Name | enrollmentFeeAmountInfo |
Label | Enrollment Fee Amount |
JSTL Key | EnrollmentFeeAmountInfo |
Java Class | org.kuali.student.r2.core.fee.dto.EnrollmentFeeAmountInfo |
Description | Detailed information about an amount of currency including both the type of units and the quantity. |
Primary Key(s) | currencyTypeKey |
Field to use as the title (or name) | null |
Field | Required? | DataType | Length | Short Label | Summary | Label | Description | Read Only, Dynamic, or Hidden | Default | Repeats? | Valid Characters | Lookup | Cross Field | Default Control |
currencyTypeKey | STRING | 1 to 255 | Currency Type Key | The kind of units associated with the quantity, such as US Dollars. | Currency Type Key | The kind of units associated with the quantity, such as US Dollars. |
validation.anyCharacterPattern ^[\x21-\x7E\t\v\040\f\r\n]*$ |
currencyQuantity | INTEGER | 1 to 10 | Currency Quantity | The amount of currency. | Currency Quantity | The amount of currency. |
validation.validChars.positive.integer [1-9][0-9]* |