Name | Exemption | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.student.r2.core.exemption.service |
Method | getExemptionRequest | ||
Description | Retrieves the details of a single ExemptionRequest by a exemption Id. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionRequestId | Unique Id of the ExemptionRequest to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfo | the details of the ExemptionRequest requested | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | exemptionRequestId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid exemptionRequestId | ||
MissingParameterException | missing exemptionRequestId | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionRequestsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieves a list ExemptionRequests corresponding to a list of exemption request Ids. |
Parameters | StringList | exemptionRequestIds | list of unique Ids of the ExemptionRequests to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfoList | a list of ExemptionRequests | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | an exemptionRequestId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid exemptionRequestId in list | ||
MissingParameterException | missing exemptionRequestIds | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionRequestIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieves a list Exemption Request Ids by Type. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionRequestTypeKey | a unique key for an exemption requestType |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | an exemptionId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | ||
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | validateExemptionRequest | ||
Description | Validates an ExemptionRequest. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the exemption request and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the exemption request can be shifted to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the server assigning an identifier. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | Identifier of the extent of validation |
ExemptionRequestInfo | exemptionRequestInfo | the exemption request information to be tested. |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | the results from performing the validation | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid validationTypeKey, exemptionRequestInfo |
MissingParameterException | missing validationTypeKey, exemptionRequestInfo |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request |
Method | createExemptionRequest | ||
Description | Creates a new Exemption Request. | ||
Parameters | String | personId | id of the person for whom the exemption is requested |
String | exemptionRequestTypeKey | type of request | |
ExemptionRequestInfo | exemptionRequestInfo | Details of the Exemption Request to be created |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfo | the details of the Exemption Requst just created | |
Errors | AlreadyExistsException | the Exemption Request being created already exists |
DataValidationErrorException | One or more values invalid for this operation |
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | updateExemptionRequest | ||
Description | Updates an existing Exemption Request. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionRequestId | Id of Exemption Request to be updated |
ExemptionRequestInfo | exemptionRequestInfo | Details of updates to the Exemption Request being updated |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfo | the details of Exemption Request just updated | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | One or more values invalid for this operation |
DoesNotExistException | the Exemption Request does not exist | ||
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure | ||
VersionMismatchException | The action was attempted on an out of date version. |
Method | deleteExemptionRequest | ||
Description | Deletes an existing Exemption Request record. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionRequestId | the Id of the Exemption Request to be deleted |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | the Exemption Request does not exist | |
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getRequestsByPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all exemption requests for a person. | ||
Parameters | String | personId | a unique Id of the Person |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfoList | a list of Exemption requests | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getRequestsByRequester | ||
Description | Gets a list of all exemption requests by the requester. | ||
Parameters | String | requesterId | a unique Id of the Person |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionRequestInfoList | a list of Exemption requests | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemption | ||
Description | Retrieves the details of a single Exemption by a exemption Id. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionId | Unique Id of the Exemption to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfo | the details of the Exemption requested | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | exemptionId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | ||
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieves a list Exemptions corresponding to a list of exemption Ids. | ||
Parameters | StringList | exemptionIds | list of unique Ids of the Exemption to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | an exemptionId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | ||
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieves a list Exemption Ids by Type. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionTypeKey | a unique key for an exemption Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | an exemptionId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | ||
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | validateExemption | ||
Description | Validates an Exemption. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and its directly contained subobjects or expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the exemption and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the exemption can be shifted to the new values. If a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement instead of the server assigning an identifier. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | Identifier of the extent of validation |
ExemptionInfo | exemptionInfo | the exemption information to be tested. | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | the results from performing the validation | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid validationTypeKey, exemptionInfo |
MissingParameterException | missing validationTypeKey, exemptionInfo |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request |
Method | createExemption | ||
Description | Creates a new Exemption. Exemptions can only be created off of an exemption request. |
Parameters | String | exemptionRequestId | an Id for an exemption request |
String | exemptionTypeKey | type key identifying the type of the exemption | |
ExemptionInfo | exemptionInfo | Details of the Exemption to be created | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfo | the details of the Exemption just created | |
Errors | AlreadyExistsException | the Exemption being created already exists | |
DataValidationErrorException | One or more values invalid for this operation |
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | updateExemption | ||
Description | Updates an existing Exemption. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionId | Id of Exemption to be updated |
ExemptionInfo | exemptionInfo | Details of updates to the Exemption being updated | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfo | the details of Exemption just updated | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | One or more values invalid for this operation |
DoesNotExistException | the Exemption does not exist | ||
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure | ||
VersionMismatchException | The action was attempted on an out of date version. |
Method | addUseToExemption | ||
Description | Indicate that the given Exemption has been used successfully in a transaction. This method increments the Exemption use count. |
Parameters | String | exemptionId | the Id for the Exemption |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | no valid exemption exists | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | ||
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | deleteExemption | ||
Description | Deletes an existing Exemption record. | ||
Parameters | String | exemptionId | the Id of the Exemption to be deleted |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | the Exemption does not exist | |
InvalidParameterException | One or more parameters invalid | ||
MissingParameterException | One or more parameters missing | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionsForPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all exemptions for a Person. | ||
Parameters | String | personId | a unique Id of the Person |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionsForRequest | ||
Description | Gets a list of all exemptions tied to the exemption request. | ||
Parameters | String | requestId | a unique Id of an exemption request |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getActiveExemptionsForPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all active effective exemptions for a Person. An effective exemption is one with an active state, the as of date falls within the effective date range, and the use count is less than the use limit. |
Parameters | String | personId | a unique Id of the Person |
Date | asOfDate | the date for to check if the exemption is valid | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getExemptionsByTypeForPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all exemptions by Type for a Person. | ||
Parameters | String | typeKey | an exemption Type |
String | personId | a unique Id of the Person | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getActiveExemptionsByTypeForPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all effective exemptions by Type for a Person. An effective exemption is one with an active state, the current date falls within the effective date range, and the use count is less than the use limit. |
Parameters | String | typeKey | an exemption Type |
String | personId | a unique Id of the Person | |
Date | asOfDate | the date for to check if the exemption is valid | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | getActiveExemptionsByTypeProcessAndCheckForPerson | ||
Description | Gets a list of all effective exemptions by Type, Process and check for a Person. An effective exemption is one with an active state, the current date falls within the effective date range, and the use count is less than the use limit. |
Parameters | String | typeKey | an exemption Type |
String | processKey | the id of process | |
String | checkId | the key of a check | |
String | personId | a unique Id of the Person | |
Date | asOfDate | the date for to check if the exemption is valid | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ExemptionInfoList | a list of Exemptions | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid parameter | |
MissingParameterException | missing parameter | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |