Table of Contents
Welcome to Rice 2.5.1!
This version of Rice contains bug fixes requested by the Kuali Applications and community. There are no database changes and it should be a drop-in replacement.
Kuali Rice 2.5.1 can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.5.1 version of Rice.
[KULRICE-9003] - parentLine not available within the items property of a subcollection
[KULRICE-9201] - On permission inquiry, inactive roles are still shown with no indication that they are inactive.
[KULRICE-9835] - removePrincipalFromRole uses attribute id instead of attribute name in qualifier
[KULRICE-10825] - Remove hard code check for TabGroup from
[KULRICE-11089] - Use of ExpressionFunction #sequence in maintenance documents results in skipped sequence numbers
[KULRICE-11103] - Problem with demo groups : display not being synced with the value of the select (for the different demos)
[KULRICE-11109] - Server-side Validation Error on valid dates
[KULRICE-11537] - Rice Sampleapp Krad Configuration Test View Page 1 Day Events - Sorting enable/disable testing not rendered
[KULRICE-11796] - KRAD Demo and Labs Lookup Sample with Conditional Criteria Field Date Field required asterisk no longer displayed for input text a1
[KULRICE-12027] - Table indices in Chrome are not sorted correctly
[KULRICE-12255] - Add rule cannot read proposition property at initialization phase
[KULRICE-12263] - Context Lookup context type drop down has two blank values
[KULRICE-12268] - KRAD Demo Raw Freemarker Exception with bad url expect html 404 error
[KULRICE-12375] - Issue with error messages in conditional refresh library example
[KULRICE-12376] - Travel Authorization Document with Daily Cost Estimate throws database exception
[KULRICE-12388] - Supress inquiry links on inquiry view if they point to the same view
[KULRICE-12391] - Display fields don’t decode html encoded characters (i.e. ')
[KULRICE-12395] - Inquiry Export on not-found record shows empty lightbox
[KULRICE-12413] - Bad Maintenance Links when result object PKs contain sensitive data pattern.
[KULRICE-12461] - Library - CSV/XML/XLS export not working
[KULRICE-12576] - Lines around the last item in Library Nav List
[KULRICE-12581] - addViaLightBox validating addLineGroup when the light box is not rendered
[KULRICE-12600] - Icon class needs ":before" pseudo element
[KULRICE-12615] - Text Area still editable even when disabled
[KULRICE-12617] - Remove updateActionAttributes from AgendaBoServiceImpl
[KULRICE-12621] - KRAD - Incident report cancel results in blank screen
[KULRICE-12644] - createSuggest in krad.widget.js is not invoked when is false
[KULRICE-12695] - Stacked Lookup shows improper actions on result rows
[KULRICE-12703] - defaultValue property not working on non-standard methodToCall methods
[KULRICE-12733] - Child propositions not updated on save
[KULRICE-12811] - Exception thrown on dialog reuse demo
[KULRICE-12815] - Expressions in field labels not carried through for table headers
[KULRICE-12827] - Side navigation loses active/open class on document click
[KULRICE-12831] - ViewLifecycleTest.testPerformanceMediumAll failing occasionally with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
[KULRICE-12845] - DataDictionaryBuilderTest#testDataDictionaryBuilder_invalidXml failing improperly
[KULRICE-12852] - Direct inquiry icon is not appearing for sub account on travel account maintenance document
[KULRICE-12862] - KRAD Sample App: java.lang.IllegalStateException
[KULRICE-12877] - ComponentFreemarkerTest makes references to krad web ftl
[KULRICE-12888] - Radio buttons don't select the result from a lookup view within a maintenance document
[KULRICE-12904] - Info messages missing at page level
[KULRICE-12934] - Some classes are duplicated multiple times over if they are added during the lifecycle
[KULRICE-12938] - Method access exceptions appearing in some places
[KULRICE-12940] - PeopleFlow role delegate issue
[KULRICE-12961] - Sending lookupCriteria via a link causes stack trace upon additional search
[KULRICE-12984] - The styling of the read-only text area is broken
[KULRICE-12986] - Document Type Application Status exports incorrectly if a category is specified for any application status
[KULRICE-12987] - KRAD AdHoc operation is resetting document status
[KULRICE-13002] - Object on EntityTypeContactInfoBo are not update able from the UI
[KULRICE-13047] - IdentityCurrentAndArchiveService not properly caching values
[KULRICE-13062] - Error setting property actionParameters in Kitchen Sink
[KULRICE-13076] - Javascript error searching for Create New Agenda Context, close button is inop
[KULRICE-13093] - Super user action should not check next action after Take Selected Actions button is selected
[KULRICE-13104] - Empty check in ValidationUtils via ExistenceConstraintProcessor ...
[KULRICE-13117] - Disable Date Picker Control when the field is disabled
[KULRICE-13131] - Confirmation Dialog is hidden when Action defaults to hidden
[KULRICE-13148] - AJAX call not picking up exceptions
[KULRICE-13176] - ApplicationDocumentStatus missing properties for OJB-mapped documentTypeId and statusName properties
[KULRICE-13177] - DEFAULT_APPROVE policy is not working as documented
[KULRICE-13186] - Add Quickfinder Lookup Support to Modal Dialogs
[KULRICE-13196] - PersonDocument Base salary not displayed in submitted doc
[KULRICE-13197] - PersonDoc - delegation Type header no longer visible on submitted document
[KULRICE-13198] - NPE when I subclass a business object
[KULRICE-13200] - Delegation Rule Lookup: No values returned on search
[KULRICE-13210] - STE when attempting to open KRMS agenda doc from Doc Search
[KULRICE-13223] - AFT Failure LibraryContainerDialogGroupAft ServerDialog2 dialog no longer displayed
[KULRICE-13250] - Ajax Retrieval Library Example: IndexOutOfBoundsException
[KULRICE-13251] - Dialog Reuse Library Example: IndexOutOfBoundsException
[KULRICE-13252] - Table Layout Library Example: Duplicate field values after row deletion
[KULRICE-13253] - Table layout with Columns Sort Library Example: Table wider than display area
[KULRICE-13254] - Table Layout with Currency Sort Library Example: Only field 6 value of addline is applied on add
[KULRICE-13256] - QuickFinder lookup link isn’t displayed
[KULRICE-13257] - Widgets breadcrumb label doesn’t display correctly
[KULRICE-13258] - Inquiry Links can only be used once
[KULRICE-13259] - Widgets tooltip help not displayed correctly
[KULRICE-13260] - KRAD Library Fixed Application Header isn't fixed
[KULRICE-13261] - 2.5.0 CDT: Text Area Expand causes JS error
[KULRICE-13265] - 2.5.0 CDT: Kim User Lookup produces JS Error
[KULRICE-13270] - When buttons are selected, commas are added to the second field on the Input Addons demo
[KULRICE-13271] - Item Css demo is not working in Box Layout Manager demo
[KULRICE-13273] - The word add is repeated for the first row in the multirow demo
[KULRICE-13274] - Text Incorrect after correcting errors on Create New Page
[KULRICE-13275] - Runtime Exception in Demo Account Lookup Auto Search
[KULRICE-13276] - NullPointer Exception in Demo Account Multi-Value Lookup
[KULRICE-13277] - Demo Lookup Search subsidized percent required indicator not appearing for DD entry
[KULRICE-13278] - Stacktrace: Parameter Updater
[KULRICE-13279] - Ajax Field Query Custom Method and Service: Tabbing out of the field does not load the data for the travel account
[KULRICE-13280] - Mouse Events demo: In Chrome, mousing over the checkbox doesn’t do anything
[KULRICE-13281] - Inline Edit Text Field demo: After edit, the value in the field is set to the NEWVALUE,OLDVALUE
[KULRICE-13282] - AddLineDialog does not receive the add line context so #lp and #line cannot be used
[KULRICE-13285] - setting p:dictionaryAttributeName with an expression is not working
[KULRICE-13287] - JPA Exception when saving role document for roles with qualified delegates and responsibility actions
[KULRICE-13289] - AFT Failure WorkFlowRouteRulesBlanketAppBkMrkAft occasionally fails with Exception: RuleTemplateContract
[KULRICE-13292] - Labs Maintenance prompt before routing incident report
[KULRICE-13294] - Inconsistency in KRMS lookup default value maintenance link render/hide property
[KULRICE-13302] - RoleDaoJdbc creates invalid sql statement when saving new proposal
[KULRICE-13303] - Return links not appearing on KRAD screens due to sense of hideReturnLink/renderReturnLinks changing
[KULRICE-13309] - AFT Failure AgendaEditorAddRuleAft Expected "FINAL" but saw "ENROUTE" instead
[KULRICE-13312] - KRMS rule's action attributes not loaded for edit succesfully
[KULRICE-13314] - KRMS rule attributes not loaded for edit successfully
[KULRICE-13315] - KRMS compound proposition AND/OR toggles not staying synced
[KULRICE-13317] - Column calculation doesn't support namespaced methods
[KULRICE-13318] - Fix CompareFieldCreateModifier to check for null field propertyName.
[KULRICE-13320] - KRMS agenda editor UI handles '>' operator badly
[KULRICE-13321] - KRMS agenda editor, field labels not rendered for propositions in edit mode
[KULRICE-13327] - IT Failure PostProcessorTest in CI, passes locally
[KULRICE-13328] - AFT Failure results no longer linked
[KULRICE-13329] - Inquiry suppression demo does not prove inquiries are being suppressed
[KULRICE-13332] - NPE on lookup within a lookup
[KULRICE-13333] - AFT Failure CreateNewAgendaAft Expected "FINAL" but saw "ENROUTE" and later is in Exception and locked
[KULRICE-13870] - BindExceptions being thrown when they shouldn't be
[KULRICE-13871] - AFT Failure LabsMaintenancePromptBeforeRoutingAft Incident Reports
[KULRICE-13872] - When saving a new agenda, user must tab off of context field or use context lookup to prevent validation error
[KULRICE-13873] - FieldsToSend is adding null string as a data attribute, it should not be added when null
[KULRICE-13885] - Weird behavior involving SpringEl when dev mode is disabled
[KULRICE-13888] - need the ability to pass modal options into showDialog function.
[KULRICE-13890] - Intermittent stacktrace on Agenda Editor context ID lookup
[KULRICE-13892] - RefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames not working with multiple dialogs
[KULRICE-13895] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft Duplicate Sub Accounts error message with empty parentheses
[KULRICE-13898] - EditWithDialog with custom dialog removes anything not a datafield or collectiongroup
[KULRICE-13899] - AFT Failures opening dialogs
[KULRICE-13903] - Occasional AFT Failure Selenium nsICommandProcessor JavaScript Error: "e is null"
[KULRICE-13904] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMultivalueParameterRestrictionLookUpAft wrong number of results is Parameter Updater working?
[KULRICE-13907] - AFT Failure LabsJsonTemplateExampleAft Incident Report View in form was null: KradLabsForm
[KULRICE-13908] - KRAD DocumentService.getDocumentsByListOfDocumentHeaderIds throwing NPE if documentId does not exist
[KULRICE-13911] - Document Operation screen issues Notes/ActionRequestParentId/ActionRequestTakenId
[KULRICE-13924] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceEditAft Duplicate Sub Accounts error message with empty parentheses
[KULRICE-13927] - BusinessObjectBase.toString causing OutOfMemory errors
[KULRICE-13928] - Routing rules with no rule template can't be viewed
[KULRICE-13929] - Looking up delegation rules by delegateRuleId doesn't work
[KULRICE-13936] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceViewPermissionAft Download Attachment button not present
[KULRICE-13937] - Cannot display error messages in dialog
[KULRICE-13939] - ComponentPostMetadata being cleared on page change causes weird/broken behavior
[KULRICE-13940] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesEditLineAft testCollectionFeaturesEditLine Expected "7edit" but saw "7" instead Saving changes did not edit the value in CI
[KULRICE-13941] - Person Doc - The Delegation Type Code column header is replaced by Actions column header
[KULRICE-13942] - Rice 2.4 KRAD lookups are not fully compatible with Rice 2.3 client application quickfinders
[KULRICE-13943] - When editing or copying objects supported by the data object service, primary key type conversion is not performed
[KULRICE-13944] - KRAD issues with KualiInteger fields
[KULRICE-13947] - KRAD read-only field values often get HTML-escaped twice
[KULRICE-13949] - JpaOptimisticLockingFailureException for PropositionBo on edit of an Agenda
[KULRICE-13953] - IT Failure KewRuleDataJpaTest.testRuleDelegationServiceFindByDelegateRuleId Rule Delegation Bo fetched by rule id
[KULRICE-13954] - KRMS view Rule not showing value of ruleAttributes settings.
[KULRICE-13958] - Checkbox dirty validation not working
[KULRICE-13960] - Close/Clear Values/Search Buttons too far down on Agenda Editor PeopleFlow ID lookup screen
[KULRICE-13963] - AFT Failure AgendaEditorAndOrToggleSyncAft Action name missing
[KULRICE-13967] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountLookUpAft testTravelAccountLookupCaseConstraint Selenium clear stopped working
[KULRICE-13972] - Non-required fields in group targetted validation do not validate correctly when not filled in
[KULRICE-13973] - IT Failure PeopleFlowRoutingTest
[KULRICE-13974] - items within a collection that have a label with expression does not evaluate
[KULRICE-13980] - IT Failure ObjectUtilsTest testPopulateBusinessObjectFromMap Expected to throw NestedNullException due to attempt to instantiate interface
[KULRICE-13981] - AFT Failure DemoLookUpConditionalCriteriaAft testLookUpConditionalCriteria poppup not detected in CI
[KULRICE-13983] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesEditLineAft testRowDetailsGroup Incident Report Exception evaluating expression: #parentLine.subList.size() < 2
[KULRICE-13988] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesServerPagingAft DataTables warning: JSON data from the server could not be parsed
[KULRICE-13993] - AFT Failure CollectionsAft testColumnSequence extra values and comma on add
[KULRICE-13996] - Problems sending ad hoc group requests on KRAD documents
[KULRICE-14005] - Fixes to Session dialog
[KULRICE-14006] - KRAD Library Code Section doesn't wordrap anymore
[KULRICE-14008] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesEditLineAft add not added
[KULRICE-14016] - AFT Failure Agenda loading loop
[KULRICE-14022] - AFT Failure: edu.sampleu.krad.reference.ExternalIdentifierTypeAft
[KULRICE-14023] - AFT Failure: AgendaEditorAndOrToggleSyncAft.testAgendaEditorAndOrToggleSyncNav
[KULRICE-13894] - Allow modal options to be passed into showDialog call as third option
[KULRICE-13905] - Need loading indication when dialogs are being retrieved via ajax
[KULRICE-13915] - XML Export for document does not include the nextAppDocStatus
[KULRICE-9530] - Create a tutorial for the krad-data module using JPA
[KULRICE-10025] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10026] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10027] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10122] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10150] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10151] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10152] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10153] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10643] - Create Unit Test for Maintenance Lock Descriptors
[KULRICE-10660] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10693] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10725] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10726] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10754] - Code Report
[KULRICE-10900] - Quickstart Archetype: Integration test of archetype has the application id hardcoded.
[KULRICE-11724] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12402] - 2.4.0 CDT: Server Side Paging table - Invalid data wiped on add row with no warning
[KULRICE-12480] - Library Box Layout Item CSS has no style applied
[KULRICE-12965] - Code Report
[KULRICE-12998] - Test git with db install process
[KULRICE-13003] - Test git with mvn validate
[KULRICE-13009] - Drop down for selecting how many entries are showing in datatable styling cuts off value
[KULRICE-13045] - Code Report
[KULRICE-13097] - CI AFT Regression Rerun
[KULRICE-13099] - Test git with maven license check
[KULRICE-13101] - Test git with infrastructure
[KULRICE-13195] - Sample App View Helper Services violating MVC pattern
[KULRICE-13201] - Add test coverage for persistence and execution of an Agenda with a subAgenda
[KULRICE-13211] - Investigate attachmentTypeCode and KIM Permissions.
[KULRICE-13216] - Create AFT for editing collection rows via modal
[KULRICE-13222] - Lookup buttons for the Initiator, Approver and Viewer fields missing on Doc Search Screen
[KULRICE-13236] - Write Unit test for DocumentTypeEBO
[KULRICE-13237] - DocumentRefreshQueueTest should have a test method to test requeing a document that is currently sitting in multiple nodes
[KULRICE-13240] - ReturnToPreviousNodeActionTest class should have two new test methods written to verify Errors
[KULRICE-13245] - JPA Exception when saving Group Document with a KIM type
[KULRICE-13248] - Error on group lookup when searching by KIM type on groups with attributes
[KULRICE-13284] - Rename CI 2.5 test-release to release and add and enable release related jobs
[KULRICE-13286] - Wrong header being applied even when overridden
[KULRICE-13296] - Highlight duplicate property when adding duplicate item to maintenance collection
[KULRICE-13297] - Searching for Roles by Group Name or Group Namespace throws STE
[KULRICE-13316] - ActionRequestServiceImpl#doesPrincipalHaveRequest does not properly use QueryByCriteria API
[KULRICE-13319] - Kew note issue: Caching of route header value causes save, delete functions to work incorrectly
[KULRICE-13331] - Nav menu overlaps in IE on page change
[KULRICE-13335] - Destroy dialog on hidden option
[KULRICE-13426] - CI Analysis QA 2.5.1 Sprint 1
[KULRICE-13893] - Ensure background is dismissed in dismissDialog function after hide
[KULRICE-13909] - DemoCollectionEditLine AFT needs to include a test for the lookup implementation.
[KULRICE-13921] - Add "Loading" message when returning data from lookup
[KULRICE-13922] - Lookup icon in Lookup Collection Edit Line doesn't line up with input field
[KULRICE-13923] - Lookup return doesn't work when using a nested lookup within a dialog
[KULRICE-13925] - Rebuild env2/6 as jdk7 boxes
[KULRICE-13930] - Create Demo for DialogGroup's destroy dialog on hidden
[KULRICE-13931] - Create AFT for DialogGroup's destroy dialog on hidden demo
[KULRICE-13938] - Create 2.5.1 release checklist
[KULRICE-13965] - In dev environment, WorkflowDocument is null in DocumentHeader on maintenance doc submit
[KULRICE-13979] - Lookups within a dialog's nested groups with depth > 1 do not work
[KULRICE-13984] - JSON browser error message on server paging
[KULRICE-13997] - LibaryClientResponivenessEventsAft Corrections
[KULRICE-14004] - Collection Add Line with Dialog doesn't preserve values
[KULRICE-14009] - Update Schema Spy link for 2.5.1 to point to 2.5.0 as there have not been DB structure changes
[KULRICE-14010] - AFT Failure LibraryCollectionFeaturesAddLineAft testCollectionFeaturesAddLine required message not displayed first time