
Name ValidationAction
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.rice.krms.framework.type

Service for {@link ValidationActions}

Main Message Structures

Method getValidation
Description Return the {@link ActionDefinition} given the validationId
Parameters String validationId of the {@link ActionDefinition} to return
Return ActionDefinition {@link ActionDefinition} whose value is of the given validationId
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???

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Method getValidationByName
Description Return the {@link ActionDefinition} given the namespaceCode and name
Parameters String namespaceCode of the {@link ActionDefinition} to return
String name of the {@link ActionDefinition} to return
Return ActionDefinition {@link ActionDefinition} whose namespaceCode and name are of those given
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???

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Method createValidation
Description Create a Validation Action
Parameters ActionDefinition validation {@link ActionDefinition} to create
Return ActionDefinition {@link ActionDefinition} created
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???
RiceIllegalStateException ???

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Method updateValidation
Description Update a Validation Action
Parameters ActionDefinition validation {@link ActionDefinition} to create
Return ActionDefinition {@link ActionDefinition} updated
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???
RiceIllegalStateException ???

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