
Name Role
Included Services  
Java Package

This service provides operations for querying role and role qualification

A role is where permissions and responsibilities are granted. Roles have
a membership consisting of principals, groups or even other roles. By
being assigned as members of a role, the associated principals will be
granted all permissions and responsibilities that have been granted to the

Each membership assignment on the role can have a qualification which
defines extra information about that particular member of the role. For
example, one may have the role of "Dean" but that can be further qualified
by the school they are the dean of, such as "Dean of Computer Science".
Authorization checks that are then done in the permission service can pass
qualifiers as part of the operation if they want to restrict the subset of
the role against which the check is made.

Main Message Structures

Method createRole
Description This will create a {@link} exactly like the role passed in.
Parameters Role role the role to create
Return Role the newly created object. will never be null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if the role passed in is null
RiceIllegalStateException if the role is already existing in the system

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Method updateRole
Description This will update a {@link Role}.
Parameters Role role the role to update
Return Role ???
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if the role is null
RiceIllegalStateException if the role does not exist in the system

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Method getRole
Description Get the KIM Role object with the given ID.
Parameters String id the id of the role.
Return Role the role with the given id or null if role doesn't exist.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId is null or Blank

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Method getRoles
Description Get the KIM Role objects for the role IDs in the given List.
Parameters StringList ids the ids of the roles.
Return RoleList a list of roles with the given ids or null if no roles are found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if ids is null or Blank

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Method getRoleByNamespaceCodeAndName
Description Get the KIM Role object with the unique combination of namespace, component,
and role name.
Parameters String namespaceCode the namespace code of the role.
String name the name of the role.
Return Role a role with the given namespace code and name or null if role does not exist.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if namespaceCode or name is null or blank.

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Method getRoleIdByNamespaceCodeAndName
Description Return the Role ID for the given unique combination of namespace,
component and role name.
Parameters String namespaceCode the namespace code of the role.
String name the name of the role.
Return String a role id for a role with the given namespace code and name or null if role does not exist.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if namespaceCode or name is null or blank.

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Method isRoleActive
Description Checks whether the role with the given role ID is active.
Parameters String id the unique id of a role.
Return boolean true if the role with the given id is active.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if id is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method getRoleQualifersForPrincipalByRoleIds
Description Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal has without taking into consideration
that the principal may be a member via an assigned group or role. Use in situations where
you are only interested in the qualifiers that are directly assigned to the principal.
Parameters String principalId the principalId to
StringList roleIds the namespace code of the role.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return MapList a map of role qualifiers for the given principalId, roleIds and qualifications or an empty map if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalId is null or blank or roleIds is null.

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Method getRoleQualifersForPrincipalByNamespaceAndRolename
Description Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal has without taking into consideration
that the principal may be a member via an assigned group or role. Use in situations where
you are only interested in the qualifiers that are directly assigned to the principal.
Parameters String principalId the principalId to
String namespaceCode the namespace code of the role.
String roleName the name of the role.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return MapList a map of role qualifiers for the given parameters or an empty map if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalId, namespaceCode, or roleName is null or blank.

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Method getNestedRoleQualifersForPrincipalByNamespaceAndRolename
Description Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal. If the principal's membership
is via a group or role, that group or role's qualifier on the given role is returned.
Parameters String principalId the principalId to
String namespaceCode the namespace code of the role.
String roleName the name of the role.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return MapList a map of nested role qualifiers for the given parameters or an empty map if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalId, namespaceCode, or roleName is null or blank.

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Method getNestedRoleQualifiersForPrincipalByRoleIds
Description Returns a list of role qualifiers that the given principal. If the principal's membership
is via a group or role, that group or role's qualifier on the given role is returned.
Parameters String principalId the principalId to
StringList roleIds the namespace code of the role.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return MapList a map of role qualifiers for the given roleIds and qualifications or an empty map if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalId, namespaceCode, or roleName is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method getRoleMembers
Description Get all the role members (groups and principals) associated with the given list of roles
where their role membership/assignment matches the given qualification. The list of RoleMemberships returned
will only contain group and principal members. Any nested role members will be resolved and flattened into
the principals and groups that are members of that nested role (assuming qualifications match).

The return object will have each membership relationship along with the delegations
Parameters StringList roleIds a list of role Ids.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return RoleMembershipList a list of role members for the given roleIds and qualifications or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleIds is null.

Back to Operations

Method getRoleMemberPrincipalIds
Description This method gets all the members, then traverses down into members of type role and group to obtain the nested principal ids
Parameters String namespaceCode the namespace code of the role.
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return StringList a list of role member principalIds for the given roleIds and qualifications, or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if namespaceCode, or roleName is null or blank.

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Method principalHasRole
Description Returns whether the given principal has any of the passed role IDs with the given qualification.
Parameters String principalId the principal Id to check.
StringList roleIds the list of role ids.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return boolean true if the principal is assigned the one of the given roleIds with the passed in qualifications.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleIds is null or principalId is null or blank.

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Method principalHasRole
Description Returns whether the given principal has any of the passed role IDs with the given qualification.
Parameters String principalId the principal Id to check.
StringList roleIds the list of role ids.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
boolean checkDelegations whether delegations should be checked or not
Return boolean true if the principal is assigned the one of the given roleIds with the passed in qualifications.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleIds is null or principalId is null or blank.

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Method getPrincipalIdSubListWithRole
Description Returns the subset of the given principal ID list which has the given role and qualification.
This is designed to be used by lookups of people by their roles.
Parameters StringList principalIds the principal Ids to check.
String roleNamespaceCode the namespaceCode of the role.
String roleName the name of the role.
Map qualification the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return StringList list of principalIds that is the subset of list passed in with the given role and qualifications or an empty list.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalIds is null or the roleNamespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method findRoles
Description This method gets search results for role lookup
Parameters QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return RoleQueryResults query results. will never return null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if queryByCriteria is null.

Back to Operations

Method getFirstLevelRoleMembers
Description Gets all direct members of the roles that have ids within the given list
of role ids. This method does not recurse into any nested roles.

The resulting List of role membership will contain membership for
all the roles with the specified ids. The list is not guaranteed to be
in any particular order and may have membership info for the
different roles interleaved with each other.

Parameters StringList roleIds a list of role Ids.
Return RoleMembershipList list of RoleMembership that contains membership for the specified roleIds or empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleIds is null.

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Method findRoleMemberships
Description Gets role member information based on the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return RoleMembershipQueryResults query results. will never return null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if queryByCriteria is null.

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Method getMemberParentRoleIds
Description Gets a list of Roles that the given member belongs to.
Parameters String memberType the role member type.
String memberId the role member id (principalId, roleId, groupId).
Return StringList list of RoleMembership that contains membership for the specified roleIds or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if memberType or memberId is null or blank.

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Method findRoleMembers
Description Gets role members based on the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return RoleMemberQueryResults query results. will never return null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if queryByCriteria is null.

Back to Operations

Method getRoleTypeRoleMemberIds
Description Gets a list of Roles Ids that are a member of the given roleId, including nested membership.
Parameters String roleId the role id.
Return StringList list of RoleIds that are members of the given role or and empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method findDelegateMembers
Description Gets role members based on the given search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria the qualifications for the roleIds.
Return DelegateMemberQueryResults query results. will never return null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if queryByCriteria is null.

Back to Operations

Method getDelegationMembersByDelegationId
Description Gets the delegate members for the given delegation.
Parameters String delegateId the delegate id.
Return DelegateMemberList list of delegate members that are members of the given delegation or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegationId is null or blank.

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Method getDelegationMemberByDelegationAndMemberId
Description Gets the delegate member for the given delegationId and memberId.
Parameters String delegationId the delegate id.
String memberId the member id matching the DelegateMember
Return DelegateMember the delegate member with the given parameters or null if not found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegationId or memberId is null or blank.

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Method getDelegationMemberById
Description Gets the delegate member with the given delegation member id.
Parameters String id the member id matching the DelegateMember
Return DelegateMember the delegate member with the given parameters or null if not found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegationId or memberId is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method getRoleResponsibilities
Description Gets a list of role reponsibilities for the given role id.
Parameters String roleId the role Id.
Return RoleResponsibilityList a list of RoleResponsibilities for the given role Id, or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId is null or blank.

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Method getRoleMemberResponsibilityActions
Description Gets a list of RoleResponsibilityActions for the given role member id.
Parameters String roleMemberId the role member Id.
Return RoleResponsibilityActionList a list of RoleResponsibilityActions for the given role member Id, or an empty list if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleMemberId is null or blank.

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Method getDelegateTypeByRoleIdAndDelegateTypeCode
Description Gets a DelegateType for the given role id and delegation type.
Parameters String roleId the role Id.
DelegationType delegateType type of delegation
Return DelegateType the DelegateType for the given role Id and delegationType, or null if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId or delegationType is null or blank.

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Method getDelegateTypeByDelegationId
Description Gets a DelegateType for the given delegation id.
Parameters String delegationId the id of delegation
Return DelegateType the DelegateType for the given delegation Id, or null if none found.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegationId is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method assignPrincipalToRole
Description Assigns the principal with the given id to the role with the specified
namespace code and name with the supplied set of qualifications.
Parameters String principalId the principalId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return RoleMember newly created/assigned RoleMember.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if princialId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method assignGroupToRole
Description Assigns the group with the given id to the role with the specified
namespace code and name with the supplied set of qualifications.
Parameters String groupId the groupId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return RoleMember newly created/assigned RoleMember.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if groupId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method assignRoleToRole
Description Assigns the role with the given id to the role with the specified
namespace code and name with the supplied set of qualifications.
Parameters String roleId the roleId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return RoleMember newly created/assigned RoleMember.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if princiapId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

Back to Operations

Method createRoleMember
Description Creates a new RoleMember. Needs to be passed a valid RoleMember object that does not currently exist.
Parameters RoleMember roleMember the new RoleMember to save.
Return RoleMember RoleMember as created.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleMember is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if roleMember already exists.

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Method updateRoleMember
Description Updates the given roleMember to the values in the passed in roleMember
Parameters RoleMember roleMember the new RoleMember to save.
Return RoleMember RoleMember as updated.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleMember is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if roleMember does not yet exist.

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Method updateDelegateMember
Description Updates the given delegateMember to the values in the passed in delegateMember
Parameters DelegateMember delegateMember the new DelegateMember to save.
Return DelegateMember DelegateMember as updated.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegateMember is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if delegateMember does not yet exist.

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Method createDelegateMember
Description Creates a new DelegateMember. Needs to be passed a valid DelegateMember object that does not currently exist.
Parameters DelegateMember delegateMember the new DelegateMember to save.
Return DelegateMember DelegateMember as created.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegateMember is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if delegateMember already exists.

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Method removeDelegateMembers
Description Removes existing DelegateMembers. Needs to be passed DelegateMember objects.
Parameters DelegateMemberList delegateMembers ???
Return void ???
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegateMember is null.
RiceIllegalStateException ???

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Method createRoleResponsibilityAction
Description Creates a new RoleResponsibilityAction. Needs to be passed a valid RoleResponsibilityAction
object that does not currently exist.
Parameters RoleResponsibilityAction roleResponsibilityAction the new RoleResponsibilityAction to save.
Return RoleResponsibilityAction RoleResponsibilityAction as created.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleResponsibilityAction is null.

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Method createDelegateType
Description Creates a new DelegateType. Needs to be passed a valid DelegateType
object that does not currently exist.
Parameters DelegateType delegateType the new DelegateType to save.
Return DelegateType DelegateType as created.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegateType is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if delegateType already exists.

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Method updateDelegateType
Description Updates the given DelegateType to the values in the passed in delegateType
Parameters DelegateType delegateType the new DelegateType to save.
Return DelegateType DelegateType as updated.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if delegateType is null.
RiceIllegalStateException if delegateType does not yet exist.

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Method removePrincipalFromRole
Description Remove the principal with the given id and qualifications from the role
with the specified namespace code and role name.
Parameters String principalId the principalId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return void void.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if principalId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method removeGroupFromRole
Description Remove the group with the given id and qualifications from the role
with the specified namespace code and role name.
Parameters String groupId the groupId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return void void.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if groupId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method removeRoleFromRole
Description Remove the group with the given id and qualifications from the role
with the specified namespace code and role name.
Parameters String roleId the roleId
String namespaceCode the namespaceCode of the Role
String roleName the name of the role
Map qualifications the qualifications for the principalId to be assigned to the role
Return void void.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId, namespaceCode or roleName is null or blank.

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Method assignPermissionToRole
Description Assigns the given permission to the given role
Parameters String permissionId the permissionId
String roleId the roleId
Return void void.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if permissionId or roleId is null or blank.

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Method revokePermissionFromRole
Description Removes the given permission to the given role
Parameters String permissionId the permissionId
String roleId the roleId
Return void void.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if permissionId or roleId is null or blank.

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Method isDerivedRole
Description Determines if a role with a provided id is a derived role
Parameters String roleId the roleId
Return boolean true if role is a derived role
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId is null or blank.

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Method isDynamicRoleMembership
Description Determines if a role with a provided id is a uses dynamic role memberships
Parameters String roleId the roleId
Return boolean true if role uses dynamic memberships
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException if roleId is null or blank.

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