Kuali Rice 2.5.6-SNAPSHOT Online Help

Table of Contents

1. Address Type
Document Layout
2. Campus
Document Layout
3. Campus Type
Document Layout
4. Country
Document Layout
5. County
Document Layout
6. Document Type
Document Layout
Edit Document Type Tab
Fields Available for Retroactive Application Tab
Document Type Inquiry
7. Group
Document Layout
Overview Tab
Assignees Tab
8. Namespace
Document Layout
9. Parameter
Document Layout
10. Component
Document Layout
11. Parameter Type
Document Layout
12. Permission
Document Layout
Permission Info Tab
Permission Details Tab
13. Person
Document Layout
Overview Tab
Contact Tab
Privacy Preferences Tab
Membership Tab
Process Overview
Business Rules
14. Phone Type
Document Layout
15. Postal Code
Document Layout
16. Responsibility
Document Layout
Responsibility Info Tab
Responsibility Details Tab
17. Role
Document Layout
Creating New Roles
Role Document
18. State
Document Layout
19. Lookup Help

List of Figures

1.1. Address Type Lookup with results
2.1. Campus Maintenance Document, create mode
3.1. Campus Type Lookup document
3.2. Campus Type Maintenance document
4.1. Country Maintenance document, create mode
5.1. County Maintenance document, create mode
6.1. Document Type document
6.2. Edit Document Type tab
6.3. Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab
6.4. Document Type Inquiry
7.1. Group document
7.2. Group Overview tab
8.1. Namespace document
9.1. Parameter document
10.1. Component document
11.1. Parameter Type document
12.1. Permission Lookup
12.2. Permission Lookup results
12.3. Permission Inquiry
12.4. Permission document
12.5. Permission Info tab
12.6. Permission Details tab
13.1. Person Document
13.2. Faculty and staff Employment Information
13.3. Contact tab
13.4. Names section
13.5. Addresses section
13.6. Phone Numbers section
13.7. Email Addresses section
13.8. Privacy Preferences tab
13.9. Membership tab
14.1. Phone Type Lookup with results
15.1. Postal Code Maintenance document, create mode
16.1. Responsibility Lookup
16.2. Responsibility Lookup results
16.3. Responsibility Inquiry
16.4. Responsibility document
16.5. Responsibility Info tab
16.6. Responsibility Details tab
17.1. KIM Type Lookup
17.2. Role document
17.3. Role Overview tab
17.4. Permissions tab
17.5. Responsibilities tab
17.6. Responsibility details displayed
17.7. Responsibility Action details
17.8. Assignees tab
17.9. Delegations tab
18.1. State Maintenance document, create mode

List of Tables

1.1. Address Type Lookup results definition
2.1. Edit Campus tab definition
3.1. Edit Campus Type tab definition
3.2. Edit Campus Type tab definition
4.1. Edit Country tab definition
5.1. Edit Counties tab definition
6.1. Edit Document Type tab definition
6.2. Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab definition
6.3. Document Type Inquiry definition
7.1. Overview tab definition
7.2. Assignees tab definition
8.1. Edit Namespace tab definition
9.1. Edit Parameter tab definition
10.1. Edit Component tab definition
11.1. Edit Parameter Type tab definition
12.1. Permission Lookup search criteria
12.2. Permission Lookup results fields
12.3. Permission Info tab definition
12.4. Permission Details tab definition
13.1. Overview section definition
13.2. Affiliations section definition
13.3. Employment Information fields definition
13.4. Names section definition
13.5. Addresses section definition
13.6. Phone Numbers section definition
13.7. Email Address section definition
13.8. Privacy Preferences tab definition
13.9. Groups section definition
13.10. Roles section definition
13.11. Delegations section definition
14.1. Phone Type Lookup results definition
15.1. Edit Postal Codes tab definition
16.1. Responsibility Lookup search criteria
16.2. Responsibility Lookup results fields
16.3. Permission Info tab definition
16.4. Responsibility Details tab definition
17.1. Overview tab definition
17.2. Permissions tab definition
17.3. Permissions tab definition, results set
17.4. Responsibilities tab definition
17.5. Responsibilities tab definition, continued
17.6. Responsibility Action Subsection definition
17.7. Assignees Member tab definition
17.8. Delegations tab definition
18.1. Edit States tab definition

Chapter 1. Address Type

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Reference > Address Type

The Address Type Lookup displays the types of addresses that may be associated with Person records in KIM.   


Address types cannot be edited via the interface. Technical assistance is required to add new or edit existing address types.

Document Layout

Figure 1.1. Address Type Lookup with results

Address Type Lookup with results

Table 1.1. Address Type Lookup results definition

Address Type Code Display-only. The unique code for this type of address.
Address Type Name Display-only. The familiar title of this address type.
Display Sort CodeDisplay-only. An alphabetical character used to determine the order in which address types are displayed in the dropdown list on the Person document.
Active IndicatorDisplay-only. Indicates whether this address type is active (in which case the system displays it in the Address Type dropdown list on the Person document).

Chapter 2. Campus

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Locations > Campus

The CampusMaintenanceDocument is used to identify the different fiscal and physical operating entities of an institution. A campus may be identified as a fiscal entity, a physical entity, or both.

When the user chooses the Campus option, the system displays the Campus Lookup screen. After the user selects a campus or clicks the create new button, the system presents the CampusMaintenanceDocument.

Document Layout

Figure 2.1. Campus Maintenance Document, create mode

Campus Maintenance Document, create mode

The Campus Maintenance Document includes the Edit Campus tab.

In edit mode, the Edit Campus tab presents a display-only set of fields on the left and editable fields on the right in which the user may enter changes.

Table 2.1. Edit Campus tab definition

Campus Code Required. The unique identifying code assigned to a campus.
Campus Name Required. The familiar name for a specific university campus.
Campus Short NameRequired. An abbreviated name for a specific campus; used in reports in which space is limited.
Campus Type Code

Required. Indicates the type of campus. Valid values are:

B - Both

F - Fiscal

P - Physical

Active Indicator

Check box for showing the Campus as an active one for use.

Chapter 3. Campus Type

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Reference > Campus Type

When the user selects Campus Type from the Administration menu tab, the system displays the Campus Type Lookup. From this screen, the user may either create a new type or search for an existing type. This defines the valid types of campuses that can be selected when creating a new campus.

After performing a search based on user-specified criteria, the system displays a results table. The user may then choose to edit or copy a retrieved record.

After the user selects create new, edit, or copy, the system displays the Campus Type Maintenance document. This document allows users to add and maintain campus types.


While anyone can view the current values for campus type, only members with application specific manager or KR-SYS Technical Manager roles can create new campus types or edit existing values. This document does not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 3.1. Campus Type Lookup document

Campus Type Lookup document

The Campus Type lookup document includes:

Table 3.1. Edit Campus Type tab definition

Campus Type Code A unique code to identify this type of campus.
Campus Type Name A descriptive name for this campus type.

Figure 3.2. Campus Type Maintenance document

Campus Type Maintenance document

The Campus Type maintenance document includes:

Table 3.2. Edit Campus Type tab definition

Campus Type Code Required. Enter a code to identify this type of campus.
Campus Type Name Required. Enter a descriptive name for this campus type.

Chapter 4. Country

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Locations > Country

The Country Maintenance document is used to assign specific identifying codes to country names.

When the user chooses the Country option from the menu, the system displays the Country Lookup screen. After the user selects a country or clicks the create new button, the system presents the Country Maintenance document.

Document Layout

Figure 4.1. Country Maintenance document, create mode

Country Maintenance document, create mode

The Country Maintenance document includes the Edit Country tab.

In edit mode, the Edit Country tab presents a display-only set of fields on the left and editable fields on the right in which the user may enter changes.

Table 4.1. Edit Country tab definition

Country CodeRequired. A unique identifying code assigned to a country.
Country Name Required. A familiar name of a specific country.
Country Restricted IndicatorRequired. Check the box to indicate that that the country is restricted. This has implications for the Purchasing /Accounts Payable module where restricted countries may not be used in Vendor addresses. Clear the check box if it is not.
Active IndicatorIndicates whether this country code is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate this country code.

Chapter 5. County

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Locations > County

The County Maintenance document is used to assign specific identifying codes to county names.

When the user chooses the County option from the Administration menu tab, the system displays the County Lookup screen. After the user selects a county or clicks the create new button, the system presents the County Maintenance document.

Document Layout

Figure 5.1. County Maintenance document, create mode

County Maintenance document, create mode

The County Maintenance document includes the Edit Counties tab.

In edit mode, the Edit Counties tab presents a display-only set of fields on the left and editable fields on the right in which the user may enter changes.

Table 5.1. Edit Counties tab definition

Country CodeThe country code for the country in which this county is located.
County Code A unique identifying code assigned to this county.
StateThe state abbreviation assigned to the state in which a county is located.
County Name Required. The familiar name of this county.
Active IndicatorIndicates whether the county code is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate this county code.

Chapter 6. Document Type

Administration > Workflow > Document Type

The Document Type document defines basic information about the document types that exist in applications. It also defines document types specific to workflow and KIM. Many attributes of a document type not defined here are included in its workflow process definition and the data dictionary (a technical resource). The workflow process definition for a document type can be viewed using the Document Type lookup.

Document Type documents can only be created by members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or suitable application roles and they do not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 6.1. Document Type document

Document Type document

The Document Type document contains the Edit Document Type tab and the Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab.

Edit Document Type Tab

Figure 6.2. Edit Document Type tab

Edit Document Type tab

Table 6.1. Edit Document Type tab definition

Parent Name

Required. Every document type must answer to another document type in a parent/child relationship. Use the lookup to search for the document type to which this document type will answer.

Document types can inherit important attributes from their parent document types, including permissions and responsibilities.

NameRequired. The common name of the document type.
Document Handler URLOptional. (Technical) Identifies the basic URL that will take a user to this document type.
Notification From AddressOptional. The email address that will appear as the 'From' address on any action list notifications sent by workflow for this document type. This allows several applications using workflow to maintain separate notification email addresses.
ActiveRequired. The box should be checked if the document type is active and available for use. Uncheck the box to inactivate the document type.

Fields Available for Retroactive Application Tab

These are Document Type attributes that can be edited retroactively if need be. This means that should you decide to change one of these values for a given document type it is possible to apply the change retroactively to any documents of this type already created. For example, if you decided to change the Label of the Budget Adjustment document type you could choose that have that label change apply to historical Budget Adjustment documents in your KFS system.

Figure 6.3. Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab

Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab

Table 6.2. Fields Available for Retroactive Application tab definition

LabelOptional. The Label appears in most places where document types are displayed in results (including the action list and document search screens) and is commonly longer than the document Name, which is often an abbreviation.
DescriptionOptional. A text description of this document type.
Help Definition URLOptional. (Technical) Identifies the URL where the online help content for this document type resides.
Document Search Help URLOptional. (Technical) Identifies the URL where the online document search help content for this document type resides.
Apply Label Change RetroactivelyOptional. Check this box only when updating an existing document type and only if you wish the fields on this tab to be updated on previously created versions of documents of this type.

Document Type Inquiry

The Document Type Inquiry contains some additional fields that are not defined on this document but referenced from their source (either the corresponding workflow process definition or data dictionary information). These fields are defined below.

Figure 6.4. Document Type Inquiry

Document Type Inquiry

Table 6.3. Document Type Inquiry definition

Parent IDDisplay only. The unique, system-generated ID number that identifies the parent document of this Document Type.
IDDisplay only. The unique, system-generated ID number that identifies this document type.
Post Processor ClassDisplay only. (Technical.) Identifies the post processor this document type calls upon reaching a completed workflow status (usually 'Final' or 'Processed'). The post processor is the code that tells and application what tables to update when a document is approved.
Service NamespaceDisplay only. The namespace (large functional category) that is associated with this document type.

Chapter 7. Group

Administration > Identity > Identity > Group

The Group document allows you to associate persons, roles or other groups with each other in order to assign the same role to all group members.

Groups have no inherent permissions or responsibilities of their own. Only by associating a group with a role do the members of that group become associated with permissions and responsibilities.

Document Layout

The Group document includes Document Overview, Overview, Attributes and Assignees tabs.

Figure 7.1. Group document

Group document

Overview Tab

This tab identifies the group with a unique system-assigned ID number, a namespace and a name. Each group also has a type that specifies any qualifiers that this group might require.

Figure 7.2. Group Overview tab

Group Overview tab

Table 7.1. Overview tab definition

Group IDDisplay-only. The unique system-assigned ID number that identifies this group. The system completes this field when you submit the document.
Type Name

Required. The type of attributes that will be associated with this group. Some group types, such as the Default Type, require no attributes to be collected.

When creating a new group, you must select the Type before the system can generate the document.

Group NamespaceRequired. An indicator that associates the group with a particular application and module.
Group NameRequired. The common descriptive name by which this group is known.
ActiveCheck this box to indicate that this Group is active and is a valid choice for assigning to roles. Uncheck the box to indicate that this group is inactive (no longer valid when making role assignments).
Group DescriptionAn optional explaination of the group's need and use.

Assignees Tab

This tab contains the members who belong to this group. It can also be used to add new members or edit the values associated with existing members.

Table 7.2. Assignees tab definition

Type CodeRequired. Select the type of member you are adding to this group. Group members can be principals (as defined on the Person document), roles or other groups.
Member IdentifierRequired. Enter the ID that identifies the member you are adding or use the lookup to search for and select a valid Member ID. The lookup directs you to the Principal, Group or Role lookup based on your Member Type Code selection.
NameDisplay only. Displays the name of the member you've selected.
Active From DateOptional. To specify the earliest date on which this member is to be considered a valid member of this group, enter a From Date.
Active To Date

Optional. To specify a date on which this member is no longer to be considered a valid member of this group, enter a To Date.

Note that you cannot delete or inactivate group members. To remove a member from a group enter an Active To Date.

ActionsClick the Add button to add this member to the group.

Chapter 8. Namespace

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Configuration > Namespace

The Namespace document allows you to add new or maintain existing namespace codes. Namespace codes are used to identify various pieces of functionality and generally correspond to large functional areas. The namespaces in an applications base data normally take the form of a Kuali application followed by one of that application's modules. For example the KFS Purchasing /Accounts Payable module would be associated with the namespace KFS-PURAP.

This document can only be initiated by members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator role or a suitable application role and does not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 8.1. Namespace document

Namespace document

The Namespace document contains the Edit Namespace tab.

Table 8.1. Edit Namespace tab definition

NamespaceRequired. Enter the namespace code for this namespace. The convention for most namespaces is application abbreviation and module abbreviation separated by a dash (KFS-PURAP, KR-WKFLW, etc.)
Namespace NameRequired. A longer text description for this namespace code.
Application IDOptional. An additional namespace identifier which identifies which application should recognize this namespace code. This is generally only used in instances where the regular namespace code is not enough to make an attribute unique. This attribute is normally used directly on the Parameter document and not assigned specifically to a namespace on this table.
Active IndicatorRequired. Leave checked to indicate that this namespace is active and can be associated with permissions, responsibilities, roles and Kuali data elements organized by namespace. Uncheck the box to inactivate this namespace and make it an invalid choice.

Chapter 9. Parameter

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Configuration > Parameter

The Parameter document is used to define parameters and business rules in Rice and Rice Applications. A specific value of a parameter can vary based on what the parameter is used to define. Some parameters create business rules. These rules create restrictions and enforce valid values and combinations on various document types or batch processes. Other parameters simply define institution-specific values not defined elsewhere in Rice and Rice Applications. The value may, for example, be text that Rice and Rice Applications are to display in a given location or it may be a simple yes or no value to turn an option on or off.

Only members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or suitable application roles can create or edit Parameter documents.

The Parameter document does not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 9.1. Parameter document

Parameter document

The Parameter document includes the Edit Parameter tab. This tab is where you define the modules, type, rules, and description of the parameters.

Table 9.1. Edit Parameter tab definition

Namespace CodeRequired. Select the appropriate Namespace code for the parameter from the Namepsace Code list or search for it from the lookup.
Component Required. Enter the parameter component code or search for it from the Parameter Component lookup.
Application IDRequired. Enter the application namespace to identify the application to which this parameter applies. Note that the same parameter can have different values for different applications.
Parameter NameRequired. Enter the name of the parameter being defined.
Parameter ValueRequired. Enter the value for the parameter. The nature of a given parameter determines what form the parameter value should take. In some cases it is text for a user to view or it could be a value such as an account number or an object code. In cases where multiple values are allowed they should be separated by a semi-colon. Consult with technical resources if you are unsure what format a specific parameter value should take.
Parameter DescriptionRequired. Describe the purpose and usage of the parameter. The description is used for a documentation purpose.
Parameter Type Code

Required. Select the parameter type code from the Parameter Type list or search for it from the lookup.

Default types include:

System Configuration: Used to establish institution values not specific to validation.

Document Validation: Used to establish business rules for documents.

Parameter Constraint CodeRequired. Select Allowed if the parameter is to allow the defined parameter value within an application. Select Denied if the parameter is to deny the defined parameter value within the application. Consult with technical resources if you are unsure of the appropriate constraint code for a given parameter.

Chapter 10. Component

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Configuration > Component

The Component document defines valid components that can be associated with a parameter. Components indicate a general or specific piece of functionality to which a parameter applies. Some Components are generic (batch, lookup, all) while others are very specific and refer to particular documents or even specific tabs or fields on documents.

Only members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or an equivalent application role can create or edit Component documents.

Document Layout

Figure 10.1. Component document

Component document

The Parameter Component document includes the Edit Component tab.

Table 10.1. Edit Component tab definition

Namespace NameRequired. Select the appropriate Namespace code for the parameter from the Namespace Name list or search for it from the lookup.
ComponentRequired. Enter the parameter component code or search for it from the Component lookup.
Component NameRequired. Enter the descriptive name of the parameter component being defined.
Active IndicatorRequired. Leave checked to indicate that this parameter component is active and can be associated with parameters. Uncheck the box to inactivate this component and make it an invalid choice.

Chapter 11. Parameter Type

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Configuration > Parameter Type

The parameter type broadly defines what a parameter is used for. In an application's base data there may be only two parameter types: parameters used for document validation  (such as business rules) and parameters used for System Configuration (customizing applications for your institution).

The Parameter Type document allows you to create new or edit existing parameter types. Code must be developed to support any additional types or changes to existing types.

Only members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or suitable application role can create or edit Parameter Type documents and they do not route for approval.

Document Layout

Figure 11.1. Parameter Type document

Parameter Type document

The Parameter Type document includes the Edit Parameter Type tab.

Table 11.1. Edit Parameter Type tab definition

Parameter Type CodeRequired. Enter the code by which this parameter type will be identified.
Parameter Type NameRequired. Enter the long descriptive name for this parameter type.
Active IndicatorRequired. Check the box to make this parameter type active and available for selection when creating parameters. Uncheck the box if you wish to inactivate this type of parameter and prevent its selection when creating new parameters.

Chapter 12. Permission

Administration > Identity > Identity > Permission

The Permission document allows you to create new permissions or edit existing ones. The Permission Lookup allows you to search for and view existing permissions. You can view summarized information about the permission detail values as well as the roles that are currently associated with this permission.

Only members of an applicable application specific role can create or modify Permission documents. These documents do not route for approval.


Extreme caution should be exercised when modifying existing permissions or adding new ones. Even small changes can have application-wide consequences. Changes should be made only after sufficient testing with your local configuration.

Figure 12.1. Permission Lookup

Permission Lookup

Table 12.1. Permission Lookup search criteria

Template NamespaceOptional. To search for a permission based on its template namespace (that is, the name of the application and module to which its template belongs), select the appropriate namespace.
Template NameOptional. To search for a permission based on the name of the template it is based on, enter the appropriate template name.
Permission NamespaceOptional. To search for a permission based on its namespace, select the appropriate permission namespace.
Permission NameOptional. To search for a permission by name, enter its name.
Role NamespaceTo search for a permission based on the namespace of the role to which it is assigned, enter the appropriate role namespace.
Role NameOptional. To search for a permission based on the role to which it is assigned, enter the appropriate role name.
Principal NameOptional. To search for a permission based on the principals that currently have this permission through their association with a role, enter an appropriate principal name.
Group NamespaceOptional. To search for a permission based on the namespace of groups that have this permission through the group's association with a role, enter an appropriate group namespace.
Group NameOptional. To search for a permission based on the name of a group that has this permission through its association with a role, enter an appropriate group name.
Permission Detail ValuesOptional. To find a permission based on a specific permission detail value associated with it, enter the value.

Figure 12.2. Permission Lookup results

Permission Lookup results

The Permission results display contains the fields described in the table below.

Table 12.2. Permission Lookup results fields

ActionsActions allow selection of edit or copy for each permission displayed.
Template NamespaceThe code identifying the application and module the template pertains to. Because templates tend to be general categories, they are often associated with system-level namespaces.
Template NameThe template the permission is based on. A template usually defines, in a broad sense, what the permission controls. Similar types of permissions share the same template.
Permission NamespaceThe code designating the application and module this permission is associated with.
Permission NameThe descriptive name for this permission. In most cases this will match the Template Name.
Permission Detail Values

Display-only. Detailed information that, in combination with the permission name, defines the permission's function.

For example, if the permission name is 'Initiate Document,' the Permission Detail Values field indicates the specific type of document the initiate permission pertains to.

Permission detail values can include many different types of data. Some common types are defined below.

documentTypeName: The name of the document type associated with this permission.

routeNodeName: The point in a document's workflow routing at which this permission becomes relevant.

routeStatusCode: The routing status that a document must be in for this permission to apply.

propertyName: Often, a field or document element that the permission pertains to.

Granted to RolesLists the namespace and name of roles that have this permission. Click on the linked name to view the Role inquiry.

To view an Inquiry screen for a permission, select the Permission Name of the appropriate row in the search results. The Inquiry screen contains the same information as the Search Results in a slightly different format.

Figure 12.3. Permission Inquiry

Permission Inquiry

Document Layout

The Permission document includes Document Overview, Permission Info, and Permission Details tabs.

Figure 12.4. Permission document

Permission document

Permission Info Tab

This tab identifies the permissions with a unique system-assigned ID number, a template, namespace, name and description.

Figure 12.5. Permission Info tab

Permission Info tab

Table 12.3. Permission Info tab definition

Permission Identifier Display-only. The unique, system-assigned ID number that identifies this permission.
Template IDRequired. Select the Template this permission is associated with. Templates identify broad permission types.
Permission NamespaceRequired. An indicator that associates the permission with a particular application and module.
Permission NameRequired. A text name identifying this permission.
Permission DescriptionOptional. Enter a text description of what this permission does.
Active IndicatorRequired (defaults to 'Yes'). Change the default selection if you wish this permission to be inactive. Inactive permissions will be disregarded by KIM when doing permission checks.

Permission Details Tab

This tab identifies the permission values that KIM needs to make this permission function. These values vary greatly depending on the type of permission being created. It is highly recommended that users view similar permissions (those with the same Template ID) and discuss Permission Details with technical resources to ensure values are entered correctly.

Figure 12.6. Permission Details tab

Permission Details tab

Table 12.4. Permission Details tab definition

Permission Details

Optional (though most permissions would require some details to be functional). Enter the permission details specific to this permission. Details should be entered as the name of the property followed by an '=' followed by the value of the property. When entering multiple details they should be separated by a hard return in the text box, such as:



Chapter 13. Person


Administration > Identity > Identity > Person

The Person document allows you to identify each user to KIM (and, by extension, to Rice applications). Each Person document includes data about a user's relationship with your institution as well as the roles and groups to which this person belongs.

In KIM a person is a unique combination of an 'entity ID' and a 'principal ID.' The entity ID represents a person with a unique number, and the document associates the entity ID with the user's principal ID number and principal name (often referred to as a user name or user ID). When searching for or working with users in KIM, you usually reference either the principal ID or the principal name. A single entity ID can have multiple principals associated with it

Note that initiation of the Person document is restricted to members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or similar application specific role.

Note: Person and HRIS System

Many institutions choose to override parts of the Person document (especially affiliations and contact information) with data from an HR system. Therefore, editing entity data (such as entity ID, principal name, principal ID, and password), contact and affiliation data is not available for any role in the default role configuration. If you wish to allow users to edit this data via the interface you will need to assign the 'Modify Entity' permission to the appropriate role.

Document Layout

The Person document includes Overview, Contact, Privacy Preferences, and Membership tabs.

Figure 13.1. Person Document

Person Document

Overview Tab

Overview Section

The first section in the Overview tab is the Overview section.

Table 13.1. Overview section definition

Entity Id

Display-only. The unique ID number identifying this person in your database. An individual may have multiple principal IDs but only one entity ID.

The system completes this entry automatically when you save or submit the document.

Principal ID

Display-only. The unique ID number identifying this principal. Whereas Entity ID represents a unique person, principal represents a set of login information for that person. When selecting a person, you ordinarily reference his or her principal ID.

The system completes this entry automatically when you save or submit the document.

Principal NameRequired. Enter the user name by which this principal is to be identified.
Principal PasswordOptional. Enter the password for this principal ID.
ActiveCheck the box to indicate that this principal ID is active. Uncheck the box to indicate that this principal ID is inactive.


Use the Affiliations section of the Overview tab to add affiliations for this principal ID. Depending on the affiliation type added, you may need to complete additional fields.

Table 13.2. Affiliations section definition

Affiliation Type

Optional. Select the type of affiliation from the list. Options include:

  • Affiliate: An affiliation for users in your system that are neither employees nor students.

  • Faculty: A faculty employee.

  • Staff: A non-faculty employee.

  • Student: A non-employee identified as a student of your institution.

Affiliation types of Faculty and Staff require additional information (see below).

Campus CodeRequired. Select the campus code associated with this affiliation.
DefaultCheck the box to indicate that this affiliation is this principal's default association with your institution. Each principal must have at least one default affiliation.
ActionsClick the Add button to add the affiliation.

If you have selected an Affiliation of 'Faculty' or 'Staff,' the system displays additional fields to collect employment information.

Figure 13.2. Faculty and staff Employment Information

Faculty and staff Employment Information

Table 13.3. Employment Information fields definition

Employee IDOptional. Enter the Employment ID number associated with this faculty or staff affiliation. Ordinarily this entry is the ID number identifying this principal in your HR system.
PrimaryCheck the box to indicate that this faculty or staff affiliation represents the principal's primary job with your institution. Each principal with a faculty or staff affiliation must have exactly one affiliation marked as 'primary.
Employee Status

Required. Select a value to identify the current status of this faculty or staff affiliation. Options include:

  • Active

  • Deceased

  • On Non-Pay Leave

  • Status Not Yet Processed

  • Processing

  • Retired

  • Terminated

Employee Type

Required. Select a value to indicate the type of employment for this affiliation. Options include:

  • Non-Professional

  • Other

  • Professional

Base Salary AmountRequired. Enter the base salary yearly amount earned for this faculty or staff affiliation.
Primary Department CodeOptional. Enter the code for the department associated with this faculty or staff affiliation.
AddClick the Add button to add this row of employment information.

Contact Tab

The Contact tab records the names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses associated with this Person record. Any Person record can store multiple records for contact information of each type (name, address, phone number, and email address), with one value of each type identified as the default value for the Person record.

Figure 13.3. Contact tab

Contact tab

Names Section

Figure 13.4. Names section

Names section

Table 13.4. Names section definition

Name Code

Optional. Select the type of name to be added in this row. Options include:

  • Other

  • Preferred

  • Primary

Name Prefix

Optional. Select the appropriate title for the name being added in this row. Options include:

  • Ms

  • Mrs

  • Mr

  • Dr

First NameOptional. Enter the first name for this record.
Last NameOptional. Enter the last name for this record.
Name Suffix

Optional. Select a suffix for this name record. Options include:

  • Jr

  • Sr

  • Mr

  • MD

DefaultCheck this box to indicate that this Name record is to be used as the default for this person. Each Person record must have exactly one Name record identified as the default.
ActiveCheck the box to indicate that this Name record is active. Uncheck the box to indicate that this record should be considered inactive.
ActionsClick the Add button to add this Name record.

Addresses Section

Figure 13.5. Addresses section

Addresses section

Table 13.5. Addresses section definition

Address Type

Optional. Select the type of address being added on this row. Options include:

  • Home

  • Other

  • Work

Line 1-3Optional. Use lines 1, 2 and 3 to enter the street address for this row.
CityOptional. Enter the city associated with this address.
State / ProvinceOptional. Select the state associated with this address from the list.
Postal CodeOptional. Enter the postal code associated with this address.
CountryOptional. Select the country associated with this address.
DefaultCheck this box to indicate this address record should be used as the default. A Person record can have no more than one default Address record.
ActiveCheck this box to indicate that this Address record is active. Uncheck the box to indicate that this record is inactive.
ActionsClick the Add button to add this Address record.

Phone Numbers Section

Figure 13.6. Phone Numbers section

Phone Numbers section

Table 13.6. Phone Numbers section definition

Phone Type

Optional. Select the type of phone number being added on this row. Options include:

  • Home

  • Mobile

  • Other

  • Work

Phone NumberOptional. Enter the area code and phone number.
ExtensionOptional. Enter the appropriate extension.
CountryOptional. Select the country associated with this Phone Number record.
DefaultCheck this box to indicate that this Phone Number record should be used as the default. A Person record can have no more than one default Phone Number record.
ActiveCheck this box to indicate that this Phone Number record is active. Uncheck the box to indicate that this record is inactive.
ActionsClick the Add button to add this Phone Number record.

Email Addresses Section

Figure 13.7. Email Addresses section

Email Addresses section

Table 13.7. Email Address section definition


EmailOptional. Enter the email address for this record.

Optional. Select the type of email address being added on this row. Options include:

  • Home

  • Other

  • Work

DefaultCheck this box to indicate that this Email Address record should be used as the default. A Person record can have no more than one default Email Address record.
ActiveCheck this box to indicate that this Email Address record is active. Uncheck the box to indicate that this record is inactive.
ActionsClick the Add button to add this Email Address record.

Privacy Preferences Tab

The Privacy Preferences tab allows you to suppress the display of fields on the Contact Tab.


Note that no role in the base data configuration can modify this privacy preferences information. If you wish this capability to be available via the user interface, you must assign the 'Override Entity Privacy Preferences' permission to a role.

Figure 13.8. Privacy Preferences tab

Privacy Preferences tab

Table 13.8. Privacy Preferences tab definition

Suppress NameOptional. Check this box to specify that the system is not to display this person's names.
Suppress PersonalOptional. Do not display this person's personal data.
Suppress PhoneOptional. Check this box to specify that the system is not to display this person's phone numbers.
Suppress AddressOptional. Check this box to specify that the system is not to display this person's addresses.
Suppress EmailOptional. Check this box to specify that the system is not to display this person's email addresses.

Membership Tab

The Membership Tab allows you to associate a person with groups and roles and, by extension, with KIM permissions and responsibilities. Assigning a person to a role is the most direct way to give a user KIM permissions and responsibilities.

Figure 13.9. Membership tab

Membership tab

The tab is divided into three sections, one for managing assignments to Groups, another for Roles, and a third for Delegations.

Groups Section

Table 13.9. Groups section definition

GroupOptional. Enter the name of the KIM group you want to assign this person to. You can also use the Group lookup to search for and select a valid value.
Namespace CodeDisplay-only. After you select a group to add this person to, the namespace code associated with the selected group is displayed.
NameDisplay-only. After you select a group to add this person to, the name of that group is displayed.
TypeDisplay-only. After you select a group to add this person to, the type associated with the selected group is displayed.
Active From DateOptional. If this user's assignment to this group is to be effective as of a certain date, enter that date here.
Active To Date

Optional. If this user's assignment to this group is to terminate as of a certain date, enter that date here.

There is no way to delete a person's assignment to a group. To remove a person from a group, use this field to specify a date in the past.

ActionsClick the Add button to add this group assignment.

Roles Section

Table 13.10. Roles section definition

RoleOptional. Use the Name lookup to search for and select the role you want to assign this person to.
Namespace CodeDisplay-only. After you select a role to assign to this Person record, the system displays the namespace code associated with that role.
NameDisplay-only. After you select a role to assign to this Person record, the system displays the name associated with that role.
TypeDisplay-only. After you select a role to assign to this Person record, the system displays the role type associated with the selected role here.
Active From DateOptional. If this user's assignment to this role is to be effective as of a certain date, enter that date here.
Active To Date

Optional. If this user's assignment to this role is to terminate as of a certain date, enter that date here.

Note that there is no way to delete a person's assignment to a role. To remove a person from a role, use this field to specify a date in the past.

ActionsClick the Add button to add this role data.

When assigning some roles, you may need to supply additional qualifying values that further define this person's assignment. For more information about role qualifiers, see Role.

Delegations Section

Delegations allow you to set a user as a primary or secondary delegate for a current member of a role. The delegate has the same permissions as the role member and is able to act on action requests generated for the role member by KIM.

Table 13.11. Delegations section definition

Role MemberOptional. Use the Role Member lookup  to search for and select the role and role member you wish to add a delegation for.
Active From DateOptional. If this delegation is to be effective as of a certain date, enter that date here.
Active To Date

Optional. If this delegation is to terminate as of a certain date, enter that date here.

Note that there is no way to delete a person's delegation. To remove a person from a role, use this field to specify a date in the past.

Delegation Type CodeOptional. This defines how the delegate will be able to access workflow action requests generated to the delegating role member. Options are 'Secondary' (the user must use the secondary delegate action list filter to view action requests) and 'Primary' (action requests will route directly to the delegate's action list).
ActionsClick the Add button to add this delegation data.

Process Overview

Business Rules

  • A person must have at least one affiliation.

  • Each faculty or staff affiliation must have at least one Employment Information record associated with it.

  • If a person has any faculty or staff affiliations then one Employment Information record must be marked as 'primary'.

  • Each person must have a default Name record in the Contacts section.

  • Each affiliation must be associated with a campus.

  • Each type of contact information can have only one record marked as the default.


Only members of the KR-SYS Technical Administrator or similar application specific roles can initiate Person documents. In base Rice, person documents do not route for approval.

Chapter 14. Phone Type

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Reference > Phone Type

The Phone Type Lookup displays codes that identify various categories of phone numbers on the Person document.


Phone types cannot be edited via the interface. Technical assistance is required to add new or edit existing phone types.

Document Layout

Figure 14.1. Phone Type Lookup with results

Phone Type Lookup with results

Table 14.1. Phone Type Lookup results definition

Phone Type Code Display-only. The code that identifies the type of phone number.
Phone Type Name Display-only. The descriptive name for this type of phone number.
Display Sort CodeDisplay-only. An alphabetic value that determines the order in which phone types are displayed in the dropdown list.
Active IndicatorDisplay-only. Indicates whether this phone type is active (in which case the system displays it in the Phone Type dropdown list on the Person document).

Chapter 15. Postal Code

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Locations > Postal Code

The Postal Code Maintenance document defines the zip code by city and state. When the user chooses the Postal Code option from the Administration menu tab, the system displays the Postal Code Lookup screen. After the user selects a postal code or clicks the create new button, the system presents the Postal Code Maintenance document.


The user may also enter a city and state to find the associated zip code.

Document Layout

Figure 15.1. Postal Code Maintenance document, create mode

Postal Code Maintenance document, create mode

The Postal Code Maintenance document includes the Edit Postal Codes tab.

In edit mode, the Edit Postal Codes tab presents a display-only set of fields on the left and editable fields on the right in which the user may enter changes.

Table 15.1. Edit Postal Codes tab definition

Country Code The country code for the country associated with the zip (postal) code.
Postal Code Identifies a Postal Service code.
StateRequired. The state associated with the zip (postal) code.
County Code The unique identifying code for the county associated with the zip (postal) code.
City Name Required. The name of the city associated with the zip (postal) code.
Active IndicatorIndicates whether the postal code is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate this postal code.

Chapter 16. Responsibility

Administration > Identity > Identity > Responsibility

The Responsibility document allows you to create new responsibilities or edit existing ones. The Responsibility Lookup allows you to search for and view existing responsibilities. You can view summarized information about the responsibility detail values as well as the roles with which the responsibility is currently associated.

Only members of a qualified, application specific role can create or modify a Responsibility document and it does not route for approval. Information about the Responsibility document follows detailed information about the Responsibility Lookup below.


Caution should be exercised when modifying existing responsibilities or adding new ones. Relatively minor changes can result in disruptions to the workflow of documents if made in error. Changes should be made only after sufficient testing with your local configuration.

Figure 16.1. Responsibility Lookup

Responsibility Lookup

Table 16.1. Responsibility Lookup search criteria

Template Namespace Optional. To search for a responsibility based on its template namespace (that is, the name of the application and module to which its responsibility template belongs), select the appropriate namespace.
Template NameOptional. To search for a responsibility based on the name of the template it is based on, enter the appropriate template name.
Responsibility NamespaceOptional. To search for a responsibility based on its namespace, select the appropriate responsibility namespace.
Responsibility NameOptional. To search for a responsibility by name, enter its name.
Role NamespaceTo search for a responsibility based on the namespace of the role to which it is assigned, enter the appropriate role namespace.
Role NameOptional. To search for a responsibility based on the role to which it is assigned, enter the appropriate role name.
Principal NameOptional. To search for a responsibility based on the principals that currently have this responsibility through their association with a role, enter an appropriate principal name.
Group NamespaceOptional. To search for a responsibility based on the namespace of groups that have this responsibility through the group's association with a role, enter an appropriate group namespace.
Group NameOptional. To search for a responsibility based on the name of a group that has this responsibility through its association with a role, enter an appropriate group name.
Attribute ValueOptional. To find a responsibility based on a specific responsibility detail value associated with it, enter the value.
Active IndicatiorDefaults to Yes. Opiton to search for Responsibilities that are active, not ative, or across both.

Figure 16.2. Responsibility Lookup results

Responsibility Lookup results

The Responsibility results display contains the fields described in the table below.

Table 16.2. Responsibility Lookup results fields

ActionsActions allow selection of edit or copy for each responsibility displayed.
Template NamespaceThe code identifying the application and module the template pertains to. Because responsibilities pertain to workflow, most responsibility templates are associated with the KR-WKFLW (Kuali Rice-Workflow) namespace.
Template NameThe template the responsibility is based on. A template usually defines, in a broad sense, what the responsibility is. Since responsibilities normally are normally associated with action requests for user review, most responsibilities have a template name of 'Review.
Responsibility NamespaceThe code designating the application and module this responsibility is associated with. This code usually corresponds to the namespace of the document type for which the responsibility generates action requests.
Responsibility Name

The name of this responsibility. In most cases the responsibility name will be the same as the associated template name ('Review').

Like permission names, responsibility names are not unique.

Responsibility Detail Values

Display-only. Detailed information that defines what document this responsibility generates action requests for, when the requests are generated and how they are handled by workflow.

Unlike permissions, which sometimes have different detail values, responsibility detail values generally contain the elements defined below.

routeNodeName: The point in a document's workflow routing at which this responsibility generates requests.

documentTypeName: The name of the document type for which this responsibility generates action requests. This value may also be a parent document type, which indicates that this responsibility applies to all child documents that contain the appropriate route node.

actionDetailsAtRoleMemberLevel: A True or False indicator that defines where the system collects details of this workflow action request. If the value is 'True,' the system collects action details when members are assigned to the role. If the value is 'False,' the system collects action details when this responsibility is assigned to a role.

required: A True or False value that indicates whether the system is required to generate an action request for this document type. If the value is 'True' and the document generates no requests associated with this responsibility, then the document will go into exception status. If the value is 'False' and the responsibility generates no action requests, then the document continues to route as normal.

Granted to RolesLists the namespace and name of roles that have this responsibility. Click on the linked name to view the Role Inquiry.

To view an Inquiry screen for a responsibility, select the Responsibility Name of the appropriate row in the search results. The Inquiry contains the same information displayed in the search results in a slightly different format.

Figure 16.3. Responsibility Inquiry

Responsibility Inquiry

Document Layout

The Responsibility document includes Document Overview, Responsibility Info, and Responsibility Details tabs.

Figure 16.4. Responsibility document

Responsibility document

Responsibility Info Tab

This tab identifies the responsibility with a unique system-assigned ID number, a namespace, name and description.

Figure 16.5. Responsibility Info tab

Responsibility Info tab

Table 16.3. Permission Info tab definition

Responsibility IdentifierDisplay-only. The unique, system-assigned ID number that identifies this responsibility.
Responsibility NamespaceRequired. An indicator that associates the responsibility with a particular application and module.
Responsibility NameRequired (defaults to 'Review'). A text name identifying this responsibility. Note that this is the only valid value for this document. You cannot use the Responsibility document to establish or modify Responsibilities with the name 'Resolve Exception' -these require a technical resource to modify.
Responsibility DescriptionOptional. Enter a text description of what this responsibility does.
Active IndicatorRequired (defaults to 'Yes'). Change the default selection if you wish this responsibility to be inactive. Inactive responsibilities will be disregarded by Workflow.

Responsibility Details Tab

This tab identifies the document type and route node associated with this responsibility. It also defines other responsibility information such as whether or not the action details reside at the role member level.

Figure 16.6. Responsibility Details tab

Responsibility Details tab

Table 16.4. Responsibility Details tab definition

Document Type Name Required. Enter the name of the document type this responsibility is associated with or use the Document Type Lookup to search for and select a value.
Route Node NameRequired. The name of the route node at which this responsibility should be invoked.
Action Details at Role Member LevelRequired (defaults to False). Check this box if you want role members associated with this responsibility to be able to define the type of workflow action they will need to take in order to fulfill the action request it generates.
RequiredRequired (defaults to False). Check this box if you wish documents of this type to go into Exception status if this responsibility does not generate at least one action request.
Qualifier Resolver Provided Identifier

Optional. In most cases this field should be blank. It can be used as an additional identifier KIM will use to choose the correct responsibility information for a given doc type. The document type must pass the provided identifier to KIM.

Chapter 17. Role

Administration > Identity > Identity > Role

The Role document allows you to create a new KIM role and edit an existing role. Each role aggregates a specific set of permissions and responsibilities and allows you to assign members to the role. Rice and Rice Applications contain many existing roles that your institution may want to use as is, but you may also change existing roles and add new ones by using the Role document.

The purpose of each role is defined by its associated permissions and responsibilities. Roles are classified by types that generally indicate the type of permissions and responsibilities with which they can be associated.


The process of creating a new type requires technical assistance. Consequently, KIM does not provide an interface for creating role types.

Document Layout

Creating New Roles

When you click the Create New button, the system displays the KIM Type Lookup. You must search for and select an existing Type in order for the system to generate a new Role document.


Note that while the KIM Type Lookup is used when creating new groups and roles, not all KIM types are valid for both. When using this Lookup, you may receive different results depending on the KIM types that are valid for the entity you are working with.

Figure 17.1. KIM Type Lookup

KIM Type Lookup

Role Document

The Role document includes Document Overview, Overview, Permissions, Responsibilities, and Assignees tabs.

Figure 17.2. Role document

Role document

Overview Tab

This tab identifies the role with a unique system-assigned ID number, a namespace and a name. Each role also has a type which tends to match the types of permissions and responsibilities associated with it.

Figure 17.3. Role Overview tab

Role Overview tab

Table 17.1. Overview tab definition



RoleDisplay-only. The unique, system-assigned ID number that identifies this role.
Type Name

Display-only. Because the role type normally reflects the type of qualifiers this role will need to collect when members are added, this name usually identifies the general types of permissions and responsibilities associated with it.

When creating a new role, you must select its type before the system will generate the document.

NamespaceRequired. An indicator that associates the role with a particular application and module.
Role NameRequired. The common descriptive name by which this role is known.
ActiveCheck this box to indicate that this role is active and is, therefore, to be included by KIM when evaluating permissions and responsibilities. Uncheck the box to indicate that this role is inactive
DescriptionOptional. A longer text box for describing the needs or uses of the role.

Permissions Tab

This tab identifies the permissions associated with this role. Permissions authorize specific actions in the system with which they are associated. A role can have any number of permissions (including no permissions) associated with it.

Figure 17.4. Permissions tab

Permissions tab

Table 17.2. Permissions tab definition

Add Permission IDTo add a permission to this role, enter the appropriate permission ID or search for and select a value using the Permission lookup
AddClick the Add button to add the selected permission to this Role document.

After you add a permission to the document, the system displays additional information about the permission.


Permissions cannot be edited via the Role document. Use the Permission document to perform this function.

Table 17.3. Permissions tab definition, results set

Permission NamespaceDisplay-only. The Namespace identifies the application and module associated with this permission.
Permission IdentifierDisplay-only. The unique system-assigned ID number for this permission.
Permission NameDisplay-only. The descriptive name of this permission. This often identifies, in general terms, what the permission authorizes.
Permission Detail ValuesDisplay-only. The document types, tabs and/or fields this permission authorizes. Not all permissions have detail values.
Active IndicatorDisplay-only. Indicator showing whether this permission is active within the system or not.

Click the Delete button to remove this permission from the role.

You may delete a permission only if it has not yet been saved to the database (i.e., you added it to this role but have not yet submitted the document).

Responsibilities Tab

This tab identifies the responsibilities associated with this role. Responsibilities define the workflow actions that will be requested of the role. A role can have any number of responsibilities (including none) associated with it.

Figure 17.5. Responsibilities tab

Responsibilities tab

Table 17.4. Responsibilities tab definition

Add Responsibility IDTo add a responsibility to this role enter the responsibility ID or search for and select a value using the Responsibility lookup
AddClick the Add button to add the selected responsibility to this Role document.

After you add a responsibility to the document, the system displays additional information about this responsibility.


Responsibilities cannot generally be edited via the Role document, but some responsibilities have associated attributes that you must define at the role level.

Figure 17.6. Responsibility details displayed

Responsibility details displayed

Table 17.5. Responsibilities tab definition, continued

Responsibility NamespaceDisplay-only. The Namespace identifies the application and module associated with this responsibility.
Responsibility IdentifierDisplay-only. The unique system-assigned ID number identifying this responsibility
Responsibility NameDisplay-only. The descriptive name of this responsibility. For most Responsibilities the name is 'Review.
Responsibility Detail Values

Display-only. This identifies more specific information about the responsibility. Responsibility Detail Values are formatted in a standard way with the following attributes delimited by commas:

Route Node: The workflow route level at which this responsibility is invoked.

Document Type: The document type for which this responsibility generates workflow requests.

Action Details at Role Member Level:  A True or False indicator that defines where the details of this workflow action request are defined. If the value is 'True' then action details will be collected when Members are assigned to the role. If the value is 'False' then the action details must be collected when this responsibility is assigned to a role (see Assigning Action Detail Values elsewhere in this section.)

Required: Indicates if the routing represented by this responsibility should be required. If this is set to True and the responsibility fails to generate an action request (perhaps because no one is assigned to the associated Role) then the document will go into Exception status. If this routing is optional this value will be False and the document will simply skip this responsibility if no requests are generated.

Active IndicatorDisplay-only. Indicator showing whether this responsibility is active within the system or not.

Click the Delete button to remove this responsibility from this role.

You can delete a responsibility only if it has not yet been saved to the database (i.e., you have added it to this role but have not yet submitted the document).

Assigning Action Detail Values

When adding a responsibility with an Action Detail Values at Role Member Level value of 'False,' you must complete additional fields in a Responsibility Action sub-section. The system displays this section immediately beneath the responsibility you've just added.

The fields in this sub-section define the type of action requests generated for and the general workflow behavior associated with this responsibility. Entries in these fields cause the system to generate the same type of action requests for all members of this role and handle actions by all members in the same way.

Figure 17.7. Responsibility Action details

Responsibility Action details

Table 17.6. Responsibility Action Subsection definition

NameDisplay-only. The namespace and name of the responsibility associated with these action details.
Action Type CodeRequired. The type of action request that the system is to generate for this responsibility. Options include Approve, FYI and Acknowledge.
Priority NumberOptional. If multiple requests are generated at the route node specified on this responsibility, this value determines in the order in which the system will generate these requests. The system processes requests with lower priority numbers before processing requests with higher numbers. Requests with no number are treated as a priority of 1.
Action Policy Code

Required. This value determines what happens if multiple members of this role receive the same action request and one of them takes the action. This currently only applies in situations where a single action request is generated to multiple role members (i.e. the action details exist at the role level) or  a role is assigned to another role and these nested role members receive an action request. For example, if a role with a responsibility with action details defined at the role level, has three members assigned, all of these members receive the action request defined here; this code determines what the system does when one of them takes action on the document.

A value of FIRST indicates that the first role member to take action on the document will automatically clear all the requests for this responsibility that may be in other role member's action lists.

A value of ALL indicates that each role member must take individual action to clear his or her requests.

Force ActionCheck the box to indicate that each user must take this action for this request even if the user has already previously taken action on this document. Leaving the box unchecked allows a request to be immediately fulfilled if the role member has previously taken action on this specific document.

Assignees Tab

This tab contains all members who belong to this role. You may also use the tab to add new members and edit the values associated with existing members.

Figure 17.8. Assignees tab

Assignees tab

Table 17.7. Assignees Member tab definition

Type CodeRequired. Role members can be principals (as defined on the Person document), groups or other roles. Select the type of member you want to add to this Role.
Member IdentifierRequired. Enter the ID of the member you want to add or use the lookup to search for and select a valid value. The lookup directs you to the Principal, Group or Role lookup based on your Member Type Code selection.
Namespace CdDisplay-only. Identifies the namespace code associated with this role member. Note that only groups and roles will display a namespace code.
NameDisplay-only. Identifies the name of the member being assigned to this role.
Full NameDisplay-only. Identifies the default, full name of the member being assigned to this role.
Active From DateOptional. Allows you to qualify this member's association with this role by date. Entering a from date will define the earliest date on which this member is a valid member of this role.
Active To Date

Optional. Allows you to deactivate a member's association with a role on a specific date. The date you enter defines the date the user is no longer a member of this role.

You cannot delete or inactivate role members. To remove a member from a role, specify an active to date.

ActionsClick the Add button to add this member to the role.


Additional fields may be required, such as Chart Code or Organization Code, depending on the role type selected.


Note that when assigning roles to other roles (nesting roles), qualifying values are not required. Some roles in applications may contain special logic to derive the required qualifiers from the nested role itself without qualifiers being specified. You may always specify qualifying values for a nested role and should do so unless you know the role being assigned contains logic to derive the qualifiers from the nested role. Roles without the proper qualifiers can cause problems throughout your applications. Please consult with an application technical resource if you are unsure of whether or not to provide qualifying values when assigning a role to another role.

Delegations Tab

This tab identifies identifies delegates associated with the role. Delegates are users that a member of this role has authorized to have the same permissions and take the same actions as the member is authorized to take.

The Assignees Tab dealing with Delegates is slightly different as detailed in the following table. Note that if the members of a role require qualifying values, the delegation requires these values as well. In most cases, delegates must have the same qualifiers as the role member they are associated with.

Figure 17.9. Delegations tab

Delegations tab

Table 17.8. Delegations tab definition

Role MemberRequired. Use the lookup to search for and return the member of this role you wish to create a delegate for.
Member Type CodeRequired. Delegates may be principals (as defined on the Person document), groups or other roles. Select the type of delegate you want to add to this role.
Member IdentifierRequired. Enter the ID that identifies the delegate you want to add or use the lookup to search for and select a valid value. Note that the lookup will direct you to the Principal, Group or Role lookup based on your Member Type Code selection.
Member Namespace CodeDisplay-only. Identifies the namespace associated with the selected delegate. Note that only delegations to groups or roles will display a member namespace code.
Member NameDisplay-only. Shows the name of the selected delegate.
Active From DateOptional. If you want you can qualify this delegate's association with this role by date. Entering a from date will define the earliest date on which this delegate is a valid delegate for this role.
Active To Date

Optional. Allows you to deactivate a delegate's association with a role on a specific date. The date you enter defines the date on which the user is no longer a delegate for this role.

You cannot delete or deactivate delegates. To remove a delegate from a role, enter an active to date.

Delegation Type CodeRequired. Select 'Secondary' or 'Primary. Note that this selection only applies to responsibilities associated with the role and indicates if the delegate will receive documents directly in their action list (Primary) or may choose to view documents in their action list using the secondary delegate dropdown (Secondary).
ActionsClick the Add button to add this delegate to the role.


Additional fields may be required, such as Chart Code, depending on the role type selected.

Chapter 18. State

Table of Contents

Document Layout

Administration > Identity > Locations > State

The State Maintenance document defines the U.S. Postal Service codes used to identify states. When the user chooses the State option from the Administration menu tab, the system displays the State Code Lookup screen. After the user selects a state code or clicks the create new button, the system presents the State Maintenance document.

Document Layout

Figure 18.1. State Maintenance document, create mode

State Maintenance document, create mode

The State Maintenance document includes the Edit States tab.

In edit mode, the Edit States tab presents a display-only set of fields on the left and editable fields on the right in which the user may enter changes.

Table 18.1. Edit States tab definition

Country CodeA unique identifying code assigned to the country of which this state is a part.
State AbbreviationThe state abbreviation.
State Name Required. The full name of the state associated with the state abbreviation.
Active IndicatorIndicates whether the state code is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate the state code.

Chapter 19. Lookup Help

Specifying Search Criteria

  • Search fields are not case sensitive for searches.

  • Dates should be specified as mm/dd/yyyy.

  • Some fields have a magnifying glass button for a sub lookup on that field.

  • Wildcard searches are allowed on fields. The wildcard symbols are *, %, ?, and _.

    • * or % allow you to match any string of any length (including zero length)

    • ? or _ allow you to match on a single character

    The wildcard character feature may be disabled in the lookup view definition.

  • Range operators allowed on numberics and dates are >, <, >=, >-, or .

    All operators except .. should be before data value. Operator .. should separate date values

  • All financial documents have question button in the header for viewing help information.

Result Table

  • Each result field has a link on header for sorting. Click once to sort ascending, click again for descending.

  • Some row fields have links to inquiry. The inquiry will be presented in a new window.

  • Click the return value link to select a row and return the key value to the previous page.

  • Click the cancel button if you wish to return without returning a value

Maintenance Links

  • The 'create new' link on the upper right corner of the lookup screen wil return a maintenance document for creating a new record for this lookup type

  • For users able to modify table values from the lookup screens, each result row action column displays edit and copy links.

    • The 'edit' link will go to a maintenance document for editing the current record.

    • The 'copy' link will go to a new maintenance document but will copy over attributes from current record.

Export Functionality

  • At the end of each result set, there are links for exporting the data to a different format.

    • Click the 'csv' button to export the data as a comma delimited file.

    • Click the 'xml' button to export the data in xml format.

    • Click the 'xls' button to export the data as a spreadsheet.