Name | Appointment | |
Version | ||
Included Services | ||
Java Package | org.kuali.student.r2.core.appointment.service |
Method | getAppointment | ||
Description | Retrieves an Appointment | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentId | a unique Id of an Appointment |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfo | an Appointment | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of Appointments corresponding to the given list of Appointment Ids. |
Parameters | StringList | appointmentIds | list of Appointments to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfoList | a list of Appointments | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a appointmentId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of Appointment Ids by Appointment Type. | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentTypeKey | an identifier for an Appointment Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of Appointment identifiers matching appointmentTypeKey or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | appointmentTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentsBySlot | ||
Description | Retrieves all Appointments to the given AppointmentSlot | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentSlotId | the identifier for the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfoList | a list of Appointments to the given AppointmentSlot or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentIdsByPerson | ||
Description | Retrieves all Appointments to the given Person | ||
Parameters | String | personId | the identifier for the Person |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of Appointments to the given Person or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | personId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentsByPersonAndSlot | ||
Description | Retrieves all Appointments to the given Person and Slot | ||
Parameters | String | personId | the identifier for the Person |
String | appointmentSlotId | the identifier for the AppointmentSlot | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfoList | a list of Appointments to the given Person and Slot or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | personId, appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointmentIds | ||
Description | Searches for Appointments based on the criteria and returns a list of Appointment identifiers which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | list of Appointment Ids | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointments | ||
Description | Searches for Appointments based on the criteria and returns a list of Appointments which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfoList | list of Appointment information | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateAppointment | ||
Description | Validates an Appointment. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current Appointment and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this Appointment. If an identifier is present for the Appointment (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the Appointment can be updated to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the object with the given data can be created. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
String | personId | identifier of the person | |
String | appointmentSlotId | appointment slot of the person | |
String | appointmentTypeKey | appointment type | |
AppointmentInfo | appointmentInfo | detailed information about the appointment | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey, personId, appointmentSlotId or appointmentTypeKey not found |
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentInfo or contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | validationTypeKey, personId, appointmentSlotId, appointmentTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createAppointment | ||
Description | Creates an Appointment. Most of the time the personId is from the Population in the AppointmentWindow. |
Parameters | String | personId | identifier of the person |
String | appointmentSlotId | appointment slot of the person | |
String | appointmentTypeKey | appointment type | |
AppointmentInfo | appointmentInfo | detailed information about the appointment | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfo | detailed information about the appointment | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentSlotId or appointmentTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | personId, appointmentSlotId, appointmentTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | generateAppointmentsByWindow | ||
Description | Generate Appointments for an AppointmentWindow. | ||
Implementation Notes | AppointmentSlots are assumed to be already generated for the AppointmentWindow Return the number of appointments created as part of StatusInfo message field |
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | appointment window to which these appointments belong |
String | appointmentTypeKey | appointment type | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId or appointmentTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | personId, appointmentWindowId, appointmentTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | updateAppointment | ||
Description | Updates a relationship between a person and their appointment. | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentId | identifier of the appointment relationship to be updated |
AppointmentInfo | appointmentInfo | information about the object appointmentInfo to be updated |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentInfo | updated appointment relationship information | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | one or more values invalid for this operation |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentId not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | appointmentId, appointmentInfo or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read-only |
VersionMismatchException | optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteAppointment | ||
Description | Removes appointment relationship between a person and a slot. | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentId | object Appointment relationship identifier |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | deleteAppointmentsBySlot | ||
Description | Delete all appointments connected to this slot. This does NOT delete the slot itself. |
Implementation Notes | capture number of appointments deleted in the message field of StatusInfo |
Parameters | String | appointmentSlotId | object Appointment relationship identifier |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentSlotId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | deleteAppointmentsByWindow | ||
Description | Delete all appointments connected to the AppointmentWindow This chains through and deletes all appointments attached to slots that are attached to the window. This does NOT delete the slots. |
Implementation Notes | capture number of appointments deleted in the message field of StatusInfo |
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | object Appointment relationship identifier |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentWindow | ||
Description | Retrieves an AppointmentWindow | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | a unique Id of an AppointmentWindow |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfo | an AppointmentWindow | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentWindowsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of AppointmentWindows corresponding to the given list of AppointmentWindow Ids. |
Parameters | StringList | appointmentWindowIds | list of AppointmentWindows to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfoList | a list of AppointmentWindows | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | a appointmentWindowId in list not found |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentWindowIdsByType | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of AppointmentWindow Ids by AppointmentWindow Type. | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowTypeKey | an identifier for an AppointmentWindow Type |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | a list of AppointmentWindow identifiers matching appointmentWindowTypeKey or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentWindowIdsByPopulation | ||
Description | Retrieves all AppointmentWindows associated with a Population | ||
Parameters | String | populationId | the identifier for the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | AppointmentWindows associated with the given Population or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | populationId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentWindowsByPeriod | ||
Description | Retrieves all AppointmentWindows associated with a Period milestone | ||
Parameters | String | periodMilestoneId | the identifier for the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfoList | AppointmentWindows associated with the given Population or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | periodMilestoneId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointmentWindowIds | ||
Description | Searches for AppointmentWindows based on the criteria and returns a list of AppointmentWindow identifiers which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | list of AppointmentWindow Ids | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointmentWindows | ||
Description | Searches for AppointmentWindows based on the criteria and returns a list of AppointmentWindows which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfoList | list of Appointment information | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateAppointmentWindow | ||
Description | Validates an AppointmentWindow. Depending on the value of validationType, this validation could be limited to tests on just the current AppointmentWindow and its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests related to this AppointmentWindow. If an identifier is present for the AppointmentWindow (and/or one of its contained sub-objects) and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks if the AppointmentWindow can be updated to the new values. If an identifier is not present or a record does not exist, the validation checks if the object with the given data can be created. |
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
String | appointmentWindowTypeKey | appointment type | |
AppointmentWindowInfo | appointmentWindowInfo | detailed information about the appointment |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | assignedOrderTypeKey or appointmentWindowTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentWindowInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | periodMilestoneId, populationId, assignedOrderTypeKey, appointmentWindowTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createAppointmentWindow | ||
Description | Creates an AppointmentWindow | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowTypeKey | appointment type |
AppointmentWindowInfo | appointmentWindowInfo | detailed information about the appointment |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfo | detailed information about the appointment | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | assignedOrderTypeKey or appointmentWindowTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentWindowInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | periodMilestoneId, populationId, assignedOrderTypeKey, appointmentWindowTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | updateAppointmentWindow | ||
Description | Updates an AppointmentWindow | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | identifier of the appointment relationship to be updated |
AppointmentWindowInfo | appointmentWindowInfo | information about the object appointmentWindow to be updated |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentWindowInfo | updated appointment relationship information | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | one or more values invalid for this operation |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentWindowInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId, appointmentWindowInfo or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read-only |
VersionMismatchException | optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteAppointmentWindowCascading | ||
Description | Deletes an AppointmentWindow and associated slots/appointments (i.e., cascading delete) | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | AppointmentWindow identifier |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentSlot | ||
Description | Retrieves an AppointmentSlot | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentSlotId | a unique Id of an AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfo | an AppointmentSlot | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentSlotId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentSlotsByIds | ||
Description | Retrieves a list of AppointmentSlots corresponding to the given list of AppointmentSlot Ids. |
Parameters | StringList | appointmentSlotIds | list of Appointments to be retrieved |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfoList | a list of Appointments | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | an appointmentSlotId in list not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentSlotsByPersonAndPeriod | ||
Description | Retrieves all AppointmentWindows belonging to the person and period | ||
Parameters | String | personId | the identifier for the Person |
String | periodMilestoneId | the identifier of the Period milestone | |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfoList | AppointmentSlots belonging to the Person or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | personId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | getAppointmentSlotsByWindow | ||
Description | Retrieves all AppointmentWindows to the given AppointmentWindowSlot | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | the identifier for the AppointmentWindow |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfoList | AppointmentSlots belonging to the AppointmentWindow or an empty list if none found |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | contextInfo is not valid | |
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointmentSlotIds | ||
Description | Searches for AppointmentSlots based on the criteria and returns a list of AppointmentSlot identifiers which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StringList | list of AppointmentSlot Ids | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | searchForAppointmentSlots | ||
Description | Searches for AppointmentSlots based on the criteria and returns a list of AppointmentSlots which match the search criteria. |
Parameters | QueryByCriteria | criteria | the search criteria |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | Context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfoList | list of AppointmentSlot information | |
Errors | InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | |
MissingParameterException | criteria, contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | validateAppointmentSlot | ||
Description | Validate an AppointmentSlot | ||
Parameters | String | validationTypeKey | the identifier for the validation Type |
String | appointmentWindowId | appointment slot of the person | |
String | appointmentSlotTypeKey | appointment slot type | |
AppointmentSlotInfo | appointmentSlotInfo | detailed information about the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | ValidationResultInfoList | a list of validation results or an empty list if validation succeeded |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | validationTypeKey, appointmentWindowId or appointmentSlotTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | validationTypeKey, appointmentWindowId, appointmentSlotTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | createAppointmentSlot | ||
Description | Create an AppointmentSlot | ||
Implementation Notes | Check out blackout milestone type and corresponding milestones | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | appointment slot of the person |
String | appointmentSlotTypeKey | appointment slot type | |
AppointmentSlotInfo | appointmentSlotInfo | detailed information about the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfo | created AppointmentSlot for the given AppointmentWindow and slot information |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId or appointmentSlotTypeKey does not exist |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId, appointmentSlotTypeKey or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | generateAppointmentSlotsByWindow | ||
Description | Generate AppointmentSlots for the AppointmentWindow using its AppointmentSlotRule information |
Implementation Notes | Check out blackout milestone type and corresponding milestones throw OperationFailedException if unable to create needed slots either because both EndDate and MaxAppointmentsPerSlot were specified and cannot be satisfied or due to some other reason |
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | appointment window to which these slots belong |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfoList | created AppointmentSlots for the window using its AppointmentSlotRule information |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | supplied data is invalid | |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId does not exist | ||
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read only |
Method | updateAppointmentSlot | ||
Description | Updates an appointment slot | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentSlotId | identifier of the appointmentSlot to be updated |
AppointmentSlotInfo | appointmentSlotInfo | information about the object appointmentSlot to be updated |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | AppointmentSlotInfo | updated appointment slot information | |
Errors | DataValidationErrorException | one or more values invalid for this operation |
DoesNotExistException | appointmentSlotId not found | ||
InvalidParameterException | invalid appointmentSlotInfo or contextInfo |
MissingParameterException | appointmentSlotId, appointmentSlotInfo or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred | ||
ReadOnlyException | an attempt at supplying information designated as read-only |
VersionMismatchException | optimistic locking failure or the action was attempted on an out of date version |
Method | deleteAppointmentSlotCascading | ||
Description | Delete an AppointmentSlot, including all associated Appointments (i.e., cascading delete) | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentSlotId | the identifier for the AppointmentSlot |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId or appointmentSlotId not found |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId, appointmentSlotId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |
Method | deleteAppointmentSlotsByWindowCascading | ||
Description | Deletes AppointmentSlots belonging to an AppointmentWindow, including associated appointments (i.e., cascading delete) |
Implementation Notes | delete the corresponding appointments | ||
Parameters | String | appointmentWindowId | object Appointment relationship identifier |
ContextInfo | contextInfo | context information containing the principalId and locale information about the caller of service operation |
Return | StatusInfo | status of the operation (success, failed) | |
Errors | DoesNotExistException | appointmentWindowId not found | |
InvalidParameterException | invalid contextInfo | ||
MissingParameterException | appointmentWindowId or contextInfo is missing or null |
OperationFailedException | unable to complete request | ||
PermissionDeniedException | an authorization failure occurred |