7844                 public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherSubtotalFunds()
7845                 {
7846                     synchronized (monitor())
7847                     {
7848                       check_orphaned();
7849                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7850                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7851                       if (target == null)
7852                       {
7853                         return null;
7854                       }
7855                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7856                     }
7857                 }
7859                 /**
7860                  * Gets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7861                  */
7862                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetOtherSubtotalFunds()
7863                 {
7864                     synchronized (monitor())
7865                     {
7866                       check_orphaned();
7867                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7868                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7869                       return target;
7870                     }
7871                 }
7873                 /**
7874                  * True if has "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7875                  */
7876                 public boolean isSetOtherSubtotalFunds()
7877                 {
7878                     synchronized (monitor())
7879                     {
7880                       check_orphaned();
7881                       return get_store().count_elements(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2) != 0;
7882                     }
7883                 }
7885                 /**
7886                  * Sets the "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7887                  */
7888                 public void setOtherSubtotalFunds(java.math.BigDecimal otherSubtotalFunds)
7889                 {
7890                     synchronized (monitor())
7891                     {
7892                       check_orphaned();
7893                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7894                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7895                       if (target == null)
7896                       {
7897                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
7898                       }
7899                       target.setBigDecimalValue(otherSubtotalFunds);
7900                     }
7901                 }
7903                 /**
7904                  * Sets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7905                  */
7906                 public void xsetOtherSubtotalFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType otherSubtotalFunds)
7907                 {
7908                     synchronized (monitor())
7909                     {
7910                       check_orphaned();
7911                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7912                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7913                       if (target == null)
7914                       {
7915                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2);
7916                       }
7917                       target.set(otherSubtotalFunds);
7918                     }
7919                 }
7921                 /**
7922                  * Unsets the "OtherSubtotalFunds" element
7923                  */
7924                 public void unsetOtherSubtotalFunds()
7925                 {
7926                     synchronized (monitor())
7927                     {
7928                       check_orphaned();
7929                       get_store().remove_element(OTHERSUBTOTALFUNDS$2, 0);
7930                     }
7931                 }
7933                 /**
7934                  * Gets the "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
7935                  */
7936                 public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherSubtotalCostSharing()
7937                 {
7938                     synchronized (monitor())
7939                     {
7940                       check_orphaned();
7941                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7942                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7943                       if (target == null)
7944                       {
7945                         return null;
7946                       }
7947                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
7948                     }
7949                 }
7951                 /**
7952                  * Gets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
7953                  */
7954                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetOtherSubtotalCostSharing()
7955                 {
7956                     synchronized (monitor())
7957                     {
7958                       check_orphaned();
7959                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
7960                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7961                       return target;
7962                     }
7963                 }
7965                 /**
7966                  * True if has "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
7967                  */
7968                 public boolean isSetOtherSubtotalCostSharing()
7969                 {
7970                     synchronized (monitor())
7971                     {
7972                       check_orphaned();
7973                       return get_store().count_elements(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4) != 0;
7974                     }
7975                 }
7977                 /**
7978                  * Sets the "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
7979                  */
7980                 public void setOtherSubtotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal otherSubtotalCostSharing)
7981                 {
7982                     synchronized (monitor())
7983                     {
7984                       check_orphaned();
7985                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
7986                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
7987                       if (target == null)
7988                       {
7989                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
7990                       }
7991                       target.setBigDecimalValue(otherSubtotalCostSharing);
7992                     }
7993                 }
7995                 /**
7996                  * Sets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
7997                  */
7998                 public void xsetOtherSubtotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType otherSubtotalCostSharing)
7999                 {
8000                     synchronized (monitor())
8001                     {
8002                       check_orphaned();
8003                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8004                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
8005                       if (target == null)
8006                       {
8007                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4);
8008                       }
8009                       target.set(otherSubtotalCostSharing);
8010                     }
8011                 }
8013                 /**
8014                  * Unsets the "OtherSubtotalCostSharing" element
8015                  */
8016                 public void unsetOtherSubtotalCostSharing()
8017                 {
8018                     synchronized (monitor())
8019                     {
8020                       check_orphaned();
8021                       get_store().remove_element(OTHERSUBTOTALCOSTSHARING$4, 0);
8022                     }
8023                 }
8025                 /**
8026                  * Gets the "OtherSubtotal" element
8027                  */
8028                 public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherSubtotal()
8029                 {
8030                     synchronized (monitor())
8031                     {
8032                       check_orphaned();
8033                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8034                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
8035                       if (target == null)
8036                       {
8037                         return null;
8038                       }
8039                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8040                     }
8041                 }
8043                 /**
8044                  * Gets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotal" element
8045                  */
8046                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetOtherSubtotal()
8047                 {
8048                     synchronized (monitor())
8049                     {
8050                       check_orphaned();
8051                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8052                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
8053                       return target;
8054                     }
8055                 }
8057                 /**
8058                  * True if has "OtherSubtotal" element
8059                  */
8060                 public boolean isSetOtherSubtotal()
8061                 {
8062                     synchronized (monitor())
8063                     {
8064                       check_orphaned();
8065                       return get_store().count_elements(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6) != 0;
8066                     }
8067                 }
8069                 /**
8070                  * Sets the "OtherSubtotal" element
8071                  */
8072                 public void setOtherSubtotal(java.math.BigDecimal otherSubtotal)
8073                 {
8074                     synchronized (monitor())
8075                     {
8076                       check_orphaned();
8077                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8078                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
8079                       if (target == null)
8080                       {
8081                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6);
8082                       }
8083                       target.setBigDecimalValue(otherSubtotal);
8084                     }
8085                 }
8087                 /**
8088                  * Sets (as xml) the "OtherSubtotal" element
8089                  */
8090                 public void xsetOtherSubtotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType otherSubtotal)
8091                 {
8092                     synchronized (monitor())
8093                     {
8094                       check_orphaned();
8095                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8096                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
8097                       if (target == null)
8098                       {
8099                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6);
8100                       }
8101                       target.set(otherSubtotal);
8102                     }
8103                 }
8105                 /**
8106                  * Unsets the "OtherSubtotal" element
8107                  */
8108                 public void unsetOtherSubtotal()
8109                 {
8110                     synchronized (monitor())
8111                     {
8112                       check_orphaned();
8113                       get_store().remove_element(OTHERSUBTOTAL$6, 0);
8114                     }
8115                 }
8116                 /**
8117                  * An XML OtherRow(@
8118                  *
8119                  * This is a complex type.
8120                  */
8121                 public static class OtherRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.OtherCosts.OtherRow
8122                 {
8123                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
8125                     public OtherRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
8126                     {
8127                       super(sType);
8128                     }
8130                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERCOSTSITEM$0 = 
8131                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherCostsItem");
8132                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2 = 
8133                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation");
8134                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERFUNDS$4 = 
8135                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherFunds");
8136                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERCOSTSHARING$6 = 
8137                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherCostSharing");
8138                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName OTHERTOTAL$8 = 
8139                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OtherTotal");
8142                     /**
8143                      * Gets the "OtherCostsItem" element
8144                      */
8145                     public java.lang.String getOtherCostsItem()
8146                     {
8147                       synchronized (monitor())
8148                       {
8149                         check_orphaned();
8150                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8151                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0, 0);
8152                         if (target == null)
8153                         {
8154                           return null;
8155                         }
8156                         return target.getStringValue();
8157                       }
8158                     }
8160                     /**
8161                      * Gets (as xml) the "OtherCostsItem" element
8162                      */
8163                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetOtherCostsItem()
8164                     {
8165                       synchronized (monitor())
8166                       {
8167                         check_orphaned();
8168                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
8169                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0, 0);
8170                         return target;
8171                       }
8172                     }
8174                     /**
8175                      * True if has "OtherCostsItem" element
8176                      */
8177                     public boolean isSetOtherCostsItem()
8178                     {
8179                       synchronized (monitor())
8180                       {
8181                         check_orphaned();
8182                         return get_store().count_elements(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0) != 0;
8183                       }
8184                     }
8186                     /**
8187                      * Sets the "OtherCostsItem" element
8188                      */
8189                     public void setOtherCostsItem(java.lang.String otherCostsItem)
8190                     {
8191                       synchronized (monitor())
8192                       {
8193                         check_orphaned();
8194                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8195                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0, 0);
8196                         if (target == null)
8197                         {
8198                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0);
8199                         }
8200                         target.setStringValue(otherCostsItem);
8201                       }
8202                     }
8204                     /**
8205                      * Sets (as xml) the "OtherCostsItem" element
8206                      */
8207                     public void xsetOtherCostsItem(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType otherCostsItem)
8208                     {
8209                       synchronized (monitor())
8210                       {
8211                         check_orphaned();
8212                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
8213                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0, 0);
8214                         if (target == null)
8215                         {
8216                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0);
8217                         }
8218                         target.set(otherCostsItem);
8219                       }
8220                     }
8222                     /**
8223                      * Unsets the "OtherCostsItem" element
8224                      */
8225                     public void unsetOtherCostsItem()
8226                     {
8227                       synchronized (monitor())
8228                       {
8229                         check_orphaned();
8230                         get_store().remove_element(OTHERCOSTSITEM$0, 0);
8231                       }
8232                     }
8234                     /**
8235                      * Gets the "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8236                      */
8237                     public java.lang.String getOtherBasisMethodOfComputation()
8238                     {
8239                       synchronized (monitor())
8240                       {
8241                         check_orphaned();
8242                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8243                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
8244                         if (target == null)
8245                         {
8246                           return null;
8247                         }
8248                         return target.getStringValue();
8249                       }
8250                     }
8252                     /**
8253                      * Gets (as xml) the "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8254                      */
8255                     public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType xgetOtherBasisMethodOfComputation()
8256                     {
8257                       synchronized (monitor())
8258                       {
8259                         check_orphaned();
8260                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
8261                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
8262                         return target;
8263                       }
8264                     }
8266                     /**
8267                      * True if has "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8268                      */
8269                     public boolean isSetOtherBasisMethodOfComputation()
8270                     {
8271                       synchronized (monitor())
8272                       {
8273                         check_orphaned();
8274                         return get_store().count_elements(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2) != 0;
8275                       }
8276                     }
8278                     /**
8279                      * Sets the "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8280                      */
8281                     public void setOtherBasisMethodOfComputation(java.lang.String otherBasisMethodOfComputation)
8282                     {
8283                       synchronized (monitor())
8284                       {
8285                         check_orphaned();
8286                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8287                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
8288                         if (target == null)
8289                         {
8290                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
8291                         }
8292                         target.setStringValue(otherBasisMethodOfComputation);
8293                       }
8294                     }
8296                     /**
8297                      * Sets (as xml) the "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8298                      */
8299                     public void xsetOtherBasisMethodOfComputation(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType otherBasisMethodOfComputation)
8300                     {
8301                       synchronized (monitor())
8302                       {
8303                         check_orphaned();
8304                         gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType target = null;
8305                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
8306                         if (target == null)
8307                         {
8308                           target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.DescriptionDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2);
8309                         }
8310                         target.set(otherBasisMethodOfComputation);
8311                       }
8312                     }
8314                     /**
8315                      * Unsets the "OtherBasisMethodOfComputation" element
8316                      */
8317                     public void unsetOtherBasisMethodOfComputation()
8318                     {
8319                       synchronized (monitor())
8320                       {
8321                         check_orphaned();
8322                         get_store().remove_element(OTHERBASISMETHODOFCOMPUTATION$2, 0);
8323                       }
8324                     }
8326                     /**
8327                      * Gets the "OtherFunds" element
8328                      */
8329                     public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherFunds()
8330                     {
8331                       synchronized (monitor())
8332                       {
8333                         check_orphaned();
8334                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8335                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4, 0);
8336                         if (target == null)
8337                         {
8338                           return null;
8339                         }
8340                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8341                       }
8342                     }
8344                     /**
8345                      * Gets (as xml) the "OtherFunds" element
8346                      */
8347                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetOtherFunds()
8348                     {
8349                       synchronized (monitor())
8350                       {
8351                         check_orphaned();
8352                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
8353                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4, 0);
8354                         return target;
8355                       }
8356                     }
8358                     /**
8359                      * True if has "OtherFunds" element
8360                      */
8361                     public boolean isSetOtherFunds()
8362                     {
8363                       synchronized (monitor())
8364                       {
8365                         check_orphaned();
8366                         return get_store().count_elements(OTHERFUNDS$4) != 0;
8367                       }
8368                     }
8370                     /**
8371                      * Sets the "OtherFunds" element
8372                      */
8373                     public void setOtherFunds(java.math.BigDecimal otherFunds)
8374                     {
8375                       synchronized (monitor())
8376                       {
8377                         check_orphaned();
8378                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8379                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4, 0);
8380                         if (target == null)
8381                         {
8382                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4);
8383                         }
8384                         target.setBigDecimalValue(otherFunds);
8385                       }
8386                     }
8388                     /**
8389                      * Sets (as xml) the "OtherFunds" element
8390                      */
8391                     public void xsetOtherFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType otherFunds)
8392                     {
8393                       synchronized (monitor())
8394                       {
8395                         check_orphaned();
8396                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
8397                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4, 0);
8398                         if (target == null)
8399                         {
8400                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERFUNDS$4);
8401                         }
8402                         target.set(otherFunds);
8403                       }
8404                     }
8406                     /**
8407                      * Unsets the "OtherFunds" element
8408                      */
8409                     public void unsetOtherFunds()
8410                     {
8411                       synchronized (monitor())
8412                       {
8413                         check_orphaned();
8414                         get_store().remove_element(OTHERFUNDS$4, 0);
8415                       }
8416                     }
8418                     /**
8419                      * Gets the "OtherCostSharing" element
8420                      */
8421                     public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherCostSharing()
8422                     {
8423                       synchronized (monitor())
8424                       {
8425                         check_orphaned();
8426                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8427                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
8428                         if (target == null)
8429                         {
8430                           return null;
8431                         }
8432                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8433                       }
8434                     }
8436                     /**
8437                      * Gets (as xml) the "OtherCostSharing" element
8438                      */
8439                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetOtherCostSharing()
8440                     {
8441                       synchronized (monitor())
8442                       {
8443                         check_orphaned();
8444                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
8445                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
8446                         return target;
8447                       }
8448                     }
8450                     /**
8451                      * True if has "OtherCostSharing" element
8452                      */
8453                     public boolean isSetOtherCostSharing()
8454                     {
8455                       synchronized (monitor())
8456                       {
8457                         check_orphaned();
8458                         return get_store().count_elements(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6) != 0;
8459                       }
8460                     }
8462                     /**
8463                      * Sets the "OtherCostSharing" element
8464                      */
8465                     public void setOtherCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal otherCostSharing)
8466                     {
8467                       synchronized (monitor())
8468                       {
8469                         check_orphaned();
8470                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8471                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
8472                         if (target == null)
8473                         {
8474                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6);
8475                         }
8476                         target.setBigDecimalValue(otherCostSharing);
8477                       }
8478                     }
8480                     /**
8481                      * Sets (as xml) the "OtherCostSharing" element
8482                      */
8483                     public void xsetOtherCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType otherCostSharing)
8484                     {
8485                       synchronized (monitor())
8486                       {
8487                         check_orphaned();
8488                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
8489                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
8490                         if (target == null)
8491                         {
8492                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6);
8493                         }
8494                         target.set(otherCostSharing);
8495                       }
8496                     }
8498                     /**
8499                      * Unsets the "OtherCostSharing" element
8500                      */
8501                     public void unsetOtherCostSharing()
8502                     {
8503                       synchronized (monitor())
8504                       {
8505                         check_orphaned();
8506                         get_store().remove_element(OTHERCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
8507                       }
8508                     }
8510                     /**
8511                      * Gets the "OtherTotal" element
8512                      */
8513                     public java.math.BigDecimal getOtherTotal()
8514                     {
8515                       synchronized (monitor())
8516                       {
8517                         check_orphaned();
8518                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8519                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8, 0);
8520                         if (target == null)
8521                         {
8522                           return null;
8523                         }
8524                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8525                       }
8526                     }
8528                     /**
8529                      * Gets (as xml) the "OtherTotal" element
8530                      */
8531                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetOtherTotal()
8532                     {
8533                       synchronized (monitor())
8534                       {
8535                         check_orphaned();
8536                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8537                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8, 0);
8538                         return target;
8539                       }
8540                     }
8542                     /**
8543                      * True if has "OtherTotal" element
8544                      */
8545                     public boolean isSetOtherTotal()
8546                     {
8547                       synchronized (monitor())
8548                       {
8549                         check_orphaned();
8550                         return get_store().count_elements(OTHERTOTAL$8) != 0;
8551                       }
8552                     }
8554                     /**
8555                      * Sets the "OtherTotal" element
8556                      */
8557                     public void setOtherTotal(java.math.BigDecimal otherTotal)
8558                     {
8559                       synchronized (monitor())
8560                       {
8561                         check_orphaned();
8562                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8563                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8, 0);
8564                         if (target == null)
8565                         {
8566                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8);
8567                         }
8568                         target.setBigDecimalValue(otherTotal);
8569                       }
8570                     }
8572                     /**
8573                      * Sets (as xml) the "OtherTotal" element
8574                      */
8575                     public void xsetOtherTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType otherTotal)
8576                     {
8577                       synchronized (monitor())
8578                       {
8579                         check_orphaned();
8580                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8581                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8, 0);
8582                         if (target == null)
8583                         {
8584                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(OTHERTOTAL$8);
8585                         }
8586                         target.set(otherTotal);
8587                       }
8588                     }
8590                     /**
8591                      * Unsets the "OtherTotal" element
8592                      */
8593                     public void unsetOtherTotal()
8594                     {
8595                       synchronized (monitor())
8596                       {
8597                         check_orphaned();
8598                         get_store().remove_element(OTHERTOTAL$8, 0);
8599                       }
8600                     }
8601                 }
8602             }
8603             /**
8604              * An XML DirectCostsTotal(@
8605              *
8606              * This is a complex type.
8607              */
8608             public static class DirectCostsTotalImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.DirectCostsTotal
8609             {
8610                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
8612                 public DirectCostsTotalImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
8613                 {
8614                     super(sType);
8615                 }
8617                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0 = 
8618                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalDirectCostsFunds");
8619                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2 = 
8620                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing");
8621                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4 = 
8622                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalDirectCosts");
8625                 /**
8626                  * Gets the "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8627                  */
8628                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalDirectCostsFunds()
8629                 {
8630                     synchronized (monitor())
8631                     {
8632                       check_orphaned();
8633                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8634                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
8635                       if (target == null)
8636                       {
8637                         return null;
8638                       }
8639                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8640                     }
8641                 }
8643                 /**
8644                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8645                  */
8646                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalDirectCostsFunds()
8647                 {
8648                     synchronized (monitor())
8649                     {
8650                       check_orphaned();
8651                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8652                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
8653                       return target;
8654                     }
8655                 }
8657                 /**
8658                  * True if has "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8659                  */
8660                 public boolean isSetTotalDirectCostsFunds()
8661                 {
8662                     synchronized (monitor())
8663                     {
8664                       check_orphaned();
8665                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0) != 0;
8666                     }
8667                 }
8669                 /**
8670                  * Sets the "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8671                  */
8672                 public void setTotalDirectCostsFunds(java.math.BigDecimal totalDirectCostsFunds)
8673                 {
8674                     synchronized (monitor())
8675                     {
8676                       check_orphaned();
8677                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8678                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
8679                       if (target == null)
8680                       {
8681                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0);
8682                       }
8683                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalDirectCostsFunds);
8684                     }
8685                 }
8687                 /**
8688                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8689                  */
8690                 public void xsetTotalDirectCostsFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalDirectCostsFunds)
8691                 {
8692                     synchronized (monitor())
8693                     {
8694                       check_orphaned();
8695                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8696                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
8697                       if (target == null)
8698                       {
8699                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0);
8700                       }
8701                       target.set(totalDirectCostsFunds);
8702                     }
8703                 }
8705                 /**
8706                  * Unsets the "TotalDirectCostsFunds" element
8707                  */
8708                 public void unsetTotalDirectCostsFunds()
8709                 {
8710                     synchronized (monitor())
8711                     {
8712                       check_orphaned();
8713                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
8714                     }
8715                 }
8717                 /**
8718                  * Gets the "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8719                  */
8720                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalDirectCostsCostSharing()
8721                 {
8722                     synchronized (monitor())
8723                     {
8724                       check_orphaned();
8725                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8726                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
8727                       if (target == null)
8728                       {
8729                         return null;
8730                       }
8731                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8732                     }
8733                 }
8735                 /**
8736                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8737                  */
8738                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalDirectCostsCostSharing()
8739                 {
8740                     synchronized (monitor())
8741                     {
8742                       check_orphaned();
8743                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8744                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
8745                       return target;
8746                     }
8747                 }
8749                 /**
8750                  * True if has "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8751                  */
8752                 public boolean isSetTotalDirectCostsCostSharing()
8753                 {
8754                     synchronized (monitor())
8755                     {
8756                       check_orphaned();
8757                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2) != 0;
8758                     }
8759                 }
8761                 /**
8762                  * Sets the "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8763                  */
8764                 public void setTotalDirectCostsCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal totalDirectCostsCostSharing)
8765                 {
8766                     synchronized (monitor())
8767                     {
8768                       check_orphaned();
8769                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8770                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
8771                       if (target == null)
8772                       {
8773                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2);
8774                       }
8775                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalDirectCostsCostSharing);
8776                     }
8777                 }
8779                 /**
8780                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8781                  */
8782                 public void xsetTotalDirectCostsCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalDirectCostsCostSharing)
8783                 {
8784                     synchronized (monitor())
8785                     {
8786                       check_orphaned();
8787                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8788                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
8789                       if (target == null)
8790                       {
8791                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2);
8792                       }
8793                       target.set(totalDirectCostsCostSharing);
8794                     }
8795                 }
8797                 /**
8798                  * Unsets the "TotalDirectCostsCostSharing" element
8799                  */
8800                 public void unsetTotalDirectCostsCostSharing()
8801                 {
8802                     synchronized (monitor())
8803                     {
8804                       check_orphaned();
8805                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
8806                     }
8807                 }
8809                 /**
8810                  * Gets the "TotalDirectCosts" element
8811                  */
8812                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalDirectCosts()
8813                 {
8814                     synchronized (monitor())
8815                     {
8816                       check_orphaned();
8817                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8818                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4, 0);
8819                       if (target == null)
8820                       {
8821                         return null;
8822                       }
8823                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
8824                     }
8825                 }
8827                 /**
8828                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCosts" element
8829                  */
8830                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalDirectCosts()
8831                 {
8832                     synchronized (monitor())
8833                     {
8834                       check_orphaned();
8835                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8836                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4, 0);
8837                       return target;
8838                     }
8839                 }
8841                 /**
8842                  * True if has "TotalDirectCosts" element
8843                  */
8844                 public boolean isSetTotalDirectCosts()
8845                 {
8846                     synchronized (monitor())
8847                     {
8848                       check_orphaned();
8849                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4) != 0;
8850                     }
8851                 }
8853                 /**
8854                  * Sets the "TotalDirectCosts" element
8855                  */
8856                 public void setTotalDirectCosts(java.math.BigDecimal totalDirectCosts)
8857                 {
8858                     synchronized (monitor())
8859                     {
8860                       check_orphaned();
8861                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8862                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4, 0);
8863                       if (target == null)
8864                       {
8865                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4);
8866                       }
8867                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalDirectCosts);
8868                     }
8869                 }
8871                 /**
8872                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalDirectCosts" element
8873                  */
8874                 public void xsetTotalDirectCosts(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalDirectCosts)
8875                 {
8876                     synchronized (monitor())
8877                     {
8878                       check_orphaned();
8879                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
8880                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4, 0);
8881                       if (target == null)
8882                       {
8883                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4);
8884                       }
8885                       target.set(totalDirectCosts);
8886                     }
8887                 }
8889                 /**
8890                  * Unsets the "TotalDirectCosts" element
8891                  */
8892                 public void unsetTotalDirectCosts()
8893                 {
8894                     synchronized (monitor())
8895                     {
8896                       check_orphaned();
8897                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALDIRECTCOSTS$4, 0);
8898                     }
8899                 }
8900             }
8901             /**
8902              * An XML IndirectCosts(@
8903              *
8904              * This is a complex type.
8905              */
8906             public static class IndirectCostsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts
8907             {
8908                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
8910                 public IndirectCostsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
8911                 {
8912                     super(sType);
8913                 }
8915                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0 = 
8916                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsFedType");
8917                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2 = 
8918                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName");
8919                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4 = 
8920                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsAgreementDate");
8921                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTROW$6 = 
8922                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostRow");
8923                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8 = 
8924                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalIndirectCostsFunds");
8925                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10 = 
8926                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing");
8927                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12 = 
8928                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalIndirectCosts");
8931                 /**
8932                  * Gets the "IndirectCostsFedType" element
8933                  */
8934                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType.Enum getIndirectCostsFedType()
8935                 {
8936                     synchronized (monitor())
8937                     {
8938                       check_orphaned();
8939                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8940                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0, 0);
8941                       if (target == null)
8942                       {
8943                         return null;
8944                       }
8945                       return (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType.Enum)target.getEnumValue();
8946                     }
8947                 }
8949                 /**
8950                  * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFedType" element
8951                  */
8952                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType xgetIndirectCostsFedType()
8953                 {
8954                     synchronized (monitor())
8955                     {
8956                       check_orphaned();
8957                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType target = null;
8958                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0, 0);
8959                       return target;
8960                     }
8961                 }
8963                 /**
8964                  * True if has "IndirectCostsFedType" element
8965                  */
8966                 public boolean isSetIndirectCostsFedType()
8967                 {
8968                     synchronized (monitor())
8969                     {
8970                       check_orphaned();
8971                       return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0) != 0;
8972                     }
8973                 }
8975                 /**
8976                  * Sets the "IndirectCostsFedType" element
8977                  */
8978                 public void setIndirectCostsFedType(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType.Enum indirectCostsFedType)
8979                 {
8980                     synchronized (monitor())
8981                     {
8982                       check_orphaned();
8983                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
8984                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0, 0);
8985                       if (target == null)
8986                       {
8987                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0);
8988                       }
8989                       target.setEnumValue(indirectCostsFedType);
8990                     }
8991                 }
8993                 /**
8994                  * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFedType" element
8995                  */
8996                 public void xsetIndirectCostsFedType(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType indirectCostsFedType)
8997                 {
8998                     synchronized (monitor())
8999                     {
9000                       check_orphaned();
9001                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType target = null;
9002                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0, 0);
9003                       if (target == null)
9004                       {
9005                         target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0);
9006                       }
9007                       target.set(indirectCostsFedType);
9008                     }
9009                 }
9011                 /**
9012                  * Unsets the "IndirectCostsFedType" element
9013                  */
9014                 public void unsetIndirectCostsFedType()
9015                 {
9016                     synchronized (monitor())
9017                     {
9018                       check_orphaned();
9019                       get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDTYPE$0, 0);
9020                     }
9021                 }
9023                 /**
9024                  * Gets the "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9025                  */
9026                 public java.lang.String getIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName()
9027                 {
9028                     synchronized (monitor())
9029                     {
9030                       check_orphaned();
9031                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9032                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2, 0);
9033                       if (target == null)
9034                       {
9035                         return null;
9036                       }
9037                       return target.getStringValue();
9038                     }
9039                 }
9041                 /**
9042                  * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9043                  */
9044                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType xgetIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName()
9045                 {
9046                     synchronized (monitor())
9047                     {
9048                       check_orphaned();
9049                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType target = null;
9050                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2, 0);
9051                       return target;
9052                     }
9053                 }
9055                 /**
9056                  * True if has "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9057                  */
9058                 public boolean isSetIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName()
9059                 {
9060                     synchronized (monitor())
9061                     {
9062                       check_orphaned();
9063                       return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2) != 0;
9064                     }
9065                 }
9067                 /**
9068                  * Sets the "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9069                  */
9070                 public void setIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName(java.lang.String indirectCostsFederalAgencyName)
9071                 {
9072                     synchronized (monitor())
9073                     {
9074                       check_orphaned();
9075                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9076                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2, 0);
9077                       if (target == null)
9078                       {
9079                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2);
9080                       }
9081                       target.setStringValue(indirectCostsFederalAgencyName);
9082                     }
9083                 }
9085                 /**
9086                  * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9087                  */
9088                 public void xsetIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType indirectCostsFederalAgencyName)
9089                 {
9090                     synchronized (monitor())
9091                     {
9092                       check_orphaned();
9093                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType target = null;
9094                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2, 0);
9095                       if (target == null)
9096                       {
9097                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.AgencyNameDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2);
9098                       }
9099                       target.set(indirectCostsFederalAgencyName);
9100                     }
9101                 }
9103                 /**
9104                  * Unsets the "IndirectCostsFederalAgencyName" element
9105                  */
9106                 public void unsetIndirectCostsFederalAgencyName()
9107                 {
9108                     synchronized (monitor())
9109                     {
9110                       check_orphaned();
9111                       get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSFEDERALAGENCYNAME$2, 0);
9112                     }
9113                 }
9115                 /**
9116                  * Gets the "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9117                  */
9118                 public java.util.Calendar getIndirectCostsAgreementDate()
9119                 {
9120                     synchronized (monitor())
9121                     {
9122                       check_orphaned();
9123                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9124                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4, 0);
9125                       if (target == null)
9126                       {
9127                         return null;
9128                       }
9129                       return target.getCalendarValue();
9130                     }
9131                 }
9133                 /**
9134                  * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9135                  */
9136                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetIndirectCostsAgreementDate()
9137                 {
9138                     synchronized (monitor())
9139                     {
9140                       check_orphaned();
9141                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
9142                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4, 0);
9143                       return target;
9144                     }
9145                 }
9147                 /**
9148                  * True if has "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9149                  */
9150                 public boolean isSetIndirectCostsAgreementDate()
9151                 {
9152                     synchronized (monitor())
9153                     {
9154                       check_orphaned();
9155                       return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4) != 0;
9156                     }
9157                 }
9159                 /**
9160                  * Sets the "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9161                  */
9162                 public void setIndirectCostsAgreementDate(java.util.Calendar indirectCostsAgreementDate)
9163                 {
9164                     synchronized (monitor())
9165                     {
9166                       check_orphaned();
9167                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9168                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4, 0);
9169                       if (target == null)
9170                       {
9171                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4);
9172                       }
9173                       target.setCalendarValue(indirectCostsAgreementDate);
9174                     }
9175                 }
9177                 /**
9178                  * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9179                  */
9180                 public void xsetIndirectCostsAgreementDate(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate indirectCostsAgreementDate)
9181                 {
9182                     synchronized (monitor())
9183                     {
9184                       check_orphaned();
9185                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
9186                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4, 0);
9187                       if (target == null)
9188                       {
9189                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4);
9190                       }
9191                       target.set(indirectCostsAgreementDate);
9192                     }
9193                 }
9195                 /**
9196                  * Unsets the "IndirectCostsAgreementDate" element
9197                  */
9198                 public void unsetIndirectCostsAgreementDate()
9199                 {
9200                     synchronized (monitor())
9201                     {
9202                       check_orphaned();
9203                       get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSAGREEMENTDATE$4, 0);
9204                     }
9205                 }
9207                 /**
9208                  * Gets array of all "IndirectCostRow" elements
9209                  */
9210                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow[] getIndirectCostRowArray()
9211                 {
9212                     synchronized (monitor())
9213                     {
9214                       check_orphaned();
9215                       java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
9216                       get_store().find_all_element_users(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6, targetList);
9217                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow[targetList.size()];
9218                       targetList.toArray(result);
9219                       return result;
9220                     }
9221                 }
9223                 /**
9224                  * Gets ith "IndirectCostRow" element
9225                  */
9226                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow getIndirectCostRowArray(int i)
9227                 {
9228                     synchronized (monitor())
9229                     {
9230                       check_orphaned();
9231                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow target = null;
9232                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6, i);
9233                       if (target == null)
9234                       {
9235                         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
9236                       }
9237                       return target;
9238                     }
9239                 }
9241                 /**
9242                  * Returns number of "IndirectCostRow" element
9243                  */
9244                 public int sizeOfIndirectCostRowArray()
9245                 {
9246                     synchronized (monitor())
9247                     {
9248                       check_orphaned();
9249                       return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6);
9250                     }
9251                 }
9253                 /**
9254                  * Sets array of all "IndirectCostRow" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
9255                  */
9256                 public void setIndirectCostRowArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow[] indirectCostRowArray)
9257                 {
9258                     check_orphaned();
9259                     arraySetterHelper(indirectCostRowArray, INDIRECTCOSTROW$6);
9260                 }
9262                 /**
9263                  * Sets ith "IndirectCostRow" element
9264                  */
9265                 public void setIndirectCostRowArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow indirectCostRow)
9266                 {
9267                     generatedSetterHelperImpl(indirectCostRow, INDIRECTCOSTROW$6, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
9268                 }
9270                 /**
9271                  * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "IndirectCostRow" element
9272                  */
9273                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow insertNewIndirectCostRow(int i)
9274                 {
9275                     synchronized (monitor())
9276                     {
9277                       check_orphaned();
9278                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow target = null;
9279                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow)get_store().insert_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6, i);
9280                       return target;
9281                     }
9282                 }
9284                 /**
9285                  * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "IndirectCostRow" element
9286                  */
9287                 public gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow addNewIndirectCostRow()
9288                 {
9289                     synchronized (monitor())
9290                     {
9291                       check_orphaned();
9292                       gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow target = null;
9293                       target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6);
9294                       return target;
9295                     }
9296                 }
9298                 /**
9299                  * Removes the ith "IndirectCostRow" element
9300                  */
9301                 public void removeIndirectCostRow(int i)
9302                 {
9303                     synchronized (monitor())
9304                     {
9305                       check_orphaned();
9306                       get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTROW$6, i);
9307                     }
9308                 }
9310                 /**
9311                  * Gets the "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9312                  */
9313                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalIndirectCostsFunds()
9314                 {
9315                     synchronized (monitor())
9316                     {
9317                       check_orphaned();
9318                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9319                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8, 0);
9320                       if (target == null)
9321                       {
9322                         return null;
9323                       }
9324                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9325                     }
9326                 }
9328                 /**
9329                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9330                  */
9331                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalIndirectCostsFunds()
9332                 {
9333                     synchronized (monitor())
9334                     {
9335                       check_orphaned();
9336                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9337                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8, 0);
9338                       return target;
9339                     }
9340                 }
9342                 /**
9343                  * True if has "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9344                  */
9345                 public boolean isSetTotalIndirectCostsFunds()
9346                 {
9347                     synchronized (monitor())
9348                     {
9349                       check_orphaned();
9350                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8) != 0;
9351                     }
9352                 }
9354                 /**
9355                  * Sets the "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9356                  */
9357                 public void setTotalIndirectCostsFunds(java.math.BigDecimal totalIndirectCostsFunds)
9358                 {
9359                     synchronized (monitor())
9360                     {
9361                       check_orphaned();
9362                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9363                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8, 0);
9364                       if (target == null)
9365                       {
9366                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8);
9367                       }
9368                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalIndirectCostsFunds);
9369                     }
9370                 }
9372                 /**
9373                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9374                  */
9375                 public void xsetTotalIndirectCostsFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalIndirectCostsFunds)
9376                 {
9377                     synchronized (monitor())
9378                     {
9379                       check_orphaned();
9380                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9381                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8, 0);
9382                       if (target == null)
9383                       {
9384                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8);
9385                       }
9386                       target.set(totalIndirectCostsFunds);
9387                     }
9388                 }
9390                 /**
9391                  * Unsets the "TotalIndirectCostsFunds" element
9392                  */
9393                 public void unsetTotalIndirectCostsFunds()
9394                 {
9395                     synchronized (monitor())
9396                     {
9397                       check_orphaned();
9398                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$8, 0);
9399                     }
9400                 }
9402                 /**
9403                  * Gets the "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9404                  */
9405                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9406                 {
9407                     synchronized (monitor())
9408                     {
9409                       check_orphaned();
9410                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9411                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10, 0);
9412                       if (target == null)
9413                       {
9414                         return null;
9415                       }
9416                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9417                     }
9418                 }
9420                 /**
9421                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9422                  */
9423                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9424                 {
9425                     synchronized (monitor())
9426                     {
9427                       check_orphaned();
9428                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9429                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10, 0);
9430                       return target;
9431                     }
9432                 }
9434                 /**
9435                  * True if has "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9436                  */
9437                 public boolean isSetTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9438                 {
9439                     synchronized (monitor())
9440                     {
9441                       check_orphaned();
9442                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10) != 0;
9443                     }
9444                 }
9446                 /**
9447                  * Sets the "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9448                  */
9449                 public void setTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal totalIndirectCostsCostSharing)
9450                 {
9451                     synchronized (monitor())
9452                     {
9453                       check_orphaned();
9454                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9455                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10, 0);
9456                       if (target == null)
9457                       {
9458                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10);
9459                       }
9460                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalIndirectCostsCostSharing);
9461                     }
9462                 }
9464                 /**
9465                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9466                  */
9467                 public void xsetTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalIndirectCostsCostSharing)
9468                 {
9469                     synchronized (monitor())
9470                     {
9471                       check_orphaned();
9472                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9473                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10, 0);
9474                       if (target == null)
9475                       {
9476                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10);
9477                       }
9478                       target.set(totalIndirectCostsCostSharing);
9479                     }
9480                 }
9482                 /**
9483                  * Unsets the "TotalIndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9484                  */
9485                 public void unsetTotalIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9486                 {
9487                     synchronized (monitor())
9488                     {
9489                       check_orphaned();
9490                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$10, 0);
9491                     }
9492                 }
9494                 /**
9495                  * Gets the "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9496                  */
9497                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalIndirectCosts()
9498                 {
9499                     synchronized (monitor())
9500                     {
9501                       check_orphaned();
9502                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9503                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12, 0);
9504                       if (target == null)
9505                       {
9506                         return null;
9507                       }
9508                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9509                     }
9510                 }
9512                 /**
9513                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9514                  */
9515                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalIndirectCosts()
9516                 {
9517                     synchronized (monitor())
9518                     {
9519                       check_orphaned();
9520                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9521                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12, 0);
9522                       return target;
9523                     }
9524                 }
9526                 /**
9527                  * True if has "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9528                  */
9529                 public boolean isSetTotalIndirectCosts()
9530                 {
9531                     synchronized (monitor())
9532                     {
9533                       check_orphaned();
9534                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12) != 0;
9535                     }
9536                 }
9538                 /**
9539                  * Sets the "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9540                  */
9541                 public void setTotalIndirectCosts(java.math.BigDecimal totalIndirectCosts)
9542                 {
9543                     synchronized (monitor())
9544                     {
9545                       check_orphaned();
9546                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9547                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12, 0);
9548                       if (target == null)
9549                       {
9550                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12);
9551                       }
9552                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalIndirectCosts);
9553                     }
9554                 }
9556                 /**
9557                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9558                  */
9559                 public void xsetTotalIndirectCosts(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalIndirectCosts)
9560                 {
9561                     synchronized (monitor())
9562                     {
9563                       check_orphaned();
9564                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
9565                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12, 0);
9566                       if (target == null)
9567                       {
9568                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12);
9569                       }
9570                       target.set(totalIndirectCosts);
9571                     }
9572                 }
9574                 /**
9575                  * Unsets the "TotalIndirectCosts" element
9576                  */
9577                 public void unsetTotalIndirectCosts()
9578                 {
9579                     synchronized (monitor())
9580                     {
9581                       check_orphaned();
9582                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALINDIRECTCOSTS$12, 0);
9583                     }
9584                 }
9585                 /**
9586                  * An XML IndirectCostsFedType(@
9587                  *
9588                  * This is an atomic type that is a restriction of gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument$NARANEHBudget$NARANEHBudget2$IndirectCosts$IndirectCostsFedType.
9589                  */
9590                 public static class IndirectCostsFedTypeImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.JavaStringEnumerationHolderEx implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostsFedType
9591                 {
9592                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
9594                     public IndirectCostsFedTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
9595                     {
9596                       super(sType, false);
9597                     }
9599                     protected IndirectCostsFedTypeImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType, boolean b)
9600                     {
9601                       super(sType, b);
9602                     }
9603                 }
9604                 /**
9605                  * An XML IndirectCostRow(@
9606                  *
9607                  * This is a complex type.
9608                  */
9609                 public static class IndirectCostRowImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.IndirectCosts.IndirectCostRow
9610                 {
9611                     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
9613                     public IndirectCostRowImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
9614                     {
9615                       super(sType);
9616                     }
9618                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0 = 
9619                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsRate");
9620                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2 = 
9621                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsBase");
9622                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4 = 
9623                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsFunds");
9624                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6 = 
9625                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsCostSharing");
9626                     private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8 = 
9627                       new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "IndirectCostsTotal");
9630                     /**
9631                      * Gets the "IndirectCostsRate" element
9632                      */
9633                     public java.math.BigDecimal getIndirectCostsRate()
9634                     {
9635                       synchronized (monitor())
9636                       {
9637                         check_orphaned();
9638                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9639                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0, 0);
9640                         if (target == null)
9641                         {
9642                           return null;
9643                         }
9644                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9645                       }
9646                     }
9648                     /**
9649                      * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsRate" element
9650                      */
9651                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType xgetIndirectCostsRate()
9652                     {
9653                       synchronized (monitor())
9654                       {
9655                         check_orphaned();
9656                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType target = null;
9657                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0, 0);
9658                         return target;
9659                       }
9660                     }
9662                     /**
9663                      * True if has "IndirectCostsRate" element
9664                      */
9665                     public boolean isSetIndirectCostsRate()
9666                     {
9667                       synchronized (monitor())
9668                       {
9669                         check_orphaned();
9670                         return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0) != 0;
9671                       }
9672                     }
9674                     /**
9675                      * Sets the "IndirectCostsRate" element
9676                      */
9677                     public void setIndirectCostsRate(java.math.BigDecimal indirectCostsRate)
9678                     {
9679                       synchronized (monitor())
9680                       {
9681                         check_orphaned();
9682                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9683                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0, 0);
9684                         if (target == null)
9685                         {
9686                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0);
9687                         }
9688                         target.setBigDecimalValue(indirectCostsRate);
9689                       }
9690                     }
9692                     /**
9693                      * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsRate" element
9694                      */
9695                     public void xsetIndirectCostsRate(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType indirectCostsRate)
9696                     {
9697                       synchronized (monitor())
9698                       {
9699                         check_orphaned();
9700                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType target = null;
9701                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0, 0);
9702                         if (target == null)
9703                         {
9704                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.PercentageDecimalDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0);
9705                         }
9706                         target.set(indirectCostsRate);
9707                       }
9708                     }
9710                     /**
9711                      * Unsets the "IndirectCostsRate" element
9712                      */
9713                     public void unsetIndirectCostsRate()
9714                     {
9715                       synchronized (monitor())
9716                       {
9717                         check_orphaned();
9718                         get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSRATE$0, 0);
9719                       }
9720                     }
9722                     /**
9723                      * Gets the "IndirectCostsBase" element
9724                      */
9725                     public java.math.BigDecimal getIndirectCostsBase()
9726                     {
9727                       synchronized (monitor())
9728                       {
9729                         check_orphaned();
9730                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9731                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2, 0);
9732                         if (target == null)
9733                         {
9734                           return null;
9735                         }
9736                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9737                       }
9738                     }
9740                     /**
9741                      * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsBase" element
9742                      */
9743                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetIndirectCostsBase()
9744                     {
9745                       synchronized (monitor())
9746                       {
9747                         check_orphaned();
9748                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9749                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2, 0);
9750                         return target;
9751                       }
9752                     }
9754                     /**
9755                      * True if has "IndirectCostsBase" element
9756                      */
9757                     public boolean isSetIndirectCostsBase()
9758                     {
9759                       synchronized (monitor())
9760                       {
9761                         check_orphaned();
9762                         return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2) != 0;
9763                       }
9764                     }
9766                     /**
9767                      * Sets the "IndirectCostsBase" element
9768                      */
9769                     public void setIndirectCostsBase(java.math.BigDecimal indirectCostsBase)
9770                     {
9771                       synchronized (monitor())
9772                       {
9773                         check_orphaned();
9774                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9775                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2, 0);
9776                         if (target == null)
9777                         {
9778                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2);
9779                         }
9780                         target.setBigDecimalValue(indirectCostsBase);
9781                       }
9782                     }
9784                     /**
9785                      * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsBase" element
9786                      */
9787                     public void xsetIndirectCostsBase(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType indirectCostsBase)
9788                     {
9789                       synchronized (monitor())
9790                       {
9791                         check_orphaned();
9792                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9793                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2, 0);
9794                         if (target == null)
9795                         {
9796                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2);
9797                         }
9798                         target.set(indirectCostsBase);
9799                       }
9800                     }
9802                     /**
9803                      * Unsets the "IndirectCostsBase" element
9804                      */
9805                     public void unsetIndirectCostsBase()
9806                     {
9807                       synchronized (monitor())
9808                       {
9809                         check_orphaned();
9810                         get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSBASE$2, 0);
9811                       }
9812                     }
9814                     /**
9815                      * Gets the "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9816                      */
9817                     public java.math.BigDecimal getIndirectCostsFunds()
9818                     {
9819                       synchronized (monitor())
9820                       {
9821                         check_orphaned();
9822                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9823                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4, 0);
9824                         if (target == null)
9825                         {
9826                           return null;
9827                         }
9828                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9829                       }
9830                     }
9832                     /**
9833                      * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9834                      */
9835                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetIndirectCostsFunds()
9836                     {
9837                       synchronized (monitor())
9838                       {
9839                         check_orphaned();
9840                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9841                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4, 0);
9842                         return target;
9843                       }
9844                     }
9846                     /**
9847                      * True if has "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9848                      */
9849                     public boolean isSetIndirectCostsFunds()
9850                     {
9851                       synchronized (monitor())
9852                       {
9853                         check_orphaned();
9854                         return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4) != 0;
9855                       }
9856                     }
9858                     /**
9859                      * Sets the "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9860                      */
9861                     public void setIndirectCostsFunds(java.math.BigDecimal indirectCostsFunds)
9862                     {
9863                       synchronized (monitor())
9864                       {
9865                         check_orphaned();
9866                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9867                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4, 0);
9868                         if (target == null)
9869                         {
9870                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4);
9871                         }
9872                         target.setBigDecimalValue(indirectCostsFunds);
9873                       }
9874                     }
9876                     /**
9877                      * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9878                      */
9879                     public void xsetIndirectCostsFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType indirectCostsFunds)
9880                     {
9881                       synchronized (monitor())
9882                       {
9883                         check_orphaned();
9884                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9885                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4, 0);
9886                         if (target == null)
9887                         {
9888                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4);
9889                         }
9890                         target.set(indirectCostsFunds);
9891                       }
9892                     }
9894                     /**
9895                      * Unsets the "IndirectCostsFunds" element
9896                      */
9897                     public void unsetIndirectCostsFunds()
9898                     {
9899                       synchronized (monitor())
9900                       {
9901                         check_orphaned();
9902                         get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSFUNDS$4, 0);
9903                       }
9904                     }
9906                     /**
9907                      * Gets the "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9908                      */
9909                     public java.math.BigDecimal getIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9910                     {
9911                       synchronized (monitor())
9912                       {
9913                         check_orphaned();
9914                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9915                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
9916                         if (target == null)
9917                         {
9918                           return null;
9919                         }
9920                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
9921                       }
9922                     }
9924                     /**
9925                      * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9926                      */
9927                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9928                     {
9929                       synchronized (monitor())
9930                       {
9931                         check_orphaned();
9932                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9933                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
9934                         return target;
9935                       }
9936                     }
9938                     /**
9939                      * True if has "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9940                      */
9941                     public boolean isSetIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9942                     {
9943                       synchronized (monitor())
9944                       {
9945                         check_orphaned();
9946                         return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6) != 0;
9947                       }
9948                     }
9950                     /**
9951                      * Sets the "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9952                      */
9953                     public void setIndirectCostsCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal indirectCostsCostSharing)
9954                     {
9955                       synchronized (monitor())
9956                       {
9957                         check_orphaned();
9958                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
9959                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
9960                         if (target == null)
9961                         {
9962                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6);
9963                         }
9964                         target.setBigDecimalValue(indirectCostsCostSharing);
9965                       }
9966                     }
9968                     /**
9969                      * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9970                      */
9971                     public void xsetIndirectCostsCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType indirectCostsCostSharing)
9972                     {
9973                       synchronized (monitor())
9974                       {
9975                         check_orphaned();
9976                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
9977                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
9978                         if (target == null)
9979                         {
9980                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6);
9981                         }
9982                         target.set(indirectCostsCostSharing);
9983                       }
9984                     }
9986                     /**
9987                      * Unsets the "IndirectCostsCostSharing" element
9988                      */
9989                     public void unsetIndirectCostsCostSharing()
9990                     {
9991                       synchronized (monitor())
9992                       {
9993                         check_orphaned();
9994                         get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$6, 0);
9995                       }
9996                     }
9998                     /**
9999                      * Gets the "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10000                      */
10001                     public java.math.BigDecimal getIndirectCostsTotal()
10002                     {
10003                       synchronized (monitor())
10004                       {
10005                         check_orphaned();
10006                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10007                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8, 0);
10008                         if (target == null)
10009                         {
10010                           return null;
10011                         }
10012                         return target.getBigDecimalValue();
10013                       }
10014                     }
10016                     /**
10017                      * Gets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10018                      */
10019                     public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetIndirectCostsTotal()
10020                     {
10021                       synchronized (monitor())
10022                       {
10023                         check_orphaned();
10024                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10025                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8, 0);
10026                         return target;
10027                       }
10028                     }
10030                     /**
10031                      * True if has "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10032                      */
10033                     public boolean isSetIndirectCostsTotal()
10034                     {
10035                       synchronized (monitor())
10036                       {
10037                         check_orphaned();
10038                         return get_store().count_elements(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8) != 0;
10039                       }
10040                     }
10042                     /**
10043                      * Sets the "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10044                      */
10045                     public void setIndirectCostsTotal(java.math.BigDecimal indirectCostsTotal)
10046                     {
10047                       synchronized (monitor())
10048                       {
10049                         check_orphaned();
10050                         org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10051                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8, 0);
10052                         if (target == null)
10053                         {
10054                           target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8);
10055                         }
10056                         target.setBigDecimalValue(indirectCostsTotal);
10057                       }
10058                     }
10060                     /**
10061                      * Sets (as xml) the "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10062                      */
10063                     public void xsetIndirectCostsTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType indirectCostsTotal)
10064                     {
10065                       synchronized (monitor())
10066                       {
10067                         check_orphaned();
10068                         gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10069                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8, 0);
10070                         if (target == null)
10071                         {
10072                           target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8);
10073                         }
10074                         target.set(indirectCostsTotal);
10075                       }
10076                     }
10078                     /**
10079                      * Unsets the "IndirectCostsTotal" element
10080                      */
10081                     public void unsetIndirectCostsTotal()
10082                     {
10083                       synchronized (monitor())
10084                       {
10085                         check_orphaned();
10086                         get_store().remove_element(INDIRECTCOSTSTOTAL$8, 0);
10087                       }
10088                     }
10089                 }
10090             }
10091             /**
10092              * An XML TotalProjectCosts(@
10093              *
10094              * This is a complex type.
10095              */
10096             public static class TotalProjectCostsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectCosts
10097             {
10098                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
10100                 public TotalProjectCostsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
10101                 {
10102                     super(sType);
10103                 }
10105                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0 = 
10106                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalProjectCostsFunds");
10107                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2 = 
10108                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing");
10109                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4 = 
10110                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumTotalProjectCosts");
10113                 /**
10114                  * Gets the "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10115                  */
10116                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalProjectCostsFunds()
10117                 {
10118                     synchronized (monitor())
10119                     {
10120                       check_orphaned();
10121                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10122                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
10123                       if (target == null)
10124                       {
10125                         return null;
10126                       }
10127                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
10128                     }
10129                 }
10131                 /**
10132                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10133                  */
10134                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalProjectCostsFunds()
10135                 {
10136                     synchronized (monitor())
10137                     {
10138                       check_orphaned();
10139                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10140                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
10141                       return target;
10142                     }
10143                 }
10145                 /**
10146                  * True if has "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10147                  */
10148                 public boolean isSetTotalProjectCostsFunds()
10149                 {
10150                     synchronized (monitor())
10151                     {
10152                       check_orphaned();
10153                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0) != 0;
10154                     }
10155                 }
10157                 /**
10158                  * Sets the "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10159                  */
10160                 public void setTotalProjectCostsFunds(java.math.BigDecimal totalProjectCostsFunds)
10161                 {
10162                     synchronized (monitor())
10163                     {
10164                       check_orphaned();
10165                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10166                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
10167                       if (target == null)
10168                       {
10169                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0);
10170                       }
10171                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalProjectCostsFunds);
10172                     }
10173                 }
10175                 /**
10176                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10177                  */
10178                 public void xsetTotalProjectCostsFunds(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalProjectCostsFunds)
10179                 {
10180                     synchronized (monitor())
10181                     {
10182                       check_orphaned();
10183                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10184                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
10185                       if (target == null)
10186                       {
10187                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0);
10188                       }
10189                       target.set(totalProjectCostsFunds);
10190                     }
10191                 }
10193                 /**
10194                  * Unsets the "TotalProjectCostsFunds" element
10195                  */
10196                 public void unsetTotalProjectCostsFunds()
10197                 {
10198                     synchronized (monitor())
10199                     {
10200                       check_orphaned();
10201                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSFUNDS$0, 0);
10202                     }
10203                 }
10205                 /**
10206                  * Gets the "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10207                  */
10208                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalProjectCostsCostSharing()
10209                 {
10210                     synchronized (monitor())
10211                     {
10212                       check_orphaned();
10213                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10214                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
10215                       if (target == null)
10216                       {
10217                         return null;
10218                       }
10219                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
10220                     }
10221                 }
10223                 /**
10224                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10225                  */
10226                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalProjectCostsCostSharing()
10227                 {
10228                     synchronized (monitor())
10229                     {
10230                       check_orphaned();
10231                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10232                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
10233                       return target;
10234                     }
10235                 }
10237                 /**
10238                  * True if has "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10239                  */
10240                 public boolean isSetTotalProjectCostsCostSharing()
10241                 {
10242                     synchronized (monitor())
10243                     {
10244                       check_orphaned();
10245                       return get_store().count_elements(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2) != 0;
10246                     }
10247                 }
10249                 /**
10250                  * Sets the "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10251                  */
10252                 public void setTotalProjectCostsCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal totalProjectCostsCostSharing)
10253                 {
10254                     synchronized (monitor())
10255                     {
10256                       check_orphaned();
10257                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10258                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
10259                       if (target == null)
10260                       {
10261                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2);
10262                       }
10263                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalProjectCostsCostSharing);
10264                     }
10265                 }
10267                 /**
10268                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10269                  */
10270                 public void xsetTotalProjectCostsCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalProjectCostsCostSharing)
10271                 {
10272                     synchronized (monitor())
10273                     {
10274                       check_orphaned();
10275                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10276                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
10277                       if (target == null)
10278                       {
10279                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2);
10280                       }
10281                       target.set(totalProjectCostsCostSharing);
10282                     }
10283                 }
10285                 /**
10286                  * Unsets the "TotalProjectCostsCostSharing" element
10287                  */
10288                 public void unsetTotalProjectCostsCostSharing()
10289                 {
10290                     synchronized (monitor())
10291                     {
10292                       check_orphaned();
10293                       get_store().remove_element(TOTALPROJECTCOSTSCOSTSHARING$2, 0);
10294                     }
10295                 }
10297                 /**
10298                  * Gets the "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10299                  */
10300                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumTotalProjectCosts()
10301                 {
10302                     synchronized (monitor())
10303                     {
10304                       check_orphaned();
10305                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10306                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4, 0);
10307                       if (target == null)
10308                       {
10309                         return null;
10310                       }
10311                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
10312                     }
10313                 }
10315                 /**
10316                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10317                  */
10318                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumTotalProjectCosts()
10319                 {
10320                     synchronized (monitor())
10321                     {
10322                       check_orphaned();
10323                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10324                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4, 0);
10325                       return target;
10326                     }
10327                 }
10329                 /**
10330                  * True if has "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10331                  */
10332                 public boolean isSetSumTotalProjectCosts()
10333                 {
10334                     synchronized (monitor())
10335                     {
10336                       check_orphaned();
10337                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4) != 0;
10338                     }
10339                 }
10341                 /**
10342                  * Sets the "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10343                  */
10344                 public void setSumTotalProjectCosts(java.math.BigDecimal sumTotalProjectCosts)
10345                 {
10346                     synchronized (monitor())
10347                     {
10348                       check_orphaned();
10349                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10350                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4, 0);
10351                       if (target == null)
10352                       {
10353                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4);
10354                       }
10355                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumTotalProjectCosts);
10356                     }
10357                 }
10359                 /**
10360                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10361                  */
10362                 public void xsetSumTotalProjectCosts(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumTotalProjectCosts)
10363                 {
10364                     synchronized (monitor())
10365                     {
10366                       check_orphaned();
10367                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
10368                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4, 0);
10369                       if (target == null)
10370                       {
10371                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4);
10372                       }
10373                       target.set(sumTotalProjectCosts);
10374                     }
10375                 }
10377                 /**
10378                  * Unsets the "SumTotalProjectCosts" element
10379                  */
10380                 public void unsetSumTotalProjectCosts()
10381                 {
10382                     synchronized (monitor())
10383                     {
10384                       check_orphaned();
10385                       get_store().remove_element(SUMTOTALPROJECTCOSTS$4, 0);
10386                     }
10387                 }
10388             }
10389             /**
10390              * An XML SummaryBudget(@
10391              *
10392              * This is a complex type.
10393              */
10394             public static class SummaryBudgetImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SummaryBudget
10395             {
10396                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
10398                 public SummaryBudgetImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
10399                 {
10400                     super(sType);
10401                 }
10403                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0 = 
10404                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFirstYearFrom");
10405                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2 = 
10406                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFirstYearThru");
10407                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4 = 
10408                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSecondYearFrom");
10409                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6 = 
10410                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSecondYearThru");
10411                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8 = 
10412                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudThirdYearFrom");
10413                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10 = 
10414                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudThirdYearThru");
10415                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSALWAG1$12 = 
10416                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSalWag1");
10417                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSALWAG2$14 = 
10418                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSalWag2");
10419                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSALWAG3$16 = 
10420                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSalWag3");
10421                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18 = 
10422                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSalWagTotal");
10423                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFRINGE1$20 = 
10424                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFringe1");
10425                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFRINGE2$22 = 
10426                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFringe2");
10427                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFRINGE3$24 = 
10428                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFringe3");
10429                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26 = 
10430                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudFringeTotal");
10431                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDCONSULT1$28 = 
10432                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudConsult1");
10433                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDCONSULT2$30 = 
10434                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudConsult2");
10435                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDCONSULT3$32 = 
10436                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudConsult3");
10437                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34 = 
10438                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudConsultTotal");
10439                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36 = 
10440                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTravel1");
10441                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38 = 
10442                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTravel2");
10443                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40 = 
10444                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTravel3");
10445                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42 = 
10446                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTravelTotal");
10447                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSUPPL1$44 = 
10448                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSuppl1");
10449                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSUPPL2$46 = 
10450                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSuppl2");
10451                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSUPPL3$48 = 
10452                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSuppl3");
10453                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50 = 
10454                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSupplTotal");
10455                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSVC1$52 = 
10456                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSvc1");
10457                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSVC2$54 = 
10458                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSvc2");
10459                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSVC3$56 = 
10460                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSvc3");
10461                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58 = 
10462                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudSvcTotal");
10463                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDOTH1$60 = 
10464                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudOth1");
10465                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDOTH2$62 = 
10466                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudOth2");
10467                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDOTH3$64 = 
10468                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudOth3");
10469                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66 = 
10470                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudOthTotal");
10471                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68 = 
10472                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalDirect1");
10473                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70 = 
10474                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalDirect2");
10475                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72 = 
10476                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalDirect3");
10477                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74 = 
10478                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalDirectTotal");
10479                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76 = 
10480                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudIndirect1");
10481                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78 = 
10482                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudIndirect2");
10483                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80 = 
10484                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudIndirect3");
10485                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82 = 
10486                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal");
10489                 /**
10490                  * Gets the "SumBudFirstYearFrom" element
10491                  */
10492                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudFirstYearFrom()
10493                 {
10494                     synchronized (monitor())
10495                     {
10496                       check_orphaned();
10497                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10498                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0, 0);
10499                       if (target == null)
10500                       {
10501                         return null;
10502                       }
10503                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10504                     }
10505                 }
10507                 /**
10508                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFirstYearFrom" element
10509                  */
10510                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudFirstYearFrom()
10511                 {
10512                     synchronized (monitor())
10513                     {
10514                       check_orphaned();
10515                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10516                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0, 0);
10517                       return target;
10518                     }
10519                 }
10521                 /**
10522                  * Sets the "SumBudFirstYearFrom" element
10523                  */
10524                 public void setSumBudFirstYearFrom(java.util.Calendar sumBudFirstYearFrom)
10525                 {
10526                     synchronized (monitor())
10527                     {
10528                       check_orphaned();
10529                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10530                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0, 0);
10531                       if (target == null)
10532                       {
10533                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0);
10534                       }
10535                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudFirstYearFrom);
10536                     }
10537                 }
10539                 /**
10540                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFirstYearFrom" element
10541                  */
10542                 public void xsetSumBudFirstYearFrom(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudFirstYearFrom)
10543                 {
10544                     synchronized (monitor())
10545                     {
10546                       check_orphaned();
10547                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10548                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0, 0);
10549                       if (target == null)
10550                       {
10551                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARFROM$0);
10552                       }
10553                       target.set(sumBudFirstYearFrom);
10554                     }
10555                 }
10557                 /**
10558                  * Gets the "SumBudFirstYearThru" element
10559                  */
10560                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudFirstYearThru()
10561                 {
10562                     synchronized (monitor())
10563                     {
10564                       check_orphaned();
10565                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10566                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2, 0);
10567                       if (target == null)
10568                       {
10569                         return null;
10570                       }
10571                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10572                     }
10573                 }
10575                 /**
10576                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFirstYearThru" element
10577                  */
10578                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudFirstYearThru()
10579                 {
10580                     synchronized (monitor())
10581                     {
10582                       check_orphaned();
10583                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10584                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2, 0);
10585                       return target;
10586                     }
10587                 }
10589                 /**
10590                  * Sets the "SumBudFirstYearThru" element
10591                  */
10592                 public void setSumBudFirstYearThru(java.util.Calendar sumBudFirstYearThru)
10593                 {
10594                     synchronized (monitor())
10595                     {
10596                       check_orphaned();
10597                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10598                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2, 0);
10599                       if (target == null)
10600                       {
10601                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2);
10602                       }
10603                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudFirstYearThru);
10604                     }
10605                 }
10607                 /**
10608                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFirstYearThru" element
10609                  */
10610                 public void xsetSumBudFirstYearThru(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudFirstYearThru)
10611                 {
10612                     synchronized (monitor())
10613                     {
10614                       check_orphaned();
10615                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10616                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2, 0);
10617                       if (target == null)
10618                       {
10619                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFIRSTYEARTHRU$2);
10620                       }
10621                       target.set(sumBudFirstYearThru);
10622                     }
10623                 }
10625                 /**
10626                  * Gets the "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10627                  */
10628                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudSecondYearFrom()
10629                 {
10630                     synchronized (monitor())
10631                     {
10632                       check_orphaned();
10633                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10634                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4, 0);
10635                       if (target == null)
10636                       {
10637                         return null;
10638                       }
10639                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10640                     }
10641                 }
10643                 /**
10644                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10645                  */
10646                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudSecondYearFrom()
10647                 {
10648                     synchronized (monitor())
10649                     {
10650                       check_orphaned();
10651                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10652                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4, 0);
10653                       return target;
10654                     }
10655                 }
10657                 /**
10658                  * True if has "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10659                  */
10660                 public boolean isSetSumBudSecondYearFrom()
10661                 {
10662                     synchronized (monitor())
10663                     {
10664                       check_orphaned();
10665                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4) != 0;
10666                     }
10667                 }
10669                 /**
10670                  * Sets the "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10671                  */
10672                 public void setSumBudSecondYearFrom(java.util.Calendar sumBudSecondYearFrom)
10673                 {
10674                     synchronized (monitor())
10675                     {
10676                       check_orphaned();
10677                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10678                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4, 0);
10679                       if (target == null)
10680                       {
10681                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4);
10682                       }
10683                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudSecondYearFrom);
10684                     }
10685                 }
10687                 /**
10688                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10689                  */
10690                 public void xsetSumBudSecondYearFrom(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudSecondYearFrom)
10691                 {
10692                     synchronized (monitor())
10693                     {
10694                       check_orphaned();
10695                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10696                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4, 0);
10697                       if (target == null)
10698                       {
10699                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4);
10700                       }
10701                       target.set(sumBudSecondYearFrom);
10702                     }
10703                 }
10705                 /**
10706                  * Unsets the "SumBudSecondYearFrom" element
10707                  */
10708                 public void unsetSumBudSecondYearFrom()
10709                 {
10710                     synchronized (monitor())
10711                     {
10712                       check_orphaned();
10713                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSECONDYEARFROM$4, 0);
10714                     }
10715                 }
10717                 /**
10718                  * Gets the "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10719                  */
10720                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudSecondYearThru()
10721                 {
10722                     synchronized (monitor())
10723                     {
10724                       check_orphaned();
10725                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10726                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6, 0);
10727                       if (target == null)
10728                       {
10729                         return null;
10730                       }
10731                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10732                     }
10733                 }
10735                 /**
10736                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10737                  */
10738                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudSecondYearThru()
10739                 {
10740                     synchronized (monitor())
10741                     {
10742                       check_orphaned();
10743                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10744                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6, 0);
10745                       return target;
10746                     }
10747                 }
10749                 /**
10750                  * True if has "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10751                  */
10752                 public boolean isSetSumBudSecondYearThru()
10753                 {
10754                     synchronized (monitor())
10755                     {
10756                       check_orphaned();
10757                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6) != 0;
10758                     }
10759                 }
10761                 /**
10762                  * Sets the "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10763                  */
10764                 public void setSumBudSecondYearThru(java.util.Calendar sumBudSecondYearThru)
10765                 {
10766                     synchronized (monitor())
10767                     {
10768                       check_orphaned();
10769                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10770                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6, 0);
10771                       if (target == null)
10772                       {
10773                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6);
10774                       }
10775                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudSecondYearThru);
10776                     }
10777                 }
10779                 /**
10780                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10781                  */
10782                 public void xsetSumBudSecondYearThru(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudSecondYearThru)
10783                 {
10784                     synchronized (monitor())
10785                     {
10786                       check_orphaned();
10787                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10788                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6, 0);
10789                       if (target == null)
10790                       {
10791                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6);
10792                       }
10793                       target.set(sumBudSecondYearThru);
10794                     }
10795                 }
10797                 /**
10798                  * Unsets the "SumBudSecondYearThru" element
10799                  */
10800                 public void unsetSumBudSecondYearThru()
10801                 {
10802                     synchronized (monitor())
10803                     {
10804                       check_orphaned();
10805                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSECONDYEARTHRU$6, 0);
10806                     }
10807                 }
10809                 /**
10810                  * Gets the "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10811                  */
10812                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudThirdYearFrom()
10813                 {
10814                     synchronized (monitor())
10815                     {
10816                       check_orphaned();
10817                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10818                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8, 0);
10819                       if (target == null)
10820                       {
10821                         return null;
10822                       }
10823                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10824                     }
10825                 }
10827                 /**
10828                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10829                  */
10830                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudThirdYearFrom()
10831                 {
10832                     synchronized (monitor())
10833                     {
10834                       check_orphaned();
10835                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10836                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8, 0);
10837                       return target;
10838                     }
10839                 }
10841                 /**
10842                  * True if has "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10843                  */
10844                 public boolean isSetSumBudThirdYearFrom()
10845                 {
10846                     synchronized (monitor())
10847                     {
10848                       check_orphaned();
10849                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8) != 0;
10850                     }
10851                 }
10853                 /**
10854                  * Sets the "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10855                  */
10856                 public void setSumBudThirdYearFrom(java.util.Calendar sumBudThirdYearFrom)
10857                 {
10858                     synchronized (monitor())
10859                     {
10860                       check_orphaned();
10861                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10862                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8, 0);
10863                       if (target == null)
10864                       {
10865                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8);
10866                       }
10867                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudThirdYearFrom);
10868                     }
10869                 }
10871                 /**
10872                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10873                  */
10874                 public void xsetSumBudThirdYearFrom(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudThirdYearFrom)
10875                 {
10876                     synchronized (monitor())
10877                     {
10878                       check_orphaned();
10879                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10880                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8, 0);
10881                       if (target == null)
10882                       {
10883                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8);
10884                       }
10885                       target.set(sumBudThirdYearFrom);
10886                     }
10887                 }
10889                 /**
10890                  * Unsets the "SumBudThirdYearFrom" element
10891                  */
10892                 public void unsetSumBudThirdYearFrom()
10893                 {
10894                     synchronized (monitor())
10895                     {
10896                       check_orphaned();
10897                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARFROM$8, 0);
10898                     }
10899                 }
10901                 /**
10902                  * Gets the "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10903                  */
10904                 public java.util.Calendar getSumBudThirdYearThru()
10905                 {
10906                     synchronized (monitor())
10907                     {
10908                       check_orphaned();
10909                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10910                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10, 0);
10911                       if (target == null)
10912                       {
10913                         return null;
10914                       }
10915                       return target.getCalendarValue();
10916                     }
10917                 }
10919                 /**
10920                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10921                  */
10922                 public org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate xgetSumBudThirdYearThru()
10923                 {
10924                     synchronized (monitor())
10925                     {
10926                       check_orphaned();
10927                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10928                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10, 0);
10929                       return target;
10930                     }
10931                 }
10933                 /**
10934                  * True if has "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10935                  */
10936                 public boolean isSetSumBudThirdYearThru()
10937                 {
10938                     synchronized (monitor())
10939                     {
10940                       check_orphaned();
10941                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10) != 0;
10942                     }
10943                 }
10945                 /**
10946                  * Sets the "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10947                  */
10948                 public void setSumBudThirdYearThru(java.util.Calendar sumBudThirdYearThru)
10949                 {
10950                     synchronized (monitor())
10951                     {
10952                       check_orphaned();
10953                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
10954                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10, 0);
10955                       if (target == null)
10956                       {
10957                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10);
10958                       }
10959                       target.setCalendarValue(sumBudThirdYearThru);
10960                     }
10961                 }
10963                 /**
10964                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10965                  */
10966                 public void xsetSumBudThirdYearThru(org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate sumBudThirdYearThru)
10967                 {
10968                     synchronized (monitor())
10969                     {
10970                       check_orphaned();
10971                       org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate target = null;
10972                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10, 0);
10973                       if (target == null)
10974                       {
10975                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlDate)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10);
10976                       }
10977                       target.set(sumBudThirdYearThru);
10978                     }
10979                 }
10981                 /**
10982                  * Unsets the "SumBudThirdYearThru" element
10983                  */
10984                 public void unsetSumBudThirdYearThru()
10985                 {
10986                     synchronized (monitor())
10987                     {
10988                       check_orphaned();
10989                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTHIRDYEARTHRU$10, 0);
10990                     }
10991                 }
10993                 /**
10994                  * Gets the "SumBudSalWag1" element
10995                  */
10996                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSalWag1()
10997                 {
10998                     synchronized (monitor())
10999                     {
11000                       check_orphaned();
11001                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11002                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12, 0);
11003                       if (target == null)
11004                       {
11005                         return null;
11006                       }
11007                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11008                     }
11009                 }
11011                 /**
11012                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag1" element
11013                  */
11014                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSalWag1()
11015                 {
11016                     synchronized (monitor())
11017                     {
11018                       check_orphaned();
11019                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11020                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12, 0);
11021                       return target;
11022                     }
11023                 }
11025                 /**
11026                  * True if has "SumBudSalWag1" element
11027                  */
11028                 public boolean isSetSumBudSalWag1()
11029                 {
11030                     synchronized (monitor())
11031                     {
11032                       check_orphaned();
11033                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12) != 0;
11034                     }
11035                 }
11037                 /**
11038                  * Sets the "SumBudSalWag1" element
11039                  */
11040                 public void setSumBudSalWag1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSalWag1)
11041                 {
11042                     synchronized (monitor())
11043                     {
11044                       check_orphaned();
11045                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11046                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12, 0);
11047                       if (target == null)
11048                       {
11049                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12);
11050                       }
11051                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSalWag1);
11052                     }
11053                 }
11055                 /**
11056                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag1" element
11057                  */
11058                 public void xsetSumBudSalWag1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSalWag1)
11059                 {
11060                     synchronized (monitor())
11061                     {
11062                       check_orphaned();
11063                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11064                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12, 0);
11065                       if (target == null)
11066                       {
11067                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12);
11068                       }
11069                       target.set(sumBudSalWag1);
11070                     }
11071                 }
11073                 /**
11074                  * Unsets the "SumBudSalWag1" element
11075                  */
11076                 public void unsetSumBudSalWag1()
11077                 {
11078                     synchronized (monitor())
11079                     {
11080                       check_orphaned();
11081                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSALWAG1$12, 0);
11082                     }
11083                 }
11085                 /**
11086                  * Gets the "SumBudSalWag2" element
11087                  */
11088                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSalWag2()
11089                 {
11090                     synchronized (monitor())
11091                     {
11092                       check_orphaned();
11093                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11094                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14, 0);
11095                       if (target == null)
11096                       {
11097                         return null;
11098                       }
11099                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11100                     }
11101                 }
11103                 /**
11104                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag2" element
11105                  */
11106                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSalWag2()
11107                 {
11108                     synchronized (monitor())
11109                     {
11110                       check_orphaned();
11111                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11112                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14, 0);
11113                       return target;
11114                     }
11115                 }
11117                 /**
11118                  * True if has "SumBudSalWag2" element
11119                  */
11120                 public boolean isSetSumBudSalWag2()
11121                 {
11122                     synchronized (monitor())
11123                     {
11124                       check_orphaned();
11125                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14) != 0;
11126                     }
11127                 }
11129                 /**
11130                  * Sets the "SumBudSalWag2" element
11131                  */
11132                 public void setSumBudSalWag2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSalWag2)
11133                 {
11134                     synchronized (monitor())
11135                     {
11136                       check_orphaned();
11137                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11138                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14, 0);
11139                       if (target == null)
11140                       {
11141                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14);
11142                       }
11143                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSalWag2);
11144                     }
11145                 }
11147                 /**
11148                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag2" element
11149                  */
11150                 public void xsetSumBudSalWag2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSalWag2)
11151                 {
11152                     synchronized (monitor())
11153                     {
11154                       check_orphaned();
11155                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11156                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14, 0);
11157                       if (target == null)
11158                       {
11159                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14);
11160                       }
11161                       target.set(sumBudSalWag2);
11162                     }
11163                 }
11165                 /**
11166                  * Unsets the "SumBudSalWag2" element
11167                  */
11168                 public void unsetSumBudSalWag2()
11169                 {
11170                     synchronized (monitor())
11171                     {
11172                       check_orphaned();
11173                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSALWAG2$14, 0);
11174                     }
11175                 }
11177                 /**
11178                  * Gets the "SumBudSalWag3" element
11179                  */
11180                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSalWag3()
11181                 {
11182                     synchronized (monitor())
11183                     {
11184                       check_orphaned();
11185                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11186                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16, 0);
11187                       if (target == null)
11188                       {
11189                         return null;
11190                       }
11191                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11192                     }
11193                 }
11195                 /**
11196                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag3" element
11197                  */
11198                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSalWag3()
11199                 {
11200                     synchronized (monitor())
11201                     {
11202                       check_orphaned();
11203                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11204                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16, 0);
11205                       return target;
11206                     }
11207                 }
11209                 /**
11210                  * True if has "SumBudSalWag3" element
11211                  */
11212                 public boolean isSetSumBudSalWag3()
11213                 {
11214                     synchronized (monitor())
11215                     {
11216                       check_orphaned();
11217                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16) != 0;
11218                     }
11219                 }
11221                 /**
11222                  * Sets the "SumBudSalWag3" element
11223                  */
11224                 public void setSumBudSalWag3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSalWag3)
11225                 {
11226                     synchronized (monitor())
11227                     {
11228                       check_orphaned();
11229                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11230                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16, 0);
11231                       if (target == null)
11232                       {
11233                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16);
11234                       }
11235                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSalWag3);
11236                     }
11237                 }
11239                 /**
11240                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWag3" element
11241                  */
11242                 public void xsetSumBudSalWag3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSalWag3)
11243                 {
11244                     synchronized (monitor())
11245                     {
11246                       check_orphaned();
11247                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11248                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16, 0);
11249                       if (target == null)
11250                       {
11251                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16);
11252                       }
11253                       target.set(sumBudSalWag3);
11254                     }
11255                 }
11257                 /**
11258                  * Unsets the "SumBudSalWag3" element
11259                  */
11260                 public void unsetSumBudSalWag3()
11261                 {
11262                     synchronized (monitor())
11263                     {
11264                       check_orphaned();
11265                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSALWAG3$16, 0);
11266                     }
11267                 }
11269                 /**
11270                  * Gets the "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11271                  */
11272                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSalWagTotal()
11273                 {
11274                     synchronized (monitor())
11275                     {
11276                       check_orphaned();
11277                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11278                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18, 0);
11279                       if (target == null)
11280                       {
11281                         return null;
11282                       }
11283                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11284                     }
11285                 }
11287                 /**
11288                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11289                  */
11290                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSalWagTotal()
11291                 {
11292                     synchronized (monitor())
11293                     {
11294                       check_orphaned();
11295                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11296                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18, 0);
11297                       return target;
11298                     }
11299                 }
11301                 /**
11302                  * True if has "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11303                  */
11304                 public boolean isSetSumBudSalWagTotal()
11305                 {
11306                     synchronized (monitor())
11307                     {
11308                       check_orphaned();
11309                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18) != 0;
11310                     }
11311                 }
11313                 /**
11314                  * Sets the "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11315                  */
11316                 public void setSumBudSalWagTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSalWagTotal)
11317                 {
11318                     synchronized (monitor())
11319                     {
11320                       check_orphaned();
11321                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11322                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18, 0);
11323                       if (target == null)
11324                       {
11325                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18);
11326                       }
11327                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSalWagTotal);
11328                     }
11329                 }
11331                 /**
11332                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11333                  */
11334                 public void xsetSumBudSalWagTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSalWagTotal)
11335                 {
11336                     synchronized (monitor())
11337                     {
11338                       check_orphaned();
11339                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11340                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18, 0);
11341                       if (target == null)
11342                       {
11343                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18);
11344                       }
11345                       target.set(sumBudSalWagTotal);
11346                     }
11347                 }
11349                 /**
11350                  * Unsets the "SumBudSalWagTotal" element
11351                  */
11352                 public void unsetSumBudSalWagTotal()
11353                 {
11354                     synchronized (monitor())
11355                     {
11356                       check_orphaned();
11357                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSALWAGTOTAL$18, 0);
11358                     }
11359                 }
11361                 /**
11362                  * Gets the "SumBudFringe1" element
11363                  */
11364                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudFringe1()
11365                 {
11366                     synchronized (monitor())
11367                     {
11368                       check_orphaned();
11369                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11370                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20, 0);
11371                       if (target == null)
11372                       {
11373                         return null;
11374                       }
11375                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11376                     }
11377                 }
11379                 /**
11380                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe1" element
11381                  */
11382                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudFringe1()
11383                 {
11384                     synchronized (monitor())
11385                     {
11386                       check_orphaned();
11387                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11388                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20, 0);
11389                       return target;
11390                     }
11391                 }
11393                 /**
11394                  * True if has "SumBudFringe1" element
11395                  */
11396                 public boolean isSetSumBudFringe1()
11397                 {
11398                     synchronized (monitor())
11399                     {
11400                       check_orphaned();
11401                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20) != 0;
11402                     }
11403                 }
11405                 /**
11406                  * Sets the "SumBudFringe1" element
11407                  */
11408                 public void setSumBudFringe1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudFringe1)
11409                 {
11410                     synchronized (monitor())
11411                     {
11412                       check_orphaned();
11413                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11414                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20, 0);
11415                       if (target == null)
11416                       {
11417                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20);
11418                       }
11419                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudFringe1);
11420                     }
11421                 }
11423                 /**
11424                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe1" element
11425                  */
11426                 public void xsetSumBudFringe1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudFringe1)
11427                 {
11428                     synchronized (monitor())
11429                     {
11430                       check_orphaned();
11431                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11432                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20, 0);
11433                       if (target == null)
11434                       {
11435                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20);
11436                       }
11437                       target.set(sumBudFringe1);
11438                     }
11439                 }
11441                 /**
11442                  * Unsets the "SumBudFringe1" element
11443                  */
11444                 public void unsetSumBudFringe1()
11445                 {
11446                     synchronized (monitor())
11447                     {
11448                       check_orphaned();
11449                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDFRINGE1$20, 0);
11450                     }
11451                 }
11453                 /**
11454                  * Gets the "SumBudFringe2" element
11455                  */
11456                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudFringe2()
11457                 {
11458                     synchronized (monitor())
11459                     {
11460                       check_orphaned();
11461                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11462                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22, 0);
11463                       if (target == null)
11464                       {
11465                         return null;
11466                       }
11467                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11468                     }
11469                 }
11471                 /**
11472                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe2" element
11473                  */
11474                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudFringe2()
11475                 {
11476                     synchronized (monitor())
11477                     {
11478                       check_orphaned();
11479                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11480                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22, 0);
11481                       return target;
11482                     }
11483                 }
11485                 /**
11486                  * True if has "SumBudFringe2" element
11487                  */
11488                 public boolean isSetSumBudFringe2()
11489                 {
11490                     synchronized (monitor())
11491                     {
11492                       check_orphaned();
11493                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22) != 0;
11494                     }
11495                 }
11497                 /**
11498                  * Sets the "SumBudFringe2" element
11499                  */
11500                 public void setSumBudFringe2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudFringe2)
11501                 {
11502                     synchronized (monitor())
11503                     {
11504                       check_orphaned();
11505                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11506                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22, 0);
11507                       if (target == null)
11508                       {
11509                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22);
11510                       }
11511                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudFringe2);
11512                     }
11513                 }
11515                 /**
11516                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe2" element
11517                  */
11518                 public void xsetSumBudFringe2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudFringe2)
11519                 {
11520                     synchronized (monitor())
11521                     {
11522                       check_orphaned();
11523                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11524                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22, 0);
11525                       if (target == null)
11526                       {
11527                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22);
11528                       }
11529                       target.set(sumBudFringe2);
11530                     }
11531                 }
11533                 /**
11534                  * Unsets the "SumBudFringe2" element
11535                  */
11536                 public void unsetSumBudFringe2()
11537                 {
11538                     synchronized (monitor())
11539                     {
11540                       check_orphaned();
11541                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDFRINGE2$22, 0);
11542                     }
11543                 }
11545                 /**
11546                  * Gets the "SumBudFringe3" element
11547                  */
11548                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudFringe3()
11549                 {
11550                     synchronized (monitor())
11551                     {
11552                       check_orphaned();
11553                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11554                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24, 0);
11555                       if (target == null)
11556                       {
11557                         return null;
11558                       }
11559                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11560                     }
11561                 }
11563                 /**
11564                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe3" element
11565                  */
11566                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudFringe3()
11567                 {
11568                     synchronized (monitor())
11569                     {
11570                       check_orphaned();
11571                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11572                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24, 0);
11573                       return target;
11574                     }
11575                 }
11577                 /**
11578                  * True if has "SumBudFringe3" element
11579                  */
11580                 public boolean isSetSumBudFringe3()
11581                 {
11582                     synchronized (monitor())
11583                     {
11584                       check_orphaned();
11585                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24) != 0;
11586                     }
11587                 }
11589                 /**
11590                  * Sets the "SumBudFringe3" element
11591                  */
11592                 public void setSumBudFringe3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudFringe3)
11593                 {
11594                     synchronized (monitor())
11595                     {
11596                       check_orphaned();
11597                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11598                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24, 0);
11599                       if (target == null)
11600                       {
11601                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24);
11602                       }
11603                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudFringe3);
11604                     }
11605                 }
11607                 /**
11608                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFringe3" element
11609                  */
11610                 public void xsetSumBudFringe3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudFringe3)
11611                 {
11612                     synchronized (monitor())
11613                     {
11614                       check_orphaned();
11615                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11616                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24, 0);
11617                       if (target == null)
11618                       {
11619                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24);
11620                       }
11621                       target.set(sumBudFringe3);
11622                     }
11623                 }
11625                 /**
11626                  * Unsets the "SumBudFringe3" element
11627                  */
11628                 public void unsetSumBudFringe3()
11629                 {
11630                     synchronized (monitor())
11631                     {
11632                       check_orphaned();
11633                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDFRINGE3$24, 0);
11634                     }
11635                 }
11637                 /**
11638                  * Gets the "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11639                  */
11640                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudFringeTotal()
11641                 {
11642                     synchronized (monitor())
11643                     {
11644                       check_orphaned();
11645                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11646                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26, 0);
11647                       if (target == null)
11648                       {
11649                         return null;
11650                       }
11651                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11652                     }
11653                 }
11655                 /**
11656                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11657                  */
11658                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudFringeTotal()
11659                 {
11660                     synchronized (monitor())
11661                     {
11662                       check_orphaned();
11663                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11664                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26, 0);
11665                       return target;
11666                     }
11667                 }
11669                 /**
11670                  * True if has "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11671                  */
11672                 public boolean isSetSumBudFringeTotal()
11673                 {
11674                     synchronized (monitor())
11675                     {
11676                       check_orphaned();
11677                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26) != 0;
11678                     }
11679                 }
11681                 /**
11682                  * Sets the "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11683                  */
11684                 public void setSumBudFringeTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudFringeTotal)
11685                 {
11686                     synchronized (monitor())
11687                     {
11688                       check_orphaned();
11689                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11690                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26, 0);
11691                       if (target == null)
11692                       {
11693                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26);
11694                       }
11695                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudFringeTotal);
11696                     }
11697                 }
11699                 /**
11700                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11701                  */
11702                 public void xsetSumBudFringeTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudFringeTotal)
11703                 {
11704                     synchronized (monitor())
11705                     {
11706                       check_orphaned();
11707                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11708                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26, 0);
11709                       if (target == null)
11710                       {
11711                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26);
11712                       }
11713                       target.set(sumBudFringeTotal);
11714                     }
11715                 }
11717                 /**
11718                  * Unsets the "SumBudFringeTotal" element
11719                  */
11720                 public void unsetSumBudFringeTotal()
11721                 {
11722                     synchronized (monitor())
11723                     {
11724                       check_orphaned();
11725                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDFRINGETOTAL$26, 0);
11726                     }
11727                 }
11729                 /**
11730                  * Gets the "SumBudConsult1" element
11731                  */
11732                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudConsult1()
11733                 {
11734                     synchronized (monitor())
11735                     {
11736                       check_orphaned();
11737                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11738                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28, 0);
11739                       if (target == null)
11740                       {
11741                         return null;
11742                       }
11743                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11744                     }
11745                 }
11747                 /**
11748                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult1" element
11749                  */
11750                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudConsult1()
11751                 {
11752                     synchronized (monitor())
11753                     {
11754                       check_orphaned();
11755                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11756                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28, 0);
11757                       return target;
11758                     }
11759                 }
11761                 /**
11762                  * True if has "SumBudConsult1" element
11763                  */
11764                 public boolean isSetSumBudConsult1()
11765                 {
11766                     synchronized (monitor())
11767                     {
11768                       check_orphaned();
11769                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28) != 0;
11770                     }
11771                 }
11773                 /**
11774                  * Sets the "SumBudConsult1" element
11775                  */
11776                 public void setSumBudConsult1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudConsult1)
11777                 {
11778                     synchronized (monitor())
11779                     {
11780                       check_orphaned();
11781                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11782                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28, 0);
11783                       if (target == null)
11784                       {
11785                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28);
11786                       }
11787                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudConsult1);
11788                     }
11789                 }
11791                 /**
11792                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult1" element
11793                  */
11794                 public void xsetSumBudConsult1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudConsult1)
11795                 {
11796                     synchronized (monitor())
11797                     {
11798                       check_orphaned();
11799                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11800                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28, 0);
11801                       if (target == null)
11802                       {
11803                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28);
11804                       }
11805                       target.set(sumBudConsult1);
11806                     }
11807                 }
11809                 /**
11810                  * Unsets the "SumBudConsult1" element
11811                  */
11812                 public void unsetSumBudConsult1()
11813                 {
11814                     synchronized (monitor())
11815                     {
11816                       check_orphaned();
11817                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDCONSULT1$28, 0);
11818                     }
11819                 }
11821                 /**
11822                  * Gets the "SumBudConsult2" element
11823                  */
11824                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudConsult2()
11825                 {
11826                     synchronized (monitor())
11827                     {
11828                       check_orphaned();
11829                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11830                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30, 0);
11831                       if (target == null)
11832                       {
11833                         return null;
11834                       }
11835                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11836                     }
11837                 }
11839                 /**
11840                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult2" element
11841                  */
11842                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudConsult2()
11843                 {
11844                     synchronized (monitor())
11845                     {
11846                       check_orphaned();
11847                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11848                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30, 0);
11849                       return target;
11850                     }
11851                 }
11853                 /**
11854                  * True if has "SumBudConsult2" element
11855                  */
11856                 public boolean isSetSumBudConsult2()
11857                 {
11858                     synchronized (monitor())
11859                     {
11860                       check_orphaned();
11861                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30) != 0;
11862                     }
11863                 }
11865                 /**
11866                  * Sets the "SumBudConsult2" element
11867                  */
11868                 public void setSumBudConsult2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudConsult2)
11869                 {
11870                     synchronized (monitor())
11871                     {
11872                       check_orphaned();
11873                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11874                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30, 0);
11875                       if (target == null)
11876                       {
11877                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30);
11878                       }
11879                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudConsult2);
11880                     }
11881                 }
11883                 /**
11884                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult2" element
11885                  */
11886                 public void xsetSumBudConsult2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudConsult2)
11887                 {
11888                     synchronized (monitor())
11889                     {
11890                       check_orphaned();
11891                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11892                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30, 0);
11893                       if (target == null)
11894                       {
11895                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30);
11896                       }
11897                       target.set(sumBudConsult2);
11898                     }
11899                 }
11901                 /**
11902                  * Unsets the "SumBudConsult2" element
11903                  */
11904                 public void unsetSumBudConsult2()
11905                 {
11906                     synchronized (monitor())
11907                     {
11908                       check_orphaned();
11909                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDCONSULT2$30, 0);
11910                     }
11911                 }
11913                 /**
11914                  * Gets the "SumBudConsult3" element
11915                  */
11916                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudConsult3()
11917                 {
11918                     synchronized (monitor())
11919                     {
11920                       check_orphaned();
11921                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11922                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32, 0);
11923                       if (target == null)
11924                       {
11925                         return null;
11926                       }
11927                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
11928                     }
11929                 }
11931                 /**
11932                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult3" element
11933                  */
11934                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudConsult3()
11935                 {
11936                     synchronized (monitor())
11937                     {
11938                       check_orphaned();
11939                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11940                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32, 0);
11941                       return target;
11942                     }
11943                 }
11945                 /**
11946                  * True if has "SumBudConsult3" element
11947                  */
11948                 public boolean isSetSumBudConsult3()
11949                 {
11950                     synchronized (monitor())
11951                     {
11952                       check_orphaned();
11953                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32) != 0;
11954                     }
11955                 }
11957                 /**
11958                  * Sets the "SumBudConsult3" element
11959                  */
11960                 public void setSumBudConsult3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudConsult3)
11961                 {
11962                     synchronized (monitor())
11963                     {
11964                       check_orphaned();
11965                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
11966                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32, 0);
11967                       if (target == null)
11968                       {
11969                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32);
11970                       }
11971                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudConsult3);
11972                     }
11973                 }
11975                 /**
11976                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudConsult3" element
11977                  */
11978                 public void xsetSumBudConsult3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudConsult3)
11979                 {
11980                     synchronized (monitor())
11981                     {
11982                       check_orphaned();
11983                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
11984                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32, 0);
11985                       if (target == null)
11986                       {
11987                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32);
11988                       }
11989                       target.set(sumBudConsult3);
11990                     }
11991                 }
11993                 /**
11994                  * Unsets the "SumBudConsult3" element
11995                  */
11996                 public void unsetSumBudConsult3()
11997                 {
11998                     synchronized (monitor())
11999                     {
12000                       check_orphaned();
12001                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDCONSULT3$32, 0);
12002                     }
12003                 }
12005                 /**
12006                  * Gets the "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12007                  */
12008                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudConsultTotal()
12009                 {
12010                     synchronized (monitor())
12011                     {
12012                       check_orphaned();
12013                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12014                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34, 0);
12015                       if (target == null)
12016                       {
12017                         return null;
12018                       }
12019                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12020                     }
12021                 }
12023                 /**
12024                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12025                  */
12026                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudConsultTotal()
12027                 {
12028                     synchronized (monitor())
12029                     {
12030                       check_orphaned();
12031                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12032                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34, 0);
12033                       return target;
12034                     }
12035                 }
12037                 /**
12038                  * True if has "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12039                  */
12040                 public boolean isSetSumBudConsultTotal()
12041                 {
12042                     synchronized (monitor())
12043                     {
12044                       check_orphaned();
12045                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34) != 0;
12046                     }
12047                 }
12049                 /**
12050                  * Sets the "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12051                  */
12052                 public void setSumBudConsultTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudConsultTotal)
12053                 {
12054                     synchronized (monitor())
12055                     {
12056                       check_orphaned();
12057                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12058                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34, 0);
12059                       if (target == null)
12060                       {
12061                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34);
12062                       }
12063                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudConsultTotal);
12064                     }
12065                 }
12067                 /**
12068                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12069                  */
12070                 public void xsetSumBudConsultTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudConsultTotal)
12071                 {
12072                     synchronized (monitor())
12073                     {
12074                       check_orphaned();
12075                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12076                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34, 0);
12077                       if (target == null)
12078                       {
12079                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34);
12080                       }
12081                       target.set(sumBudConsultTotal);
12082                     }
12083                 }
12085                 /**
12086                  * Unsets the "SumBudConsultTotal" element
12087                  */
12088                 public void unsetSumBudConsultTotal()
12089                 {
12090                     synchronized (monitor())
12091                     {
12092                       check_orphaned();
12093                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDCONSULTTOTAL$34, 0);
12094                     }
12095                 }
12097                 /**
12098                  * Gets the "SumBudTravel1" element
12099                  */
12100                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTravel1()
12101                 {
12102                     synchronized (monitor())
12103                     {
12104                       check_orphaned();
12105                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12106                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36, 0);
12107                       if (target == null)
12108                       {
12109                         return null;
12110                       }
12111                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12112                     }
12113                 }
12115                 /**
12116                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel1" element
12117                  */
12118                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTravel1()
12119                 {
12120                     synchronized (monitor())
12121                     {
12122                       check_orphaned();
12123                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12124                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36, 0);
12125                       return target;
12126                     }
12127                 }
12129                 /**
12130                  * True if has "SumBudTravel1" element
12131                  */
12132                 public boolean isSetSumBudTravel1()
12133                 {
12134                     synchronized (monitor())
12135                     {
12136                       check_orphaned();
12137                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36) != 0;
12138                     }
12139                 }
12141                 /**
12142                  * Sets the "SumBudTravel1" element
12143                  */
12144                 public void setSumBudTravel1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTravel1)
12145                 {
12146                     synchronized (monitor())
12147                     {
12148                       check_orphaned();
12149                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12150                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36, 0);
12151                       if (target == null)
12152                       {
12153                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36);
12154                       }
12155                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTravel1);
12156                     }
12157                 }
12159                 /**
12160                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel1" element
12161                  */
12162                 public void xsetSumBudTravel1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTravel1)
12163                 {
12164                     synchronized (monitor())
12165                     {
12166                       check_orphaned();
12167                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12168                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36, 0);
12169                       if (target == null)
12170                       {
12171                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36);
12172                       }
12173                       target.set(sumBudTravel1);
12174                     }
12175                 }
12177                 /**
12178                  * Unsets the "SumBudTravel1" element
12179                  */
12180                 public void unsetSumBudTravel1()
12181                 {
12182                     synchronized (monitor())
12183                     {
12184                       check_orphaned();
12185                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTRAVEL1$36, 0);
12186                     }
12187                 }
12189                 /**
12190                  * Gets the "SumBudTravel2" element
12191                  */
12192                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTravel2()
12193                 {
12194                     synchronized (monitor())
12195                     {
12196                       check_orphaned();
12197                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12198                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38, 0);
12199                       if (target == null)
12200                       {
12201                         return null;
12202                       }
12203                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12204                     }
12205                 }
12207                 /**
12208                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel2" element
12209                  */
12210                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTravel2()
12211                 {
12212                     synchronized (monitor())
12213                     {
12214                       check_orphaned();
12215                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12216                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38, 0);
12217                       return target;
12218                     }
12219                 }
12221                 /**
12222                  * True if has "SumBudTravel2" element
12223                  */
12224                 public boolean isSetSumBudTravel2()
12225                 {
12226                     synchronized (monitor())
12227                     {
12228                       check_orphaned();
12229                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38) != 0;
12230                     }
12231                 }
12233                 /**
12234                  * Sets the "SumBudTravel2" element
12235                  */
12236                 public void setSumBudTravel2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTravel2)
12237                 {
12238                     synchronized (monitor())
12239                     {
12240                       check_orphaned();
12241                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12242                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38, 0);
12243                       if (target == null)
12244                       {
12245                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38);
12246                       }
12247                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTravel2);
12248                     }
12249                 }
12251                 /**
12252                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel2" element
12253                  */
12254                 public void xsetSumBudTravel2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTravel2)
12255                 {
12256                     synchronized (monitor())
12257                     {
12258                       check_orphaned();
12259                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12260                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38, 0);
12261                       if (target == null)
12262                       {
12263                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38);
12264                       }
12265                       target.set(sumBudTravel2);
12266                     }
12267                 }
12269                 /**
12270                  * Unsets the "SumBudTravel2" element
12271                  */
12272                 public void unsetSumBudTravel2()
12273                 {
12274                     synchronized (monitor())
12275                     {
12276                       check_orphaned();
12277                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTRAVEL2$38, 0);
12278                     }
12279                 }
12281                 /**
12282                  * Gets the "SumBudTravel3" element
12283                  */
12284                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTravel3()
12285                 {
12286                     synchronized (monitor())
12287                     {
12288                       check_orphaned();
12289                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12290                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40, 0);
12291                       if (target == null)
12292                       {
12293                         return null;
12294                       }
12295                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12296                     }
12297                 }
12299                 /**
12300                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel3" element
12301                  */
12302                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTravel3()
12303                 {
12304                     synchronized (monitor())
12305                     {
12306                       check_orphaned();
12307                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12308                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40, 0);
12309                       return target;
12310                     }
12311                 }
12313                 /**
12314                  * True if has "SumBudTravel3" element
12315                  */
12316                 public boolean isSetSumBudTravel3()
12317                 {
12318                     synchronized (monitor())
12319                     {
12320                       check_orphaned();
12321                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40) != 0;
12322                     }
12323                 }
12325                 /**
12326                  * Sets the "SumBudTravel3" element
12327                  */
12328                 public void setSumBudTravel3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTravel3)
12329                 {
12330                     synchronized (monitor())
12331                     {
12332                       check_orphaned();
12333                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12334                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40, 0);
12335                       if (target == null)
12336                       {
12337                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40);
12338                       }
12339                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTravel3);
12340                     }
12341                 }
12343                 /**
12344                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTravel3" element
12345                  */
12346                 public void xsetSumBudTravel3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTravel3)
12347                 {
12348                     synchronized (monitor())
12349                     {
12350                       check_orphaned();
12351                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12352                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40, 0);
12353                       if (target == null)
12354                       {
12355                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40);
12356                       }
12357                       target.set(sumBudTravel3);
12358                     }
12359                 }
12361                 /**
12362                  * Unsets the "SumBudTravel3" element
12363                  */
12364                 public void unsetSumBudTravel3()
12365                 {
12366                     synchronized (monitor())
12367                     {
12368                       check_orphaned();
12369                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTRAVEL3$40, 0);
12370                     }
12371                 }
12373                 /**
12374                  * Gets the "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12375                  */
12376                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTravelTotal()
12377                 {
12378                     synchronized (monitor())
12379                     {
12380                       check_orphaned();
12381                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12382                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42, 0);
12383                       if (target == null)
12384                       {
12385                         return null;
12386                       }
12387                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12388                     }
12389                 }
12391                 /**
12392                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12393                  */
12394                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTravelTotal()
12395                 {
12396                     synchronized (monitor())
12397                     {
12398                       check_orphaned();
12399                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12400                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42, 0);
12401                       return target;
12402                     }
12403                 }
12405                 /**
12406                  * True if has "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12407                  */
12408                 public boolean isSetSumBudTravelTotal()
12409                 {
12410                     synchronized (monitor())
12411                     {
12412                       check_orphaned();
12413                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42) != 0;
12414                     }
12415                 }
12417                 /**
12418                  * Sets the "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12419                  */
12420                 public void setSumBudTravelTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTravelTotal)
12421                 {
12422                     synchronized (monitor())
12423                     {
12424                       check_orphaned();
12425                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12426                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42, 0);
12427                       if (target == null)
12428                       {
12429                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42);
12430                       }
12431                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTravelTotal);
12432                     }
12433                 }
12435                 /**
12436                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12437                  */
12438                 public void xsetSumBudTravelTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTravelTotal)
12439                 {
12440                     synchronized (monitor())
12441                     {
12442                       check_orphaned();
12443                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12444                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42, 0);
12445                       if (target == null)
12446                       {
12447                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42);
12448                       }
12449                       target.set(sumBudTravelTotal);
12450                     }
12451                 }
12453                 /**
12454                  * Unsets the "SumBudTravelTotal" element
12455                  */
12456                 public void unsetSumBudTravelTotal()
12457                 {
12458                     synchronized (monitor())
12459                     {
12460                       check_orphaned();
12461                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTRAVELTOTAL$42, 0);
12462                     }
12463                 }
12465                 /**
12466                  * Gets the "SumBudSuppl1" element
12467                  */
12468                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSuppl1()
12469                 {
12470                     synchronized (monitor())
12471                     {
12472                       check_orphaned();
12473                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12474                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44, 0);
12475                       if (target == null)
12476                       {
12477                         return null;
12478                       }
12479                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12480                     }
12481                 }
12483                 /**
12484                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl1" element
12485                  */
12486                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSuppl1()
12487                 {
12488                     synchronized (monitor())
12489                     {
12490                       check_orphaned();
12491                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12492                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44, 0);
12493                       return target;
12494                     }
12495                 }
12497                 /**
12498                  * True if has "SumBudSuppl1" element
12499                  */
12500                 public boolean isSetSumBudSuppl1()
12501                 {
12502                     synchronized (monitor())
12503                     {
12504                       check_orphaned();
12505                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44) != 0;
12506                     }
12507                 }
12509                 /**
12510                  * Sets the "SumBudSuppl1" element
12511                  */
12512                 public void setSumBudSuppl1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSuppl1)
12513                 {
12514                     synchronized (monitor())
12515                     {
12516                       check_orphaned();
12517                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12518                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44, 0);
12519                       if (target == null)
12520                       {
12521                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44);
12522                       }
12523                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSuppl1);
12524                     }
12525                 }
12527                 /**
12528                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl1" element
12529                  */
12530                 public void xsetSumBudSuppl1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSuppl1)
12531                 {
12532                     synchronized (monitor())
12533                     {
12534                       check_orphaned();
12535                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12536                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44, 0);
12537                       if (target == null)
12538                       {
12539                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44);
12540                       }
12541                       target.set(sumBudSuppl1);
12542                     }
12543                 }
12545                 /**
12546                  * Unsets the "SumBudSuppl1" element
12547                  */
12548                 public void unsetSumBudSuppl1()
12549                 {
12550                     synchronized (monitor())
12551                     {
12552                       check_orphaned();
12553                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSUPPL1$44, 0);
12554                     }
12555                 }
12557                 /**
12558                  * Gets the "SumBudSuppl2" element
12559                  */
12560                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSuppl2()
12561                 {
12562                     synchronized (monitor())
12563                     {
12564                       check_orphaned();
12565                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12566                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46, 0);
12567                       if (target == null)
12568                       {
12569                         return null;
12570                       }
12571                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12572                     }
12573                 }
12575                 /**
12576                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl2" element
12577                  */
12578                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSuppl2()
12579                 {
12580                     synchronized (monitor())
12581                     {
12582                       check_orphaned();
12583                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12584                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46, 0);
12585                       return target;
12586                     }
12587                 }
12589                 /**
12590                  * True if has "SumBudSuppl2" element
12591                  */
12592                 public boolean isSetSumBudSuppl2()
12593                 {
12594                     synchronized (monitor())
12595                     {
12596                       check_orphaned();
12597                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46) != 0;
12598                     }
12599                 }
12601                 /**
12602                  * Sets the "SumBudSuppl2" element
12603                  */
12604                 public void setSumBudSuppl2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSuppl2)
12605                 {
12606                     synchronized (monitor())
12607                     {
12608                       check_orphaned();
12609                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12610                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46, 0);
12611                       if (target == null)
12612                       {
12613                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46);
12614                       }
12615                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSuppl2);
12616                     }
12617                 }
12619                 /**
12620                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl2" element
12621                  */
12622                 public void xsetSumBudSuppl2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSuppl2)
12623                 {
12624                     synchronized (monitor())
12625                     {
12626                       check_orphaned();
12627                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12628                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46, 0);
12629                       if (target == null)
12630                       {
12631                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46);
12632                       }
12633                       target.set(sumBudSuppl2);
12634                     }
12635                 }
12637                 /**
12638                  * Unsets the "SumBudSuppl2" element
12639                  */
12640                 public void unsetSumBudSuppl2()
12641                 {
12642                     synchronized (monitor())
12643                     {
12644                       check_orphaned();
12645                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSUPPL2$46, 0);
12646                     }
12647                 }
12649                 /**
12650                  * Gets the "SumBudSuppl3" element
12651                  */
12652                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSuppl3()
12653                 {
12654                     synchronized (monitor())
12655                     {
12656                       check_orphaned();
12657                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12658                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48, 0);
12659                       if (target == null)
12660                       {
12661                         return null;
12662                       }
12663                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12664                     }
12665                 }
12667                 /**
12668                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl3" element
12669                  */
12670                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSuppl3()
12671                 {
12672                     synchronized (monitor())
12673                     {
12674                       check_orphaned();
12675                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12676                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48, 0);
12677                       return target;
12678                     }
12679                 }
12681                 /**
12682                  * True if has "SumBudSuppl3" element
12683                  */
12684                 public boolean isSetSumBudSuppl3()
12685                 {
12686                     synchronized (monitor())
12687                     {
12688                       check_orphaned();
12689                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48) != 0;
12690                     }
12691                 }
12693                 /**
12694                  * Sets the "SumBudSuppl3" element
12695                  */
12696                 public void setSumBudSuppl3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSuppl3)
12697                 {
12698                     synchronized (monitor())
12699                     {
12700                       check_orphaned();
12701                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12702                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48, 0);
12703                       if (target == null)
12704                       {
12705                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48);
12706                       }
12707                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSuppl3);
12708                     }
12709                 }
12711                 /**
12712                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSuppl3" element
12713                  */
12714                 public void xsetSumBudSuppl3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSuppl3)
12715                 {
12716                     synchronized (monitor())
12717                     {
12718                       check_orphaned();
12719                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12720                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48, 0);
12721                       if (target == null)
12722                       {
12723                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48);
12724                       }
12725                       target.set(sumBudSuppl3);
12726                     }
12727                 }
12729                 /**
12730                  * Unsets the "SumBudSuppl3" element
12731                  */
12732                 public void unsetSumBudSuppl3()
12733                 {
12734                     synchronized (monitor())
12735                     {
12736                       check_orphaned();
12737                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSUPPL3$48, 0);
12738                     }
12739                 }
12741                 /**
12742                  * Gets the "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12743                  */
12744                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSupplTotal()
12745                 {
12746                     synchronized (monitor())
12747                     {
12748                       check_orphaned();
12749                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12750                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50, 0);
12751                       if (target == null)
12752                       {
12753                         return null;
12754                       }
12755                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12756                     }
12757                 }
12759                 /**
12760                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12761                  */
12762                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSupplTotal()
12763                 {
12764                     synchronized (monitor())
12765                     {
12766                       check_orphaned();
12767                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12768                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50, 0);
12769                       return target;
12770                     }
12771                 }
12773                 /**
12774                  * True if has "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12775                  */
12776                 public boolean isSetSumBudSupplTotal()
12777                 {
12778                     synchronized (monitor())
12779                     {
12780                       check_orphaned();
12781                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50) != 0;
12782                     }
12783                 }
12785                 /**
12786                  * Sets the "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12787                  */
12788                 public void setSumBudSupplTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSupplTotal)
12789                 {
12790                     synchronized (monitor())
12791                     {
12792                       check_orphaned();
12793                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12794                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50, 0);
12795                       if (target == null)
12796                       {
12797                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50);
12798                       }
12799                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSupplTotal);
12800                     }
12801                 }
12803                 /**
12804                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12805                  */
12806                 public void xsetSumBudSupplTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSupplTotal)
12807                 {
12808                     synchronized (monitor())
12809                     {
12810                       check_orphaned();
12811                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12812                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50, 0);
12813                       if (target == null)
12814                       {
12815                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50);
12816                       }
12817                       target.set(sumBudSupplTotal);
12818                     }
12819                 }
12821                 /**
12822                  * Unsets the "SumBudSupplTotal" element
12823                  */
12824                 public void unsetSumBudSupplTotal()
12825                 {
12826                     synchronized (monitor())
12827                     {
12828                       check_orphaned();
12829                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSUPPLTOTAL$50, 0);
12830                     }
12831                 }
12833                 /**
12834                  * Gets the "SumBudSvc1" element
12835                  */
12836                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSvc1()
12837                 {
12838                     synchronized (monitor())
12839                     {
12840                       check_orphaned();
12841                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12842                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52, 0);
12843                       if (target == null)
12844                       {
12845                         return null;
12846                       }
12847                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12848                     }
12849                 }
12851                 /**
12852                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc1" element
12853                  */
12854                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSvc1()
12855                 {
12856                     synchronized (monitor())
12857                     {
12858                       check_orphaned();
12859                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12860                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52, 0);
12861                       return target;
12862                     }
12863                 }
12865                 /**
12866                  * True if has "SumBudSvc1" element
12867                  */
12868                 public boolean isSetSumBudSvc1()
12869                 {
12870                     synchronized (monitor())
12871                     {
12872                       check_orphaned();
12873                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSVC1$52) != 0;
12874                     }
12875                 }
12877                 /**
12878                  * Sets the "SumBudSvc1" element
12879                  */
12880                 public void setSumBudSvc1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSvc1)
12881                 {
12882                     synchronized (monitor())
12883                     {
12884                       check_orphaned();
12885                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12886                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52, 0);
12887                       if (target == null)
12888                       {
12889                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52);
12890                       }
12891                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSvc1);
12892                     }
12893                 }
12895                 /**
12896                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc1" element
12897                  */
12898                 public void xsetSumBudSvc1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSvc1)
12899                 {
12900                     synchronized (monitor())
12901                     {
12902                       check_orphaned();
12903                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12904                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52, 0);
12905                       if (target == null)
12906                       {
12907                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC1$52);
12908                       }
12909                       target.set(sumBudSvc1);
12910                     }
12911                 }
12913                 /**
12914                  * Unsets the "SumBudSvc1" element
12915                  */
12916                 public void unsetSumBudSvc1()
12917                 {
12918                     synchronized (monitor())
12919                     {
12920                       check_orphaned();
12921                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSVC1$52, 0);
12922                     }
12923                 }
12925                 /**
12926                  * Gets the "SumBudSvc2" element
12927                  */
12928                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSvc2()
12929                 {
12930                     synchronized (monitor())
12931                     {
12932                       check_orphaned();
12933                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12934                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54, 0);
12935                       if (target == null)
12936                       {
12937                         return null;
12938                       }
12939                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
12940                     }
12941                 }
12943                 /**
12944                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc2" element
12945                  */
12946                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSvc2()
12947                 {
12948                     synchronized (monitor())
12949                     {
12950                       check_orphaned();
12951                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12952                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54, 0);
12953                       return target;
12954                     }
12955                 }
12957                 /**
12958                  * True if has "SumBudSvc2" element
12959                  */
12960                 public boolean isSetSumBudSvc2()
12961                 {
12962                     synchronized (monitor())
12963                     {
12964                       check_orphaned();
12965                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSVC2$54) != 0;
12966                     }
12967                 }
12969                 /**
12970                  * Sets the "SumBudSvc2" element
12971                  */
12972                 public void setSumBudSvc2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSvc2)
12973                 {
12974                     synchronized (monitor())
12975                     {
12976                       check_orphaned();
12977                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
12978                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54, 0);
12979                       if (target == null)
12980                       {
12981                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54);
12982                       }
12983                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSvc2);
12984                     }
12985                 }
12987                 /**
12988                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc2" element
12989                  */
12990                 public void xsetSumBudSvc2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSvc2)
12991                 {
12992                     synchronized (monitor())
12993                     {
12994                       check_orphaned();
12995                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
12996                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54, 0);
12997                       if (target == null)
12998                       {
12999                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC2$54);
13000                       }
13001                       target.set(sumBudSvc2);
13002                     }
13003                 }
13005                 /**
13006                  * Unsets the "SumBudSvc2" element
13007                  */
13008                 public void unsetSumBudSvc2()
13009                 {
13010                     synchronized (monitor())
13011                     {
13012                       check_orphaned();
13013                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSVC2$54, 0);
13014                     }
13015                 }
13017                 /**
13018                  * Gets the "SumBudSvc3" element
13019                  */
13020                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSvc3()
13021                 {
13022                     synchronized (monitor())
13023                     {
13024                       check_orphaned();
13025                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13026                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56, 0);
13027                       if (target == null)
13028                       {
13029                         return null;
13030                       }
13031                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13032                     }
13033                 }
13035                 /**
13036                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc3" element
13037                  */
13038                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSvc3()
13039                 {
13040                     synchronized (monitor())
13041                     {
13042                       check_orphaned();
13043                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13044                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56, 0);
13045                       return target;
13046                     }
13047                 }
13049                 /**
13050                  * True if has "SumBudSvc3" element
13051                  */
13052                 public boolean isSetSumBudSvc3()
13053                 {
13054                     synchronized (monitor())
13055                     {
13056                       check_orphaned();
13057                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSVC3$56) != 0;
13058                     }
13059                 }
13061                 /**
13062                  * Sets the "SumBudSvc3" element
13063                  */
13064                 public void setSumBudSvc3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSvc3)
13065                 {
13066                     synchronized (monitor())
13067                     {
13068                       check_orphaned();
13069                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13070                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56, 0);
13071                       if (target == null)
13072                       {
13073                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56);
13074                       }
13075                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSvc3);
13076                     }
13077                 }
13079                 /**
13080                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSvc3" element
13081                  */
13082                 public void xsetSumBudSvc3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSvc3)
13083                 {
13084                     synchronized (monitor())
13085                     {
13086                       check_orphaned();
13087                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13088                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56, 0);
13089                       if (target == null)
13090                       {
13091                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVC3$56);
13092                       }
13093                       target.set(sumBudSvc3);
13094                     }
13095                 }
13097                 /**
13098                  * Unsets the "SumBudSvc3" element
13099                  */
13100                 public void unsetSumBudSvc3()
13101                 {
13102                     synchronized (monitor())
13103                     {
13104                       check_orphaned();
13105                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSVC3$56, 0);
13106                     }
13107                 }
13109                 /**
13110                  * Gets the "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13111                  */
13112                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudSvcTotal()
13113                 {
13114                     synchronized (monitor())
13115                     {
13116                       check_orphaned();
13117                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13118                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58, 0);
13119                       if (target == null)
13120                       {
13121                         return null;
13122                       }
13123                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13124                     }
13125                 }
13127                 /**
13128                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13129                  */
13130                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudSvcTotal()
13131                 {
13132                     synchronized (monitor())
13133                     {
13134                       check_orphaned();
13135                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13136                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58, 0);
13137                       return target;
13138                     }
13139                 }
13141                 /**
13142                  * True if has "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13143                  */
13144                 public boolean isSetSumBudSvcTotal()
13145                 {
13146                     synchronized (monitor())
13147                     {
13148                       check_orphaned();
13149                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58) != 0;
13150                     }
13151                 }
13153                 /**
13154                  * Sets the "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13155                  */
13156                 public void setSumBudSvcTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudSvcTotal)
13157                 {
13158                     synchronized (monitor())
13159                     {
13160                       check_orphaned();
13161                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13162                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58, 0);
13163                       if (target == null)
13164                       {
13165                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58);
13166                       }
13167                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudSvcTotal);
13168                     }
13169                 }
13171                 /**
13172                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13173                  */
13174                 public void xsetSumBudSvcTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudSvcTotal)
13175                 {
13176                     synchronized (monitor())
13177                     {
13178                       check_orphaned();
13179                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13180                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58, 0);
13181                       if (target == null)
13182                       {
13183                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58);
13184                       }
13185                       target.set(sumBudSvcTotal);
13186                     }
13187                 }
13189                 /**
13190                  * Unsets the "SumBudSvcTotal" element
13191                  */
13192                 public void unsetSumBudSvcTotal()
13193                 {
13194                     synchronized (monitor())
13195                     {
13196                       check_orphaned();
13197                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDSVCTOTAL$58, 0);
13198                     }
13199                 }
13201                 /**
13202                  * Gets the "SumBudOth1" element
13203                  */
13204                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudOth1()
13205                 {
13206                     synchronized (monitor())
13207                     {
13208                       check_orphaned();
13209                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13210                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60, 0);
13211                       if (target == null)
13212                       {
13213                         return null;
13214                       }
13215                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13216                     }
13217                 }
13219                 /**
13220                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudOth1" element
13221                  */
13222                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudOth1()
13223                 {
13224                     synchronized (monitor())
13225                     {
13226                       check_orphaned();
13227                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13228                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60, 0);
13229                       return target;
13230                     }
13231                 }
13233                 /**
13234                  * True if has "SumBudOth1" element
13235                  */
13236                 public boolean isSetSumBudOth1()
13237                 {
13238                     synchronized (monitor())
13239                     {
13240                       check_orphaned();
13241                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDOTH1$60) != 0;
13242                     }
13243                 }
13245                 /**
13246                  * Sets the "SumBudOth1" element
13247                  */
13248                 public void setSumBudOth1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudOth1)
13249                 {
13250                     synchronized (monitor())
13251                     {
13252                       check_orphaned();
13253                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13254                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60, 0);
13255                       if (target == null)
13256                       {
13257                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60);
13258                       }
13259                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudOth1);
13260                     }
13261                 }
13263                 /**
13264                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudOth1" element
13265                  */
13266                 public void xsetSumBudOth1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudOth1)
13267                 {
13268                     synchronized (monitor())
13269                     {
13270                       check_orphaned();
13271                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13272                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60, 0);
13273                       if (target == null)
13274                       {
13275                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH1$60);
13276                       }
13277                       target.set(sumBudOth1);
13278                     }
13279                 }
13281                 /**
13282                  * Unsets the "SumBudOth1" element
13283                  */
13284                 public void unsetSumBudOth1()
13285                 {
13286                     synchronized (monitor())
13287                     {
13288                       check_orphaned();
13289                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDOTH1$60, 0);
13290                     }
13291                 }
13293                 /**
13294                  * Gets the "SumBudOth2" element
13295                  */
13296                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudOth2()
13297                 {
13298                     synchronized (monitor())
13299                     {
13300                       check_orphaned();
13301                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13302                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62, 0);
13303                       if (target == null)
13304                       {
13305                         return null;
13306                       }
13307                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13308                     }
13309                 }
13311                 /**
13312                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudOth2" element
13313                  */
13314                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudOth2()
13315                 {
13316                     synchronized (monitor())
13317                     {
13318                       check_orphaned();
13319                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13320                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62, 0);
13321                       return target;
13322                     }
13323                 }
13325                 /**
13326                  * True if has "SumBudOth2" element
13327                  */
13328                 public boolean isSetSumBudOth2()
13329                 {
13330                     synchronized (monitor())
13331                     {
13332                       check_orphaned();
13333                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDOTH2$62) != 0;
13334                     }
13335                 }
13337                 /**
13338                  * Sets the "SumBudOth2" element
13339                  */
13340                 public void setSumBudOth2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudOth2)
13341                 {
13342                     synchronized (monitor())
13343                     {
13344                       check_orphaned();
13345                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13346                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62, 0);
13347                       if (target == null)
13348                       {
13349                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62);
13350                       }
13351                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudOth2);
13352                     }
13353                 }
13355                 /**
13356                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudOth2" element
13357                  */
13358                 public void xsetSumBudOth2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudOth2)
13359                 {
13360                     synchronized (monitor())
13361                     {
13362                       check_orphaned();
13363                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13364                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62, 0);
13365                       if (target == null)
13366                       {
13367                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH2$62);
13368                       }
13369                       target.set(sumBudOth2);
13370                     }
13371                 }
13373                 /**
13374                  * Unsets the "SumBudOth2" element
13375                  */
13376                 public void unsetSumBudOth2()
13377                 {
13378                     synchronized (monitor())
13379                     {
13380                       check_orphaned();
13381                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDOTH2$62, 0);
13382                     }
13383                 }
13385                 /**
13386                  * Gets the "SumBudOth3" element
13387                  */
13388                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudOth3()
13389                 {
13390                     synchronized (monitor())
13391                     {
13392                       check_orphaned();
13393                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13394                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64, 0);
13395                       if (target == null)
13396                       {
13397                         return null;
13398                       }
13399                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13400                     }
13401                 }
13403                 /**
13404                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudOth3" element
13405                  */
13406                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudOth3()
13407                 {
13408                     synchronized (monitor())
13409                     {
13410                       check_orphaned();
13411                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13412                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64, 0);
13413                       return target;
13414                     }
13415                 }
13417                 /**
13418                  * True if has "SumBudOth3" element
13419                  */
13420                 public boolean isSetSumBudOth3()
13421                 {
13422                     synchronized (monitor())
13423                     {
13424                       check_orphaned();
13425                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDOTH3$64) != 0;
13426                     }
13427                 }
13429                 /**
13430                  * Sets the "SumBudOth3" element
13431                  */
13432                 public void setSumBudOth3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudOth3)
13433                 {
13434                     synchronized (monitor())
13435                     {
13436                       check_orphaned();
13437                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13438                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64, 0);
13439                       if (target == null)
13440                       {
13441                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64);
13442                       }
13443                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudOth3);
13444                     }
13445                 }
13447                 /**
13448                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudOth3" element
13449                  */
13450                 public void xsetSumBudOth3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudOth3)
13451                 {
13452                     synchronized (monitor())
13453                     {
13454                       check_orphaned();
13455                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13456                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64, 0);
13457                       if (target == null)
13458                       {
13459                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTH3$64);
13460                       }
13461                       target.set(sumBudOth3);
13462                     }
13463                 }
13465                 /**
13466                  * Unsets the "SumBudOth3" element
13467                  */
13468                 public void unsetSumBudOth3()
13469                 {
13470                     synchronized (monitor())
13471                     {
13472                       check_orphaned();
13473                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDOTH3$64, 0);
13474                     }
13475                 }
13477                 /**
13478                  * Gets the "SumBudOthTotal" element
13479                  */
13480                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudOthTotal()
13481                 {
13482                     synchronized (monitor())
13483                     {
13484                       check_orphaned();
13485                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13486                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66, 0);
13487                       if (target == null)
13488                       {
13489                         return null;
13490                       }
13491                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13492                     }
13493                 }
13495                 /**
13496                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudOthTotal" element
13497                  */
13498                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudOthTotal()
13499                 {
13500                     synchronized (monitor())
13501                     {
13502                       check_orphaned();
13503                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13504                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66, 0);
13505                       return target;
13506                     }
13507                 }
13509                 /**
13510                  * True if has "SumBudOthTotal" element
13511                  */
13512                 public boolean isSetSumBudOthTotal()
13513                 {
13514                     synchronized (monitor())
13515                     {
13516                       check_orphaned();
13517                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66) != 0;
13518                     }
13519                 }
13521                 /**
13522                  * Sets the "SumBudOthTotal" element
13523                  */
13524                 public void setSumBudOthTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudOthTotal)
13525                 {
13526                     synchronized (monitor())
13527                     {
13528                       check_orphaned();
13529                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13530                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66, 0);
13531                       if (target == null)
13532                       {
13533                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66);
13534                       }
13535                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudOthTotal);
13536                     }
13537                 }
13539                 /**
13540                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudOthTotal" element
13541                  */
13542                 public void xsetSumBudOthTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudOthTotal)
13543                 {
13544                     synchronized (monitor())
13545                     {
13546                       check_orphaned();
13547                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13548                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66, 0);
13549                       if (target == null)
13550                       {
13551                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66);
13552                       }
13553                       target.set(sumBudOthTotal);
13554                     }
13555                 }
13557                 /**
13558                  * Unsets the "SumBudOthTotal" element
13559                  */
13560                 public void unsetSumBudOthTotal()
13561                 {
13562                     synchronized (monitor())
13563                     {
13564                       check_orphaned();
13565                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDOTHTOTAL$66, 0);
13566                     }
13567                 }
13569                 /**
13570                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13571                  */
13572                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalDirect1()
13573                 {
13574                     synchronized (monitor())
13575                     {
13576                       check_orphaned();
13577                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13578                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68, 0);
13579                       if (target == null)
13580                       {
13581                         return null;
13582                       }
13583                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13584                     }
13585                 }
13587                 /**
13588                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13589                  */
13590                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalDirect1()
13591                 {
13592                     synchronized (monitor())
13593                     {
13594                       check_orphaned();
13595                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13596                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68, 0);
13597                       return target;
13598                     }
13599                 }
13601                 /**
13602                  * True if has "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13603                  */
13604                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalDirect1()
13605                 {
13606                     synchronized (monitor())
13607                     {
13608                       check_orphaned();
13609                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68) != 0;
13610                     }
13611                 }
13613                 /**
13614                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13615                  */
13616                 public void setSumBudTotalDirect1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalDirect1)
13617                 {
13618                     synchronized (monitor())
13619                     {
13620                       check_orphaned();
13621                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13622                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68, 0);
13623                       if (target == null)
13624                       {
13625                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68);
13626                       }
13627                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalDirect1);
13628                     }
13629                 }
13631                 /**
13632                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13633                  */
13634                 public void xsetSumBudTotalDirect1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalDirect1)
13635                 {
13636                     synchronized (monitor())
13637                     {
13638                       check_orphaned();
13639                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13640                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68, 0);
13641                       if (target == null)
13642                       {
13643                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68);
13644                       }
13645                       target.set(sumBudTotalDirect1);
13646                     }
13647                 }
13649                 /**
13650                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalDirect1" element
13651                  */
13652                 public void unsetSumBudTotalDirect1()
13653                 {
13654                     synchronized (monitor())
13655                     {
13656                       check_orphaned();
13657                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT1$68, 0);
13658                     }
13659                 }
13661                 /**
13662                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13663                  */
13664                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalDirect2()
13665                 {
13666                     synchronized (monitor())
13667                     {
13668                       check_orphaned();
13669                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13670                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70, 0);
13671                       if (target == null)
13672                       {
13673                         return null;
13674                       }
13675                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13676                     }
13677                 }
13679                 /**
13680                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13681                  */
13682                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalDirect2()
13683                 {
13684                     synchronized (monitor())
13685                     {
13686                       check_orphaned();
13687                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13688                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70, 0);
13689                       return target;
13690                     }
13691                 }
13693                 /**
13694                  * True if has "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13695                  */
13696                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalDirect2()
13697                 {
13698                     synchronized (monitor())
13699                     {
13700                       check_orphaned();
13701                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70) != 0;
13702                     }
13703                 }
13705                 /**
13706                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13707                  */
13708                 public void setSumBudTotalDirect2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalDirect2)
13709                 {
13710                     synchronized (monitor())
13711                     {
13712                       check_orphaned();
13713                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13714                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70, 0);
13715                       if (target == null)
13716                       {
13717                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70);
13718                       }
13719                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalDirect2);
13720                     }
13721                 }
13723                 /**
13724                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13725                  */
13726                 public void xsetSumBudTotalDirect2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalDirect2)
13727                 {
13728                     synchronized (monitor())
13729                     {
13730                       check_orphaned();
13731                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13732                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70, 0);
13733                       if (target == null)
13734                       {
13735                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70);
13736                       }
13737                       target.set(sumBudTotalDirect2);
13738                     }
13739                 }
13741                 /**
13742                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalDirect2" element
13743                  */
13744                 public void unsetSumBudTotalDirect2()
13745                 {
13746                     synchronized (monitor())
13747                     {
13748                       check_orphaned();
13749                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT2$70, 0);
13750                     }
13751                 }
13753                 /**
13754                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13755                  */
13756                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalDirect3()
13757                 {
13758                     synchronized (monitor())
13759                     {
13760                       check_orphaned();
13761                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13762                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72, 0);
13763                       if (target == null)
13764                       {
13765                         return null;
13766                       }
13767                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13768                     }
13769                 }
13771                 /**
13772                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13773                  */
13774                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalDirect3()
13775                 {
13776                     synchronized (monitor())
13777                     {
13778                       check_orphaned();
13779                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13780                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72, 0);
13781                       return target;
13782                     }
13783                 }
13785                 /**
13786                  * True if has "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13787                  */
13788                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalDirect3()
13789                 {
13790                     synchronized (monitor())
13791                     {
13792                       check_orphaned();
13793                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72) != 0;
13794                     }
13795                 }
13797                 /**
13798                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13799                  */
13800                 public void setSumBudTotalDirect3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalDirect3)
13801                 {
13802                     synchronized (monitor())
13803                     {
13804                       check_orphaned();
13805                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13806                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72, 0);
13807                       if (target == null)
13808                       {
13809                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72);
13810                       }
13811                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalDirect3);
13812                     }
13813                 }
13815                 /**
13816                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13817                  */
13818                 public void xsetSumBudTotalDirect3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalDirect3)
13819                 {
13820                     synchronized (monitor())
13821                     {
13822                       check_orphaned();
13823                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13824                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72, 0);
13825                       if (target == null)
13826                       {
13827                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72);
13828                       }
13829                       target.set(sumBudTotalDirect3);
13830                     }
13831                 }
13833                 /**
13834                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalDirect3" element
13835                  */
13836                 public void unsetSumBudTotalDirect3()
13837                 {
13838                     synchronized (monitor())
13839                     {
13840                       check_orphaned();
13841                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECT3$72, 0);
13842                     }
13843                 }
13845                 /**
13846                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13847                  */
13848                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalDirectTotal()
13849                 {
13850                     synchronized (monitor())
13851                     {
13852                       check_orphaned();
13853                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13854                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74, 0);
13855                       if (target == null)
13856                       {
13857                         return null;
13858                       }
13859                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13860                     }
13861                 }
13863                 /**
13864                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13865                  */
13866                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalDirectTotal()
13867                 {
13868                     synchronized (monitor())
13869                     {
13870                       check_orphaned();
13871                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13872                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74, 0);
13873                       return target;
13874                     }
13875                 }
13877                 /**
13878                  * True if has "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13879                  */
13880                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalDirectTotal()
13881                 {
13882                     synchronized (monitor())
13883                     {
13884                       check_orphaned();
13885                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74) != 0;
13886                     }
13887                 }
13889                 /**
13890                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13891                  */
13892                 public void setSumBudTotalDirectTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalDirectTotal)
13893                 {
13894                     synchronized (monitor())
13895                     {
13896                       check_orphaned();
13897                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13898                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74, 0);
13899                       if (target == null)
13900                       {
13901                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74);
13902                       }
13903                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalDirectTotal);
13904                     }
13905                 }
13907                 /**
13908                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13909                  */
13910                 public void xsetSumBudTotalDirectTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalDirectTotal)
13911                 {
13912                     synchronized (monitor())
13913                     {
13914                       check_orphaned();
13915                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13916                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74, 0);
13917                       if (target == null)
13918                       {
13919                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74);
13920                       }
13921                       target.set(sumBudTotalDirectTotal);
13922                     }
13923                 }
13925                 /**
13926                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalDirectTotal" element
13927                  */
13928                 public void unsetSumBudTotalDirectTotal()
13929                 {
13930                     synchronized (monitor())
13931                     {
13932                       check_orphaned();
13933                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALDIRECTTOTAL$74, 0);
13934                     }
13935                 }
13937                 /**
13938                  * Gets the "SumBudIndirect1" element
13939                  */
13940                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudIndirect1()
13941                 {
13942                     synchronized (monitor())
13943                     {
13944                       check_orphaned();
13945                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13946                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76, 0);
13947                       if (target == null)
13948                       {
13949                         return null;
13950                       }
13951                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
13952                     }
13953                 }
13955                 /**
13956                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect1" element
13957                  */
13958                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudIndirect1()
13959                 {
13960                     synchronized (monitor())
13961                     {
13962                       check_orphaned();
13963                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
13964                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76, 0);
13965                       return target;
13966                     }
13967                 }
13969                 /**
13970                  * True if has "SumBudIndirect1" element
13971                  */
13972                 public boolean isSetSumBudIndirect1()
13973                 {
13974                     synchronized (monitor())
13975                     {
13976                       check_orphaned();
13977                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76) != 0;
13978                     }
13979                 }
13981                 /**
13982                  * Sets the "SumBudIndirect1" element
13983                  */
13984                 public void setSumBudIndirect1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudIndirect1)
13985                 {
13986                     synchronized (monitor())
13987                     {
13988                       check_orphaned();
13989                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
13990                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76, 0);
13991                       if (target == null)
13992                       {
13993                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76);
13994                       }
13995                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudIndirect1);
13996                     }
13997                 }
13999                 /**
14000                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect1" element
14001                  */
14002                 public void xsetSumBudIndirect1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudIndirect1)
14003                 {
14004                     synchronized (monitor())
14005                     {
14006                       check_orphaned();
14007                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14008                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76, 0);
14009                       if (target == null)
14010                       {
14011                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76);
14012                       }
14013                       target.set(sumBudIndirect1);
14014                     }
14015                 }
14017                 /**
14018                  * Unsets the "SumBudIndirect1" element
14019                  */
14020                 public void unsetSumBudIndirect1()
14021                 {
14022                     synchronized (monitor())
14023                     {
14024                       check_orphaned();
14025                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDINDIRECT1$76, 0);
14026                     }
14027                 }
14029                 /**
14030                  * Gets the "SumBudIndirect2" element
14031                  */
14032                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudIndirect2()
14033                 {
14034                     synchronized (monitor())
14035                     {
14036                       check_orphaned();
14037                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14038                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78, 0);
14039                       if (target == null)
14040                       {
14041                         return null;
14042                       }
14043                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14044                     }
14045                 }
14047                 /**
14048                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect2" element
14049                  */
14050                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudIndirect2()
14051                 {
14052                     synchronized (monitor())
14053                     {
14054                       check_orphaned();
14055                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14056                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78, 0);
14057                       return target;
14058                     }
14059                 }
14061                 /**
14062                  * True if has "SumBudIndirect2" element
14063                  */
14064                 public boolean isSetSumBudIndirect2()
14065                 {
14066                     synchronized (monitor())
14067                     {
14068                       check_orphaned();
14069                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78) != 0;
14070                     }
14071                 }
14073                 /**
14074                  * Sets the "SumBudIndirect2" element
14075                  */
14076                 public void setSumBudIndirect2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudIndirect2)
14077                 {
14078                     synchronized (monitor())
14079                     {
14080                       check_orphaned();
14081                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14082                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78, 0);
14083                       if (target == null)
14084                       {
14085                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78);
14086                       }
14087                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudIndirect2);
14088                     }
14089                 }
14091                 /**
14092                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect2" element
14093                  */
14094                 public void xsetSumBudIndirect2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudIndirect2)
14095                 {
14096                     synchronized (monitor())
14097                     {
14098                       check_orphaned();
14099                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14100                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78, 0);
14101                       if (target == null)
14102                       {
14103                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78);
14104                       }
14105                       target.set(sumBudIndirect2);
14106                     }
14107                 }
14109                 /**
14110                  * Unsets the "SumBudIndirect2" element
14111                  */
14112                 public void unsetSumBudIndirect2()
14113                 {
14114                     synchronized (monitor())
14115                     {
14116                       check_orphaned();
14117                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDINDIRECT2$78, 0);
14118                     }
14119                 }
14121                 /**
14122                  * Gets the "SumBudIndirect3" element
14123                  */
14124                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudIndirect3()
14125                 {
14126                     synchronized (monitor())
14127                     {
14128                       check_orphaned();
14129                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14130                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80, 0);
14131                       if (target == null)
14132                       {
14133                         return null;
14134                       }
14135                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14136                     }
14137                 }
14139                 /**
14140                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect3" element
14141                  */
14142                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudIndirect3()
14143                 {
14144                     synchronized (monitor())
14145                     {
14146                       check_orphaned();
14147                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14148                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80, 0);
14149                       return target;
14150                     }
14151                 }
14153                 /**
14154                  * True if has "SumBudIndirect3" element
14155                  */
14156                 public boolean isSetSumBudIndirect3()
14157                 {
14158                     synchronized (monitor())
14159                     {
14160                       check_orphaned();
14161                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80) != 0;
14162                     }
14163                 }
14165                 /**
14166                  * Sets the "SumBudIndirect3" element
14167                  */
14168                 public void setSumBudIndirect3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudIndirect3)
14169                 {
14170                     synchronized (monitor())
14171                     {
14172                       check_orphaned();
14173                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14174                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80, 0);
14175                       if (target == null)
14176                       {
14177                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80);
14178                       }
14179                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudIndirect3);
14180                     }
14181                 }
14183                 /**
14184                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudIndirect3" element
14185                  */
14186                 public void xsetSumBudIndirect3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudIndirect3)
14187                 {
14188                     synchronized (monitor())
14189                     {
14190                       check_orphaned();
14191                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14192                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80, 0);
14193                       if (target == null)
14194                       {
14195                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80);
14196                       }
14197                       target.set(sumBudIndirect3);
14198                     }
14199                 }
14201                 /**
14202                  * Unsets the "SumBudIndirect3" element
14203                  */
14204                 public void unsetSumBudIndirect3()
14205                 {
14206                     synchronized (monitor())
14207                     {
14208                       check_orphaned();
14209                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDINDIRECT3$80, 0);
14210                     }
14211                 }
14213                 /**
14214                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14215                  */
14216                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalIndirectTotal()
14217                 {
14218                     synchronized (monitor())
14219                     {
14220                       check_orphaned();
14221                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14222                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82, 0);
14223                       if (target == null)
14224                       {
14225                         return null;
14226                       }
14227                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14228                     }
14229                 }
14231                 /**
14232                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14233                  */
14234                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalIndirectTotal()
14235                 {
14236                     synchronized (monitor())
14237                     {
14238                       check_orphaned();
14239                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14240                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82, 0);
14241                       return target;
14242                     }
14243                 }
14245                 /**
14246                  * True if has "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14247                  */
14248                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalIndirectTotal()
14249                 {
14250                     synchronized (monitor())
14251                     {
14252                       check_orphaned();
14253                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82) != 0;
14254                     }
14255                 }
14257                 /**
14258                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14259                  */
14260                 public void setSumBudTotalIndirectTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalIndirectTotal)
14261                 {
14262                     synchronized (monitor())
14263                     {
14264                       check_orphaned();
14265                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14266                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82, 0);
14267                       if (target == null)
14268                       {
14269                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82);
14270                       }
14271                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalIndirectTotal);
14272                     }
14273                 }
14275                 /**
14276                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14277                  */
14278                 public void xsetSumBudTotalIndirectTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalIndirectTotal)
14279                 {
14280                     synchronized (monitor())
14281                     {
14282                       check_orphaned();
14283                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14284                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82, 0);
14285                       if (target == null)
14286                       {
14287                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82);
14288                       }
14289                       target.set(sumBudTotalIndirectTotal);
14290                     }
14291                 }
14293                 /**
14294                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalIndirectTotal" element
14295                  */
14296                 public void unsetSumBudTotalIndirectTotal()
14297                 {
14298                     synchronized (monitor())
14299                     {
14300                       check_orphaned();
14301                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALINDIRECTTOTAL$82, 0);
14302                     }
14303                 }
14304             }
14305             /**
14306              * An XML SumPageTotalProjectCosts(@
14307              *
14308              * This is a complex type.
14309              */
14310             public static class SumPageTotalProjectCostsImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.SumPageTotalProjectCosts
14311             {
14312                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
14314                 public SumPageTotalProjectCostsImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
14315                 {
14316                     super(sType);
14317                 }
14319                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0 = 
14320                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalProject_1");
14321                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2 = 
14322                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalProject_2");
14323                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4 = 
14324                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalProject_3");
14325                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6 = 
14326                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "SumBudTotalProjectTotal");
14329                 /**
14330                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14331                  */
14332                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalProject1()
14333                 {
14334                     synchronized (monitor())
14335                     {
14336                       check_orphaned();
14337                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14338                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0, 0);
14339                       if (target == null)
14340                       {
14341                         return null;
14342                       }
14343                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14344                     }
14345                 }
14347                 /**
14348                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14349                  */
14350                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalProject1()
14351                 {
14352                     synchronized (monitor())
14353                     {
14354                       check_orphaned();
14355                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14356                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0, 0);
14357                       return target;
14358                     }
14359                 }
14361                 /**
14362                  * True if has "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14363                  */
14364                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalProject1()
14365                 {
14366                     synchronized (monitor())
14367                     {
14368                       check_orphaned();
14369                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0) != 0;
14370                     }
14371                 }
14373                 /**
14374                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14375                  */
14376                 public void setSumBudTotalProject1(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalProject1)
14377                 {
14378                     synchronized (monitor())
14379                     {
14380                       check_orphaned();
14381                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14382                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0, 0);
14383                       if (target == null)
14384                       {
14385                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0);
14386                       }
14387                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalProject1);
14388                     }
14389                 }
14391                 /**
14392                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14393                  */
14394                 public void xsetSumBudTotalProject1(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalProject1)
14395                 {
14396                     synchronized (monitor())
14397                     {
14398                       check_orphaned();
14399                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14400                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0, 0);
14401                       if (target == null)
14402                       {
14403                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0);
14404                       }
14405                       target.set(sumBudTotalProject1);
14406                     }
14407                 }
14409                 /**
14410                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalProject_1" element
14411                  */
14412                 public void unsetSumBudTotalProject1()
14413                 {
14414                     synchronized (monitor())
14415                     {
14416                       check_orphaned();
14417                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT1$0, 0);
14418                     }
14419                 }
14421                 /**
14422                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14423                  */
14424                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalProject2()
14425                 {
14426                     synchronized (monitor())
14427                     {
14428                       check_orphaned();
14429                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14430                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2, 0);
14431                       if (target == null)
14432                       {
14433                         return null;
14434                       }
14435                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14436                     }
14437                 }
14439                 /**
14440                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14441                  */
14442                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalProject2()
14443                 {
14444                     synchronized (monitor())
14445                     {
14446                       check_orphaned();
14447                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14448                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2, 0);
14449                       return target;
14450                     }
14451                 }
14453                 /**
14454                  * True if has "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14455                  */
14456                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalProject2()
14457                 {
14458                     synchronized (monitor())
14459                     {
14460                       check_orphaned();
14461                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2) != 0;
14462                     }
14463                 }
14465                 /**
14466                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14467                  */
14468                 public void setSumBudTotalProject2(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalProject2)
14469                 {
14470                     synchronized (monitor())
14471                     {
14472                       check_orphaned();
14473                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14474                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2, 0);
14475                       if (target == null)
14476                       {
14477                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2);
14478                       }
14479                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalProject2);
14480                     }
14481                 }
14483                 /**
14484                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14485                  */
14486                 public void xsetSumBudTotalProject2(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalProject2)
14487                 {
14488                     synchronized (monitor())
14489                     {
14490                       check_orphaned();
14491                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14492                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2, 0);
14493                       if (target == null)
14494                       {
14495                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2);
14496                       }
14497                       target.set(sumBudTotalProject2);
14498                     }
14499                 }
14501                 /**
14502                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalProject_2" element
14503                  */
14504                 public void unsetSumBudTotalProject2()
14505                 {
14506                     synchronized (monitor())
14507                     {
14508                       check_orphaned();
14509                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT2$2, 0);
14510                     }
14511                 }
14513                 /**
14514                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14515                  */
14516                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalProject3()
14517                 {
14518                     synchronized (monitor())
14519                     {
14520                       check_orphaned();
14521                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14522                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4, 0);
14523                       if (target == null)
14524                       {
14525                         return null;
14526                       }
14527                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14528                     }
14529                 }
14531                 /**
14532                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14533                  */
14534                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalProject3()
14535                 {
14536                     synchronized (monitor())
14537                     {
14538                       check_orphaned();
14539                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14540                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4, 0);
14541                       return target;
14542                     }
14543                 }
14545                 /**
14546                  * True if has "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14547                  */
14548                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalProject3()
14549                 {
14550                     synchronized (monitor())
14551                     {
14552                       check_orphaned();
14553                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4) != 0;
14554                     }
14555                 }
14557                 /**
14558                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14559                  */
14560                 public void setSumBudTotalProject3(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalProject3)
14561                 {
14562                     synchronized (monitor())
14563                     {
14564                       check_orphaned();
14565                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14566                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4, 0);
14567                       if (target == null)
14568                       {
14569                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4);
14570                       }
14571                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalProject3);
14572                     }
14573                 }
14575                 /**
14576                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14577                  */
14578                 public void xsetSumBudTotalProject3(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalProject3)
14579                 {
14580                     synchronized (monitor())
14581                     {
14582                       check_orphaned();
14583                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14584                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4, 0);
14585                       if (target == null)
14586                       {
14587                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4);
14588                       }
14589                       target.set(sumBudTotalProject3);
14590                     }
14591                 }
14593                 /**
14594                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalProject_3" element
14595                  */
14596                 public void unsetSumBudTotalProject3()
14597                 {
14598                     synchronized (monitor())
14599                     {
14600                       check_orphaned();
14601                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECT3$4, 0);
14602                     }
14603                 }
14605                 /**
14606                  * Gets the "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14607                  */
14608                 public java.math.BigDecimal getSumBudTotalProjectTotal()
14609                 {
14610                     synchronized (monitor())
14611                     {
14612                       check_orphaned();
14613                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14614                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6, 0);
14615                       if (target == null)
14616                       {
14617                         return null;
14618                       }
14619                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14620                     }
14621                 }
14623                 /**
14624                  * Gets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14625                  */
14626                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetSumBudTotalProjectTotal()
14627                 {
14628                     synchronized (monitor())
14629                     {
14630                       check_orphaned();
14631                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14632                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6, 0);
14633                       return target;
14634                     }
14635                 }
14637                 /**
14638                  * True if has "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14639                  */
14640                 public boolean isSetSumBudTotalProjectTotal()
14641                 {
14642                     synchronized (monitor())
14643                     {
14644                       check_orphaned();
14645                       return get_store().count_elements(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6) != 0;
14646                     }
14647                 }
14649                 /**
14650                  * Sets the "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14651                  */
14652                 public void setSumBudTotalProjectTotal(java.math.BigDecimal sumBudTotalProjectTotal)
14653                 {
14654                     synchronized (monitor())
14655                     {
14656                       check_orphaned();
14657                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14658                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6, 0);
14659                       if (target == null)
14660                       {
14661                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6);
14662                       }
14663                       target.setBigDecimalValue(sumBudTotalProjectTotal);
14664                     }
14665                 }
14667                 /**
14668                  * Sets (as xml) the "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14669                  */
14670                 public void xsetSumBudTotalProjectTotal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType sumBudTotalProjectTotal)
14671                 {
14672                     synchronized (monitor())
14673                     {
14674                       check_orphaned();
14675                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14676                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6, 0);
14677                       if (target == null)
14678                       {
14679                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6);
14680                       }
14681                       target.set(sumBudTotalProjectTotal);
14682                     }
14683                 }
14685                 /**
14686                  * Unsets the "SumBudTotalProjectTotal" element
14687                  */
14688                 public void unsetSumBudTotalProjectTotal()
14689                 {
14690                     synchronized (monitor())
14691                     {
14692                       check_orphaned();
14693                       get_store().remove_element(SUMBUDTOTALPROJECTTOTAL$6, 0);
14694                     }
14695                 }
14696             }
14697             /**
14698              * An XML GrantFundsRequested(@
14699              *
14700              * This is a complex type.
14701              */
14702             public static class GrantFundsRequestedImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.GrantFundsRequested
14703             {
14704                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
14706                 public GrantFundsRequestedImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
14707                 {
14708                     super(sType);
14709                 }
14711                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName REQOUTRIGHT$0 = 
14712                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ReqOutright");
14713                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName REQMATCHING$2 = 
14714                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ReqMatching");
14715                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALFUNDING$4 = 
14716                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalFunding");
14719                 /**
14720                  * Gets the "ReqOutright" element
14721                  */
14722                 public java.math.BigDecimal getReqOutright()
14723                 {
14724                     synchronized (monitor())
14725                     {
14726                       check_orphaned();
14727                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14728                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0, 0);
14729                       if (target == null)
14730                       {
14731                         return null;
14732                       }
14733                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14734                     }
14735                 }
14737                 /**
14738                  * Gets (as xml) the "ReqOutright" element
14739                  */
14740                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetReqOutright()
14741                 {
14742                     synchronized (monitor())
14743                     {
14744                       check_orphaned();
14745                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
14746                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0, 0);
14747                       return target;
14748                     }
14749                 }
14751                 /**
14752                  * Sets the "ReqOutright" element
14753                  */
14754                 public void setReqOutright(java.math.BigDecimal reqOutright)
14755                 {
14756                     synchronized (monitor())
14757                     {
14758                       check_orphaned();
14759                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14760                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0, 0);
14761                       if (target == null)
14762                       {
14763                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0);
14764                       }
14765                       target.setBigDecimalValue(reqOutright);
14766                     }
14767                 }
14769                 /**
14770                  * Sets (as xml) the "ReqOutright" element
14771                  */
14772                 public void xsetReqOutright(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType reqOutright)
14773                 {
14774                     synchronized (monitor())
14775                     {
14776                       check_orphaned();
14777                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
14778                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0, 0);
14779                       if (target == null)
14780                       {
14781                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(REQOUTRIGHT$0);
14782                       }
14783                       target.set(reqOutright);
14784                     }
14785                 }
14787                 /**
14788                  * Gets the "ReqMatching" element
14789                  */
14790                 public java.math.BigDecimal getReqMatching()
14791                 {
14792                     synchronized (monitor())
14793                     {
14794                       check_orphaned();
14795                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14796                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQMATCHING$2, 0);
14797                       if (target == null)
14798                       {
14799                         return null;
14800                       }
14801                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14802                     }
14803                 }
14805                 /**
14806                  * Gets (as xml) the "ReqMatching" element
14807                  */
14808                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetReqMatching()
14809                 {
14810                     synchronized (monitor())
14811                     {
14812                       check_orphaned();
14813                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
14814                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(REQMATCHING$2, 0);
14815                       return target;
14816                     }
14817                 }
14819                 /**
14820                  * Sets the "ReqMatching" element
14821                  */
14822                 public void setReqMatching(java.math.BigDecimal reqMatching)
14823                 {
14824                     synchronized (monitor())
14825                     {
14826                       check_orphaned();
14827                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14828                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(REQMATCHING$2, 0);
14829                       if (target == null)
14830                       {
14831                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(REQMATCHING$2);
14832                       }
14833                       target.setBigDecimalValue(reqMatching);
14834                     }
14835                 }
14837                 /**
14838                  * Sets (as xml) the "ReqMatching" element
14839                  */
14840                 public void xsetReqMatching(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType reqMatching)
14841                 {
14842                     synchronized (monitor())
14843                     {
14844                       check_orphaned();
14845                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
14846                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(REQMATCHING$2, 0);
14847                       if (target == null)
14848                       {
14849                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(REQMATCHING$2);
14850                       }
14851                       target.set(reqMatching);
14852                     }
14853                 }
14855                 /**
14856                  * Gets the "TotalFunding" element
14857                  */
14858                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalFunding()
14859                 {
14860                     synchronized (monitor())
14861                     {
14862                       check_orphaned();
14863                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14864                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4, 0);
14865                       if (target == null)
14866                       {
14867                         return null;
14868                       }
14869                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14870                     }
14871                 }
14873                 /**
14874                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalFunding" element
14875                  */
14876                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalFunding()
14877                 {
14878                     synchronized (monitor())
14879                     {
14880                       check_orphaned();
14881                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14882                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4, 0);
14883                       return target;
14884                     }
14885                 }
14887                 /**
14888                  * Sets the "TotalFunding" element
14889                  */
14890                 public void setTotalFunding(java.math.BigDecimal totalFunding)
14891                 {
14892                     synchronized (monitor())
14893                     {
14894                       check_orphaned();
14895                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14896                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4, 0);
14897                       if (target == null)
14898                       {
14899                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4);
14900                       }
14901                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalFunding);
14902                     }
14903                 }
14905                 /**
14906                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalFunding" element
14907                  */
14908                 public void xsetTotalFunding(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalFunding)
14909                 {
14910                     synchronized (monitor())
14911                     {
14912                       check_orphaned();
14913                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
14914                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4, 0);
14915                       if (target == null)
14916                       {
14917                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALFUNDING$4);
14918                       }
14919                       target.set(totalFunding);
14920                     }
14921                 }
14922             }
14923             /**
14924              * An XML CostSharing(@
14925              *
14926              * This is a complex type.
14927              */
14928             public static class CostSharingImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.CostSharing
14929             {
14930                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
14932                 public CostSharingImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
14933                 {
14934                     super(sType);
14935                 }
14937                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SHARECASH$0 = 
14938                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ShareCash");
14939                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SHAREKIND$2 = 
14940                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ShareKind");
14941                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4 = 
14942                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ShareProjectincome");
14943                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6 = 
14944                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ShareOtherFederal");
14945                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALCOSTSHARING$8 = 
14946                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalCostSharing");
14949                 /**
14950                  * Gets the "ShareCash" element
14951                  */
14952                 public java.math.BigDecimal getShareCash()
14953                 {
14954                     synchronized (monitor())
14955                     {
14956                       check_orphaned();
14957                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14958                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHARECASH$0, 0);
14959                       if (target == null)
14960                       {
14961                         return null;
14962                       }
14963                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
14964                     }
14965                 }
14967                 /**
14968                  * Gets (as xml) the "ShareCash" element
14969                  */
14970                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetShareCash()
14971                 {
14972                     synchronized (monitor())
14973                     {
14974                       check_orphaned();
14975                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
14976                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHARECASH$0, 0);
14977                       return target;
14978                     }
14979                 }
14981                 /**
14982                  * Sets the "ShareCash" element
14983                  */
14984                 public void setShareCash(java.math.BigDecimal shareCash)
14985                 {
14986                     synchronized (monitor())
14987                     {
14988                       check_orphaned();
14989                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
14990                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHARECASH$0, 0);
14991                       if (target == null)
14992                       {
14993                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SHARECASH$0);
14994                       }
14995                       target.setBigDecimalValue(shareCash);
14996                     }
14997                 }
14999                 /**
15000                  * Sets (as xml) the "ShareCash" element
15001                  */
15002                 public void xsetShareCash(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType shareCash)
15003                 {
15004                     synchronized (monitor())
15005                     {
15006                       check_orphaned();
15007                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15008                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHARECASH$0, 0);
15009                       if (target == null)
15010                       {
15011                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SHARECASH$0);
15012                       }
15013                       target.set(shareCash);
15014                     }
15015                 }
15017                 /**
15018                  * Gets the "ShareKind" element
15019                  */
15020                 public java.math.BigDecimal getShareKind()
15021                 {
15022                     synchronized (monitor())
15023                     {
15024                       check_orphaned();
15025                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15026                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREKIND$2, 0);
15027                       if (target == null)
15028                       {
15029                         return null;
15030                       }
15031                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
15032                     }
15033                 }
15035                 /**
15036                  * Gets (as xml) the "ShareKind" element
15037                  */
15038                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetShareKind()
15039                 {
15040                     synchronized (monitor())
15041                     {
15042                       check_orphaned();
15043                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15044                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREKIND$2, 0);
15045                       return target;
15046                     }
15047                 }
15049                 /**
15050                  * Sets the "ShareKind" element
15051                  */
15052                 public void setShareKind(java.math.BigDecimal shareKind)
15053                 {
15054                     synchronized (monitor())
15055                     {
15056                       check_orphaned();
15057                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15058                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREKIND$2, 0);
15059                       if (target == null)
15060                       {
15061                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREKIND$2);
15062                       }
15063                       target.setBigDecimalValue(shareKind);
15064                     }
15065                 }
15067                 /**
15068                  * Sets (as xml) the "ShareKind" element
15069                  */
15070                 public void xsetShareKind(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType shareKind)
15071                 {
15072                     synchronized (monitor())
15073                     {
15074                       check_orphaned();
15075                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15076                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREKIND$2, 0);
15077                       if (target == null)
15078                       {
15079                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREKIND$2);
15080                       }
15081                       target.set(shareKind);
15082                     }
15083                 }
15085                 /**
15086                  * Gets the "ShareProjectincome" element
15087                  */
15088                 public java.math.BigDecimal getShareProjectincome()
15089                 {
15090                     synchronized (monitor())
15091                     {
15092                       check_orphaned();
15093                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15094                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4, 0);
15095                       if (target == null)
15096                       {
15097                         return null;
15098                       }
15099                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
15100                     }
15101                 }
15103                 /**
15104                  * Gets (as xml) the "ShareProjectincome" element
15105                  */
15106                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetShareProjectincome()
15107                 {
15108                     synchronized (monitor())
15109                     {
15110                       check_orphaned();
15111                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15112                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4, 0);
15113                       return target;
15114                     }
15115                 }
15117                 /**
15118                  * Sets the "ShareProjectincome" element
15119                  */
15120                 public void setShareProjectincome(java.math.BigDecimal shareProjectincome)
15121                 {
15122                     synchronized (monitor())
15123                     {
15124                       check_orphaned();
15125                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15126                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4, 0);
15127                       if (target == null)
15128                       {
15129                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4);
15130                       }
15131                       target.setBigDecimalValue(shareProjectincome);
15132                     }
15133                 }
15135                 /**
15136                  * Sets (as xml) the "ShareProjectincome" element
15137                  */
15138                 public void xsetShareProjectincome(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType shareProjectincome)
15139                 {
15140                     synchronized (monitor())
15141                     {
15142                       check_orphaned();
15143                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15144                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4, 0);
15145                       if (target == null)
15146                       {
15147                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREPROJECTINCOME$4);
15148                       }
15149                       target.set(shareProjectincome);
15150                     }
15151                 }
15153                 /**
15154                  * Gets the "ShareOtherFederal" element
15155                  */
15156                 public java.math.BigDecimal getShareOtherFederal()
15157                 {
15158                     synchronized (monitor())
15159                     {
15160                       check_orphaned();
15161                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15162                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6, 0);
15163                       if (target == null)
15164                       {
15165                         return null;
15166                       }
15167                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
15168                     }
15169                 }
15171                 /**
15172                  * Gets (as xml) the "ShareOtherFederal" element
15173                  */
15174                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType xgetShareOtherFederal()
15175                 {
15176                     synchronized (monitor())
15177                     {
15178                       check_orphaned();
15179                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15180                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6, 0);
15181                       return target;
15182                     }
15183                 }
15185                 /**
15186                  * Sets the "ShareOtherFederal" element
15187                  */
15188                 public void setShareOtherFederal(java.math.BigDecimal shareOtherFederal)
15189                 {
15190                     synchronized (monitor())
15191                     {
15192                       check_orphaned();
15193                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15194                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6, 0);
15195                       if (target == null)
15196                       {
15197                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6);
15198                       }
15199                       target.setBigDecimalValue(shareOtherFederal);
15200                     }
15201                 }
15203                 /**
15204                  * Sets (as xml) the "ShareOtherFederal" element
15205                  */
15206                 public void xsetShareOtherFederal(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType shareOtherFederal)
15207                 {
15208                     synchronized (monitor())
15209                     {
15210                       check_orphaned();
15211                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType target = null;
15212                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6, 0);
15213                       if (target == null)
15214                       {
15215                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(SHAREOTHERFEDERAL$6);
15216                       }
15217                       target.set(shareOtherFederal);
15218                     }
15219                 }
15221                 /**
15222                  * Gets the "TotalCostSharing" element
15223                  */
15224                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalCostSharing()
15225                 {
15226                     synchronized (monitor())
15227                     {
15228                       check_orphaned();
15229                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15230                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
15231                       if (target == null)
15232                       {
15233                         return null;
15234                       }
15235                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
15236                     }
15237                 }
15239                 /**
15240                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalCostSharing" element
15241                  */
15242                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalCostSharing()
15243                 {
15244                     synchronized (monitor())
15245                     {
15246                       check_orphaned();
15247                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
15248                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
15249                       return target;
15250                     }
15251                 }
15253                 /**
15254                  * Sets the "TotalCostSharing" element
15255                  */
15256                 public void setTotalCostSharing(java.math.BigDecimal totalCostSharing)
15257                 {
15258                     synchronized (monitor())
15259                     {
15260                       check_orphaned();
15261                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15262                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
15263                       if (target == null)
15264                       {
15265                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8);
15266                       }
15267                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalCostSharing);
15268                     }
15269                 }
15271                 /**
15272                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalCostSharing" element
15273                  */
15274                 public void xsetTotalCostSharing(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalCostSharing)
15275                 {
15276                     synchronized (monitor())
15277                     {
15278                       check_orphaned();
15279                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
15280                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8, 0);
15281                       if (target == null)
15282                       {
15283                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALCOSTSHARING$8);
15284                       }
15285                       target.set(totalCostSharing);
15286                     }
15287                 }
15288             }
15289             /**
15290              * An XML TotalProjectFund(@
15291              *
15292              * This is a complex type.
15293              */
15294             public static class TotalProjectFundImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.naranehBudgetV11.NARANEHBudgetDocument.NARANEHBudget.NARANEHBudget2.TotalProjectFund
15295             {
15296                 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
15298                 public TotalProjectFundImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
15299                 {
15300                     super(sType);
15301                 }
15303                 private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0 = 
15304                     new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "TotalProjectFunding");
15307                 /**
15308                  * Gets the "TotalProjectFunding" element
15309                  */
15310                 public java.math.BigDecimal getTotalProjectFunding()
15311                 {
15312                     synchronized (monitor())
15313                     {
15314                       check_orphaned();
15315                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15316                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0, 0);
15317                       if (target == null)
15318                       {
15319                         return null;
15320                       }
15321                       return target.getBigDecimalValue();
15322                     }
15323                 }
15325                 /**
15326                  * Gets (as xml) the "TotalProjectFunding" element
15327                  */
15328                 public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetTotalProjectFunding()
15329                 {
15330                     synchronized (monitor())
15331                     {
15332                       check_orphaned();
15333                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
15334                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0, 0);
15335                       return target;
15336                     }
15337                 }
15339                 /**
15340                  * Sets the "TotalProjectFunding" element
15341                  */
15342                 public void setTotalProjectFunding(java.math.BigDecimal totalProjectFunding)
15343                 {
15344                     synchronized (monitor())
15345                     {
15346                       check_orphaned();
15347                       org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
15348                       target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0, 0);
15349                       if (target == null)
15350                       {
15351                         target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0);
15352                       }
15353                       target.setBigDecimalValue(totalProjectFunding);
15354                     }
15355                 }
15357                 /**
15358                  * Sets (as xml) the "TotalProjectFunding" element
15359                  */
15360                 public void xsetTotalProjectFunding(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType totalProjectFunding)
15361                 {
15362                     synchronized (monitor())
15363                     {
15364                       check_orphaned();
15365                       gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
15366                       target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0, 0);
15367                       if (target == null)
15368                       {
15369                         target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(TOTALPROJECTFUNDING$0);
15370                       }
15371                       target.set(totalProjectFunding);
15372                     }
15373                 }
15374             }
15375         }
15376     }
15377 }