
Name Hold
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.r2.core.hold.service

The Hold Service defines a service to manage holds on a Person by Person
basis. Holds are a way to put a "stop" on an action implemented by another
service, such as registration for a course. Holds are checked in the Process

The Student Hold is a relation between a Person and an Issue. An inactive
Hold is one that has been released or canceled. The state of the Hold needs
to be checked to determine if the restriction still exists.

Main Message Structures

Method getAppliedHold
Description Retrieves the a single applied hold by the applied hold Id.
Parameters String appliedHoldId a unique identifier of the Hold to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfo the Hold requested
Errors DoesNotExistException appliedHoldId not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException appliedHoldId or contextInfo is missing
or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAppliedHoldsByIds
Description Retrieves a list applied holds from to a list of applied hold Ids. The
returned list may be in any order and of duplicate Ids are supplied, a
unique set may or may not be returned.
Parameters StringList appliedHoldIds list of Hold identifiers
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList a list of Holds
Errors DoesNotExistException a appliedHoldId in list not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException appliedHoldIds, a appliedHoldId in
appliedHoldIds, or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAppliedHoldIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list Student Hold Ids by Student Hold Type.
Parameters String appliedHoldTypeKey an identifier for a Hold Type
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Hold identifiers
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException appliedHoldTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAppliedHoldIdsByIssue
Description Retrieves all Student Holds related to the given hold Issue.
Parameters String holdIssueId a unique identifier for the Issue
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList the Hold ids to the given Issue
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException holdIssueId or contetInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAppliedHoldsByPerson
Description Retrieves all applied holds to the given Person.
Parameters String personId a unique identifier for the Person
ContextInfo contextInfo information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList the Holds to the given Person
Errors InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException personId of contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getActiveAppliedHoldsByPerson
Description Retrieves a list of active applied holds, that pertain to the given
Person. An active Hold is any open Hold that has had not been released or
Parameters String personId an Id of a Person
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList a list of Holds
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getAppliedHoldsByIssueAndPerson
Description Retrieves a list of all Holds by Issue for a Person.
Parameters String holdIssueId an Issue
String personId Id of a person
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList a list of Holds
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getActiveAppliedHoldsByIssueAndPerson
Description Retrieves a list of active applied holds, both warning and blocking, by
hold Issue for a Person. An active Hold is any open Hold that has had not
been released or canceled.
Parameters String holdIssueId an Issue
String personId Id of a person
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList a list of Holds
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForAppliedHoldIds
Description Searches for applied holds based on the criteria and returns a list of Hold
identifiers which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList list of Hold Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException parameter is missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForAppliedHolds
Description Searches for applied holds based on the criteria and returns a list of Holds
which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfoList list of Holds
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException parameter is missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateAppliedHold
Description Validates a applied hold. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its
directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to
this object. If an identifier is present for the hold and a record is
found for that identifier, the validation checks if the hold can be
shifted to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the
identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the
checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those
performed by setting the validationType to the current object. This is a
slightly different pattern from the standard validation as the caller
provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the server
assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationTypeKey Identifier of the extent of validation
AppliedHoldInfo appliedHoldInfo the hold information to be tested.
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList the results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey,
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey,
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method createAppliedHold
Description Creates a new applied hold.
Parameters String personId identifying the person for whom the hold is to be applied
String holdIssueId identifying the exact issue involved
String appliedHoldTypeKey identifying the type of the hold
AppliedHoldInfo appliedHoldInfo Details of the Hold to be created
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfo the details of the Hold just created
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information designated
as read only

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Method updateAppliedHold
Description Updates an existing applied hold.
Parameters String appliedHoldId Id of Hold to be updated
AppliedHoldInfo appliedHoldInfo Details of updates to the Hold being updated
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfo the details of Hold just updated
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this
DoesNotExistException the Hold does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information designated
as read only
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of
date version.

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Method releaseAppliedHold
Description Releases a applied hold. A release preserves the record and marks the State as
released and sets the released date. A Hold should be released instead of
deleted when the record needs to be preserved.
Parameters String appliedHoldId a hold
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return AppliedHoldInfo the modified HoldInfo
Errors DoesNotExistException the Hold does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method deleteAppliedHold
Description Deletes an existing applied hold record.
Parameters String appliedHoldId the Id of the Hold to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException the Hold does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHoldIssue
Description Retrieves the details of a single hold Issue by it's hold issue Id.
Parameters String holdIssueId Unique Id of the Issue to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfo the details of the Issue requested
Errors DoesNotExistException holdIssueId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid holdIssueId
MissingParameterException missing holdIssueId
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHoldIssuesByIds
Description Retrieves a list hold Issues corresponding to a list of issue Ids.
Parameters StringList holdIssueIds list of unique Ids of the Issue to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfoList a list of Issues
Errors DoesNotExistException a holdIssueId in list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid holdIssueId in list
MissingParameterException missing holdIssueIds
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHoldIssueIdsByType
Description Retrieves a list of hold Issues by Type.
Parameters String holdIssueTypeKey a Type of the Issue to be retrieved
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList a list of Issues of the given Type
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getHoldIssuesByOrg
Description Retrieves a list of hold Issues that pertain to the given organization.
Parameters String organizationId a unique Id of an organization
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfoList a list of Issues
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForHoldIssueIds
Description Searches for Issues based on the criteria and returns a list of Issue
identifiers which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList list of Issue Ids
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException parameter is missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method searchForHoldIssues
Description Searches for Issues based on the criteria and returns a list of Issues
which match the search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria the search criteria
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfoList list of IssueIds
Errors InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException parameter is missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateHoldIssue
Description Validates an issue. Depending on the value of validationType, this
validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its
directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to
this object. If an identifier is present for the issue and a record is
found for that identifier, the validation checks if the issue can be
shifted to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the
identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the
checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those
performed by setting the validationType to the current object. This is a
slightly different pattern from the standard validation as the caller
provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the server
assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationTypeKey Identifier of the extent of validation
HoldIssueInfo holdIssueInfo the issue information to be tested.
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList the results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey,
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey,
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method createHoldIssue
Description Creates a new hold Issue.
Parameters String holdIssueTypeKey indicates the type of issue
HoldIssueInfo holdIssueInfo Details of the Issue to be created
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfo the details of the Issue just created
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information designated
as read only

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Method updateHoldIssue
Description Updates an existing hold Issue.
Parameters String holdIssueId Id of the Issue to be updated
HoldIssueInfo holdIssueInfo Details of updates to the Issue being updated
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return HoldIssueInfo the details of the Issue just updated
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this
DoesNotExistException the Issue does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException an attempt at supplying information designated
as read only
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of
date version.

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Method deleteHoldIssue
Description Deletes an existing hold Issue.
Parameters String holdIssueId the Id of the Issue to be deleted
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException the Issue does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
DependentObjectsExistException if a hold exists for this issue

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