Table of Contents
Welcome to Rice 2.6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT!
Highlights of this release include:
KNS Equivalency
Many performance improvements
Application header, build footer
Inline editing, edit line dialog
Lightbox to modal conversion
Backdoor login
Multi-file upload
Progress component
Enter key action
Responsive grid support
Accessibility work
Kuali Rice 2.6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT version of Rice.
Below is information on how to upgrade your database to Rice 2.6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT from the previous version. If you are upgrading from another previous version, you may want to reference Database Upgrade Paths.
MySQL and Oracle scripts for performing these updates are available in the following locations in the Rice distribution downloads:
The included KEW XML updates are OPTIONAL. They update the <helpDefinitionURL/> to make the document help point to the correct location, which defaults to the online Rice documentation for that specific version. Institutions that do not want to ingest a new document type may instead run the SQL included in each of the documents. Otherwise, they may wish to ingest all documents.
Rice will eventually require conversion from the Kuali Nervous System (KNS) to the Kuali Rapid Application Development (KRAD) framework. Rice implementers can also convert now to avoid larger upgrades in the future, and the information on how to do this is in This guide includes information on how to run the automatic conversion tool, a list of items that may need to be changed manually, and a primer on how to use the new KRAD Data Framework using the Java Persistence API (JPA).
[KULRICE-8428] - Improved support for KRAD modules
[KULRICE-10089] - Performance Tuning Work
[KULRICE-10289] - KRAD Theme Work
[KULRICE-11065] - Advanced Lookup Demo
[KULRICE-11464] - New components or enhancements
[KULRICE-11594] - Issues related to the KRAD sampleapp and UIM
[KULRICE-12514] - Component for Multiple File Upload
[KULRICE-12866] - Implement Super User Tab in KRAD
[KULRICE-12994] - Git Migration
[KULRICE-5512] - "Sort" UI problems
[KULRICE-7607] - Using Uif_TableCollectionSection, sequencePropertyName of date doesn't sort
[KULRICE-7851] - Dirty field indicator not working on Collections
[KULRICE-9445] - Sequence column sorts like string instead of number
[KULRICE-9735] - Property editor class is initiated Previously with the list<String or any type> but after 2.2.0 upgrade its not happening.
[KULRICE-9861] - Awaiting Rice Fix: Pagination of tables does not work on lightboxes.
[KULRICE-9955] - 'Null' growl appears on page load in IE 10
[KULRICE-10267] - Server side paged collections - add line enhancement/fix
[KULRICE-10463] - Altering of behavior of maintenance document submitted with docHandler and command params
[KULRICE-10580] - Ajax query not found message needs style class and 'null' text replaced
[KULRICE-10653] - NaturalLanguageTemplate "active" attribute missing from Database
[KULRICE-10772] - Support "Use Transactional Document" permission in KRAD
[KULRICE-10773] - Add permission check the Transactional Document copy method
[KULRICE-10775] - Automatic display docTitle in view header
[KULRICE-10783] - Home Breadcrumb on KRAD Demo Labs Lookups and Demo Labs Inquiries 404s to
[KULRICE-10883] - Date picker (and other widgets) still work when a field is disabled
[KULRICE-10884] - No validation on property configurations for constraints or refresh fields
[KULRICE-10903] - Quickstart Archetype needs spring instrumentation jar
[KULRICE-11158] - Progressive disclosure and label condition doesn’t work for lookup view
[KULRICE-11271] - Ad Hoc Recipients are shown/routed in the reverse order
[KULRICE-11272] - Acknowleders can't add notes in KRAD
[KULRICE-11292] - Validation messages on tree node components not displayed correctly
[KULRICE-11604] - Issue with wildcarded namespaces in KIM
[KULRICE-11941] - AFT Failure LabsOtherExamplesAft not rendering
[KULRICE-12023] - Alternate text for broken image in Chrome doesn't display correctly
[KULRICE-12049] - KRAD Sampleapp Demo Account Lookup Auto Search Pre-Filtered results message states all 14 displayed, principle name and id labels switched
[KULRICE-12105] - Dialog div and placeholder auto creation broken
[KULRICE-12111] - Property replacer sets incorrect context.
[KULRICE-12134] - Add line highlighting incorrect when using separate add line functionality
[KULRICE-12136] - Krad Library - Containers - Group - Scrollpane Two fields are labeled the same “Field 2”
[KULRICE-12137] - KRAD Library Containers - Dialog Group - Client AJAX Dialog Empty textbox in lightbox.
[KULRICE-12256] - handle dialog scrolling when request is non-ajax
[KULRICE-12323] - Length of address field on person maint doc doesn't match size in database
[KULRICE-12335] - Required indicator missing on css grid layouts
[KULRICE-12338] - Very large HistoryFlows cause OOM error.
[KULRICE-12379] - Rice Sampleapp KRAD Kitchen Sink Validation Must Occurs example 3 field 5 OR 6 ignored
[KULRICE-12385] - MustOccurConstraint validation not working correctly
[KULRICE-12387] - Travel Company doesn't show active indicators on maintenance document
[KULRICE-12390] - Locking exception shows an < a href > tag as text
[KULRICE-12393] - KRAD - Many-To-Many multiselect doesn't work with CustomCollectionEditor
[KULRICE-12416] - JS error in KRAD when a form control exists without an ID
[KULRICE-12439] - Timestamp Validation accepts regex with non-existant hour
[KULRICE-12453] - Library External Help example failing to render a Help icon
[KULRICE-12454] - Library - Navigation - Navigation Group - Navigation Group Tab Example : Selected Tab hightlight on backbutton does not sync
[KULRICE-12460] - Can’t add/delete collection rows in Safari in private browsing mode
[KULRICE-12464] - Maintenance Document BO Submit Attachment Incident Report ClassCastException LabsTravelAttachment cannot be cast to PersistableBusinessObject
[KULRICE-12479] - Tracking changes does not refresh child objects in an added collection
[KULRICE-12516] - Currency Spinner doesn't update correctly after manually entering a value
[KULRICE-12518] - Demo Save Rows are not saving values
[KULRICE-12525] - On Safari 6 Username on Login screen is off the screen
[KULRICE-12540] - MultiValuePredicates do not handle large value sets appropriately
[KULRICE-12547] - Direct inquiry renders including properties not present on the view
[KULRICE-12549] - Focus and jumping not working correctly
[KULRICE-12550] - Sticky footer does not adjust when disclosure content is disclosed
[KULRICE-12556] - disabledWhenChangedPropertyNames does not work with multiple property names configured
[KULRICE-12557] - Removed derived constraint text from AttributeDefinitionBase
[KULRICE-12579] - Travel Account docs - stacktrace on Create New
[KULRICE-12582] - AFT Failure Rice sampleapp KRAD reference lookups not displaying results
[KULRICE-12590] - KRAD Sample App does not refresh database
[KULRICE-12592] - IT Failure No bean named Uif-DialogGroup is defined
[KULRICE-12597] - AFT Failure PeopleFlow IllegalArgumentException setting property on MaintenanceDocumentForm with true
[KULRICE-12598] - AFT Failure Rice Sampleap Collections Bean property addViaLightBox is not writable or has an invalid setter method
[KULRICE-12605] - KRAD property editors aren't loaded due to KNS spring configuration that overrides KRAD configuration
[KULRICE-12606] - KRAD : Attempting to use #index as key for Uif-KeyLabelPair causes stack trace
[KULRICE-12607] - Table Layout in KRAD Library broken
[KULRICE-12609] - Struts Security Vulnerability in 1.3.10
[KULRICE-12611] - EasyXDM security Vulnerability
[KULRICE-12612] - Incident report on Disable Widgets
[KULRICE-12614] - KRMS - Terms do not persist
[KULRICE-12620] - Framework should not override header and footer on line group prototypes
[KULRICE-12621] - KRAD - Incident report cancel results in blank screen
[KULRICE-12624] - AFT Failure: Stacktrace on Cancel/Save/Submit Create New Doc
[KULRICE-12627] - Clicking on the new Drop Down Menu link produces an error
[KULRICE-12632] - AFT Failure: Pessimistic Lock exception
[KULRICE-12635] - Cancel of KRAD documens doesn't work
[KULRICE-12638] - Binding path for PrerequisiteConstraints defined in data dictionary wrong on reload
[KULRICE-12647] - MaintenanceDocumentBase cannot be cast to Error
[KULRICE-12648] - Maintenance Document cancel dialog causes scrollbars to disappear
[KULRICE-12649] - IT Failure core.impl.component.ComponentServiceTest expected:4 but was:0
[KULRICE-12650] - IT Failure kns.workflow.SearchAttributeIndexRequestOjbTest Class specified SearchAttributeIndexTestDocumentOjb must be a class that inherits from BusinessObject
[KULRICE-12651] - IT Failure kns.workflow.SearchAttributeIndexRequestTest routeLevelCount's search at loop index 0 should not have thrown an exception
[KULRICE-12652] - IT Failure kns.workflow.DataDictionarySearchableAttributeTest AccountWithDDAttributesDocument cannot be cast to
[KULRICE-12653] - IT Failure krad.util.ObjectUtilsTest.testMissingNestedObjectCreation IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
[KULRICE-12654] - IT Failure ksb.messaging.DistributedQueueTest and kim.test.service.IdentityArchiveServiceRemoteTest criteria is null
[KULRICE-12664] - AFT Failure RichMessages javascript null error
[KULRICE-12667] - RuleManagementService fixes from KS
[KULRICE-12669] - Reload results in incident report after copying certain KRAD maintenance docs
[KULRICE-12671] - AFT Failure LabsLookupDefaultCreateNewBlanketApproveAft adding Ad Hoc Person Lookup UifHandlerExceptionResolver - Class cannot be null
[KULRICE-12672] - AFT Failure LabsLookupWithUserControlAft myPrincipalName not present in the managed type
[KULRICE-12673] - AFT Failures Unable to decode client side state JSON Unexpected character (&amp;#39;\&amp;#39; (code 92)): was expecting double-quote to start field name
[KULRICE-12676] - AFT Failure LabsLookupValidateSearchParamsAft NullPointerException in LookupableTravelImpl.validateSearchParameters
[KULRICE-12680] - AFT Failure DemoLayoutManagersCssGridLayoutAft Row CSS no longer has odd and even css class
[KULRICE-12682] - AFT Failure LabsLookupsAft and DemoClientResponsivenessAjaxFieldQueryAft Ajax Field Query Custom Methods stopped working
[KULRICE-12684] - IT Failure RuleTemplateDefaultsTest null PK has been incorrectly provided for this find operation
[KULRICE-12686] - IT Failure UiDocumentServiceImplTest NullPointerException
[KULRICE-12688] - AFT Failure DemoCollectionFeaturesServerPagingAft javascript error and missing show number of results selector
[KULRICE-12689] - AFT Failure Library Action Presubmit Pre submit returning true Link redirects to Library Action Default
[KULRICE-12693] - Ajax field query with custom method throws exception
[KULRICE-12694] - People Flow: Principal, Group and Role add causes exception
[KULRICE-12697] - Property Editors no longer registered
[KULRICE-12698] - 2.5 Theme Regressions
[KULRICE-12700] - Submitting Travel Account Mantenance document causes null pointer
[KULRICE-12704] - IT Failure CoreServiceJpaDataTest
[KULRICE-12705] - IT Failure DerivedComponentTest There should be some components for the KR-WKFLW namespace
[KULRICE-12706] - AFT Failure PeopleFlowCreateNew Incident Report when adding Person Attempted to fetch a relationship using a foreign key attribute when one does not exist: peopleFlow
[KULRICE-12716] - AFT Failure LabsLookupMaskedFieldAft Field name is null in error message
[KULRICE-12718] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceNewAft Document submitted successfuly, but locked.
[KULRICE-12720] - Missing document header labels
[KULRICE-12723] - IT Failure ComponentServiceTest
[KULRICE-12730] - AFT Failure DemoControlKimUserAft, DemoTravelAccountLookUpAft, DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft Incident Report Lookupable is null
[KULRICE-12731] - AFT Failure LabsLookUpConditionalCriteriaAft Incident Report Access is protected for LookupController and method refresh
[KULRICE-12733] - Child propositions not updated on save
[KULRICE-12734] - Update default values to use a boolean variable rather than a list
[KULRICE-12735] - AFT Failure LabsLookupsAft light box search inserts comma into fiscal officer id
[KULRICE-12737] - AFT Failure Modal Dialog Are you sure you want to leave page when returning value from lightbox
[KULRICE-12740] - KRMS Agenda cannot add a rule
[KULRICE-12744] - Quickfinder Lookup doesn't populate criteria fields with data from calling field
[KULRICE-12752] - Travel Account Lookup: Comma appears in lookup criteria on search
[KULRICE-12753] - Context not being set when typed into field in Agenda editor
[KULRICE-12757] - AFT Failure HelpAft and DemoWidgetsHelpAft field label help no longer displaying
[KULRICE-12765] - FilterableLookupCriteriaControl support is broken and causing issues with KIM UserControl and GroupControl
[KULRICE-12767] - Version compatibility problem with parameter namespace change
[KULRICE-12768] - IT Failure Column 'PPL_FLW_ID' cannot be null
[KULRICE-12774] - NPE in RouteNodeServiceImpl when root branch does not exist
[KULRICE-12775] - KRAD KeyValuesBase class throwing null pointers
[KULRICE-12776] - AFT Failure DemoCollectionFeaturesAddLineAft, DemoLayoutManagersTableLayoutAft, and CollectionsAft empty dialog after clicking add
[KULRICE-12777] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft Confirm prompt then are you sure you want to leave the page and page redirect changed
[KULRICE-12779] - KSA Transaction: Expand section causes FreeMarker errors
[KULRICE-12780] - Preferences page displays incorrect error when user inputs invalid values for Action List Page Size
[KULRICE-12787] - Unit Test Failure ObjectPropertyUtilsTest fails locally with ClassNotFoundException TestAttributeQueryServiceImpl
[KULRICE-12789] - Roles memberships are not checking qualification
[KULRICE-12790] - Select control with numeric property and blank line causes exception
[KULRICE-12791] - AddWithDialog does not contain any items
[KULRICE-12793] - Dialog box display issues
[KULRICE-12797] - KCB datasource not getting set correctly
[KULRICE-12798] - KRADServiceLocator.getKradApplicationDataSource() always returns rice datasource
[KULRICE-12800] - LookupableImpl.getReturnUrl not converting values properly
[KULRICE-12803] - Lifecycle skipping interfering with ajaxDetailsRetrieval
[KULRICE-12808] - Context ID field is always editable
[KULRICE-12812] - Labels in dialog group get clearfix class added four times
[KULRICE-12826] - submitting role doc after saving results in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid service name passed, value was null
[KULRICE-12830] - ObjectPropertyUtilsTest.testCustomEditor() is failing - Class to retrieve property from was null
[KULRICE-12842] - RoleDaoJdbc generating wrong SQL when null qualifier passed in.
[KULRICE-12843] - AFT Failure LabsSubCollectionAddLineAft incident report Invalid property addViaLightBox
[KULRICE-12844] - AFT Failure LabsSchemaAft incident report null pointer exception in DataFieldBase.hasAutoInquiryRelationship
[KULRICE-12846] - Issue with ActionRequestServiceImpl#doesPrincipalHaveRequest
[KULRICE-12847] - IT Failure RichMessageTest testRichMultiValueOptions NullPointerException in DataFieldBase.performApplyModel
[KULRICE-12849] - Able to create a TravelAccount with a fiscal officer that does not exist, even if a defaultExistenceChecks exists for it.
[KULRICE-12851] - Double quickfinder icons showing up in sample app
[KULRICE-12853] - IT Failure DocumentTypeTest testNestedDuplicateNodeNameInRoutePath user3 should have an approve request
[KULRICE-12854] - IT Failure StyleServiceImplTest testLoadingFromConfiguredFile Style should not exist in database: widgets
[KULRICE-12855] - IT Failure JpaPersistenceProviderTest testFindWithResultsWindow expected:<[mcs0epVGW4]> but was:<[FK5z4pBhjm]>
[KULRICE-12862] - KRAD Sample App: java.lang.IllegalStateException
[KULRICE-12863] - IT Failures CampusTypeMaintenanceDocumentTest and CountryMaintenanceDocumentTest Failed to locate a principal with principal name admin and quickstart
[KULRICE-12864] - Action parameters do not get submitted correctly for non-ajax requests
[KULRICE-12869] - Implement methods as required by changes in javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream class
[KULRICE-12870] - Implement methods as required by changes in javax.servlet.ServletInputStream
[KULRICE-12871] - Implement methods as required by changes in package org.springframework.beans.factory
[KULRICE-12872] - Implement methods as required by changes in package org.springframework.cache
[KULRICE-12873] - Implement methods as required by changes in package org.springframework.ldap.core
[KULRICE-12874] - Resolve issue with failing IT tests erroring with HTTP response: status code = 503, status message = [Service Unavailable]
[KULRICE-12879] - Pom.xml file cleanup from Spring 4 upgrade
[KULRICE-12882] - IT Failure PersonServiceImplTest testFindPeopleInactive and testFindPeopleByWildcard returning more than expected
[KULRICE-12884] - UT Failure StaticWeavingTest testStaticWeaving OutboxItemActionListExtension contains no methods starting with _persistence
[KULRICE-12890] - AFT Failure LabsViewFixedContainerAft and LabsViewFluidContainerAft freemarker exception
[KULRICE-12897] - AFT Failure LabsMaintenanceSampleBasicAft automatic new doc id gives error on submit
[KULRICE-12911] - Rule lookup by attributes not working
[KULRICE-12918] - XA Connection Pool Does Not Wait For Connection
[KULRICE-12921] - UIDocumentService.loadRoleMembers yields IllegalArgumentException when all members are inactive
[KULRICE-12922] - IT Failure DataDictionarySearchableAttributeTest ValidationExceptions
[KULRICE-12923] - addLine does not work inside addDialog when used in a StackedCollection
[KULRICE-12924] - AFT Failure DemoCollectionFeaturesServerPagingAft DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed
[KULRICE-12930] - AFT: Javascript error on client side validations ReferenceError: event is not defined krad.initialize.js
[KULRICE-12932] - Spring is autogrowing nested paths causing null objects to be set resulting in STE from eclipseLink
[KULRICE-12942] - IT Failures 185 instances of NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/server/nio/SelectChannelConnector
[KULRICE-12943] - IT Failure 8 SOAP tests WebServiceException: Could not send Message
[KULRICE-12944] - IT Failure 6 Service tests fail with No service call recorded
[KULRICE-12945] - IT Failure PeopleFlowRoutingTest
[KULRICE-12947] - IT Failure 4 failures with Could not start Quartz Scheduler
[KULRICE-12948] - PojoPropertyUtilsBean#isWriteable check fails on nested properties
[KULRICE-12949] - IT Failure DistributedTopicTest
[KULRICE-12950] - IT Failure KIMTestCase$BootstrapTest NoSuchMethodError: ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty
[KULRICE-12951] - IT Failure QuickStartTest
[KULRICE-12952] - IT Failure RecallActionTest Duplicate entry '10002' for key 'PRIMARY'
[KULRICE-12953] - IT Failure SOAPServiceTest Failed to create service
[KULRICE-12954] - IT Failure ServiceCallClusterTest Could not connect to HTTP invoker remote service
[KULRICE-12955] - IT Failure StyleXmlExporterTest Error building JDom document for style
[KULRICE-12964] - Incorrect JPA mapping for MaintenanceDocumentBase
[KULRICE-12967] - Remove unused KsbTestClientClassLoader
[KULRICE-12972] - IT Failure UifServletRequestDataBinderIntegrationTest
[KULRICE-12973] - AFT Failure Agenda not present in the managed type ContextValidAgendaBo
[KULRICE-12974] - AFT Failure ConfigComponentCreateNewBkMrkAft Deadlock found when trying to get lock
[KULRICE-12975] - AFT Failure NullPointerException
[KULRICE-12976] - AFT Failure LabsLookupSecurityTravelAuthorizationDocumentAuthorizedAft FreeMarker template error
[KULRICE-12980] - AFT Failure DemoClientResponsivenessProgressiveDisclosureAft Loading taking longer than 8 seconds
[KULRICE-12981] - AFT Failure DemoFieldsDataAft.testDataFieldDefaultValueFinderClass Value returned from org.kuali.rice.krad.demo.uif.library.DemoValuesFinder no longer displayed
[KULRICE-12982] - Comparable modifier it not correctly comparing field values
[KULRICE-12983] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountLookUpAft description text removed from text input when returning value
[KULRICE-12990] - IT Failure PersonServiceImplTest employee ID does not match expected p1emplId but was 1234test
[KULRICE-12999] - IT Failure AgendaBoServiceTest namespace is null
[KULRICE-13001] - Logic for paging request on collections gets hit for non-refresh components
[KULRICE-13004] - AFT Failure AddressTypeAft No values match this search text not displayed with no matches
[KULRICE-13005] - AFT Failure DetailedDocSearchAft Group Viewer Id no results found
[KULRICE-13006] - Method access exception when opening a quickfinder
[KULRICE-13012] - AFT Failure LabsLookupSecurityTravelAuthorizationDocument Aft Traveler Quickfinder Incident report Value of nested property is null
[KULRICE-13013] - AFT Failure Demo AFT Document was successfully saved no longer displayed on save
[KULRICE-13016] - AFT Failure DemoElementsLinkAft Dialog Close doesn't work
[KULRICE-13017] - AFT Failure LabsLookupWithoutSearchButtonAft search button present
[KULRICE-13018] - AFT Failable LabsSchemaAft NullValueInNestedPathException error
[KULRICE-13021] - CustomSchemaParser - Bean Tag not found inc in LabsSchema.xml
[KULRICE-13023] - Stacktrace on KRAD Labs - Kitchen Sink
[KULRICE-13026] - IT Failure RecipientPreferenceDaoTest
[KULRICE-13027] - IT Failure NotificationMessageDeliveryResolverServiceImplTest
[KULRICE-13030] - AFT Failure RoleGroupPermissionResponsibilityTypeAft No values match this search no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13031] - AFT Failure: Stacktrace on KRAD Labs - Lookup Automatic passing of keys
[KULRICE-13034] - AFT Failure: KRAD Library - Checkbox Control: Delimeter (expected false, but was true)
[KULRICE-13035] - Investigate calls to getGroupHeaderElement in krad.utility.js to verify they are working as expected
[KULRICE-13040] - BindingInfo.bindToForm doesn't apply when in a collection
[KULRICE-13041] - AFT Failure DemoControlSpinnerAft Currency Spinner, up then down, doesn't return to starting value
[KULRICE-13042] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft Subsidized Percent not saved on Blanket Approve and redirects to Home page
[KULRICE-13048] - AFT Failure Collections light box not opening
[KULRICE-13049] - AddWithDialog does not work for certain subcollections
[KULRICE-13052] - TableCollection addDialog not being bound properly to the collection
[KULRICE-13053] - View dialogs with required fields cause client-side validation to always fail
[KULRICE-13055] - AFT Failure LabsInquiryAttributionDefinitionFormattingAft Inquiry Dialog not rendering
[KULRICE-13056] - AFT Failure LabsQuickFinderCallbackAft lots of commas and repeated values in input fields
[KULRICE-13057] - AFT Failure Ajax Field Query Custom Method and Service
[KULRICE-13058] - IT Failure DataObjectWrapperIntegrationTest.testRefreshRelationship_CompoundForeignKeys object could not be converted to Date
[KULRICE-13059] - Data Dictionary labels missing
[KULRICE-13060] - Inquiry PersonImpl redirect loop
[KULRICE-13061] - Issues with control sizing
[KULRICE-13067] - MaxValueIncrementerFactory needs to be used instead of SequenceAccessorService in KualiMultivalueLookups and possibly in other places
[KULRICE-13068] - Refreshing a Tab Group returns user to default tab intead of tab user was on.
[KULRICE-13072] - AFT Failure RowDetailsAft Sub Field 2 no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13073] - AFT Failure: Pages not loading - freemarker exception in logs
[KULRICE-13074] - AFT Failure DemoCollectionFeaturesAddLineAft add button no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13075] - People Flow - All or first Action not available
[KULRICE-13078] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceNewAft Incident Report when javascript entered into subsidized percent
[KULRICE-13079] - Pressing the enter key within a text area with inline edit enabled does not create new line
[KULRICE-13080] - Close button not present for popover content
[KULRICE-13091] - AFT Failure LabsLookupSecurityTravelAuthorizationDocumentUnauthorizedAft URL parameters replaced no longer present
[KULRICE-13092] - AFT Failure LabsValidationAft Value must be greater than 2 displayed instead of value must be less than 50
[KULRICE-13096] - CaseConstraint propertyName updated incorrectly
[KULRICE-13107] - Intermittent AFT Failure LabsKsaTransactionAft freemarker exception
[KULRICE-13118] - Stacktrace: "Configuration with Spring Service Expression" demo
[KULRICE-13127] - Table collection add line in dialog causes dialog to close
[KULRICE-13133] - Agenda inquiry produces incident report caused by a SpelEvaluationException
[KULRICE-13137] - Create/Find demo for M84-M87
[KULRICE-13139] - AFT Failure DemoWidgetsBreadcrumbsAft.testWidgetsBreadcrumb Another lifecycle is already active on this thread
[KULRICE-13141] - IT Failures Search results should be throwing a validation exception for use of non-existant searchable attribute
[KULRICE-13142] - IT Failures PeopleFlowRoutingTest Column 'ACTN_RQST_ID' cannot be null
[KULRICE-13143] - IT Failure DocumentSearch
[KULRICE-13144] - IT Failure UifServletRequestDataBinderIntegrationTest Value of nested property 'document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.altCoordinator1' is null
[KULRICE-13145] - IT Failure ActionListTest expected 3 got 0
[KULRICE-13146] - IT Failure ObjectUtilsTest Error occured while trying to create a new instance for class interface org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtilsTest$ValueHolder
[KULRICE-13156] - IT Failure KewWsdlCompatibilityTest
[KULRICE-13157] - AFT Failure DemoLookUpStackedResultsAft ClassCastException StackedLayoutManagerBase cannot be cast to TableLayoutManager
[KULRICE-13163] - Set template documentNumber in Transactional Document view
[KULRICE-13167] - Person lookups not ignoring case while doing wildcard searches
[KULRICE-13170] - KIM - Unable to add permission to existing role
[KULRICE-13171] - Action list sorting functionality not working
[KULRICE-13173] - KIM Group attributes does not persist.
[KULRICE-13174] - UT Failure AgendaBoTest.testCopy ClassCastException: $Proxy23 cannot be cast to DataObjectService
[KULRICE-13175] - Progressive render and refresh not working in dialog
[KULRICE-13178] - AFT Failures PeopleFlow ClassCastException UifFormBase cannot be cast to DocumentFormBase
[KULRICE-13179] - AFT Failures TermMaintenanceEditCopyAft and DemoTravelAccount "The key(s) for this Maintenance Document (ID) have changed from the Old version to the New. This is not allowed when editing an existing object."
[KULRICE-13181] - WSDL comparison integration tests don't recognize certain return type changes
[KULRICE-13183] - IT Failures KRMS NoClassDefFoundError: org/mockito/MockitoAnnotations
[KULRICE-13184] - Titles of table columns aren't aligned with the correct column
[KULRICE-13185] - AFT Failures close button missing from lots of KNS screens
[KULRICE-13191] - Remove TestDocumentEntry as it interferes with other examples
[KULRICE-13199] - IT Failures Cannot convert value of type RouteNodeInstance to required type BranchState no matching editors or conversion strategy found
[KULRICE-13203] - Return to agenda button in agenda inquiry view returns to a blank agenda
[KULRICE-13204] - Agenda Editor - Editing a Rule: Hidden ids are being displayed as labels
[KULRICE-13206] - Agenda Editor: - Cut and paste of a propositions works incorrectly
[KULRICE-13207] - AFT Failure Tables and Collections Selected collection path was not set for collection action
[KULRICE-13208] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAuthorizationPessimisticLockingAft.testPessimisticLockingUnlockingOnDisapprove freemarker exception
[KULRICE-13209] - IT Failure SuperUserActionTest testSuperUserApproveExceptionCases and testSuperUserApproveExceptionCasesWithNotifications Failed to orchestrate the document to SuperUserApproved
[KULRICE-13212] - AFT Failure LabsLookupTravelAuthorizationDocumentCopyActionAft copy link no longer present
[KULRICE-13213] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft testDemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEdit Duplicate Sub Accounts (Travel Sub Account Number) are not allowed no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13218] - Extra dash after document name in tab after save
[KULRICE-13220] - Tab Group - Group with render = false still renders a tab in the tab group
[KULRICE-13221] - KRAD transactional document navigation erroring out after coming from doc search
[KULRICE-13223] - AFT Failure LibraryContainerDialogGroupAft ServerDialog2 dialog no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13230] - KRAD does not support AuditErrorMap
[KULRICE-13233] - Can't edit or delete line in Labs: Table Collection Edit Details
[KULRICE-13234] - Super User Name does not appear for Requested Of
[KULRICE-13243] - AFT Failure DemoTravelCompanyCompletionRequestAft doc state ENROUTE expected FINAL
[KULRICE-13244] - AFT Failure DemoBasicLookUpAft percentage required, but missing required star
[KULRICE-13246] - Editing existing line using lookup on Lookup Collection Edit Line demo does not work correctly
[KULRICE-13247] - AFT Failure LabsInquiryAttributionDefinitionFormattingAft Active not shown on Details screen
[KULRICE-13262] - Tabbing through Enter Key Support demo errors with growl
[KULRICE-13266] - Trying to Save a Saved Maintenance Doc throws NPE
[KULRICE-13269] - Javascript error when selecting the lookup on the widgetInputOnly with Quickfinder demo
[KULRICE-13272] - The “add line” button in Stacked List demo is in the wrong location and throws null pointer exception when selected
[KULRICE-13290] - AFT Failure ReferenceAddressTypeAft Name search doesn't return results despite code search indicating results exist
[KULRICE-13291] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesEditLineAft testLookupCollectionEditLine
[KULRICE-13298] - Principal deleted when person document routes if user cannot modify entities
[KULRICE-13299] - Screen Locks up after some modals are closed
[KULRICE-13306] - IT Failure KRMS_PROP_PARM_T Column 'VER_NBR' cannot be null Error Code: 1048
[KULRICE-13307] - IT Failure AgendaBoServiceTest null for context with name Context2
[KULRICE-13308] - IT Failure RepositoryCreateAndExecuteIntegrationTest NPE
[KULRICE-13309] - AFT Failure AgendaEditorAddRuleAft Expected "FINAL" but saw "ENROUTE" instead
[KULRICE-10369] - Component for indicating progress
[KULRICE-12079] - Allow for editing of collection rows via modal
[KULRICE-12856] - Add css classes for field sizes at different screen sizes
[KULRICE-13038] - Build Footer
[KULRICE-5284] - Maintenance Docs - Add option for message when line is deleted
[KULRICE-5367] - Uif Framework - Collections: Delete line should appear if the line is new or always allow deletion is specified on document entry
[KULRICE-7673] - Conditional Demo doesn't make sense
[KULRICE-8195] - add suffix to id from groups id
[KULRICE-8365] - Validation change/fix interaction after a client validation happens on action
[KULRICE-8443] - Add applicationTitleText property to View to replace spring message in html.tag
[KULRICE-9783] - Support ability to explicitly set the sort type (string,number,currency) within a collection
[KULRICE-9795] - Convert the PersistableAttachment framework for KRAD
[KULRICE-9922] - Create a JpaPersistenceProvider deleteMatching method to take advantage of bulk CriteriaDelete api in JPA 2.1
[KULRICE-9932] - Rename spring beans in KRAD data module so they conform with naming standards in our spring files elsewhere
[KULRICE-10203] - Pager widget enhancement to include prev next styling
[KULRICE-10397] - Allow for callback methods for quickfinder (lookup) returns
[KULRICE-10909] - Open lookup through script
[KULRICE-11060] - OAOO duplicate code in RuleBaseValuesLookupableHelperServiceImpl and RuleDelegationLookupableHelperServiceImpl
[KULRICE-11175] - Remove dependencies to itext jar
[KULRICE-11438] - Incorporate "Inquire Into Records" permissions
[KULRICE-11657] - Additive Database Structure: Adapt DevOps libraries to compensate
[KULRICE-11659] - Additive Database Structure: Testing and code cleanup
[KULRICE-11685] - Improve grid layout responsiveness and configuration
[KULRICE-11852] - Bring all Travel documents under the TravelDocument KEW hierarchy
[KULRICE-12060] - KRAD - Need way to specify brandImage URL
[KULRICE-12235] - KRAD - Client side validations do not work within a dialog
[KULRICE-12240] - Analyze providing means of defining classes in KRAD DD files as Spring Beans
[KULRICE-12286] - New KIM API to bulk fetch display name information
[KULRICE-12287] - Add a banner to Rice screens to show which environment you are in
[KULRICE-12331] - Perform full upgrade to Java 7
[KULRICE-12410] - Modify KEW so the rule tables are accessed directly in embedded mode
[KULRICE-12436] - Library Validation Case Constraint needs better instructions
[KULRICE-12542] - Prevent KRAD views from opening in doc search iframe
[KULRICE-12558] - Support for ajax refresh of the view
[KULRICE-12578] - Weird jump behavior on Krad sample app when clicking an item
[KULRICE-12613] - KRAD : Inject Spring Beans into KRAD and DD using SpEL.
[KULRICE-12679] - Need Calendar Spring MVC Property Editor
[KULRICE-12691] - Allow ForceAction to be specified on PeopleFlow
[KULRICE-12721] - Improvements to property binding security
[KULRICE-12822] - Excessive WARN level logging when rendering KRAD pages
[KULRICE-12875] - LookupView definitions need improvements
[KULRICE-13122] - Tree group invokes nested property for every node which causes performance issues
[KULRICE-13126] - Add enter key support to inline edit
[KULRICE-13147] - Inefficiencies in view lifecycle and rendering
[KULRICE-5286] - Uif Framework - support for references to refresh
[KULRICE-5334] - Docs - Finish DocumentControllerBase (all workflow methods)
[KULRICE-5363] - Inquiry - Support for displaying bo attachments and downloading
[KULRICE-5364] - Maintenance Docs - Review Maintenance document rules and verify working
[KULRICE-5637] - commons-httpclient has been eol'd. We should use org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient
[KULRICE-6281] - Integrate converted online help files into Rice
[KULRICE-7339] - Adhoc routing for completion - client side validation
[KULRICE-7520] - Upgrade version of joda-time to 2.3 or latest
[KULRICE-8055] - Allow for specifications of behavior on copy of maintenance document
[KULRICE-8880] - Inline Edit Widget
[KULRICE-8881] - Comparison table - visually indicates which fields are changed
[KULRICE-8891] - Hierarchy for dropdown control
[KULRICE-9109] - KRAD Equivalency: Add max column length by system parameter
[KULRICE-9492] - Code Report
[KULRICE-9789] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10410] - Lookup - standardize export to a single function
[KULRICE-10872] - Improve Read-Only Disclosure Behavior
[KULRICE-10904] - Ability to format property values in code
[KULRICE-10906] - Rework lookup fuctionality to use post metadata instead of the posted view
[KULRICE-11086] - KC POC: Tabs - migrate jQuery to Bootstrap
[KULRICE-11088] - KC POC: validation messages closeable
[KULRICE-11270] - Apply feedback from rice-292
[KULRICE-11287] - Remove BusinessObjectEntry from converted objects
[KULRICE-11465] - Finish design of application header
[KULRICE-11488] - M94 demo
[KULRICE-11557] - Code Report
[KULRICE-11635] - Analyze upgrade to Spring 4.x
[KULRICE-11679] - Rework input field add ons
[KULRICE-11691] - Add support for delete icon to right of line header
[KULRICE-11728] - modify KRMS CRUD apis so that update methods return the updated object
[KULRICE-11836] - Create Action Buttons Sample on Maintenance Document
[KULRICE-12001] - Add backdoor login to app header and finish toolbar
[KULRICE-12119] - Rework/Reconcile/Enhance Kuali Theme
[KULRICE-12173] - Analysis on adaptive/responsive design
[KULRICE-12229] - Rice User Preferences Framework - Analysis
[KULRICE-12293] - KNS/OJB Legacy Documents
[KULRICE-12302] - Enhance document service and document controller base to allow event objects
[KULRICE-12434] - Create Travel Account Lookup with advanced features
[KULRICE-12476] - KRAD performance issues with OLE
[KULRICE-12480] - Library Box Layout Item CSS has no style applied
[KULRICE-12487] - Dialog gets rid of scroll bars making scrolling impossible
[KULRICE-12537] - UiDocumentServiceImpl#getMemberNamespaceCode throws ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
[KULRICE-12538] - UiDocumentServiceImpl#loadRoleMembers throws IllegalArgumentException: Criteria values cannot be empty
[KULRICE-12539] - UiDocumentServiceImpl#getMemberName throws ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
[KULRICE-12562] - Gap Analysis of DocumentControllerBase
[KULRICE-12563] - Review libraries/dependencies to see what we should upgrade
[KULRICE-12565] - Update IntelliJ project files for the 2.5 version change
[KULRICE-12569] - Weekly Merge 2014-04-25
[KULRICE-12572] - User Guide: Document clearValueOnCopyPropertyNames and preserveLockingKeysOnCopy
[KULRICE-12580] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12584] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12585] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12586] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12588] - New Sticky header problems with top margin of view
[KULRICE-12589] - Add authorization for document actions in DocumentControllerBase
[KULRICE-12593] - Set default actions for view types
[KULRICE-12601] - Term Parameters are not saved when a Term is created or copied
[KULRICE-12602] - Bump CXF to 2.7.11
[KULRICE-12622] - KRAD Demo: Client side validation for search criteria
[KULRICE-12623] - KRAD Demo: Lookup with stacked result layout
[KULRICE-12646] - JPA Persistance: create deleteAll and findAll methods, add findMatching parm validation
[KULRICE-12655] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12656] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12663] - AFT: PeopleFlow prompt to continue on submit is not displayed in current viewport
[KULRICE-12690] - Performance issues at the apply-model phase in KS
[KULRICE-12692] - Disallow quickfinders with controls other than text and select
[KULRICE-12713] - Validation exception on Editing a Travel Account
[KULRICE-12724] - Add Document-level help link to all documents
[KULRICE-12746] - Weekly Merge 2014-06-06
[KULRICE-12747] - Weekly Merge 2014-06-13
[KULRICE-12748] - Weekly Merge 2014-06-20
[KULRICE-12749] - Weekly Merge 2014-06-27
[KULRICE-12784] - Action List: Create the top toolbar
[KULRICE-12785] - Action List: Identify new KRAD components needed
[KULRICE-12786] - Action List: Integrate old working prototype with new UI
[KULRICE-12810] - Need options for model sizing
[KULRICE-12836] - Role qualifiers lost on role maintenance document
[KULRICE-12841] - Does KRAD/KRAD-DATA support extended attributes on documents?
[KULRICE-12876] - Investigate intermittent unit test failures on 2.5
[KULRICE-12880] - Apply Spring 4.0.5 upgrade
[KULRICE-12891] - Dataset Cleanup: Remove KREW_RTE_BRCH_PROTO_T entry from bootstrap
[KULRICE-12892] - Dataset Cleanup: Move TRV_ATT_SAMPLE and TRV_MULTI_ATT_SAMPLE to correct dataset
[KULRICE-12893] - Dataset Cleanup: Move KRIM_PERM_T entry that references KR-RULE-TEST to demo
[KULRICE-12894] - Dataset Cleanup: Clean out all documents referenced in KREW_DOC_HDR_T
[KULRICE-12895] - Dataset Cleanup: Remove entries in KRCR_CMPNT_SET_T and KRCR_DRVD_CMPNT_T
[KULRICE-12896] - Dataset Cleanup: Wipe out KRIM_ENTITY_CACHE_T entries
[KULRICE-12900] - Prototype for Admin Reg for KS KRAD Lab
[KULRICE-12903] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceNewAft Travel Account Type Code Search icon missing
[KULRICE-12916] - Add back option for left label with input fields
[KULRICE-12919] - Performance tuning of KS course search
[KULRICE-12920] - Document proposal for multi-form support in KRAD
[KULRICE-12928] - Migrate lookups and inquiries to modal dialogs
[KULRICE-12960] - Make to/from methods on ServiceInfoBo public
[KULRICE-12985] - AFT Failure 16 id lookup results not found
[KULRICE-12988] - KC app startup time really slow with the latest rice 2.5 revision
[KULRICE-12992] - Attribute matching now does exact match and does not take wildcards into account breaking KIM checks
[KULRICE-12993] - Update run mode related documentation for KEW to mention KRAD as well as KNS
[KULRICE-13014] - Create KRAD widget to handle read-only KIM inquiries
[KULRICE-13015] - Create necessary tests for Super User tab
[KULRICE-13033] - The Bootstrap data section of KEW_Config.xml is out of date
[KULRICE-13043] - Code Report
[KULRICE-13044] - Code Report
[KULRICE-13070] - Pages load really slow after rice upgrade
[KULRICE-13088] - ObjectUtils deep copy related methods need to be ported over to JPA
[KULRICE-13090] - Integrate KR-NS: View Note / Attachment into KRAD views
[KULRICE-13105] - IT Failure SequenceAccessorServiceTest Using Legacy SequenceAccessorService in non-Legacy Context - should have failed.
[KULRICE-13109] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceAdHocRecipientsPersonAft Invalid Ad Hoc Routing Person Network Id
[KULRICE-13110] - lookup searches do not ignore case even though forceUppercase=true
[KULRICE-13113] - Remove CAS dependency from Rice
[KULRICE-13115] - AFT Failure DemoWidgetsSuggestAft Service Method and Sorting Configuration not suggesting
[KULRICE-13116] - AFT Failure DemoClientResponsivenessAjaxFieldQueryAft Ajax Field Query Custom Method and Service not suggesting
[KULRICE-13119] - CI 2.5 saucelabs jobs interfering with each other
[KULRICE-13124] - Update saucelabs ff browser version to 31
[KULRICE-13128] - AFT Failure LabsView ContainerAfts Freemarker Exception Invalid property 'backdoorId'
[KULRICE-13130] - Notify KTI list when new database scripts are added
[KULRICE-13132] - View header missing top group and contains unneeded css classes
[KULRICE-13138] - Apply the new deep copy method to Rice objects
[KULRICE-13150] - KRAD Inactivation Blocking error message references Struts
[KULRICE-13154] - Review CSS and design
[KULRICE-13161] - Integrate work for KULRICE-7864 into KRAD
[KULRICE-13162] - Integrate work for KULRICE-8762 into KRAD
[KULRICE-13187] - Change to dialog default size from small to default
[KULRICE-13227] - AFT Failure update LibraryCollectionFeaturesEditLineAft testCollectionFeaturesEditLine
[KULRICE-13228] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAuthorizationCopyAft IllegalArgumentException: invalid (null) documentHeaderId