About Kuali Student Deploy

This POM makes use of the maven-exec-plugin to deploy live instances of Kuali Student Embedded to the dev, staging, and demo environments on EC2. The ks-embedded-config.xml file needed for each environment is automatically generated and copied over. The database is reset using Impex data. The steps it follows are: 1 - Stop the remote Tomcat instance 2 - Remove the directory on the remote server containing the old unpacked WAR file 3 - Generate ks-embedded-config.xml using properties appropriate for the target environment 4 - Copy ks-embedded-config.xml into the environment 5 - Copy a new WAR file into the environment 6 - Reset the remote database 7 - Perform any cleanup necessary (by default, it removes the old Tomcat logs and the old Tomcat "work" directory) 8 - Restart Tomcat