Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors




  • allowLegacy: "true"
62Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile12Errors Error
Translation0Errors Error
FileLength0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
12560Errors Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
2321Errors Error
JavadocMethod2674Errors Error
JavadocType306Errors Error
JavadocVariable1311Errors Error
JavadocStyle239Errors Error
ConstantName19Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
LocalVariableName3Errors Error
MemberName12Errors Error
MethodName5Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName0Errors Error
StaticVariableName15Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport5Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
RedundantImport1Errors Error
UnusedImports23Errors Error
LineLength3116Errors Error
MethodLength3Errors Error
ParameterNumber0Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0Errors Error
MethodParamPad4Errors Error
NoWhitespaceAfter0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceBefore10Errors Error
OperatorWrap28Errors Error
ParenPad37Errors Error
TypecastParenPad0Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter357Errors Error
WhitespaceAround4116Errors Error
ModifierOrder8Errors Error
RedundantModifier369Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks2Errors Error
EmptyBlock3Errors Error
LeftCurly9Errors Error
NeedBraces16Errors Error
RightCurly215Errors Error
AvoidInlineConditionals47Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0Errors Error
EmptyStatement2Errors Error
EqualsHashCode0Errors Error
HiddenField495Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
InnerAssignment1Errors Error
MagicNumber81Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault38Errors Error
RedundantThrows1Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression21Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
DesignForExtension1908Errors Error
FinalClass12Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor20Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
VisibilityModifier250Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle0Errors Error
FinalParameters2379Errors Error
TodoComment9Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error



ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsVariable 'commonStyle' must be private and have accessor methods.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'resetStyle' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsVariable 'initStyle' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMethod 'onModuleLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'onModuleLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsVariable 'panel' must be private and have accessor methods.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsVariable 'buttonPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsVariable 'horizontalContent' must be private and have accessor methods.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsVariable 'verticalContent' must be private and have accessor methods.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.90
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.90
Errors'50' is a magic number.90
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsParameter event should be final.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'10' is a magic number.98
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsParameter event should be final.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.107
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.107
Errors'10' is a magic number.107
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMethod 'onModuleLoad_Original' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMethod length is 168 lines (max allowed is 150).116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
ErrorsName 'onModuleLoad_Original' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter applicationContext should be final.34
Errors'applicationContext' hides a field.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter viewPath should be final.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter viewPath should be final.42
ErrorsParameter context should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.LayoutController.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter w should be final.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'getContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsParameter result should be final.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'setLoggedIn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter loggedIn should be final.86
Errors'loggedIn' hides a field.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'setUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter userId should be final.90
Errors'userId' hides a field.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'setRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsParameter roles should be final.94
Errors'roles' hides a field.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMethod 'isLoggedIn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'getUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'getRoles' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.110
ErrorsMethod 'addMessages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsParameter messages should be final.114
Errors'messages' hides a field.114
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messages'.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsParameter messageId should be final.131
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageId'.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'getMessages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.146
ErrorsParameter groupName should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'groupName'.146
ErrorsParameter messageId should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageId'.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsMethod 'getUILabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.172
ErrorsParameter groupName should be final.172
ErrorsParameter type should be final.172
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'type'.172
ErrorsParameter state should be final.172
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'state'.172
ErrorsParameter fieldId should be final.172
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldId'.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.181
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'getUILabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.190
ErrorsParameter groupName should be final.190
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'groupName'.190
ErrorsParameter fieldId should be final.190
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldId'.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.201
ErrorsMethod 'getSecurityContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.205
ErrorsMethod 'setSecurityContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.209
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
ErrorsParameter securityContext should be final.209
Errors'securityContext' hides a field.209
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsMethod 'getApplicationContextUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsMethod 'setVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsParameter version should be final.220
Errors'version' hides a field.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsMethod 'getVersion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.224
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsMethod 'putCrossConstraint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.234
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.234
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'namespace'.234
ErrorsParameter path should be final.234
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.234
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.234
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fd'.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.235
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.235
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.235
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.236
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.240
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.240
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.240
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.245
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsMethod 'getCrossConstraint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.254
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.254
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.254
ErrorsParameter path should be final.254
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.255
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.255
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.255
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.256
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.259
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.259
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.259
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsMethod 'clearCrossConstraintMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.264
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.264
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.264
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.265
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.265
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.265
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.266
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsMethod 'putPathToFieldMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.270
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.270
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.270
ErrorsParameter path should be final.270
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.270
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.271
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.271
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.271
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.272
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.276
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsMethod 'getPathToFieldMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.283
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.283
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.283
ErrorsParameter path should be final.283
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.284
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.285
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.287
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.289
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.289
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.289
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.289
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsMethod 'clearPathToFieldMapping' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.294
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.294
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.294
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.295
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.295
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.295
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.296
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.304
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsMethod 'clearCrossConstraintsWithStartingPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.308
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.308
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'namespace'.308
ErrorsParameter pathPrefix should be final.308
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'pathPrefix'.308
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.309
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.309
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.309
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.310
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.314
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.314
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.314
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.314
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.316
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.316
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.318
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.323
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.325
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.325
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.325
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.325
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.327
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.327
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.329
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.331
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.331
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.331
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.331
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.331
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.331
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.331
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.333
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.333
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.333
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.333
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.335
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.335
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.335
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.335
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsMethod 'getCrossConstraints' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.347
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.347
ErrorsParameter namespace should be final.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.348
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.348
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.348
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.349
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.350
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.351
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.351
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.353
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.353
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.353
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.354
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.354
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsMethod 'getParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.361
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.365
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.365
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.365
Errors'parentPath' hides a field.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.386
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.390
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.391
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.392
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.393
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsName 'handler' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'onFailure' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'caught'.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsMethod 'handleFailure' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.56
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'caught'.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsMethod 'handleTimeout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.69
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'caught'.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsParameter id should be final.52
Errors'id' hides a field.52
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'getIdType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMethod 'setIdType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsParameter idType should be final.64
Errors'idType' hides a field.64
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'idType'.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'setIdType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter idTypeString should be final.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'getState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'setState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter state should be final.76
Errors'state' hides a field.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'getPermissionType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMethod 'setPermissionType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsParameter permissionType should be final.89
Errors'permissionType' hides a field.89
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'permissionType'.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsParameter o should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'}' should be on the same line.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsMethod 'setAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsParameter key should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'key'.107
ErrorsParameter value should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'getAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter key should be final.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'getAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.12


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsVariable 'modelDefinition' must be private and have accessor methods.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsVariable 'state' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsVariable 'groupName' must be private and have accessor methods.24
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMethod 'setModelDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsParameter modelDefinition should be final.31
Errors'modelDefinition' hides a field.31
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'modelDefinition'.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsMethod 'getModelDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.46
ErrorsMethod 'generateMessageInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.55
ErrorsMethod 'getLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.65
ErrorsMethod 'getH1Title' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.65
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.75
ErrorsMethod 'getH2Title' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.75
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.75
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.85
ErrorsMethod 'getH3Title' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.85
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.85
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.95
ErrorsMethod 'getH4Title' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.95
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.105
ErrorsMethod 'getH5Title' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsParameter labelKey should be final.105
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'labelKey'.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.123
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsParameter section should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.123
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter section should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.142
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.142
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.156
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.163
ErrorsParameter section should be final.163
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.163
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.163
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.163
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.163
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.163
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.163
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.177
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.184
ErrorsParameter section should be final.184
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.184
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.184
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.184
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.184
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.184
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.184
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.187
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.192
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.199
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.207
ErrorsParameter section should be final.207
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.207
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.207
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.207
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.207
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.207
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.207
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.207
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.207
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.227
ErrorsMethod 'addReadOnlyField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsParameter section should be final.227
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.227
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.227
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.229
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.230
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.234
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.240
ErrorsMethod 'addReadOnlyField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.240
ErrorsParameter section should be final.240
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.240
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.240
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.240
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.240
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.246
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsMethod 'addReadOnlyField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.253
ErrorsParameter section should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.253
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.253
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.253
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.253
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.258
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.259
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.260
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.267
ErrorsMethod 'addReadOnlyField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.267
ErrorsParameter section should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.267
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.267
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.267
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.268
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.272
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.273
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.281
ErrorsMethod 'addReadOnlyField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.281
ErrorsParameter section should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.281
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.281
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.281
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.281
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.285
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.286


ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsName 'instance' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'field'.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'meta'.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'meta'.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'meta'.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsParameter model should be final.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.62
Errors'controller' hides a field.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'controller'.62
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.62
Errors'viewEnum' hides a field.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewEnum'.62
ErrorsParameter viewName should be final.62
Errors'viewName' hides a field.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewName'.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.69
Errors'viewEnum' hides a field.69
ErrorsParameter viewName should be final.69
Errors'viewName' hides a field.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMethod 'beforeShow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.93
ErrorsMethod 'beforeHide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.102
ErrorsMethod 'getController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsMethod 'setController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.128
Errors'controller' hides a field.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsMethod 'asWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.133
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsMethod 'collectHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.137
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsMethod 'createWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsMethod 'collectBreadcrumbNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsParameter names should be final.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsVariable 'fieldKey' must be private and have accessor methods.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsVariable 'metadata' must be private and have accessor methods.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.110
Errors'fieldKey' hides a field.110
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.110
Errors'messageKey' hides a field.110
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.110
Errors'metadata' hides a field.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.122
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.129
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.143
Errors'fieldKey' hides a field.143
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.143
Errors'messageKey' hides a field.143
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.143
Errors'metadata' hides a field.143
ErrorsParameter fieldWidget should be final.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.156
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.160
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.162
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.162
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.162
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.163
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.163
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.163
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleToWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.171
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.171
ErrorsParameter w should be final.171
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsMethod 'setupField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.178
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
Errors'}' should be on the same line.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.183
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
Errors'}' should be on the same line.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.189
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
Errors'}' should be on the same line.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
Errors'}' should be on the same line.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.195
Errors'||' should be on a new line.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'}' should be on the same line.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.204
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsMethod 'hideLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.213
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsMethod 'isLabelShown' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.217
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.217
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.221
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.225
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.225
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.229
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.229
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.229
Errors'fieldKey' hides a field.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.233
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.233
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.238
ErrorsMethod 'createFieldWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsMethod 'getModelWidgetBinding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.260
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.260
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.261
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.263
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.265
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.265
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.265
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.269
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.280
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.281
ErrorsMethod 'setValidationCallBack' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.285
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.285
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.285
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.285
ErrorsMethod 'getValidationRequestCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.289
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.289
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsMethod 'isDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsMethod 'setDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.302
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.302
ErrorsParameter dirty should be final.302
Errors'dirty' hides a field.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsMethod 'hasHadFocus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsMethod 'setHasHadFocus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.314
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.314
ErrorsParameter hasHadFocus should be final.314
Errors'hasHadFocus' hides a field.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.318
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsMethod 'setMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.322
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.322
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.322
Errors'metadata' hides a field.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.327
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.327
ErrorsParameter fieldWidget should be final.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsMethod 'getModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.331
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsMethod 'setModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.335
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.335
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.335
Errors'modelId' hides a field.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.341
ErrorsMethod 'setWidgetBinding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.345
ErrorsParameter widgetBinding should be final.345
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widgetBinding'.345
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.349
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.349
ErrorsMethod 'setMessageKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.353
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.353
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.353
Errors'messageKey' hides a field.353
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsMethod 'setOptional' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.363
ErrorsParameter optional should be final.363
Errors'optional' hides a field.363
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'optional'.363
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.363
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsMethod 'isOptional' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.371
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
ErrorsMethod 'isVisible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.17
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.22
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.23
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMethod 'createFieldWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleToWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsParameter w should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsVariable 'viewMap' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsVariable 'viewEnumMap' must be private and have accessor methods.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsVariable 'defaultView' must be private and have accessor methods.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsVariable 'viewType' must be private and have accessor methods.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsVariable 'startPopupView' must be private and have accessor methods.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsVariable 'startViewWindow' must be private and have accessor methods.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsParameter model should be final.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsParameter model should be final.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsParameter model should be final.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsParameter model should be final.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsParameter result should be final.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsParameter result should be final.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.181
ErrorsMethod 'checkForErrors' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.181
ErrorsParameter list should be final.181
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'list'.181
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.184
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.184
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.188
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.203
ErrorsParameter w should be final.203
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'w'.203
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsMethod 'addStartViewPopup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.226
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.226
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.228
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
ErrorsParameter event should be final.235
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
ErrorsParameter action should be final.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.251
ErrorsParameter event should be final.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.258
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsMethod 'isStartViewShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.267
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.267
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.268
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsMethod 'getStartPopupView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.274
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.274
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.277
ErrorsMethod 'showStartPopup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.278
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.278
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsParameter result should be final.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsMethod 'getStartPopup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.290
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.290
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.290
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsMethod 'addView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.300
ErrorsParameter view should be final.300
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.300
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.303
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
Errors'}' should be on the same line.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.306
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsMethod 'setDefaultView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.314
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<V>'.314
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.314
Errors'viewType' hides a field.314
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.314
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
ErrorsMethod 'getDefaultView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.318
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.318
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsMethod 'updateModelFromView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.331
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.331
Errors'viewType' hides a field.331
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.331
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.333
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsMethod 'updateModelFromCurrentView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.341
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.341
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.342
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsMethod 'getView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.347
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.348
Errors'viewType' hides a field.348
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.350
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnumValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
ErrorsParameter enumValue should be final.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsMethod 'showDefaultView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.361
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
Errors'}' should be on the same line.363
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.364
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.365
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.365
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
ErrorsMethod 'showFirstView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.378
ErrorsParameter onReadyCallback should be final.378
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.378
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.380
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.380
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
Errors'}' should be on the same line.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.383
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.389
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.390
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.391
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.392
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.392
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.393
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.393
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
ErrorsMethod 'isValid' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.396
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.396
ErrorsParameter checkCurrentSectionOnly should be final.396
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.396
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.398
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.399
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.399
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.407
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.407
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
ErrorsMethod 'isValid' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.407
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.407
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'validationResults'.407
ErrorsParameter checkCurrentSectionOnly should be final.407
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'checkCurrentSectionOnly'.407
ErrorsParameter allFields should be final.407
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'allFields'.407
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.407
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.410
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.413
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.413
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.414
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.416
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.416
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.416
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.417
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.417
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.417
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.418
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.418
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.419
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.420
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.421
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.422
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.424
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.426
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.426
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.426
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.428
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.429
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.429
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.430
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.431
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.432
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.434
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.435
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.435
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.436
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.436
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.436
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.437
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.437
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.438
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.439
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.441
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.441
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.442
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.442
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.442
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.442
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.443
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.443
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.444
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.445
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.450
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.450
ErrorsParameter section should be final.450
ErrorsParameter allFields should be final.450
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.452
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.453
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.454
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.454
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.455
Errors'}' should be on the same line.455
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.456
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.456
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.456
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.461
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.464
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.464
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.465
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.465
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.466
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.466
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.468
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.469
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.471
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
ErrorsMethod 'beforeViewChange' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.472
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
ErrorsParameter viewChangingTo should be final.473
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewChangingTo'.473
ErrorsParameter okToChange should be final.473
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'okToChange'.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.474
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.474
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
Errors'}' should be on the same line.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.477
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.477
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.477
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
ErrorsMethod 'asWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.482
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
ErrorsMethod 'beforeHide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.487
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.489
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.495
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsMethod 'beforeShow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.498
ErrorsParameter onReadyCallback should be final.498
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.498
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.499
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.500
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsMethod 'getController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.502
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.503
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.507
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.507
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.509
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.509
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.509
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
Errors'}' should be on the same line.511
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.512
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.512
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.512
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.513
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.514
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.517
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.517
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.519
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.520
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.522
ErrorsMethod 'setViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.522
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.522
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.522
Errors'viewType' hides a field.522
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.522
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.523
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.523
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.524
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.525
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.525
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.526
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.527
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.527
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.528
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.528
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.530
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.531
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.531
ErrorsParameter name should be final.531
Errors'name' hides a field.531
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.531
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.531
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.532
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.533
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.534
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.534
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.535
ErrorsMethod 'setController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.535
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.535
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.535
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.535
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.536
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.537
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.538
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.538
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.539
ErrorsMethod 'collectBreadcrumbNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.539
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.540
ErrorsParameter names should be final.540
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.541
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.542
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.542
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.542
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.543
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.544
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.545
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.546
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.546
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.547
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.548
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.549
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.549
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.550
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.551
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.551


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsClass SectionTitle should be declared as final.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter e should be final.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter titletext should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter header should be final.83
ErrorsParameter styleName should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsParameter text should be final.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter html should be final.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsParameter w should be final.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.list.KSCheckBoxList.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMethod 'bind' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsParameter event should be final.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.55
ErrorsParameter event should be final.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsParameter event should be final.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsParameter result should be final.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
Errors'+' should be on a new line.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsParameter result should be final.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor should be final.95


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.impl.DefaultWidgetFactoryImpl.24
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'maxLength' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'access' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'isRichText' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'isMultiLine' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'isRepeating' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsVariable 'metadata' must be private and have accessor methods.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'lookupMeta' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsVariable 'additionalLookups' must be private and have accessor methods.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsVariable 'canEdit' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsVariable 'canUnmask' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsVariable 'canView' must be private and have accessor methods.45


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsClass HasDataValueBinding should be declared as final.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.58
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.60
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.63
ErrorsParameter model should be final.63
ErrorsParameter path should be final.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.81
ErrorsParameter model should be final.81
ErrorsParameter path should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.85
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.85
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'}' should be on the same line.133
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.134
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'}' should be on the same line.136
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'}' should be on the same line.139
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.141
Errors'}' should be on the same line.142
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'}' should be on the same line.145
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'}' should be on the same line.148
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'}' should be on the same line.151
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'}' should be on the same line.154
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.156
Errors'}' should be on the same line.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'}' should be on the same line.160
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsClass HasTextBinding should be declared as final.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.37
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.41
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsParameter object should be final.44
ErrorsParameter model should be final.44
ErrorsParameter path should be final.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.63
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
Errors'}' should be on the same line.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsParameter object should be final.126
ErrorsParameter model should be final.126
ErrorsParameter path should be final.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsClass HasValueBinding should be declared as final.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.36
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsParameter object should be final.41
ErrorsParameter model should be final.41
ErrorsParameter path should be final.41
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsParameter object should be final.76
ErrorsParameter model should be final.76
ErrorsParameter path should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMethod 'setModelValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.23
ErrorsParameter model should be final.23
ErrorsParameter path should be final.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.26
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.26
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'setWidgetValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.33
ErrorsParameter model should be final.33
ErrorsParameter path should be final.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.36
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter innerObjectKey should be final.25
Errors'innerObjectKey' hides a field.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'setModelValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.33
ErrorsParameter model should be final.33
ErrorsParameter path should be final.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMethod 'setWidgetValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.38
ErrorsParameter model should be final.38
ErrorsParameter path should be final.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'getStringList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter model should be final.42
ErrorsParameter path should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.45
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.45
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.53
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
Errors'?' should be on a new line.58
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.58
Errors':' should be on a new line.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
Errors'+' should be on a new line.60
Errors'+' should be on a new line.61
Errors'+' should be on a new line.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'}' should be on the same line.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'setInnerObjectKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsParameter innerObjectKey should be final.83
Errors'innerObjectKey' hides a field.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'innerObjectKey'.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'getInnerObjectKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <WidgetType> tag.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'DataModel'.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.35
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.43


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <WidgetType> tag.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMethod 'setDirtyFlag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsParameter model should be final.44
ErrorsParameter qPath should be final.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsMethod 'ensureDirtyFlagPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsParameter root should be final.65
ErrorsParameter path should be final.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsParameter o1 should be final.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o1'.83
ErrorsParameter o2 should be final.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o2'.83
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsParameter o1 should be final.92
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o1'.92
ErrorsParameter o2 should be final.92
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o2'.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsParameter o1 should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o1'.109
ErrorsParameter o2 should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'o2'.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsClass MultiplicityCompositeBinding should be declared as final.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.38
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.40
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsParameter mcWidget should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mcWidget'.47
ErrorsParameter model should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.47
ErrorsParameter path should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.54
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsParameter mcWidget should be final.65
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mcWidget'.65
ErrorsParameter model should be final.65
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.65
ErrorsParameter path should be final.65
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.65
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsParameter model should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.98
ErrorsParameter path should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.98
ErrorsParameter index should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'index'.98
ErrorsParameter mcWidget should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mcWidget'.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.33
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMethod 'setModelValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsParameter mcWidget should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mcWidget'.41
ErrorsParameter model should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.41
ErrorsParameter path should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.48
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.48
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsMethod 'setWidgetValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsParameter mg should be final.58
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mg'.58
ErrorsParameter model should be final.58
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.58
ErrorsParameter path should be final.58
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.67
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.67
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsMethod 'isItemDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsParameter model should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.95
ErrorsParameter path should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.95
ErrorsParameter index should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'index'.95
ErrorsParameter mcWidget should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'mcWidget'.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsClass MultiplicityGroupItemBinding should be declared as final.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.34
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.40
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsParameter multiplicityItem should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityItem'.47
ErrorsParameter model should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.47
ErrorsParameter path should be final.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsParameter multiplicityItem should be final.88
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityItem'.88
ErrorsParameter model should be final.88
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.88
ErrorsParameter path should be final.88
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsClass MultiplicityItemBinding should be declared as final.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.38
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsParameter multiplicityItem should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityItem'.51
ErrorsParameter model should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.51
ErrorsParameter path should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsParameter multiplicityItem should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityItem'.93
ErrorsParameter model should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.93
ErrorsParameter path should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMethod 'setModelValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsParameter table should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'table'.41
ErrorsParameter model should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.41
ErrorsParameter path should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMethod 'setWidgetValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsParameter table should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'table'.51
ErrorsParameter model should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.51
ErrorsParameter path should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.51
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.79
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.79
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.79
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.84
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
Errors'}' should be on the same line.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
Errors'}' should be on the same line.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsParameter path should be final.150
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.150
ErrorsParameter fullPath should be final.150
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fullPath'.150
ErrorsParameter model should be final.150
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.159
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.161
Errors'}' should be on the same line.164
Errors'}' should be on the same line.168


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsClass RichTextBinding should be declared as final.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.29
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter object should be final.34
ErrorsParameter model should be final.34
ErrorsParameter path should be final.34
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsParameter object should be final.67
ErrorsParameter model should be final.67
ErrorsParameter path should be final.67


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsClass SelectItemWidgetBinding should be declared as final.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.41
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.43
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsParameter object should be final.46
ErrorsParameter model should be final.46
ErrorsParameter path should be final.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsParameter object should be final.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.82
ErrorsParameter object should be final.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'object'.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsParameter object should be final.104
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'object'.104
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.107
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.112
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.112
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.112
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.115
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.115
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsParameter field should be final.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMethod 'getReadOnlyWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsName '_getWidget' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.104
ErrorsParameter config should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'}' should be on the same line.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'250' is a magic number.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'}' should be on the same line.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'500' is a magic number.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors'}' should be on the same line.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'}' should be on the same line.156
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'5' is a magic number.165
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
Errors'3' is a magic number.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
Errors'4' is a magic number.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'}' should be on the same line.180
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.181
Errors'23' is a magic number.181
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
Errors'}' should be on the same line.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.184
Errors'35' is a magic number.184
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
Errors'}' should be on the same line.186
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.187
Errors'60' is a magic number.187
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
Errors'}' should be on the same line.189
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.190
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
Errors'}' should be on the same line.193
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.194
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter controllerId should be final.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'hideView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsParameter view should be final.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMethod 'renderView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsParameter view should be final.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'viewContainer' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'layout' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsVariable 'header' must be private and have accessor methods.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter controllerId should be final.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'getHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMethod 'hideView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsParameter view should be final.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'renderView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsParameter view should be final.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.13


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.26
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'button'.26
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.33
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'button'.33
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'button'.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'excludedViews'.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'description'.47


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.15


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsParameter result should be final.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.37
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'addMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMethod 'attachEditLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'generateEditLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsParameter event should be final.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'}' should be on the same line.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'}' should be on the same line.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.106
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.106
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'showView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.112
ErrorsParameter onReadyCallback should be final.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'}' should be on the same line.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'}' should be on the same line.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'}' should be on the same line.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsMethod 'setEditable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsParameter editable should be final.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.136
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors'}' should be on the same line.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.142
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsMethod 'setEditMode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
Errors'editMode' hides a field.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsParameter result should be final.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsMethod 'addCommonEditButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.163
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.163
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.163
ErrorsParameter button should be final.163
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.167
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.167
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.169
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'menuViewMap' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'viewMenuItemMap' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter result should be final.54
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMethod 'removeMenuNavigation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsMethod 'setContentTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter title should be final.90
ErrorsMethod 'addContentWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsParameter w should be final.95
ErrorsMethod 'setSideBarWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter w should be final.100
ErrorsMethod 'setContentInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter info should be final.104
ErrorsMethod 'setContentWarning' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter info should be final.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsMethod 'showPrint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsParameter show should be final.117
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsMethod 'addCommonButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.124
ErrorsParameter button should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'button'.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsMethod 'addCommonButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.138
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.138
ErrorsParameter button should be final.138
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'button'.138
ErrorsParameter excludedViews should be final.138
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'excludedViews'.138
ErrorsMethod 'showNextViewOnMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.151
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.151
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonForView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.158
ErrorsParameter button should be final.158
ErrorsMethod 'hideView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.170
ErrorsParameter view should be final.171
ErrorsMethod 'renderView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsParameter view should be final.177
ErrorsMethod 'addMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.193
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.193
ErrorsParameter title should be final.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.210
ErrorsMethod 'addStartMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.213
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.213
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.213
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.213
ErrorsMethod 'revealMenuItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.228
ErrorsMethod 'addMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
ErrorsParameter parentMenu should be final.232
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentMenu'.232
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.232
ErrorsParameter event should be final.247
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.276
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsMethod 'addSpecialMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.282
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.283
ErrorsParameter description should be final.283
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'description'.283
ErrorsParameter event should be final.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.311
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.312
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.315


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsVariable 'tabPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'layout' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'header' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter controllerId should be final.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'setBasicTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.40
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'titleText'.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'setContentTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter title should be final.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsMethod 'addContentWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter w should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsMethod 'setContentInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter info should be final.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsMethod 'setContentWarning' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter info should be final.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsMethod 'showPrint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter show should be final.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter view should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsParameter view should be final.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'showDefaultView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsParameter onReadyCallback should be final.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter tabName should be final.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsParameter result should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsVariable 'defaultView' must be private and have accessor methods.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsVariable 'orderedSectionViews' must be private and have accessor methods.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter tabDefaultView should be final.86
Errors'tabDefaultView' hides a field.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsParameter action should be final.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.137
ErrorsParameter content should be final.137
Errors'content' hides a field.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsParameter hierarchy should be final.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.149
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsParameter event should be final.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.187
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.197
ErrorsParameter view should be final.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.199
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.206
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'}' should be on the same line.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsParameter button should be final.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.225
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.225
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.231
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.246
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.246
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.251
ErrorsParameter controllerId should be final.251
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.258
ErrorsParameter controllerId should be final.258
ErrorsParameter container should be final.258
Errors'container' hides a field.258
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsMethod 'getContainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.268
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.268
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.268
ErrorsMethod 'setContainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.272
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.272
ErrorsParameter container should be final.272
Errors'container' hides a field.272
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.272
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.273
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsMethod 'getView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.276
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.277
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnumValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.281
ErrorsParameter enumValue should be final.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsMethod 'isUpdateableSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.286
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.286
ErrorsMethod 'setUpdateableSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.290
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.290
ErrorsParameter isUpdateable should be final.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsParameter view should be final.295
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsMethod 'renderView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsParameter view should be final.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.305
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsMethod 'showDefaultView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsParameter hierarchy should be final.325
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.335
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.339
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.339
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsParameter result should be final.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.351
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
Errors'}' should be on the same line.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.353
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.357
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
Errors'}' should be on the same line.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.360
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsMethod 'addToolbar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.369
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.369
ErrorsParameter toolbar should be final.369
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsMethod 'showStartSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.373
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.373
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.373
ErrorsMethod 'getStartSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.377
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.377
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.378
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
Errors'}' should be on the same line.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.381
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.384
ErrorsMethod 'addStartSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.391
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.393
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.395
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.395
ErrorsParameter event should be final.396
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.400
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.400
ErrorsParameter action should be final.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.409
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.409
ErrorsParameter event should be final.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.417
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.418
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.420
ErrorsMethod 'addButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.420
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.420
ErrorsParameter tabKey should be final.420
ErrorsParameter button should be final.420
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.420
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.421
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.423
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.423
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.424
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsMethod 'getButtonPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.429
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.429
ErrorsParameter tabKey should be final.429
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.429
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.432
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.432
ErrorsMethod 'getNextButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.438
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.438
ErrorsParameter tabKey should be final.438
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.447
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.447
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.449
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.449
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.449
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.449
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.456
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.456
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.456
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.457
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.457
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.459
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.463
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.464
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.465
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.465
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.466
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.466
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.468
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.469
ErrorsMethod 'isValid' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.469
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.469
ErrorsParameter checkCurrentSectionOnly should be final.469
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.472
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.474
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.474
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.477
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.478
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.478
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.486
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.488
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.488
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.489
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.490
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.491
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.491
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.491
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.491
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.493
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.498
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.499
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.499
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.500
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.500
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.500
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.500
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.501
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.501
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.503
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.506
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.508
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.508
ErrorsParameter section should be final.508
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.509
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.512
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.513


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.11
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.18
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<V>'.18
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<V>'.26
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.33


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'itemPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter style should be final.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.83
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.83


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'itemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.42
ErrorsMethod 'getItemDecorator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsParameter style should be final.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'style'.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsMethod 'generateAddWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'getItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.61
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsVariable 'mainPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsVariable 'itemsPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'loaded' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'itemCount' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsVariable 'visualItemCount' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsVariable 'minEmptyItems' must be private and have accessor methods.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsVariable 'items' must be private and have accessor methods.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsVariable 'removed' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsVariable 'itemKeys' must be private and have accessor methods.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsVariable 'style' must be private and have accessor methods.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsVariable 'titleWidget' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter style should be final.57
Errors'style' hides a field.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsVariable 'removeCallback' must be private and have accessor methods.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsParameter itemToRemove should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'getAddItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.107
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'incrementItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.129
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsMethod 'getItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsMethod 'getRemovedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.139
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsMethod 'setMinEmptyItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsParameter minCount should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'minCount'.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.166
Errors'style' hides a field.166
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'style'.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.169
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.172
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.179


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsVariable 'row' must be private and have accessor methods.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsVariable 'concatenatedFields' must be private and have accessor methods.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsParameter multiplicityType should be final.87
Errors'multiplicityType' hides a field.87
ErrorsParameter styleType should be final.87
Errors'styleType' hides a field.87
ErrorsParameter metaData should be final.87
Errors'metaData' hides a field.87
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'nextLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldDescriptor'.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
Errors'}' should be on the same line.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsMethod 'setFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter fields should be final.120
Errors'fields' hides a field.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsMethod 'addConcatenatedField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.144
ErrorsParameter parentField should be final.144
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentField'.144
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.144
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.144
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsMethod 'copy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'row' hides a field.169
Errors'fields' hides a field.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsMethod 'getMultiplicityType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsMethod 'setMultiplicityType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.192
ErrorsParameter multiplicityType should be final.192
Errors'multiplicityType' hides a field.192
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityType'.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsMethod 'getParentFd' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.196
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.201
ErrorsMethod 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.205
ErrorsParameter parentFd should be final.205
Errors'parentFd' hides a field.205
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentFd'.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsMethod 'getFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.211
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsMethod 'getItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.215
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.219
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.223
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.223
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'itemLabel'.223
ErrorsMethod 'getAddItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.227
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsMethod 'setAddItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsParameter addItemLabel should be final.235
Errors'addItemLabel' hides a field.235
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'addItemLabel'.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsMethod 'getStyleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.243
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.243
ErrorsParameter styleType should be final.243
Errors'styleType' hides a field.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsMethod 'getNestedConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.247
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.252
ErrorsMethod 'setNestedConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.257
ErrorsParameter config should be final.257
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'config'.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsMethod 'isShowHeaders' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.261
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.261
ErrorsMethod 'setShowHeaders' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.269
ErrorsParameter showHeaders should be final.269
Errors'showHeaders' hides a field.269
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'showHeaders'.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsMethod 'getConcatenatedFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.273
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsMethod 'isUpdateable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.277
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.277
ErrorsMethod 'setUpdateable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.287
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.287
Errors'updateable' hides a field.287
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'updateable'.287
ErrorsMethod 'getLayoutType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.291
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.291
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.295
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.295
ErrorsParameter multiplicityType should be final.295
Errors'multiplicityType' hides a field.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsMethod 'getMetaData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.299
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsMethod 'setMetaData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.303
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.303
ErrorsParameter metaData should be final.303
Errors'metaData' hides a field.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.308
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.308
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.312
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.312
ErrorsParameter title should be final.312
Errors'title' hides a field.312
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.318
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsMethod 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.327
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.327
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.327
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.327
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'meta'.327
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.348
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldKey'.348
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'messageKey'.348
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.348
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'meta'.348
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.350
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.352
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsMethod 'getCustomMultiplicityGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.375
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.375
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.379
ErrorsMethod 'setCustomMultiplicityGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.379
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.379
ErrorsParameter customMultiplicityGroup should be final.379
Errors'customMultiplicityGroup' hides a field.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsMethod 'setDefaultItemsCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.383
ErrorsParameter defaultItemsCreated should be final.383
Errors'defaultItemsCreated' hides a field.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsMethod 'getDefaultItemsCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.390
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.391


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter fieldPath should be final.19
Errors'fieldPath' hides a field.19
ErrorsParameter messageKeyInfo should be final.20
Errors'messageKeyInfo' hides a field.20
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.21
Errors'metadata' hides a field.21
ErrorsParameter fieldWidgetInitializer should be final.22
Errors'fieldWidgetInitializer' hides a field.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter fieldPath should be final.32
Errors'fieldPath' hides a field.32
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageKeyInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMethod 'setMessageKeyInfo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter messageKeyInfo should be final.38
Errors'messageKeyInfo' hides a field.38
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMethod 'setMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.44
Errors'metadata' hides a field.44
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldWidgetInitializer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldWidgetInitializer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter fieldWidgetInitializer should be final.50
Errors'fieldWidgetInitializer' hides a field.50
ErrorsMethod 'isRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter isRequired should be final.58
Errors'isRequired' hides a field.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'setModelWidgetBinding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter modelWidgetBinding should be final.62
Errors'modelWidgetBinding' hides a field.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'getModelWidgetBinding' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'setOptional' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsParameter optional should be final.77
Errors'optional' hides a field.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'optional'.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'isOptional' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsParameter config should be final.81
Errors'config' hides a field.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsParameter swappableFieldsDefinition should be final.82
Errors'swappableFieldsDefinition' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter deletionParentKeys should be final.83
Errors'deletionParentKeys' hides a field.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsParameter config should be final.101
Errors'config' hides a field.101
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'config'.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsVariable 'removeCallback' must be private and have accessor methods.106
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.106
ErrorsParameter itemToRemove should be final.108
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'}' should be on the same line.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.136
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'}' should be on the same line.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsParameter event should be final.153
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.160
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsMethod 'createItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsMethod 'getItemsPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.205
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'10' is a magic number.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'}' should be on the same line.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.235
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.240
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242
ErrorsParameter event should be final.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.247
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.247
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsParameter event should be final.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.268
Errors'?' should be on a new line.268
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.268
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.282
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.288
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.297
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.300
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.303
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.303
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.304
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.307
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.310
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.328
ErrorsMethod 'configSwappableMultiplicitySection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.328
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.328
ErrorsParameter origConfig should be final.328
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.338
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.341
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.345
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.347
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.347
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.347
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.348
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.348
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.351
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.353
ErrorsEmpty statement.354
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.356
ErrorsMethod 'translatePath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.371
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.371
ErrorsParameter path should be final.371
Errors'}' should be on the same line.382
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.387
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.387
Errors'10' is a magic number.387
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.392
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.392
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.392
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.399
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.399
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.399
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.400
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.400
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.400
ErrorsMethod 'incrementItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.405
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.405
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.409
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.414
ErrorsMethod 'getAddItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.414
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.415
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.416
ErrorsMethod 'getItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.419
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.419
ErrorsMethod 'getRemovedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.423
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsMethod 'getItemCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.427
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.427
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.431
ErrorsMethod 'setItemCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.431
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.431
ErrorsParameter itemCount should be final.431
Errors'itemCount' hides a field.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.432
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.435
ErrorsMethod 'getParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.435
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.436
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.437
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.440
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.444
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.444
Errors'parentPath' hides a field.444
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.444
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.445
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.446
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.448
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.448
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.449
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
ErrorsMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.452
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.452
ErrorsParameter config should be final.452
Errors'config' hides a field.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.453
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.454
ErrorsMethod 'resetDirtyFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.456
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.456
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.458
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.458
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.458
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.459
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.461
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.461
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.464
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.467
ErrorsMethod 'isDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.467
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.467
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.469
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.469
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.469
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.471
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.475
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.477
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsMethod 'setIsDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.484
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.484
ErrorsParameter dirty should be final.484
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.486
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.488
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.488
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.489
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.489
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.490
ErrorsParameter conditions should be final.490
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.490
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.494
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.501
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.503
ErrorsParameter id should be final.503
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.503
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.508
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.510
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.510
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.515
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.517
ErrorsParameter id should be final.517
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.517
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.521
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.521
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.521
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.525
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.529
ErrorsParameter cols should be final.529
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'cols'.529
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.529
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.533
ErrorsParameter isMultipleSelect should be final.533
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.533
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.533
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.535
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.538
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.541
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.541
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.543
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.543
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.543
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.543
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.547
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.547
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.551
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.551
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.555
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.555
ErrorsParameter name should be final.555
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.559
ErrorsParameter b should be final.560
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.564
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.569
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.574
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.579
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.584
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.585
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.589
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.590
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.594
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.594
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.594
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.598
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.598
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.602
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.602
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.602
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.607
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.608
ErrorsMethod 'setIgnoreMultipleAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.613
ErrorsParameter ignoreMultiple should be final.613
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ignoreMultiple'.613
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.613
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.618
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.620
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.621
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.621
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.622
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.623
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.624
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.625
ErrorsMethod 'updateFieldDisplay' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.626
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.626
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.627
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.628
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.628
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.628
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.633
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.637
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.641
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.641
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.641
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.650
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.650
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.655
ErrorsMethod 'getParentSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.666
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.666
ErrorsMethod 'setParentSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.669
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.669
ErrorsParameter parentSection should be final.669
Errors'parentSection' hides a field.669
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.672
ErrorsMethod 'getSwappableFieldsDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.672
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.672
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.675
ErrorsMethod 'setSwappableFieldsDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.675
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.675
ErrorsParameter swappableFieldsDefinition should be final.675
Errors'swappableFieldsDefinition' hides a field.675
ErrorsMethod 'getHelperFieldKeys' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.678
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.678
ErrorsMethod 'setHelperFieldKeys' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.681
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.681
ErrorsParameter helperFieldKeys should be final.681
Errors'helperFieldKeys' hides a field.681
ErrorsMethod 'getConditionChoices' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.684
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.684
ErrorsMethod 'setConditionChoices' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.687
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.687
ErrorsParameter conditionChoices should be final.687
Errors'conditionChoices' hides a field.687
ErrorsMethod 'getSwapSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.690
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.690
ErrorsMethod 'setSwapSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.693
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.693
ErrorsParameter swapSection should be final.693
Errors'swapSection' hides a field.693


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.34
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsVariable 'itemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.55
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'itemLabel'.55
ErrorsParameter style should be final.55
Errors'style' hides a field.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'style'.55
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.55
Errors'updateable' hides a field.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'updateable'.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.64
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsParameter event should be final.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'getItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsMethod 'setItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter itemKey should be final.97
Errors'itemKey' hides a field.97
ErrorsMethod 'getItemWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsMethod 'setItemWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsParameter itemWidget should be final.105
Errors'itemWidget' hides a field.105
ErrorsMethod 'setRemoveCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsMethod 'getRemoveCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsMethod 'isCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsMethod 'setCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter created should be final.121
Errors'created' hides a field.121
ErrorsMethod 'isDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsMethod 'setDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsParameter isDeleted should be final.129
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.131
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.131


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMethod 'getItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMethod 'setItemKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter itemKey should be final.45
Errors'itemKey' hides a field.45
ErrorsMethod 'getItemWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMethod 'setItemWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter itemWidget should be final.53
Errors'itemWidget' hides a field.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'setRemoveCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMethod 'getRemoveCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsMethod 'isCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsMethod 'setCreated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter created should be final.69
ErrorsMethod 'isDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMethod 'setDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsParameter isDeleted should be final.77
Errors'isDeleted' hides a field.77
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.79
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsVariable 'row' must be private and have accessor methods.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsParameter config should be final.56
Errors'config' hides a field.56
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'config'.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsMethod 'initTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMethod 'buildHeaders' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
Errors'row' hides a field.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsMethod 'addHeaderCell' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter fieldValue should be final.88
ErrorsMethod 'addNextCell' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsParameter fieldValue should be final.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter row should be final.99
Errors'row' hides a field.99
ErrorsParameter cell should be final.99
ErrorsParameter fieldValue should be final.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsMethod 'addEmptyCell' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsMethod 'nextRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
ErrorsMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter config should be final.120
Errors'config' hides a field.120
ErrorsMethod 'getParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.128
Errors'parentPath' hides a field.128


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'itemPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter event should be final.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.42
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsVariable 'itemPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsMethod 'isReadOnly' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.52
Errors'readOnly' hides a field.52
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.52
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.53
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter event should be final.57
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
Errors'}' should be on the same line.77
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.122
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.122
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.122
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.122
ErrorsMethod 'setUseDeleteLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.126
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.126
ErrorsParameter useDeleteLabel should be final.126
Errors'useDeleteLabel' hides a field.126


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter op should be final.14
Errors'op' hides a field.14
ErrorsMethod 'getOp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMethod 'setOp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsParameter op should be final.20
Errors'op' hides a field.20
ErrorsMethod 'getChildrenConditions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMethod 'setChildrenConditions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter childrenConditions should be final.29
Errors'childrenConditions' hides a field.29
ErrorsMethod 'getChildrenCompositeConditions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMethod 'setChildrenCompositeConditions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter childrenCompositeConditions should be final.35
Errors'childrenCompositeConditions' hides a field.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMethod 'evaluate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter section should be final.38
ErrorsParameter helperFieldKeys should be final.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsMethod 'getConditionId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsMethod 'setConditionId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter conditionId should be final.88
Errors'conditionId' hides a field.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsParameter multiplicityFieldConfiguration should be final.8
Errors'multiplicityFieldConfiguration' hides a field.8
ErrorsParameter multiplicityConfiguration should be final.9
Errors'multiplicityConfiguration' hides a field.9
ErrorsMethod 'getMultiplicityFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsMethod 'setMultiplicityFieldConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter multiplicityFieldConfiguration should be final.17
Errors'multiplicityFieldConfiguration' hides a field.17
ErrorsMethod 'getMultiplicityConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsMethod 'setMultiplicityConfiguration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter multiplicityConfiguration should be final.23
Errors'multiplicityConfiguration' hides a field.23
ErrorsMethod 'useMultiplicity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMethod 'getFd' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMethod 'setFd' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.19
Errors'fd' hides a field.19
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter value should be final.25
Errors'value' hides a field.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter inString should be final.28
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsMethod 'evaluate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter section should be final.31
ErrorsParameter helperFieldKeys should be final.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.49


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'addItemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'itemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'readOnly' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter style should be final.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter style should be final.44
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.44
Errors'readOnly' hides a field.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.46
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.52
ErrorsMethod 'getItemDecorator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsParameter style should be final.53
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'style'.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.62
ErrorsMethod 'generateAddWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'}' should be on the same line.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsParameter event should be final.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMethod 'getAddItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsMethod 'setAddItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsParameter addItemLabel should be final.89
Errors'addItemLabel' hides a field.89
ErrorsMethod 'getItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.97
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsVariable 'layout' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsVariable 'sections' must be private and have accessor methods.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsVariable 'fields' must be private and have accessor methods.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsVariable 'layoutController' must be private and have accessor methods.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsVariable 'isValidationEnabled' must be private and have accessor methods.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsVariable 'isDirty' must be private and have accessor methods.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldDescriptor'.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsParameter result should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsParameter model should be final.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.114
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.115
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.116
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.116
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsParameter model should be final.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors'}' should be on a new line.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.169
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor should be final.169
ErrorsParameter model should be final.169
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.174
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.177
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsMethod 'ensureDirtyFlagPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
ErrorsParameter root should be final.186
ErrorsParameter path should be final.186
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.191
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsParameter section should be final.211
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsMethod 'removeSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsParameter section should be final.225
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.225
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsMethod 'clearValidation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsMethod 'getFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.249
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.249
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsMethod 'getUnnestedFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsMethod 'getSections' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.279
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsParameter results should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'results'.280
ErrorsParameter clearAllValidation should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'clearAllValidation'.280
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.281
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.288
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.288
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.290
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.291
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.291
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.291
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.293
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.296
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.296
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.300
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.300
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.308
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.308
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.308
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.312
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.312
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.312
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.313
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.313
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.314
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.315
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.315
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.322
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.322
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.325
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.326
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.326
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.327
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.327
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.328
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.329
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.343
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.343
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.343
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.345
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.356
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.358
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsParameter results should be final.359
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'results'.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsMethod 'getLayoutController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsMethod 'addWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsParameter w should be final.384
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'w'.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.389
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.390
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.392
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldHasHadFocusFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.394
ErrorsParameter hadFocus should be final.394
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'hadFocus'.394
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.395
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.395
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.395
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.397
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.397
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.398
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.398
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.400
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.400
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.400
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.401
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.401
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.405
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.405
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.405
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.408
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.408
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.409
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.409
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.409
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.416
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.416
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.416
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.422
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.424
ErrorsMethod 'enableValidation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.426
ErrorsParameter enableValidation should be final.427
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'enableValidation'.427
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
ErrorsMethod 'isValidationEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.434
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.436
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.437
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.437
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.437
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.438
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.438
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.439
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.441
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.442
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.442
ErrorsParameter model should be final.443
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.443
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.443
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.448
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.449
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.453
ErrorsMethod 'updateWidgetData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.455
ErrorsParameter model should be final.456
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.456
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.462
ErrorsMethod 'resetFieldInteractionFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.464
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.466
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.467
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.467
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.467
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.472
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.472
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.472
ErrorsMethod 'resetDirtyFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.481
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.481
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.481
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.485
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.485
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.491
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.492
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsParameter key should be final.497
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'key'.497
ErrorsParameter section should be final.497
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.504
ErrorsMethod 'getField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.505
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.506
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.506
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.506
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.506
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.507
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.507
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.507
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.509
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.512
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.514
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.516
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.517
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.517
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.519
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.520
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.520
ErrorsMethod 'getLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.520
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.522
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.523
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.525
ErrorsMethod 'getSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.525
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.526
ErrorsParameter sectionKey should be final.526
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.527
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.527
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.527
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.527
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.528
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.528
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.528
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.530
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.531
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.532
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.533
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.535
ErrorsMethod 'removeField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.535
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.536
ErrorsParameter fieldKey should be final.536
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.537
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.538
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.539
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.539
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.539
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.539
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.540
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.540
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.540
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.541
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.542
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.543
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.544
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.545
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.546
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.546
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.546
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.547
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.548
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.549
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.551
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.553
ErrorsMethod 'removeField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.553
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.554
ErrorsParameter field should be final.554
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.556
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.557
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.559
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.561
ErrorsMethod 'removeSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.561
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.562
ErrorsParameter sectionKey should be final.562
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.563
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.564
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.565
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.565
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.565
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.565
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.566
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.566
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.566
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.567
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.568
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.569
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.570
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.571
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.572
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.572
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.572
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.573
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.574
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.575
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.577
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.579
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.579
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.580
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.580
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.581
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.583
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.585
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.585
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.586
ErrorsParameter key should be final.586
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.587
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.589
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.591
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.591
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.592
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.592
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.593
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.594
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.594
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.595
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.595
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.596
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.597
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.597
ErrorsMethod 'isDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.597
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.597
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.598
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.598
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.598
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.599
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.600
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.600
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.600
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.600
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.601
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.601
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.601
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.602
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.603
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.604
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.605
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.606
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.607
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.608
ErrorsMethod 'setIsDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.610
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.610
ErrorsParameter state should be final.610
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.611
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.612
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.612
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.613
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.614
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.615
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.615
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.616
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.617
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.617
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.618
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.618
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.619
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.620
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.623
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.623
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.624
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.624
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.625
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.626
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.626
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.627
ErrorsParameter w should be final.627
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'w'.627
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.628
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.629
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.631
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.632
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.633
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.633
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.634
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.635
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.635
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.636
ErrorsParameter style should be final.636
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'style'.636
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.637
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.638
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.640
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.640
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.641
ErrorsParameter style should be final.641
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.642
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.643
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.645
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.645
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.646
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.646
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.647
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.648
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.649
ErrorsMethod 'setInstructions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.649
ErrorsParameter html should be final.649
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'html'.649
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.649
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.650
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.651
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.653
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.653
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.654
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.655
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.656
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.657
ErrorsMethod 'setHelp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.657
ErrorsParameter html should be final.657
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'html'.657
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.657
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.658
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.659
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.660
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.660
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.661
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.661
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.662
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.663
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.664
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.665
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.665
ErrorsParameter required should be final.665
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'required'.665
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.665
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.666
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.667


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter showLabel should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter title should be final.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'nextLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.14
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'deletionParentKeys'.14


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter title should be final.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'nextRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter text should be final.37
ErrorsParameter visible should be final.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter visible should be final.56
ErrorsParameter showStyling should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter text should be final.65
ErrorsParameter messageVisible should be final.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter w should be final.70
ErrorsParameter beforeIndex should be final.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsParameter w should be final.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMethod 'showWarnStyling' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsParameter showStyling should be final.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.80
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'}' should be on the same line.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter title should be final.35
Errors'title' hides a field.35
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'addDeleteHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.57
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.57
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'addHelpHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.FieldDescriptor.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsParameter config should be final.81
Errors'config' hides a field.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.86
ErrorsParameter config should be final.87
Errors'config' hides a field.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsParameter swappableFieldsDefinition should be final.88
Errors'swappableFieldsDefinition' hides a field.88
ErrorsParameter deletionParentKeys should be final.89
Errors'deletionParentKeys' hides a field.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
Errors'(' is preceded with whitespace.113
Errors'(' is preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
Errors'(' is preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'(' is preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'}' should be on the same line.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.151
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.151
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'}' should be on the same line.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsMethod 'resetFieldInteractionFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsMethod 'resetDirtyFlags' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsMethod 'isDirty' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.187
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.187
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'isReadOnly' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.40
Errors'readOnly' hides a field.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.41
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setReadOnly' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.44
Errors'readOnly' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter style should be final.48
Errors'style' hides a field.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter style should be final.54
Errors'style' hides a field.54
ErrorsParameter readOnly should be final.54
Errors'readOnly' hides a field.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'setItemLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter itemLabel should be final.67
Errors'itemLabel' hides a field.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'}' should be on the same line.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsParameter event should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsClass SectionBinding should be declared as final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.42
ErrorsVariable 'INSTANCE' must be private and have accessor methods.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsParameter section should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.51
ErrorsParameter model should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.51
ErrorsParameter path should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.76
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.80
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.103
Errors'?' should be on a new line.103
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'}' should be on the same line.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter model should be final.120
ErrorsParameter path should be final.120
ErrorsParameter value should be final.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsParameter section should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'section'.146
ErrorsParameter model should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.146
ErrorsParameter path should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.LayoutController.9
ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.event.SectionUpdateEvent.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsParameter selectableWidget should be final.43
Errors'selectableWidget' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'selectableWidget'.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter selectableWidget should be final.47
Errors'selectableWidget' hides a field.47
ErrorsParameter dialog should be final.47
Errors'dialog' hides a field.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter selectableWidget should be final.52
Errors'selectableWidget' hides a field.52
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsParameter event should be final.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsParameter event should be final.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
Errors'}' should be on the same line.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'}' should be on the same line.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'}' should be on the same line.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
Errors'}' should be on the same line.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.134
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsParameter key should be final.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsParameter key should be final.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.163
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsMethod 'enableConfirmation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsParameter enable should be final.175
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.179
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.179
ErrorsParameter section should be final.179
ErrorsParameter swapKey should be final.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.183
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
ErrorsParameter key should be final.190
ErrorsParameter section should be final.190
ErrorsParameter swapKey should be final.190
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.195
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsParameter section should be final.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'+' should be on a new line.205
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsParameter key should be final.211
ErrorsParameter section should be final.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
Errors'+' should be on a new line.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsMethod 'getDeletedSections' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsMethod 'getDeletionParentKeys' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.228
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.229
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.230
ErrorsMethod 'setDeletionParentKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.232
ErrorsParameter deletionParentKeys should be final.233
Errors'deletionParentKeys' hides a field.233
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'deletionParentKeys'.233


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter title should be final.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter topMargin should be final.41
Errors'topMargin' hides a field.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'addMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter message should be final.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter title should be final.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter shown should be final.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter w should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'addWarnWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter w should be final.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'showWarningLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter show should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
Errors'}' should be on the same line.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.*.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'modelId' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsVariable 'model' must be private and have accessor methods.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.53
Errors'viewEnum' hides a field.53
ErrorsParameter viewName should be final.53
Errors'viewName' hides a field.53
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.58
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.63
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMethod 'setViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.68
Errors'viewEnum' hides a field.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsMethod 'beforeShow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.88
ErrorsParameter m should be final.94
ErrorsParameter result should be final.108
ErrorsMethod 'getModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsMethod 'setModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.123
Errors'modelId' hides a field.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsMethod 'beforeHide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.138
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsMethod 'getController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.148
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.153
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter name should be final.158
ErrorsMethod 'setController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.162
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.162
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsMethod 'updateView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsParameter m should be final.176
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.184
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.191
ErrorsMethod 'updateView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.195
ErrorsParameter m should be final.195
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'm'.195
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.203
ErrorsMethod 'asWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.210
ErrorsMethod 'collectHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.210
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.211
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.216
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.219
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsMethod 'collectBreadcrumbNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.226
ErrorsParameter names should be final.227
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'names'.227
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.231
ErrorsMethod 'addView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsParameter view should be final.235
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.235
ErrorsMethod 'getModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.240
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.240
ErrorsMethod 'updateMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.244
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.244
ErrorsParameter modelDefinition should be final.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsParameter modelDefinition should be final.248
ErrorsParameter topSection should be final.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.260


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.38
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewEnum'.38
ErrorsParameter name should be final.38
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.38
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.38
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'modelId'.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.48
ErrorsParameter name should be final.48
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.48
ErrorsParameter showTitle should be final.48
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsParameter viewEnum should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewEnum'.71
ErrorsParameter name should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.71
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'modelId'.71
ErrorsParameter titleWidget should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'titleWidget'.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.78
ErrorsMethod 'updateModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMethod 'setSectionTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsParameter title should be final.96


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'getFileName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'setFileName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter fileName should be final.33
Errors'fileName' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'getStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'setStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter status should be final.39
Errors'status' hides a field.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'getProgress' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod 'setProgress' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter progress should be final.45
Errors'progress' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getDocId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'setDocId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter docId should be final.51
Errors'docId' hides a field.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'getTotalSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setTotalSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter totalSize should be final.44
Errors'totalSize' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMethod 'getProgress' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'setProgress' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter progress should be final.50
Errors'progress' hides a field.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'getStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'setStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter status should be final.56
Errors'status' hides a field.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getItemsRead' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'setItemsRead' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter itemsRead should be final.62
Errors'itemsRead' hides a field.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'getCreatedDocIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'setCreatedDocIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter createdDocIds should be final.68
Errors'createdDocIds' hides a field.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'getFileStatusList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'setFileStatusList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsParameter fileStatusList should be final.74
Errors'fileStatusList' hides a field.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <H> tag.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMethod 'getActionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMethod 'setActionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter actionCompleteCallback should be final.36
Errors'actionCompleteCallback' hides a field.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsMethod 'doActionComplete' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.32
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter id should be final.31
Errors'id' hides a field.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsMethod 'setActionState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter state should be final.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.55
ErrorsMethod 'getActionState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsMethod 'isAcknowledgeRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMethod 'setAcknowledgeRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter acknowledgeRequired should be final.68
Errors'acknowledgeRequired' hides a field.68
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter id should be final.76
Errors'id' hides a field.76


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter gotoNextView should be final.39
Errors'gotoNextView' hides a field.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter message should be final.43
Errors'message' hides a field.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.48
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'setActionState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter state should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.65
ErrorsMethod 'getActionState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsMethod 'isAcknowledgeRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsMethod 'setAcknowledgeRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsParameter acknowledgeRequired should be final.78
Errors'acknowledgeRequired' hides a field.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMethod 'gotoNextView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'setGotoNextView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter gotoNextView should be final.86
Errors'gotoNextView' hides a field.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'setSaveSuccessful' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter saveSuccessful should be final.90
Errors'saveSuccessful' hides a field.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'isSaveSuccessful' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.30


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMethod 'setSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsParameter section should be final.10
Errors'section' hides a field.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMethod 'getSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.32
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldDescriptor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldDescriptor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor should be final.45
Errors'fieldDescriptor' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'validateSingleField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'setValidateSingleField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsParameter validateSingleField should be final.58
Errors'validateSingleField' hides a field.58
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'validateSingleField'.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.34
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMethod 'setValidationResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter l should be final.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsMethod 'addValidationResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter l should be final.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsMethod 'getValidationResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21


ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'maxSize' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsVariable 'buffer' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsParameter maxSize should be final.43
Errors'maxSize' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'maxSize'.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsParameter message should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'getLogMessages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter message should be final.25
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter message should be final.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsParameter level should be final.27
Errors'level' hides a field.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsVariable 'logLevel' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'message' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'error' must be private and have accessor methods.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter level should be final.36
ErrorsParameter message should be final.36
Errors'message' hides a field.36
ErrorsParameter error should be final.36
Errors'error' hides a field.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'getLogLevel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod 'setLogLevel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter logLevel should be final.45
Errors'logLevel' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'setMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter message should be final.51
Errors'message' hides a field.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'getError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'setError' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter error should be final.57
Errors'error' hides a field.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.31
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsVariable 'logLevel' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'buffer' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'clientContextInfo' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'maxBufferSize' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsParameter maxSize should be final.44
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'maxSize'.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter level should be final.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter message should be final.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsParameter level should be final.64
ErrorsParameter message should be final.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter level should be final.70
ErrorsParameter message should be final.70
ErrorsParameter error should be final.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter message should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter message should be final.79
ErrorsParameter error should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter message should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter message should be final.86
ErrorsParameter error should be final.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter message should be final.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsParameter message should be final.93
ErrorsParameter error should be final.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter message should be final.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter message should be final.100
ErrorsParameter error should be final.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter message should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter message should be final.107
ErrorsParameter error should be final.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsParameter result should be final.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsParameter messages should be final.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.159
ErrorsParameter t should be final.159
ErrorsParameter s should be final.159


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMethod 'addModelChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'fireChangeEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter action should be final.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'action'.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsParameter object should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'object'.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsParameter object should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'object'.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsMethod 'addModelChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsMethod 'getValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsParameter value should be final.108
Errors'value' hides a field.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsParameter action should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'action'.34
ErrorsParameter source should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'source'.34
ErrorsParameter value should be final.34
Errors'value' hides a field.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.45
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsParameter result should be final.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsVariable 'parentController' must be private and have accessor methods.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsVariable 'context' must be private and have accessor methods.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'showView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsMethod 'showView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsParameter result should be final.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsParameter result should be final.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'}' should be on the same line.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.134
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors'}' should be on the same line.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'}' should be on the same line.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.162
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsParameter result should be final.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.178
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'fireNavigationEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.193
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.201
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.202
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.207
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.210
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.211
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.211
ErrorsMethod 'setCurrentViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.215
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsParameter currentViewEnum should be final.215
Errors'currentViewEnum' hides a field.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.224
ErrorsMethod 'setParentController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.228
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.235
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.238
ErrorsMethod 'getParentController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.238
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.247
ErrorsParameter w should be final.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.272
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsMethod 'requestModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.283
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.284
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'modelType'.284
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.285
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.285
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.287
ErrorsMethod 'requestModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.288
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.288
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.290
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.299
ErrorsMethod 'requestModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.304
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.304
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.306
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.309
ErrorsMethod 'registerModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.309
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.309
ErrorsParameter modelId should be final.309
ErrorsParameter provider should be final.309
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.312
ErrorsMethod 'getDefaultModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.313
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313
ErrorsMethod 'setDefaultModelId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.316
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.316
ErrorsParameter defaultModelId should be final.316
Errors'defaultModelId' hides a field.316
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.324
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.329
ErrorsMethod 'addApplicationEventHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.329
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.330
ErrorsParameter type should be final.330
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'type'.330
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.330
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'handler'.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.331
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.339
ErrorsMethod 'fireApplicationEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.342
ErrorsParameter event should be final.343
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'event'.343
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.349
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.356
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.359
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.363
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'view'.366
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.369
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.370
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.375
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<V>'.375
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.375
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.375
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.376
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.378
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.379
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.383
ErrorsMethod 'beforeViewChange' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsParameter viewChangingTo should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewChangingTo'.383
ErrorsParameter okToChangeCallback should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'okToChangeCallback'.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.388
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.390
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.391
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.392
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.393
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.395
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.396
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.398
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.400
ErrorsMethod 'collectHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.400
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.401
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.404
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.405
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.408
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.410
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
Errors'}' should be on the same line.412
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.413
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.413
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.416
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.417
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.419
ErrorsMethod 'getHistoryToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.420
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.420
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.421
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.424
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.424
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.425
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.425
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.426
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.426
Errors'context' hides a field.426
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.427
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.429
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.435
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.436
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.438
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.439
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.440
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.441
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.441
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.443
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.444
ErrorsMethod 'onHistoryEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.446
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.447
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.447
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.448
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.451
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.456
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.458
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.461
ErrorsParameter result should be final.461
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.464
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.464
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.464
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.465
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.465
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.466
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.466
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.468
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.468
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.468
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.469
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.470
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.470
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.471
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.471
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
Errors'}' should be on the same line.472
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.473
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.473
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.474
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
Errors'}' should be on the same line.475
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.477
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.477
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.477
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.477
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.481
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.482
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.483
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.483
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.483
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.486
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.488
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.489
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.490
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.491
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsParameter result should be final.492
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.498
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.499
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.499
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.500
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.501
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.503
Errors'}' should be on the same line.506
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.507
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.507
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
ErrorsParameter result should be final.511
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.512
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.512
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.512
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.513
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.513
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.514
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.516
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.517
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.518
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.519
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.523
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.524
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.525
ErrorsMethod 'setViewContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.529
ErrorsParameter viewContext should be final.529
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewContext'.529
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.530
ErrorsMethod 'getViewContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.533
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.533
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.534
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.536
ErrorsMethod 'resetCurrentView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.537
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.537
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.537
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.538
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.540


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter message should be final.32
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter message should be final.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.40


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter name should be final.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
Errors'definition' hides a field.87
Errors'root' hides a field.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsMethod 'getModelName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsMethod 'setModelName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter modelName should be final.97
Errors'modelName' hides a field.97
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsMethod 'getRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsMethod 'resetRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
ErrorsMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsMethod 'query' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsMethod 'query' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsParameter result should be final.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.213
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.213
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.213
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.213
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.223
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.227
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.231
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.235
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.243
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.243
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.247
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.247
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.251
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.251
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.255
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.255
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.270
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.270
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.274
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.278
ErrorsMethod 'setRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.282
Errors'root' hides a field.282
ErrorsParameter type should be final.289
ErrorsParameter path should be final.289
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.301
ErrorsMethod 'addModelChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.304
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.305
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.305
ErrorsMethod 'getDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.309
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.309
ErrorsMethod 'setDefinition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.313
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313
ErrorsParameter definition should be final.313
Errors'definition' hides a field.313
ErrorsMethod 'getParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.318
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.318
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.324
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.329
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.329
Errors'parentPath' hides a field.329
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentPath'.329
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsMethod 'validate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.338
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.338
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.343
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
ErrorsMethod 'validateNextState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.348
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.348
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.358
ErrorsMethod 'validateField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.358
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.358
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fd'.358
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.358
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.363
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.368
ErrorsMethod 'isValidPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.368
ErrorsParameter sPath should be final.368
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'sPath'.368
Errors'root' hides a field.371


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<T>'.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsParameter action should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'action'.35
ErrorsParameter source should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'source'.35
ErrorsParameter path should be final.35
Errors'path' hides a field.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'getPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter metadata should be final.38
Errors'metadata' hides a field.38
ErrorsMethod 'ensurePath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsParameter root should be final.44
ErrorsParameter path should be final.44
ErrorsParameter includeLeafNode should be final.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsName '_ensurePath' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.52
ErrorsParameter data should be final.52
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.52
ErrorsParameter itr should be final.52
ErrorsParameter includeLeafNode should be final.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsParameter path should be final.99
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsParameter path should be final.109
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsParameter path should be final.126
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.131
ErrorsMethod 'setMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsParameter root should be final.135


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'childController' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsParameter parentController should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parentController'.41
ErrorsParameter childController should be final.41
Errors'childController' hides a field.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'childController'.41
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.52
ErrorsMethod 'beforeHide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMethod 'beforeShow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsMethod 'getChildController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsMethod 'setChildController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsMethod 'collectHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMethod 'onHistoryEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsMethod 'checkAuthorization' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsParameter permissionType should be final.93
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMethod 'isAuthorizationRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'setAuthorizationRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsParameter required should be final.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'collectBreadcrumbNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsParameter names should be final.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.7


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'initialized'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.50


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter value should be final.32
Errors'value' hides a field.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMethod 'set' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter value should be final.38
Errors'value' hides a field.38


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<T>'.24
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<T>'.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsParameter action should be final.47
Errors'action' hides a field.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'action'.47
ErrorsParameter source should be final.47
Errors'source' hides a field.47
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'source'.47
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.53
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.68
ErrorsMethod 'getAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMethod 'getSource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<T>'.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsParameter message should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.35
ErrorsParameter requestedType should be final.35
Errors'requestedType' hides a field.35
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMethod 'getRequestedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.19


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.42


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.views.SectionView.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.42
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.49
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.56
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.77
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.41
Errors'controller' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter name should be final.41
Errors'name' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter viewType should be final.41
Errors'viewType' hides a field.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'viewType'.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMethod 'beforeShow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'onReadyCallback'.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMethod 'beforeHide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.73
ErrorsMethod 'getController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.83
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsMethod 'collectHistory' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsMethod 'collectBreadcrumbNames' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsParameter names should be final.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsMethod 'getViewEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsMethod 'asWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'abstract' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMethod 'isCanceled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMethod 'setCanceled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'canceled' hides a field.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMethod 'isRunning' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.61
ErrorsMethod 'submit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'links' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter name should be final.38
Errors'name' hides a field.38
ErrorsParameter path should be final.38
Errors'path' hides a field.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'controller'.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'}' should be on the same line.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'}' should be on the same line.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'}' should be on the same line.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.122
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'}' should be on the same line.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.132
ErrorsParameter name should be final.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
ErrorsParameter name should be final.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsParameter w should be final.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'}' should be on the same line.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.161
Errors'panel' hides a field.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.16
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'names'.16


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'referenceId' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'referenceTypeKey' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'referenceType' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsVariable 'referenceState' must be private and have accessor methods.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'referenceAttributes' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'addModelChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsParameter id should be final.54
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.62
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceTypeKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceTypeKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsParameter referenceTypeKey should be final.73
Errors'referenceTypeKey' hides a field.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsParameter referenceType should be final.84
Errors'referenceType' hides a field.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsParameter referenceState should be final.95
Errors'referenceState' hides a field.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.101
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.101
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors'}' should be on the same line.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsParameter referenceAttributes should be final.108
Errors'referenceAttributes' hides a field.108
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.30
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsParameter previousView should be final.40
Errors'previousView' hides a field.40
ErrorsParameter newView should be final.40
Errors'newView' hides a field.40
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.51
ErrorsMethod 'getPreviousView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.60
ErrorsMethod 'getNewView' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.65
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsName 'monitor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsName 'VIEW_ATR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.54
ErrorsVariable 'VIEW_ATR' must be private and have accessor methods.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.66
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'controller'.66
ErrorsParameter views should be final.66
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'views'.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsParameter event should be final.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.94
ErrorsParameter token should be final.94
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'token'.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors'}' should be on the same line.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.119
ErrorsParameter historyStack should be final.119
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'historyStack'.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'}' should be on the same line.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'}' should be on the same line.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsParameter path should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.182
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.183
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.190
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.191
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.203
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.206
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.214
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.222
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.223
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.224
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.228
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.228
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.234
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.236
ErrorsParameter event should be final.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
Errors'}' should be on the same line.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsParameter log should be final.256
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'log'.256
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsParameter path should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.267
ErrorsParameter context should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'context'.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsParameter path should be final.279
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'path'.279
ErrorsParameter context should be final.279
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'context'.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.280
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.280
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.283
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.286
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.287
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.289
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.289
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.5


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'originatingWidget' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.38
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsMethod 'getOriginatingWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.10


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.46
ErrorsName 'context' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsName 'TIMEOUT_MSG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.48
ErrorsVariable 'TIMEOUT_MSG' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsVariable 'lightbox' must be private and have accessor methods.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsVariable 'username' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsVariable 'password' must be private and have accessor methods.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsVariable 'errorLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'handleSessionTimeout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
Errors'460' is a magic number.63
Errors'220' is a magic number.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.86
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsParameter event should be final.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
ErrorsParameter req should be final.103
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsParameter req should be final.109
ErrorsParameter res should be final.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMethod 'handleSessionTimeout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.30


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.29


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.35


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.61


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.57


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsName 'INSTANCE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMethod 'search' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMethod 'cachingSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.37
ErrorsParameter searchResult should be final.42


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'validationResults' hides a field.33
Errors'value' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'getValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsParameter validationResults should be final.45
Errors'validationResults' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter value should be final.48
Errors'value' hides a field.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'messages'.30
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'log'.32


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'messages'.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'log'.29


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter uri should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.53


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter key should be final.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25


ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.40
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter message should be final.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter message should be final.39
ErrorsParameter t should be final.39


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.51


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.77


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.37


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter name should be final.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsParameter url should be final.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'url'.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.39
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'50' is a magic number.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsVariable 'pct' must be private and have accessor methods.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'50' is a magic number.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsVariable 'pct' must be private and have accessor methods.120
Errors'100' is a magic number.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'u'.145
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'percent'.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.148
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'e'.155
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'percent'.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'100' is a magic number.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsParameter e should be final.170
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'e'.170
ErrorsParameter selectable should be final.170
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'selectable'.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.10
ErrorsParameter uiObject should be final.14
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'uiObject'.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter html should be final.31
ErrorsParameter headTag should be final.31
ErrorsParameter num should be final.31
Errors'num' hides a field.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43


ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter title should be final.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsParameter title should be final.28
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'title'.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsParameter title should be final.37
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'title'.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors'}' should be on the same line.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'}' should be on the same line.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'formats' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMethod 'parseDate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter input should be final.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter date should be final.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMethod 'getDateParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMethod 'setDateParser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsParameter dateParser should be final.57
Errors'dateParser' hides a field.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.68
ErrorsMethod 'validate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.83
ErrorsMethod 'validateNextState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.99
ErrorsMethod 'validate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.99
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fd'.99
ErrorsParameter model should be final.100
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'model'.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter results should be final.110
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter list should be final.158
ErrorsParameter element should be final.158
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.158
ErrorsParameter constraintInfo should be final.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsParameter list should be final.166
ErrorsParameter element should be final.166
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.166
ErrorsParameter value should be final.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsMethod 'getValidationMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.174
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.178
ErrorsParameter list should be final.178
ErrorsParameter element should be final.178
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsParameter list should be final.182
ErrorsParameter element should be final.182
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsParameter list should be final.189
ErrorsParameter element should be final.189
ErrorsParameter msgKey should be final.189
ErrorsParameter minValue should be final.189
ErrorsParameter maxValue should be final.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.198
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.198
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.206
ErrorsParameter model should be final.206
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsParameter path should be final.207
ErrorsParameter results should be final.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.218
ErrorsMethod 'doValidateString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.226
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.226
ErrorsParameter s should be final.226
ErrorsParameter element should be final.226
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.226
ErrorsParameter results should be final.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.261
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.261
Errors'6' is a magic number.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.276
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.295
ErrorsParameter model should be final.295
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.295
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.296
ErrorsParameter path should be final.296
ErrorsParameter results should be final.296
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.316
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.316
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.340
ErrorsParameter model should be final.340
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.341
ErrorsParameter path should be final.341
ErrorsParameter results should be final.341
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.361
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.361
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.373
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.386
ErrorsParameter model should be final.386
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.386
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.387
ErrorsParameter path should be final.387
ErrorsParameter results should be final.387
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.407
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.407
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.419
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.432
ErrorsParameter model should be final.432
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.432
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.433
ErrorsParameter path should be final.433
ErrorsParameter results should be final.433
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.453
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.453
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.465
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.478
ErrorsParameter model should be final.478
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.478
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.479
ErrorsParameter path should be final.479
ErrorsParameter results should be final.479
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.498
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.498
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.506
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.507
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.510
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.511
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.514
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.516
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.525
ErrorsParameter model should be final.525
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.525
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.526
ErrorsParameter path should be final.526
ErrorsParameter results should be final.526
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.545
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.553
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.553
ErrorsParameter results should be final.553
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.557
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.581
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.589
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.591
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.598
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.598
ErrorsParameter path should be final.598
ErrorsParameter values should be final.598
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.598
ErrorsParameter results should be final.598
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.622
ErrorsParameter values should be final.622
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.622
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.629
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.651
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.651
ErrorsParameter model should be final.651
ErrorsParameter path should be final.651
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.651
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.656
Errors'3' is a magic number.658
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.670
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.670
ErrorsParameter model should be final.670
ErrorsParameter path should be final.670
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.670
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.675
Errors'3' is a magic number.677
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.687
ErrorsParameter m should be final.687
ErrorsParameter key should be final.687
ErrorsParameter value should be final.687
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.693
ErrorsParameter date should be final.693


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'key' hides a field.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'key' hides a field.47
Errors'property' hides a field.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58


ErrorsClass ApplicationPanel should be declared as final.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsName '_impl' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsName '_get' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsParameter text should be final.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
Errors'}' should be on the same line.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsVariable 'master' must be private and have accessor methods.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'slave' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'checkBox' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsParameter master should be final.20
Errors'master' hides a field.20
ErrorsParameter checkBoxText should be final.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsParameter event should be final.34
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.35
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.37
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.37
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.47
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.49
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsParameter text should be final.55
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.58
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.58
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58


ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter child should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'addKeyDownHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'addKeyPressHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addKeyUpHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseDownHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseMoveHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOutHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOverHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseUpHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseWheelHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.3
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.12


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'button' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter enabled should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter text should be final.51
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter text should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter text should be final.61
ErrorsParameter style should be final.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter text should be final.66
ErrorsParameter style should be final.66
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter text should be final.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOverHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOutHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsParameter text should be final.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter text should be final.101
ErrorsParameter style should be final.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsParameter text should be final.105
ErrorsParameter style should be final.105
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsParameter text should be final.110
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsParameter style should be final.115
ErrorsMethod 'removeStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsParameter style should be final.120
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsParameter style should be final.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter style should be final.41
Errors'style' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter disabledStyle should be final.41
Errors'disabledStyle' hides a field.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsParameter label should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsParameter event should be final.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsParameter event should be final.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsParameter event should be final.95
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.96
Errors'}' should be on the same line.98
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99


ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsVariable 'datePicker' must be private and have accessor methods.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter date should be final.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsParameter date should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'date'.77
ErrorsParameter fireEvents should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fireEvents'.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.84
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.85
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'handler'.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'hasWatermark' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsParameter waterMark should be final.105
ErrorsMethod 'watermarkShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsVariable 'dropDown' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsParameter id should be final.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsParameter id should be final.66
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.73
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.81
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'listItems'.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsParameter selectionHandler should be final.105
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'selectionHandler'.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.112
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.119
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.126
ErrorsParameter name should be final.127
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.127
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.131
ErrorsParameter b should be final.131
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsMethod 'isBlankFirstItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.150
ErrorsMethod 'setBlankFirstItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsParameter blankFirstItem should be final.153
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'blankFirstItem'.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.175
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.179
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.184
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.185
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.191


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.34
ErrorsName 'context' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter messageId should be final.42
Errors'messageId' hides a field.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter e should be final.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsParameter result should be final.94
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
Errors'440' is a magic number.118
Errors'200' is a magic number.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter error should be final.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsVariable 'contentPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsVariable 'firstLinePanel' must be private and have accessor methods.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsVariable 'secondLinePanel' must be private and have accessor methods.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
Errors'+' should be on a new line.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsName 'PANEL_CONTENT_OPEN' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsName 'PANEL_CONTENT_REMOVE_LINK' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsName 'PANEL_CONTENT_BACKGROUND' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsVariable 'instanceId' must be private and have accessor methods.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter canEdit should be final.51
ErrorsParameter dataParser should be final.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter canEdit should be final.55
ErrorsParameter hasDetails should be final.55
ErrorsParameter dataParser should be final.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter canEdit should be final.59
ErrorsParameter hasDetails should be final.59
ErrorsParameter dataParser should be final.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsMethod 'addCloseHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.89
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsParameter value should be final.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsMethod 'getDisplayText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
ErrorsParameter inString should be final.136
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsParameter event should be final.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsMethod 'addShowDetailsHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter clickHandler should be final.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsMethod 'getDeletedKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.174
ErrorsMethod 'setHighlighted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.178
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.178
ErrorsParameter highlighted should be final.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
Errors'250' is a magic number.180
Errors'100' is a magic number.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.183
Errors'1000' is a magic number.183
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.187
ErrorsMethod 'removeHighlight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.188
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsMethod 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.192
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.193
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.207
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.208
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.210
ErrorsParameter str1 should be final.210
ErrorsParameter str2 should be final.210
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.212
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.212
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.213
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.213
ErrorsMethod 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.218
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.222
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.222
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.223
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.223
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.226


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsParameter text should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsParameter text should be final.54
ErrorsParameter wordWrap should be final.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.63


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'800' is a magic number.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
Errors'400' is a magic number.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
Errors'200' is a magic number.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsParameter event should be final.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter addCloseLink should be final.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter title should be final.112
ErrorsMethod 'uninstallResizeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.117
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.117
ErrorsMethod 'installResizeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsMethod 'setCloseLinkVisible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsParameter visible should be final.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsMethod 'addButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.131
ErrorsParameter button should be final.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsParameter group should be final.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'setWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsParameter content should be final.141
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsMethod 'setMaxWidth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsParameter width should be final.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsMethod 'setMaxHeight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsParameter height should be final.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsMethod 'setSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.151
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.151
ErrorsParameter width should be final.151
ErrorsParameter height should be final.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.152
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.152
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'10' is a magic number.155
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'10' is a magic number.155
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.155
ErrorsMethod 'showButtons' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsParameter show should be final.158
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.162
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsMethod 'onPreviewNativeEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsParameter preview should be final.224
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.228
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsMethod 'removeCloseLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.246
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.252
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
Errors'}' should be on the same line.254
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.255
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
Errors'850' is a magic number.256
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.256
Errors'160' is a magic number.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.259
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.262
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.268
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
Errors'}' should be on the same line.270
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.271
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
Errors'160' is a magic number.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.274
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.277
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.282
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.282
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.284
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'10' is a magic number.284
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.284
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.284
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'10' is a magic number.284
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.284
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.294
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.300
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.300
ErrorsParameter event should be final.302
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.308
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.310


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'indicator' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsParameter labelText should be final.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'name'.38
ErrorsParameter group should be final.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'group'.42
ErrorsParameter label should be final.42
ErrorsParameter asHTML should be final.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'name'.50
ErrorsParameter group should be final.53
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'group'.53
ErrorsParameter label should be final.53
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'name'.61
ErrorsParameter group should be final.63
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'group'.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsParameter event should be final.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsParameter event should be final.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.106
ErrorsParameter event should be final.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
Errors'}' should be on the same line.112
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'getRichTextArea' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'getHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'setHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsParameter html should be final.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'the'.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsParameter text should be final.89
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'text'.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsParameter text should be final.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter style should be final.43
ErrorsMethod 'getTabCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMethod 'selectTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter index should be final.51
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.55
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter index should be final.59
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter w should be final.63
ErrorsParameter tabText should be final.63
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter w should be final.67
ErrorsParameter tab should be final.67
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsMethod 'getWidgetIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47


ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter element should be final.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsParameter event should be final.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'}' should be on the same line.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.82
Errors'10' is a magic number.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
Errors'}' should be on the same line.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsParameter event should be final.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.106
ErrorsParameter event should be final.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsParameter event should be final.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsParameter event should be final.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsParameter text should be final.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.133
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsParameter event should be final.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsParameter event should be final.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.168
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsMethod 'hasWatermark' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsMethod 'watermarkShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.188
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsParameter value should be final.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.204
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors'}' should be on the same line.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
Errors'}' should be on the same line.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.214
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsParameter text should be final.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.221
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.222
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
Errors'}' should be on the same line.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.227
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
Errors'}' should be on the same line.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsParameter element should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsParameter event should be final.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsParameter event should be final.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsParameter event should be final.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsParameter event should be final.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter text should be final.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsParameter event should be final.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsParameter event should be final.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'}' should be on the same line.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsMethod 'hasWatermark' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsMethod 'watermarkShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsParameter value should be final.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.173
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.174
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
Errors'}' should be on the same line.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
Errors'}' should be on the same line.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsParameter text should be final.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
Errors'}' should be on the same line.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
Errors'}' should be on the same line.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.204
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter text should be final.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter text should be final.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsParameter title should be final.27
Errors'title' hides a field.27
ErrorsParameter desc should be final.27
Errors'desc' hides a field.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter title should be final.37
Errors'title' hides a field.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'setTitleText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter title should be final.57
Errors'title' hides a field.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'setDesc' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter desc should be final.62
Errors'desc' hides a field.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'getTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'getDescWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'10' is a magic number.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'inputText' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter addItemText should be final.33
Errors'addItemText' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsParameter event should be final.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMethod 'getStringValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'setStringValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter values should be final.68
Errors'values' hides a field.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.71
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'addListItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsParameter itemValue should be final.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsParameter event should be final.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMethod 'setFd' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter fd should be final.104
Errors'fd' hides a field.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter url should be final.33
Errors'url' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.40
Errors'controller' hides a field.40
ErrorsParameter navigationKey should be final.40
Errors'navigationKey' hides a field.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.47
Errors'controller' hides a field.47
ErrorsParameter navigationEnum should be final.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'onClick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'onKeyDown' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter event should be final.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'doNavigate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsParameter result should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'getUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'getController' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'getNavigationKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'getNavEnum' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsParameter event should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
Errors'}' should be on the same line.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter e should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsParameter e should be final.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsParameter title should be final.102
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter title should be final.110
ErrorsParameter image should be final.110
ErrorsParameter imgLoc should be final.110
Errors'imgLoc' hides a field.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
Errors'}' should be on the same line.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsMethod 'makeAButtonWhenOneItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsParameter makeButton should be final.136
Errors'makeButton' hides a field.136
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'makeButton'.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsParameter item should be final.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
Errors'}' should be on the same line.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsMethod 'showMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'hideMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsMethod 'setArrowImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.194
ErrorsParameter arrow should be final.194
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsMethod 'setItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.200
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.200
ErrorsParameter items should be final.200
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.201
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors'}' should be on the same line.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.224
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.224
ErrorsParameter enabled should be final.224
Errors'enabled' hides a field.224
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.226
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
Errors'}' should be on the same line.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.229
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.229
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsMethod 'setImageLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.237
ErrorsParameter loc should be final.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsParameter style should be final.243
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsMethod 'isShowingSelectedItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsMethod 'setShowSelectedItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.252
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.252
ErrorsParameter showSelectedItem should be final.252
Errors'showSelectedItem' hides a field.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsMethod 'setShowTitleIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.256
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.256
ErrorsParameter showTitleIcon should be final.256
Errors'showTitleIcon' hides a field.256
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsMethod 'isShowingTitleIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.260
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.260
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'masterString' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter event should be final.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.21
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.22
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
ErrorsParameter child should be final.28
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter child should be final.32
ErrorsParameter liClassName should be final.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter child should be final.36
ErrorsParameter className should be final.36
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'setULClassName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter className should be final.45
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMethod 'addAll' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsParameter widgets should be final.56
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widgets'.56
ErrorsParameter className should be final.56
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.57


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.31
ErrorsName 'context' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.160
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.189
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.212
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.212
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.216
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.216
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.238
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.243
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.266
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.266
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.266
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.266
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.266
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.270
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.280
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.298
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.298
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.298
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.298
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.298
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.302
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.312
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.312
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.330
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.330
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.330
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.330
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.330
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.334
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.344
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.344
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.362
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.362
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.362
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.366
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.376
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.376
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.394
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.394
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.394
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.394
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.394
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.398
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.398
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.408
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.426
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.426
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.426
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.426
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.426
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.426
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.430
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.430
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.438
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.440
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.440
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.457
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.458
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.458
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.458
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.458
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.458
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.458
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.462
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.462
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.468
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.471
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.472
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.472
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.487
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.489
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.490
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.490
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.490
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.490
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.490
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.490
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.494
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.494
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.500
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.503
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.504
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.519
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.519
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.521
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.522
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.522
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.522
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.522
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.522
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.526
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.526
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.532
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.534
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.535
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.536
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.536
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.542
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.543
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.551
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.551


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'buttonMap' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'layout' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsMethod 'addCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.37
ErrorsMethod 'getCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'sendCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter type should be final.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsMethod 'setButtonText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter key should be final.51
ErrorsParameter text should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMethod 'getButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter key should be final.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter content should be final.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsParameter event should be final.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsParameter event should be final.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsParameter event should be final.56
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.60


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter event should be final.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.58


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter contentRight should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
Errors'}' should be on the same line.46
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.59
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsParameter w should be final.72
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonToPrimaryGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsParameter button should be final.78
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonToSecondaryGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsParameter button should be final.85
ErrorsMethod 'addButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsParameter button should be final.92


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsVariable 'buttons' must be private and have accessor methods.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMethod 'getButtons' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter contentBottom should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
Errors'}' should be on the same line.46
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsParameter w should be final.70
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonToPrimaryGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsParameter button should be final.77
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonToSecondaryGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsParameter button should be final.83
ErrorsMethod 'addButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsParameter button should be final.89


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter title should be final.49
Errors'title' hides a field.49
ErrorsParameter status should be final.49
Errors'status' hides a field.49
ErrorsParameter link should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter title should be final.56
Errors'title' hides a field.56
ErrorsParameter status should be final.56
Errors'status' hides a field.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter title should be final.62
Errors'title' hides a field.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter title should be final.97
Errors'title' hides a field.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'getStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'setStatus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsParameter status should be final.106
Errors'status' hides a field.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'getLinkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'setLinkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsParameter linkText should be final.115
Errors'linkText' hides a field.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter contentWidget should be final.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsMethod 'setToolbar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsParameter toolbarWidget should be final.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsMethod 'addMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.128
ErrorsParameter message should be final.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsMethod 'clearMessages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.application.ApplicationContext.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsParameter url should be final.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.113
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsParameter result should be final.121
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.122
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.162
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.173
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsParameter event should be final.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsParameter offsetWidth should be final.181
ErrorsParameter offsetHeight should be final.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.207
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.207
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.207
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.207
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.207
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.207
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.211
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsParameter event should be final.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.224
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.228
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.237
ErrorsParameter wrappedContent should be final.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsMethod 'setHeaderCustomLinks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.241
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.241
ErrorsParameter links should be final.241
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsMethod 'setFooterLinks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.251
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.251
ErrorsParameter links should be final.251
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.252
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.252
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.259
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
ErrorsParameter event should be final.268
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.270
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.270
ErrorsParameter event should be final.275
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.278
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.278
ErrorsParameter event should be final.282
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.284
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.291
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsParameter event should be final.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
Errors'750' is a magic number.309
Errors'550' is a magic number.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.23
ErrorsParameter message should be final.23
ErrorsParameter buttons should be final.23
Errors'buttons' hides a field.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.28
ErrorsParameter message should be final.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
Errors'600' is a magic number.39
Errors'120' is a magic number.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'removeCloseLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'addCloseHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'setMessageText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter text should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'getButtonGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.42
ErrorsParameter message should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.46
ErrorsParameter message should be final.46
ErrorsParameter confirmText should be final.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.51
ErrorsParameter message should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsParameter event should be final.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'600' is a magic number.71
Errors'100' is a magic number.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMethod 'removeCloseLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'addCloseHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'setMessageText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter text should be final.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'getConfirmButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMethod 'getCancelButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter actionButtonEum should be final.11
ErrorsParameter cancelButtonEum should be final.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsParameter event should be final.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'buttonMap' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMethod 'addCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.16
ErrorsMethod 'getCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMethod 'sendCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter type should be final.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.25
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsMethod 'setButtonText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter key should be final.30
ErrorsParameter text should be final.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsMethod 'getButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter key should be final.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsVariable 'layout' must be private and have accessor methods.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMethod 'addButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter button should be final.16
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMethod 'removeButton' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter button should be final.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMethod 'setVisible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter visible should be final.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsParameter event should be final.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsParameter event should be final.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsParameter event should be final.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter type should be final.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'setHoverHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsParameter html should be final.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter event should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'5' is a magic number.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsParameter event should be final.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'getHoverPopup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsMethod 'setHoverPopup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsParameter hoverPopup should be final.101
Errors'hoverPopup' hides a field.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOverHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOutHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter title should be final.25
ErrorsParameter className should be final.25
ErrorsParameter text should be final.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter title should be final.34
ErrorsParameter className should be final.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsParameter w should be final.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsParameter w should be final.60
ErrorsParameter beforeIndex should be final.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter text should be final.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMethod 'setValidationPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsParameter validationPanel should be final.96
Errors'validationPanel' hides a field.96
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'validationPanel'.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsMethod 'getParentPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'setParentPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsParameter parentPanel should be final.105
Errors'parentPanel' hides a field.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'setParentElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter element should be final.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsMethod 'getInstructionText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter title should be final.121
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.126
ErrorsParameter key should be final.126
ErrorsParameter title should be final.126
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsParameter key should be final.135
ErrorsParameter info should be final.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsParameter key should be final.145
ErrorsParameter info should be final.145
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsParameter key should be final.150
ErrorsParameter info should be final.150
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'help' hides a field.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors'instructions' hides a field.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'constraints' hides a field.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.173
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.180
ErrorsParameter key should be final.180
ErrorsParameter title should be final.180
ErrorsParameter helpText should be final.180
ErrorsParameter instructText should be final.180
ErrorsParameter constraintText should be final.180
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.189
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
Errors'}' should be on the same line.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
Errors'}' should be on the same line.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.201
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
Errors'}' should be on the same line.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.208
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.214
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.229
ErrorsMethod 'setWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
ErrorsParameter w should be final.231
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'w'.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.240
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.243
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
Errors'}' should be on the same line.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.248
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
Errors'}' should be on the same line.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.252
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.253
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.262
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.264
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.266
ErrorsMethod 'setRequiredString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.269
ErrorsParameter requiredKey should be final.269
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'requiredKey'.269
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.274
ErrorsMethod 'setRequiredString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.275
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.275
ErrorsParameter requiredKey should be final.275
ErrorsParameter style should be final.275
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsMethod 'getRequiredPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.282
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.282
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.285
ErrorsMethod 'clearRequiredText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.286
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.286
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.286
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.290
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.290
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldDetailsLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.294
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.294
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldWidgetAreaLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.302
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.302
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.309
ErrorsMethod 'isRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.310
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.310
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.314
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.314
ErrorsParameter isRequired should be final.314
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsMethod 'setInstructions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.318
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.318
ErrorsParameter text should be final.318
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.320
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsMethod 'setConstraintText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.326
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.326
ErrorsParameter text should be final.326
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.326
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.327
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsMethod 'setHelp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.333
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.333
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.334
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
Errors'}' should be on the same line.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.347
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
ErrorsMethod 'getTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.352
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsMethod 'getValidationPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.356
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.356
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsMethod 'getEncapsulatingPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.360
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.364
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsMethod 'setErrorState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.368
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.368
ErrorsParameter error should be final.368
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.369
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.371
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
Errors'}' should be on the same line.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.374
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
Errors'}' should be on the same line.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.379
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.381
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
Errors'}' should be on the same line.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.384
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.391
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.391
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.392
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.392
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.393
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.396
ErrorsParameter vr should be final.396
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'vr'.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.399
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.399
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.399
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.403
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
Errors'}' should be on the same line.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.407
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.407
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.408
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.408
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
Errors'}' should be on the same line.412
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.413
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.413
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.413
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.416
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.417
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.419
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.420
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.420
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.421
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.422
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.423
ErrorsMethod 'addValidationErrorMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.423
ErrorsParameter text should be final.423
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'text'.423
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.424
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.424
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.424
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.426
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.426
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.426
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
Errors'}' should be on the same line.428
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.429
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.429
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.430
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.431
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.432
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.434
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.436
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.438
ErrorsMethod 'clearValidationPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.438
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.438
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.438
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.439
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.440
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.440
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.441
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.442
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.443
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.445
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.445
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.446
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.450
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
ErrorsParameter key should be final.451
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.452
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.453
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.454
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.455
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.456
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.459
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.459
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.461
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.464
ErrorsMethod 'setTitleDescLineHeight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.464
ErrorsParameter margin should be final.464
Errors'margin' hides a field.464
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'margin'.464
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.465
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.466
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.466
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.466
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.467
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.468
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.468
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.468
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.469
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.470
Errors'}' should be on the same line.470
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.471
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.471
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.471
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.471
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.472
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.472
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
Errors'}' should be on the same line.473
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.474
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.474
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.480
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.480
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
Errors'}' should be on the same line.482
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.483
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.483
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.483
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.486
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.489
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.494
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.496
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.496
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.498
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.499
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.500
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.502
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.502
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.503
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.504
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.504
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.506
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.507
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.511
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.512
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.513
ErrorsMethod 'hideLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.513
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.514
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.515
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.516
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.517
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.519
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.520
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.522
ErrorsMethod 'isLabelShown' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.522
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.522
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.522
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.523
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.524


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsVariable 'fieldTitle' must be private and have accessor methods.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsVariable 'required' must be private and have accessor methods.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsVariable 'helpText' must be private and have accessor methods.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsVariable 'instructionText' must be private and have accessor methods.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsVariable 'constraintText' must be private and have accessor methods.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsVariable 'watermarkText' must be private and have accessor methods.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsVariable 'key' must be private and have accessor methods.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'widget' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter fieldTitle should be final.15
Errors'fieldTitle' hides a field.15
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.15
Errors'widget' hides a field.15
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsParameter key should be final.19
Errors'key' hides a field.19
ErrorsParameter fieldTitle should be final.19
Errors'fieldTitle' hides a field.19
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.19
Errors'widget' hides a field.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'isRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter required should be final.26
Errors'required' hides a field.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'getInstructionText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'setInstructionText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter instructionText should be final.32
Errors'instructionText' hides a field.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMethod 'getConstraintText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'setConstraintText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter constraintText should be final.38
Errors'constraintText' hides a field.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'getWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter watermarkText should be final.44
Errors'watermarkText' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter key should be final.50
Errors'key' hides a field.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'setWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.56
Errors'widget' hides a field.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'setHelpText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter helpText should be final.59
Errors'helpText' hides a field.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'getHelpText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setFieldTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter fieldTitle should be final.65
Errors'fieldTitle' hides a field.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsParameter w should be final.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsParameter w should be final.42
ErrorsParameter beforeIndex should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter title should be final.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter text should be final.23
ErrorsParameter forID should be final.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter text should be final.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter text should be final.24
ErrorsParameter forID should be final.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsParameter id should be final.9
Errors'id' hides a field.9
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter group should be final.13
Errors'group' hides a field.13
ErrorsParameter type should be final.13
Errors'type' hides a field.13
ErrorsParameter state should be final.13
Errors'state' hides a field.13
ErrorsParameter id should be final.13
Errors'id' hides a field.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMethod 'getGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'setGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter group should be final.23
Errors'group' hides a field.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'setType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter type should be final.29
Errors'type' hides a field.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'getState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMethod 'setState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter state should be final.35
Errors'state' hides a field.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter id should be final.41
Errors'id' hides a field.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter text should be final.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsParameter w should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'insert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsParameter w should be final.53
ErrorsParameter beforeIndex should be final.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter text should be final.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMethod 'setHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter html should be final.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.38
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'buildHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.59
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter title should be final.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter title should be final.40
ErrorsParameter isOpen should be final.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsParameter field should be final.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsParameter component should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsVariable 'fieldMap' must be private and have accessor methods.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'layoutMap' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'drawOrder' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsVariable 'instructions' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsVariable 'message' must be private and have accessor methods.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsVariable 'parentLayout' must be private and have accessor methods.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsVariable 'hasValidation' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsVariable 'layoutTitle' must be private and have accessor methods.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'underlineTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter underline should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'underline'.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'}' should be on the same line.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'getParentLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'setParentLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter parentLayout should be final.83
Errors'parentLayout' hides a field.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsParameter field should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'field'.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'key' hides a field.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
Errors'}' should be on the same line.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsMethod 'addLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.116
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'layout'.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
Errors'key' hides a field.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'}' should be on the same line.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'addWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.138
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsMethod 'addWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsParameter key should be final.148
Errors'key' hides a field.148
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'key'.148
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.148
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'}' should be on the same line.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsMethod 'removeLayoutElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.167
ErrorsParameter key should be final.167
Errors'key' hides a field.167
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'key'.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.169
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.174
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
Errors'}' should be on the same line.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.177
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
Errors'}' should be on the same line.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.182
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsMethod 'removeLayoutElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.192
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.192
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'widget'.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
Errors'while' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
Errors'key' hides a field.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.199
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors'}' should be on the same line.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
Errors'}' should be on the same line.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsMethod 'setInstructions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.225
ErrorsParameter instructions should be final.225
Errors'instructions' hides a field.225
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'instructions'.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.226
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
Errors'}' should be on the same line.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsMethod 'setMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.242
ErrorsParameter html should be final.242
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'html'.242
ErrorsParameter show should be final.242
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'show'.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.243
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
Errors'}' should be on the same line.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.247
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsMethod 'showMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.254
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.254
ErrorsParameter show should be final.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageWarnContainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsParameter layoutKey should be final.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.273
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.273
ErrorsParameter key should be final.273
Errors'key' hides a field.273
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.277
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.277
ErrorsParameter key should be final.277
Errors'key' hides a field.277
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.281
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
ErrorsParameter key should be final.281
Errors'key' hides a field.281
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.287
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.288
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.289
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.289
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.297
ErrorsParameter fieldElementKey should be final.297
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fieldElementKey'.297
ErrorsParameter validationResult should be final.297
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'validationResult'.297
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.299
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsMethod 'addValidationErrorMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.304
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.304
ErrorsParameter fieldElementKey should be final.304
ErrorsParameter message should be final.304
Errors'message' hides a field.304
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.306
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsMethod 'clearValidation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.314
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.316
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.316
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.319
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.319
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.319
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.325
Errors'layoutTitle' hides a field.325
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
ErrorsMethod 'getLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.327
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.335
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.335
Errors'buttonLayout' hides a field.335
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buttonLayout'.335
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsMethod 'getButtonLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.340
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.340
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.344
Errors'buttonLayout' hides a field.344
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.350
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.351
ErrorsMethod 'setHelp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.351
ErrorsParameter html should be final.351
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'html'.351
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.351
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.352
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.352
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.353
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.358
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
Errors'}' should be on the same line.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.362
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.370
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.370
ErrorsParameter required should be final.370
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.371
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter loc should be final.62
Errors'loc' hides a field.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter title should be final.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsParameter title should be final.75
ErrorsParameter loc should be final.75
Errors'loc' hides a field.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.87
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'}' should be on the same line.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
Errors'}' should be on the same line.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsMethod 'nextLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsParameter field should be final.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.146
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'}' should be on the same line.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors'}' should be on the same line.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsParameter fieldLayout should be final.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsParameter component should be final.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
Errors'}' should be on the same line.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.182
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'body' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'verticalLayout' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'header' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsVariable 'updateable' must be private and have accessor methods.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'title' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.43
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
Errors'updateable' hides a field.50
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsParameter field should be final.56
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.62
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.68
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsParameter component should be final.74
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.80
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.85
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsMethod 'addDeleteHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.92
ErrorsMethod 'getHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMethod 'setHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsParameter header should be final.101
Errors'header' hides a field.101
ErrorsMethod 'setUpdateable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.105
Errors'updateable' hides a field.105


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'updateable' must be private and have accessor methods.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter title should be final.33
Errors'title' hides a field.33
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.33
Errors'updateable' hides a field.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'addDeleteHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'addHelpHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'setHeaderTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter title should be final.62
Errors'title' hides a field.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'setHeaderTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter title should be final.66
Errors'title' hides a field.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter title should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter title should be final.49
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsParameter field should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsMethod 'nextRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsParameter component should be final.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'}' should be on the same line.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'verticalLayout' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsVariable 'tableIndex' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter title should be final.41
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsParameter field should be final.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'}' should be on the same line.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsParameter component should be final.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'}' should be on the same line.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.40
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMethod 'buildHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsParameter titleText should be final.50
ErrorsParameter updateable should be final.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'verticalLayout' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter title should be final.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter titleWidget should be final.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter title should be final.70
ErrorsParameter hasValidation should be final.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsMethod 'addFieldToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsParameter field should be final.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'addLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsParameter layout should be final.109
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.115
ErrorsMethod 'removeWidgetFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.121
ErrorsMethod 'removeFieldLayoutComponentFromLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsParameter component should be final.126
ErrorsMethod 'setLayoutTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.137
ErrorsMethod 'setTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsParameter layoutTitle should be final.148
ErrorsMethod 'addButtonLayoutToLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.155
ErrorsParameter buttonLayout should be final.156


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'addWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMethod 'fireEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsMethod 'isSuppressed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsMethod 'setSuppressed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.134
ErrorsParameter suppressed should be final.134
Errors'suppressed' hides a field.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsVariable 'headerHTML' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsVariable 'infoLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsVariable 'widgetPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsVariable 'printImage' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter hasContentWidgetSeparator should be final.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsParameter event should be final.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter header should be final.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'addWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter w should be final.63
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMethod 'getInfoLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMethod 'showPrint' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter show should be final.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsVariable 'hiPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'userNamePanel' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'logoutPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'leftPartPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'applicationTitleLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'bottomContainer' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'userNameLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsVariable 'hiLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMethod 'addLogout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsParameter w should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'addNavigation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter dropDown should be final.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'setHiLabelText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter hi should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'setUserName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter name should be final.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsMethod 'addBottomContainerWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter w should be final.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsMethod 'getBottomContainer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsMethod 'setApplicationTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter title should be final.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsParameter w should be final.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsParameter w should be final.57
ErrorsParameter beforeIndex should be final.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsParameter enabled should be final.72
Errors'enabled' hides a field.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'}' should be on the same line.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsParameter text should be final.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOverHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'addMouseOutHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsParameter text should be final.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsParameter text should be final.111
ErrorsParameter style should be final.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'}' should be on the same line.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsParameter style should be final.137
ErrorsMethod 'removeStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter style should be final.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsParameter style should be final.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsParameter text should be final.160
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.165
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.165
ErrorsParameter text should be final.165
ErrorsParameter style should be final.165
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.165


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsParameter event should be final.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter event should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'}' should be on the same line.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsParameter event should be final.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsParameter event should be final.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsParameter event should be final.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.130
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsParameter event should be final.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.147
Errors'5' is a magic number.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'}' should be on the same line.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'5' is a magic number.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'6' is a magic number.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'6' is a magic number.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
Errors'}' should be on the same line.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'10' is a magic number.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsParameter event should be final.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.175
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.175
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsParameter code should be final.189
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.197
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.197
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
Errors'10' is a magic number.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.202
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
Errors'}' should be on the same line.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'}' should be on the same line.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.209
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsParameter date should be final.216
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.217
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.217
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.217
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsMethod 'getDateTextField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.228
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsParameter date should be final.246
ErrorsParameter fireEvents should be final.246
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.250
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsMethod 'hasWatermark' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.265
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.270
ErrorsParameter text should be final.271
ErrorsMethod 'watermarkShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.275


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsName 'EMPTY_ITEM' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsParameter event should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsParameter event should be final.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsParameter event should be final.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsParameter event should be final.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsParameter event should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsParameter event should be final.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
Errors'}' should be on the same line.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter id should be final.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.134
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsParameter id should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.155
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.156
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsParameter result should be final.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.179
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.200
ErrorsParameter b should be final.201
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.205
ErrorsMethod 'isBlankFirstItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.210
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.210
ErrorsMethod 'setBlankFirstItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.214
ErrorsParameter blankFirstItem should be final.214
Errors'blankFirstItem' hides a field.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.228
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.238


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsVariable 'main' must be private and have accessor methods.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsParameter labelText should be final.51


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'getHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getRichTextArea' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'setHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsParameter html should be final.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMethod 'setStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsParameter style should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsParameter text should be final.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsParameter w should be final.39
ErrorsParameter tabText should be final.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsParameter w should be final.44
ErrorsParameter tab should be final.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsParameter index should be final.49
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.54
ErrorsMethod 'selectTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsParameter index should be final.59
ErrorsMethod 'getTabCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter style should be final.69
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.75
ErrorsMethod 'getWidgetIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.80


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.9
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter blockTitle should be final.21
ErrorsParameter blockDescriptionHtml should be final.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter blockTitle should be final.25
ErrorsParameter blockDescriptionHtml should be final.25
ErrorsParameter blockSize should be final.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.32
Errors'3' is a magic number.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
Errors'}' should be on the same line.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
Errors'}' should be on the same line.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'getBlockSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsParameter w should be final.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMethod 'addBlock' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter block should be final.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getTitlePanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter title should be final.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'setContentTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter title should be final.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'addContentTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
Errors'}' should be on the same line.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'addContentBlock' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter block should be final.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'3' is a magic number.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsParameter w should be final.25


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.19
ErrorsMethod 'getFlowStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.19
ErrorsMethod 'getFlowStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'listLayout' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsParameter blockTitle should be final.20
ErrorsParameter blockDescriptionHtml should be final.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsParameter blockSize should be final.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsParameter blockTitle should be final.27
ErrorsParameter blockDescriptionHtml should be final.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'addNavLinkWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter text should be final.36
ErrorsParameter location should be final.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'addNavLinkWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter text should be final.42
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.19
ErrorsMethod 'getFlowStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter name should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsParameter id should be final.54
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter id should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsParameter cols should be final.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'cols'.80
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter isMultipleSelect should be final.84
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.84
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.94
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsParameter name should be final.106
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsParameter b should be final.111
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.145
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.149
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.149
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsMethod 'setIgnoreMultipleAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsParameter ignoreMultiple should be final.164
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ignoreMultiple'.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter name should be final.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter initialzed should be final.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsParameter id should be final.57
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsParameter id should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsParameter cols should be final.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'cols'.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsParameter isMultipleSelect should be final.87
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.87
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.87
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.95
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.97
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsParameter name should be final.109
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsParameter b should be final.114
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.148
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.152
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsParameter id should be final.32
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsParameter id should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsParameter cols should be final.58
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'cols'.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter isMultipleSelect should be final.62
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.62
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.72
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter name should be final.84
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsParameter b should be final.89
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.103
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.123
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.131
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsMethod 'setIgnoreMultipleAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter ignoreMultiple should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ignoreMultiple'.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'getListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.50
Errors'listItems' hides a field.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsParameter selectionHandler should be final.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'selectionHandler'.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'fireChangeEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter userInitiated should be final.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter name should be final.112
Errors'name' hides a field.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsMethod 'setMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsParameter isMultipleSelect should be final.120
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'isMultipleSelect'.120
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.129
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.137
ErrorsParameter col should be final.137
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'col'.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.146
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.147
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.148
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.162
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.163
Errors'initialized' hides a field.163
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.167
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.170
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.*.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsVariable 'itemDataHelper' must be private and have accessor methods.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsParameter config should be final.81
Errors'config' hides a field.81
ErrorsParameter hasDetails should be final.81
Errors'hasDetails' hides a field.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter config should be final.85
Errors'config' hides a field.85
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsParameter config should be final.93
Errors'config' hides a field.93
Errors'hasDetails' hides a field.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsParameter event should be final.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.122
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.122
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.122
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsMethod 'separateValuesPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.157
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsParameter results should be final.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsParameter event should be final.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.192
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.202
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsParameter event should be final.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsMethod 'addItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsMethod 'addItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsParameter fireChangeListeners should be final.220
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.238
Errors'5000' is a magic number.238
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.244
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.250
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.250
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.256
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.262
ErrorsParameter name should be final.263
Errors'name' hides a field.263
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.268
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.269
ErrorsMethod 'addWidgetReadyCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.280
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.281
ErrorsMethod 'isInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.285
ErrorsMethod 'setInitialized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.290
ErrorsParameter initialized should be final.291
Errors'initialized' hides a field.291
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.297
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.308
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.315
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.315
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.324
ErrorsMethod 'getValueWithTranslations' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.324
ErrorsName '_runtimeData' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.337
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.345
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.345
ErrorsParameter value should be final.345
ErrorsParameter display should be final.345
ErrorsParameter hasDetails should be final.345
Errors'hasDetails' hides a field.345
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.348
ErrorsParameter event should be final.353
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.364
ErrorsParameter value should be final.364
ErrorsParameter display should be final.364
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.371
ErrorsParameter value should be final.372
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.380
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusLostCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.388
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.389
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.393
ErrorsMethod 'parse' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.395
ErrorsParameter data should be final.396
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.405
ErrorsParameter data should be final.406
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.417
ErrorsParameter id should be final.418
ErrorsParameter translation should be final.418
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.425
ErrorsParameter translations should be final.426
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.430
ErrorsMethod 'getInputWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.443
ErrorsMethod 'getCrossConstraints' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.443
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.444
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.445
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.445
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.445
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.445
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.445
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.446
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.449
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
ErrorsMethod 'reprocessWithUpdatedConstraints' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.451
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.453
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.453
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.453
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.453
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.453
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.454
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.455
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.456


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.25


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'addCallbacks' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'removeCallbacks' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'updateCallbacks' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'bulkUpdateCallbacks' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'listItems' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'listComparator' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsVariable 'reg' must be private and have accessor methods.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter item should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMethod 'update' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter item should be final.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.48
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter item should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsMethod 'reSort' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.63
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.67
ErrorsMethod 'setComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter comparator should be final.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsMethod 'setModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter model should be final.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsParameter evt should be final.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.83
ErrorsMethod 'addOnAddCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.111
ErrorsMethod 'addOnRemoveCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.116
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsMethod 'addOnUpdateCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsMethod 'addOnBulkUpdateCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsMethod 'getItemCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsMethod 'getItemIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'getSortAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'setSortAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter sortAttrNdx should be final.49
Errors'sortAttrNdx' hides a field.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'setSortAttrNdxFromAttrKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter results should be final.53
ErrorsParameter sortAttrKey should be final.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'getKeyAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMethod 'setKeyAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter keyAttrNdx should be final.61
Errors'keyAttrNdx' hides a field.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setKeyAttrNdxFromAttrKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter results should be final.65
ErrorsParameter keyAttrKey should be final.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'getItemTextAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMethod 'setItemTextAttrNdx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsParameter itemTextAttrNdx should be final.73
Errors'itemTextAttrNdx' hides a field.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'setItemTextAttrNdxFromAttrKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsParameter results should be final.77
ErrorsParameter itemTextAttrKey should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter results should be final.84
ErrorsParameter lookupMetadata should be final.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter resultColumns should be final.91
ErrorsParameter results should be final.91
ErrorsParameter lookupMetadata should be final.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter results should be final.98
ErrorsParameter lookupMetadata should be final.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter results should be final.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'setResultColumns' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsParameter resultColumns should be final.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.112
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsMethod 'setResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter results should be final.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.132
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.132
Errors'++' is preceded with whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
ErrorsParameter results should be final.140
ErrorsParameter keyAttrKey should be final.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.143
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsMethod 'getAttrKeys' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsMethod 'getItemAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsParameter id should be final.159
ErrorsParameter attrKey should be final.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.173
ErrorsMethod 'getItemCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.181
ErrorsMethod 'getItemIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.181
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.185
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.195
ErrorsMethod 'getItemText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.195
ErrorsParameter id should be final.196
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.196
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.199
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.200
ErrorsParameter id should be final.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.208
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.209
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.210
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.212
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.215
ErrorsMethod 'getReadOnlyResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.215


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsName 'TYPE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsParameter source should be final.37
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'source'.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsParameter source should be final.49
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'source'.49
ErrorsParameter userInitiated should be final.49
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'userInitiated'.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.58
Errors'widget' hides a field.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsMethod 'getWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'setWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.66
Errors'widget' hides a field.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.86
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'handler'.86
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.93
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsMethod 'isUserInitiated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'setUserInitiated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsParameter userInitiated should be final.102
Errors'userInitiated' hides a field.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.27


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter id should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.68
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.69
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.85
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsParameter id should be final.94
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.96
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.96
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.97
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.121
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.125
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.127
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.130
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.130
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
Errors'}' should be on the same line.139
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.143
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.146
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.150
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.155
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.158
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.158
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.162
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.169
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.170
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.171
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.171
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsParameter result should be final.175
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.175
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.180
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
ErrorsParameter id should be final.190
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.198
ErrorsParameter id should be final.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.206
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.206
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.211
ErrorsParameter col should be final.212
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'col'.212
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsParameter b should be final.217
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.220
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.220
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.220
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.221
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.226
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.235
ErrorsMethod 'setIgnoreMultipleAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.236
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.236
ErrorsParameter ignoreMultiple should be final.236
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.241
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.248
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.249
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.253
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsMethod 'onValueChange' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsParameter event should be final.259
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.260
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.260
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.262
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.263
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsParameter id should be final.63
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.70
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter id should be final.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.104
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.107
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.107
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.111
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.115
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.118
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.118
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.122
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.122
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.130
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsParameter result should be final.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.140
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsParameter id should be final.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsParameter col should be final.161
ErrorsParameter b should be final.166
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.175
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.181
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.184
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsMethod 'deSelectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsParameter id should be final.75
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.75
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.76
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.77
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsMethod 'selectItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsParameter id should be final.101
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.103
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.104
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.104
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.137
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.146
Errors'}' should be on the same line.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.153
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.156
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.159
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.159
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.163
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.168
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.168
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.171
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.171
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.171
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.175
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.175
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
ErrorsMethod 'setListItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.182
ErrorsParameter listItems should be final.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.184
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.184
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.187
ErrorsParameter result should be final.188
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.188
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.195
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.203
ErrorsParameter id should be final.203
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.203
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
ErrorsParameter id should be final.212
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.213
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.221
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.226
ErrorsParameter col should be final.227
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'col'.227
ErrorsMethod 'setEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
ErrorsParameter b should be final.232
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.234
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.235
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.235
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.235
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.236
ErrorsMethod 'isEnabled' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.241
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.246
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.247
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.250
ErrorsMethod 'setIgnoreMultipleAttributes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.251
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.251
ErrorsParameter ignoreMultiple should be final.251
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.256
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.257
ErrorsMethod 'addBlurHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.263
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.264
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.268
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsMethod 'onValueChange' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsParameter event should be final.274
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.275
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.275
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.277
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
ErrorsParameter name should be final.287
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.289
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsMethod 'onKeyUp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsParameter event should be final.293
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.294
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.294
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.296
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.26
ErrorsVariable 'items' must be private and have accessor methods.26
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.27
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.27
ErrorsVariable 'attributes' must be private and have accessor methods.27
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.27
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'addItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsParameter id should be final.29
ErrorsParameter value should be final.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'addAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter itemId should be final.33
ErrorsParameter attrKey should be final.33
ErrorsParameter value should be final.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.35
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getAttrKeys' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.46
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMethod 'getItemAttribute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsParameter id should be final.53
ErrorsParameter attrkey should be final.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'getItemCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'getItemIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'getItemText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsParameter id should be final.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMethod 'populateMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMethod 'getItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'setItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsParameter items should be final.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsMethod 'isNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMethod 'setNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsParameter numberAllItems should be final.71
ErrorsMethod 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsParameter description should be final.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.81
ErrorsParameter title should be final.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMethod 'selectMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsParameter hierarchy should be final.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsMethod 'clearSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'listType' hides a field.39
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter text should be final.55
ErrorsMethod 'getListType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMethod 'remove' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsParameter w should be final.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsVariable 'items' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'setItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsParameter items should be final.39
Errors'items' hides a field.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'getItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter label should be final.45
Errors'label' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter label should be final.50
Errors'label' hides a field.50
ErrorsParameter clickHandler should be final.50
Errors'clickHandler' hides a field.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter label should be final.56
Errors'label' hides a field.56
ErrorsParameter icon should be final.56
ErrorsParameter clickHandler should be final.56
Errors'clickHandler' hides a field.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'getLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'setLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsParameter label should be final.76
Errors'label' hides a field.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'getClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'setClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsParameter clickHandler should be final.93
Errors'clickHandler' hides a field.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'addSubItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsParameter item should be final.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsMethod 'getSubItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsMethod 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsParameter parent should be final.121
Errors'parent' hides a field.121
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsMethod 'getParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.130
ErrorsMethod 'isSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.134
ErrorsMethod 'setSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.138
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.138
Errors'selected' hides a field.138
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.140
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsMethod 'setSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.145
Errors'selected' hides a field.145
ErrorsParameter fireClick should be final.145
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.147
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsMethod 'unhandledSetSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.154
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.154
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.154
Errors'selected' hides a field.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsMethod 'getShownIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsMethod 'setShownIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.162
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.162
ErrorsParameter shownIcon should be final.162
Errors'shownIcon' hides a field.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsMethod 'addMenuEventHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.167
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.168
ErrorsParameter type should be final.168
ErrorsParameter meh should be final.168
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsMethod 'addSpecialStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.172
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsParameter style should be final.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsMethod 'getSpecialStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.179


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.22


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMethod 'getAssociatedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMethod 'dispatch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMethod 'setFireClickEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter fire should be final.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMethod 'firesClickEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsParameter e should be final.58
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
Errors'}' should be on the same line.69
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsParameter e should be final.78
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.82
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.87
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.87
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.88
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter title should be final.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsMethod 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.118
ErrorsParameter description should be final.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsParameter event should be final.127
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsParameter event should be final.139
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.141
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.142
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsParameter event should be final.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsParameter event should be final.161
ErrorsParameter event should be final.167
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.174
ErrorsParameter toBeSelected should be final.174
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.175
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
ErrorsVariable 'itemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.186
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.187
ErrorsVariable 'contentPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.187
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.188
ErrorsVariable 'selectable' must be private and have accessor methods.188
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsVariable 'selected' must be private and have accessor methods.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
ErrorsVariable 'item' must be private and have accessor methods.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.191
ErrorsVariable 'indent' must be private and have accessor methods.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.192
ErrorsVariable 'itemNum' must be private and have accessor methods.192
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.194
ErrorsParameter item should be final.194
Errors'item' hides a field.194
ErrorsParameter indent should be final.194
Errors'indent' hides a field.194
ErrorsParameter itemNum should be final.194
Errors'itemNum' hides a field.194
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.194
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.199
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.199
Errors'}' should be on the same line.202
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.203
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.203
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.204
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.204
Errors'}' should be on the same line.208
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.209
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.209
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.214
Errors'7' is a magic number.214
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.214
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.221
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.222
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.236
ErrorsParameter shownIcon should be final.236
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.242
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.254
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.258
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.262
ErrorsParameter selectable should be final.262
Errors'selectable' hides a field.262
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.274
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.274
Errors'selected' hides a field.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsMethod 'populateMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.286
ErrorsParameter theItems should be final.286
ErrorsParameter currentDepth should be final.286
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.286
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.288
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.288
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.288
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.291
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.291
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.299
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.299
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.299
ErrorsMethod 'isNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.304
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.304
ErrorsMethod 'setNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.308
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.308
ErrorsParameter numberAllItems should be final.308
Errors'numberAllItems' hides a field.308
ErrorsMethod 'selectMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.312
ErrorsParameter hierarchy should be final.313
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.316
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.316
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.316
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.318
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.318
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.318
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.319
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.319
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.327
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.327
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.329
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.330
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.342
ErrorsMethod 'clearSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.344
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.346
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.346


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'addMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter menu should be final.42
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsParameter result should be final.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.50
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'setMenus' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter menus should be final.59
Errors'menus' hides a field.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.60
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.60
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'setTopLevelItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsParameter data should be final.70
Errors'data' hides a field.70
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'data'.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'refresh' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsParameter e should be final.59
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.62
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.62
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.63
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.63
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
Errors'}' should be on the same line.70
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsParameter e should be final.79
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.84
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
Errors'}' should be on the same line.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.108
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsParameter title should be final.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMethod 'setDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.126
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.126
ErrorsParameter description should be final.126
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.133
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.133
ErrorsParameter event should be final.136
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsParameter event should be final.146
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsParameter event should be final.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.160
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.168
ErrorsParameter toBeSelected should be final.168
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.169
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.169
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.180
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.180
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.181
ErrorsVariable 'itemLabel' must be private and have accessor methods.181
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsVariable 'contentPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.183
ErrorsVariable 'selectable' must be private and have accessor methods.183
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.184
ErrorsVariable 'selected' must be private and have accessor methods.184
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
ErrorsVariable 'item' must be private and have accessor methods.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
ErrorsVariable 'indent' must be private and have accessor methods.186
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.187
ErrorsVariable 'itemNum' must be private and have accessor methods.187
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.188
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsVariable 'anchorPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.190
ErrorsVariable 'a' must be private and have accessor methods.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.192
ErrorsParameter item should be final.192
Errors'item' hides a field.192
ErrorsParameter indent should be final.192
Errors'indent' hides a field.192
ErrorsParameter itemNum should be final.192
Errors'itemNum' hides a field.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.202
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
Errors'}' should be on the same line.204
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsParameter event should be final.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsParameter event should be final.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.241
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
Errors'}' should be on the same line.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.245
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.250
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.250
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.262
ErrorsParameter shownIcon should be final.262
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.268
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.268
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.274
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.284
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.288
ErrorsParameter selectable should be final.288
Errors'selectable' hides a field.288
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.300
ErrorsParameter selected should be final.300
Errors'selected' hides a field.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.301
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsMethod 'populateMenu' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.306
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.313
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313
ErrorsParameter theItems should be final.313
ErrorsParameter currentDepth should be final.313
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.313
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.315
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.315
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.315
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.318
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.318
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.326
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.326
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.326
ErrorsMethod 'isNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.331
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.331
ErrorsMethod 'setNumberAllItems' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.335
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.335
ErrorsParameter numberAllItems should be final.335
Errors'numberAllItems' hides a field.335
ErrorsMethod 'selectMenuItem' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.339
ErrorsParameter hierarchy should be final.340
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.343
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.343
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.343
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.345
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.345
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.345
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.346
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.346
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.354
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.354
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.356
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.356
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.356
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.357
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.357
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.369
ErrorsMethod 'clearSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.371
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.373
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.373
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsMethod 'addGlobalMenuItemSelectCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.379
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.379
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.379
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsMethod 'getImageLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsMethod 'setImageLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.387
ErrorsParameter imgLoc should be final.387
Errors'imgLoc' hides a field.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter isHtml should be final.44
Errors'duration' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter isHtml should be final.59
ErrorsParameter isError should be final.59
Errors'duration' hides a field.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter isHtml should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
Errors'duration' hides a field.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsParameter event should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter event should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsParameter event should be final.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMethod 'getDuration' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsMethod 'getContentId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsMethod 'getCloseLinkId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'addCloseHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142


ErrorsClass KSNotifier should be declared as final.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsName 'notifier' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter message should be final.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsParameter event should be final.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
Errors'85' is a magic number.63
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsVariable 'panel' must be private and have accessor methods.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsName 'Image' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<IsSerializiable>'.40
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <RowType> tag.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.60
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.67
ErrorsParameter rows should be final.71
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'rows'.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.75
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsMethod 'createCachedTableModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter pageSize should be final.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'pageSize'.79
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsParameter pages should be final.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'pages'.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.91
ErrorsMethod 'onRowInserted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsParameter beforeRow should be final.92
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'beforeRow'.92
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.101
ErrorsMethod 'onRowRemoved' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsParameter row should be final.102
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'row'.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsMethod 'onSetRowValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsParameter row should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'row'.112
ErrorsParameter rowValue should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'rowValue'.112
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsMethod 'requestRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'request'.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callback'.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.145
ErrorsParameter o1 should be final.148
ErrorsParameter o2 should be final.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'rowDTOs'.174
ErrorsMethod 'setRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsParameter rows should be final.176
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'rows'.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.178
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.181
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.186
ErrorsMethod 'getRowCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsMethod 'isErrorMode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsMethod 'setErrorMode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.200
ErrorsParameter errorMode should be final.200
Errors'errorMode' hides a field.200
ErrorsMethod 'isZeroMode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.206
ErrorsMethod 'setZeroMode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.212
ErrorsParameter zeroMode should be final.212
Errors'zeroMode' hides a field.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.216
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnDefs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsParameter columnDefs should be final.216
Errors'columnDefs' hides a field.216


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <RowType> tag.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.64
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsMethod 'tablePixelSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.81
ErrorsParameter tablePixelWidth should be final.81
Errors'tablePixelWidth' hides a field.81
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tablePixelWidth'.81
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsParameter tablePixelHeight should be final.81
Errors'tablePixelHeight' hides a field.81
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tablePixelHeight'.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsMethod 'cacheTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsParameter numPageRows should be final.95
Errors'numPageRows' hides a field.95
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.95
ErrorsParameter numPages should be final.95
Errors'numPages' hides a field.95
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsMethod 'columnDefinitions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsParameter columnDefs should be final.118
Errors'columnDefs' hides a field.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsMethod 'setSelectionPolicy' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsParameter selectionPolicy should be final.131
Errors'selectionPolicy' hides a field.131
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'selectionPolicy'.131
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsMethod 'build' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter tableModel should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tableModel'.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.145
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.145
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.153
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.156
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.160
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter dataTable should be final.39
Errors'dataTable' hides a field.39
ErrorsParameter selection should be final.39
Errors'selection' hides a field.39
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsMethod 'onRowSelection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsParameter event should be final.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'event'.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.56
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsVariable 'content' must be private and have accessor methods.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsVariable 'drawerHandle' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsVariable 'container' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsParameter event should be final.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
Errors'}' should be on the same line.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'onLoad' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'open' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'close' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'setContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter w should be final.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.97
ErrorsParameter animate should be final.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
Errors'1000' is a magic number.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsParameter progress should be final.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter description should be final.23
Errors'description' hides a field.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'getDescription' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMethod 'equals' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'hashCode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'31' is a magic number.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'mainPanel' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsName 'listPanel' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
Errors'200' is a magic number.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
Errors'30' is a magic number.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors'200' is a magic number.61
Errors'30' is a magic number.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsParameter task should be final.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsParameter task should be final.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsName 'Image' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchRequest' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedLookupName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter title should be final.50
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
Errors'620' is a magic number.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'show' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
Errors'600' is a magic number.75
ErrorsMethod 'hide' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsMethod 'addCancelCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsParameter result should be final.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsMethod 'addActionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.98
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsUnused import -
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsVariable 'content' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsVariable 'closedImage' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsVariable 'openedImage' must be private and have accessor methods.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsParameter panel should be final.63
ErrorsParameter animate should be final.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'1000' is a magic number.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsParameter progress should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter name should be final.120
ErrorsParameter content should be final.120
Errors'content' hides a field.120
ErrorsParameter isOpen should be final.120
Errors'isOpen' hides a field.120
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsParameter name should be final.124
ErrorsParameter content should be final.124
Errors'content' hides a field.124
ErrorsParameter isOpen should be final.124
Errors'isOpen' hides a field.124
ErrorsParameter withImages should be final.124
Errors'withImages' hides a field.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsParameter name should be final.129
ErrorsParameter content should be final.129
Errors'content' hides a field.129
ErrorsParameter isOpen should be final.129
Errors'isOpen' hides a field.129
ErrorsParameter withImages should be final.129
Errors'withImages' hides a field.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
Errors'}' should be on the same line.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsParameter event should be final.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'}' should be on the same line.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.152
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsMethod 'getLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.168
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.168
ErrorsMethod 'isOpen' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.172
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsMethod 'open' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsMethod 'close' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter config should be final.107
Errors'config' hides a field.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.112
ErrorsParameter additionalLookupMetadata should be final.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsMethod 'getInputWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.125
ErrorsParameter additionalLookupMetadata should be final.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.140
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.173
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.173
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.174
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.179
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsParameter event should be final.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.187
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.191
ErrorsParameter event should be final.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
ErrorsParameter inLookupMetadata should be final.212
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.214
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.218
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.232
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.240
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.246
ErrorsParameter additionalLookupMetadata should be final.246
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.254
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.257
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.261
ErrorsParameter selectedLookup should be final.263
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.264
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.264
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.265
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.270
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.270
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsParameter results should be final.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
Errors'}' should be on the same line.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.295
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
ErrorsParameter event should be final.305
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.306
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.306
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.315
ErrorsParameter sr should be final.315
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.315
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.316
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.317
ErrorsParameter results should be final.320
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.321
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.324
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.324
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.328
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.328
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.334
ErrorsParameter additionalLookupMetadata should be final.334
ErrorsParameter widgetType should be final.334
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.339
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.346
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.347
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.350
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.350
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.351
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.351
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.353
ErrorsParameter basicWidget should be final.353
Errors'basicWidget' hides a field.353
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.358
ErrorsMethod 'setResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.365
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.365
ErrorsParameter results should be final.365
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.367
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.370
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.371
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.377
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.382
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.383
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.384
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.385
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.386
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.387
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.388
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.389
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.390
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.395
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.395
ErrorsParameter translation should be final.395
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.398
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.398
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.399
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.399
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.401
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.402
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
Errors'}' should be on the same line.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.408
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.408
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.410
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.411
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.411
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.413
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.413
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.414
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.416
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.416
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.421
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.421
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.430
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.432
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.432
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.432
ErrorsParameter fireEvents should be final.432
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.433
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.434
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.434
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.434
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.435
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.435
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.436
Errors'}' should be on the same line.436
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.437
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.437
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.437
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.438
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.438
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.439
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.440
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.441
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.442
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.442
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.442
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.443
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.443
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.443
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.444
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.444
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.444
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.445
Errors'}' should be on the same line.445
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.446
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.446
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.446
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.447
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.447
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.449
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.449
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.450
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.451
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.451
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.451
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.452
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.453
Errors'}' should be on the same line.453
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.454
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.454
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.454
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.455
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.455
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.456
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.457
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.457
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.457
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.458
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.458
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.460
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.461
ErrorsMethod 'getDisplayValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.461
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.461
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.462
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.463
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.464
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.466
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.466
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.467
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.471
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.472
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.475
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.481
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.481
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.481
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.482
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.483
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.483
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.484
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.485
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.486
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.487
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.487
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.487
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.488
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.489
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.490
Errors'}' should be on the same line.490
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.491
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.491
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.491
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.492
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.493
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.493
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.494
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.495
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.496
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.497
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.497
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.498
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.498
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.498
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.499
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.501
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.502
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.504
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.504
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.504
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.504
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.505
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.506
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.506
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.506
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.507
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.508
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.509
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.510
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.511
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.513
ErrorsMethod 'addValuesChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.513
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.513
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.513
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.515
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.518
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.518
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.518
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.518
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.519
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.520
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.520
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.521
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.522
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.524
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.524
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.525
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.525
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.526
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.526
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.526
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.527
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.528
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.528
ErrorsParameter event should be final.528
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.529
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.530
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.531
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.532
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.533
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.534
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.536
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusLostCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.536
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.537
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.537
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.538
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.539
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.539
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.539
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.539
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.540
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.541
ErrorsParameter event should be final.541
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.542
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.544
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.545
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.546
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.547
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.547
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.547
ErrorsParameter event should be final.549
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.550
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.550
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.551
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.551
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.551
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.551
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.553
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.555
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.556
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.556
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.557
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.557
ErrorsParameter event should be final.559
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.564
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.566
ErrorsParameter value should be final.567
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.571
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.571
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.575
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.577
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.577
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.577
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.578
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.578
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.579
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.579
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.579
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.580
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.580
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.581
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.581
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.581
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.582
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.582
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.582
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.582
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.583
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.583
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.583
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.584
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.585
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.586
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.587
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.587
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.587
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.587
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.588
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.588
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.588
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.589
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.589
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.589
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.590
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.591
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.592
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.593
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.593
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.594
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.599
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.599
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.600
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.600
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.602
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.602
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.602
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.603
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.604
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.606
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.606
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.607
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.608
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.610
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.610
ErrorsParameter selections should be final.610
Errors'selections' hides a field.610
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.611
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.612
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.613
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.615
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.616
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.616
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.616
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.617
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.617
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.618
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.621
ErrorsParameter lookup should be final.621
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.628
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.629
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.632
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.633
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.633
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.633
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.634
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.634
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.635
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.635
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.635
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.636
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.636
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.636
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.637
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.639
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.644
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.644
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.644
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.644
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.645
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.645
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.645
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.645
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.645
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.646
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.647
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.648
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.649
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.650
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.650
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.650
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.651
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.651
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.651
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.652
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.652
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.652
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.652
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.652
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.653
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.653
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.653
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.653
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.653
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.653
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.654
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.655
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.656
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.656
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.657
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.657
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.657
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.657
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.657
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.658
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.658
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.658
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.658
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.659
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.659
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.659
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.660
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.660
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.660
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.660
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.660
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.660
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.660
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.660
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.660
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.661
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.661
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.661
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.662
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.662
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.663
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.663
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.663
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.663
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.663
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.663
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.663
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.664
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.664
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.665
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.666
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.666
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.667
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.667
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.667
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.667
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.667
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.668
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.668
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.668
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.669
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.670
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.670
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.670
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.670
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.670
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.671
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.671
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.672
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.672
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.672
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.673
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.674
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.675
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.675
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.675
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.676
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.676
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.676
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.676
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.676
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.676
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.678
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.678
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.678
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.678
Errors'}' should be on the same line.682
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.683
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.683
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.684
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.684
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.684
Errors'||' should be on a new line.684
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.685
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.685
Errors'||' should be on a new line.685
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.686
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.686
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.689
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.689
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.689
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.689
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.690
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.690
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.690
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.690
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.690
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.691
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.692
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.693
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.694
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.695
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.695
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.695
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.696
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.696
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.696
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.697
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.697
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.697
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.697
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.697
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.698
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.698
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.698
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.698
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.698
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.698
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.699
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.700
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.701
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.701
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.702
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.702
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.702
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.702
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.702
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.703
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.703
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.703
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.703
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.704
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.704
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.704
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.705
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.705
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.705
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.705
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.705
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.705
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.705
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.705
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.705
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.705
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.705
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.706
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.707
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.708
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.708
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.708
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.709
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.709
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.709
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.709
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.709
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.709
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.711
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.711
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.711
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.711
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchWindow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.723
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.723
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.723
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.727
ErrorsMethod 'addBasicSelectionCompletedCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.727
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.727
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.727
ErrorsMethod 'addBasicSelectionTextChangeCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.731
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.731
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.731
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.735
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.735
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.736
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.736
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.737
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.738
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.740
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.740
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.741
ErrorsParameter value should be final.741
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.742
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.743
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.745
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.745
ErrorsParameter value should be final.745
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.745
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.749
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.749
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.749
ErrorsParameter value should be final.749
ErrorsParameter fireEvents should be final.749
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.750
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.751
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.752
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.753
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.753
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.753
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.754
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.755
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.757
ErrorsParameter id should be final.758
ErrorsParameter translation should be final.758
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.762
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.766
ErrorsMethod 'getDisplayValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.766
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.766
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.767
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.768
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.769
ErrorsMethod 'addValueChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.769
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.770
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.770
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.770
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.771
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.772
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.774
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.774
ErrorsMethod 'addValuesChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.774
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.774
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.774
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.775
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.775
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.776
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.777
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.779
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.779
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.779
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.779
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.780
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.780
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.781
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.782
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.784
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.784
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.785
ErrorsMethod 'addFocusLostCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.785
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.786
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.786
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.787
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.788
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.790
ErrorsMethod 'setAdvancedSearchCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.790
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.790
ErrorsParameter advancedSearchCallback should be final.790
Errors'advancedSearchCallback' hides a field.790
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.794
ErrorsParameter translations should be final.795
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.799
ErrorsMethod 'getCrossConstraints' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.799
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.801
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.802
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.804
ErrorsMethod 'reprocessWithUpdatedConstraints' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.804
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.805
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.806
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.807
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.808


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'linkName' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'linkToKey' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter key should be final.50
Errors'key' hides a field.50
ErrorsParameter content should be final.50
Errors'content' hides a field.50
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter linkText should be final.58
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsParameter event should be final.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter defaultPanelKey should be final.79
ErrorsParameter content should be final.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'addPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter panelKey should be final.86
ErrorsParameter content should be final.86
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'addLinkToPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter panelKey should be final.91
ErrorsParameter linkText should be final.91
ErrorsParameter linkedPanelKey should be final.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsParameter metas should be final.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsMethod 'getButtons' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsMethod 'setMutipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsParameter isMultiSelect should be final.120
Errors'isMultiSelect' hides a field.120
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsMethod 'setupButtons' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
ErrorsParameter result should be final.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsMethod 'setupSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.139
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.139
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.140
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
Errors'actionLabel' hides a field.161
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.166
ErrorsParameter selectedLookup should be final.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.187
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsParameter event should be final.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.198
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
Errors'}' should be on the same line.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.201
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.215
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.222
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.222
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsParameter event should be final.229
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.236
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
ErrorsParameter event should be final.240
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.243
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.253
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.256
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.257
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.258
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.261
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.261
Errors'meta' hides a field.261
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.261
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.275
ErrorsParameter event should be final.278
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.288
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.292
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.293
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.303
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.303
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.306
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.306
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.312
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.312
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.312
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.315
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.319
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.319
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.322
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.322
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.322
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.322
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.324
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.324
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.324
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.324
Errors'}' should be on the same line.328
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.329
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.330
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.330
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.330
Errors'||' should be on a new line.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.331
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.331
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.334
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.334
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.334
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.334
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.336
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.336
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.336
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.336
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.356
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.356
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.357
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.357
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.358
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.358
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.361
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.361
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.363
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.364
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.365
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.366
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.367
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.369
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.369
Errors'listItems' hides a field.369
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.369
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.370
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.371
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.373
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.374
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.375
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.375
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.377
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.378
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.380
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.382
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.392
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.392
ErrorsParameter event should be final.395
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.396
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.396
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.408
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.408
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.412
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.412
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.416
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.416
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.422
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.422
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.423
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.424
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.424
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.426
Errors'meta' hides a field.426
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.426
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.431
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.435
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.435
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.435
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.438
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.442
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.442
Errors'}' should be on the same line.447
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.449
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.449
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.449
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.462
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.463
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.465
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.466
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.469
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.470
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.472
Errors'searchParams' hides a field.478
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.480
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.481
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.482
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.482
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.482
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.484
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.487
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.488
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.488
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.493
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.494
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.494
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.494
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.495
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.495
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.496
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.496
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.496
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.497
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.499
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.504
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.504
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.504
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.504
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.506
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.506
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.506
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.506
Errors'}' should be on the same line.510
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.511
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.511
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.512
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.512
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.512
Errors'||' should be on a new line.512
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.513
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.513
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.516
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.516
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.516
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.516
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.518
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.518
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.518
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.518
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.539
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.539
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.539
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.541
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.542
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.543
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.544
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.546
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.546
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.550
ErrorsParameter param should be final.550
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.550
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.555
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.555
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.557
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.557
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.558
Errors'}' should be on the same line.559
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.560
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.560
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.565
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.571
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.578
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.578
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.582
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.587
ErrorsParameter key should be final.587
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.587
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.590
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.590
Errors'}' should be on the same line.592
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.593
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.593
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.595
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.595
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.596
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.597
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.597
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.598
Errors'}' should be on the same line.599
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.600
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.600
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.602
Errors'}' should be on the same line.605
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.606
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.607
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.607
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.607
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.608
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.609
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.609
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.610
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.610
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.610
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.611
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.612
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.613
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.613
Errors'}' should be on the same line.615
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.623
ErrorsParameter fields should be final.623
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.623
ErrorsEmpty statement.625
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.626
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.626
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.626
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.630
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.630
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.631
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.633
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.641
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.641
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.641
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.643
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.643
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedValues' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.649
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.649
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.655
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.656
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.657
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.658
ErrorsMethod 'isMultiSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.667
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.667
ErrorsMethod 'setMultiSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.671
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.671
ErrorsParameter multiSelect should be final.671
Errors'multiSelect' hides a field.671
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.675
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.675
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.677
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.677
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.679
ErrorsParameter meta should be final.679
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.679
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.683
ErrorsParameter params should be final.683
Errors'params' hides a field.683
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.683
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.686
ErrorsParameter id should be final.693
ErrorsParameter attrkey should be final.693
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.705
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.705
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.705
ErrorsParameter id should be final.712
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.714
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.714
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.714
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.715
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.715
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.724
ErrorsParameter id should be final.724
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.724
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.726
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.726
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.726
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.727
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.727
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.735
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.740
ErrorsMethod 'addLookupChangedCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.744
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.744
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.744
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.747
ErrorsMethod 'getActionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.748
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.748
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.750
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.752
ErrorsParameter result should be final.752
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.753
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.754
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.756
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.756
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.756
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.756
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.758
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.761
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.762
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.764
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.766
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.768
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.769
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.771
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.772
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.772
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.772
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.774
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.775
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.777
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.778
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.778
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.784
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.784
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.786
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.787
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.787
ErrorsParameter event should be final.789
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.791
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.793
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.793
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.795
Errors'}' should be on the same line.796
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.797
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.797
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.800
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.801
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.802
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.802
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.802
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.803
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.804
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.808
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchRequest' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.809
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.809
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.814
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.815
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.816
ErrorsMethod 'setActionCancelButtonGroup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.816
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.816
ErrorsParameter actionCancelButtons should be final.816
Errors'actionCancelButtons' hides a field.816
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.819
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.819
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedLookupName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.820
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.820
ErrorsMethod 'setSelectedLookupName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.824
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.824
ErrorsParameter selectedLookupName should be final.824
Errors'selectedLookupName' hides a field.824
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.826
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.826
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.827
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.828
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.828
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.828
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.828
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.828
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.830
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.831
ErrorsMethod 'addActionCompleteCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.832
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.832
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.832
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.832
ErrorsMethod 'getActionLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.836
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.836
ErrorsMethod 'setActionLabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.840
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.840
ErrorsParameter actionLabel should be final.840
Errors'actionLabel' hides a field.840


ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.service.CachingSearchService.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsName 'PAGE_SIZE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'getMslabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'setMslabel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter mslabel should be final.70
Errors'mslabel' hides a field.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'getContentTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsMethod 'setMutipleSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter isMultiSelect should be final.88
Errors'isMultiSelect' hides a field.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsMethod 'setWithMslable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsParameter withMslable should be final.92
Errors'withMslable' hides a field.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsMethod 'initializeTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsParameter listResultMetadata should be final.97
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.97
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.99
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsMethod 'performSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.147
Errors'searchRequest' hides a field.147
ErrorsParameter listResultMetadata should be final.147
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.147
ErrorsParameter pagedResults should be final.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
Errors'}' should be on the same line.155
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.156
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'}' should be on the same line.158
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsMethod 'performSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.164
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.164
Errors'searchRequest' hides a field.164
ErrorsParameter listResultMetadata should be final.164
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.168
ErrorsParameter startAt should be final.168
ErrorsParameter size should be final.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.183
ErrorsParameter results should be final.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.192
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.195
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.195
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.195
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.222
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.223
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.223
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.225
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.225
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.226
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.231
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.231
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.233
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.233
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.234
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.235
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.240
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.241
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.242
ErrorsVariable 'row' must be private and have accessor methods.242
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.243
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.244
ErrorsParameter row should be final.244
Errors'row' hides a field.244
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.244
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.247
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.249
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.250
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.252
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.254
ErrorsParameter newValue should be final.254
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.257
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.259
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.262
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.263
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.266
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.268
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.268
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.269
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.270
ErrorsVariable 'columnId' must be private and have accessor methods.270
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.271
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.271
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.272
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.273
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.273
Errors'columnId' hides a field.273
ErrorsParameter type should be final.273
Errors'type' hides a field.273
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.277
ErrorsParameter row0 should be final.279
ErrorsParameter row1 should be final.279
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.281
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.284
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.286
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.287
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.287
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.290
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.293
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.293
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.294
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.295
ErrorsVariable 'columnId' must be private and have accessor methods.295
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.296
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.296
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.296
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.297
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.298
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.298
Errors'columnId' hides a field.298
ErrorsParameter type should be final.298
Errors'type' hides a field.298
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.300
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.301
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.302
ErrorsParameter row0 should be final.304
ErrorsParameter row1 should be final.304
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.306
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.308
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.309
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.311
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.312
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.312
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.315


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter resultReturnKey should be final.25
ErrorsParameter resultDisplayKey should be final.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter resultReturnKey should be final.30
ErrorsParameter resultDisplayKey should be final.30
ErrorsParameter row should be final.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'getDisplayKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'getReturnKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setResultRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter resultRow should be final.44
Errors'resultRow' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getResultRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter panelMap should be final.46
Errors'panelMap' hides a field.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsParameter event should be final.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMethod 'addLookupChangedCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.85
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchLookups' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsMethod 'setSearchLookups' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsParameter searchLookups should be final.93
Errors'searchLookups' hides a field.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.96


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsVariable 'pagingScrollTable' must be private and have accessor methods.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter pagingScrollTable should be final.60
Errors'pagingScrollTable' hides a field.60
Errors'pagingOptions' hides a field.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsMethod 'clearTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsMethod 'removeSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsMethod 'performSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.85
ErrorsParameter listResultMetadata should be final.85
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.85
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsParameter results should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.108
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsMethod 'initializeTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.124
ErrorsParameter listResultMetadata should be final.124
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
Errors'400' is a magic number.129
Errors'300' is a magic number.129
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
Errors'370' is a magic number.141
ErrorsMethod 'redraw' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.149
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsParameter selectionHandler should be final.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.165
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.165
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.168
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.168
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.174
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.177
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.177
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.177
ErrorsMethod 'getAllIds' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.183
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.183
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.183
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.185
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsMethod 'getAllRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.191
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.191
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.193


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsParameter id should be final.35
Errors'id' hides a field.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter columnKey should be final.39
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter columnKey should be final.43
ErrorsParameter value should be final.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter colHeader should be final.24
ErrorsParameter resultKey should be final.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.26
ErrorsMethod 'getCellValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsParameter rowValue should be final.32
ErrorsMethod 'setCellValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsParameter rowValue should be final.37
ErrorsParameter cellValue should be final.37
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter id should be final.33
Errors'id' hides a field.33
ErrorsParameter displayString should be final.33
Errors'displayString' hides a field.33
ErrorsParameter replacementString should be final.33
Errors'replacementString' hides a field.33
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMethod 'getDisplayString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMethod 'getReplacementString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter id should be final.53
Errors'id' hides a field.53
ErrorsMethod 'setDisplayString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter displayString should be final.57
Errors'displayString' hides a field.57
ErrorsMethod 'setReplacementString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter replacementString should be final.61
Errors'replacementString' hides a field.61
ErrorsMethod 'addAttr' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter key should be final.65
ErrorsParameter value should be final.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsMethod 'getAttrMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter oracle should be final.45
Errors'oracle' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter oracle should be final.49
Errors'oracle' hides a field.49
ErrorsParameter enabled should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsParameter result should be final.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsParameter event should be final.64
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsParameter event should be final.75
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.84
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'}' should be on the same line.91
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.101
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsMethod 'reset' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.114
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedSuggestion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsMethod 'getOracle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.134
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
ErrorsParameter id should be final.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors'}' should be on the same line.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsParameter result should be final.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.167
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.167
ErrorsParameter id should be final.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.168
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
Errors'}' should be on the same line.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsParameter result should be final.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.191
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.192
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.192
ErrorsParameter id should be final.192
ErrorsParameter translation should be final.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.201
ErrorsParameter id should be final.202
ErrorsParameter fireEvents should be final.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.203
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.203
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
Errors'}' should be on the same line.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.214
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.215
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsParameter result should be final.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.221
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
Errors'}' should be on the same line.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.236
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.237
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.237
ErrorsParameter theSuggestion should be final.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.240
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentSuggestion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.250
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.250
ErrorsParameter translations should be final.255
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.257
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsMethod 'setWatermarkText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsParameter text should be final.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.262
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsMethod 'hasWatermark' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsMethod 'watermarkShowing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'idKey'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsParameter searchTypeKey should be final.69
Errors'searchTypeKey' hides a field.69
ErrorsParameter searchTextKey should be final.69
Errors'searchTextKey' hides a field.69
ErrorsParameter searchIdKey should be final.69
Errors'searchIdKey' hides a field.69
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchIdKey'.69
ErrorsParameter resultIdKey should be final.69
Errors'resultIdKey' hides a field.69
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'resultIdKey'.69
ErrorsParameter resultDisplayKey should be final.69
Errors'resultDisplayKey' hides a field.69
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'resultDisplayKey'.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsParameter lookupMetadata should be final.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.89
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.92
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.92
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsMethod 'setAdditionalSearchParams' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsParameter params should be final.110
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
ErrorsParameter request should be final.116
ErrorsParameter response should be final.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsMethod 'requestSuggestions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.132
ErrorsParameter request should be final.133
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.136
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsParameter offsetWidth should be final.140
ErrorsParameter offsetHeight should be final.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.152
ErrorsParameter query should be final.152
ErrorsParameter searchId should be final.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.169
ErrorsParameter query should be final.169
ErrorsParameter searchId should be final.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
ErrorsParameter key should be final.186
ErrorsParameter value should be final.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsMethod 'sendRequest' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.204
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.204
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.204
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.207
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.209
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.210
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.211
ErrorsParameter results should be final.213
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.214
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.225
ErrorsParameter caught should be final.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsParameter results should be final.232
ErrorsParameter limit should be final.232
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.237
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.237
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.238
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.238
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.243
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.244
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.244
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.244
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.245
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.247
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.254
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.260
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.263
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.266
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.266
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.268
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.269
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.270
ErrorsMethod 'isDisplayStringHTML' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.283
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.288
ErrorsMethod 'getSuggestionByText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.305
ErrorsParameter text should be final.306
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.306
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.308
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.308
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.308
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.309
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.309
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.316
ErrorsMethod 'setTextWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.317
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.317
ErrorsParameter widget should be final.317
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.317
ErrorsMethod 'getSuggestionByIdSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsParameter id should be final.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.324
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.324
ErrorsParameter results should be final.326
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.328
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.331
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.331
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.331
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.332
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.332
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.337
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.337
ErrorsMethod 'addSearchCompletedCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.350
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.351
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.351
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.354


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'columnList' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'widgetList' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter widgetList should be final.38
Errors'widgetList' hides a field.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter widgetList should be final.41
Errors'widgetList' hides a field.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter columnNames should be final.46
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'100' is a magic number.49
Errors'/' is not preceded with whitespace.49
Errors'/' is not followed by whitespace.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'addRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter widgets should be final.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.72
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsVariable 'tableModelListenerList' must be private and have accessor methods.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMethod 'addTableModelListener' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter lis should be final.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMethod 'removeTableModelListener' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter l should be final.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableStructureChanged' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableDataChanged' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableRowsDeleted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsParameter firstRow should be final.33
ErrorsParameter lastRow should be final.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableRowsUpdated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter firstRow should be final.41
ErrorsParameter lastRow should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableRowsInsert' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter firstRow should be final.49
ErrorsParameter lastRow should be final.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableCellUpdated' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter row should be final.57
ErrorsParameter column should be final.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'fireTableChanged' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter e should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.13
ErrorsName 'Ascending' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsName 'Descending' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.15
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.17
ErrorsName 'NotOrdered' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'getComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getAscendingRowComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMethod 'setAscendingRowComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsParameter ascendingRowComparator should be final.47
Errors'ascendingRowComparator' hides a field.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMethod 'getDescendingRowComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMethod 'setDescendingRowComparator' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter descedingRowcomparator should be final.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsMethod 'isVisible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setVisible' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsParameter isVisible should be final.65
Errors'isVisible' hides a field.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsMethod 'setColumnTitleWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsParameter c should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter id should be final.85
Errors'id' hides a field.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsMethod 'isSortable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.89
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsMethod 'setSortable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsParameter isSortable should be final.93
Errors'isSortable' hides a field.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.101
ErrorsParameter name should be final.101
Errors'name' hides a field.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'getWidth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMethod 'setWidth' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsParameter width should be final.109
Errors'width' hides a field.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsMethod 'changeSortDirection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMethod 'setSortDirection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter sortDirection should be final.123
Errors'sortDirection' hides a field.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsMethod 'getSortDirection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsMethod 'setSortedType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.131
ErrorsParameter direction should be final.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'rowHeader' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMethod 'installCheckBoxRowHeaderColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsParameter event should be final.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsMethod 'addRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter row should be final.48
ErrorsMethod 'insertRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter index should be final.52
ErrorsParameter row should be final.52
ErrorsMethod 'addColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsParameter col should be final.56
ErrorsMethod 'insertColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsParameter index should be final.60
ErrorsParameter col should be final.60
ErrorsMethod 'isMultipleSelectable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMethod 'setCurrentIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsParameter index should be final.69
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMethod 'setSelectedRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsParameter index should be final.84
ErrorsMethod 'setMultipleSelectable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsParameter value should be final.95
ErrorsMethod 'setMoreData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter hasMoreData should be final.99
ErrorsMethod 'getMoreData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.103
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsMethod 'getRowCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsMethod 'sort' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter column should be final.111
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.112
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.115
ErrorsMethod 'getRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.132
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.132
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.136
ErrorsMethod 'getColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsParameter columnIndex should be final.146
ErrorsMethod 'getColumnCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsMethod 'clearRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsMethod 'selectFirstRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.171
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.171


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'label' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'textBox' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsParameter event should be final.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsParameter event should be final.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsParameter event should be final.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsParameter event should be final.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.49
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'3' is a magic number.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.52
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.52
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.52
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setText' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsParameter text should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'addChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.10
Errors'|' is not followed by whitespace.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMethod 'setModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter tableModel should be final.14
Errors'tableModel' hides a field.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsMethod 'onBrowserEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter event should be final.18
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.24
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.25
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.37
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.37
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.37
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMethod 'isSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMethod 'setSelected' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter isSelected should be final.11
Errors'isSelected' hides a field.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMethod 'isHighlighted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMethod 'setHighlighted' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter highlighted should be final.23
Errors'highlighted' hides a field.23


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsVariable 'header' must be private and have accessor methods.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsVariable 'table' must be private and have accessor methods.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsVariable 'selectionStyle' must be private and have accessor methods.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
ErrorsVariable 'scrollPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsVariable 'focusPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsVariable 'headerFocusPanel' must be private and have accessor methods.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsVariable 'panel' must be private and have accessor methods.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.89
ErrorsParameter event should be final.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsMethod 'removeAllRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsMethod 'removeContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.118
ErrorsMethod 'addContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter event should be final.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsParameter event should be final.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.171
ErrorsParameter tablePredicate should be final.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.194
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.194
ErrorsParameter tablePredicate should be final.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
ErrorsMethod 'getHeader' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.215
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsMethod 'getContent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.219
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.219
ErrorsMethod 'getScrollPanel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.223
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.223
ErrorsMethod 'setTableModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.227
ErrorsParameter m should be final.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.231
ErrorsParameter e should be final.233
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.240
ErrorsMethod 'getTableModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.241
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.241
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsMethod 'onTableClicked' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
ErrorsParameter event should be final.246
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.259
ErrorsMethod 'onTableHeaderClicked' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.280
ErrorsParameter event should be final.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.288
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.288
ErrorsParameter cellIndex should be final.288
ErrorsParameter propagateEventIfNotSortingColumn should be final.288
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.308
ErrorsParameter row should be final.308
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.308
ErrorsParameter cellWidget should be final.309
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313
ErrorsParameter rowIndex should be final.313
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.313
ErrorsParameter cellWidget should be final.314
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.343
ErrorsParameter focusType should be final.343
Errors'focusType' hides a field.343
ErrorsMethod 'updateTable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.352
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.352
ErrorsParameter event should be final.352
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.363
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.373
ErrorsExpression can be simplified.387
ErrorsParameter event should be final.401
ErrorsParameter event should be final.410
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.419
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.432
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.433
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.436
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.438
ErrorsMethod 'addRetrieveAdditionalDataHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.443
ErrorsMethod 'displayLoading' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.456
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.456
ErrorsParameter isLoading should be final.456
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.458
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.459
ErrorsParameter offsetWidth should be final.464
ErrorsParameter offsetHeight should be final.464
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.473
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.474
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.474
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.475
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.476
ErrorsMethod 'addSelectionChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.476
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.477
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.478
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.478
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'handler'.478
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.479
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.480


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'defaultTableEditor' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter value should be final.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.15
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.18
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'getCellEditorValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.26
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.26
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMethod 'setCellEditorValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter value should be final.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.35
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.38
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.38
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.39
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.41
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.41
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.41
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.42
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'addClickHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.52
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.53
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.53
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'addChangeHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsParameter handler should be final.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.64
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'getDefaultTableEditor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'tableModel' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsParameter event should be final.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsParameter event should be final.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'3' is a magic number.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
Errors'4' is a magic number.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'4' is a magic number.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
Errors'4' is a magic number.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsParameter row0 should be final.105
ErrorsParameter row1 should be final.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsParameter row0 should be final.114
ErrorsParameter row1 should be final.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter c should be final.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsParameter columnId should be final.139
ErrorsParameter newValue should be final.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.140
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.153
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsParameter isFull should be final.166
Errors'isFull' hides a field.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.174
ErrorsParameter id should be final.174
Errors'id' hides a field.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsParameter name should be final.182
Errors'name' hides a field.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.4
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.4
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.5
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.7
Errors';' is preceded with whitespace.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.4
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsName 'RowInsert' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsName 'RowUpdate' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsName 'RowDelete' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsName 'CellUpdate' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsName 'TableStructure' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsName 'TableData' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsVariable 'firstRow' must be private and have accessor methods.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsVariable 'lastRow' must be private and have accessor methods.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'column' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMethod 'getFirstRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMethod 'setFirstRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter firstRow should be final.28
Errors'firstRow' hides a field.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMethod 'getLastRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'setLastRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter lastRow should be final.36
Errors'lastRow' hides a field.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'getColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter column should be final.44
Errors'column' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMethod 'setType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsParameter type should be final.52
Errors'type' hides a field.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.4
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.4


ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsName 'UP_LEFT_PREDICATE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.21
ErrorsVariable 'UP_LEFT_PREDICATE' must be private and have accessor methods.21
ErrorsParameter row should be final.23
ErrorsParameter rowCount should be final.23
ErrorsParameter row should be final.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'DOWN_RIGHT_PREDICATE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.38
ErrorsVariable 'DOWN_RIGHT_PREDICATE' must be private and have accessor methods.38
ErrorsParameter row should be final.40
ErrorsParameter rowCount should be final.40
ErrorsParameter row should be final.45


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter key should be final.16
Errors'key' hides a field.16
ErrorsMethod 'isRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter isRequired should be final.22
Errors'isRequired' hides a field.22
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter title should be final.28
Errors'title' hides a field.28
ErrorsMethod 'getContentCellCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMethod 'setContentCellCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter contentCellCount should be final.34
Errors'contentCellCount' hides a field.34
ErrorsMethod 'getCell1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMethod 'setCell1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter cell1 should be final.40
Errors'cell1' hides a field.40
ErrorsMethod 'getCell2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMethod 'setCell2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsParameter cell2 should be final.46
Errors'cell2' hides a field.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.6


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMethod 'getModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMethod 'setModel' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter model should be final.28
Errors'model' hides a field.28
ErrorsMethod 'doLayout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.35
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.43
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsMethod 'markDiffs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter style should be final.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
Errors'}' should be on the same line.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.59
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsMethod 'containsKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter key should be final.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsMethod 'highlightRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsParameter rowKey should be final.70
ErrorsParameter style should be final.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.71
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMethod 'clearHighlightRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter rowKey should be final.76
ErrorsParameter removeThisStyle should be final.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMethod 'clearHighlightedRows' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter removeThisStyle should be final.82
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.83
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsMethod 'highlightCell' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter rowKey should be final.88
ErrorsParameter cellIndex should be final.88
ErrorsParameter style should be final.88
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.89
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsMethod 'clearHighlightCell' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsParameter rowKey should be final.94
ErrorsParameter cellIndex should be final.94
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.95
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter section should be final.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'3' is a magic number.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.115
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
Errors'}' should be on the same line.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.137
ErrorsParameter row should be final.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
Errors'}' should be on the same line.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.147
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.150
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.154
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.159
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.164
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMethod 'addEditingHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter clickHandler should be final.14
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.14
ErrorsMethod 'getEditingHandler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMethod 'getSectionRowList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter aRow should be final.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsMethod 'clear' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter title should be final.35
Errors'title' hides a field.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
Errors'800' is a magic number.32
Errors'800' is a magic number.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsParameter event should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors'800' is a magic number.93
Errors'800' is a magic number.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsParameter event should be final.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.130
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.130
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.142


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMethod 'addSummaryTableFieldRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter aRow should be final.17
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsMethod 'addSummaryMultiplicity' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter config should be final.21
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsMethod 'getMultiplicityList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMethod 'setMultiplicityList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter multiplicityList should be final.31
Errors'multiplicityList' hides a field.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor1 should be final.15
Errors'fieldDescriptor1' hides a field.15
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor2 should be final.16
Errors'fieldDescriptor2' hides a field.16
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
Errors'||' should be on a new line.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldDescriptor1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsMethod 'getFieldDescriptor2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMethod 'setTemporaryRowFlag' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsParameter multiplicityRow should be final.41
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'multiplicityRow'.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'isTemporaryRow' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsVariable 'sectionList' must be private and have accessor methods.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMethod 'isEditable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMethod 'setEditable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter isEditable should be final.15
Errors'isEditable' hides a field.15
ErrorsMethod 'getContentColumnHeader1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMethod 'setContentColumnHeader1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter contentColumnHeader1 should be final.22
Errors'contentColumnHeader1' hides a field.22
ErrorsMethod 'getContentColumnHeader2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMethod 'setContentColumnHeader2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter contentColumnHeader2 should be final.30
Errors'contentColumnHeader2' hides a field.30
ErrorsMethod 'getSectionList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter section should be final.38


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsVariable 'config' must be private and have accessor methods.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsParameter config should be final.12
Errors'config' hides a field.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter config should be final.16
Errors'config' hides a field.16
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsParameter config should be final.9
Errors'config' hides a field.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMethod 'setConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter config should be final.13
Errors'config' hides a field.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMethod 'getConfig' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsParameter key should be final.19
Errors'key' hides a field.19
ErrorsMethod 'isRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMethod 'setRequired' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter isRequired should be final.25
Errors'isRequired' hides a field.25
ErrorsMethod 'getTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMethod 'setTitle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter title should be final.31
Errors'title' hides a field.31
ErrorsMethod 'getContentCellCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMethod 'setContentCellCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter contentCellCount should be final.37
Errors'contentCellCount' hides a field.37
ErrorsMethod 'getCell1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsMethod 'setCell1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter cell1 should be final.43
Errors'cell1' hides a field.43
ErrorsMethod 'getCell2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMethod 'setCell2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter cell2 should be final.49
Errors'cell2' hides a field.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsMethod 'addTitleCellStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter style should be final.53
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMethod 'getTitleCellStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMethod 'addContentCellStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter style should be final.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsMethod 'getContentCellStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsMethod 'setShown' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsParameter show should be final.74
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'show'.74
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMethod 'isShown' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'summaryTable' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'summaryTableModel' must be private and have accessor methods.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsVariable 'controller' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'comparisonModel' must be private and have accessor methods.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsVariable 'showRowCallbacks' must be private and have accessor methods.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.36
Errors'controller' hides a field.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter controller should be final.43
Errors'controller' hides a field.43
ErrorsParameter title should be final.43
ErrorsMethod 'setContentColumnHeader1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter title should be final.50
ErrorsMethod 'setContentColumnHeader2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter title should be final.54
ErrorsMethod 'getContentColumnHeader1' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMethod 'getContentColumnHeader2' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsMethod 'setEditable' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter bool should be final.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsMethod 'addShowRowCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.72
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsParameter row should be final.76
ErrorsParameter model should be final.76
ErrorsParameter comparisonModel should be final.76
Errors'comparisonModel' hides a field.76
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.77
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addSummaryTableFieldBlock' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter section should be final.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsParameter results should be final.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.90
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.93
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsMethod 'processValidationResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsParameter results should be final.106
ErrorsParameter clearAllValidation should be final.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsMethod 'removeValidationHighlighting' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.113
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsMethod length is 158 lines (max allowed is 150).117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsParameter model should be final.117
ErrorsParameter compModel should be final.117
ErrorsParameter parentRow should be final.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsParameter rowList should be final.118
ErrorsParameter styleLevel should be final.118
ErrorsParameter parentNum should be final.118
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.124
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.128
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.135
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.137
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'}' should be on the same line.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.141
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
Errors'}' should be on the same line.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.145
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'}' should be on the same line.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.148
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.160
Errors'||' should be on a new line.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.166
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.171
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.178
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.183
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.194
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.207
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
Errors'}' should be on the same line.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.217
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.217
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.218
Errors'||' should be on a new line.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.220
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
Errors'}' should be on the same line.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.226
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.231
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.232
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.238
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.243
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.243
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.255
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.255
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
Errors'}' should be on the same line.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.266
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.273
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.276
ErrorsMethod 'translatePath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.277
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.277
ErrorsParameter path should be final.277
ErrorsParameter parentPath should be final.277
ErrorsParameter num should be final.277
Errors'}' should be on the same line.288
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.296
ErrorsMethod 'updateWidgetData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.297
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.300
ErrorsParameter otherModel should be final.302
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.311
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.315
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.316
ErrorsParameter fieldBlock should be final.316
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.318
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.321
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.324
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.325
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.330
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.331
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.331
ErrorsParameter model should be final.331
ErrorsParameter compModel should be final.331
ErrorsParameter fieldBlock should be final.331
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.331
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.332
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.333
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.339
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.340
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsParameter model should be final.341
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.341
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.344
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.346
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.346
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.350
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.352
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.359
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.359
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.360
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.361
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.361
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.365
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.365
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.365
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.366
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.368
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.368
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.369
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.369
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
Errors'}' should be on the same line.371
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.372
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.374
Errors'}' should be on the same line.374
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.375
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.385
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.390
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.390
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.395
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.395
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397
Errors'else' is not preceded with whitespace.398
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.398
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.398
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.398
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.399
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.399
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.401
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.404
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.404
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.404
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.406
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.407
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.407
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.407
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.408
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.409
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.410
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.410
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.410
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.411
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.411
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.411
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.411
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.412
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.413
Errors'}' should be on the same line.413
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.414
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.414
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.414
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.415
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.416
Errors'}' should be on the same line.416
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.417
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.417
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.417
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.418
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.419
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.420
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.421
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.421
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.422
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.422
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.423
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.424
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.425
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.426
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.426
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.427
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.428
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.428
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.429
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.430
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.431
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.433
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.434
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.434
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.435
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.439
ErrorsMethod 'addField' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.446
ErrorsParameter fieldDescriptor should be final.447
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.448
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.449
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.452
ErrorsParameter section should be final.453
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.455
ErrorsMethod 'addSection' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.458
ErrorsParameter key should be final.459
ErrorsParameter section should be final.459
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.461


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.28
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter style should be final.36
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsParameter key should be final.42
ErrorsParameter tabWidget should be final.42
ErrorsParameter content should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsParameter position should be final.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsParameter key should be final.49
ErrorsParameter label should be final.49
ErrorsParameter content should be final.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsParameter position should be final.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsParameter key should be final.56
ErrorsParameter label should be final.56
ErrorsParameter image should be final.56
ErrorsParameter content should be final.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsParameter position should be final.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsParameter key should be final.63
ErrorsParameter label should be final.63
ErrorsParameter image should be final.63
ErrorsParameter content should be final.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsParameter key should be final.69
ErrorsParameter label should be final.69
ErrorsParameter content should be final.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsParameter key should be final.75
ErrorsParameter tabWidget should be final.75
ErrorsParameter content should be final.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'addTabCustomCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsParameter key should be final.81
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedTabKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsParameter key should be final.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsMethod 'removeTabCustomCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsParameter key should be final.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsMethod 'selectTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsParameter key should be final.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsParameter style should be final.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'getTabCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMethod 'hasTabKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsParameter key should be final.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsMethod 'setTabPanelStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsParameter style should be final.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.112
ErrorsParameter key should be final.112
ErrorsParameter label should be final.112
ErrorsParameter image should be final.112
ErrorsParameter displayContent should be final.112
Errors'displayContent' hides a field.112
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsParameter key should be final.123
ErrorsParameter label should be final.123
ErrorsParameter displayContent should be final.123
Errors'displayContent' hides a field.123
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsParameter key should be final.129
ErrorsParameter tab should be final.129
Errors'tab' hides a field.129
ErrorsParameter displayContent should be final.129
Errors'displayContent' hides a field.129
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsMethod 'addCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.134
ErrorsParameter callback should be final.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsMethod 'emptyCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.138
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.138
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsMethod 'getTabKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsParameter tab should be final.146
Errors'tab' hides a field.146
ErrorsParameter displayContent should be final.146
Errors'displayContent' hides a field.146
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsParameter event should be final.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsParameter event should be final.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.162
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.163
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.163
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsParameter event should be final.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsMethod 'addTabStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.182
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.182
ErrorsParameter style should be final.182
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsMethod 'onSelect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.186
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.192
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.192
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
Errors'}' should be on the same line.194
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.195
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.196
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsMethod 'onDeselect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.205
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.205
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.208
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
Errors'}' should be on the same line.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.212
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsMethod 'onMouseOver' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.219
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.219
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.220
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.222
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
Errors'}' should be on the same line.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.225
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.225
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.226
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.229
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
ErrorsMethod 'onMouseOut' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.234
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.234
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.235
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.236
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.238
Errors'}' should be on the same line.238
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.239
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.239
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.239
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.240
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.240
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.242
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.243
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.244
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.245
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.246
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.247
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.249
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.250
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.250
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.251
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.252
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.253
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.254
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.255
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.256
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.257
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.258
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.259
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.260
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.261
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.262
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.263
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.264
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.264
ErrorsParameter style should be final.264
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.264
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.265
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.265
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.266
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.266
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.267
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.270
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.271
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.272
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.274
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.275
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.276
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.277
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.278
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.279
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.280
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.281
ErrorsMethod 'setTabPanelStyle' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.281
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
ErrorsParameter style should be final.281
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.281
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.282
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.282
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.282
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.283
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.284
Errors'}' should be on the same line.284
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.285
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.285
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.285
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.286
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.287
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.288
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.290
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.290
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.291
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.291
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.291
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.292
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.293
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.294
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.296
ErrorsMethod 'selectTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.296
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.297
ErrorsParameter key should be final.297
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.297
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.298
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.299
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.300
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.302
ErrorsMethod 'removeTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.302
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.303
ErrorsParameter key should be final.303
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.303
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.304
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.305
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.306
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.307
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.308
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.308
ErrorsParameter tab should be final.308
ErrorsParameter position should be final.308
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.308
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.309
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.309
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.309
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.310
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.311
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.312
Errors'}' should be on the same line.312
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.313
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.313
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.313
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.314
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.315
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.316
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.317
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.319
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.320
ErrorsParameter key should be final.320
ErrorsParameter tabWidget should be final.320
ErrorsParameter content should be final.320
Errors'content' hides a field.320
ErrorsParameter position should be final.320
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.320
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.321
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.322
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.326
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.327
ErrorsParameter key should be final.327
ErrorsParameter label should be final.327
ErrorsParameter content should be final.327
Errors'content' hides a field.327
ErrorsParameter position should be final.327
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.327
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.328
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.329
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.330
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.331
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsParameter key should be final.334
ErrorsParameter label should be final.334
ErrorsParameter image should be final.334
ErrorsParameter content should be final.334
Errors'content' hides a field.334
ErrorsParameter position should be final.334
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.334
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.335
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.336
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.337
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.338
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.340
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.341
ErrorsParameter key should be final.341
ErrorsParameter label should be final.341
ErrorsParameter image should be final.341
ErrorsParameter content should be final.341
Errors'content' hides a field.341
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.341
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.342
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.343
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.344
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.345
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.347
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.347
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.348
ErrorsParameter key should be final.348
ErrorsParameter label should be final.348
ErrorsParameter content should be final.348
Errors'content' hides a field.348
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.348
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.349
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.350
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.351
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.352
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.353
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.354
ErrorsMethod 'addTab' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.354
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.355
ErrorsParameter key should be final.355
ErrorsParameter tabWidget should be final.355
ErrorsParameter content should be final.355
Errors'content' hides a field.355
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.355
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.356
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.357
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.358
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.359
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.361
ErrorsMethod 'addStyleName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.361
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.362
ErrorsParameter style should be final.362
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.363
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.364
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.366
ErrorsMethod 'addTabCustomCallback' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.366
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.367
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.368
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.369
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.369
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.369
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.370
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.371
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.372
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.373
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.375
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedTabKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.375
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.376
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.377
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.377
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.377
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.378
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.379
Errors'}' should be on the same line.379
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.380
Errors'else' is not followed by whitespace.380
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.380
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.381
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.382
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.383
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.384
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.386
ErrorsMethod 'getTabCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.386
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.387
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.388
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.389
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.391
ErrorsMethod 'removeTabCustomCallbacks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.391
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.392
ErrorsParameter key should be final.392
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.393
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.394
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.394
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.394
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.395
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.396
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.397
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.398
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.400
ErrorsMethod 'hasTabKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.400
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.401
ErrorsParameter key should be final.401
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.402
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.403
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.405
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.405


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'appStateList'.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'appStates'.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'setEm' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsParameter em should be final.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'getApplicationState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsParameter applicationId should be final.58
ErrorsParameter referenceKey should be final.58
ErrorsParameter referenceType should be final.58
ErrorsParameter userId should be final.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'getApplicationState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsParameter applicationId should be final.83
ErrorsParameter referenceKey should be final.83
ErrorsParameter referenceType should be final.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'createApplicationState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsParameter appState should be final.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'appStateList'.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMethod 'createApplicationState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsParameter appStates should be final.114
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'appStates'.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.36
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.46
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.49
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.52
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.55
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.59
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'prePersist' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsMethod 'setId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsParameter id should be final.74
Errors'id' hides a field.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMethod 'getApplicationId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsMethod 'setApplicationId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter applicationId should be final.82
Errors'applicationId' hides a field.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter referenceKey should be final.90
Errors'referenceKey' hides a field.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsMethod 'getReferenceType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsMethod 'setReferenceType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter referenceType should be final.98
Errors'referenceType' hides a field.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'getUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'setUserId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsParameter userId should be final.106
Errors'userId' hides a field.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsMethod 'getKeyValueList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.110
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMethod 'setKeyValueList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
ErrorsParameter keyValueList should be final.114
Errors'keyValueList' hides a field.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.33
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'2000' is a magic number.36
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.36
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter key should be final.42
Errors'key' hides a field.42
ErrorsParameter value should be final.42
Errors'value' hides a field.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'prePersist' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsMethod 'getId' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMethod 'setKey' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter key should be final.63
Errors'key' hides a field.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMethod 'setValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter value should be final.71
Errors'value' hides a field.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <SEI> tag.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsName 'LOG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.48
ErrorsVariable 'LOG' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsVariable 'service' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsVariable 'permissionService' must be private and have accessor methods.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMethod 'getService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsMethod 'setService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter service should be final.59
Errors'service' hides a field.59
ErrorsMethod 'getPermissionService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsMethod 'setPermissionService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsParameter permissionService should be final.67
Errors'permissionService' hides a field.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.74
ErrorsMethod 'getObjectStructure' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsParameter objectTypeKey should be final.75
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'objectTypeKey'.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.82
ErrorsMethod 'getObjectTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.90
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchCriteriaType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsParameter searchCriteriaTypeKey should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchCriteriaTypeKey'.91
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchCriteriaTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.124
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchResultType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsParameter searchResultTypeKey should be final.125
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchResultTypeKey'.125
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchResultTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.143
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.144
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.156
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsParameter searchTypeKey should be final.157
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchTypeKey'.157
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.157
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.173
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.175
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchTypes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.175
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.176
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.188
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchTypesByCriteria' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsParameter searchCriteriaTypeKey should be final.189
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchCriteriaTypeKey'.189
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.189
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.199
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.201
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchTypesByResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsParameter searchResultTypeKey should be final.202
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchResultTypeKey'.202
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.204
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.220
ErrorsMethod 'search' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.221
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.221
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchRequest'.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.226
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.230
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.230
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.230
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.231
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.233
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.233
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.233
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.233
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.233
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.233
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.233
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.233
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.234
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.234
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.234
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.234
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.236
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.237


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsName 'LOG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.39
ErrorsVariable 'LOG' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsParameter id should be final.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.45
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsParameter id should be final.54
ErrorsParameter idAttributes should be final.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMethod 'saveData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsParameter data should be final.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.65
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
Errors'catch' is not preceded with whitespace.67
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.67
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'isAuthorized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsParameter type should be final.76
ErrorsParameter attributes should be final.76
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'getDataService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMethod 'setDataService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter dataService should be final.84
Errors'dataService' hides a field.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.17
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'OperationFailedException' listed more then one time.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.24


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'sendLog' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsParameter clientContextInfo should be final.34
ErrorsParameter log should be final.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMethod 'addMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsParameter messageInfo should be final.33
ErrorsMethod 'getLocales' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsParameter localeKey should be final.43
ErrorsParameter messageGroupKey should be final.43
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.43
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageGroups' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMethod 'getMessages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.52
ErrorsParameter localeKey should be final.53
ErrorsParameter messageGroupKey should be final.53
ErrorsMethod 'getMessagesByGroups' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsParameter localeKey should be final.58
ErrorsParameter messageGroupKeyList should be final.58
ErrorsMethod 'updateMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsParameter localeKey should be final.63
ErrorsParameter messageGroupKey should be final.63
ErrorsParameter messageKey should be final.63
ErrorsParameter messageInfo should be final.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMethod 'getServiceImpl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsMethod 'setServiceImpl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter impl should be final.71


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsParameter objectKey should be final.33
ErrorsParameter type should be final.33
ErrorsParameter state should be final.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadataList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsParameter objectKey should be final.37
ErrorsParameter types should be final.37
ErrorsParameter state should be final.37
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadataList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter objectKey should be final.45
ErrorsParameter state should be final.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsMethod 'setServiceImpl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter serviceImpl should be final.49
Errors'serviceImpl' hides a field.49


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import - org.kuali.student.common.exceptions.MissingParameterException.21
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided -*.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.43
ErrorsMethod 'search' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'searchRequest'.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.54
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.54
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.56
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.56
ErrorsMethod 'cachingSearch' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsParameter searchRequest should be final.65
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.66
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.74
ErrorsParameter searchResult should be final.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsMethod 'setSearchDispatcher' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsParameter searchDispatcher should be final.88
Errors'searchDispatcher' hides a field.88
ErrorsMethod 'setIdTranslatorFilter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.92
ErrorsParameter idTranslatorFilter should be final.92
Errors'idTranslatorFilter' hides a field.92


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsMethod 'getPrincipalUsername' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'logger' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'properties' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsMethod 'getProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod 'setProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.45
Errors'properties' hides a field.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsParameter property should be final.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsParameter properties should be final.61
Errors'properties' hides a field.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsMethod 'getContextPath' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsMethod 'init' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsParameter config should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsDuplicate import to line 25 -
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsName 'LOG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.56
ErrorsVariable 'LOG' must be private and have accessor methods.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'getData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsParameter dataId should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'getMetadata' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsParameter id should be final.76
ErrorsParameter idAttributes should be final.76
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'saveData' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsParameter data should be final.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'getCurrentUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.109
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'&&' is not preceded with whitespace.109
Errors'&&' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.109
Errors'!=' is not followed by whitespace.109
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.110
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.110
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsMethod 'checkDocumentLevelPermissions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.115
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsMethod 'isAuthorized' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.119
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.119
ErrorsParameter type should be final.119
ErrorsParameter attributes should be final.119
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
Errors'}' should be on the same line.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
Errors'}' should be on the same line.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsMethod 'setAssembler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsParameter assembler should be final.156
Errors'assembler' hides a field.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsMethod 'getPermissionService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsMethod 'setPermissionService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.164
ErrorsParameter permissionService should be final.164
Errors'permissionService' hides a field.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsMethod 'getIdentityService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.168
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsMethod 'setIdentityService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.172
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsParameter identityService should be final.172
Errors'identityService' hides a field.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsMethod 'setSimpleDocService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.176
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
ErrorsParameter simpleDocService should be final.176
Errors'simpleDocService' hides a field.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsMethod 'setWorkflowUtilityService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.180
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.180
ErrorsParameter workflowUtilityService should be final.180
Errors'workflowUtilityService' hides a field.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsMethod 'getAssembler' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.184
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsMethod 'getSimpleDocService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.188
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsMethod 'getWorkflowUtilityService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.192
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsName 'LOG' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.37
ErrorsVariable 'LOG' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'MESSAGE_SERVICE_MOCK' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsName 'MESSAGE_SERVICE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsVariable 'messageService' must be private and have accessor methods.41
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsMethod 'getMessageService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.49
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsMethod 'setMessageService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsParameter serviceImpl should be final.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsMethod 'getMessagesByGroupsEncodingString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter locale should be final.61
ErrorsParameter keys should be final.61
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.69
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsVariable 'legacySerializationPolicy' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter whitelist should be final.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.41
ErrorsMethod 'shouldDeserializeFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.41
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'clazz'.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.43
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.43
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.48
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.50
ErrorsMethod 'shouldSerializeFields' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.51
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'clazz'.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.52
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsMethod 'validateDeserialize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.64
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.65
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.66
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.68
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.68
Errors'catch' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.70
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.70
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.73
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.73
Errors'catch' is not preceded with whitespace.75
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.75
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.79
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.79
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.80
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsMethod 'validateSerialize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.96
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.100
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.100
Errors'catch' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'try' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'catch' is not preceded with whitespace.107
Errors'}' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.107
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.111
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'&&' should be on a new line.111
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.20
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.26
ErrorsParameter s should be final.26
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.26
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.27
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.28
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.28
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.29
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.29
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.30
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.33
ErrorsParameter s should be final.33
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.33
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.39
ErrorsParameter s should be final.39
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.39
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.40
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.41
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
Errors'(' is followed by whitespace.43
ErrorsParameter s should be final.43
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.43
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.44
Errors')' is preceded with whitespace.44


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'doPost' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsParameter req should be final.34
ErrorsParameter resp should be final.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'doGet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsParameter request should be final.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsParameter response should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMethod length is 179 lines (max allowed is 150).45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsParameter request should be final.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsParameter response should be final.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.55
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.55
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.55
Errors'||' is not preceded with whitespace.55
Errors'||' is not followed by whitespace.55
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.184
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.191
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.192
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.193
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.195
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.196
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.197
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.198
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.199
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.205
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.206
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.207
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.208
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.210
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.211
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.212
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.213
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.214
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.215
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.217
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.219
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.220
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.224


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.5
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.6
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'stringValue' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter value should be final.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter name should be final.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMethod 'getCssString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
Errors'for' is not followed by whitespace.29
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.29
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.29
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.30
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
Errors'if' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.31
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'getResetCssString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'getInitializeCssString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsMethod 'getAsterisk' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMethod 'getHelpIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'getDeleteCommentIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'getEditCommentIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getErrorIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getOkIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'getWarningIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsMethod 'getWarningDiamondIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'getProgressSpinner' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMethod 'getSpacer' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsMethod 'getCurriculumManagementImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsMethod 'getDropDownIconBlack' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsMethod 'getDropDownIconCustom' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'getDropDownIconWhite' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'getLightBulbIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsMethod 'getSearchIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsMethod 'getAnalysisIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'getCommentIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsMethod 'getDocumentIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsMethod 'getPersonIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsMethod 'getSpacerIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsMethod 'getApplicationIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.131
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.133
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsMethod 'getBookIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsMethod 'getNodeIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsMethod 'getPeopleIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsMethod 'getDisclosureClosedIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.153
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsMethod 'getDisclosureOpenedIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsMethod 'getFooterImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.164
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsMethod 'getRiceIcon' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'getHeaderCustomLinks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMethod 'getHeaderWidget' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.50
ErrorsName 'ErrorDialogCss' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.84
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.104
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.122
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.125
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.135
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.138
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.141
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.156
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.158
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.189
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.193
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.194
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.197
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.198
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.200
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.200
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.203
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.204
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.206
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.207
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.210
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.212
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.212
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.213
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.215
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.216
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.218
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.219
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.224
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.227
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.230
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.230
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.233
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.234
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.236
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.236
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.239
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.239
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.240
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.244
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.247
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.247
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.250
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.250
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.251
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.253
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.254
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.256
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.256
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.257
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.259
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.259
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.260
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.262
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.263
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.265
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.265
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.266
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.268
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.268
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.269
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.271
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.271
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.272
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.274
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.275
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.277
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.277
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.280
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.283
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.283
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.286
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.287
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.289
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.290
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.292
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.295
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.295
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.296
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.298
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.301
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.301
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.304
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.305
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.307
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.307
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.308
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.310
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.310
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.311
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.313
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.313
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.314
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.316
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.316
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.317
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.319
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.319
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.320
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.322
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.323
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.325
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.325
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.328
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.328
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.329
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.331
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.331
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.332
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.333
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.334
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.334
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.335
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.337
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.337
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.338


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMethod 'bold' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMethod 'createLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMethod 'hr' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsMethod 'indent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'insertImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMethod 'italic' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsMethod 'justifyCenter' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsMethod 'justifyLeft' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'justifyRight' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMethod 'ol' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsMethod 'outdent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsMethod 'popout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMethod 'removeFormat' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsMethod 'removeLink' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'strikeThrough' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMethod 'subscript' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
ErrorsMethod 'superscript' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.121
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsMethod 'ul' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsMethod 'underline' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'getCommonImages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsMethod 'getCommonCss' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsMethod 'getRichTextEditorImages' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getCommonWidgets' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51