View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * An XML document type.
3    * Localname: HUD_DetailedBudget
4    * Namespace:
5    * Java type: gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument
6    *
7    * Automatically generated - do not modify.
8    */
9   package gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.impl;
10  /**
11   * A document containing one HUD_DetailedBudget(@ element.
12   *
13   * This is a complex type.
14   */
15  public class HUDDetailedBudgetDocumentImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument
16  {
17      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
19      public HUDDetailedBudgetDocumentImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
20      {
21          super(sType);
22      }
24      private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName HUDDETAILEDBUDGET$0 = 
25          new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "HUD_DetailedBudget");
28      /**
29       * Gets the "HUD_DetailedBudget" element
30       */
31      public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget getHUDDetailedBudget()
32      {
33          synchronized (monitor())
34          {
35              check_orphaned();
36              gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget target = null;
37              target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget)get_store().find_element_user(HUDDETAILEDBUDGET$0, 0);
38              if (target == null)
39              {
40                  return null;
41              }
42              return target;
43          }
44      }
46      /**
47       * Sets the "HUD_DetailedBudget" element
48       */
49      public void setHUDDetailedBudget(gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget hudDetailedBudget)
50      {
51          generatedSetterHelperImpl(hudDetailedBudget, HUDDETAILEDBUDGET$0, 0, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_SINGLETON);
52      }
54      /**
55       * Appends and returns a new empty "HUD_DetailedBudget" element
56       */
57      public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget addNewHUDDetailedBudget()
58      {
59          synchronized (monitor())
60          {
61              check_orphaned();
62              gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget target = null;
63              target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget)get_store().add_element_user(HUDDETAILEDBUDGET$0);
64              return target;
65          }
66      }
67      /**
68       * An XML HUD_DetailedBudget(@
69       *
70       * This is a complex type.
71       */
72      public static class HUDDetailedBudgetImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.HUDDetailedBudgetDocument.HUDDetailedBudget
73      {
74          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
76          public HUDDetailedBudgetImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType)
77          {
78              super(sType);
79          }
81          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName ORGANIZATIONNAME$0 = 
82              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "OrganizationName");
83          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2 = 
84              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "ProjectActivityName");
85          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName DETAILEDBUDGET$4 = 
86              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "DetailedBudget");
87          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6 = 
88              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt");
89          private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName FORMVERSION$8 = 
90              new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "FormVersion");
93          /**
94           * Gets the "OrganizationName" element
95           */
96          public java.lang.String getOrganizationName()
97          {
98              synchronized (monitor())
99              {
100                 check_orphaned();
101                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
102                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0, 0);
103                 if (target == null)
104                 {
105                     return null;
106                 }
107                 return target.getStringValue();
108             }
109         }
111         /**
112          * Gets (as xml) the "OrganizationName" element
113          */
114         public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType xgetOrganizationName()
115         {
116             synchronized (monitor())
117             {
118                 check_orphaned();
119                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType target = null;
120                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0, 0);
121                 return target;
122             }
123         }
125         /**
126          * Sets the "OrganizationName" element
127          */
128         public void setOrganizationName(java.lang.String organizationName)
129         {
130             synchronized (monitor())
131             {
132                 check_orphaned();
133                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
134                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0, 0);
135                 if (target == null)
136                 {
137                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0);
138                 }
139                 target.setStringValue(organizationName);
140             }
141         }
143         /**
144          * Sets (as xml) the "OrganizationName" element
145          */
146         public void xsetOrganizationName(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType organizationName)
147         {
148             synchronized (monitor())
149             {
150                 check_orphaned();
151                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType target = null;
152                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().find_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0, 0);
153                 if (target == null)
154                 {
155                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.OrganizationNameDataType)get_store().add_element_user(ORGANIZATIONNAME$0);
156                 }
157                 target.set(organizationName);
158             }
159         }
161         /**
162          * Gets the "ProjectActivityName" element
163          */
164         public java.lang.String getProjectActivityName()
165         {
166             synchronized (monitor())
167             {
168                 check_orphaned();
169                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
170                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2, 0);
171                 if (target == null)
172                 {
173                     return null;
174                 }
175                 return target.getStringValue();
176             }
177         }
179         /**
180          * Gets (as xml) the "ProjectActivityName" element
181          */
182         public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType xgetProjectActivityName()
183         {
184             synchronized (monitor())
185             {
186                 check_orphaned();
187                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType target = null;
188                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType)get_store().find_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2, 0);
189                 return target;
190             }
191         }
193         /**
194          * Sets the "ProjectActivityName" element
195          */
196         public void setProjectActivityName(java.lang.String projectActivityName)
197         {
198             synchronized (monitor())
199             {
200                 check_orphaned();
201                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
202                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2, 0);
203                 if (target == null)
204                 {
205                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2);
206                 }
207                 target.setStringValue(projectActivityName);
208             }
209         }
211         /**
212          * Sets (as xml) the "ProjectActivityName" element
213          */
214         public void xsetProjectActivityName(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType projectActivityName)
215         {
216             synchronized (monitor())
217             {
218                 check_orphaned();
219                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType target = null;
220                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType)get_store().find_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2, 0);
221                 if (target == null)
222                 {
223                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.ProgramActivityTitleDataType)get_store().add_element_user(PROJECTACTIVITYNAME$2);
224                 }
225                 target.set(projectActivityName);
226             }
227         }
229         /**
230          * Gets array of all "DetailedBudget" elements
231          */
232         public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType[] getDetailedBudgetArray()
233         {
234             synchronized (monitor())
235             {
236                 check_orphaned();
237                 java.util.List targetList = new java.util.ArrayList();
238                 get_store().find_all_element_users(DETAILEDBUDGET$4, targetList);
239                 gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType[] result = new gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType[targetList.size()];
240                 targetList.toArray(result);
241                 return result;
242             }
243         }
245         /**
246          * Gets ith "DetailedBudget" element
247          */
248         public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType getDetailedBudgetArray(int i)
249         {
250             synchronized (monitor())
251             {
252                 check_orphaned();
253                 gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType target = null;
254                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType)get_store().find_element_user(DETAILEDBUDGET$4, i);
255                 if (target == null)
256                 {
257                     throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
258                 }
259                 return target;
260             }
261         }
263         /**
264          * Returns number of "DetailedBudget" element
265          */
266         public int sizeOfDetailedBudgetArray()
267         {
268             synchronized (monitor())
269             {
270                 check_orphaned();
271                 return get_store().count_elements(DETAILEDBUDGET$4);
272             }
273         }
275         /**
276          * Sets array of all "DetailedBudget" element  WARNING: This method is not atomicaly synchronized.
277          */
278         public void setDetailedBudgetArray(gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType[] detailedBudgetArray)
279         {
280             check_orphaned();
281             arraySetterHelper(detailedBudgetArray, DETAILEDBUDGET$4);
282         }
284         /**
285          * Sets ith "DetailedBudget" element
286          */
287         public void setDetailedBudgetArray(int i, gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType detailedBudget)
288         {
289             generatedSetterHelperImpl(detailedBudget, DETAILEDBUDGET$4, i, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.KIND_SETTERHELPER_ARRAYITEM);
290         }
292         /**
293          * Inserts and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the ith "DetailedBudget" element
294          */
295         public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType insertNewDetailedBudget(int i)
296         {
297             synchronized (monitor())
298             {
299                 check_orphaned();
300                 gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType target = null;
301                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType)get_store().insert_element_user(DETAILEDBUDGET$4, i);
302                 return target;
303             }
304         }
306         /**
307          * Appends and returns a new empty value (as xml) as the last "DetailedBudget" element
308          */
309         public gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType addNewDetailedBudget()
310         {
311             synchronized (monitor())
312             {
313                 check_orphaned();
314                 gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType target = null;
315                 target = (gov.grants.apply.forms.hudDetailedBudgetV11.YearlyBudgetDataType)get_store().add_element_user(DETAILEDBUDGET$4);
316                 return target;
317             }
318         }
320         /**
321          * Removes the ith "DetailedBudget" element
322          */
323         public void removeDetailedBudget(int i)
324         {
325             synchronized (monitor())
326             {
327                 check_orphaned();
328                 get_store().remove_element(DETAILEDBUDGET$4, i);
329             }
330         }
332         /**
333          * Gets the "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
334          */
335         public java.math.BigDecimal getBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt()
336         {
337             synchronized (monitor())
338             {
339                 check_orphaned();
340                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
341                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6, 0);
342                 if (target == null)
343                 {
344                     return null;
345                 }
346                 return target.getBigDecimalValue();
347             }
348         }
350         /**
351          * Gets (as xml) the "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
352          */
353         public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType xgetBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt()
354         {
355             synchronized (monitor())
356             {
357                 check_orphaned();
358                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
359                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6, 0);
360                 return target;
361             }
362         }
364         /**
365          * True if has "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
366          */
367         public boolean isSetBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt()
368         {
369             synchronized (monitor())
370             {
371                 check_orphaned();
372                 return get_store().count_elements(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6) != 0;
373             }
374         }
376         /**
377          * Sets the "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
378          */
379         public void setBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt(java.math.BigDecimal budgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt)
380         {
381             synchronized (monitor())
382             {
383                 check_orphaned();
384                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
385                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6, 0);
386                 if (target == null)
387                 {
388                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6);
389                 }
390                 target.setBigDecimalValue(budgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt);
391             }
392         }
394         /**
395          * Sets (as xml) the "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
396          */
397         public void xsetBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType budgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt)
398         {
399             synchronized (monitor())
400             {
401                 check_orphaned();
402                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType target = null;
403                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().find_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6, 0);
404                 if (target == null)
405                 {
406                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.BudgetTotalAmountDataType)get_store().add_element_user(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6);
407                 }
408                 target.set(budgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt);
409             }
410         }
412         /**
413          * Unsets the "BudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt" element
414          */
415         public void unsetBudgetAllYearsGrandToEstAmt()
416         {
417             synchronized (monitor())
418             {
419                 check_orphaned();
420                 get_store().remove_element(BUDGETALLYEARSGRANDTOESTAMT$6, 0);
421             }
422         }
424         /**
425          * Gets the "FormVersion" attribute
426          */
427         public java.lang.String getFormVersion()
428         {
429             synchronized (monitor())
430             {
431                 check_orphaned();
432                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
433                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
434                 if (target == null)
435                 {
436                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_default_attribute_value(FORMVERSION$8);
437                 }
438                 if (target == null)
439                 {
440                     return null;
441                 }
442                 return target.getStringValue();
443             }
444         }
446         /**
447          * Gets (as xml) the "FormVersion" attribute
448          */
449         public gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType xgetFormVersion()
450         {
451             synchronized (monitor())
452             {
453                 check_orphaned();
454                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType target = null;
455                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
456                 if (target == null)
457                 {
458                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_default_attribute_value(FORMVERSION$8);
459                 }
460                 return target;
461             }
462         }
464         /**
465          * Sets the "FormVersion" attribute
466          */
467         public void setFormVersion(java.lang.String formVersion)
468         {
469             synchronized (monitor())
470             {
471                 check_orphaned();
472                 org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue target = null;
473                 target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
474                 if (target == null)
475                 {
476                     target = (org.apache.xmlbeans.SimpleValue)get_store().add_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
477                 }
478                 target.setStringValue(formVersion);
479             }
480         }
482         /**
483          * Sets (as xml) the "FormVersion" attribute
484          */
485         public void xsetFormVersion(gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType formVersion)
486         {
487             synchronized (monitor())
488             {
489                 check_orphaned();
490                 gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType target = null;
491                 target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().find_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
492                 if (target == null)
493                 {
494                     target = (gov.grants.apply.system.globalLibraryV20.FormVersionDataType)get_store().add_attribute_user(FORMVERSION$8);
495                 }
496                 target.set(formVersion);
497             }
498         }
499     }
500 }