Name | Permission | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | |
A permission is the ability to perform an action. All permissions have a permission template.
Both permissions and permission templates are uniquely identified by a namespace code plus a name.
The permission template defines the course-grained permission and specifies what additional
permission details need to be collected on permissions that use that template. For example, a
permission template might have a name of "Initiate Document" which requires a permission detail
specifying the document type that can be initiated. A permission created from the "Initiate Document"
template would define the name of the specific Document Type that can be initiated as a permission
The isAuthorized and isAuthorizedByTemplate operations
on this service are used to execute authorization checks for a principal against a
permission. Permissions are always assigned to roles (never directly to a principal or
group). A particular principal will be authorized for a given permission if the permission
evaluates to true (according to the permission evaluation logic and based on any supplied
permission details) and that principal is assigned to a role which has been granted the permission.
The actual logic for how permission evaluation logic is defined and executed is dependent upon
the permission service implementation. However, it will typically be associated with the permission
template used on the permission.
Method | createPermission | ||
Description | This will create a {@link} exactly like the permission passed in. | ||
Parameters | Permission | permission | the permission to create |
Return | Permission | the newly created object. will never be null. | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the permission is null | |
RiceIllegalStateException | if the permission is already existing in the system |
Method | updatePermission | ||
Description | This will update a {@link Permission}. | ||
Parameters | Permission | permission | the permission to update |
Return | Permission | the updated object. will never be null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the permission is null | |
RiceIllegalStateException | if the permission does not exist in the system |
Method | hasPermission | ||
Description | Checks in a given principal id has a permission using the passed in permission information. This method should not be used for true authorization checks since a principal may only have this permission within a given context. It could be used to identify that the user would have some permissions within a certain area. Later checks would identify exactly what permissions were granted. It can also be used when the client application KNOWS that this is a role which is never qualified. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal id to check. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | boolean | true is principal has permission | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | isAuthorized | ||
Description | Checks whether the given qualified permission is granted to the principal given the passed roleQualification. If no roleQualification is passed (null or empty) then this method behaves the same as {@link #hasPermission(String, String, String)}. Each role assigned to the principal is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked first through the role's type service. Once it is determined that the principal has the role in the given context (qualification), the permissions are examined. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal id to check. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | qualification | the qualifications to test against. | |
Return | boolean | true is principal has permission | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | hasPermissionByTemplate | ||
Description | Checks whether the principal has been granted a permission matching the given details without taking role qualifiers into account. This method should not be used for true authorization checks since a principal may only have this permission within a given context. It could be used to identify that the user would have some permissions within a certain area. Later checks would identify exactly what permissions were granted. It can also be used when the client application KNOWS that this is a role which is never qualified. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal id to check. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionTemplateName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | permissionDetails | the permission details | |
Return | boolean | true is principal has permission | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | isAuthorizedByTemplate | ||
Description | Checks whether the given qualified permission is granted to the principal given the passed roleQualification. If no roleQualification is passed (null or empty) then this method behaves the same as {@link #hasPermission(String, String, String)}. Each role assigned to the principal is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked first through the role's type service. Once it is determined that the principal has the role in the given context (qualification), the permissions are examined. Each permission is checked against the permissionDetails. The PermissionTypeService is called for each permission with the given permissionName to see if the permissionDetails matches its details. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal id to check. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionTemplateName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | permissionDetails | the permission details | |
Map | qualification | the permission qualifications | |
Return | boolean | true is principal has permission | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | getPermissionAssignees | ||
Description | Get the list of principals/groups who have a given permission. This also returns delegates for the given principals/groups who also have this permission given the context in the qualification parameter. Each role assigned to the principal is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked first through the role's type service. Once it is determined that the principal has the role in the given context (qualification), the permissions are examined. |
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | qualification | the permission qualifications | |
Return | AssigneeList | list of assignees that have been assigned the permissions | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | getPermissionAssigneesByTemplate | ||
Description | Get the list of principals/groups who have a given permission that match the given permission template and permission details. This also returns delegates for the given principals/groups who also have this permission given the context in the qualification parameter. Each role assigned to the principal is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked first through the role's type service. Once it is determined that the principal has the role in the given context (qualification), the permissions are examined. |
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | permissionTemplateName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | permissionDetails | the permission details. | |
Map | qualification | the permission qualifications | |
Return | AssigneeList | list of assignees that have been assigned the permissions by template | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode, permissionName is null or blank |
Method | isPermissionDefined | ||
Description | Returns true if the given permission is defined on any Roles. | ||
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | boolean | true if given permission is defined on any Roles | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the namespaceCode or permissionName is null or blank |
Method | isPermissionDefinedByTemplate | ||
Description | Returns true if the given permission template is defined on any Roles. | ||
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | permissionTemplateName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | permissionDetails | the permission template details | |
Return | boolean | true if given permission template is defined on any Roles | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the namespaceCode or permissionName is null or blank |
Method | getAuthorizedPermissions | ||
Description | Returns permissions (with their details) that are granted to the principal given the passed qualification. If no qualification is passed (null or empty) then this method does not check any qualifications on the roles. After the permissions are determined, the roles that hold those permissions are determined. Each role that matches between the principal and the permission objects is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked through the role's type service. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal Id. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | qualification | the permission qualifications | |
Return | PermissionList | list of permissions that are authorized with the given parameters | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode or permissionName is null or blank |
Method | getAuthorizedPermissionsByTemplate | ||
Description | Returns permissions (with their details) that are granted to the principal given the passed qualification. If no qualification is passed (null or empty) then this method does not check any qualifications on the roles. All permissions with the given name are checked against the permissionDetails. The PermissionTypeService is called for each permission to see if the permissionDetails matches its details. An asterisk (*) as a value in any permissionDetails key-value pair will match any value. This forms a way to provide a wildcard to obtain multiple permissions in one call. After the permissions are determined, the roles that hold those permissions are determined. Each role that matches between the principal and the permission objects is checked for qualifications. If a qualifier exists on the principal's membership in that role, that is checked through the role's type service. |
Parameters | String | principalId | the principal Id. cannot be null or blank. |
String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. | |
String | permissionTemplateName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Map | permissionDetails | the permission template details. | |
Map | qualification | the permission qualifications | |
Return | PermissionList | list of permissions that are authorized with the given parameters | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the principalId, namespaceCode or permissionTemplateName is null or blank |
Method | getPermission | ||
Description | Gets a {@link} from an id.
Parameters | String | id | the unique id to retrieve the permission by. cannot be null or blank. |
Return | Permission | a {@link} or null | |
Errors | NONE | No Errors |
Method | findPermByNamespaceCodeAndName | ||
Description | Gets a {@link} with the unique combination of namespace and name.
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | namespace code for permission. cannot be null or blank. |
String | name | name of permission. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | Permission | a {@link} or null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the namespaceCode or name is null or blank |
Method | findPermissionsByTemplate | ||
Description | Return the permissions for the given unique combination of namespace, component and permission template name. |
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | namespace code for permission. cannot be null or blank. |
String | templateName | name of permission template. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | PermissionList | a list of {@link} or null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the namespaceCode or name is null or blank |
Method | getPermissionTemplate | ||
Description | Gets a {@link Template} from an id.
Parameters | String | id | the unique id to retrieve the template by. cannot be null or blank. |
Return | Template | a {@link Template} or null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the id is null or blank |
Method | findPermTemplateByNamespaceCodeAndName | ||
Description | Finds a {@link Template} for namespaceCode and name. | ||
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | name | the template name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | Template | a {@link Template} or null | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the id or namespaceCode is null or blank |
Method | getAllTemplates | ||
Description | Finds a {@link Template} for namespaceCode and name. | ||
Parameters | None | None | No Parameters |
Return | TemplateList | a list of {@link Template} or an empty list if none found | |
Errors | NONE | No Errors |
Method | getRoleIdsForPermission | ||
Description | Get the role IDs for the given permission. | ||
Parameters | String | namespaceCode | the permission namespace code. cannot be null or blank. |
String | permissionName | the permission name. cannot be null or blank. | |
Return | StringList | a list of role Ids, or an empty list if none found | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the namespaceCode or permissionName is null or blank |
Method | findPermissions | ||
Description | This method find Permissions based on a query criteria. The criteria cannot be null. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | queryByCriteria | the criteria. Cannot be null. |
Return | PermissionQueryResults | query results. will never return null. | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the queryByCriteria is null |
Method | findPermissionTemplates | ||
Description | This method find Permission Templates based on a query criteria. The criteria cannot be null. | ||
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | queryByCriteria | the criteria. Cannot be null. |
Return | TemplateQueryResults | query results. will never return null. | |
Errors | RiceIllegalArgumentException | if the queryByCriteria is null |