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Name keyDateInfo
Label Key Date Info
JSTL Key KeyDateInfo
Java Class org.kuali.student.enrollment.acal.dto.KeyDateInfo
Description Information about a key date. A key date may represent a single point in time or a range depending on the value of isDateRange().
Primary Key(s) key
Field to use as the title (or name) name

Field Definitions

6 discrepancie(s) were found between the dictionary definition and the java object
  1. Field meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  2. Field meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  3. Field meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  4. Field meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  5. Field meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  6. Field meta missing from the dictictionary
Field Required? DataType Length Short Label Summary Label Description Read Only, Dynamic, or Hidden Default Repeats? Valid Characters Lookup Cross Field Default Control
startDate required DATE 10 to 19 Start Date The start date and time of the key date. Start Date The start date and time of the key date.             DateControl
endDate required DATE 10 to 19 End Date The end date and time of the key date. End Date The end date and time of the key date. The end date must be equal to or greater that the start.             DateControl
key required STRING 1 to 80 Key Unique Key used to identify this object Unique Key Unique key to this object. Unlike an Id this key can be explicitly set by the application and is intended to be "somewhat" readable by a human.       validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
typeKey required STRING 1 to 80 Type Type of the object Type Unique identifier for the type of this object.       validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
stateKey required STRING 1 to 80 State State of the object State Unique identifier for the lifecycle state of this object.       validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
name   STRING 1 to 255 Name A display name for this entity. Name A display name for this entity.       validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
isAllDay   BOOLEAN   Is All Day Tests if this key date is an all day event. Is All Day Tests if this key date is an all day event. An all-day event does not have a meaningful time component in the date.             CheckboxControl
isDateRange   BOOLEAN   Is Date Range Tests if this key date has a date range. Is Date Range Tests if this key date has a date range. Should return true if the end date is different than the start date, false if the start end end date are the same             CheckboxControl
descr.plain   STRING 1 to 14000 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition       validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 14000 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition       validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
descr   Complex   Descr A description of the entity. Description A description of the entity.              
descr.plain   STRING 1 to 14000 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition       validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 14000 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition       validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*