

Release: 1.3.0-services-SNAPSHOT
Generated: 2012-08-10

Name ActivityOfferingTemplateInfo
Usage CourseOfferingService
Type Complex


The ActivityOfferingTemplate is a component of a

(needs example)

Structure Definition

ShortName Name Type Description Required? Read only? Cardinality XML Attribute? Implementation Notes
id Unique Id String The system assigned unique id to identify this Object.
Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID.

Attempts to set this value on creates should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown

An Id:

  • An id is used when the actual value is unimportant and
    can therefore be a large hex value for example

  • An id value might be 23b9ca9bd203df902

  • An Id is never intended to be used directly by an end

  • Ids are assumed to be of different values in different
    KS implementations

  • Id values are generated by the service

  • Id values are never expected to be used in
    Configuration or Application code

Required on updates Read only One No  
activityOfferingIds Activity Offering Ids StringList Gets the activity offering Ids that     Many No