
Name checkInfo
Label Check
JSTL Key CheckInfo
Java Class org.kuali.student.r2.core.process.dto.CheckInfo
Description Information about a Check. A Check can be one of a: 1. Hold Check: the Issue Id is not null 2. Deadline Check: the Milestone Type Key and Atp Type Key are not null 3. Not Before Check: the Milestone Type Key and Atp Type Key are not null 4. In Time Period Check: the Milestone Type Key and Atp Type Key are not null 5. Outside Date Range Check: the Milestone Type Key and Atp Type Key are not null 6. Statement Check: the Statement Id is not null 7. Process Check: the Process key is not null
Primary Key(s) id
Field to use as the title (or name) name

Field Definitions

2 discrepancie(s) were found between the dictionary definition and the java object
  1. Field state missing from the dictictionary
  2. Field type missing from the dictictionary
Field Required? DataType Length Short Label Summary Label Description Read Only, Dynamic, or Hidden Default Repeats? Valid Characters Lookup Cross Field Default Control
id   STRING 1 to 36 ID Unique ID assigned to this object Identifier The system assigned unique id used to identify this Object. Could be implemented as as sequence number or as a UUID.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
typeKey required STRING 1 to 80 Type Type of the object Type Unique identifier for the type of this object.       validation.alphanumericPattern
stateKey required STRING 1 to 80 State State of the object State Unique identifier for the lifecycle state of this object.       validation.alphanumericPattern
name   STRING 1 to 255 Name A display name for this entity. Name A display name for this entity.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
holdIssueId   STRING 1 to 255 Hold Issue Id The Hold Issue if this Check to check if the student has an applied hold. Hold Issue Id The Hold Issue if this Check to check if the student has an applied hold.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
milestoneTypeKey   STRING 1 to 255 Milestone Type Key The Milestone Type Key if this Check is for a deadline, "not before," "in time period" or "outside date range" checks. Milestone Type Key The Milestone Type Key if this Check is for a deadline, "not before," "in time period" or "outside date range" checks.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
agendaId   STRING 1 to 255 Agenda Id The Agenda Id if this Check is based on evaluating an Agenda. Agenda Id The Agenda Id if this Check is based on evaluating an Agenda. (do we need a reference for the eval?)       validation.anyCharacterPattern
childProcessKey   STRING 1 to 255 Child Process Key The Process Key if this Check is to evaluate a all the instructions already defined in another child process. Child Process Key The Process Key if this Check is to evaluate a all the instructions already defined in another child process.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
rightComparisonValue   STRING 1 to 255 Right Comparison Value A hard coded value for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals. Right Comparison Value A hard coded value for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals. The left comparison value may be determined from the context of the process or from an agenda Id. For example, this value may indicate a hard-coded credit limit per term for all students. The Check may be that the current load does not exceed this hard coded value.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
leftComparisonAgendaId   STRING 1 to 255 Left Comparison Agenda Id The Left Comparison Agenda Id is for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals for determining the left-hand side of the comparison. Left Comparison Agenda Id The Left Comparison Agenda Id is for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals for determining the left-hand side of the comparison. For example, this rule evaluation may determine the current credit load for a particular student in a Term to compare it with a credit limit as determined by getRightComparisonValue() or an evaluation resulting from getRightComparisonAgendaId().       validation.anyCharacterPattern
rightComparisonAgendaId   STRING 1 to 255 Right Comparison Agenda Id The Right Comparison Agenda Id is for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals for determining the right-hand side of the comparison. Right Comparison Agenda Id The Right Comparison Agenda Id is for comparison Check Types of min/max/equals for determining the right-hand side of the comparison. For example, the result of this rule evaluation may calculate the credit limit for a particular student if it fluctuates by other criteria such as Term or Population.       validation.anyCharacterPattern
descr.plain   STRING 1 to 999 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition       validation.anyCharacterPattern
descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 999 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta.versionInd   STRING 1 to 80 Version Ind Optimistic Locking Flag Version Ind Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta.createTime   DATE must be 19 Created on The date/time stamp of when this was created Date/Time created The date/time stamp of when this was created              
meta.createId   STRING 1 to 36 Creator ID Principal ID of person who created this Creator ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta.updateTime   DATE must be 19 Updated on The date/time stamp of when this was last updated Date/Time last updated The date/time stamp of when this was last updated              
meta.updateId   STRING 1 to 36 Updater ID Principal ID of person who last updated this Updater ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system       validation.anyCharacterPattern
descr   Complex   Descr A description of the entity. Description A description of the entity.              
descr.plain   STRING 1 to 999 Plain Text The plain text version of the descrpition Plain Text Description The plain text version of the descrpition       validation.anyCharacterPattern
descr.formatted   STRING 1 to 999 Fromatted Text The formatted text version of the descrpition Fromatted Text Description The formatted text version of the descrpition       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta   Complex   Meta Create and last update info for the structure. Meta Create and last update info for the structure. This is optional and treated as read only since the data is set by the internals of the service during maintenance operations. Contains audit trail information about the creation and last update of this object Also contains the version ind used for optimistic locking. Attempts to set or update should result in a ReadOnlyException being thrown.              
meta.versionInd   STRING 1 to 80 Version Ind Optimistic Locking Flag Version Ind Field used to check optimistic locking, updated on each update       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta.createTime   DATE must be 19 Created on The date/time stamp of when this was created Date/Time created The date/time stamp of when this was created              
meta.createId   STRING 1 to 36 Creator ID Principal ID of person who created this Creator ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system       validation.anyCharacterPattern
meta.updateTime   DATE must be 19 Updated on The date/time stamp of when this was last updated Date/Time last updated The date/time stamp of when this was last updated              
meta.updateId   STRING 1 to 36 Updater ID Principal ID of person who last updated this Updater ID ID assigned to the principal the user used to sign on to the system       validation.anyCharacterPattern