
Name TermRepository
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.rice.krms.api.repository.term

The TermRepositoryService provides the basic access to terms and term resolvers in the repository needed
for executing rules.

Main Message Structures

Method findTermResolversByNamespace
Description Retrieves all {@link TermResolverDefinition}s for the given namespace.
Parameters String namespace the namespace for which to get all term resolvers.
Return TermResolverDefinitionList the List of {@link TermResolverDefinition}s for the given namespace. May be empty, but never null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???

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Method getTerm
Description Retrieves the {@link TermDefinition} with the given termId.
Parameters String termId the identifier of the term to retrieve.
Return TermDefinition the {@link TermDefinition} with the given termId. May be null if there is no term with the given termId
in the repository.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???

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