001    /*
002     * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
003     * and open the template in the editor.
004     */
005    package org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository;
007    import java.io.Serializable;
008    import java.util.ArrayList;
009    import java.util.Collection;
010    import java.util.Collections;
011    import java.util.List;
012    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
013    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
014    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement;
015    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
016    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
017    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
018    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.CoreConstants;
019    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.mo.ModelBuilder;
020    import org.kuali.rice.krms.api.KrmsConstants;
022    /**
023     * Concrete model object implementation of a natural language tree immutable.
024     * Instances of natural language tree can be (un)marshalled to and from XML.
025     *
026     * @see NaturalLanguageTreeContract
027     */
028    @XmlRootElement(name = NaturalLanguageTree.Constants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)
029    @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE)
030    @XmlType(name = NaturalLanguageTree.Constants.TYPE_NAME, propOrder = {
031        NaturalLanguageTree.Elements.NATURAL_LANGUAGE,
032        NaturalLanguageTree.Elements.CHILDREN,
033        CoreConstants.CommonElements.FUTURE_ELEMENTS
034    })
035    public class NaturalLanguageTree implements NaturalLanguageTreeContract {
037        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2783959459503209577L;
038        @XmlElement(name = NaturalLanguageTree.Elements.NATURAL_LANGUAGE, required = false)
039        private String naturalLanguage;
040        @XmlElement(name = NaturalLanguageTree.Elements.CHILDREN, required = false)
041        private List<NaturalLanguageTree> children;
042        @SuppressWarnings("unused")
043        @XmlAnyElement
044        private final Collection<org.w3c.dom.Element> _futureElements = null;
046        /**
047         * This constructor should never be called. It is only present for use
048         * during JAXB unmarshalling.
049         */
050        public NaturalLanguageTree() {
051            this.naturalLanguage = null;
052            this.children = null;
053        }
055        @Override
056        public String getNaturalLanguage() {
057            return naturalLanguage;
058        }
060        @Override
061        public List<NaturalLanguageTree> getChildren() {
062            return children;
063        }
065        /**
066         * Constructs a KRMS Repository Agenda object from the given builder. This
067         * constructor is private and should only ever be invoked from the builder.
068         *
069         * @param builder the Builder from which to construct the Agenda
070         */
071        private NaturalLanguageTree(Builder builder) {
072            this.naturalLanguage = builder.getNaturalLanguage();
073            List<NaturalLanguageTree> list = null;
074            if (builder.getChildren() != null) {
075                list = new ArrayList<NaturalLanguageTree>(builder.getChildren().size());
076                for (NaturalLanguageTreeContract nltree : builder.getChildren()) {
077                    list.add(Builder.create(nltree).build());
078                }
079                this.children = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
080            }
081        }
083        /**
084         * This builder is used to construct instances of KRMS Repository Agenda. It
085         * enforces the constraints of the {@link NaturalLanguageTreeContract}.
086         */
087        public static class Builder implements NaturalLanguageTreeContract, ModelBuilder, Serializable {
089            private static final long serialVersionUID = -8862851720709537839L;
090            private String naturalLanguage;
091            private List<? extends NaturalLanguageTreeContract> children;
093            /**
094             * Private constructor for creating a builder with all of it's required
095             * attributes.
096             */
097            private Builder() {
098            }        
100            /**
101             * Private constructor for creating a builder with all of it's required
102             * attributes.
103             */
104            private Builder(String naturalLanguage, List<? extends NaturalLanguageTreeContract> children) {
105                setNaturalLanguage(naturalLanguage);
106                setChildren(children);
107            }
109            @Override
110            public String getNaturalLanguage() {
111                return naturalLanguage;
112            }
114            public void setNaturalLanguage(String naturalLanguage) {
115                this.naturalLanguage = naturalLanguage;
116            }
118            @Override
119            public List<? extends NaturalLanguageTreeContract> getChildren() {
120                return children;
121            }
123            public void setChildren(List<? extends NaturalLanguageTreeContract> children) {
124                this.children = children;
125            }
128            /**
129             * Creates a builder by populating it with data from the given
130             * {@link NaturalLanguageTreeContract}.
131             *
132             * @param contract the contract from which to populate this builder
133             * @return an instance of the builder populated with data from the
134             * contract
135             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the contract is null
136             */
137            public static NaturalLanguageTree.Builder create() {
138                NaturalLanguageTree.Builder builder = new NaturalLanguageTree.Builder();
139                return builder;
140            }
141            /**
142             * Creates a builder by populating it with data from the given
143             * {@link NaturalLanguageTreeContract}.
144             *
145             * @param contract the contract from which to populate this builder
146             * @return an instance of the builder populated with data from the
147             * contract
148             * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the contract is null
149             */
150            public static NaturalLanguageTree.Builder create(NaturalLanguageTreeContract contract) {
151                if (contract == null) {
152                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("contract is null");
153                }
154                NaturalLanguageTree.Builder builder = new NaturalLanguageTree.Builder(contract.getNaturalLanguage(), contract.getChildren());
156                return builder;
157            }
159            /**
160             * Builds an instance of a Natural Language Tree based on the current state of the
161             * builder.
162             *
163             * @return the fully-constructed Agenda
164             */
165            @Override
166            public NaturalLanguageTree build() {
167                return new NaturalLanguageTree(this);
168            }
169        }
171        /**
172         * Defines some constants used on this class.
173         */
174        public static class Constants {
176            final static String ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME = "naturalLanguageTree";
177            final static String TYPE_NAME = "NaturalLanguageTreeType";
178            final static String[] HASH_CODE_EQUALS_EXCLUDE = {"_futureElements"};
179            public final static String EVENT = "Event";   // key for event attribute
180        }
182        /**
183         * A private class which exposes constants which define the XML element
184         * names to use when this object is marshalled to XML.
185         */
186        public static class Elements {
188            final static String NATURAL_LANGUAGE = "naturalLanguage";
189            final static String CHILDREN = "children";
190        }
192        public static class Cache {
194            public static final String NAME = KrmsConstants.Namespaces.KRMS_NAMESPACE_2_0 + "/" + NaturalLanguageTree.Constants.TYPE_NAME;
195        }
196    }