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Name courseOfferingInfo
Label Course Offering
JSTL Key CourseOfferingInfo
Java Class org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseoffering.dto.CourseOfferingInfo
Primary Key(s) id
Field to use as the title (or name) name

Field Definitions

79 discrepancie(s) were found between the dictionary definition and the java object
  1. Field creditOptions missing from the dictictionary
  2. Field creditOptions.descr missing from the dictictionary
  3. Field creditOptions.meta missing from the dictictionary
  4. Field creditOptions.resultValueIds missing from the dictictionary
  5. Field creditOptions.resultValueRange missing from the dictictionary
  6. Field creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta missing from the dictictionary
  7. Field descr missing from the dictictionary
  8. Field expenditure missing from the dictictionary
  9. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs missing from the dictictionary
  10. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs.effectiveDate missing from the dictictionary
  11. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs.expirationDate missing from the dictictionary
  12. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs.id missing from the dictictionary
  13. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs.orgId missing from the dictictionary
  14. Field expenditure.affiliatedOrgs.percentage missing from the dictictionary
  15. Field expenditure.id missing from the dictictionary
  16. Field expenditure.meta missing from the dictictionary
  17. Field expenditure.meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  18. Field expenditure.meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  19. Field expenditure.meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  20. Field expenditure.meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  21. Field expenditure.meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  22. Field fees missing from the dictictionary
  23. Field fees.descr missing from the dictictionary
  24. Field fees.descr.formatted missing from the dictictionary
  25. Field fees.descr.plain missing from the dictictionary
  26. Field fees.feeAmounts missing from the dictictionary
  27. Field fees.feeAmounts.currencyQuantity missing from the dictictionary
  28. Field fees.feeAmounts.currencyTypeKey missing from the dictictionary
  29. Field fees.feeAmounts.id missing from the dictictionary
  30. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta missing from the dictictionary
  31. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  32. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  33. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  34. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  35. Field fees.feeAmounts.meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  36. Field fees.feeType missing from the dictictionary
  37. Field fees.id missing from the dictictionary
  38. Field fees.meta missing from the dictictionary
  39. Field fees.meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  40. Field fees.meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  41. Field fees.meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  42. Field fees.meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  43. Field fees.meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  44. Field fees.rateType missing from the dictictionary
  45. Field formatIds missing from the dictictionary
  46. Field gradingOptionIds missing from the dictictionary
  47. Field instructors missing from the dictictionary
  48. Field instructors.id missing from the dictictionary
  49. Field instructors.meta missing from the dictictionary
  50. Field instructors.meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  51. Field instructors.meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  52. Field instructors.meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  53. Field instructors.meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  54. Field instructors.meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  55. Field instructors.orgId missing from the dictictionary
  56. Field instructors.percentageEffort missing from the dictictionary
  57. Field instructors.personId missing from the dictictionary
  58. Field instructors.personInfoOverride missing from the dictictionary
  59. Field jointOfferingIds missing from the dictictionary
  60. Field meta missing from the dictictionary
  61. Field name missing from the dictictionary
  62. Field revenues missing from the dictictionary
  63. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs missing from the dictictionary
  64. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs.effectiveDate missing from the dictictionary
  65. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs.expirationDate missing from the dictictionary
  66. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs.id missing from the dictictionary
  67. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs.orgId missing from the dictictionary
  68. Field revenues.affiliatedOrgs.percentage missing from the dictictionary
  69. Field revenues.feeType missing from the dictictionary
  70. Field revenues.id missing from the dictictionary
  71. Field revenues.meta missing from the dictictionary
  72. Field revenues.meta.createId missing from the dictictionary
  73. Field revenues.meta.createTime missing from the dictictionary
  74. Field revenues.meta.updateId missing from the dictictionary
  75. Field revenues.meta.updateTime missing from the dictictionary
  76. Field revenues.meta.versionInd missing from the dictictionary
  77. Field unitsContentOwner missing from the dictictionary
  78. Field unitsDeployment missing from the dictictionary
  79. Field waitlistCheckinFrequency missing from the dictictionary
Field Required? DataType Length Short Label Summary Label Description Read Only, Dynamic, or Hidden Default Repeats?
Valid Characters Lookup Cross Field Default Control
id   STRING 1 to 36 Id The system assigned unique id to identify this Course Offering. Unique Id The system assigned unique id to identify this Course Offering. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID. Attempts to set this value on creates should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown An Id:
  • An id is used when the actual value is unimportant and can therefore be a large hex value for example
  • An id value might be 23b9ca9bd203df902
  • An Id is never intended to be used directly by an end user.
  • Ids are assumed to be of different values in different KS implementations
  • Id values are generated by the service implementations
  • Id values are never expected to be used in Configuration or Application code
    ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
typeKey required STRING 1 to 80 Type Key Unique identifier for the type of this course offering. Type Key Unique identifier for the type of this course offering.     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
stateKey required STRING 1 to 80 State Key Unique identifier for the state of this course offering. State Key Unique identifier for the state of this course offering. i.e. draft, submitted, approved, offered, canceled, etc     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
descr.plain   STRING 1 to 14000 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 14000 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
courseId required STRING 1 to 255 Course Id A unique identifier assigned to all approved courses that exist in the catalog This is not updatable once initialized. Course Id A unique identifier assigned to all approved courses that exist in the catalog This is not updatable once initialized.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
termKey required STRING 1 to 80 Term Key Academic term of course offering Term Key Academic term of course offering     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
courseOfferingCode   STRING 1 to 80 Course Offering Code Identifies the number of a course as reflected in the course catalog. Course Offering Code Identifies the number of a course as reflected in the course catalog. This typically must be unique across all courses offered during that term. If the user wants to create two separate offerings for the same course they must modify this code to make it unique. For example: An on-line offering of the course might have an "O" appended to it to distinguish it from the face to face offering, i.e. ENG101 and ENG101O Initially copied from the course catalog but then, depending on the configuration it may be updatable. Often this field is configured so that it is not not directly updatable but rather is calculated from it's two constituent parts, the subject area and the course number suffix. For example: Subject Area = "ENG" and Suffix = "101" then code = "ENG101"     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
courseNumberSuffix   STRING 1 to 255 Course Number Suffix A suffix of the course number as reflected in the college catalog. Course Number Suffix A suffix of the course number as reflected in the college catalog. This is the "number" portion of the course code. Initially copied from the course catalog but then, depending on the configuration it may be updatable. This field is often configured to be updatable but the updates typically simply append something like an "O" for on-line to it to differentiate multiple course offerings for the same course. Often used in the calculation of the courseCode.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
courseTitle   STRING 1 to 255 Course Title Name of the course used in the college catalog. Course Title Name of the course used in the college catalog. Initially copied from the course catalog but then, depending on the configuration it may be updatable. For regular courses this is not generally allowed to be updated on the offering, but for special topics courses this is often overridden to capture the particular topic being taught offered this term. Note: the configuration of the validation for titles is typically restricted to exclude line breaks. This may have to be loosened as some schools may want the particular topic to appear on a 2nd line. For example: SPECIAL TOPICS: AN EXPLORATION OF DEEP SPACE ARTIFACTS     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
isHonorsOffering   BOOLEAN   Is Honors Offering Indicates that the entire course offering is an Honors Course ??? Is Honors Offering Indicates that the entire course offering is an Honors Course ??? Is this an enrollment restriction rule or a flag or both?     ????       CheckboxControl
subjectArea   STRING 1 to 255 Subject Area Identifies the department and/subject code of the course as reflected in the course catalog. Subject Area Identifies the department and/subject code of the course as reflected in the course catalog. Initially copied from the course catalog but then, depending on the configuration it may be updatable. In most configurations this should not be updatable. Often used in the calculation of the courseCode     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
hasFinalExam   BOOLEAN   Has Final Exam Indicates whether a final exam is to be given Initially copied from the canonical course and then, depending on configuration, updated. Has Final Exam Indicates whether a final exam is to be given Initially copied from the canonical course and then, depending on configuration, updated.     ????       CheckboxControl
maximumEnrollment   INTEGER 1 to 10 Maximum Enrollment Total maximum number of "seats" or enrollment slots that can be filled for the offering. Maximum Enrollment Total maximum number of "seats" or enrollment slots that can be filled for the offering. Calculated based on sum of all the maximum seats of primary activity type offerings.     ???? validation.validChars.positive.integer
minimumEnrollment   INTEGER 1 to 10 Minimum Enrollment Total minimum number of seats that must be filled for the offering not to be canceled. Minimum Enrollment Total minimum number of seats that must be filled for the offering not to be canceled. Calculated based on sum of all the minimum seats of primary activity type offerings     ???? validation.validChars.positive.integer
creditOptions.id   STRING 1 to 36 ID Unique ID assigned to this object Identifier The system assigned unique id used to identify this Object. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.typeKey required STRING 1 to 80 Type Type of the object Type Unique identifier for the type of this object.     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
creditOptions.stateKey required STRING 1 to 80 State State of the object State Unique identifier for the lifecycle state of this object.     ???? validation.validChars.alphanumericHyphenPeriod
creditOptions.name   STRING 1 to 255 Name A display name for this entity. Name A display name for this entity.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.descr.plain   STRING 1 to 14000 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
creditOptions.descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 14000 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t\n\r ]*
creditOptions.resultValueRange.id   STRING 1 to 36 ID Unique ID assigned to this object Identifier The system assigned unique id used to identify this Object. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.resultValueRange.minValue   FLOAT 1 to 10 Min Value Min Result Value string Lower end of the value range. Min Value Min Result Value string Lower end of the value range. Typically corresponds with the short coded form of the result(ex. "1.0", "25.0" etc.) Should the data resultTypeKey of values (min/max) be numbers and not Strings in the value range?     ???? validation.validChars.numeric
creditOptions.resultValueRange.maxValue   FLOAT 1 to 10 Max Value Max Result Value string Upper end of the value range. Max Value Max Result Value string Upper end of the value range. Typically corresponds with the short coded form of the result(ex. "3.0", "100.0" etc.). Upper end can be left empty to indicate unbounded upper end.     ???? validation.validChars.numeric
creditOptions.resultValueRange.increment   FLOAT 1 to 10 Increment Increment number Legal increments in the result values. Increment Increment number Legal increments in the result values. This has to be a decimal e.g 0.5)     ???? validation.validChars.numeric
creditOptions.resultValueRange.effectiveDate   DATE must be 19 Effective Effective Date Effective Date The date the object became (will become) effective     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.resultValueRange.expirationDate   DATE must be 19 Expires Expiration Date Expiration Date The date the object became (will) expire     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta.versionInd   STRING 1 to 80 Version Ind Optimistic Locking Flag Version Ind Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta.createTime   DATE must be 19 Created on The date/time stamp of when this was created Date/Time created The date/time stamp of when this was created     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta.createId   STRING 1 to 36 Creator ID Principal ID of person who created this Creator ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta.updateTime   DATE must be 19 Updated on The date/time stamp of when this was last updated Date/Time last updated The date/time stamp of when this was last updated     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.resultValueRange.meta.updateId   STRING 1 to 36 Updater ID Principal ID of person who last updated this Updater ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.effectiveDate   DATE must be 19 Effective Effective Date Effective Date The date the object became (will become) effective     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.expirationDate   DATE must be 19 Expires Expiration Date Expiration Date The date the object became (will) expire     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.meta.versionInd   STRING 1 to 80 Version Ind Optimistic Locking Flag Version Ind Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.meta.createTime   DATE must be 19 Created on The date/time stamp of when this was created Date/Time created The date/time stamp of when this was created     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.meta.createId   STRING 1 to 36 Creator ID Principal ID of person who created this Creator ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
creditOptions.meta.updateTime   DATE must be 19 Updated on The date/time stamp of when this was last updated Date/Time last updated The date/time stamp of when this was last updated     ????       DateControl
creditOptions.meta.updateId   STRING 1 to 36 Updater ID Principal ID of person who last updated this Updater ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
gradeRosterLevelTypeKey   STRING 1 to 255 Grade Roster Level Type Key Key indicating the level at which grade rosters should be generated - activity, format or course. Grade Roster Level Key Key indicating the level at which grade rosters should be generated - activity, format or course. TODO: define these types. TODO: add a service method to get the list of types that can be put in this field.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
hasWaitlist   BOOLEAN   Has Waitlist Indicates whether a RegistrationGroup has a waitlist TODO: figure out how to store this TODO: make sure we are consistent on how we spell Waitlist, should be spelled Waitlist, or Wait List or Wait-List (as the merriam-webster has it) Has Waitlist Indicates whether a RegistrationGroup has a waitlist TODO: figure out how to store this TODO: make sure we are consistent on how we spell Waitlist, should be spelled Waitlist, or Wait List or Wait-List (as the merriam-webster has it)     ????       CheckboxControl
waitlistTypeKey   STRING 1 to 255 Waitlist Type Key Indicates the type of waitlist as it relates to processing students on and off The three types predefined in kuali are Automatic, Semi-Automatic and Manual TODO: Right not Waitlist types are not tied to any Waitlist object so we need to define an "other key" to get the list of valid values from the type service. Waitlist Type Key Indicates the type of waitlist as it relates to processing students on and off The three types predefined in kuali are Automatic, Semi-Automatic and Manual TODO: Right not Waitlist types are not tied to any Waitlist object so we need to define an "other key" to get the list of valid values from the type service. TODO: Decide if we need a separate getHasWaitList, perhaps no value in this field means no waitlist. TODO: Cross validate with hasWaitlist     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
waitlistMaximum   INTEGER 1 to 10 Waitlist Maximum Maximum number of students to be allowed on the wait list Waitlist Maximum Maximum number of students to be allowed on the wait list     ???? validation.validChars.positive.integer
isWaitlistCheckinRequired   BOOLEAN   Is Waitlist Checkin Required Indicates if the waitlist requires checkin Is Waitlist Checkin Required Indicates if the waitlist requires checkin     ????       CheckboxControl
waitlistCheckinFrequency.atpDurationTypeKey   STRING 1 to 255 Atp Duration Type Key The kind of units associated with the quantity, such as Semesters Academic Time Period Duration Type Key The kind of units associated with the quantity, such as Semesters     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
waitlistCheckinFrequency.timeQuantity   INTEGER 1 to 10 Time Quantity The amount of time Time Quantity The amount of time     ???? validation.validChars.positive.integer
fundingSource   STRING 1 to 255 Funding Source The primary source of funding for the offering. Funding Source The primary source of funding for the offering.     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
isFinancialAidEligible   BOOLEAN   Is Financial Aid Eligible Flag indicating whether a course is eligible for Financial Aid. Is Financial Aid Eligible Flag indicating whether a course is eligible for Financial Aid. Derived from course catalog (canonical) TODO: find a place to store this on the canonical course because it does not currently exist there TODO: Decide if this is really a rule or a CluSet or what?     ????       CheckboxControl
registrationOrderTypeKey   STRING 1 to 255 Registration Order Type Key Specifies whether the selection of RegistrationGroup that students register for will be done as a block (all activities together) or in a sequential order of activities The two types that have been predefined are "All" and "Sequenced": All: When a student registers for this course she gets registered for all sections identified by the reg. group Sequenced: When a student registers for this course she must register first for the primary section identified and then any secondary sections TODO: We have NOT fully figured out how to do sequences in course registration Registration Order Type Key Specifies whether the selection of RegistrationGroup that students register for will be done as a block (all activities together) or in a sequential order of activities The two types that have been predefined are "All" and "Sequenced": All: When a student registers for this course she gets registered for all sections identified by the reg. group Sequenced: When a student registers for this course she must register first for the primary section identified and then any secondary sections TODO: We have NOT fully figured out how to do sequences in course registration     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
meta.versionInd   STRING 1 to 80 Version Ind Optimistic Locking Flag Version Ind Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
meta.createTime   DATE must be 19 Created on The date/time stamp of when this was created Date/Time created The date/time stamp of when this was created     ????       DateControl
meta.createId   STRING 1 to 36 Creator ID Principal ID of person who created this Creator ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*
meta.updateTime   DATE must be 19 Updated on The date/time stamp of when this was last updated Date/Time last updated The date/time stamp of when this was last updated     ????       DateControl
meta.updateId   STRING 1 to 36 Updater ID Principal ID of person who last updated this Updater ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system     ???? validation.validChars
[A-Za-z0-9.,><_\\/\-\?\+=()\[\];:'"&%$#@!\t ]*