

Name DateRangeInfo
Version ???
Usage AtpService
validateDateRange getDateRange addDateRange updateDateRange
Type Complex


Information about a date range.

Structure Definition

ShortName Name Type Description Cardinality XML Attribute? Comments/Feedback
name ??? String Friendly name of the date range. One No ???
desc ??? org.kuali.student.core.dto.RichTextInfo Narrative description of the date range. One No ???
atpId ??? String Unique identifier for an Academic Time Period (ATP). One No ???
startDate ??? Date Start date and time for the date range. This must be less than or equal to the end date of this range. One No ???
endDate ??? Date End date and time for the date range. This must be greater than or equal to the start date of this range. One No ???
attributes ??? Map List of key/value pairs, typically used for dynamic attributes. One No ???
metaInfo ??? org.kuali.student.core.dto.MetaInfo Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals of the service during maintenance operations. One No ???
type ??? String Unique identifier for a date range type. One Yes ???
state ??? String The current status of the date range. The values for this field are constrained to those in the dateRangeState enumeration. A separate setup operation does not exist for retrieval of the meta data around this value. One Yes ???
key ??? String Unique identifier for a date range. One Yes ???