
Name Document
Included Services DictionaryService
Java Package org.kuali.student.r2.core.document.service

The Document Service supports the management of document objects. Relations
between stored documents and external entities are managed through

the respective entity service.

Main Message Structures

Method getDocument
Description Retrieves information about a document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentInfo information about a document
Errors DoesNotExistException documentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getDocumentsByIds
Description Retrieves information about documents from a list of identifiers
Parameters StringList documentIds list of document identifiers
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentInfoList list of document information
Errors DoesNotExistException one of more documentIds not found
InvalidParameterException invalid documentIds, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentIds, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateDocument
Description Validates a document. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object
and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all
tests related to this object. If an identifier is present for the
document (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found
for that identifier, the validation checks if the document can be shifted
to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record cannot
be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does not exist
and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower, typically
mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the current
Parameters String validationTypeKey identifier of the extent of validation
DocumentInfo documentInfo document information to be tested.
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, documentInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException validationTypeKey, documentInfo, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method createDocument
Description Creates a new document
Parameters String documentTypeKey identifier of the document type
String documentCategoryKey identifier of the document category
DocumentInfo documentInfo detailed information on the document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return DocumentInfo detailed information on the document created
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException Id or Key does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid documentTypeKey, documentCategoryKey, documentInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentTypeKey, documentCategoryKey, documentInfo, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException attempted update of readonly data

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Method updateDocument
Description Updates an existing document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document to update
DocumentInfo documentInfo updated information for the document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentInfo updated information on the document
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException Document being updated does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, documentInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, documentInfo, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException attempted update of readonly data
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method deleteDocument
Description Deletes an existing document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document to delete
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException Document to delete does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getDocumentCategory
Description Retrieves information about a particular document category
Parameters String documentCategoryKey document category identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentCategoryInfo document category information
Errors DoesNotExistException specified documentCategoryKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid documentCategoryKey, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentCategoryKey, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method getDocumentCategories
Description Retrieves the list of document categories known by this service
Parameters ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentCategoryInfoList list of document category information
Errors OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method getDocumentCategoriesByDocumentId
Description Retrieves category information for a document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return DocumentCategoryInfoList list of document category information
Errors DoesNotExistException documentId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method removeDocumentCategoryFromDocument
Description Removes an existing category from a document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document
String documentCategoryKey identifier of the document category
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException documentId, documentCategoryKey does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, documentCategoryKey, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, documentCategoryKey, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method addDocumentCategoryToDocument
Description Adds an existing document category to a document
Parameters String documentId identifier of the document
String documentCategoryKey identifier of the document category
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException documentId, documentCategoryKey does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, documentCategoryKey, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, documentCategoryKey, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
VersionMismatchException action was attempted on an out of date version

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Method getRefDocRelation
Description Retrieves information about a relationship between a reference
and document
Parameters String refDocRelationId reference document relationship identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return RefDocRelationInfo information about a relationship between a reference and a document
Errors DoesNotExistException specified relationship not found
InvalidParameterException invalid refDocRelationId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException refDocRelationId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefDocRelationsByDocument
Description Retrieves information about reference document relationships
for a particular document
Parameters String documentId document identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return RefDocRelationInfoList list of reference document relationships
Errors DoesNotExistException specified document not found
InvalidParameterException invalid documentId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException documentId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getRefDocRelationsByRef
Description Retrieves information about reference document relationships for a
particular reference
Parameters String refObjectTypeKey reference type
String refObjectId reference identifier
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return RefDocRelationInfoList list of reference document relationships
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refId, refObjectTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid refId, refObjectTypeKey, contextInfo
MissingParameterException refId, refObjectTypeKey, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateRefDocRelation
Description Validates a reference document relationship. Depending on the
value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on
just the current object and its directly contained sub-objects or
expanded to perform all tests related to this object. If an identifier
is present for the comment (and/or one of its contained sub-objects)
and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the
comment can be shifted to the new values. If an identifier is not present
or a record cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the
record does not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much
shallower, typically mimicking those performed by setting the
validationType to the current object.
Parameters String validationTypeKey identifier of the extent of validation
RefDocRelationInfo refDocRelationInfo reference document relationship information to be tested
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method createRefDocRelation
Description Creates a relationship between a reference and a document.
Parameters String refObjectTypeKey reference type
String refObjectId identifier of the reference
String documentId identifier of the document
String refDocRelationTypeKey type of relationship between reference and document
RefDocRelationInfo refDocRelationInfo detailed information about the reference/document relationship
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return RefDocRelationInfo detailed information about the relationship
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException Id or Key does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid refObjectTypeKey, refObjectId, documentId, refDocRelationTypeKey, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException refObjectTypeKey, refObjectId, documentId, refDocRelationTypeKey, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException attempted update of readonly data

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Method updateRefDocRelation
Description Updates a relationship between a reference and a document
Parameters String refDocRelationId identifier of a relationship between a reference and document
RefDocRelationInfo refDocRelationInfo detailed information about the relationship between a reference and document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return RefDocRelationInfo detailed information about the relationship between a reference and document
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
InvalidParameterException invalid refDocRelationId, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo
MissingParameterException refDocRelationId, refDocRelationInfo, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
VersionMismatchException action was attempted on an out of date version

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Method deleteRefDocRelation
Description Removes a relationship between a reference and a document
Parameters String refDocRelationId identifier of the relationship between the reference and document
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException relationship does not exist
InvalidParameterException invalid refDocRelationId, contextInfo
MissingParameterException refDocRelationId, contextInfo not specified
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getObjectStructure
Description ???
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String objectTypeKey ???
Return ObjectStructureDefinition ???
Errors NONE No Errors

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Method getObjectTypes
Description ???
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters None None No Parameters
Return StringList ???
Errors NONE No Errors

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