
Name CourseWaitlist
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.enrollment.coursewaitlist.service

The Course Registration Service is a Class II service supporting the process
of registering a student in course(s) for a term. The service provides
operations for creating and validating registration requests , registering
for a course, waitlist processing, and dropping a course. This service
supports the concept of registration cart in the application and all of the
transactional requests for registration are made through this service. As
part of negotiating the student's registration, operations are provided to
manage related exceptions and holds related to registration.

Main Message Structures

Method getAvailableSeatsForCourseOffering
Description Retrieves the open seat count for a particular course offering. It sums
up the open seats for individual registration groups under the same
course offering.
Parameters String courseOfferingId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return Integer ???
Errors InvalidParameterException Invalid courseOfferingId in the input
MissingParameterException Missing courseOfferingId in the input
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

Back to Operations

Method getAvailableSeatsForRegGroup
Description Get available seats for the registration group.
Parameters String regGroupId Identifier of the registration group
ContextInfo context ???
Return Integer ???
Errors InvalidParameterException Invalid regGroupId in the input
MissingParameterException Missing regGroupId in the input
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method getAvailableSeatsForStudentInRegGroup
Description Gets the number of seats available for a particular student in a
registration group.

Implementation notes : Seats available for a student taking seat pool (if
any) into consideration.

Parameters String studentId Identifier of the student
String regGroupId Identifier of the registration group
ContextInfo context ???
Return Integer ???
Errors InvalidParameterException Invalid studentId or regGroupId in the
MissingParameterException Missing studentId or regGroupId in the
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method getAvailableSeatsInSeatpool
Description Returns the available seats in a particular seat pool. This is an admin
support function to check the seat pool usage.
Parameters String seatpoolId Identifier of the seatpool
ContextInfo context ???
Return Integer ???
Errors InvalidParameterException Invalid seatpool in the input
MissingParameterException Missing parameter seatpoolId in the
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method getCourseWaitlistEntry
Description Gets a course waitlist entry by id.
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId Id of the course waitlist entry
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException No courseWaitlistEntryId exists
InvalidParameterException Invalid courseWaitlistEntryId
MissingParameterException Missing courseWaitlistEntryId in the
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method updateCourseWaitlistEntry
Description Updates a course waitlist entry
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId Id of the course waitlist entry to be
CourseWaitlistEntryInfo courseWaitlistEntryInfo The modified
{@link CourseWaitlistEntryInfo}
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
DataValidationErrorException The courseWaitlistEntryInfo is not
InvalidParameterException Invalid courseWaitlistEntryId or
courseWaitlistEntryInfo in the input
MissingParameterException Missing courseWaitlistEntryId or
courseWaitlistEntryInfo in the input
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method reorderCourseWaitlistEntries
Description Reorder all the entries that are passed in in the input list, i.e.,
update each of the entries rank to begin from the top and push the
entries not in the list to the ranks after the entries.
Parameters StringList courseWaitlistEntryIds ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException Invalid courseWaitlistEntryIds in the
MissingParameterException Missing courseWaitlistEntryIdsin the
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method insertCourseWaitlistEntryAtPosition
Description Insert a waitlist entry at a particular position in the waitlist. The
courseWaitlistEntryId would be moved to the position and all other
waitlist entries for that reg group would have adjusted rank
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId The id of the course waitlist entry
Integer position The new rank for the waitlist entry
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException The courseWaitlistEntryId is not found
InvalidParameterException The courseWaitlistEntryId is invalid
MissingParameterException Input courseWaitlistEntryId or position
is missing
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method removeCourseWaitlistEntry
Description Remove the {@link CourseWaitlistEntryInfo}, change its state to CANCELLED
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId The id of the course waitlist entry
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException The courseWaitlistEntryId is not found
InvalidParameterException The courseWaitlistEntryId is invalid
MissingParameterException Input courseWaitlistEntryId or position
is missing
OperationFailedException Unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException Not authorized to do this operation

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Method deleteCourseWaitlistEntry
Description Deletes a course waitlist entry
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method validateCourseWaitlistEntry
Description Validates a course waitlist entry.
Parameters String validateTypeKey ???
CourseWaitlistEntryInfo courseWaitlistEntryInfo ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DataValidationErrorException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method registerStudentFromWaitlist
Description Register a student to a reg group from a waitlist.
Parameters String courseWaitlistEntryId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return RegistrationResponseInfo ???
Errors AlreadyExistsException ???
DataValidationErrorException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getCourseWaitlistEntriesForCourseOffering
Description Gets the course waitlist entries for a course offering. Returns all
students who are on waitlists for that course offering.
Parameters String courseOfferingId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getCourseWaitlistEntriesForRegGroup
Description Gets the course waitlist entries for a reg group.
Parameters String regGroupId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getCourseWaitlistEntriesForStudentInCourseOffering
Description Gets the waitlist entries for a course offering by student. A student
might be listed in multiple reg group waitlists in the same course.
Parameters String courseOfferingId ???
String studentId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getCourseWaitlistEntryForStudentInRegGroup
Description Gets the waitlist for a reg group and student.
Parameters String regGroupId ???
String studentId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getCourseWaitlistEntriesForStudentByTerm
Description Get all the waitlist the student is in for a term. Returns
CourseWaitlistEntryInfo which is the student-waitlist relation.
Parameters String studentId ???
String termId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method searchForCourseWaitlistEntries
Description This method ...
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return CourseWaitlistEntryInfoList ???
Errors InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method searchForCourseWaitlistEntryIds
Description This method ...
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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