Name | Message | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.student.r2.common.messages.service |
Method | getLocales | ||
Description | Retrieves the list of locales supported by this service. | ||
Parameters | ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | LocaleInfoList | a list of locales supported by this service | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | contextInfo is missing or null | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getMessageGroupKeys | ||
Description | Retrieves the list of message group keys known by the service | ||
Parameters | ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of message group keys | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | contextInfo is missing or null | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getMessage | ||
Description | Retrieves message information. | ||
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
String | messageGroupKey | an identifier for the message group to which the message belongs |
String | messageKey | the identifier for the requested message | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | MessageInfo | the requested message | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | messageGroupKey or messageKey is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageGroupKey, messageKey, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getMessages | ||
Description | Retrieve messages associated with a locale and group. | ||
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
String | messageGroupKey | an identifier for the message group to which the messages belong |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | MessageInfoList | a list of Messages | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | messageGroupKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | loacleInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageGroupKey, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getMessagesByGroups | ||
Description | Retrieve messages associated with a locale from a specified list of groups. |
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
StringList | messageGroupKeys | a list of identifiers for the message groups |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | MessageInfoList | the list of Messages belonging to the list of message groups | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | localeInfo or a messageGroupKey in messageGroupKeys is not found |
InvalidParameterException | localeInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageGroupKeys, a messageGroupKey in messagegroupKey, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | updateMessage | ||
Description | Update message associated with a locale and group. | ||
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
String | messageKey | the indentifier for the message | |
MessageInfo | messageInfo | the message information to be updated | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | MessageInfo | message information | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | messageKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | localeInfo, messageInfo, or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageKey, messageInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
VersionMismatchException | an optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteMessage | ||
Description | Deletes the message associated with a locale and group for a message key |
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
String | messageKey | an identifier for the Message to be deleted | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status of the operation. This must always be true. | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | messageKey not found for locale | |
InvalidParameterException | localeInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageKey, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | addMessage | ||
Description | Adds a message to the locale and group. | ||
Parameters | LocaleInfo | localeInfo | the locale information |
String | messageGroupKey | an identifier for the message group | |
MessageInfo | messageInfo | the message information to be added | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status of the operation. This must always be true. | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | messageGroupKey is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | localeInfo or contetInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | localeInfo, messageGroupKey, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |