The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.
Files | Infos | Warnings | Errors |
18 | 0 | 0 | 960 |
Rules | Violations | Severity |
8 | Error |
NewlineAtEndOfFile | 0 | Error |
Translation | 0 | Error |
FileLength | 0 | Error |
67 | Error |
213 | Error |
JavadocMethod | 94 | Error |
JavadocType | 12 | Error |
JavadocVariable | 47 | Error |
JavadocStyle | 0 | Error |
ConstantName | 0 | Error |
LocalFinalVariableName | 0 | Error |
LocalVariableName | 1 | Error |
MemberName | 0 | Error |
MethodName | 0 | Error |
PackageName | 0 | Error |
ParameterName | 0 | Error |
StaticVariableName | 0 | Error |
TypeName | 0 | Error |
AvoidStarImport | 0 | Error |
IllegalImport | 0 | Error |
RedundantImport | 0 | Error |
UnusedImports | 2 | Error |
LineLength | 197 | Error |
MethodLength | 0 | Error |
ParameterNumber | 0 | Error |
EmptyForIteratorPad | 0 | Error |
MethodParamPad | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceAfter | 0 | Error |
NoWhitespaceBefore | 0 | Error |
OperatorWrap | 10 | Error |
ParenPad | 1 | Error |
TypecastParenPad | 0 | Error |
WhitespaceAfter | 14 | Error |
WhitespaceAround | 80 | Error |
ModifierOrder | 0 | Error |
RedundantModifier | 2 | Error |
AvoidNestedBlocks | 0 | Error |
EmptyBlock | 0 | Error |
LeftCurly | 0 | Error |
NeedBraces | 0 | Error |
RightCurly | 1 | Error |
AvoidInlineConditionals | 3 | Error |
DoubleCheckedLocking | 0 | Error |
EmptyStatement | 0 | Error |
EqualsHashCode | 0 | Error |
HiddenField | 24 | Error |
IllegalInstantiation | 0 | Error |
InnerAssignment | 0 | Error |
MagicNumber | 1 | Error |
MissingSwitchDefault | 0 | Error |
RedundantThrows | 10 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | 2 | Error |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | 0 | Error |
DesignForExtension | 79 | Error |
FinalClass | 0 | Error |
HideUtilityClassConstructor | 0 | Error |
InterfaceIsType | 0 | Error |
VisibilityModifier | 1 | Error |
ArrayTypeStyle | 0 | Error |
FinalParameters | 91 | Error |
TodoComment | 0 | Error |
UpperEll | 0 | Error |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 8 | |
Method 'handleMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 12 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 12 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 13 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 13 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 14 | |
'+' is not preceded with whitespace. | 14 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 14 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 15 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 15 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 16 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 16 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 17 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 17 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 18 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 22 | |
Parameter messageParam should be final. | 22 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 7 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 8 | |
Method 'handleMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 12 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 12 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 13 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 13 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 14 | |
'+' is not preceded with whitespace. | 14 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 14 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 15 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 15 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 16 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 16 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 17 | |
'+' should be on a new line. | 17 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 18 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 22 | |
Parameter messageParam should be final. | 22 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 9 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 9 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 10 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 11 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 12 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 13 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 14 | |
Method 'getInInterceptors' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 15 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 15 | |
Method 'setInInterceptors' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 18 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 18 | |
Parameter inInterceptors should be final. | 18 | |
'inInterceptors' hides a field. | 18 | |
Method 'getOutInterceptors' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 22 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 22 | |
Method 'setOutInterceptors' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 | |
Parameter outInterceptors should be final. | 25 | |
'outInterceptors' hides a field. | 25 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 29 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 30 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 47 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 47 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Parameter properties should be final. | 49 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 50 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 51 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 53 | |
Method 'computeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 53 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 54 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 54 | |
Parameter reqData should be final. | 54 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 55 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 56 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 58 | |
Method 'doResults' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 58 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 59 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 59 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 59 | |
Parameter actor should be final. | 59 | |
Parameter doc should be final. | 59 | |
Parameter wsResult should be final. | 59 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 60 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 62 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 62 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 63 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 64 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 66 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 67 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 67 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 68 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 68 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 69 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 71 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 72 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 74 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 74 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 75 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 75 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 77 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 78 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 78 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 80 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 80 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 81 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 81 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 82 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 82 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 83 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 84 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 85 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 86 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 86 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 87 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 88 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 89 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 90 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 92 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 92 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 93 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 94 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 95 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 96 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 98 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 98 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 99 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 100 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 101 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 102 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 103 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 104 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 105 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 106 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 107 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 109 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 110 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 112 | |
Method 'handleMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 112 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 113 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 113 | |
Redundant throws: 'Fault' is unchecked exception. | 113 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 114 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 115 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 117 | |
Method 'setIgnoreActions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 117 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 118 | |
Parameter i should be final. | 118 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 119 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 120 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 122 | |
Method 'getSamlIssuerForUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 122 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 122 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 123 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 124 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 126 | |
Method 'setSamlIssuerForUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 126 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 126 | |
Parameter samlIssuerForUser should be final. | 126 | |
'samlIssuerForUser' hides a field. | 126 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 127 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 128 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 56 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 57 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 58 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 59 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 59 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 60 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 60 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 62 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 62 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 63 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 64 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 65 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 67 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 68 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 75 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 76 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 77 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 78 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 79 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 80 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 82 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 82 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 82 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 82 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 83 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 83 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 84 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 85 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 89 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 92 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 93 | |
Parameter props should be final. | 93 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 97 | |
Method 'isAllowMTOM' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 98 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 98 | |
Method 'setAllowMTOM' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 106 | |
Parameter allowMTOM should be final. | 106 | |
Expected @param tag for 'allowMTOM'. | 106 | |
Method 'handleMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 110 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 110 | |
Parameter mc should be final. | 110 | |
Redundant throws: 'Fault' is unchecked exception. | 110 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 116 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 120 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 122 | |
Method 'handleFault' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 123 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 123 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 123 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 125 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 126 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 127 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 130 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 131 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 131 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 133 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 136 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 137 | |
Parameter mc should be final. | 137 | |
Redundant throws: 'Fault' is unchecked exception. | 137 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 138 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 140 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 144 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 148 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 152 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 156 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 157 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 158 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 159 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 161 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 163 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 165 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 178 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 183 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 186 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 188 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 191 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 197 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 203 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 208 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 219 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 221 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 224 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 225 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 226 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 230 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 232 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 236 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 245 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 249 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 250 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 251 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 255 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 258 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 259 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 261 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 262 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 270 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 272 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 275 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 282 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 283 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 287 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 291 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 295 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 299 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 299 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 302 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 303 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 304 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 304 | |
Redundant throws: 'Fault' is unchecked exception. | 304 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 307 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 313 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 316 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 317 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 319 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 320 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 323 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 324 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 326 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 328 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 330 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 332 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 336 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 340 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 341 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 346 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 349 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 352 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 356 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 358 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 360 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 361 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 363 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 366 | |
'try' is not followed by whitespace. | 367 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 367 | |
'catch' is not followed by whitespace. | 369 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 369 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 370 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 371 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 373 | |
'try' is not followed by whitespace. | 374 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 374 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 381 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 382 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 384 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 386 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 387 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 389 | |
')' is preceded with whitespace. | 389 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 389 | |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 390 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 391 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 394 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 395 | |
'catch' is not followed by whitespace. | 400 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 400 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 405 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 406 | |
Parameter bodyElement should be final. | 406 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 410 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 411 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 412 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 413 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 418 | |
Method 'setSamlProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 419 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 419 | |
Parameter samlProperties should be final. | 419 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 419 | |
Method 'getSamlProperties' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 424 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 424 | |
Method 'getSamlAssertion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 429 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 429 | |
Method 'setSamlAssertion' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 433 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 433 | |
Parameter samlAssertion should be final. | 433 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 20 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 20 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 20 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 20 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 27 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 35 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 39 | |
Expected @param tag for 'message'. | 39 | |
Parameter cause should be final. | 39 | |
Expected @param tag for 'cause'. | 39 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 45 | |
Parameter message should be final. | 48 | |
Expected @param tag for 'message'. | 48 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 54 | |
Parameter cause should be final. | 57 | |
Expected @param tag for 'cause'. | 57 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 23 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 25 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 28 | |
Method 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 30 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 30 | |
Method 'setMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Parameter newMessage should be final. | 34 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line has trailing spaces. | 29 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 29 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 30 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 35 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 36 | |
Method 'doFilterHttp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 36 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 36 | |
Parameter filterChain should be final. | 36 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 36 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 37 | |
Name 'URI' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'. | 38 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 39 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 40 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 40 | |
Method 'getOrder' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 47 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 47 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 47 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 37 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 37 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 47 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 48 | |
Variable 'invalidateSession' must be private and have accessor methods. | 48 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 50 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 50 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 60 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 61 | |
Parameter logoutSuccessUrl should be final. | 61 | |
'logoutSuccessUrl' hides a field. | 61 | |
Parameter handlers should be final. | 61 | |
'handlers' hides a field. | 61 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 64 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 68 | |
Method 'doFilterHttp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 68 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 68 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 68 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 68 | |
Parameter chain should be final. | 68 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 72 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 75 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 98 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 100 | |
Method 'requiresLogout' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 100 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 100 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 100 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 119 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 121 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 122 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 123 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 126 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 127 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 132 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 133 | |
Expected an @return tag. | 136 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 136 | |
Method 'determineTargetUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 136 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 136 | |
Expected @param tag for 'request'. | 136 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 136 | |
Expected @param tag for 'response'. | 136 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 139 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 145 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 163 | |
Method 'sendRedirect' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 163 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 163 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 163 | |
Parameter url should be final. | 163 | |
Method 'setFilterProcessesUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 169 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 169 | |
Parameter filterProcessesUrl should be final. | 169 | |
'filterProcessesUrl' hides a field. | 169 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 171 | |
Method 'getLogoutSuccessUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 175 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 175 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 177 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 178 | |
Method 'getFilterProcessesUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 179 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 179 | |
Method 'setUseRelativeContext' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 183 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 183 | |
Parameter useRelativeContext should be final. | 183 | |
'useRelativeContext' hides a field. | 183 | |
Method 'getOrder' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 187 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 187 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 39 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 43 | |
Method 'doFilterHttp' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 44 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 45 | |
Parameter request should be final. | 45 | |
Parameter response should be final. | 45 | |
Parameter filterChain should be final. | 45 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 47 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 48 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 49 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 49 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 50 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 51 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 55 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 58 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 58 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 59 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 60 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 60 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 61 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 66 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 70 | |
'try' is not followed by whitespace. | 71 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 71 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 72 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 73 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 73 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 74 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 76 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 78 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 79 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 81 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 83 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 84 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 87 | |
'catch' is not followed by whitespace. | 88 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 88 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 91 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 97 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 98 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 98 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 99 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 100 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 100 | |
Method 'getOrder' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 106 | |
Method 'getProxyTargetService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 111 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 111 | |
Method 'setProxyTargetService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 115 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 115 | |
Parameter proxyTargetService should be final. | 115 | |
'proxyTargetService' hides a field. | 115 | |
Method 'getSamlIssuerService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 119 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 119 | |
Method 'setSamlIssuerService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 123 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 123 | |
Parameter samlIssuerService should be final. | 123 | |
'samlIssuerService' hides a field. | 123 | |
Method 'getUseCasProxyMechanism' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 127 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 127 | |
Method 'setUseCasProxyMechanism' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 131 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 131 | |
Parameter useCasProxyMechanism should be final. | 131 | |
'useCasProxyMechanism' hides a field. | 131 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Unused import - | 23 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 24 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 25 | |
Unused import - | 26 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 36 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 37 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 41 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 42 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 43 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 47 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 51 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 53 | |
Method 'additionalAuthenticationChecks' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 55 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 55 | |
Parameter userDetails should be final. | 55 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 56 | |
Parameter authentication should be final. | 56 | |
Redundant throws: 'AuthenticationException' is unchecked exception. | 56 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 65 | |
Avoid inline conditionals. | 66 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 71 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 73 | |
Avoid inline conditionals. | 74 | |
Method 'doAfterPropertiesSet' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 78 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 78 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 79 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 82 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 82 | |
Parameter username should be final. | 82 | |
Parameter authentication should be final. | 82 | |
Redundant throws: 'AuthenticationException' is unchecked exception. | 83 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 86 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 87 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 87 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 87 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 89 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 91 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 93 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 94 | |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 94 | |
'}' should be on the same line. | 95 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 97 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 102 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 108 | |
Method 'setPasswordEncoder' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 113 | |
Parameter passwordEncoder should be final. | 113 | |
'passwordEncoder' hides a field. | 113 | |
Method 'getPasswordEncoder' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 117 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 117 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 124 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 126 | |
Method 'setSaltSource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 128 | |
Parameter saltSource should be final. | 128 | |
'saltSource' hides a field. | 128 | |
Method 'getSaltSource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 132 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 132 | |
Method 'setUserDetailsService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 136 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 136 | |
Parameter userDetailsService should be final. | 136 | |
'userDetailsService' hides a field. | 136 | |
Method 'getUserDetailsService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 140 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 140 | |
Method 'isIncludeDetailsObject' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 144 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 144 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 24 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 24 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 25 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 29 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 29 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 29 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 29 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 29 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 29 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 30 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 30 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 31 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 33 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 | |
Redundant 'public' modifier. | 33 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 33 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 33 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 43 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 46 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 47 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 48 | |
Method 'validateCasProxyTicket' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 48 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 48 | |
Parameter proxyTicketId should be final. | 48 | |
Parameter proxyTargetService should be final. | 48 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 48 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 49 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 52 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 57 | |
'255' is a magic number. | 60 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 66 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 68 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 75 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 77 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 78 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 78 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 83 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 86 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 88 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 89 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 93 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 96 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 99 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 101 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 103 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 112 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 113 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 113 | |
Parameter proxyTicketId should be final. | 113 | |
Parameter proxyTargetService should be final. | 113 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 113 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 115 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 115 | |
Avoid inline conditionals. | 115 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 116 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 116 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 123 | |
Method 'getSamlPrincipal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 126 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 126 | |
Parameter principal should be final. | 126 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 126 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 127 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 128 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 128 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 133 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 136 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 138 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 139 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 143 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 146 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 149 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 151 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 153 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 156 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 159 | |
Method 'getCasServerUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 160 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 160 | |
Method 'setCasServerUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 164 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 164 | |
Parameter casServerUrl should be final. | 164 | |
'casServerUrl' hides a field. | 164 | |
Method 'getSamlIssuerForUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 168 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 168 | |
Method 'setSamlIssuerForUser' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 172 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 172 | |
Parameter samlIssuerForUser should be final. | 172 | |
'samlIssuerForUser' hides a field. | 172 | |
Method 'getProxyCallBackUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 176 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 176 | |
Method 'setProxyCallBackUrl' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 180 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 180 | |
Parameter proxyCallBackUrl should be final. | 180 | |
'proxyCallBackUrl' hides a field. | 180 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 26 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 26 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 27 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 31 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 33 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 35 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 37 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 38 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 39 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 41 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 42 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 43 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 44 | |
Method 'loadUserByUsername' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 44 | |
Parameter username should be final. | 44 | |
Redundant throws: 'UsernameNotFoundException' is unchecked exception. | 44 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 45 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 46 | |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 46 | |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. | 46 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 46 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 47 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 50 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 51 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 52 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 55 | |
Method 'setAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 56 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 56 | |
Parameter roles should be final. | 56 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 24 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 32 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 33 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 37 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 39 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 40 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 41 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 43 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 44 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 45 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 46 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 47 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 49 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 49 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 50 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 51 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 52 | |
Method 'loadUserByUsername' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 52 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 52 | |
Parameter username should be final. | 52 | |
Redundant throws: 'UsernameNotFoundException' is unchecked exception. | 52 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 | |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 | |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. | 53 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 53 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 54 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 56 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 59 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 60 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 62 | |
Expression can be simplified. | 62 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 62 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 63 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 65 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 67 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 68 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 74 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 75 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 76 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 77 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 77 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 79 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 83 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 84 | |
Method 'loadUserByUsernameAndToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 84 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 84 | |
Parameter username should be final. | 84 | |
Parameter authentication should be final. | 84 | |
Redundant throws: 'UsernameNotFoundException' is unchecked exception. | 84 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 85 | |
'==' is not preceded with whitespace. | 85 | |
'==' is not followed by whitespace. | 85 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 85 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 86 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 88 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 91 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 92 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 94 | |
Expression can be simplified. | 94 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 94 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 97 | |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 98 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 99 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 101 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 102 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 108 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 109 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 110 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 112 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 112 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 114 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 118 | |
Method 'setAuthorities' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 119 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 119 | |
Parameter roles should be final. | 119 | |
Method 'setIdentityService' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 123 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 123 | |
Parameter identityService should be final. | 123 | |
'identityService' hides a field. | 123 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Line has trailing spaces. | 22 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 23 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 24 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 25 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 26 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 30 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 32 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 34 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 38 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 38 | |
Parameter t should be final. | 38 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 42 | |
Parameter msg should be final. | 42 | |
Parameter extraInformation should be final. | 42 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 58 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 58 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 59 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 68 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 70 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 71 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 72 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 73 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 74 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 75 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 76 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 77 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 77 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 77 | |
',' is not followed by whitespace. | 77 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 78 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 79 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 79 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 79 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 80 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 86 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 89 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 91 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 96 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 98 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 100 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 102 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 108 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 112 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 115 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 118 | |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 119 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 121 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 125 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 126 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 128 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 129 | |
Parameter samlProperties should be final. | 129 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 129 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 134 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 138 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 139 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 139 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 139 | |
Parameter assertion should be final. | 139 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 140 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 140 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 141 | |
Redundant throws: 'DOMException' is unchecked exception. | 141 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 143 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 152 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 153 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 162 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 163 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 164 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 168 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 169 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 170 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 172 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 175 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 180 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 184 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 193 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 196 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 202 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 206 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 206 | |
Parameter doc should be final. | 206 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 209 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 210 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 211 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 212 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 214 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 216 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 222 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 228 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 230 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 234 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 236 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 238 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 238 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 241 | |
'for' is not followed by whitespace. | 242 | |
'=' is not preceded with whitespace. | 242 | |
'=' is not followed by whitespace. | 242 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 242 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 244 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 244 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 244 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 245 | |
'cast' is not followed by whitespace. | 245 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 250 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 253 | |
Method 'getKeystoreType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 257 | |
Method 'setKeystoreType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 264 | |
Parameter keystoreType should be final. | 264 | |
'keystoreType' hides a field. | 264 | |
Method 'getKeystoreFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 271 | |
Method 'setKeystoreFile' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 278 | |
Parameter keystoreFile should be final. | 278 | |
'keystoreFile' hides a field. | 278 | |
Method 'getKeystorePass' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 285 | |
Method 'setKeystorePass' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 292 | |
Parameter keystorePass should be final. | 292 | |
'keystorePass' hides a field. | 292 | |
Method 'getPrivateKeyAlias' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 299 | |
Method 'setPrivateKeyAlias' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 306 | |
Parameter privateKeyAlias should be final. | 306 | |
'privateKeyAlias' hides a field. | 306 | |
Method 'getPrivateKeyPass' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 313 | |
Method 'setPrivateKeyPass' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 320 | |
Parameter privateKeyPass should be final. | 320 | |
'privateKeyPass' hides a field. | 320 | |
Method 'getCertificateAlias' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 327 | |
Method 'setCertificateAlias' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 334 | |
Parameter certificateAlias should be final. | 334 | |
'certificateAlias' hides a field. | 334 |
Violation | Message | Line |
Missing file. | 0 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 6 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 6 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 7 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 8 | |
Method 'getObject' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 9 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 11 | |
'if' is not followed by whitespace. | 12 | |
'{' is not preceded with whitespace. | 12 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 15 | |
Method 'getSamlTokenInInterceptor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 19 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 19 | |
Line is longer than 80 characters. | 23 | |
Method 'setSamlTokenInInterceptor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty. | 23 | |
Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 | |
Parameter samlTokenInInterceptor should be final. | 23 | |
'samlTokenInInterceptor' hides a field. | 23 | |
Line has trailing spaces. | 26 | |
Line contains a tab character. | 26 |