Name | WorkflowDocument | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.rice.kew.api.document |
Method | getDocument | ||
Description | Gets a {@link Document} from a documentId.
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of the document to return |
Return | Document | the document with the passed in id value | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | doesDocumentExist | ||
Description | Returns a boolean depending on if a {@link Document} exists with the specified documentId
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of the document to check for existence |
Return | boolean | boolean value representative of whether the document exists | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentContent | ||
Description | Gets {@link DocumentContent} from a documentId.
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of the document content to return |
Return | DocumentContent | the documentContent with the passed in id value | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getRootActionRequests | ||
Description | Gets a list of root ActionRequests for a given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a document |
Return | ActionRequestList | the list of root ActionRequests for a given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getPendingActionRequests | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActionRequests which are pending for a given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a document |
Return | ActionRequestList | the list of pending ActionRequests for a given documentId | |
Errors | NONE | No Errors |
Method | getActionRequestsForPrincipalAtNode | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActionRequests for a given documentId, nodeName and principalId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a document |
String | nodeName | the name of a RouteNode | |
String | principalId | the unique id of a principal | |
Return | ActionRequestList | the list of ActionRequests for a given documentId, nodeName, and principalId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getActionsTaken | ||
Description | Gets a list of past {@link ActionTaken} of a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a document |
Return | ActionTakenList | the list of past ActionTakens for a given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getAllActionsTaken | ||
Description | Gets a list of all {@link ActionTaken} of a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a document |
Return | ActionTakenList | the list of ActionTakens (both current and not) for a given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentDetailByAppId | ||
Description | Gets a {@link DocumentDetail} of a {@link Document} with the given documentTypeName and appId | ||
Parameters | String | documentTypeName | the name of the DocumentType |
String | appId | the unique id of the application | |
Return | DocumentDetail | a {@link DocumentDetail} for with the given documentTypeName and appId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentTypeName} is null |
Method | getDocumentDetail | ||
Description | Gets a {@link DocumentDetail} of a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of the Document |
Return | DocumentDetail | a {@link DocumentDetail} for with the given documentId | |
Errors | NONE | No Errors |
Method | getRouteNodeInstance | ||
Description | Gets a {@link RouteNodeInstance} with the given nodeInstanceId | ||
Parameters | String | routeNodeInstanceId | the unique id of the {@link RouteNodeInstance} |
Return | RouteNodeInstance | a {@link DocumentDetail} for with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code nodeInstanceId} is null |
Method | getApplicationDocumentId | ||
Description | Gets a value application document id of a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of the Document |
Return | String | the value of the applicationDocumentId for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | documentSearch | ||
Description | Executes a search for workflow documents using the given criteria and as the principal with the given id. Since documents can define security which permits access to view certain search results, the given principal id will be used when evaluating which documents should be filtered from the results because of lack of access. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the id of the principal to execute the search as, if this value is non-null then security filtering will be executed against the results, if it is null then no filtering will be performed |
DocumentSearchCriteria | criteria | the criteria to use when executing the search | |
Return | DocumentSearchResults | the results of the search, this will never be null but may contain an empty list of results | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the given criteria is null |
Method | getRouteNodeInstances | ||
Description | Gets a list of all {@link RouteNodeInstance} for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | RouteNodeInstanceList | the list of {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getActiveRouteNodeInstances | ||
Description | Gets a list of active {@link RouteNodeInstance} for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | RouteNodeInstanceList | the list of active {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getTerminalRouteNodeInstances | ||
Description | Gets a list of terminal {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | RouteNodeInstanceList | the list of terminal {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getCurrentRouteNodeInstances | ||
Description | Gets a list of current {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | RouteNodeInstanceList | the list of current {@link RouteNodeInstance}s for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getPreviousRouteNodeNames | ||
Description | Gets a list of all previous {@link RouteNodeInstance}'s node names for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | StringList | the list of all previous {@link RouteNodeInstance}'s node names for the {@link Document} with the given documentId |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentStatus | ||
Description | Gets the status value for a {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | DocumentStatus | the current status of the {@link Document} with the given documentId |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getPrincipalIdsWithPendingActionRequestByActionRequestedAndDocId | ||
Description | Gets a list of principalId values for a {@link Document} with the given documentId and action request code that have pending action requests |
Parameters | String | actionRequestedCd | code for the pending action requested |
String | documentId | the unique id of a Document | |
Return | StringList | a list of principalIds for the {@link Document} with the given parameters and have a pending action request |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentInitiatorPrincipalId | ||
Description | Gets the {@link Document} initiator's principalId with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | String | the {@link Document} initiator's principalId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getRoutedByPrincipalIdByDocumentId | ||
Description | Gets the {@link Document}'s 'routed by' principalId with the given documentId Returns null if the document is not found |
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | String | the {@link Document}'s 'routed by' principalId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getSearchableAttributeStringValuesByKey | ||
Description | Does a direct search for searchableAttributes without going through the document search This returns a list of String values for String searchableAttributes |
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
String | key | the searchableAttributes key value | |
Return | StringList | a list of String values for the {@link Document} with the given documentId and searchable attribute key |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getSearchableAttributeDateTimeValuesByKey | ||
Description | Does a direct search for searchableAttributes without going through the document search This returns a list of DateTime values for date/time searchableAttributes |
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
String | key | the searchableAttributes key value | |
Return | DateTimeList | a list of DateTime values for the {@link Document} with the given documentId and searchable attribute key |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getSearchableAttributeFloatValuesByKey | ||
Description | Does a direct search for searchableAttributes without going through the document search This returns a list of BigDecimal values for decimal searchableAttributes |
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
String | key | the searchableAttributes key value | |
Return | BigDecimalList | a list of BigDecimal values for the {@link Document} with the given documentId and searchable attribute key |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getSearchableAttributeLongValuesByKey | ||
Description | Does a direct search for searchableAttributes without going through the document search This returns a list of Long values for long searchableAttributes |
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
String | key | the searchableAttributes key value | |
Return | LongList | a list of BigDecimal values for the {@link Document} with the given documentId and searchable attribute key |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentStatusTransitionHistory | ||
Description | Gets a list of DocumentStatusTransitions for the {@link Document} with the given documentId | ||
Parameters | String | documentId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | DocumentStatusTransitionList | a list of DocumentStatusTransitions for the {@link Document} with the given documentId |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentId} is null |
Method | addDocumentLink | ||
Description | Saves the passed in {@link DocumentLink}. If the {@link DocumentLink}'s id field is created. This method actually creates two different links in the database (one from the document being linked to the target and vice-versa). If the links already exist, then the call is ignored. |
Parameters | DocumentLink | documentLink | the unique id of a Document |
Return | DocumentLink | the newly saved {@link DocumentLink} | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentLink} is null |
Method | deleteDocumentLink | ||
Description | Removes the {@link DocumentLink} with the given documentLinkId. | ||
Parameters | String | documentLinkId | the unique id of a Document |
Return | DocumentLink | the deleted {@link DocumentLink} | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentLink} is null |
Method | deleteDocumentLinksByDocumentId | ||
Description | Removes all {@link DocumentLink}s for the given {@link Document} with the given originatingDocumentId. | ||
Parameters | String | originatingDocumentId | the unique id of the originating Document of the document links to delete |
Return | DocumentLinkList | a list of the deleted {@link DocumentLink}s | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentLink} is null |
Method | getOutgoingDocumentLinks | ||
Description | Gets a list of all {@link DocumentLink}s for outgoing links from the {@link Document} with the given documentId. | ||
Parameters | String | originatingDocumentId | the unique id of the originating Document of the document links to retrieve |
Return | DocumentLinkList | a list of the outgoing {@link DocumentLink}s for the originating document | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code originatingDocumentId} is null |
Method | getIncomingDocumentLinks | ||
Description | Gets a list of all {@link DocumentLink}s for incoming links from the {@link Document} with the given documentId. | ||
Parameters | String | originatingDocumentId | the unique id of the incoming Document of the document links to retrieve |
Return | DocumentLinkList | a list of the outgoing {@link DocumentLink}s for the incoming document | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code originatingDocumentId} is null |
Method | getDocumentLink | ||
Description | Gets the {@link DocumentLink} for with the given documentLinkId. | ||
Parameters | String | documentLinkId | the unique id of the {@link DocumentLink} to retrieve |
Return | DocumentLink | a {@link DocumentLink} with the passed in documentLinkId | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if {@code documentLinkId} is null |