
Name County
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.rice.location.api.county

CountyService interface.

Main Message Structures

Method getCounty
Description Gets a {@link County} from a postal country code and postal code value.

This method will return null if the state does not exist.

This method will return active or inactive counties.

Parameters String countryCode country code. cannot be blank.
String stateCode postal state code. cannot be blank.
String code county code. cannot be blank
Return County a {@link County} or null
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException country code, postal state code, or county code is blank

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Method findAllCountiesInCountryAndState
Description Gets all the {@link County County} for postal country code & postal state code.

This method will always return an immutable Collection
even when no values exist.

This method will only return active counties.

Parameters String countryCode state code. cannot be blank.
String stateCode postal state code. cannot be blank.
Return CountyList an immutable collection of counties
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException country code, postal state code is blank

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Method findCounties
Description This method find Counties based on a query criteria. The criteria cannot be null.
Parameters QueryByCriteria queryByCriteria the criteria. Cannot be null.
Return CountyQueryResults query results. will never return null.
Errors RiceIllegalArgumentException ???

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