Name | regRequestInfo |
Label | Reg Request |
JSTL Key | RegRequestInfo |
Java Class | org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseregistration.dto.RegRequestInfo |
Description | The request made to the service from the application to register for course(s). The attributes of this entity include requester (which will be the student in most cases), request id and term. Each of the reg group the students want to register would be a registration request item in the Request object. For every transactional operation from the application, a new Registration request is created. |
Primary Key(s) | id |
Field to use as the title (or name) | name |
Field | Required? | DataType | Length | Short Label | Summary | Label | Description | Read Only, Dynamic, or Hidden | Default | Repeats? | Valid Characters | Lookup | Cross Field | Default Control |
id | STRING | 1 to 36 | ID | Unique ID assigned to this object | Identifier | The system assigned unique id used to identify this Object. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
name | STRING | 1 to 255 | Name | A display name for this entity. | Name | A display name for this entity. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
typeKey | required | STRING | 1 to 80 | Type Key | The type of the overall registration request. | Type Key | The type of the overall registration request. |
validation.alphanumericPattern ^[A-Za-z0-9.\-]*$ |
stateKey | required | STRING | 1 to 80 | State Key | Represents the state of the overall registration request. | State Key | Represents the state of the overall registration request. |
validation.alphanumericPattern ^[A-Za-z0-9.\-]*$ |
requestorId | STRING | 1 to 255 | Requestor Id | Returns the id of the person who requested the course registration. | Requestor Id | Returns the id of the person who requested the course registration. Most of the times it would be a student but it could also be an admin or faculty making a request on behalf of the student |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
termId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Term Id | Returns the key of the {@link Term} of the registration request | Term Id | Returns the key of the {@link Term} of the registration request |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
descr.plain | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Plain Text | The plain text version of the descrpition | Plain Text Description | The plain text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
descr.formatted | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Fromatted Text | The formatted text version of the descrpition | Fromatted Text Description | The formatted text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta.versionInd | STRING | 1 to 80 | Version Ind | Optimistic Locking Flag | Version Ind | Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta.createTime | DATE | must be 19 | Created on | The date/time stamp of when this was created | Date/Time created | The date/time stamp of when this was created | ||||||||
meta.createId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Creator ID | Principal ID of person who created this | Creator ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta.updateTime | DATE | must be 19 | Updated on | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | Date/Time last updated | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | ||||||||
meta.updateId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Updater ID | Principal ID of person who last updated this | Updater ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
descr | Complex | Descr | A description of the entity. | Description | A description of the entity. | |||||||||
descr.plain | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Plain Text | The plain text version of the descrpition | Plain Text Description | The plain text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
descr.formatted | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Fromatted Text | The formatted text version of the descrpition | Fromatted Text Description | The formatted text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta | Complex | Meta | Create and last update info for the structure. | Meta | Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals of the service during maintenance operations. Contains audit trail information about the creation and last update of this object Also contains the version ind used for optimistic locking. Attempts to set or update should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown. | |||||||||
meta.versionInd | STRING | 1 to 80 | Version Ind | Optimistic Locking Flag | Version Ind | Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta.createTime | DATE | must be 19 | Created on | The date/time stamp of when this was created | Date/Time created | The date/time stamp of when this was created | ||||||||
meta.createId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Creator ID | Principal ID of person who created this | Creator ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
meta.updateTime | DATE | must be 19 | Updated on | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | Date/Time last updated | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | ||||||||
meta.updateId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Updater ID | Principal ID of person who last updated this | Updater ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems | Complex | Reg Request Items | Returns a list of {@link RegRequestItem} that the RegRequest is composed of. | Reg Request Items | Returns a list of {@link RegRequestItem} that the RegRequest is composed of. | Repeating | |||||||| | STRING | 1 to 36 | ID | Unique ID assigned to this object | Identifier | The system assigned unique id used to identify this Object. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
||||||| | STRING | 1 to 255 | Name | A display name for this entity. | Name | A display name for this entity. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.typeKey | required | STRING | 1 to 80 | Type Key | The possible types of RegRequestItem are ADD, DROP, SWAP or UPDATE. | Type Key | The possible types of RegRequestItem are ADD, DROP, SWAP or UPDATE. Those types represent adding (waitlisting, holdlisting), dropping courses or persisting an item from the reg cart with changes to it. |
validation.alphanumericPattern ^[A-Za-z0-9.\-]*$ |
regRequestItems.stateKey | required | STRING | 1 to 80 | State Key | Represents the state of this request - NEW, DRAFT, SUBMITTED, FAILED etc | State Key | Represents the state of this request - NEW, DRAFT, SUBMITTED, FAILED etc |
validation.alphanumericPattern ^[A-Za-z0-9.\-]*$ |
regRequestItems.studentId | STRING | 1 to 255 | Student Id | Return the id of the student to be registered | Student Id | Return the id of the student to be registered |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.newRegGroupId | STRING | 1 to 255 | New Reg Group Id | Returns the id of the RegGroup for this item. | New Reg Group Id | Returns the id of the RegGroup for this item. This is populated for ADD, DROP, UPDATE and SWAP types of RegRequestItem |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.existingRegGroupId | STRING | 1 to 255 | Existing Reg Group Id | Returns the existing reg group id. | Existing Reg Group Id | Returns the existing reg group id. The existing reg group field is populated if we have DROP or SWAP types of Request item. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.okToWaitlist | BOOLEAN | Ok To Waitlist | If the course is full and there is a waitlist, is it okay to be placed in the waitlist for the course | Ok To Waitlist | If the course is full and there is a waitlist, is it okay to be placed in the waitlist for the course | |||||||||
regRequestItems.okToHoldList | BOOLEAN | Ok To Hold List | If the student does not meet one of the requirements for the course but there is a list for such students because the requirement ends at a future date, is it okay to be placed in such a list. | Ok To Hold List | If the student does not meet one of the requirements for the course but there is a list for such students because the requirement ends at a future date, is it okay to be placed in such a list. | |||||||||
regRequestItems.gradingOptionKey | STRING | 1 to 255 | Grading Option Key | Specify the preferred grading option for the course e.g. pass/fail since the course allows to specify such options | Grading Option Key | Specify the preferred grading option for the course e.g. pass/fail since the course allows to specify such options |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.creditOptionKey | STRING | 1 to 255 | Credit Option Key | Specify the preferred credit option e.g credit/ no-credit for the course because the course. | Credit Option Key | Specify the preferred credit option e.g credit/ no-credit for the course because the course. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.descr.plain | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Plain Text | The plain text version of the descrpition | Plain Text Description | The plain text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.descr.formatted | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Fromatted Text | The formatted text version of the descrpition | Fromatted Text Description | The formatted text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta.versionInd | STRING | 1 to 80 | Version Ind | Optimistic Locking Flag | Version Ind | Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta.createTime | DATE | must be 19 | Created on | The date/time stamp of when this was created | Date/Time created | The date/time stamp of when this was created | ||||||||
regRequestItems.meta.createId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Creator ID | Principal ID of person who created this | Creator ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta.updateTime | DATE | must be 19 | Updated on | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | Date/Time last updated | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | ||||||||
regRequestItems.meta.updateId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Updater ID | Principal ID of person who last updated this | Updater ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.descr | Complex | Descr | A description of the entity. | Description | A description of the entity. | |||||||||
regRequestItems.descr.plain | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Plain Text | The plain text version of the descrpition | Plain Text Description | The plain text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.descr.formatted | STRING | 1 to 14000 | Fromatted Text | The formatted text version of the descrpition | Fromatted Text Description | The formatted text version of the descrpition |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta | Complex | Meta | Create and last update info for the structure. | Meta | Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals of the service during maintenance operations. Contains audit trail information about the creation and last update of this object Also contains the version ind used for optimistic locking. Attempts to set or update should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown. | |||||||||
regRequestItems.meta.versionInd | STRING | 1 to 80 | Version Ind | Optimistic Locking Flag | Version Ind | Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta.createTime | DATE | must be 19 | Created on | The date/time stamp of when this was created | Date/Time created | The date/time stamp of when this was created | ||||||||
regRequestItems.meta.createId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Creator ID | Principal ID of person who created this | Creator ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
regRequestItems.meta.updateTime | DATE | must be 19 | Updated on | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | Date/Time last updated | The date/time stamp of when this was last updated | ||||||||
regRequestItems.meta.updateId | STRING | 1 to 36 | Updater ID | Principal ID of person who last updated this | Updater ID | ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |