001    /**
002     * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package mocks;
018    import java.util.ArrayList;
019    import java.util.Collection;
020    import java.util.HashMap;
021    import java.util.Iterator;
022    import java.util.List;
023    import java.util.Map;
025    import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
026    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
027    import org.joda.time.DateTime;
028    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.config.property.ConfigContext;
029    import org.kuali.rice.core.api.mail.Mailer;
030    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiServiceLocator;
031    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionItem;
032    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.preferences.Preferences;
033    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.preferences.PreferencesService;
034    import org.kuali.rice.kew.mail.DailyEmailJob;
035    import org.kuali.rice.kew.mail.WeeklyEmailJob;
036    import org.kuali.rice.kew.mail.service.EmailContentService;
037    import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiConstants;
038    import org.kuali.rice.kew.mail.service.impl.CustomizableActionListEmailServiceImpl;
039    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.identity.Person;
040    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.identity.principal.Principal;
041    import org.kuali.rice.kim.api.services.KimApiServiceLocator;
042    import org.quartz.CronTrigger;
043    import org.quartz.JobDetail;
048    public class MockEmailNotificationServiceImpl extends CustomizableActionListEmailServiceImpl implements MockEmailNotificationService {
049        private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MockEmailNotificationServiceImpl.class);
051        private static Map<String,List> immediateReminders = new HashMap<String,List>();
052        private static Map<String,Integer> aggregateReminderCount = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
053        private boolean sendDailyReminderCalled = false;
054        private boolean sendWeeklyReminderCalled = false;
056        private static final String DAILY_TRIGGER_NAME = "Daily Email Trigger";
057        private static final String DAILY_JOB_NAME = "Daily Email";
058        private static final String WEEKLY_TRIGGER_NAME = "Weekly Email Trigger";
059        private static final String WEEKLY_JOB_NAME = "Weekly Email";
061        private EmailContentService contentService;
062        private String deploymentEnvironment;
064            private Mailer mailer;
066        /**
067         * Resets the reminder counts
068         */
069        public void resetReminderCounts() {
070            aggregateReminderCount.clear();
071            immediateReminders.clear();
072        }
074        /**
075         * This overridden method will perform the standard operations from org.kuali.rice.kew.mail.ActionListEmailServiceImpl but will also keep track of action
076         * items processed
077         */
078        @Override
079        public void sendImmediateReminder(ActionItem actionItem, Boolean skipOnApprovals) {
080            if (skipOnApprovals != null && skipOnApprovals.booleanValue()
081                    && actionItem.getActionRequestCd().equals(KewApiConstants.ACTION_REQUEST_APPROVE_REQ)) {
082                LOG.debug("As requested, skipping immediate reminder notification on action item approval for " + actionItem.getPrincipalId());
083                return;
084            }
085            List actionItemsSentUser = (List)immediateReminders.get(actionItem.getPrincipalId());
086            Preferences preferences = getPreferencesService().getPreferences(actionItem.getPrincipalId());
088            boolean shouldNotify = checkEmailNotificationPreferences(actionItem, preferences, KewApiConstants.EMAIL_RMNDR_IMMEDIATE);
089            if(shouldNotify) {
090                if (actionItemsSentUser == null) {
091                    actionItemsSentUser = new ArrayList();
092                    immediateReminders.put(actionItem.getPrincipalId(), actionItemsSentUser);
093                }
094                actionItemsSentUser.add(actionItem);
095            }
096        }
098        /**
099         * This overridden method returns a value of true always
100         */
101        //@Override
102        protected boolean sendActionListEmailNotification() {
104            return true;
105        }
107        @Override
108            public void sendDailyReminder() {
109            LOG.info("Sending daily reminder");
110            try {
111                getEmailContentGenerator().generateWeeklyReminder(null, null);
112            }
113            catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
115            List<ActionItem> actionItems = new ArrayList<ActionItem>(1);
116            actionItems.add(ActionItem.Builder.create("ai1", "ai2", "ai3", new DateTime(), "ai4", "ai5", "ai6", "ai7", "ai8").build());
117            sendPeriodicReminder(null, actionItems, KewApiConstants.EMAIL_RMNDR_DAY_VAL);
118            //super.sendDailyReminder();
119            sendDailyReminderCalled = true;
120        }
122        @Override
123        public boolean wasDailyReminderSent(){
124            return this.sendDailyReminderCalled;
125        }
127        @Override
128        public void sendWeeklyReminder() {
129            LOG.info("Sending weekly reminder");
130            try {
131                getEmailContentGenerator().generateWeeklyReminder(null, null);
132            }
133            catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
134            List<ActionItem> actionItems = new ArrayList<ActionItem>(1);
135            actionItems.add(ActionItem.Builder.create("ai1", "ai2", "ai3", new DateTime(), "ai4", "ai5", "ai6", "ai7", "ai8").build());
136            sendPeriodicReminder(null, actionItems, KewApiConstants.EMAIL_RMNDR_WEEK_VAL);
137            //super.sendWeeklyReminder();
138            sendWeeklyReminderCalled = true;
139        }
141        @Override
142        public boolean wasWeeklyReminderSent(){
143            return this.sendWeeklyReminderCalled;
144        }
146        @Override
147        public void scheduleBatchEmailReminders() throws Exception {
148            sendDailyReminderCalled = false;
149            sendWeeklyReminderCalled = false;
150            LOG.info("Scheduling Batch Email Reminders.");
151            String emailBatchGroup = "Email Batch";
152            String dailyCron = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig()
153                    .getProperty(KewApiConstants.DAILY_EMAIL_CRON_EXPRESSION);
154            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dailyCron)) {
155                LOG.info("Scheduling Daily Email batch with cron expression: " + dailyCron);
156                CronTrigger dailyTrigger = new CronTrigger(DAILY_TRIGGER_NAME, emailBatchGroup, dailyCron);
157                JobDetail dailyJobDetail = new JobDetail(DAILY_JOB_NAME, emailBatchGroup, DailyEmailJob.class);
158                dailyTrigger.setJobName(dailyJobDetail.getName());
159                dailyTrigger.setJobGroup(dailyJobDetail.getGroup());
160                sendDailyReminderCalled = true;
161            } else {
162                LOG.warn("No " + KewApiConstants.DAILY_EMAIL_CRON_EXPRESSION
163                        + " parameter was configured.  Daily Email batch was not scheduled!");
164            }
166            String weeklyCron = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty(
167                    KewApiConstants.WEEKLY_EMAIL_CRON_EXPRESSION);
168            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(weeklyCron)) {
169                LOG.info("Scheduling Weekly Email batch with cron expression: " + weeklyCron);
170                CronTrigger weeklyTrigger = new CronTrigger(WEEKLY_TRIGGER_NAME, emailBatchGroup, weeklyCron);
171                JobDetail weeklyJobDetail = new JobDetail(WEEKLY_JOB_NAME, emailBatchGroup, WeeklyEmailJob.class);
172                weeklyTrigger.setJobName(weeklyJobDetail.getName());
173                weeklyTrigger.setJobGroup(weeklyJobDetail.getGroup());
174                sendWeeklyReminderCalled = true;
175            } else {
176                LOG.warn("No " + KewApiConstants.WEEKLY_EMAIL_CRON_EXPRESSION
177                        + " parameter was configured.  Weekly Email batch was not scheduled!");
178            }
179        }
181        //@Override
182        protected void sendPeriodicReminder(Person user, Collection<ActionItem> actionItems, String emailSetting) {
183            //super.sendPeriodicReminder(user, actionItems, emailSetting);
184            if (!aggregateReminderCount.containsKey(emailSetting)) {
185                aggregateReminderCount.put(emailSetting, actionItems.size());
186            } else {
187                aggregateReminderCount.put(emailSetting, aggregateReminderCount.get(emailSetting) + actionItems.size());
188            }
189        }
191        public Integer getTotalPeriodicRemindersSent(String emailReminderConstant) {
192            Integer returnVal = aggregateReminderCount.get(emailReminderConstant);
193            if (returnVal == null) {
194                returnVal = Integer.valueOf(0);
195            }
196            return returnVal;
197        }
199        public Integer getTotalPeriodicRemindersSent() {
200            int total = 0;
201            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> mapEntry : aggregateReminderCount.entrySet()) {
202                Integer value = mapEntry.getValue();
203                total += (value == null) ? 0 : value.intValue();
204            }
205            return Integer.valueOf(total);
206        }
208        public boolean wasStyleServiceAccessed() {
209            return getEmailContentGenerator().wasServiceAccessed();
210        }
212        private void resetStyleService() {
213            getEmailContentGenerator().resetServiceAccessed();
214        }
216        public int immediateReminderEmailsSent(String networkId, String documentId, String actionRequestCd) {
217            Principal principal = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService().getPrincipalByPrincipalName(networkId);
218            List actionItemsSentUser = immediateReminders.get(principal.getPrincipalId());
219            if (actionItemsSentUser == null) {
220                LOG.info("There are no immediate reminders for Principal " + networkId + " and Document ID " + documentId);
221                return 0;
222            }
223            else {
224                LOG.info("There are " + actionItemsSentUser.size() + " immediate reminders for Principal " + networkId + " and Document ID " + documentId);
225            }
226            int emailsSent = 0;
227            for (Iterator iter = actionItemsSentUser.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
228                ActionItem actionItem = (ActionItem) iter.next();
229                if (actionItem.getDocumentId().equals(documentId) && actionItem.getActionRequestCd().equals(actionRequestCd)) {
230                    emailsSent++;
231                }
232            }
233            LOG.info(emailsSent + "No immediate e-mails were sent to Principal " + networkId + " and Document ID " + documentId);
234            return emailsSent;
235        }
237        public void setEmailContentGenerator(EmailContentService contentService) {
238            this.contentService = contentService;
239        }
241        protected MockStyleableEmailContentService getEmailContentGenerator() {
242            return (MockStyleableEmailContentService) contentService;
243        }
245            public void setMailer(Mailer mailer){
246                    this.mailer = mailer;
247            }
249            public void setDeploymentEnvironment(String deploymentEnvironment) {
250                    this.deploymentEnvironment = deploymentEnvironment;
251            }
253         private PreferencesService getPreferencesService() {
254            return KewApiServiceLocator.getPreferencesService();
255        }
257    }