
Name PropositionParameter
Usage RuleRepositoryService PropositionBoService
createParameter updateParameter getParameters getParameterById getParameterByPropIdAndSequenceNumber
Type Complex


Concrete model object implementation of KRMS Proposition Parameter
Instances of PropositionParameter can be (un)marshalled to and from XML.

Structure Definition

ShortName Name Type Description Required? Read only? Cardinality XML Attribute? Implementation Notes
id Id String The unique identifier for an object. This can be null. Required   One No  
propId Prop Id String Returns the Id for the parent proposition.

It is the Id of the parent proposition.

Required   One No  
value Value String Returns the value of the proposition parameter

It is the value of the parameter

Required   One No  
parameterType Parameter Type String Returns the type of the parameter.
Proposition parameters are one of the following types:
Constant Values: numbers, strings, dates, etc.
Terms: data available in the execution environment or provided by a term resolver
Functions: custom functions that resolve to a value,
or standard operators (equals, greater than, less than, ...)

It identified the type of the parameter.

Required   One No  
sequenceNumber Sequence Number Integer Returns the sequence number of the proposition parameter.
Proposition parameters are listed in Reverse Polish Notation.
The sequence number (starting with 1) identifies the position of the
parameter in the list.
Required   One No  
versionNumber Version Number Long Returns the version number for this object. In general, this value should only
be null if the object has not yet been stored to a persistent data store.
This version number is generally used for the purposes of optimistic locking.
    One No