
Name AcademicRecord
Version 1.0 (Dev)
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.enrollment.academicrecord.service

Academic Record Service Description and Assumptions.

This service provides the Academic Record.

Main Message Structures

Method getAttemptedCourseRecordsForTerm
Description This method returns a list of StudentCourseRecords for a student and a
term where each record is a course the student attempted. The Term
includes nested or sub-Terms.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String termId a key of the term
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentCourseRecordInfoList a list of StudentCourseRecords
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, termId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCompletedCourseRecords
Description This method returns a list of StudentCourseRecord for a student where
each returned course is a course the student completed for any term.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentCourseRecordInfoList a list of StudentCourseRecords
Errors DoesNotExistException personId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCompletedCourseRecordsForCourse
Description This method returns a list of StudentCourseRecord for a student for a
given course
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String courseId Unique Id of the Course (canonical)
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentCourseRecordInfoList a list of StudentCourseRecords for the specified course or empty
list if none exist
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or courseId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, courseId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCompletedCourseRecordsForTerm
Description This method returns a list of StudentCourseRecord for a student and a
term where each returned course is a course the student completed The
Term includes nested or sub-Terms.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String termId a key of the term
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentCourseRecordInfoList a list of StudentCourseRecords
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, termId or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getGPAForTerm
Description This method returns the GPA of a student for all courses taken within a
given a Term including its sub-Terms.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String termId a key of the term
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return GPAInfo a GPA
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, termId or calculationTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, termId, calculationTypeKey or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCumulativeGPA
Description This method returns the cumulative GPA of a student.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return GPAInfo cumulative GPA
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or calculationTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, calculationTypeKey or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCumulativeGPAForProgram
Description This method returns student's cumulative GPA for the program to date
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String programId Id of the program
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return GPAInfo cumulative GPA
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, programId or calculationTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, programId, calculationTypeKey
or contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCumulativeGPAForTermAndProgram
Description This method returns student's cumulative GPA for the specified program
and term
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String programId Id of the program
String termKey a key for the term
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return GPAInfo cumulative GPA
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, programId, termKey or
calculationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, programId, termKey,
calculationTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getLoadForTerm
Description This method returns the load information for the given student, term and
calculation type
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String termId a key for the term
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return LoadInfo load information
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, termId or calculationTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, termId, calculationTypeKey or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getProgramRecords
Description This method returns the summary of student programs (includes currently
enrolled, completed and not completed)
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentProgramRecordInfoList a list of programs
Errors DoesNotExistException personId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getAwardedCredentials
Description Get credentials that have been awarded by this institution to the
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentCredentialRecordInfoList a list of credentials
Errors DoesNotExistException personId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTestScoreRecords
Description Get a student's test scores
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentTestScoreRecordInfoList a list of test scores
Errors DoesNotExistException personId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId or contextInfo is missing or
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getTestScoreRecordsByType
Description Get a student's test scores by test type
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String testTypeKey a key for the test type
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return StudentTestScoreRecordInfoList a list of test scores
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or testTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, testTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getEarnedCreditsForTerm
Description This method returns the number of credits a student earned by course
within in a given Term including its sub-Terms.
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String termId a key for the term
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return String a number of credits represented by a string
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, termId or calculationTypeKey
not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, termId, calculationTypeKey or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getEarnedCredits
Description This method returns the number of credits a student earned across all
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return String a number of credits represented by a string
Errors DoesNotExistException personId or calculationTypeKey not
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, calculationTypeKey or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getEarnedCumulativeCreditsForProgramAndTerm
Description This method returns the given student's earned cumulative credits in the
Parameters String personId an Id of a student
String programId Id of the program
String termId a key of the term
String calculationTypeKey Unique key identifying the calculation. For
example, it may point to a description of rules
such as A+ count more than A and do honors
classes count more
ContextInfo contextInfo Context information containing the principalId
and locale information about the caller of
service operation
Return String a number of credits represented by a string
Errors DoesNotExistException personId, programId, termId or
calculationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException personId, programId, termId,
calculationTypeKey or contextInfo is
missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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