public class ViewTheme extends UifDictionaryBeanBase implements Serializable
The list of CSS and JS files that are sourced in for a view come from its theme, along with any
additional files configured for the specific view. Generally an application will have one theme for the
entire application.
The theme has logic for 'dev' mode versus 'test/prod' mode. This is controlled through the
configuration variable. In development mode it will source in all the CSS
and JS files individually (to allow for easier debugging). In non-development mode it will source in a
minified file. The path for the minified files can be specified by setting getMinCssFile()
. If not set, it will be formed by using the getName()
, and min suffix (this is the file name generated by the theme builder). To
indicate the min file should not be sourced in regardless of the environment, set the property
to false
The path to the minified file is determined by getDirectory()
. It this is not set, it is defaulted to
be '/themes' plus the name of the theme (eg '/themes/kboot')
There are two ways the theme can be configured, manual or by convention. If you want to manually configured the
view theme, set isUsesThemeBuilder()
to false. For dev mode, you must then set the getMinCssSourceFiles()
and getMinScriptSourceFiles()
lists to the theme files. For configuration
by convention, only the theme getName()
is required. The directory will be assumed to be '/themes/{name}'.
Furthermore the list of min CSS and JS files will be retrieved from the file created by the
theme builder
componentCode, namespaceCode
Constructor and Description |
ViewTheme() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Invoked by View#performApplyModel method to setup defaults for the theme
ConfigurationService |
Helper method to retrieve an instance of
ConfigurationService |
List<String> |
List of file paths (relative to the web root) or URLs that will be sourced into the view
as CSS files
String |
Path to the directory (relative to the web root) that holds the assets for the theme
String |
Path to the directory (relative to the web root) that contains images for the theme
String |
File path for the minified CSS file
List<String> |
List of file paths (relative to web root) or URLs that make up the minified CSS file
String |
File path for the minified JS file
List<String> |
List of file paths (relative to web root) or URLs that make up the minified JS file
String |
When the min file paths are not set, the min file names will be generated using the theme
name, version, and the min suffix.
String |
A name that identifies the view theme, when using the theme builder this should be the same as
the directory (for example, if directory is '/themes/kboot', the theme name will be 'kboot')
protected String[] |
getPropertyValue(Properties properties,
String key)
Helper method to retrieve the value of a property from the given Properties object as a
string array (string is parsed using comma delimiter)
List<String> |
List of file paths (relative to the web root) or URLs that will be sourced into the view
as JS files
String |
Retrieves the directory associated with the theme
protected Properties |
Retrieves the theme properties associated with the theme
protected boolean |
Indicates whether Less files should be included instead of Css files when running in dev mode.
protected boolean |
Indicates whether operation is in development mode by checking the KRAD configuration parameter
boolean |
Indicates the min files should be sourced into the CSS and JS lists when not in development mode (this
is regardless of whether theme builder is being used or not)
boolean |
Indicates whether the theme has been built (or will be built) using the theme builder and therefore
the theme configuration can be defaulted according to the conventions used by the builder
protected String |
replaceIncludeWithLessFile(String cssFilePath,
String[] lessFileNames)
Attempts to find a Less file match for the given css file, and if found returns the corresponding Less
file path, otherwise the css path is returned unmodified.
void |
setCssFiles(List<String> cssFiles)
Setter for the list of CSS files that should be sourced in along with the minified files
void |
setDirectory(String directory)
Setter for the theme directory path
void |
setImageDirectory(String imageDirectory)
Setter for the directory that contains images for the theme
void |
setIncludeMinFiles(boolean includeMinFiles)
Setter for including min files in the CSS and JS lists
void |
setMinCssFile(String minCssFile)
Setter for the min CSS file path
void |
setMinCssSourceFiles(List<String> minCssSourceFiles)
Setter for the min file CSS list
protected void |
Sets the
getMinScriptSourceFiles() and getMinCssSourceFiles() lists from the
corresponding properties in the theme properties file. |
void |
setMinScriptFile(String minScriptFile)
Setter for the min JS file path
void |
setMinScriptSourceFiles(List<String> minScriptSourceFiles)
Setter for the min file JS list
void |
setMinVersionSuffix(String minVersionSuffix)
Setter for the min file version string
void |
setName(String name)
Setter for the theme name
void |
setScriptFiles(List<String> scriptFiles)
Setter for the list of JS files that should be sourced in along with the minified files
void |
setUsesThemeBuilder(boolean usesThemeBuilder)
Setter the indicates whether the theme uses the theme builder
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions
clone, copy, dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode, setComponentCode, setNamespaceCode
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode
public ViewTheme()
public void configureThemeDefaults()
Checks whether we are in dev mode, if so it adds all the CSS and JS files as resources. If
is true, retrieve the file in the theme
directory to get the listing of CSS and JS files for theme
When not in dev mode, builds the min file name and path for CSS and JS, which is added to
the list that is sourced in
public String getThemeDirectory()
If getDirectory()
is not configured, the theme directory is assumed to be located in the
'themes' folder of the web root. The directory name is assumed to be the name of the theme
protected void setMinFileLists()
and getMinCssSourceFiles()
lists from the
corresponding properties in the theme properties file.
In dev mode, any css files that were generate from Less files are replaced with an include for the Less file. This is so the less files can be modified directly (without running the theme builder. For more information see Less Usage
protected Properties getThemeProperties() throws IOException
The theme builder creates a file named UifConstants.THEME_DERIVED_PROPERTY_FILE
located in the theme directory. Here the path is formed and loaded into a properties object
protected String[] getPropertyValue(Properties properties, String key)
- properties object to pull property value fromkey
- key for the property to retrieveprotected String replaceIncludeWithLessFile(String cssFilePath, String[] lessFileNames)
- path to css file to find Less files forlessFileNames
- array of less files names that are available for the themeprotected boolean inDevMode()
protected boolean includeLess()
public String getName()
When using the theme builder (config by convention), the name is required configuration
public String getDirectory()
When using the theme builder the directory is not required and will default to '/themes/{name}'
public void setDirectory(String directory)
- public String getImageDirectory()
Configured directory will populate the UifConstants.ContextVariableNames.THEME_IMAGES
context variable which can be referenced with an expression for an image source
When using the theme builder the image directory is not required and will default to a sub directory of the theme directory with name 'images'
public void setImageDirectory(String imageDirectory)
- public String getMinVersionSuffix()
For application themes this can be set to the config parameter ${app.version}
public void setMinVersionSuffix(String minVersionSuffix)
- public boolean isIncludeMinFiles()
Default is true for including min files
public void setIncludeMinFiles(boolean includeMinFiles)
- public String getMinCssFile()
When min file is not set it will be generated by using the theme directory, name, version, and min prefix. This corresponds to the min file names generated by the theme builder For example, with name 'kboot' and version '2.3.0' the min file name will be '/themes/kboot/stylesheets/kboot.2.3.0.min.css'
public void setMinCssFile(String minCssFile)
- public String getMinScriptFile()
When min file is not set it will be generated by using the theme directory, name, version, and min prefix. This corresponds to the min file names generated by the theme builder For example, with name 'kboot' and version '2.3.0' the min file name will be '/themes/kboot/scripts/kboot.2.3.0.min.js'
public void setMinScriptFile(String minScriptFile)
- public List<String> getMinCssSourceFiles()
In development mode, instead of sourcing in the min CSS file, the list of files specified here will be included. This is to facilitate easier debugging. When using the theme builder this list is automatically retrieved and populated from the theme properties
public void setMinCssSourceFiles(List<String> minCssSourceFiles)
- public List<String> getMinScriptSourceFiles()
In development mode, instead of sourcing in the min JS file, the list of files specified here will be included. This is to facilitate easier debugging. When using the theme builder this list is automatically retrieved and populated from the theme properties
public void setMinScriptSourceFiles(List<String> minScriptSourceFiles)
- public List<String> getCssFiles()
Generally this list should be left empty, and the min file lists configured instead (or none with theme builder). However if there are resources that are not part of the minified CSS file that should be included with the theme they can be added here The minified file path (or list of individual files that make up the minification) will be added to the beginning of this list. Therefore any entries explicitly added through configuration will be sourced in last
public void setCssFiles(List<String> cssFiles)
- public List<String> getScriptFiles()
Generally this list should be left empty, and the min file lists configured instead (or none with theme builder). However if there are resources that are not part of the minified JS file that should be included with the theme they can be added here The minified file path (or list of individual files that make up the minification) will be added to the beginning of this list. Therefore any entries explicitly added through configuration will be sourced in last
public void setScriptFiles(List<String> scriptFiles)
- public boolean isUsesThemeBuilder()
When set to true, only the getName()
property is required to be configured for the theme. All
other configuration will be determined based on convention. When manually configuring the theme, this flag
should be turned off (by default this flag is on)
public void setUsesThemeBuilder(boolean usesThemeBuilder)
- public ConfigurationService getConfigurationService()
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