public interface LayoutManager extends UifDictionaryBean, LifecycleElement, Serializable
instances within a
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addStyleClass(String styleClass)
This method adds a single style class to the list of css style classes on this component
void |
appendToStyle(String styleRules)
Appends to the inline style set on this layoutManager
List<String> |
getAdditionalCssClasses() |
List<String> |
CSS style class(s) to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager
generates for the items
List<String> |
getLibraryCssClasses() |
List<PropertyReplacer> |
List of
PropertyReplacer instances that will be
evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditional set properties on the
LayoutManager based on expression evaluations |
String |
CSS style string to be applied to the area (div) the layout manager
generates for the items
Class<? extends Container> |
Determines what
Container classes are supported by the
LayoutManager |
String |
The path to the JSP file that should be called to invoke the layout
String |
The name for which the template can be invoked by
void |
setAdditionalCssClasses(List<String> libraryClasses) |
void |
setCssClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
Setter for the layout manager div style class
void |
setLibraryCssClasses(List<String> libraryClasses) |
void |
setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
Setter for the layout managers property substitutions
void |
setStyle(String style)
Setter for the layout manager div style
void |
setTemplate(String template)
Setter for the layout managers template
void |
setTemplateName(String templateName)
Setter for the name of the template (a name which can be used to invoke)
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions
dataDictionaryPostProcessing, getComponentCode, getNamespaceCode
checkMutable, getContainerIdSuffix, getContext, getId, getPhasePathMapping, getViewPath, getViewStatus, isFinal, isInitialized, isModelApplied, isMutable, isRender, notifyCompleted, performApplyModel, performFinalize, performInitialization, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setContainerIdSuffix, setContext, setId, setPhasePathMapping, setRender, setViewPath, setViewStatus, skipLifecycle
String getTemplate()
The path should be relative to the web root. All layout manager templates receive the list of items of be placed, the configured layout manager, and the container to which the layout manager applies
e.g. '/krad/WEB-INF/jsp/tiles/boxLayout.jsp'
void setTemplate(String template)
- String getTemplateName()
Whether the template name is needed depends on the underlying rendering engine being used. In the example of Freemarker, the template points to the actual source file, which then loads a macro. From then on the macro is simply invoked to execute the template
e.g. 'uif_grid'
void setTemplateName(String templateName)
- Class<? extends Container> getSupportedContainer()
classes are supported by the
String getStyle()
Note the styleClass/style configured on the Container
applies to all the container content (header, body, footer), while the
styleClass/style configured on the LayoutManager
applies to the div surrounding the items placed by the manager (the
container's body)
Any style override or additions can be specified with this attribute. This is used by the renderer to set the style attribute on the corresponding element.
e.g. 'color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;'
List<String> getLibraryCssClasses()
void setLibraryCssClasses(List<String> libraryClasses)
List<String> getCssClasses()
Note the styleClass/style configured on the Container
applies to all the container content (header, body, footer), while the
styleClass/style configured on the LayoutManager
applies to the div surrounding the items placed by the manager (the
container's body)
Declares additional style classes for the div. Multiple classes are specified with a space delimiter. This is used by the renderer to set the class attribute on the corresponding element. The class(s) declared must be available in the common style sheets or the style sheets specified for the view
e.g. 'header left'
void setCssClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
- List<String> getAdditionalCssClasses()
void setAdditionalCssClasses(List<String> libraryClasses)
void addStyleClass(String styleClass)
- void appendToStyle(String styleRules)
- List<PropertyReplacer> getPropertyReplacers()
instances that will be
evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditional set properties on the
based on expression evaluationsvoid setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
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