
Name SocInfo
Usage CourseOfferingSetService
rolloverSoc getSoc getSocsByIds createSoc updateSoc validateSoc
Type Complex


Set of Offered Courses, Soc.

Identifies a set of courses that are offered within a term.

Structure Definition

ShortName Name Type Description Required? Read only? Cardinality XML Attribute? Implementation Notes
id Unique Id String The system assigned unique id to identify this Object.
Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID.

Attempts to set this value on creates should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown

An Id:

  • An id is used when the actual value is unimportant and
    can therefore be a large hex value for example

  • An id value might be 23b9ca9bd203df902

  • An Id is never intended to be used directly by an end

  • Ids are assumed to be of different values in different
    KS implementations

  • Id values are generated by the service

  • Id values are never expected to be used in
    Configuration or Application code

Required on updates Read only One Yes  
typeKey Type Key String A unique identifier for the type of this object. Required Read only One Yes  
stateKey State Key String A unique identifier for the state of this object. Required   One Yes  
name Name String A display name for this entity.     One No  
descr Description RichTextInfo A description of the entity.     One No  
termId Term Id String Academic term of the courses in the course offering set Required Read only One No set during the #createSoc
subjectArea Subject Area String Subject Area of the courses in the course offering set

This is the first part of the course number, for example "ENG" in "ENG 101"

NOTE: if a course is cross-listed it is not clear yet if it appears in
Socs for both subject areas or just the one main one for the course.
    One No  
unitsContentOwnerId Units Content Owner String The Organization id of the content owner of the courses in this course offering

NOTE: should this be a list of org ids not just one?
    One No  
meta Meta MetaInfo Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional
and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals
of the service during maintenance operations.

Contains audit trail information about the creation and last
update of this object Also contains the version ind used for
optimistic locking.

Attempts to set or update should result in a ReadOnlyException
being thrown.
Required on updates Read only One No  
attributes Dynamic Attributes AttributeInfoList List of dynamic attributes, each holding a key-value pair that
can be configured to hold additional information for an
implementing institution.

Note: the key may be repeated more than once to simulate a list
of values.
    Many No