
Name VersionManagement
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.r2.core.versionmanagement.service

Version Management Service supports the management of object versions

Main Message Structures

Method getVersions
Description Retrieves a list of versions associated with the objectId.
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfoList a list of versions
Errors DoesNotExistException refObjectUri or refObjectId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid contextInfo
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getFirstVersion
Description Retrieves first version associated with the objectId.
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfo first version
Errors DoesNotExistException refObjectUri or refObjectId not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getLatestVersion
Description Retrieves latest version associated with the objectId. This is not always
the current version. A current version is what is being used by the
system right now, but there could be draft version created after the
current version.
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfo latest version
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refObjectId and refObjectUri
not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCurrentVersion
Description Retrieves current version associated with the objectId.
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfo current version
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refObjectUri and refObjectId
not found
InvalidParameterException contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getVersionBySequenceNumber
Description Retrieves the version associated with the objectId and the sequence
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
Long sequence sequence number
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfo version matching the sequence
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refObjectUri, refObjectId or
sequence not found
InvalidParameterException sequence or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId, sequence or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getCurrentVersionOnDate
Description Retrieves the current version associated with the objectId on a given
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
Date date date
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfo current version on given date
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refObjectId and refObjectUri
not found
InvalidParameterException date or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId, date or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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Method getVersionsInDateRange
Description Retrieves the current version associated with the objectId in a given
date range
Parameters String refObjectUri reference object type URI
String refObjectId reference object Id
Date from from date
Date to to date
ContextInfo contextInfo context information containing the principalId and
locale information about the caller of service
Return VersionDisplayInfoList current version in given date range
Errors DoesNotExistException specified refObjectId and refObjectUri
not found
InvalidParameterException from, to or contextInfo is not valid
MissingParameterException refObjectUri, refObjectId, from, to or
contextInfo is missing or null
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException an authorization failure occurred

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