Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
TODO's 583 todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 104

org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.application.ViewContext Line
change state to proper default or null 40
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.DelayedToolView Line
? need to wire onReadyCallback into the model request, so that we aren't indicating that we're ready before the model is available? 85
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.TabbedSectionLayout Line
Better way to manage hierarchy, ordering, and handle to views 53
this is not safe for all sorts of reasons, do not call handlers directly like this. 108
keep or delete? 134
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.security.SpringSecurityLoginRedirectHandler Line
Need a way to get the proper redirect url, for now just reloading the page BrowserUtils.redirect(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()); 19
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.validator.DataModelValidator Line
This is a temp solution for getting cross field min value 671
This is a temp solution for getting cross field max value 689
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.commenttool.CommentPanel Line
do a check to see if the current person can edit for each comment in the list then show the actions, else dont show them 478
this will actually call the person service to get person info 651
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.containers.KSWrapper Line
notify current controller of the page change so it can perform an action 101
before navigation event 102
does this do anything? 160
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.list.KSSelectedList Line
do we need to do a search? is this method ever going to be called? 356
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.list.impl.KSLabelListImpl Line
Is there a better way to display selected item here without redrawing 84
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.pagetable.PagingScrollTableBuilder Line
workaround for incubator bug [KSCOR-225] This table to be replaced in M6 160
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.KSPicker Line
should we search on values to populate drop down here or later when user will access the screen? 205
This method of creating read is very inefficient, need better solution 227
is this configuration error? 316
what about the result id? 350
what about the result ids? 354
throw an exception? 620
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.SearchPanel Line
hack - comparison to 'optional' - replace with check against 'optional' field and update related lookup metadata 467
throw an exception? 478
remove because required field '*' indication will be part of FieldElement class 545
hack - comparison to 'optional' - replace with check against 'optional' field and update related lookup metadata 750
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.SearchResultsTable Line
do we really need to recreate the table for every refresh? 73
Do we still need this if condition? Added an else to the if(pagedResults) line to prevent searches being executed twice if the search name includes cross 124
more detail info here 156
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.SwappablePanel Line
eventually we will need 'Search For' label as well. can the use of 'Search By' or 'Search For' be automatically implied or do we need another lookup configuration parameter? 40
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.TempSearchBackedTable Line
more detail info here 99
auto adjusting width to fill table does not work with 1 column bug in incubator??? 140
do we really need to recreate the table for every refresh? 151
Undesirable solution to work with GWT 2.0 157
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.suggestbox.SearchSuggestOracle Line
handle case when search for text is not appearing within search result - should not happen (misconfiguration) 251
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.suggestbox.SuggestPicker Line
Suggest picker marker interface, temporary fix? 24
org.kuali.student.common.ui.server.gwt.old.AbstractBaseDataOrchestrationRpcGwtServlet Line
issues: -The Type/state config is hardcoded here which will cause troubles with different types and states -Workflow filter should be combined with this for save -The exception handling here needs standardization. Should RPC errors throw operation failed with just the message and log the message and exception? also should calls that return Boolean ever throw exceptions? 48
should not pass empty id. What to do here? 79
org.kuali.student.common.ui.server.upload.UploadServlet Line
Probably temporary solution for type on document info 153
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.util.IdTranslator Line
workaround until orch dict can handle multi part keys on initiallookup defs 60
org.kuali.student.core.comment.service.impl.TestCommentServiceImpl Line
validation needs to be tested, this code doesn't work and I need to refactor CommentInfo commentInfo = new CommentInfo(); RichTextInfo commentText = new RichTextInfo(); commentText.setFormatted("<p>comment&gt;!@#02h%$</p>"); commentText.setPlain("comment"); commentInfo.setCommentText(commentText); commentInfo.setReferenceTypeKey("referenceKey"); commentInfo.setReferenceId("referenceId"); commentInfo.setEffectiveDate(new Date()); commentInfo.setExpirationDate(new Date()); 129
org.kuali.student.core.dao.impl.AbstractSearchableCrudDaoImpl Line
SQL injection can occur here - or NOT if we need to assemble SQL to cover various ways one can compare criteria to a text 115
org.kuali.student.core.document.service.impl.TestDocumentServiceImpl Line
validation needs to be tested, this code doesn't work and I need to refactor DocumentInfo documentInfo = new DocumentInfo(); RichTextInfo desc = new RichTextInfo(); desc.setFormatted("<p>document&gt;!%/#;&amp;@$</p>"); desc.setPlain("document"); documentInfo.setDesc(desc); documentInfo.setFileName("sample.pdf"); documentInfo.setEffectiveDate(new Date()); documentInfo.setExpirationDate(new Date()); documentInfo.setType("kuali.org.Document"); documentInfo.setState("active"); 244
org.kuali.student.core.dto.DtoConstants Line
Need to split out proposal states (ie. workflow states) versus dto states 8
org.kuali.student.core.enumerationmanagement.service.impl.EnumerationManagementServiceImpl Line
need real validation 66
need to get messages here 111
need to get messages here 172
org.kuali.student.core.organization.assembly.OrgProposalAssembler Line
should this be something like org.proposal? 312
org.kuali.student.core.organization.service.impl.OrganizationServiceImpl Line
redo validation here and for all calls to create/update return validator.validateTypeStateObject(orgInfo, getObjectStructure("orgInfo")); 746
org.kuali.student.core.organization.ui.client.mvc.controller.OrgProposalController Line
needs to check validation results and display messages if validation failed This was reviewd as part of KSCOR-220, deferred to KSCOR-225, can't be fixed until server side validation completed 461
org.kuali.student.core.personsearch.service.impl.KsPerson Line
Either find a cleaner fix or go back to using PersonSerice 38
org.kuali.student.core.rice.StudentWorkflowConstants Line
The workflow doc type needs to be removed from ProposalWorkflowFilter 6
org.kuali.student.core.search.service.impl.CrossSearchManager Line
this is pretty inefficient to loop through everything... a map structure for the cells might be better 242
breaks are bad... but there is no map in the cells 251
breaks are bad... but there is no map in the cells 272
breaks are bad... but there is no map in the cells 300
breaks are bad... but there is no map in the cells 311
needs a handle to the result params data types here 389
org.kuali.student.core.statement.service.assembler.StatementTreeViewAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 47
org.kuali.student.core.statement.service.impl.TestStatementServiceImpl Line
- Investigate why adding clu1, clu3, clu2 works but adding clu1, clu2, clu3 doesn't work 157
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.CategoryManagement Line
[KSCOR-225] user needs to specify what LoRepository they want category to tagged with 588
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.CategoryManagementTable Line
Undesirable solution to work with GWT 2.0 145
Undesirable solution to work with GWT 2.0 155
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.LOCategoryBuilder Line
[KSCOR-225] Class needs to be rewritten to use KSPicker instead of SuggestPicker and use lookup config through metadata 438
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lu.LUUIConstants Line
Duplicated from lum-api LUConstants 30
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.ActivityAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 60
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.CourseAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 279
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.CourseAssemblerConstants Line
follow Norm's Type Keys (this requires impex changes) public final static String COURSE_RESULT_TYPE_GRADE = "kuali.resultType.grades"; public final static String COURSE_RESULT_TYPE_CREDITS = "kuali.resultType.credits"; 58
ask norm for these values 76
ask norm about this value 92
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.CourseJointAssembler Line
is this ever used? 65
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 83
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.FormatAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 100
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.impl.TestCourseServiceImpl Line
--No comment-- 720
need a dictionary that defines StatamentTreeViewInfo 841
need a dictionary that defines StatamentTreeViewInfo 853
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.assembly.CluSetManagementAssembler Line
should have it's own proposal types 57
--No comment-- 523
--No comment-- 528
--No comment-- 532
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.entity.Clu Line
dates should be either set from the DB time as part of the insert statement, or set from the application. DB timestamp (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) is preferred 47
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.service.impl.LuServiceImpl Line
, this should be DB time 3109
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.configuration.CourseConfigurer Line
[KSCOR-225] Temporary fix til we have a real rich text editor addField(description, COURSE + "/" + DESCRIPTION, null); 477
[KSCOR-225] Commented out search code to display drop down with only current user, and disable select 781
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.configuration.ViewCourseConfigurer Line
[KSCOR-225] Temp paths waiting for DOL changes 76
[KSCOR-225] Initialize type and state from selected cluId 82
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.controllers.VersionsController Line
this is not updating the cluModel so state will not be updated in the model. May not be a problem. 292
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.controllers.ViewCourseController Line
this is not updating the cluModel so state will not be updated in the model. May not be a problem. 150
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.server.gwt.CourseDataService Line
calling getData after createNewCourseVersion is inefficient, but we need to have the transformations/filters be applied 98
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.main.client.widgets.ApplicationHeader Line
notify current controller of the page change so it can perform an action 101
before navigation event 102
the following code gets overridden 161
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.tools.client.configuration.CluSetsConfigurer Line
do something else here, rework logic rootSection.redraw(); 370
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.major.edit.MajorEditController Line
This is ugly but gets us past a blocker issue. Theres something wrong with the way the models are handled in the major and variation controllers so they get out of sync. This is a temporary workaround 151
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.major.view.MajorViewController Line
Find a better way to do this. We shouldn't be maintaining two separate datamodels for progs and variations 113
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.CoreProgramAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 74
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.CredentialProgramAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 79
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.ProgramAssemblerConstants Line
ask norm about this value 114
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.ProgramVariationAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 78
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.impl.ProgramRequirementAssembler Line
Unsure now if this is an exception or just return null or empty assemblyNode 105
Derive from statement and rule types 187
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.impl.TestProgramServiceImpl Line
--No comment-- 131
Updated version info isn't returned 1076
org.kuali.student.lum.statement.typekey.ReqComponentFieldTypes Line
Why do we have test data in our code? 54


Number of occurrences found in the code: 583

org.kuali.student.common.assembly.AddOneAssembler Line
Auto-generated method stub 32
Auto-generated method stub 38
Auto-generated method stub 50
Auto-generated method stub 65
Auto-generated method stub 71
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.CommonUITest Line
Auto-generated method stub 123
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.application.Application Line
read the window location parameters to determine if a particular view should be shown first 22
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.application.KSAsyncCallback Line
Better detection of session timeout 74
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.Configurer Line
- when DOL is pushed farther down into LOBuilder, revert these 5 methods to returning void again. 54
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.DelayedToolView Line
Auto-generated method stub 144
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.LayoutController Line
remove this method from controller hierarchy? its not used 313
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.binding.HasValueBinding Line
Type checking to ensure that the value type of widget matches model defintion 41
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.binding.MultiplicityItemBinding Line
modify this method to use QueryPath.add to build paths, rather than string manipulation 52
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.binding.RichTextBinding Line
Should these defaults be set in server assembly defaults? Commenting type and state as it is not required for rich text qPath = QueryPath.parse(richTextRoot + "type"); model.set(qPath, "kuali.not.applicable"); 51
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.MenuEditableSectionController Line
Change to put in section header 90
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.MenuSectionController Line
add description to the menu item 271
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.SectionController Line
Auto-generated method stub 20
Auto-generated method stub 26
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.TabbedSectionLayout Line
Auto-generated method stub 498
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.layouts.ViewLayout Line
remove this method from controller hierarchy? its not used 46
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.multiplicity.MultiplicityGroup Line
might want fields and nested multiplicities at the same time. Remove if/else 194
Should copy widgets/bindings too? 206
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.multiplicity.MultiplicityGroupItem Line
Should this be an inner class in MultiplicityGroup? 49
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.multiplicity.MultiplicityTable Line
should just be 1 row def for a table - throw exception if > 1? 75
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.sections.BaseSection Line
Can we do this without checking for instanceof MG?? 264
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.sections.MultiplicitySection Line
--No comment-- 69
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.views.SectionView Line
review this, shouldn't it assign this.model = m? 160
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.configurable.mvc.views.VerticalSectionView Line
Auto-generated method stub 68
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.Controller Line
this logic needs to be reworked a bit... if an unchecked event has been bound locally, do we want to still fire it externally as well? 350
add some automatic view context setting here, get and set 442
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.ViewComposite Line
Auto-generated method stub 130
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.mvc.history.HistoryManager Line
add the ability for view context to add a variety of additional attributes 219
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.service.SecurityRpcService Line
Expand to support additional auth/authz operations. 24
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.service.exceptions.OperationFailedException Line
A better solution for exceptions on client side. 23
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSDatePicker Line
03/11/2009 - This widget currently only supports dates entered in the mm/dd/yyyy format. Known unresolved backspace bug in Firefox. 36
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSErrorDialog Line
maybe retrieve more error info 124
actually gather client context info, such as browser version, user id, etc 129
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSItemLabel Line
--No comment-- 163
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSRichEditor Line
implement i18n 35
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.KSRichEditorAbstract Line
implement with a clean toolbar and i18n 27
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.commenttool.CommentTool Line
use user id for now change to user name 328
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.documenttool.DocumentList Line
Reviewed in M6, future fix: this will fail if the document does not exist BUT the relation does, needs a check for existance before delete 128
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.field.layout.element.FieldElement Line
Do a check here to change the type of label based on widget type eventually 182
show actual help window 277
does nothing on warn, warn is not currently used 342
does nothing on ok, ok is not currently used 345
better way to generate unique id here? 380
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.field.layout.layouts.TableFieldLayout Line
Auto-generated method stub 113
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.field.layout.layouts.UnborderedHeadedLayout Line
rename styles to remove references to course format and activity 28
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.list.KSSelectedList Line
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.pagetable.GenericTableModel Line
return dynamic size when loading with RPC 188
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.ReqCompEditWidget Line
use app context for text 69
not sure if this will work all the time due to parallel nature of this code but running out of time 212
save history 450
we should mix the custom widgets with regular widgets 453
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.RuleManageWidget Line
use application context for all labels 27
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.RulePreviewWidget Line
app context for labels 136
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.RuleTable Line
do we need simple panel? 34
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.RuleTableManipulationWidget Line
remove req. compon.t 299
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.RulesUtil Line
clone file descriptor fields 178
move to ks-lum and use constants in ReqComponentFieldTypes.java 223
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.StatementVO Line
do we really need this and do we need to duplicate this in sub rules? 35
remove after refactoring rule table related classes, removing StatementVO 40
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.rules.Token Line
use AndOrButton class int instead? 20
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.KSPicker Line
Reviewed in M6 cleanup, unknown: Update to also work with a KSLabelList that doesn't require pre-population of all list items 560
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.SearchPanel Line
pass search to the table 280
is this check needed here? probably. assuming string here 285
is this null check needed here? probably. assuming string here 464
make check more robust here/inserting params more robust do not pass to the search parameters that are empty 465
use message call here 532
Add handling of default value lists here 536
need to handle date and other types here, how they are converted for search, etc 576
Should be string only, needs type safety 601
this should be a message key 689
is this null check needed here? probably. assuming string here 747
make check more robust here/inserting params more robust do not pass to the search parameters that are empty 748
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.search.SearchResultsTable Line
- there's a better way to do this 97
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.suggestbox.KSSuggestBox Line
implement some form of focus handling for SuggestBox 37
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.table.summary.SummaryTableSection Line
handle custom widgets (multiplicity field widget initializer) 173
handle custom widgets (multiplicity field widget initializer) 233
org.kuali.student.common.ui.client.widgets.tabs.impl.KSTabPanelImpl Line
Auto-generated method stub 65
Auto-generated method stub 71
Auto-generated method stub 77
Auto-generated method stub 83
Auto-generated method stub 89
Auto-generated method stub 96
org.kuali.student.common.ui.server.applicationstate.ApplicationStateManager Line
The ApplicationStateManager needs to be reviewed as part of the code clean-up. 19
org.kuali.student.common.ui.server.gwt.AbstractDataService Line
why do we have this reference in the base class???? 42
Igor : Why do we check for this when getting the data for programs? 53
org.kuali.student.common.ui.server.gwt.LogRpcGwtServlet Line
Use sl4j for logging 36
org.kuali.student.common.ui.shared.IdAttributes Line
OBJECT_ID has no references 10
org.kuali.student.common.ui.theme.standard.client.CommonImagesImpl Line
Auto-generated method stub 97
org.kuali.student.common.validator.BeanConstraintDataProvider Line
fix it later. 42
org.kuali.student.common.validator.DefaultValidatorImpl Line
parse fieldname from here 344
What happens when the field is not in the dataProvider? 386
figure out what data should go here instead of null 472
Implement lookup constraint 480
org.kuali.student.common.validator.old.BeanConstraintDataProvider Line
fix it later. 36
Should not be ignoring exception 53
org.kuali.student.common.validator.old.Validator Line
Change this to 'default' when the change is made in xml 47
Setup a mechanism to retrive referenced object structures nestedObjStruct = setupFactory.getObjectStructure(field .getFieldDescriptor().getObjectStructureRef()); 227
What happens when the field is not in the dataProvider? 546
Allow different processing based on the label 600
Implement lookup constraint 659
Implement TypeStateCase constraint 663
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.Data Line
probably need to add all of the other remove(type) methods 591
what should be done if we try to query cluset/clus/0/_runtimeData where cluset/0 returns a string instead of Data throw an exception here? 848
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.LookupMetadata Line
is DEFAULT needed? it has 0 references 49
BUTTON has 0 references. Is it needed? 56
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.LookupParamMetadata Line
none of these are used 43
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.Metadata Line
When all dictionaries have been updated, this needs to be changed to a single value object. No need for it to be a list with new dictionary structure. 55
dump lookup/constraint/etc info as well 134
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.MetadataInterrogator Line
worry aboutg special validators 216
worry about how this applies to non-strings? 217
worry aboutg special validators 304
worry about how this applies to non-strings? 305
worry aboutg special validators 323
worry about how this applies to non-strings? 324
worry about hard coding ids 341
Worry about hard coding the cut-off point 345
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.QueryPath Line
revamp this method to use subList once GWT issue 1791 is fixed 149
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.data.UILookupData Line
is DEFAULT needed? it has 0 references 39
BUTTON has 0 references. Is it needed? 46
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.dictionary.MetadataServiceImpl Line
figure out why path=courseInfo.creditOptions.type matches any structure that has a type on it so that lookup gets returned for all types 579
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.dictionary.old.MetadataServiceImpl Line
--No comment-- 48
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.helper.PropertyEnum Line
merge this to common, when merging Norm's generated stuff 18
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.old.BaseAssembler Line
Below must be changed to use constants from KualiStudentKimAttributes class (class is currently in LUM) 65
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.transform.AuthorizationFilter Line
If fields were masked, need to prevent masked values from being persisted. 81
org.kuali.student.core.assembly.util.AssemblerUtils Line
need a "standard properties" enum for values that could be present on any object? 94
need a "standard properties" enum for values that could be present on any object? 123
org.kuali.student.core.dictionary.dto.ObjectStructureDefinition Line
do we need this? 15
do we need this? 21
org.kuali.student.core.dictionary.dto.ValidCharsConstraint Line
Should this be a list of values 10
org.kuali.student.core.dictionary.old.dto.Field Line
there is no required here but there should be 66
org.kuali.student.core.dictionary.service.impl.DictionaryFormatter Line
other more complex constraints 741
org.kuali.student.core.dictionary.service.impl.DictionaryValidator Line
Cross compare to make sure min is not greater than max and that default value is valid itself 132
make the date parser configurable like the validator is 266
more validation 329
more validation 401
org.kuali.student.core.document.service.DocumentService Line
org.kuali.student.core.dto.DtoConstants Line
Ideally this method should not be hardcoded here. Also determining next state may be a more complicated and not just be a simple sequence. 23
org.kuali.student.core.enumerationmanagement.service.impl.EnumerationManagementServiceImpl Line
org.kuali.student.core.organization.assembly.OrgOrgRelationAssembler Line
Auto-generated method stub 293
org.kuali.student.core.organization.assembly.OrgPersonRelationAssembler Line
Auto-generated method stub 240
org.kuali.student.core.organization.assembly.OrgPositionRestrictionAssembler Line
Auto-generated method stub 222
org.kuali.student.core.organization.assembly.OrgProposalAssembler Line
org.kuali.student.core.organization.dao.impl.OrganizationDaoImpl Line
Check query, not sure if matching against right orgKeyType value 190
org.kuali.student.core.organization.service.impl.OrganizationAssembler Line
Use the person Service here Person person = personService.findPerson(orgPersonRelationInfo.getPersonId()); if (person == null) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Person does not exist for id: " + orgPersonRelationInfo.getPersonId()); } orgPersonRelation.setPersonId(person.getId()); 346
org.kuali.student.core.organization.service.impl.OrganizationServiceImpl Line
Flush out exceptions 383
org.kuali.student.core.organization.ui.client.mvc.controller.OrgApplicationManager Line
Need to revisit for Org possibly 95
org.kuali.student.core.organization.ui.client.mvc.view.CommonConfigurer Line
- when DOL is pushed farther down into LOBuilder, revert these 5 methods to returning void again. 191
org.kuali.student.core.personsearch.service.impl.QuickViewByGivenName Line
what is this search for? 113
finish sorting 142
Recognize alternate sort columns 154
fix this 195
org.kuali.student.core.proposal.service.impl.ProposalAssembler Line
Rework when JPA gets cascading deletes (2.0) 150
org.kuali.student.core.rice.StudentIdentityConstants Line
It seems wrong to include DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME in an identity constants class 44
org.kuali.student.core.rice.StudentWorkflowConstants Line
This class needs to be combined with org.kuali.student.StudentWorkflowConstants class found in ks-lum-rice 3
org.kuali.student.core.search.service.impl.CrossSearchManager Line
get the types for the params! 317
org.kuali.student.core.search.service.impl.SearchConfigValidator Line
validate 26
org.kuali.student.core.statement.service.impl.StatementAssembler Line
goes through the list of statements in statementTreeViewInfo and extract the statement ids 591
Fix with LuService RC1.4 changes LuStatementTypeInfo stmtType = this.luService.getLuStatementType(statementInfo.getStatementTypeId()); stmt.setLuStatementType(stmtType); 638
Fix with LuService RC1.4 changes 664
Fix with LuService RC1.4 changes stmt.setLuStatementType(this.luService.getLuStatementType(luNlStmt.getStatementTypeId())); 677
org.kuali.student.core.statement.service.impl.TestStatementServiceImpl Line
This should test valid ReqCompFieldInfo types and values, too 1450
org.kuali.student.core.workflow.ui.client.views.CollaboratorSectionView Line
use real keys here 257
Is there a way to get first, last name from picker w/o parsing display value 344
org.kuali.student.core.workflow.ui.client.widgets.WorkflowUtilities Line
This should come from the ReferenceModel like it does in CommentTool 68
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.CategoryDataUtil Line
- doesn't work on the client; what to do? 27
- LoCategoryInfoAssembler, w/ an assemble method so we can just do categoriesData.add(LoCategoryInfoAssembler.assemble(cat)) instead of all the above 46
- this should't be necessary when DOL pushed down into LOPicker and its LOCategoryBuilder catInfo.setAttributes(catHelper.getAttributes()); 69
- LoCategoryInfoAssembler, w/ a disassemble method so we can just do categoriesData.add(LoCategoryInfoAssembler.disassemble(catData)) instead of all the above 75
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.LOBuilder Line
- KSLUM-527: temporally comment out link to LO Search for M9. Need to be fixed later. 85
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.LOCategoryBuilder Line
show actual help window 234
- need to somehow ensure that categoryTypeMap is initialized before redraw() 623
- need to somehow ensure that categoryTypeMap is initialized before redraw() String typeName = "ERROR: uninitialized categoryTypeMap"; if (null != categoryTypeMap) { typeName = categoryTypeMap.get(typeKey).getName(); } categoryTable.setWidget(row, col++, new KSLabel(name + CATEGORY_TYPE_SEPARATOR + typeName)); KSLabel deleteLabel = new KSLabel("[x]"); deleteLabel.addStyleName("KS-LOBuilder-Search-Link"); deleteLabel.addClickHandler(deleteHandler); categoryTable.setWidget(row, col++, deleteLabel); row++; col = 0; 632
org.kuali.student.lum.common.client.lo.OutlineNode Line
M4 - some way to subclass OutlineNode? 27
org.kuali.student.lum.common.server.LoCategoryDataService Line
Check that only LO categories are coming through this way. LOs are persisted only in the context of a CLU? 47
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.assembler.CourseAssembler Line
Use CluAssemblerUtils 752
Auto-generated method stub 755
This is pretty much a copy of the FormatAssembler's disassembleActivities code... maybe can be made generic 935
This is pretty much a copy of the disassembleJoints code... maybe can be made generic 1095
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.impl.CourseDataGenerator Line
make it return A, B, C... 228
org.kuali.student.lum.course.service.impl.TestCourseServiceImpl Line
- check its contents 169
- check its contents 174
- check effective/expiration dates 183
- check feeInfo 185
- check joints 187
- check metaInfo 188
- check variotions 216
org.kuali.student.lum.lo.dao.impl.LoDaoImpl Line
- will need more general logic here when we have relationships other than "includes" hopefully dictionary-driven List<Lo> parents = getIncludingLos(loId); for (Lo parent : parents) { parent.getRelatedLos().remove(child); update(parent); } 101
- gotta be a constant somewhere, or perhaps pull from dictionary 116
- gotta be a constant somewhere, or perhaps pull from dictionary 123
- "&& [not a top-level LO for another CLU]" when LO's are reused throw new DependentObjectsExistException("LoLoRelation(" + loLoRelationId + ") cannot be deleted without orphaning Lo(s)."); } 191
- remove when logic has been completely pilfered as appropriate 238
- null out hierarchy 334
org.kuali.student.lum.lo.service.impl.LearningObjectiveServiceImpl Line
- enum of allowed states? retrieve allowed states from dictionary? 836
- this is never called; why does it exist? 916
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.assembly.CluSetManagementAssembler Line
Split out CluInfo assembly to its own class 52
Auto-generated method stub 517
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.service.impl.LuServiceAssembler Line
dto.setCluCriteria() 316
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.service.impl.LuServiceImpl Line
is the is the best method of doing this? what if the user passes in a new made up id, does that mean we have orphaned richtexts? 1222
maybe this is unnecessary, contract specifies not null 1601
maybe this is unnecessary, contract specifies not null 1646
Auto-generated method stub 2158
check if this should be set from outside 3061
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.configuration.CourseConfigurer Line
people and permissions will use a different button than continue 197
- when DOL is pushed farther down into LOBuilder, revert these 5 methods to returning void again. 883
customize multiplicity and change "Percentage" label into LUConstants.AMOUNT 1074
customize multiplicity and change "Percentage" label into LUConstants.AMOUNT 1096
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.configuration.CourseSummaryConfigurer Line
use messages here 273
next 3 methods below should be moved into some kind of multiplicity helper class 633
Auto-generated method stub 790
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.controllers.CourseProposalController Line
get from messages 151
Is this correct... do we want to stop view change if we can't restore the data? Possibly traps the user if we don't it messes up saves, possibly warn the user that it failed and continue? 768
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.requirements.CourseRequirementsManageView Line
cache it for each statement type? 98
until we figure out how to detect changes, always return true 217
how to check whether rule changed or not? !(ruleManageWidget.getLogicExpression().equals(originalLogicExpression) && getAllReqCompNLs().equals(originalReqCompNL)); 229
? 271
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.requirements.CourseRequirementsViewController Line
show dialog if user clicks on a menu from Manage Rules page 80
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.course.client.widgets.CourseWorkflowActionList Line
use messages 84
Inactivate 109
Retire 116
create Retire dialog 126
use message e.g. activateCurrentInstr, activateModificationInstr 128
create Inactivate dialog 132
message 150
message 153
use messages 163
add Retire and Inactivate Dialogs 189
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.tools.client.configuration.CatalogBrowserConfigurer Line
make the group, type and state configurable when framework is ready tried created a new message group clusetmanagement but the entries are not read for some reason 137
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.tools.client.configuration.CluSetsConfigurer Line
add cluset and clurange here 132
change this to custom layoutcontroller here to support multiple model ids? 226
change this to custom layoutcontroller here to support multiple model ids? 312
retrieve cluset by id and 324
retrieve cluset by id and 362
- when DOL is pushed farther down into LOBuilder, revert these 5 methods to returning void again. 544
- when DOL is pushed farther down into LOBuilder, revert these 5 methods to returning void again. 546
org.kuali.student.lum.lu.ui.tools.client.widgets.SearchBackedTable Line
use this as a token to get a message from message service instead 138
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.requirements.ProgramRequirementsDataModel Line
how can we reliably know that we need to reload rules (or not) String programId = (model == null ? null : (String)((DataModel)model).getRoot().get("id")); String modelProgramId = ((DataModel)modelIn).getRoot().get(ProgramConstants.ID); if ((modelProgramId == null) || (!modelProgramId.equals(programId))) { 73
clonedProgReqInfo.setAttributes(); 487
clonedProgReqInfo.setLearningObjectives(); 488
clonedProgReqInfo.setMetaInfo(); 489
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.requirements.ProgramRequirementsManageView Line
cache it for each statement type? 97
until we figure out how to detect changes, always return true 226
how to check whether rule changed or not? !(ruleManageWidget.getLogicExpression().equals(originalLogicExpression) && getAllReqCompNLs().equals(originalReqCompNL)); 238
? 280
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.requirements.ProgramRequirementsSummaryView Line
rework to use Configurer if possible 489
org.kuali.student.lum.program.client.requirements.ProgramRequirementsViewController Line
show dialog if user clicks on a menu from Manage Rules page 93
put back if we will NOT reset rules every time user comes to PREVIEW page above... 135
org.kuali.student.lum.program.server.CoreProgramDataService Line
find a better way to get this search, param and resultcolumn names 79
org.kuali.student.lum.program.server.MajorDisciplineDataService Line
Just Major Discipline for now - need to check for other types later 36
org.kuali.student.lum.program.server.MajorDisciplineRpcServlet Line
temporary fix - see KSLUM 1421 92
org.kuali.student.lum.program.server.transform.CoreCredentialProgramFilter Line
- This is heinously inefficient. It has to be a custom search for CredPgm longTitles https://jira.kuali.org/browse/KSLUM-616 50
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.ProgramService Line
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.MajorDisciplineAssembler Line
- is it an error if there's more than one core program? 96
IDs for objects w/o ids 134
Check for ProgramAssemblerConstants.CERTIFICATE_RESULTS too 217
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.assembler.ProgramAssemblerUtils Line
maybe this should be in CluAssemblerUtils?? 108
maybe this should be in CluAssemblerUtils?? 125
- do we need to validate that? 1054
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.impl.ProgramDataGeneratorUtils Line
maybe need it later 20
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.impl.ProgramServiceImpl Line
Auto-generated method stub 120
Auto-generated method stub 440
Auto-generated method stub 469
Auto-generated method stub 497
Auto-generated method stub 556
Auto-generated method stub 563
Auto-generated method stub 571
Auto-generated method stub 580
Auto-generated method stub 617
Auto-generated method stub 626
Auto-generated method stub 634
Auto-generated method stub 721
Auto-generated method stub 758
Auto-generated method stub 804
Auto-generated method stub 829
Auto-generated method stub 861
Auto-generated method stub 868
Auto-generated method stub 876
Auto-generated method stub 883
Auto-generated method stub 891
Auto-generated method stub 898
Auto-generated method stub 907
Auto-generated method stub 916
Auto-generated method stub 923
- when CRUD for a second ProgramInfo is implemented, pull common code up from its process*() and this 941
org.kuali.student.lum.program.service.impl.TestProgramServiceImpl Line
catalog descr //TODO catalog pub targets 220
catalog pub targets 221
effectiveDate Calendar effectiveDate = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); effectiveDate.set(1984, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0); Date testDate = new Date(effectiveDate.getTimeInMillis()); assertTrue(major.getEffectiveDate().compareTo(testDate) == 0); 317
catalog descr 334
createTime Calendar createTime = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); createTime.set(2009, 4, 7, 12, 5, 36); testDate = new Date(createTime.getTimeInMillis()); assertTrue(major.getEffectiveDate().compareTo(testDate) == 0); 398
assertEquals("ANTH", createdMD.getCode()); 492
effectiveDate Calendar effectiveDate = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); effectiveDate.set(1984, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0); Date testDate = new Date(effectiveDate.getTimeInMillis()); assertTrue(createdMD.getEffectiveDate().compareTo(testDate) == 0); 523
assertEquals("00f5f8c5-fff1-4c8b-92fc-789b891e0849", createdMD.getOrgCoreProgram().getId()); 560
createTime Calendar createTime = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); createTime.set(2009, 4, 7, 12, 5, 36); testDate = new Date(createTime.getTimeInMillis()); assertTrue(createdMD.getEffectiveDate().compareTo(testDate) == 0); 617
checkReqComponentType(reqComponent.getRequiredComponentType(), reqComponent2.getRequiredComponentType()); 753
add version update 1062
add version update 1178
this should actually be passing; get working again after today's change of AdminOrgInfo's to those orgs ID's in Program-related DTOs assertEquals("testOrgId", target.getDivisionsContentOwner().get(0)); 1290
update versioning 1414
org.kuali.student.lum.service.assembler.CluAssemblerUtils Line
Check this for proper handling of multiple CluResultInfos? If this is not a create, lookup the results for this clu 83
Auto-generated method stub 173
org.kuali.student.lum.statement.config.context.AtpContextImplTest Line
Auto-generated method stub 132
Auto-generated method stub 142
Auto-generated method stub 152
Auto-generated method stub 161
Auto-generated method stub 169
Auto-generated method stub 183
Auto-generated method stub 191
Auto-generated method stub 198
Auto-generated method stub 206
Auto-generated method stub 212
Auto-generated method stub 220
Auto-generated method stub 228
Auto-generated method stub 236
Auto-generated method stub 244
Auto-generated method stub 252
Auto-generated method stub 259
Auto-generated method stub 268
Auto-generated method stub 276
Auto-generated method stub 284
Auto-generated method stub 292
Auto-generated method stub 300
Auto-generated method stub 307
Auto-generated method stub 316
Auto-generated method stub 324
Auto-generated method stub 332
Auto-generated method stub 341
Auto-generated method stub 350
Auto-generated method stub 359
Auto-generated method stub 369
Auto-generated method stub 380
Auto-generated method stub 391
Auto-generated method stub 400
Auto-generated method stub 409
Auto-generated method stub 418
Auto-generated method stub 427
Auto-generated method stub 434
Auto-generated method stub 443
Auto-generated method stub 450
Auto-generated method stub 458
Auto-generated method stub 465
Auto-generated method stub 474
Auto-generated method stub 483
Auto-generated method stub 490
org.kuali.student.lum.statement.config.context.LrcContextImplTest Line
Auto-generated method stub 206
Auto-generated method stub 218
Auto-generated method stub 227
Auto-generated method stub 235
Auto-generated method stub 244
Auto-generated method stub 252
Auto-generated method stub 259
Auto-generated method stub 268
Auto-generated method stub 276
Auto-generated method stub 284
Auto-generated method stub 292
Auto-generated method stub 299
Auto-generated method stub 307
Auto-generated method stub 315
Auto-generated method stub 323
Auto-generated method stub 331
Auto-generated method stub 338
Auto-generated method stub 346
Auto-generated method stub 354
Auto-generated method stub 370
Auto-generated method stub 387
Auto-generated method stub 401
Auto-generated method stub 409
Auto-generated method stub 421
Auto-generated method stub 430
Auto-generated method stub 437
Auto-generated method stub 446
Auto-generated method stub 453
Auto-generated method stub 461
Auto-generated method stub 468
Auto-generated method stub 477
Auto-generated method stub 486
Auto-generated method stub 493
org.kuali.student.lum.statement.config.context.LuContextImplTest Line
Auto-generated method stub 292
Auto-generated method stub 302
Auto-generated method stub 313
Auto-generated method stub 322
Auto-generated method stub 332
Auto-generated method stub 342
Auto-generated method stub 354
Auto-generated method stub 365
Auto-generated method stub 375
Auto-generated method stub 386
Auto-generated method stub 396
Auto-generated method stub 406
Auto-generated method stub 418
Auto-generated method stub 427
Auto-generated method stub 436
Auto-generated method stub 445
Auto-generated method stub 454
Auto-generated method stub 463
Auto-generated method stub 472
Auto-generated method stub 481
Auto-generated method stub 490
Auto-generated method stub 499
Auto-generated method stub 508
Auto-generated method stub 517
Auto-generated method stub 526
Auto-generated method stub 535
Auto-generated method stub 544
Auto-generated method stub 553
Auto-generated method stub 561
Auto-generated method stub 576
Auto-generated method stub 584
Auto-generated method stub 592
Auto-generated method stub 601
Auto-generated method stub 609
Auto-generated method stub 617
Auto-generated method stub 626
Auto-generated method stub 635
Auto-generated method stub 644
Auto-generated method stub 651
Auto-generated method stub 659
Auto-generated method stub 667
Auto-generated method stub 675
Auto-generated method stub 683
Auto-generated method stub 692
Auto-generated method stub 700
Auto-generated method stub 708
Auto-generated method stub 716
Auto-generated method stub 723
Auto-generated method stub 732
Auto-generated method stub 741
Auto-generated method stub 758
Auto-generated method stub 767
Auto-generated method stub 775
Auto-generated method stub 782
Auto-generated method stub 790
Auto-generated method stub 798
Auto-generated method stub 807
Auto-generated method stub 816
Auto-generated method stub 825
Auto-generated method stub 832
Auto-generated method stub 841
Auto-generated method stub 848
Auto-generated method stub 856
Auto-generated method stub 863
Auto-generated method stub 871
Auto-generated method stub 878
Auto-generated method stub 887
Auto-generated method stub 894
Auto-generated method stub 902
Auto-generated method stub 910
Auto-generated method stub 916
Auto-generated method stub 924
Auto-generated method stub 932
Auto-generated method stub 941
Auto-generated method stub 949
Auto-generated method stub 957
Auto-generated method stub 965
Auto-generated method stub 973
Auto-generated method stub 982
Auto-generated method stub 990
Auto-generated method stub 999
Auto-generated method stub 1008
Auto-generated method stub 1017
Auto-generated method stub 1026
Auto-generated method stub 1034
Auto-generated method stub 1042
Auto-generated method stub 1049
Auto-generated method stub 1058
Auto-generated method stub 1067
Auto-generated method stub 1076
Auto-generated method stub 1085
Auto-generated method stub 1095
Auto-generated method stub 1105
Auto-generated method stub 1116
Auto-generated method stub 1127
Auto-generated method stub 1138
Auto-generated method stub 1149
Auto-generated method stub 1160
Auto-generated method stub 1169
Auto-generated method stub 1179
Auto-generated method stub 1190
Auto-generated method stub 1199
Auto-generated method stub 1208
Auto-generated method stub 1217
Auto-generated method stub 1226
Auto-generated method stub 1235
Auto-generated method stub 1244
Auto-generated method stub 1253
Auto-generated method stub 1262
Auto-generated method stub 1271
Auto-generated method stub 1277
Auto-generated method stub 1283
Auto-generated method stub 1292
Auto-generated method stub 1299
Auto-generated method stub 1308
Auto-generated method stub 1315
Auto-generated method stub 1323
Auto-generated method stub 1330
Auto-generated method stub 1339
Auto-generated method stub 1348
Auto-generated method stub 1355
Auto-generated method stub 1365
Auto-generated method stub 1375
Auto-generated method stub 1395
Auto-generated method stub 1404
Auto-generated method stub 1413
Auto-generated method stub 1423
Auto-generated method stub 1432
Auto-generated method stub 1442
org.kuali.student.lum.statement.config.context.OrganizationContextImplTest Line
Auto-generated method stub 124
Auto-generated method stub 136
Auto-generated method stub 148
Auto-generated method stub 157
Auto-generated method stub 166
Auto-generated method stub 174
Auto-generated method stub 182
Auto-generated method stub 191
Auto-generated method stub 200
Auto-generated method stub 207
Auto-generated method stub 215
Auto-generated method stub 224
Auto-generated method stub 233
Auto-generated method stub 240
Auto-generated method stub 249
Auto-generated method stub 258
Auto-generated method stub 268
Auto-generated method stub 277
Auto-generated method stub 286
Auto-generated method stub 295
Auto-generated method stub 304
Auto-generated method stub 311
Auto-generated method stub 320
Auto-generated method stub 330
Auto-generated method stub 339
Auto-generated method stub 348
Auto-generated method stub 358
Auto-generated method stub 366
Auto-generated method stub 372
Auto-generated method stub 389
Auto-generated method stub 398
Auto-generated method stub 408
Auto-generated method stub 417
Auto-generated method stub 426
Auto-generated method stub 435
Auto-generated method stub 444
Auto-generated method stub 453
Auto-generated method stub 462
Auto-generated method stub 473
Auto-generated method stub 485
Auto-generated method stub 495
Auto-generated method stub 507
Auto-generated method stub 516
Auto-generated method stub 525
Auto-generated method stub 535
Auto-generated method stub 545
Auto-generated method stub 551
Auto-generated method stub 557
Auto-generated method stub 566
Auto-generated method stub 573
Auto-generated method stub 582
Auto-generated method stub 589
Auto-generated method stub 597
Auto-generated method stub 604
Auto-generated method stub 613
Auto-generated method stub 622
Auto-generated method stub 629
org.kuali.student.lum.ui.TestMetadataServiceDictionary Line
figure out this last one -- it is a problem with the cross search that I think Heather wrote. error: search.findMajor has an additional lookup : kuali.lu.lookup.findMajor.advanced that has a parameter lu.resultColumn.luOptionalMajorName that does not exist in the underlying search lu.search.union.majors 7 errors found when validating metadata 180
org.kuali.student.lum.ui.requirements.util.StatementServiceMock Line
Auto-generated method stub 357
Auto-generated method stub 366
org.kuali.student.lum.workflow.CoursePostProcessorBase Line
set states of other approved courses to superseded 125