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Welcome to Rice 2.4.2!
This version of Rice contains bug fixes requested by the Kuali Applications and community. There are no database changes and it should be a drop-in replacement.
Kuali Rice 2.4.2 can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.4.2 version of Rice.
[KULRICE-11054] - Exported document type does not include app doc status
[KULRICE-11292] - Validation messages on tree node components not displayed correctly
[KULRICE-11376] - HiddenFields are not submitted when part of progressive rendered section.
[KULRICE-11966] - Table details do not remain open when a line is deleted
[KULRICE-12479] - Tracking changes does not refresh child objects in an added collection
[KULRICE-12614] - KRMS - Terms do not persist
[KULRICE-12619] - KS Rice 2.4 Upgrade - subCollection updateComponent is null
[KULRICE-12625] - Attribute definitions not being correctly picked up from data dictionary for input fields
[KULRICE-12633] - KRAD performance issue with KS CourseOffering view
[KULRICE-12643] - Select box in dialog not posted to server
[KULRICE-12667] - RuleManagementService fixes from KS
[KULRICE-12699] - Change theme builder JS compiler to use WHITESPACE_ONLY option
[KULRICE-12734] - Update default values to use a boolean variable rather than a list
[KULRICE-12740] - KRMS Agenda cannot add a rule
[KULRICE-12752] - Travel Account Lookup: Comma appears in lookup criteria on search
[KULRICE-12753] - Context not being set when typed into field in Agenda editor
[KULRICE-12757] - AFT Failure HelpAft and DemoWidgetsHelpAft field label help no longer displaying
[KULRICE-12758] - AFT Failure many AFTs fail with Incident Report Object for which expression is configured on is null or does not implement UifDictionaryBean: help.toolTip
[KULRICE-12760] - AFT Failure many AFTs fail with search results no longer linked
[KULRICE-12764] - AFT Failure LabsMaintenanceCopyWithRestrictedFieldAft restricted field value copied
[KULRICE-12765] - FilterableLookupCriteriaControl support is broken and causing issues with KIM UserControl and GroupControl
[KULRICE-12767] - Version compatibility problem with parameter namespace change
[KULRICE-12779] - KSA Transaction: Expand section causes FreeMarker errors
[KULRICE-12782] - AFT Failure LabsMaintenanceSampleBasicAft automatic new doc id gives error on submit
[KULRICE-12789] - Roles memberships are not checking qualification
[KULRICE-12792] - AFT Failure LabsLookupsAft Bookmark has values in input field Nav does not
[KULRICE-12794] - AFT Failure DemoTravelAccountMaintenanceNewAft missing search icons
[KULRICE-12797] - KCB datasource not getting set correctly
[KULRICE-12798] - KRADServiceLocator.getKradApplicationDataSource() always returns rice datasource
[KULRICE-12803] - Lifecycle skipping interfering with ajaxDetailsRetrieval
[KULRICE-12826] - submitting role doc after saving results in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid service name passed, value was null
[KULRICE-12844] - AFT Failure LabsSchemaAft incident report null pointer exception in DataFieldBase.hasAutoInquiryRelationship
[KULRICE-12848] - IT Failure RoleServiceImplTest testAddQualifiedPrincipalToRoleDoesNotReusedWrongRoleMember campus code on role member incorrect expected:<[KO]> but was:<[BL]>
[KULRICE-12908] - AFT Failure Lookup Search Null Pointer Exception in LookupableImpl.processSearchCriteria
[KULRICE-12909] - AFT Failure LabsLookupMultipleValuesReturnAft testLabsLookupMultipleValuesReturnBookmark dialog empty
[KULRICE-12910] - AFT Failure LabsLookupMvParentViewAft and LabsLookupMvViewAft search page blank NPE LookupableImpl.validateSearchParameters
[KULRICE-12913] - UT Failure XML Marshaling
[KULRICE-12931] - Server side paging does not work when collection contains a field group
[KULRICE-12626] - Improvements on binding/method security
[KULRICE-12690] - Performance issues at the apply-model phase in KS
[KULRICE-12832] - Code Report