
Name CourseOfferingSet
Version 1.0
Included Services  
Java Package org.kuali.student.enrollment.courseofferingset.service

Course Offering Set Service allows the user to create Sets of
Offered Courses or SOCs. These sets are all dynamic.

By default there is one main Soc per term that includes all the courses
in that term.

Main Message Structures

Method deleteCourseOfferingsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return Integer ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getCourseOfferingIdsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getPublishedCourseOfferingIdsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getUnpublishedActivityOfferingIdsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getUnpublishedCourseOfferingIdsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method getUnscheduledActivityOfferingIdsBySoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method isCourseOfferingInSoc
Description ???
Parameters String socId ???
String courseOfferingId ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return Boolean ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

Back to Operations

Method reverseRollover
Description ???
Parameters String rolloverResultId ???
StringList optionKeys ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return SocRolloverResultInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method rolloverSoc
Description ???
Parameters String sourceSocId ???
String targetTermId ???
StringList optionKeys ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return SocInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException ???
InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method getSoc
Description Retrieve information about a Soc
Parameters String socId Unique Id of the Soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException socId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocsByIds
Description Retrieves a list of course offerings by id list.
Parameters StringList socIds List of unique Ids of Soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException socId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid socIds
MissingParameterException missing socIds
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocIdsByTerm
Description Retrieve ids of the Soc for the term

This could return multiple Socs but should always return the default main
SOC for that term.
Parameters String termId Unique Id of the term
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocIdsByTermAndSubjectArea
Description Retrieve Soc Ids for a given term and subject area.

A Soc will have an official and "other" subject areas, this
operation will the course offering ids with either official or other subject area
that match.

============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String termId Unique key of the term in which the course is being offered
String subjectArea subject area
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList List of Soc Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or subject area not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocIdsByTermAndUnitsContentOwner
Description Retrieve Soc Ids for a given term and unit content owner

============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String termId Unique key of the term in which the course is being offered
String unitsContentOwnerId Org Id of the Units content owner
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList List of Soc Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or unitsContentOwnerid not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocIdsByType
Description Retrieve Soc Ids by type
Parameters String typeKey Unique key type of Soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList List of Soc Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException typeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createSoc
Description Creates a new Soc for a term

Fields in course offering will be initialized with data from the canonical.
Parameters String termId Unique key of the term in which the course is being offered
course offering
String socTypeKey ???
SocInfo socInfo ???
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocInfo newly created SocInfo
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or socTypeKey not found
DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???

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Method updateSoc
Description Updates an existing Soc.
Parameters String socId Id of Soc to be updated
SocInfo socInfo Details of updates to the Soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocInfo updated Soc
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException the Soc does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method deleteSoc
Description Deletes an existing Soc.

Deleting the Soc does not automatically delete the course offerings in a soc
Parameters String socId the Id of the ActivityOffering to be deleted
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DependentObjectsExistException if course offerings exist and the
implementation has the business rule that a course offering must have a Soc
DoesNotExistException the soc does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateSoc
Description Validates a Soc. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and
its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests
related to this object. If an identifier is present for the academic
calendar and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks
if the academic calendar can be shifted to the new values. If a record
cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does
not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower,
typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the
current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard
validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement
instead of the server assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationType Identifier of the extent of validation
SocInfo socInfo the soc information to be tested.
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList the results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, socInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, socInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method getSocIdsByCourseOffering
Description Retrieve Soc Ids that contain the specified course offering
Parameters String courseOfferingId Unique Id of the course offering
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException courseOfferingId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getCourseOfferingIdsWithUnscheduledFinalExamsBySoc
Description Get course offering ids associated with the soc that have an unscheduled final exam

Not sure what it means to be "unscheduled final exam"
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String socId Unique Id of the soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList list of course offering ids
Errors DoesNotExistException socId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method scheduleSoc
Description Requests that the course offerings in this Soc be submitted to the scheduler.

NOTE: we don't know yet with this should return and how to do ASYNC calls.
============== Deprecated ===============
Parameters String socId Unique Id of the soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException socId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResult
Description Retrieves the result of a rollover.
Parameters String rolloverResultId unique Id of the rollover result
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultsByIds
Description Retrieves a list of rollover results by id list.
Parameters StringList rolloverResultIds List of unique Ids of the rollover result to be fetched
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultItemsByIds
Description Retrieves a list of rollover results items by id list.
Parameters StringList rolloverResultItemIds List of unique Ids of the rollover result items to be fetched
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultItemsByResultId
Description Retrieves a list of rollover result items by result id
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Unique Ids of the rollover result for which the items are to be fetched
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultItemsByResultIdAndSourceCourseOfferingId
Description Retrieves a list of rollover result items by result id and source course offering id
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Unique Id of the rollover result for which the items are to be fetched
String sourceCourseOfferingId Unique Id of source course offering id
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultItemsByResultIdAndTargetCourseOfferingId
Description Retrieves a list of rollover result items by result id and target course offering id
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Unique Id of the rollover result for which the items are to be fetched
String targetCourseOfferingId ???
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfoList ???
Errors DoesNotExistException rolloverResultId in the list not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultsBySourceAndTargetSocs
Description Retrieves the rollover results associated with the specified source and target Soc ids
Parameters String sourceSocId source Soc Id
String targetSocId target Soc Id
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfoList List of Rollover Results
Errors DoesNotExistException courseId or termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid courseId or termId
MissingParameterException missing courseId or termId
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultIdsByTargetSoc
Description Retrieves the rollover results associated with the specified target Soc id
Parameters String targetSocId target Soc Id
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList List of Rollover Result Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException courseId or termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid courseId or termId
MissingParameterException missing courseId or termId
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method getSocRolloverResultIdsBySourceSoc
Description Retrieves the rollover results associated with the specified source Soc id
Parameters String sourceSocId Unique id of the source Soc
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StringList List of Rollover Result Ids
Errors DoesNotExistException courseId or termId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid courseId or termId
MissingParameterException missing courseId or termId
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createSocRolloverResult
Description Creates a new SocRolloverResult
Parameters String socRolloverResultTypeKey soc rollover result type key
SocRolloverResultInfo socRolloverResultInfo object to be created
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfo newly created SocRolloverResultInfo
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or socRolloverResultTypeKey not found
DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???

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Method updateSocRolloverResult
Description Updates an existing SocRolloverResult.
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Id of SocRolloverResult to be updated
SocRolloverResultInfo socRolloverResultInfo Details of updates to the SocRolloverResult
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfo updated SocRolloverResult
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException the SocRolloverResult does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method updateSocRolloverProgress
Description Update progress information
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Id of SocRolloverResult to be updated
Integer itemsProcessed new count of the number of items processed
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultInfo StatusInfo indicates the update worked
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException the SocRolloverResult does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method deleteSocRolloverResult
Description Deletes an existing SocRolloverResult.
Parameters String socRolloverResultId the Id of the ActivityOffering to be deleted
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException the SeatPoolDefinition does not exist
DependentObjectsExistException ???
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateSocRolloverResult
Description Validates a SocRolloverResult. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and
its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests
related to this object. If an identifier is present for the academic
calendar and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks
if the academic calendar can be shifted to the new values. If a record
cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does
not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower,
typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the
current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard
validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement
instead of the server assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationType Identifier of the extent of validation
SocRolloverResultInfo socRolloverResultInfo the socRolloverResult information to be tested.
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList the results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, socRolloverResultInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, socRolloverResultInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method getSocRolloverResultItem
Description Retrieve information about a SocRolloverResultItem
Parameters String socRolloverResultItemId Unique Id of the SocRolloverResultItem
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfo ???
Errors DoesNotExistException socRolloverResultItemId not found
InvalidParameterException invalid parameter
MissingParameterException missing parameter
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method createSocRolloverResultItem
Description Creates a new SocRolloverResultItem
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Id of the corresponding soc rollover result
String socRolloverResultItemTypeKey soc rollover result type key
SocRolloverResultItemInfo socRolloverResultItemInfo object to be created
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfo newly created SocRolloverResultItemInfo
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or socRolloverResultItemTypeKey not found
DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???

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Method createSocRolloverResultItems
Description Bulk create of SocRolloverResultItems

All must be for the same result and type.
Parameters String socRolloverResultId Id of the corresponding soc rollover result
String socRolloverResultItemTypeKey soc rollover result type key
SocRolloverResultItemInfoList socRolloverResultItemInfos objects to be created
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return Integer count of number of items created
Errors DoesNotExistException termId or socRolloverResultItemTypeKey not found
DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???

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Method updateSocRolloverResultItem
Description Updates an existing SocRolloverResultItem.
Parameters String socRolloverResultItemId Id of SocRolloverResultItem to be updated
SocRolloverResultItemInfo socRolloverResultItemInfo Details of updates to the SocRolloverResultItem
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return SocRolloverResultItemInfo updated SocRolloverResultItem
Errors DataValidationErrorException One or more values invalid for this operation
DoesNotExistException the SocRolloverResultItem does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure
ReadOnlyException ???
VersionMismatchException The action was attempted on an out of date version.

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Method deleteSocRolloverResultItem
Description Deletes an existing SocRolloverResultItem.
Parameters String socRolloverResultItemId the Id of the ActivityOffering to be deleted
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return StatusInfo status of the operation (success, failed)
Errors DoesNotExistException the SeatPoolDefinition does not exist
InvalidParameterException One or more parameters invalid
MissingParameterException One or more parameters missing
OperationFailedException unable to complete request
PermissionDeniedException authorization failure

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Method validateSocRolloverResultItem
Description Validates a SocRolloverResultItem. Depending on the value of validationType,
this validation could be limited to tests on just the current object and
its directly contained sub-objects or expanded to perform all tests
related to this object. If an identifier is present for the academic
calendar and a record is found for that identifier, the validation checks
if the academic calendar can be shifted to the new values. If a record
cannot be found for the identifier, it is assumed that the record does
not exist and as such, the checks performed will be much shallower,
typically mimicking those performed by setting the validationType to the
current object. This is a slightly different pattern from the standard
validation as the caller provides the identifier in the create statement
instead of the server assigning an identifier.
Parameters String validationType Identifier of the extent of validation
SocRolloverResultItemInfo socRolloverResultItemInfo the socRolloverResultItem information to be tested.
ContextInfo context Context information containing the principalId and locale
information about the caller of service operation
Return ValidationResultInfoList the results from performing the validation
Errors DoesNotExistException validationTypeKey not found
InvalidParameterException invalid validationTypeKey, socRolloverResultItemInfo
MissingParameterException missing validationTypeKey, socRolloverResultItemInfo
OperationFailedException unable to complete request

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Method searchForSocRolloverResultIds
Description Searches for soc rollover result ids using a free form search criteria.
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return StringList ???
Errors InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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Method searchForSocRolloverResults
Description Searches for soc rollover results using a free form search criteria
Parameters QueryByCriteria criteria ???
ContextInfo context ???
Return SocRolloverResultInfoList ???
Errors InvalidParameterException ???
MissingParameterException ???
OperationFailedException ???
PermissionDeniedException ???

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