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Welcome to Rice 2.4.0-M3-SNAPSHOT!
This version of Rice is a patch release consisting of bug fixes and small items needed by Kuali application partners. There are no database changes and it should be a drop-in replacement.
Kuali Rice 2.4.0-M3-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.4.0-M3-SNAPSHOT version of Rice.
Below is information on how to upgrade your database to Rice 2.4.0-M3-SNAPSHOT from the previous version. If you are upgrading from another previous version, you may want to reference Database Upgrade Paths.
[KULRICE-9846] - defaultValue not applied before disabled expression evaluation on initialization
[KULRICE-10567] - readOnlyListDisplayType on DataField does not work, Html is escaped
[KULRICE-10604] - Light table examples not rendering freemarker exception in logs
[KULRICE-10729] - Function call in krad.validate.js is using wrong method signature
[KULRICE-10819] - Adding new stop results in NPE on PF Screen
[KULRICE-9963] - Enhance KRMS to support "contains" operator for collections
[KULRICE-10142] - KS KRMS service changes
[KULRICE-10146] - add RuleManagementService tests for NaturalLanguageUsage, NaturalLanguageTemplate related methods
[KULRICE-10147] - add caching to RuleManagementService methods related to Agenda, Rule, Action, Proposition
[KULRICE-10148] - KRMS support for "contains" operator
[KULRICE-10167] - add caching to RuleManagementService methods related to Context, ReferenceObjectBinding, NaturalLanguage
[KULRICE-10613] - Merge remaining changes from the ks-krms branch in rice-2.3
[KULRICE-10658] - GroupService assignPrincipalToGroup addition needs to evict role cache too
[KULRICE-10688] - Binding path is lost after refresh of parent collection for child ajax retrieved components