Name | State | |
Version | 1.0 (Dev) | |
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.student.r2.core.class1.state.service |
Method | getState | ||
Description | Gets a {@link State} from a postal country code and postal state code.
Parameters | String | countryCode | country code. cannot be blank. |
String | code | state code. cannot be blank. | |
Return | State | a {@link State} or null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | country code or state code is blank |
Method | findAllStatesInCountry | ||
Description | Finds all the {@link State States} for postal country code.
Parameters | String | countryCode | state code. cannot be blank. |
Return | StateList | an immutable collection of states | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | country code is blank |
Method | findAllStatesInCountryByAltCode | ||
Description | Finds all the {@link State States} for alternate postal country code.
Parameters | String | alternateCode | cannot be blank. |
Return | StateList | an immutable collection of states | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | alternate country code is null | |
RiceIllegalStateException | when no countries are found for alternate country code |
Method | findStates | ||
Description | This method find States based on a query criteria. The criteria cannot be null. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | queryByCriteria | the criteria. Cannot be null. |
Return | StateQueryResults | query results. will never return null. | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | ??? |
Method | getLifecycle | ||
Description | Get Lifecycle Information by Key. | ||
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | the lifecycle key |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LifecycleInfo | the requested Lifecycle | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | lifecycleKey not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getLifecyclesByKeys | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of Lifecycles from a list of Lifecycle keys. The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate keys are supplied, a unique set may or may not be returned. |
Parameters | StringList | lifecycleKeys | a list of Lifecycle keys |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LifecycleInfoList | a list of Lifecycles | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a lifecycleKey in the list not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKeys, a key in lifecycleKeys, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getLifecycleKeysByRefObjectUri | ||
Description | This method retrieves the list of Lifecycle keys associated with a type of object. |
Parameters | String | refObjectUri | unique name for an object that states are attached |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of lifecycle keys | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | refObjectUri or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForLifecycleKeys | ||
Description | Searches for Lifecycle keys that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | list of Lifecycle identifiers matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForLifecycles | ||
Description | Searches for Lifecycles that meet the given search criteria. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LifecycleInfoList | list of Lifecycles matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateLifecycle | ||
Description | Validates a Lifecycle. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this Lifecycle. If an identifier is present for the Lifecycle (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the Lifecycle can be shifted to the new values. If a an identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the Lifecycle with the given data can be created. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
LifecycleInfo | lifecycleInfo | the identifier for the Lifecycle to be validated |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | lifecycleInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | validationTypeKey, lifecycleInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createLifecycle | ||
Description | Creates a new Lifecycle. The Lifecycle Type and Meta information may not be set in the supplied data object. |
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | a unique for the new Lifecycle |
LifecycleInfo | lifecycleInfo | the data with which to create the Lifecycle |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LifecycleInfo | the new Lifecycle | |
Errors | AlreadyExistsException | lifecycleKey already exists | |
DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | ||
InvalidParameterException | lifecycleInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey, lifecycleInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | updateLifecycle | ||
Description | Updates an existing Lifecycle. The Lifecycle Key, Type, and Meta information may not be changed. |
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | the identifier for the Lifecycle to be updated |
LifecycleInfo | lifecycleInfo | the new data for the Lifecycle | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LifecycleInfo | the updated Lifecycle | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | lifecycleKey is not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | lifecycleInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey, lifecycleInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
VersionMismatchException | an optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteLifecycle | ||
Description | Deletes an existing Lifecycle. | ||
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | the identifier for the Lifecycle to be deleted |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status of the operation. This must always be true. | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | lifecycleKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getState | ||
Description | This method returns information about a state. | ||
Parameters | String | stateKey | Key of the state |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfo | the requested State | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | stateKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | stateKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getStatesByKeys | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of States from a list of State keys. The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate keys are supplied, a unique set may or may not be returned. |
Parameters | StringList | stateKeys | a list of State keys |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfoList | a list of States | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a stateId in the list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | stateKeys, a key in stateKeys, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getStatesByLifecycle | ||
Description | This method returns a list of States that belong to a lifecycle. For e.g Clu states for clu proposal lifecycle. |
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | Key identifying the lifecycle |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfoList | the list of StateInfo objects associated with the lifecycle | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | lifecycleKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey is missing or null | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForStateKeys | ||
Description | Searches for State keys that meet the given search criteria. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | list of State identifiers matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForStates | ||
Description | Searches for States that meet the given search criteria. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfoList | list of States matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateState | ||
Description | Validates a State. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this State. If an identifier is present for the State (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the State can be shifted to the new values. If a an identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the State with the given data can be created. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
String | lifecycleKey | the identifier for the Lifecycle to which the State belongs |
StateInfo | stateInfo | the identifier for the State to be validated | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey or lifecycleKey is not found |
InvalidParameterException | stateInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | validationTypeKey, lifecycleKey stateInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createState | ||
Description | Creates a new State. The State key and Meta information may not be set in the supplied data object. |
Parameters | String | lifecycleKey | the identifier for the Lifecycle to which the State belongs |
String | stateKey | a unique identifier for the new State | |
StateInfo | stateInfo | the data with which to create the State | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfo | the new State | |
Errors | AlreadyExistsException | stateKey already exists | |
DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | ||
DoesNotExistException | lifecycleKey is not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | stateInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | lifecycleKey, stateKey, stateInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | updateState | ||
Description | Updates an existing State. The State key and Meta information may not be changed. |
Parameters | String | stateKey | the identifier for the State to be updated |
StateInfo | stateInfo | the new data for the State | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StateInfo | the updated State | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | stateKey is not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | stateInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | stateKey, stateInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
VersionMismatchException | an optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteState | ||
Description | Deletes an existing State. | ||
Parameters | String | stateKey | the identifier for the State to be deleted |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status of the operation. This must always be true. | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | stateKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | stateKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |