Name | CourseRegistration | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseregistration.service |
Method | getCourseRegistration | ||
Description | Retrieves a single CourseRegistration by an CourseRegistration Id. | ||
Parameters | String | courseRegistrationId | the identifier for the CourseRegistration to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfo | the CourseRegistration requested | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | courseRegistrationId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | courseRegistrationId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of CourseRegistrations from a list of CourseRegistration Ids. The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may or may not ber returned. |
Parameters | StringList | courseRegistrationIds | a list of CourseRegistration identifiers |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | a list of CourseRegistrations | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a courseRegistrationId in the list was not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | courseRegistrationIds, an Id in courseRegistrationIds, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of CourseRegistrationIds by CourseRegistration Type. |
Parameters | String | courseRegistrationTypeKey | an identifier for an CourseRegistration Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of CourseRegistrations identifiers matching courseRegistrationTypeKey or an empty list of none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | courseRegistrationTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationsByStudent | ||
Description | Gets a list of CourseRegistrations for a given Student. | ||
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | list of CourseRegistrations associated with the given Student or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationsByCourseOffering | ||
Description | Gets a list of CourseRegistrations for a given CourseOffering. | ||
Parameters | String | courseOfferingId | an identifier for a CourseOffering |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | list of CourseRegistrations associated with the given CourseOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | courseOfferingId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationsByStudentAndCourseOffering | ||
Description | Gets a list of CourseRegistrations for a given Student and CourseOffering. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
String | courseOfferingId | an identifier for a CourseOffering | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | list of CourseRegistrations associated with the given Student and CourseOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId, courseOfferingId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getCourseRegistrationsByStudentAndTerm | ||
Description | Gets a list of CourseRegistrations for a given Student and Term. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
String | termId | an identifier for a Term | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | list of CourseRegistrations associated with the given Student and CourseOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId, termId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForCourseRegistrationIds | ||
Description | Searches for CourseRegistrations that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of CourseRegistration identifiers matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForCourseRegistrations | ||
Description | Searches for CourseRegistrations that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CourseRegistrationInfoList | a list of CourseRegistrations matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistration | ||
Description | Retrieves a single ActivityRegistration by an ActivityRegistration Id. |
Parameters | String | activityRegistrationId | the identifier for the ActivityRegistration to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfo | the ActivityRegistration requested | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | activityRegistrationId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | activityRegistrationId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of ActivityRegistrations from a list of ActivityRegistration Ids. The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may or may not ber returned. |
Parameters | StringList | activityRegistrationIds | a list of ActivityRegistration identifiers |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | a list of ActivityRegistrations | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a activityRegistrationId in the list was not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | activityRegistrationIds, an Id in activityRegistrationIds, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of ActivityRegistrationIds by ActivityRegistration Type. |
Parameters | String | activityRegistrationTypeKey | an identifier for an ActivityRegistration Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of ActivityRegistrations identifiers matching activityRegistrationTypeKey or an empty list of none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | activityRegistrationTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsForCourseRegistration | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActivityRegistrations for a CourseRegistration. | ||
Parameters | String | courseRegistrationId | an identifier for a CourseRegistration |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | list of ActivityRegistrations associated with the given CourseRegistration or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | courseRegistrationId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsByStudent | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActivityRegistrations for a given Student. | ||
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | list of ActivityRegistrations associated with the given Student or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsByActivityOffering | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActivityRegistrations for a given ActivityOffering. |
Parameters | String | courseOfferingId | an identifier for a ActivityOffering |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | list of ActivityRegistrations associated with the given ActivityOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | courseOfferingId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsByStudentAndActivityOffering | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActivityRegistrations for a given Student and ActivityOffering. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
String | courseOfferingId | an identifier for a ActivityOffering | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | list of ActivityRegistrations associated with the given Student and ActivityOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId, courseOfferingId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getActivityRegistrationsByStudentAndTerm | ||
Description | Gets a list of ActivityRegistrations for a given Student and Term. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier for a Student |
String | termId | an identifier for a Term | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | list of ActivityRegistrations associated with the given Student and ActivityOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | studentId, termId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForActivityRegistrationIds | ||
Description | Searches for ActivityRegistrations that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of ActivityRegistration identifiers matching the criteria |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForActivityRegistrations | ||
Description | Searches for ActivityRegistrations that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ActivityRegistrationInfoList | a list of ActivityRegistrations matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Retrieves a single RegistrationRequest by an RegistrationRequest Id. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | the identifier for the RegistrationRequest to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfo | the RegistrationRequest requested | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequestsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of RegistrationRequests from a list of RegistrationRequest Ids. The returned list may be in any order and if duplicate Ids are supplied, a unique set may or may not ber returned. |
Parameters | StringList | registrationRequestIds | a list of RegistrationRequest identifiers |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfoList | a list of RegistrationRequests | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a registrationRequestId in the list was not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestIds, an Id in registrationRequestIds, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequestIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieve a list of RegistrationRequestIds by RegistrationRequest Type. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestTypeKey | an identifier for an RegistrationRequest Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of RegistrationRequests identifiers matching registrationRequestTypeKey or an empty list of none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequestsByRequestor | ||
Description | Gets a list of RegistrationRequests by requesting person Id. | ||
Parameters | String | personId | an identifier for a Person |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfoList | list of RegistrationRequests associated with the given Lui or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | personId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getUnsubmittedRegistrationRequestsByRequestorAndTerm | ||
Description | Gets a list of unsubmitted RegistrationRequests by requesting person Id and Term. |
Parameters | String | requestorId | ??? |
String | termId | an identifier for a Term | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfoList | list of RegistrationRequests associated with the given Lui or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | personId, termId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForRegistrationRequestIds | ||
Description | Searches for RegistrationRequests that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of RegistrationRequest identifiers matching the criteria |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForRegistrationRequests | ||
Description | Searches for RegistrationRequests that meet the given search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfoList | a list of RegistrationRequests matching the criteria | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | criteria or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | criteria or or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Validates an RegistrationRequest. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current RegistrationRequest and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this RegistrationRequest. If an identifier is present for the RegistrationRequest (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the RegistrationRequest can be updated to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the RegistrationRequest with the given data can be created. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
String | registrationRequestTypeKey | the identifier for the RegistrationRequest Type to be validated |
RegistrationRequestInfo | registrationRequestInfo | the RegistrationRequest to be validated | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey or registrationRequestTypeKey is not found |
InvalidParameterException | registrationRequestInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | validationTypeKey, registrationRequestTypeKey, registrationRequestInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Creates a new RegistrationRequest. The RegistrationRequest Id, Type, and Meta information may not be set in the supplied data object. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestTypeKey | the identifier for the Type of RegistrationRequest to be created |
RegistrationRequestInfo | registrationRequestInfo | the data with which to create the RegistrationRequest |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfo | the new RegistrationRequest | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestTypeKey does not exist or is not supported |
InvalidParameterException | registrationRequestInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestTypeKey, registrationRequestInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | createRegistrationRequestFromExisting | ||
Description | A utiligy to create a new RegistrationRequest from an existing RegistrationRequest. Once a RegistrationRequest is submitted, it cannot be reused. If the registration fails, this method can be used to copy the contents of the failed request into a new request. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | a RegistrationRequest from which to create the new one |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfo | the new RegistrationRequest | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | updateRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Updates an existing RegistrationRequest. The RegistrationRequest Id, Type, and Meta information may not be changed. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | the identifier for the RegistrationRequest to be updated |
RegistrationRequestInfo | registrationRequestInfo | the new data for the RegistrationRequest | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestInfo | the updated RegistrationRequest | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | registrationRequestInfo or contextInfo is not valid |
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestId, registrationRequestInfo, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
VersionMismatchException | an optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Deletes an existing RegistrationRequest. | ||
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | the identifier for the RegistrationRequest to be deleted |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | the status of the delete operation. This must always be true.q |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | authorization failure |
Method | verifyRegistrationRequestForSubmission | ||
Description | Verifies a persisted RegistrationRequest for submission. validateRegistrationRequest() validates the data for persistence of the request itself. This method is intended as a final validation prior to submission and may perform additional checks, such as eligibility, course pre-requisites, and calculating credit load limits. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | an identifier for a RegistrationRequest |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of ValidationResults | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | ??? | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | submitRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Submits a RegsitrationRequest. This method is transactional and for multiple items, each RegistrationRequestItem must succeed or the entireregistration transaction fails. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | an identifier for a RegistrationRequest |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationResponseInfo | a RegistrationResponse | |
Errors | AlreadyExistsException | When the reg request is already submitted | |
DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | ??? | ||
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequestItemsForCourseRegistration | ||
Description | Gets the RegistrationRequestItems that resulted in or impacted the given CourseRegistration. |
Parameters | String | courseRegistrationId | an identifier for a CourseRegistration |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestItemInfoList | list of RegistrationRequests associated with the given CourseRegistration or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | personId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getRegistrationRequestItemsByCourseOfferingAndStudent | ||
Description | Gets list of RegistrationRequestItems resulting in or impacting a Student's registration in a CourseOffering. |
Parameters | String | courseOfferingId | an identifier for a CourseOffering |
String | studentId | an identifier for a Student | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationRequestItemInfoList | list of RegistrationRequests associated with the given CourseOffering or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | courseOfferingId, personId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | checkStudentEligibility | ||
Description | Checks if a student is eligible to enter the registration process. |
Parameters | String | studentId | Identifier of the student |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of errors, warnings, or informational messages | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | studentId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | studentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | checkStudentEligibilityForTerm | ||
Description | Checks the eligibility of a student to register in a particular term. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier of a Student |
String | termId | an identifier of a Term | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of errors, warnings or informational messages | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | studentId or termId is not found | |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | studentId, termId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | checkStudentEligibiltyForCourseOffering | ||
Description | Checks if the student is eligible to register for a particular course offering. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier of a Student |
String | courseOfferingId | an identifier of a CourseOffering | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of errors, warnings or informational messages | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | studentId or courseOfferingId is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | studentId, courseOfferingId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | checkStudentEligibiltyForRegistrationGroup | ||
Description | Checks if the student is eligible to register for a particular registration group. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier of a Student |
String | registrationGroupId | an identifier of a RegistrationGroup | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of errors, warnings or informational messages | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | studentId or registrationGroupId is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | studentId, registrationGroupId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getEligibleRegistrationGroupsForStudentInCourseOffering | ||
Description | Gets the Registration Groups for a CourseOffering for which the given student is eligible to register. |
Parameters | String | studentId | an identifier of a Student |
String | courseOfferingId | an identifier of a CourseOffering | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | RegistrationGroupInfoList | a list of RegistrationGroups | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | studentId or courseOfferingId is not found |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | studentId, courseOfferingId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | calculateCreditLoadForStudentRegistrationRequest | ||
Description | Calculate the credit load for a given student in a given RegistrationRequest. |
Parameters | String | registrationRequestId | an identifier of a RegistrationRequest |
String | studentId | an identifier of a Student | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of the service operation |
Return | CreditLoadInfo | the credit load | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | registrationRequestId is not found or studentId not in RegistrationRequest |
InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | ||
MissingParameterException | registrationRequestId, or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |