
Name Population
Version 1.0 (Dev)
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.r2.core.population.service

Population Service Description and Assumptions.

This service supports the management of people sets.

Main Message Structures

Method isMemberAsOfDate
Description Tests if a Person is a member of a Population.
Parameters String personId a unique Id of a Person
String populationId a unique Id of a Population
Date date the date on which to perform the evaluation
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return Boolean true if the person is a member of the Population,
false otherwise
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid personId,
populationId, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException populationId, date, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getMembersAsOfDate
Description Gets a list of people Ids who qualify as a member of a
Population. This method is intended for auditing purposes in
setting up and testing Population rules.
Parameters String populationId a unique Id of a Population
Date date the date on which to perform the evaluation
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of Person Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId or
MissingParameterException populationId, date, or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulation
Description Retrieves a Population.
Parameters String populationId a unique Id of a Population
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfo a Population
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationsByIds
Description Retrieves a list of Populations corresponding to the given list
of Population Ids.
Parameters StringList populationIds list of Populationss to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfoList a list of Population Ids of the given type
Errors DoesNotExistException an populationId in list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of Population Ids of the specified type.
Parameters String populationTypeId a Population type to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of Population Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid populationTypeId or
MissingParameterException missing populationTypeId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationsForPopulationRule
Description Retrieves a list of Populations in which the given
PopulationRule is applied.
Parameters String populationRuleId a PopulationRule Id
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfoList a list of Populations
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId or
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulationIds
Description Searches for Populations based on the criteria and returns a list
of Population identifiers which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList list of Population Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulations
Description Searches for Populations based on the criteria and returns a list of
Populations which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfoList list of Populations
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validatePopulation
Description Validates a Population. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current
object and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to
perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is
present for the Population and a record is found for that
identifier, the validation checks if the Population can be shifted
to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the
identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as
such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically
mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the
current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the
standard validation as the caller provides the identifier in
the create statement instead of the server assigning an
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier of the extent of validation
PopulationInfo populationInfo the Population information to be tested
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList Results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeId,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createPopulation
Description Creates a new Population.
Parameters PopulationInfo populationInfo the details of Population to be created
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfo the Population just created
Errors DataValidationErrorException one or more values invalid
for this operation
InvalidParameterException invalid populationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing populationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updatePopulation
Description Updates an existing Population.
Parameters String populationId the Id of Population to be updated
PopulationInfo populationInfo the details of updates to Population being updated
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationInfo the details of Population just updated
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid
for this operation
DoesNotExistException populationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out
of date version.

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Method deletePopulation
Description Deletes an existing Population.
Parameters String populationId the Id of the Population to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationRule
Description Retrieves a PopulationRule.
Parameters String populationRuleId a unique Id of a PopulationRule
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfo a PopulationRule
Errors DoesNotExistException populationRuleId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId or
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationRulesByIds
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationRules corresponding to the
given list of PopulationRule Ids.
Parameters StringList populationRuleIds list of PopulationRules to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfoList a list of PopulationRule Ids of the given type
Errors DoesNotExistException an populationRuleId in list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId or
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationRuleIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationRule Ids of the specified type.
Parameters String populationTypeKey a PopulationRule type to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of PopulationRule Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid populationTypeKey or
MissingParameterException missing populationTypeKey or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationRuleForPopulation
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationRules in which the given
Population is related.
Parameters String populationId a Population id
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfo a PopulationRules
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId is not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationid or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulationRuleIds
Description Searches for PopulationRules based on the criteria and
returns a list of PopulationRule identifiers which match the
search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList list of PopulationRule Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulationRules
Description Searches for PopulationRules based on the criteria and
returns a list of PopulationRules which match the search
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfoList list of PopulationRules
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validatePopulationRule
Description Validates a PopulationRule. Depending on the value of
validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on
just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects
or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an
identifier is present for the PopulationRule and a record is
found for that identifier, the validation checks if the
PopulationRule can be shifted to the new values. If a record
cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the
record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be
much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting
the validationType to the current object. This is a slightly
different pattern from the standard validation as the caller
provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the
server assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier of the extent of validation
PopulationRuleInfo populationInfo the PopulationRule information to be tested
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList Results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createPopulationRule
Description Creates a new PopulationRule.
Parameters PopulationRuleInfo populationRuleInfo the details of PopulationRule to be created
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfo the PopulationRule just created
Errors DataValidationErrorException one or more values invalid
for this operation
InvalidParameterException invalid populationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing populationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updatePopulationRule
Description Updates an existing PopulationRule.
Parameters String populationRuleId the Id of PopulationRule to be updated
PopulationRuleInfo populationInfo the details of updates to PopulationRule
being updated
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationRuleInfo the details of PopulationRule just updated
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid
for this operation
DoesNotExistException populationRuleId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId,
populationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out
of date version.

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Method deletePopulationRule
Description Deletes an existing PopulationRule.
Parameters String populationRuleId the Id of the PopulationRule to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException populationRuleId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId or
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method applyPopulationRuleToPopulation
Description Applies PopulationRule to a Population. If the Population
already has a rule, it is replaced with the specified one.
Parameters String populationRuleId a unique identifier for a PopulationRule
String populationId a unique identifier for a Population
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId or
populationRuleId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId,
populationId, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId,
populationId, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method removePopulationRuleFromPopulation
Description Removes Population from a PopulationRule.
Parameters String populationRuleId a unique identifier for a PopulationRule
String populationId a unique identifier for a Population
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status
Errors DoesNotExistException populationRuleId or
populationId not found or unrelated
InvalidParameterException invalid populationRuleId,
populationId, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationRuleId,
populationId, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationCategory
Description Retrieves a PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationCategoryId a unique Id of a PopulationCategory
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfo a PopulationCategory
Errors DoesNotExistException populationCategoryId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationCategoryId or
MissingParameterException missing populationCategoryId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationCategoriesByIds
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationCategorys corresponding to the
given list of PopulationCategory Ids.
Parameters StringList populationCategoryIds list of PopulationCategories to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfoList a list of PopulationCategory Ids of the given type
Errors DoesNotExistException an populationCategoryId in list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationCategoryId or
MissingParameterException missing populationCategoryId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationCategoryIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationCategory Ids of the specified type.
Parameters String populationTypeKey a PopulationCategory type to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList a list of PopulationCategory Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid PopulationTypeKey or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing PopulationTypeKey or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getPopulationCategoriesForPopulation
Description Retrieves a list of PopulationCategories in which the given
Population is related.
Parameters String populationId a Population key
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfoList a list of PopulationCategories
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid populationId or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulationCategoryIds
Description Searches for PopulationCategories based on the criteria and
returns a list of PopulationCategory identifiers which match the
search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StringList list of PopulationCategory Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForPopulationCategories
Description Searches for PopulationCategories based on the criteria and
returns a list of PopulationCategories which match the search
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfoList list of PopulationCategories
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid criteria or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing criteria or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validatePopulationCategory
Description Validates a PopulationCategory. Depending on the value of
validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on
just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects
or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an
identifier is present for the PopulationCategory and a record is
found for that identifier, the validation checks if the
PopulationCategory can be shifted to the new values. If a record
cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the
record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be
much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting
the validationType to the current object. This is a slightly
different pattern from the standard validation as the caller
provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the
server assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationTypeKey the identifier of the extent of validation
String populationCategoryTypeKey the PopulationCategory type key
PopulationCategoryInfo populationCategoryInfo the PopulationCategory information to be tested
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList Results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey,
PopulationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey,
PopulationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createPopulationCategory
Description Creates a new PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationCategoryTypeKey the PopulationCategory type key
PopulationCategoryInfo populationCategoryInfo the details of PopulationCategory to be created
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfo the PopulationCategory just created
Errors DataValidationErrorException one or more values invalid
for this operation
InvalidParameterException invalid PopulationInfo or
MissingParameterException missing PopulationInfo or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only

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Method updatePopulationCategory
Description Updates an existing PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationCategoryId the Id of PopulationCategory to be updated
PopulationCategoryInfo populationInfo the details of updates to PopulationCategory
being updated
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return PopulationCategoryInfo the details of PopulationCategory just updated
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid
for this operation
DoesNotExistException populationCategoryId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationCategoryId,
PopulationInfo, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationCategoryId,
PopulationInfo, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information
designated as read-only
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out
of date version.

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Method deletePopulationCategory
Description Deletes an existing PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationCategoryId the Id of the PopulationCategory to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException populationCategoryId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationCategoryId or
MissingParameterException missing populationCategoryId or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method addPopulationToPopulationCategory
Description Adds Population to a PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationId a unique identifier for a Population
String populationCategoryId a unique identifier for a PopulationCategory
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status
Errors AlreadyExistsException populationId already related to
DoesNotExistException populationId or
populationCategoryId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId,
populationCategoryId, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId,
populationCategoryId, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method removePopulationFromPopulationCategory
Description Removes Population from a PopulationCategory.
Parameters String populationId a unique identifier for a Population
String populationCategoryId a unique identifier for a PopulationCategory
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the
principalId and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return StatusInfo status
Errors DoesNotExistException populationId or
populationCategoryId not found or unrelated
InvalidParameterException invalid populationId,
populationCategoryId, or contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing populationId,
populationCategoryId, or contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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