Kuali Rice 2.3.0-M2-SNAPSHOT Kuali Service Bus

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Table of Contents

1. KSB Overview
What is the Kuali Service Bus?
Bean-Based Services
Overview of Supported Service Protocols
2. Message Queue
Current Node Info
Message Filter and Fetch
Documents Currently in Route Queue
3. Thread Pool
4. Service Registry
5. Pessimistic Locking
Default Pessimistic Locking
Locking for User Entry
Document Configuration - Document
Defining 'Entry' Edit Modes
Using custom Lock Descriptors
Locking for Workflow Processing
Default Workflow Actions that Don't Require Locks
Document Configuration - Workflow
Using a Custom Lock Owner
6. Quartz
7. Security
Security Management
Credentials types
KSB security: Server side configuration
KSB security: Client side configuration
KSB connector and exporter code
Security and Keystores
Generating the Keystore
Step 1: Create the Keystore
Step 2: Sign the Key
Step 3: Generate the Certificate
Step 4: Import Application Certificates
Configure KSB to use the keystore
8. Details of Supported Service Protocols
Java Rice Client
As Consumer
As Producer
Any Java Client
As Consumer
As Producer
Non-Java/Non-Rice Client
As Consumer
As Producer
KSB Registry as a Service
9. Configuring the KSB Client in Spring
Spring Property Configuration
Spring JTA Configuration
Put JTA and the Rice Config object in the CoreConfigurer
Configuring KSB without JTA
web.xml Configuration
Configuration Parameters
KSBConfigurer Properties
KSB Configurer
Implications of "synchronous" vs. "asynchronous" Message Delivery
10. Configuring Quartz for KSB
Quartz Scheduling
11. Acquiring and Invoking Services Deployed on KSB
Service invocation overview
Acquiring and invoking a service directly
Acquiring and invoking a service using messaging
Getting responses from service calls made with messaging
12. Failover
Service call failover
Failover with queues
Failover with topics
13. KSB Exception Messaging
14. KSB Messaging Paradigms
Message Fetcher
15. Load Balancing
16. Object Remoting
17. Publishing Services to KSB
Service Exporter
Version Compatibility for Callback Services
Callback Service Exporter Helper
ServiceDefinition properties
Basic parameters
Publishing Rice services
18. Queue and Topic invocation
Queue invocation
Topic invocation
19. KSB Parameters
Core Parameters
keystore.file, keystore.alias, keystore.password
KSB Configurer Properties
20. JAX-RS / RESTful services
A Simple Example
Composite Services
Additional Service Definition Properties
Extension Mappings
Language Mappings
Additional Information

List of Figures

1.1. Kuali Service Bus
1.2. Supported Service Protocols
2.1. Message Queue: Documents Currently In Route
2.2. Message Filter Screen
2.3. Execute Message Filter: Confirmation Screen
2.4. Documents In Route Queue
2.5. Requeue Documents: Confirmation Screen
3.1. Thread Pool Administration Page
4.1. Service Registry
4.2. Service Registry Results
6.1. Exception Routing Queue
7.1. Create Keystore
7.2. Create Keystore: File Section
7.3. Create Keystore: Existing Keystore Section

List of Tables

2.1. Message Filter Screen: Attributes
2.2. Documents Currently in Route Queue: Attributes
2.3. Message: Attributes
2.4. Payload: Attributes
2.5. Edit Screen: Attributes
2.6. Edit Screen: Links
3.1. Thread Pool: Attributes
6.1. Exception Routing Queue: Attributes
7.1. Existing Keystore Entries: Attributes
9.1. KSB Configuration Parameters
11.1. Properties of the ServiceDefinition
17.1. ServiceDefinition Properties
17.2. SOAPServiceDefinition
17.3. JavaServiceDefinition
19.1. Core Parameters

Chapter 1. KSB Overview

What is the Kuali Service Bus?

The Kuali Service Bus (KSB) is a lightweight service bus designed to allow developers to quickly develop and deploy services for remote and local consumption. You can deploy services to the bus using Spring or programmatically. Services must be named when they are deployed to the bus. Services are acquired from the bus using their name.

At the heart of the KSB is a service registry. This registry is a listing of all services available for consumption on the bus. The registry provides the bus with the information necessary to achieve load balancing, failover, and more.

Figure 1.1. Kuali Service Bus

Kuali Service Bus

You can deploy services to the bus using Spring or programmatically. Services must be named when they are deployed to the bus. Services are acquired from the bus using their name.


  • Transactional Asynchronous Messaging - You can call services asynchronously to support a 'fire and forget' model of calling services. Messaging participates in existing JTA transactions, so that messages are not sent until the currently running transaction is committed and are not sent if the transaction is rolled back. You can increase the performance of service calling code because you are not waiting for a response.

  • Synchronous Messaging - Call any service on the bus using a request response paradigm.

  • Queue Style Messaging - Supports executing Java services using message queues. When a message is sent to a queue, only one of the services listening for messages on the queue is given the message.

  • Topic Style Messaging - Supports executing Java services using messaging topics. When a message is sent to a topic, all services that are listening for messages on the topic receive the message.

  • Quality of Service - Determines how queues and topics handle messages that have problems. Time to live is supported, giving the message a configured amount of time to be handled successfully before exception handling is invoked for that message type. Messages can be given a number of retry attempts before exception handling is invoked. The delay separating each call increases. Exception handlers can be registered with each queue and topic for custom behavior when messages fail and Quality of Service limits have been reached.

  • Discovery - Services are automatically discovered along the bus by service name. End-point URLs are not needed to connect to services.

  • Reliability - Should problems arise, messages sent to services via queues or synchronous calls automatically fail-over to any other services bound to the same name on the bus. Services that are not available are removed from the bus until they come back online, at which time they will be rediscovered for messaging.

  • Persisted Callback - Callback objects can be sent with any message. This object will be called each time the message is received with the response of the service (think topic as opposed to queue). In this way, we can deploy services for messaging that actually return values.

  • Primitive Business Activity Monitoring - If turned on, each call to every service, including the parameters passed into that service, is recorded. This feature can be turned on and off at runtime.

  • Spring-Based Integration - KSB is designed with Spring-based integration in mind. A typical scenario is making an existing Spring-based POJO available for remote asynchronous calls.

  • Programmatic Based Integration - KSB can be configured programmatically if Spring configuration is not desired. Services can also be added and removed from the bus programmatically at runtime.

Bean-Based Services

Typically, KSB programming is centered on exposing Spring-configured beans to other calling code using a number of different protocols. Using this paradigm the client developer and the organization can rapidly build and consume services, often a daunting challenge using other buses.

Overview of Supported Service Protocols

Figure 1.2. Supported Service Protocols

Supported Service Protocols

This drawing is conceptual and not representative of true deployment architecture. Essentially, the KSB is a registry with service-calling behavior on the client end (Java client). All policies and behaviors (async as opposed to sync) are coordinated on the client. The client offers some very attractive messaging features:

  • Synchronization of message sending with currently running transaction (meaning all messages sent during a transaction are ONLY sent if the transaction is successfully committed)

  • Failover - If a call to a service comes back with a 404 (or various other network-related errors), it will try to call other services of the same name on the bus. This is for both sync and async calls.

  • Load balancing - Clients will round-robin call services of the same name on the bus. Proxy instances, however, are bound to single machines if you want to keep a line of communication open to a single machine for long periods of time.

  • Topics and Queues

  • Persistent messages - When using message persistence a message cannot be lost. It will be persisted until it is sent.

  • Message Driven Service Execution - Bind standard JavaBean services to messaging queues for message driven beans.

Chapter 2. Message Queue

Use the Message Queue section to administer the KNS message queuing system. You can find it on the Administration menu.

It has three main sections: Current Node Info, the message filter and fetch section, and the Documents currently in route queue section.

Figure 2.1. Message Queue: Documents Currently In Route

Message Queue: Documents Currently In Route

Current Node Info

  • IP Address: This value equals the IP address of the machine: Rice

  • message.persistence: If true, then messages will be persisted to the datastore. Otherwise, they will only be stored in memory. If message persistence is not turned on and the server is shutdown while there are still messages in queue, those messages will be lost. For a production environment, it is recommended that message persistence be set to true.

  • message.delivery: Can be set to either "synchronous" or "async". If this is set to synchronous, then messages that are sent in an asynchronous fashion using the KSB application interface (API) will be sent synchronously. This is useful in certain development and unit testing scenarios. For a production environment, it is recommended that message delivery be set to async.

  • message.off: If set to "true" then asynchronous messages will not be sent. In the case that message persistence is turned on, they will be persisted in the message store and can even be picked up later using the Message Fetcher. However, if message persistence is turned off, these messages will be lost. This can be useful in certain debugging or testing scenarios.

Message Filter and Fetch

The message filter and fetch section of the Message Queue screen lets you search for, filter, and/or isolate messages in the Documents in route queue. To use the Message Filter section, enter your criteria and click the Filter button:

Figure 2.2. Message Filter Screen

Message Filter Screen

Table 2.1. Message Filter Screen: Attributes

Message IDA unique 5-digit message queue identification number
Service NameThe name of the service
Application IDThe service container's identifier
IP NumberThe message initiator's IP address
Queue Status

You can sort documents by the queue status. The queue status may be:

  • QUEUED: The message is waiting for a worker thread to pick it up

  • ROUTING: A worker is currently working on the message.

  • EXCEPTION: There is a problem with the message and the route manager will ignore it. EXCEPTION status is typically set manually by the administrator to suspend a route queue entry until a problem can be diagnosed.

App Specific Value 1The specific value of a document
App Specific Value 2The specific value of a document
Filter ButtonClick to execute the search filter

The Execute Message Fetcher button retrieves all the messages in the route queue. You can adjust the number of messages requested by entering a number in the field left of the button.

When you click the Execute Message Fetcher button, a dialog box appears, confirming that you want to execute this command:

Figure 2.3. Execute Message Filter: Confirmation Screen

Execute Message Filter: Confirmation Screen

KSB displays the results of a search and/or filter at the bottom of the page in the Documents currently in route queue table.

Figure 2.4. Documents In Route Queue

Documents In Route Queue

Documents Currently in Route Queue

Table 2.2. Documents Currently in Route Queue: Attributes

Message Queue IDA unique 5-digit message queue identification number. This is the same as the Message ID in the Message Filter section.
Service NameThe name of the service
Message Entity 
IP NumberThe message initiator's IP address
Queue Status

You can sort documents by the queue status. The queue status may be:

  • QUEUED: The message is waiting for a worker thread to pick it up

  • ROUTING: A worker is currently working on the message.

  • EXCEPTION: There is a problem with the message and the route manager will ignore it. EXCEPTION status is typically set manually by the administrator to suspend a route queue entry until a problem can be diagnosed.

Queue PriorityThe priority of the entry in the queue. Entries with the smallest number are processed first.
Queue DateThe date on which the queue entry should be processed. If the queue checker runs and discovers entries that have a queue date that are equal to or earlier than the current time, it processes them. The approximate time at which this screenshot was taken 4:53 PM.
Expiration Date 
Retry Count 
App Specific Value 1 
App Specific Value 2 

Click a link in this field to:

  • View: View the detail message report

  • Edit: Edit the settings of a Message Entry

  • ReQueue: Enforce the routing process


When you click View in the Actions menu, KSB displays information about that message. Most of the initial information is the same as that displayed in the Documents currently in route queue table. Additional information on the View screen:

  • Message

    Table 2.3. Message: Attributes

    Application ID: The service container's identifier
    Method Name:  

  • Payload

    Table 2.4. Payload: Attributes

    Payload ClassThe class of the Payload
    Method NameThe name of the method used in this document
    ignoreStoreAndForwardA true and false indicator that ignores the store functions and forwards the message
    ServiceInfo.messageEntryIdA unique 4-digit message entry identification number
    ServiceInfo.ServiceNamespaceThe application
    ServiceInfo.serverIpThe server's IP address
    ServiceInfo.ServiceNameThe name of the service
    ServiceInfo.endpointUrlThe web address of the service

    A true and false indicator that activates the queue or topic function:

    • "True" uses the Queue method, which sends the message to one contact at a time

    • "False" uses the Topic method, which sends the message to all contacts at once

    ServiceInfo.aliveA true and false indicator that shows the activity state of the document
    ServiceInfo.priorityThe priority of the entry for execution. Entries with the smallest number are processed first
    ServiceInfo.retryAttemptsHow many times KSB will try to resend the message

    An expiration indicator:

    • 1 means the message never expires

    ServiceInfo.messageExceptionHandlerThis provides a reference the service can use to call back.
    ServiceInfo.serviceclassThe name of the service class
    ServiceInfo.busSecurityA true and false indicator that assigns the security function
    ServiceInfo.credentialsTypeThe credential type of the document
    ArgumentsThe argument of this document

  • Edit

    When you click Edit in the Actions menu, KSB displays the editable fields for that message. Fields on the Edit screen:

    Table 2.5. Edit Screen: Attributes

    Queue PriorityChange the queue priority by entering a positive number. A smaller number has higher priority for execution.
    Queue StatusChange the status to Queued, Routing, or Exception.
    Retry CountChange the number of times KSB will retry.
    IP NumberChange the initiator's IP address.
    Service NameChange the name of the service.
    Message EntityChange the message entity.
    Method NameChange the method.
    App Specific Value 1Change the information for the specific value 1.
    App Specific Value 2Change the information for the specific value 2.

    Functional links on the Edit page:

    Table 2.6. Edit Screen: Links

    Save ChangesSave the information you just changed.
    Save Changes and ResubmitSave the information you changed and resubmit the message.
    Save and ForwardSave the message and send it to the next contact.
    DeleteDelete the message.
    ResetReload the previous settings. This undoes the changes that you made on this screen, as long as you haven't yet saved them.
    Clear MessageClear all information fields on this page.

  • ReQueue

    When you click ReQueue in the Actions menu, KSB displays this pop-up message:

    Figure 2.5. Requeue Documents: Confirmation Screen

    Requeue Documents: Confirmation Screen

Chapter 3. Thread Pool

Thread pool is a feature that improves overall system performance by creating a pool of threads which can be independently used by the system to execute multiple tasks at the same time. A task can execute immediately if there is a thread in the pool that is available. If no thread is available, the task waits for a thread to become available from the pool before executing.

The Thread Pool screen is accessed from the Administration menu. It tells you the current state of the Thread Pool and allows you to change four parameters for the Thread Pool. The core pool size, the maximum pool size, the RouteQueue.TimeIncrement and the RouteQueue.maxRetryAttempts.

Figure 3.1. Thread Pool Administration Page

Thread Pool Administration Page

Table 3.1. Thread Pool: Attributes

Core Pool SizeA positive number equal to the core number of threads in the pool
Maximum Pool SizeA positive number equal to the maximum number of threads in the pool; when the Core Pool Size is larger than the Maximum Pool Size, Maximum Pool Size automatically sets the pool size equal to the Core Pool Size
Pool SizeThe current number of threads in the pool
Active CountThe approximate number of threads that are actively executing tasks
Largest Pool SizeMaximum number of threads allowed in the Thread Pool
Keep Alive TimeThe amount of time which threads in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being terminated; measured in milliseconds; for example, 60,000 milliseconds = 60 seconds
Task CountNumber of tasks that have been scheduled for execution
Completed Task CountNumber of tasks that have completed execution
Execute Across All Servers with Application ID RICEWhen you click this checkbox, then click the Update button, the update is applied across all servers.
Update buttonClick the Update button to execute the changes you entered in the editable fields above.

Chapter 4. Service Registry

The Service Registry lists published and temporary services that are available for the local machine. You cannot configure the service registry here; this is only information about the registry.

Display this page by clicking the Service Registry link on the Rice Administration page.

At the top of the page, the Current Node Info table shows the settings and configuration of the local machine:

The returned table of services is divided into three sections:

  1. Published Services: Services in use by the local machine

  2. Published Temp Services: Temporary services that are the result of Object Remoting. For more information about Object Remoting, please refer to the Object Remoting section of the KSB portion of the Technical Reference Guide.

  3. All Registry Services

This screen print shows the top of a Service Registry page, with the Current Node Info table and the beginning of the Published Services table, as well as the refresh link and button:

Figure 4.1. Service Registry

Service Registry

To update the list of published services, use either the Refresh Page link in the header at the top of the page or the "Refresh Service Registry" button.

This screen print shows the point on a Service Registry page where KSB displays a notation that there are no published temporary services and the beginning of the All Registry Services table:

Figure 4.2. Service Registry Results

Service Registry Results

Please note, you may have permissions that allow you to click on a row's Endpoint URL to view the WSDL fiels assoicated with the given service. In Internet Explorer or Firefox, this WSDL will be displayed normally in a separate window. In Google Chrome or Safari, however, you will need to click the link then right click to view the frame source to see the WSDL due to current restrictions in Chrome and Safari.

Chapter 5. Pessimistic Locking

Default Pessimistic Locking


Only Transactional Documents may use the default Pessimistic Locking implementation.

To lock a document via the default Pessimistic Locking mechanism means that the document is locked by a user prior to any changes the user may perform. The traditional setup of documents in Rice is to lock them using Optimistic Locking where two users may edit a document at the same time. However, the first user to take an action that will save the document will 'win', and the second user will see an error saying that the document was edited by another user. For Pessimistic Locking, the first user who has edit privileges will get a lock on the document, and any subsequent users who should have edit privileges on the document, who try to view the document, will only get read-only access to the document, until the first user's lock is 'released'.


Pessimistic Locking is used in conjunction with standard Rice Optimistic Locking. Currently there is no way to use Pessimistic Locking instead of the default Optimistic Locking.

There are two places in Rice where Pessimistic Locks can be used:

Locking for User Entry

The default implementation for locking a document for user entry tells the system to place a lock on a document if a user attempts to view it and that user has one or more 'entry' type edit modes as defined by the document's Document Authorizer class. Once the lock is placed, any other user who should have 'entry' privileges on the document will not be allowed to do so until the lock by the first user is released.


If the Transactional Document that will be using Pessimistic Locking has a custom Document Authorizer class and uses custom edit modes returned by the getEditMode(Document, UniversalUser) method, the custom authorizer class should also override the method isEntryEditMode(Map.Entry). See #Defining 'Entry' Edit Modes below.

Document Configuration - Document

To enable Pessimistic Locking on a document the attribute 'usePessimisticLocking' must be set to 'true' in the transactional document's entry.




For extremely complex customization that goes beyond what may be described in this document a client developer can look at the javadocs of the org.kuali.core.document.authorization.DocumentAuthorizerBase class paying special attention to the methods below:

  • isLockRequiredByUser(Document, Map, UniversalUser)

  • isEntryEditMode(Map.Entry)

  • getEditModeWithEditableModesRemoved(Map)

  • getEntryEditModeReplacementMode()

  • createNewPessimisticLock(Document, Map, UniversalUser)

The completely override the lock handling the Document Authorizer method establishLocks(Document, Map, UniversalUser) can be overriden.

Defining 'Entry' Edit Modes

If the Transactional Document that will be using Pessimistic Locking has a custom Document Authorizer class and uses custom edit modes returned by the getEditMode(Document, UniversalUser) method, the custom authorizer class should also override the method isEntryEditMode(Map.Entry) . If the entry parameter passed in is defined as a valid 'entry' mode then the method should return true.

Using custom Lock Descriptors

The default Pessimistic Lock implementation does not use Lock Descriptors so only one person may have a lock on a single document at any one time. If something more custom is required Lock Descriptors can be used. The default implementation of a document that uses Pessimistic Locking and custom Lock Descriptors is that once a single user establishes a lock on a certain document with a certain lock descriptor... no other user can create a lock on that document with that descriptor. If another user needs that lock created they will have read only access on the document until the other user releases their lock.


As an example, think of a document that has both an Delivery section and a Billing section. Perhaps a user 'fred' has access to edit the Delivery section but not the Billing section. Likewise, a user 'francine' has access to edit the Billing section but not the Delivery section. In this case it would be possible for both 'francine' and 'fred' to each have a lock on a single document since the data they have editable is mutually exclusive from the other. In this example 'fred' could have a Pessimistic Lock with a descriptor 'Delivery' while 'francine' could have a Pessimistic Lock with a 'Billing' descriptor.

To use lock descriptors the client application document should implement a custom Document Authorizer class if not done already (see Authorizers - Client Developer Guide (0.9.3) for more information). The authorizer class should override the useCustomLockDescriptors() method to return true. The method getCustomLockDescriptor(Document, Map, UniversalUser) must also be overriden to return the value of the desired lock descriptor. It's up to the client to determine how to set these and what values to use.

Locking for Workflow Processing

The default implementation for locking a document for processing by Workflow tells the system to place a lock on a document once a Workflow action is taken if that Workflow action is not contained in a list (see Default Workflow Actions that Don't Require Locks). The default user that will 'own' the lock will be the Rice System User. Once the lock is placed, any other user who should have 'entry' privileges on the document will not be allowed to do so until the lock is released. Locks for Workflow processing are released once the Workflow process completes successfully.


If a document that has a Pessimistic Lock for Workflow is not successfully processed and goes into Exception Routing, the document will stay locked by the Workflow process.

Default Workflow Actions that Don't Require Locks

The following actions in Workflow will not set up a Pessimistic Lock for the coinciding process:

  • Save

  • Acknowledge

  • Clear FYI

  • Disapprove

  • Canceled

  • Log on Document

Document Configuration - Workflow

To enable Pessimistic Locking for Workflow operations on a document the attribute useWorkflowPessimisticLocking must be set to 'true' in the transactional document's entry.




The Pessimistic Locking mechanism for Workflow processes has lock creation and lock releasing points that exist in a document's post processor methods. Specifically the method doActionTaken(ActionTakenEventVO) in the DocumentBase class is used to create locks while the method afterWorkflowEngineProcess(boolean) in the same class is used to release locks. If a document overrides either of these methods or does not use the standard KualiPostProcessor implementation, the client will need to use the DocumentBase methods code in whatever method they implement if they would like Pessimistic Locking for Workflow.

Using a Custom Lock Owner

The default owner of a Pessimistic Lock created for a Workflow process is the Rice System User. To change that a client can implement a custom Document Authorizer class and override the method getWorkflowPessimisticLockOwnerUser(). This method is used to get the lock owner for lock creation but also will be used to release the lock at the conclusion of the Workflow process. If a non-static user will be used a client may need to override the method releaseWorkflowPessimisticLocking(Document) to handle special cases.

Chapter 6. Quartz

The Kuali Service Bus (KSB) uses Quartz to schedule delayed tasks, including retry attempts for messages that cannot be sent the first time. By default, KSB uses an embedded quartz scheduler that can be configured by passing parameters starting with "ksb.org.quartz." into the Rice configuration.

You can inject a custom quartz scheduler if the application is already running one. See the Technical Reference Guide for KSB, Configuring Quartz for KSB for more information.

Quartz is also known as the Exception Routing Queue.

Figure 6.1. Exception Routing Queue

Exception Routing Queue

When you click the Quartz link on the Kuali Rice Portal Administration page, KSB displays the screen shown above. The contents of the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on a column title. This technique works for all columns except Actions. The table contains this information on each job that is scheduled:

Table 6.1. Exception Routing Queue: Attributes

Job NameUnique name for the job
Job GroupClassification of the job
DescriptionText description of what this job does
Time to executeThe scheduled date and time for the job to occur
FullNameA more descriptive Job Name
ActionsPut in message queue effectively is a button that takes that message out of quartz and sends it back into the KSB to be retried without waiting until the scheduled time.

Chapter 7. Security


Acegi handles the security layer for KSB. Acegi uses remote method invocation to hold the application's security context and to propagate this object through to the service layer.

Security Management

For client applications to consume secured services hosted from a standalone Rice server, the implementer must generate a keystore in KSB. KSB security relies on the creation of a keystore using the JVM keytool.

Figure 7.1. Create Keystore

Create Keystore

To create a new Client Keystore file, complete all three fields and click the create button that is just below the fields:

Figure 7.2. Create Keystore: File Section

Create Keystore: File Section

The Desired Alias (name for the new keystore you are creating) must be unique among your keystores. KSB automatically displays a list of existing Keystore entries for your reference below the Create new Client Keystore file table. The data in this list can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading for any column except Actions.

Figure 7.3. Create Keystore: Existing Keystore Section

Create Keystore: Existing Keystore Section

Table 7.1. Existing Keystore Entries: Attributes

AliasKeystore name
Create DateDate and time the keystore was created
TypeThe type of keystore

Credentials types

There are several security types you can use to propagate the security context object:

  • CAS


  • JAAS

  • X509


The CredentialsSource is an interface that helps obtain security credentials. It encapsulates the actual source of credentials. The two ways to obtain the source are:

  • X509CredentialsSource - X509 Certificate

  • UsernamePasswordCredentialsSource - Username and Password

KSB security: Server side configuration

Here is a code snippet that shows the changes needed to configure KSB security on the server side:

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
    <!-- Other properties removed -->
    <property name="services">
            <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.SoapServiceDefinition">
                <property name="service">
                    <ref bean="soapService" />
                <property name="localServiceName" value="soapLocalName"/>
                <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="soapNameSpace"/>
                <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.ksb.examples.SOAPEchoService"/>
                <property name="priority" value="3"/>
                <property name="retryAttempts" value="1" />
                <property name="busSecurity" value="false"></property>
                <!-- Valid Values: CAS, KERBEROS -->
                <property name="credentialsType" value="CAS"/>
            <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.JavaServiceDefinition">
                <property name="service" ref="echoService"></property>
                <property name="localServiceName" value="javaLocalName" />
                <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="javaNameSpace"/>
                <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.ksb.examples.EchoService"/>
                <property name="priority" value="5" />
                <property name="retryAttempts" value="1" />
                <property name="busSecurity" value="true" />

                <!-- Valid Values: CAS, KERBEROS -->
                <property name="credentialsType" value="CAS"/>
            <!-- Other services removed -->

KSB security: Client side configuration

<bean id="customCredentialsSourceFactory" class="edu.myinstituition.myapp.security.credentials.CredentialsSourceFactory" />

<bean id="coreConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer">
    <!-- Other properties removed -->
    <property name="credentialsSourceFactory" ref="customCredentialsSourceFactory">

KSB connector and exporter code


Connectors are used by a client to connect to a service that is usually exposed through the KSB registry. The Service Connector factory provides a bean that holds a proxy to a remote service with some contextual information. The factory determines the type of proxy to invoke based on the service definition. The service definition used by the server is serialized to the database and de-serialized by the client. There are different types of connectors supported by KSB, most notable are SOAP and Java over HTTP.


Services, when exported, can be secured using standard Acegi methods. A security manager and an interceptor help organize the set of Business Objects that are exported.

Security and Keystores

Generating the Keystore

For client applications to be able to consume secured services hosted from a Rice server, the implementer must generate a keystore. As an initial setup, KSB security relies on the creation of a keystore using the JVM keytool as follows:

Step 1: Create the Keystore

The first step is to create the keystore and generate a public-private key combination for the client application. When using secured services on the KSB, we require the client applications transfer their messages digitally signed so that Rice can verify the messages authenticity. This is why we must generate these keys.

Generate your initial Rice keystore as follows:

keytool -genkey -validity 9999 -alias rice -keyalg RSA -keystore rice.keystore -dname "cn=rice" -keypass r1c3pw -storepass r1c3pw


keypass and storepass should be the same.

r1c3pw is the password used for the provided example.

Step 2: Sign the Key

This generates the keystore in a file called "rice_keystore" in the current directory and generates an RSA key with the alias of "rice". Since there is no certificate signing authority to sign our key, we must sign it ourselves. To do this, execute the following command:

keytool  -selfcert -validity 9999 -alias rice -keystore rice.keystore -keypass r1c3pw -storepass r1c3pw

Step 3: Generate the Certificate

After the application's certificate has been signed, we must export it so that it can be imported into the Rice keystore. To export a certificate, execute the following command:

keytool  -export -alias rice -file rice.cert -keystore rice.keystore -storepass r1c3pw

Step 4: Import Application Certificates

The client application's certificate can be imported using the following command:

keytool  -import -alias rice -file client.application.cert.file -keystore rice.keystore -storepass r1c3pw

The keystore file will end up deployed wherever your keystores are stored so hang on to both of these files and don't lose them! Also, notice that we specified a validity of 9999 days for the keystore and cert. This is so you do not have to continually update these keystores. This will be determined by your computing standards on how you handle key management.

Configure KSB to use the keystore

The following params are needed in the xml config to allow the ksb to use the keystore:

<param name="keystore.file">/usr/local/rice/rice.keystore</param>
<param name="keystore.alias">rice</param>
<param name="keystore.password"> password </param>
  • keystore.file - is the location of the keystore

  • keystore.alias - is the alias used in creating the keystore above

  • keystore.password - this is the password of the alias AND the keystore. This assumes that the keystore is up in such a way that these are the same.


The BasicAuthenticationService allows services published on the KSB to be accessed securely with basic authentication. As an example, here is how the Workflow Document Actions Service could be exposed as a service with basic authentication.

  • Add the following bean to a spring bean file that is loaded as a part of the KEW module.

    <bean id="rice.kew.workflowDocumentActionServiceBasicAuthentication.exporter"
                  parent="kewServiceExporter" lazy-init="false">
        <property name="serviceDefinition">
            <bean parent="kewService">
                <property name="service">
                    <ref bean="rice.kew.workflowDocumentActionsService" />
                <property name="localServiceName"
                     value="workflowDocumentActionsService-basicAuthentication" />
                <property name="busSecurity"
                     value="${rice.kew.workflowDocumentActionsService.secure}" />
                <property name="basicAuthentication" value="true" />
  • Add the following bean to a spring bean file that is loaded as a part of the KSB module.

    <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.service.BasicAuthenticationCredentials">
        <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI"
              value="http://rice.kuali.org/kew/v2_0" />
        <property name="localServiceName"
              value="workflowDocumentActionsService-basicAuthentication" />
        <property name="username"
              value="${WorkflowDocumentActionsService.username}" />
        <property name="password"
              value="${WorkflowDocumentActionsService.password}" />
        <property name="authenticationService" ref="basicAuthenticationService" />
  • Add the following config parameters to a secure file that is loaded when the application is started.

    <param name="WorkflowDocumentActionsService.username">username</param>
    <param name="WorkflowDocumentActionsService.password">pw</param>
  • To verify the new service can be called, it can be tested using a tool such as soapUI. Here is an example call which will invoke the method logAnnotation on WorkflowDocumentActionsServiceImpl.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
        <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"
          <wsse:UsernameToken xmlns:wsu=
            <wsse:Password Type=
          <v2:annotation>Add this annotation please.</v2:annotation>

Chapter 8. Details of Supported Service Protocols

Java Rice Client

As Consumer

If configured for the KSB, a Java Rice Client can invoke any service in the KSB Registry using these protocols:

  1. Synchronously

    • SOAP WS p2p using KSB Spring configuration

    • Java call if it is within the same JVM

    • Spring HTTP Remoting

  2. Asynchronously

    • Messaging Queues – As a Consumer, a Java Rice Client can invoke a one-shot deal for calling a KSB-registered service asynchronously

    • Java, SOAP, Spring HTTP Remoting

    • Messaging Topics - As a Consumer listening to a topic, the Java Rice Client will receive a broadcast message

As Producer

You can register Spring-defined services in the KSB Registry through the KSB Configurer. Consumers can call these services as described in other sections.

Any Java Client

As Consumer

A Java Client, regardless of whether or not it's a Rice Client configured for the KSB, can invoke any web service:

  1. As a SOAP WS p2p using a straight-up WS call through CXF, Axis, etc. If the external web service is not registered on the KSB, the Java client must discover the service on its own.

  2. Through Java if they are within the same JVM

  3. Through Spring HTTP Remoting; you must know the endpoint URL of the service.

As Producer

  1. Currently, you can't leverage the KSB and its registry for exposing any of its services. It is possible to bring up the registry and register services without the rest of the KSB.

  2. A Java Client can expose its web services directly using XFire (CXF), Axis, etc.

  3. You can bring up only the registry for discovery. However, the registry can't be a 'service;' it can only be a piece of code talking to a database.

Non-Java/Non-Rice Client

As Consumer

A non-Java/non-Rice Client that knows nothing about the KSB or its registry can only invoke web services synchronously using:

  • SOAP WS p2p using straight-up WS call through native language-specific WS libs

  • Discovery cannot be handled by leveraging the KSB Registry at this time.

As Producer

  1. Currently cannot register services on KSB in registry

  2. Can still produce services, but they can't be called leveraging the KSB; clients need to discover and invoke the services directly (on their own).

KSB Registry as a Service

As of the 2.0 version of Rice, the ServiceRegistry is now itself a service. In order to bring the registry online for the client application, the application needs to configure a URL similar to the following:

<param name="rice.ksb.registry.serviceUrl">http://localhost:8080/kr-dev/remoting/serviceRegistrySoap</param>

Currently, this connector is only configured to understand a SOAP interface to the service registry which is secured by digital signatures. This is the only type of interface to the registry that the standalone server currently publishes. Additionally, only a single URL to the registry can be configured at the current time. If someone wants to do load balancing amongst potential registry endpoints, then a hardware or software load balancer could be configured to do this.

Chapter 9. Configuring the KSB Client in Spring


The Kuali Service Bus (KSB) is installed as a Kuali Rice (Rice) Module using Spring. Here is an example XML snippet showing how to configure Rice and KSB using Spring:

  <bean id="coreConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="riceDataSource${connection.pool.impl}" />
    <property name="nonTransactionalDataSource" ref="riceNonTransactionalDataSource" />
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="transactionManager${connection.pool.impl}" />
    <property name="userTransaction" ref="jtaUserTransaction" />

  <bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer"/>

Spring Property Configuration

The KSBTestHarnessSpring.xml located in the project folder under /ksb/src/test/resources/ is a good starting place to explore KSB configuration in depth. The first thing the file does is use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to bring tokens into the Spring file for runtime configuration. The source of the tokens is the xml file: ksb-test-config.xml located in the /ksb/src/test/resources/META-INF directory.

<bean id="config" class="org.kuali.rice.core.config.spring.ConfigFactoryBean">
    <property name="configLocations">

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
    <property name="staticMethod" value="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.property.ConfigInitializer.initialize"/>
    <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="config"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="properties" value="#{config.getProperties()}" />


  • Properties are passed into the Rice configurer directly. These could be props loaded from Spring and injected into the bean directly.

  • You could use the Rice configuration subsystem for configuration.

  • A JTA TransactionManager and UserTransaction are also being injected into the CoreConfigurer.

As mentioned above, this allows tokens to be used in the Spring file. If you are not familiar with tokens, they look like this in the Spring file: ${datasource.pool.maxSize}

Let's take a look at the ksb-test-config.xml file:

    <param name="config.location">classpath:META-INF/common-derby-connection-config.xml</param>
    <param name="config.location">classpath:META-INF/common-config-test-locations.xml</param>
    <param name="client1.location">/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/rice-2.3-site-deploy/src/test/clients/TestClient1</param>
    <param name="client2.location">/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/rice-2.3-site-deploy/src/test/clients/TestClient2</param>
    <param name="ksb.client1.port">9913</param>
    <param name="ksb.client2.port">9914</param>
    <param name="ksb.testharness.port">9915</param>
    <param name="threadPool.size">1</param>
    <param name="threadPool.fetchFrequency">3000</param>
    <param name="bus.refresh.rate">3000</param>
    <param name="bam.enabled">true</param>
    <param name="transaction.timeout">3600</param>
    <param name="keystore.alias">rice<param>
    <param name="keystore.password">keystorepass</param>
    <param name="keystore.file">/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/rice-2.3-site-deploy/src/test/resources/keystore/ricekeystore</param>
    <param name="keystore.location">/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/rice-2.3-site-deploy/src/test/resources/keystore/ricekeystore</param>
    <param name="use.clearDatabaseLifecycle">true</param>
    <param name="use.sqlDataLoaderLifecycle">true</param>
    <!-- bus messaging props -->
    <param name="message.delivery">synchronous</param>
    <param name="message.persistence">true</param>
    <param name="useQuartzDatabase">false</param>
    <param name="config.location">${additional.config.locations}</param>
    <param name="config.location">${alt.config.location}</param>

This is an XML file for configuring key value pairs. When used in conjunction with Spring tokenization and the PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer bean, the parameter name must be equal to the key value in the Spring file so that the properties propagate successfully.

Spring JTA Configuration

When doing persistent messaging it is best practice to use JTA as your transaction manager. This ensures that the messages you are sending are synchronized with the current executed transaction in your application. It also allows message persistence to be put in a different database than the application's logic if needed. Currently, KSBTestHarnessSpring.xml uses JOTM to configure JTA without an application server. Bitronix is another JTA product that could be used in Rice and you could consider using it instead of JOTM. Below is the bean definition for JOTM that you can find in Spring:

<bean id="jotm" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JotmFactoryBean">
    <property name="defaultTimeout" value="${transaction.timeout}"/>

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.kuali.rice.database.XAPoolDataSource">
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm" />
    <property name="driverClassName" value="${datasource.driver.name}" />
    <property name="url" value="${datasource.url}" />
    <property name="maxSize" value="${datasource.pool.maxSize}" />
    <property name="minSize" value="${datasource.pool.minSize}" />
    <property name="maxWait" value="${datasource.pool.maxWait}" />
    <property name="validationQuery" value="${datasource.pool.validationQuery}" />
    <property name="username" value="${datasource.username}" />
    <property name="password" value="${datasource.password}" />


Bittronix's configuration is similar. Datasources for both are set up in org.kuali.rice.core.RiceDataSourceSpringBeans.xml. If using JOTM, use the Rice XAPoolDataSource class as your data source because it addresses some bugs in the StandardXAPoolDataSource, which extends from this class.

Put JTA and the Rice Config object in the CoreConfigurer

Next, you must inject the JOTM into the RiceConfigurer:

<bean id="rice" class="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm" />
    <property name="userTransaction" ref="jotm" />  

Configuring JTA from an appserver is no different, except the TransactionManager and UserTransaction are going to be fetched using a JNDI FactoryBean from Spring.


You set the serviceNamespace property in the example above by injecting the name into the RiceConfigurer. You can do this instead of setting the property in the configuration system.

Configuring KSB without JTA

You can configure KSB by injecting a PlatformTransactionManager into the KSBConfigurer.

  • This eliminates the need for JTA. Behind the scenes, KSB uses Apache's OJB as its Object Relational Mapping.

  • Before you can use PlatformTransactionManager, you must have a client application set up the OJB so that KSB can use it.

This is a good option if you are an OJB shop and you want to continue using your current setup without introducing JTA into your stack. Normally, when a JTA transaction is found, the message is not sent until the transaction commits. In this case, the message is sent immediately.

Let's take a look at the KSBTestHarnessNoJtaSpring.xml file. Instead of JTA, the following transaction and DataSource configuration is declared:

<bean id="ojbConfigurer" class="org.springmodules.orm.ojb.support.LocalOjbConfigurer" />

<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springmodules.orm.ojb.PersistenceBrokerTransactionManager">
    <property name="jcdAlias" value="dataSource" />

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
    <property name="driverClassName">
    <property name="url">
    <property name="username">
    <property name="password">

The RiceNoJtaOJB.properties file needs to include the Rice connection factory property value:


Often, the DataSource is pulled from JNDI using a Spring FactoryBean. Next, we inject the DataSource and transactionManager (now a Spring PlatformTransactionManager).

<bean id="rice" class="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="nonTransactionalDataSource" ref="dataSource" />

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
    <property name="platformTransactionManager" ref="transactionManager" />
    <... more .../>

Notice that the transactionManager is injected into the KSBConfigurer directly. This is because only KSB, and not Rice, supports this type of configuration. The DataSource is injected normally. When doing this, the OJB setup is entirely in the hands of the client application. That doesn't mean anything more than providing an OJB.properties object at the root of the classpath so OJB can load itself. KSB will automatically register its mappings with OJB, so they don't need to be included in the repository.xml file.

web.xml Configuration

To allow external bus clients to invoke services on the bus-connected node, you must configure the KSBDispatcherServlet in the web applications web.xml file. For example:




This allows bus-exposed services to be accessed at a URL like http://yourlocalip:8080/myapp/remoting/[KSB:service name]. Notice how this URL corresponds to the configured serviceServletUrl property on the KSBConfigurer.

Configuration Parameters

The service bus leverages the Rice configuration system for its configuration. Here is a comprehensive set of configuration parameters that you can use to configure the Kuali Service Bus:

Table 9.1. KSB Configuration Parameters

ParameterRequiredDefault Value
bam.enabledWhether Business Action Messaging is enabledfalse
bus.refresh.rateHow often the service bus will update the services it has deployed in minutes.60
ksb.modeThe mode that KSB will run in; choices are "local", "embedded", or "remote".LOCAL
ksb.urlThe base URL of KSB services and pages.${application.url}/ksb
rice.ksb.batch.modeA service bus mode suitable for running batch jobs; it, like the KSB dev mode, runs only local services.false
rice.ksb.struts.config.filesThe struts-config.xml configuration file that the KSB portion of the Rice application will use./ksb/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
threadPool.sizeThe size of the KSB thread pool.5


Indicates whether this node should export and consume services from the entire service bus. If set to true, then the machine will not register its services in the global service registry. Instead, it can only consume services that it has available locally. In addition to this, other nodes on the service bus will not be able to "see" this node and will therefore not forward any messages to it.


If true, then messages will be persisted to the datastore. Otherwise, they will only be stored in memory. If message persistence is not turned on and the server is shutdown while there are still messages that need to be sent, those messages will be lost. For a production environment, it is recommended that you set message.persistence to true.


Can be set to either synchronous or asynchronous. If this is set to synchronous, then messages that are sent in an asynchronous fashion using the KSB API will instead be sent synchronously. This is useful in certain development and unit testing scenarios. For a production environment, it is recommended that you set message delivery to asynchronous.


It is strongly recommended that you set message.delivery to asynchronous for all cases except for when implementing automated tests or short-lived programs that interact with the service bus.


If set to true, then asynchronous messages will not be sent. In the case that message persistence is turned on, they will be persisted in the message store and can even be picked up later using the Message Fetcher. However, if message persistence is turned off, these messages will be lost. This can be useful in certain debugging or testing scenarios.


Sets the default number of retries that will be executed if a message fails to be sent. You can also customize this retry count for a specific service (see Exposing Services on the Bus).


Sets the default time increment between retry attempts. As with RouteQueue.maxRetryAttempts, you can also configure this at the service level.


If set to true, then messages that fail to be sent will not be retried. Instead, their MessageExceptionHandler will be invoked immediately.


If set with a number, it will temporarily set the retry attempts for ALL services going into exception routing. You can set the number arbitrarily high to prevent all messages in a node from making it to exception routing if they are having trouble. The message.off param produces the same result.


When using the embedded Quartz scheduler started by the KSB, indicates whether that Quartz scheduler should store its entries in the database. If this is true, then the appropriate Quartz properties should be set as well. (See ksb.org.quartz.* below).


Can be used to pass Quartz properties to the embedded Quartz scheduler. See the configuration documentation on the Quartz site. Essentially, any property prefixed with ksb.org.quartz. will have the "ksb." portion stripped and will be sent as configuration parameters to the embedded Quartz scheduler.


If true, then the bus will allow communication using the https protocol between machines with self-signed certificates. By default, this is not permitted and if attempted you will receive an error message like this:


It is best practice to only set this to 'true' in non-production environments!


publish the KSB user interface components (such as the Message Queue, Thread Pool, Service Registry screens) even when the ksb.mode is not set to local.

KSBConfigurer Properties

In addition to the configuration parameters that you can specify using the Rice configuration system, the KSBConfigurer bean itself has some properties that can be injected in order to configure it:


By default, KSB uses an embedded Quartz scheduler for scheduling the retry of messages that fail to be sent. If desired, a Quartz scheduler can instead be injected into the KSBConfigurer and it will use that scheduler instead. See Quartz Scheduling for more detail.


Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource to use for storing the asynchronous message queue. If not specified, this defaults to the DataSource injected into the RiceConfigurer.

If this DataSource is injected, then the registryDataSource must also be injected and vice-versa.


Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource to use that matches the messageDataSource property. This datasource instance must not be transactional. If not specified, this defaults to the nonTransactionalDataSource injected into the RiceConfigurer.


Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource to use for reading and writing from the Service Registry. If not specified, this defaults to the DataSource injected into the RiceConfigurer.

If this DataSource is injected, then the messageDataSource must also be injected and vice-versa.


Specifies a list of Java service definitions relating to SOAP to use as part of messaging.

KSB Configurer

The application needs to do one more thing to begin publishing services to the bus: Configure the KSBConfigurer object. This can be done using Spring or programmatically. We'll use Spring because it's the easiest way to get things configured:

<bean id="jotm" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JotmFactoryBean">
    <property name="defaultTimeout" value="${transaction.timeout}"/>

<bean id="dataSource" class=" org.kuali.rice.core.database.XAPoolDataSource ">
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm"/>
    <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <property name="maxSize" value="25"/>
    <property name="minSize" value="2"/>
    <property name="maxWait" value="5000"/>
    <property name="validationQuery" value="select 1 from dual"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@LOCALHOST:1521:XE"/>
    <property name="username" value="myapp"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>

<bean id="nonTransactionalDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
        <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
        <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@LOCALHOST:1521:XE"/>
        <property name="maxActive" value="50"/>
        <property name="minIdle" value="7"/>
        <property name="initialSize" value="7"/>
        <property name="validationQuery" value="select 1 from dual"/>
        <property name="username" value="myapp"/>
        <property name="password" value="password"/>
        <property name="accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed" value="true"/>

<bean id="coreConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.core.impl.config.module.CoreConfigurer">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="datasource" />
    <property name="nonTransactionalDataSource" ref="nonTransactionalDataSource" />
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm" />
    <property name="userTransaction" ref="jotm" />

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer"/>

The application is now ready to deploy services to the bus. Let's take a quick look at the Spring file above and what's going on there: The following configures JOTM, which is currently required to run KSB.

<bean id="jotm" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JotmFactoryBean" />

Next, we configure the XAPoolDataSource and the non transactional BasicDataSource. This is pretty much standard data source configuration stuff. The XAPoolDataSource is configured through Spring and not JNDI so it can take advantage of JTOM. Servlet containers, which don't support JTA, require this configuration step so the datasource will use JTA.

<bean id="dataSource" class=" org.kuali.rice.core.database.XAPoolDataSource ">
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm"/>
    <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@LOCALHOST:1521:XE"/>
    <property name="maxSize" value="25"/>
    <property name="minSize" value="2"/>
    <property name="maxWait" value="5000"/>
    <property name="validationQuery" value="select 1 from dual"/>
    <property name="username" value="myapp"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>

<bean id="nonTransactionalDataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@LOCALHOST:1521:XE"/>
    <property name="maxActive" value="50"/>
    <property name="minIdle" value="7"/>
    <property name="initialSize" value="7"/>
    <property name="validationQuery" value="select 1 from dual"/>
    <property name="username" value="myapp"/>
    <property name="password" value="password"/>
    <property name="accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed" value="true"/>

Next, we configure the bus:

<bean id="rice" class="org.kuali.rice.core.config.CoreConfigurer">
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="nonTransactionalDataSource" ref="nonTransactionalDataSource" />
    <property name="transactionManager" ref="jotm" />
    <property name="userTransaction" ref="jotm" />

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
    <property name="registryDataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="bamDataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="messageDataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="nonTransactionalMessageDataSource" ref="nonTransactionalDataSource" />

We are injecting JOTM, and the datasources. The injection of the KSBConfigurer class into the ksbConfigurer property tells this instance of Rice to start the Service Bus. The final necessary step is making sure the configuration parameter 'application.id' is set properly to some value that will identify all services deployed from this node as a member of this node.

At this point, the application is configured to use the bus, both for publishing services and to send messages to services. Usually, applications will publish services on the bus using the KSBConfigurer or the SoapServiceExporter classes. See Acquiring and invoking services for more detail.

Implications of "synchronous" vs. "asynchronous" Message Delivery

As noted in Configuration Parameters, it is possible to configure message delivery to run asynchronously or synchronously. It is imported to understand that asynchronous messing should be used in almost all cases.

Asynchronous messing will result in messages being sent in a separate thread after the original transaction that requested the message to be sent is committed. This is the appropriate behavior in a "fire-and-forget" messaging model. The option to configure message deliver as synchronous was added for two reasons:

  1. To allow for the implementation of automated unit tests which could perform various tests without having to right "polling" code to wait for asynchronous messing to complete.

  2. For short-lived programs (such as batch programs) which need to send messages. This allows for a guarantee that all messages will be sent prior to the application being terminated.

The second case is the only case where synchronous messaging should be used in a production setting, and even then it should be used with care. Synchronous message processing in Rice currently has the following major differences from asynchronous messaging that need to be understood:

  1. Order of Execution

  2. Exception Handling

Order of Execution

In asynchronous messaging, messages are queued up until the end of the transaction, and then sent after the transaction is committed (technically, they are sent when the transaction is committed).

In synchronous messaging, messages are processed immediately when they are "sent". This results in a different ordering of execution when using these two different messaging models.

Exception Handling

In asynchronous messaging, whenever there is a failure processing a message, an exception handler is invoked. Recovery from such failures can include resending the message multiple times, or recording and handling the error in some other way. Since all of this is happening after the original transaction was committed, it does not affect the original processing which invoked the sending of the message.

With synchronous messaging, since the message processing is invoked immediately and the calling code blocks until the processing is complete, any errors raised during messaging will be thrown back up to the calling code. This means that if you are writing something like a batch program which relies on synchronous messaging, you must be aware of this and add code to handle any errors if you want to deal with them gracefully.

Another implication of this is that message exception handlers will not be invoked in this case. Additionally, because an exception is being thrown, this will typically trigger a rollback in any transaction that the calling code is running. So transactional issues must be dealt with as well. For example, if the failure of a single message shouldn't cause the sending of all messages in a batch job to fail, then each message will need to be sent in it's own transaction, and errors handled appropriately.

Chapter 10. Configuring Quartz for KSB

Table of Contents

Quartz Scheduling

Quartz Scheduling

The Kuali Service Bus (KSB) uses Quartz to schedule delayed tasks, including retry attempts for messages that cannot be sent the first time. By default, KSB uses an embedded quartz scheduler that can be configured by passing parameters starting with "ksb.org.quartz." into the Rice configuration.

If the application is already running a quartz scheduler, you can inject a custom quartz scheduler using code like this:

<bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
    <property name="exceptionMessagingScheduler">
        <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">

When you do this, KSB will not create an embedded scheduler but will instead use the one provided.

Chapter 11. Acquiring and Invoking Services Deployed on KSB

Service invocation overview

  1. Acquired and called directly

    • Automatic Failover

    • No Persistence

    • Direct call - Request/Response

  2. Acquired and called through the MessageHelper

    • Automatic Failover

    • Message Persistence

    • KSB Exception Messaging

    • Callback Mechanisms

In the examples below, notice that the client code is unaware of the protocol with which the underlying service is deployed. Given a connector for a given protocol and a compatible service definition, you could move a service to different protocols as access needs change without affecting dependent client code.

Acquiring and invoking a service directly

The easiest way to call a service is to grab it and invoke it directly. This uses a direct request/response pattern and what you see is what you get. You will wait for the processing the call takes on the other side plus the cost of the remote connection time. Any exceptions thrown will come across the wire in a protocol-acceptable way.

This code acquires a SOAP-based service and calls it:

QName serviceName = new QName("testNameSpace", "soap-repeatTopic");

SOAPService soapService = (SOAPService) GlobalResourceLoader.getService(serviceName);

The SOAPService interface needs to be in the client classpath and bindable to the WSDL. The easiest way to achieve this in Java is to create a bean that is exported as a SOAP service. This is the server-side service declaration in a Spring file:

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
  <property name="services">
        <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.SoapServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service">
              <ref bean="soapService" />
            <property name="localServiceName" value="soap-repeatTopic" />
            <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="testNameSpace" />
            <property name="priority" value="3" />
            <property name="queue" value="false" />
            <property name="retryAttempts" value="1" />

This declaration exposes the bean soapService on the bus as a SOAP available service. The Web Service Definition Language is available at the serviceServletUrl + serviceNameSpaceURI + localServiceName + ?wsdl.

This next code snippet acquires and calls a Java base service:

EchoService echoService = (EchoService)GlobalResourceLoader.getService(new QName("TestCl1", "echoService"));
String echoValue = "echoValue";
String result = echoService.echo(echoValue);

Again, the interface is all that is required to make the call. This is the server-side service declaration that deploys a bean using Spring's HttpInvoker as the underlying transport:

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
  <property name="services">
        <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.SoapServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service" ref="echoService" />
            <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.remotedservices.EchoService" />
            <property name="localServiceName" value="soap-echoService" />
            <property name="busSecurity" value="false"></property>

Below is a description of each property on the ServiceDefinition (JavaServiceDefinition and SOAPServiceDefinition):

Table 11.1. Properties of the ServiceDefinition

busSecuritynoyes (JavaServiceDefinition), no (SOAPServiceDefinition)For Java-based services, message is digitally signed before calling the service and verified at the node hosting the service. For SOAP services, WSS4J is used to digitally sign the SOAP request/response in accordance with the WS Security specification. More info on Bus Security here.
localServiceNameyesnoneThe local name of the QName that makes up the complete service name.
messageExceptionHandlernoDefaultMessageExceptionHandlerName of the MessageExceptionHandler that is called when a service call fails. This is called after the retryAttempts or millisToLive policy of the service or Node has been met.
millisToLivenononeUsed instead of retryAttempts. Only considered in case of error when invoking service. Defines how long the message should continue to be tried before being put into KSB Exception Messaging.
priorityno5Only applies when asynchronous messaging is enabled. The lower the priority is, the sooner the message will be executed. For example, if 100 priority 10 messages are waiting for invocation and a priority 5 message is sent, the priority 5 message will be executed first.

If true, the service will behave like a queue in that there is only one real service call when a message is sent.

If false, the service will behave like a topic. All beans bound to the service name will be sent a message when a message is sent to the service.

Use queues for operations you only want to happen once (for example, to route a document). Use topics for notifications across a cluster (for example, to invalidate cache entry).

retryAttemptsno7Determines the number of times a service can be invoked before being put into KSB Exception Messaging (the error state)
serviceyesnoneThe bean to be exposed for invocation on the bus
serviceEndPointnoserviceServletUrl + serviceNameThis can be explicitly set to create an alternate service end point, different from the one the bus automatically creates.
serviceNameyesserviceNameSpaceURI + localServiceNameIf localServiceName and serviceNameSpaceURI are omitted, the QName of the service. This can be used instead of the localServiceName and serviceNameSpaceURI convenience methods.
serviceNameSpaceURInomessageEntity property or message.entity config param is usedThe namespaceURI of the QName that makes up the complete service name. If set to "" (blank string) the property is NOT included in the construction of the QName representing the service and the service name will just be the localServiceName with no namespace.

Acquiring and invoking a service using messaging

To make a call to a service through messaging, acquire the service by its name using the MessageHelper:

QName serviceName = new QName("testAppsSharedQueue", "sharedQueue");

KEWSampleJavaService testJavaAsyncService = (KEWSampleJavaService) KsbApiServiceLocator.getMessageHelper().getServiceAsynchronously(serviceName);

At this point, the testJavaAsyncService can be called like a normal JavaBean:

testJavaAsyncService.invoke(new ClientAppServiceSharedPayloadObj("message content", false));

Because this is a queue, a single message is sent to one of the beans bound to the service name new QName("testAppsSharedQueue", "sharedQueue"). That 'message' is the call 'invoke' and it takes a ClientAppServiceSharedPayloadObj. Typically, messaging is done asynchronously. Messages are sent when the currently running JTA transaction is committed - that is, the messaging layer automatically synchronizes with the current transaction. So, using JTA, even though the above is coded in line with code, invocation is normally delayed until the transaction surrounding the logic at runtime is committed.

When not using JTA, the message is sent asynchronously (by a different thread of execution), but it's sent ASAP.

To review, the requirements to use a service that is exposed to the bus on a different machine are:

  1. The service name

  2. The interface to which to cast the returned service proxy object

  3. The ExceptionMessageHandler required by the service in case invocation fails


Typically, service providers give clients a JAR with this content or organizations maintain a JAR with this content.

To complete the example: Below is the Spring configuration used to expose this service to the bus. This is taken from the file TestClient1SpringBeans.xml:

<!-- bean declaration -->
<bean id="sharedQueue" class=" org.kuali.rice.ksb.testclient1.ClientApp1SharedQueue" />

<bean id="ksbConfigurer" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
  <property name="services">
        <bean class=" org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.JavaServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service" ref="sharedQueue" />
            <property name="localServiceName" value="sharedQueue" />
            <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="testAppsSharedQueue" />
        <... more .../>

This is located in the Spring file of the application exposing the service (in other words, the location in which the actual invocation will occur). The client does not need a Spring configuration to invoke the service.

There are two messaging call paradigms, called Topics and Queues. When any number of services is declared a Topic, then those services are invoked at least once or multiple times. If any number of services is declared a Queue, then one and only one service name will be invoked.

Getting responses from service calls made with messaging

You can use Callback objects to get responses from service calls made using messaging. Acquiring a service for use with a Callback:

QName serviceName = new QName("TestCl1", "testXmlAsyncService");
SimpleCallback callback = new SimpleCallback();
KSBXMLService testXmlAsyncService = (KSBXMLService) KsbApiServiceLocator.getMessageHelper().getServiceAsynchronously(serviceName, callback);

testXmlAsyncService.invoke("message content");

When the service is invoked asynchronously, the AsynchronousCallback object's (the SimpleCallback class above) callback method is called.

When message persistence is turned on, this object is serialized with any method call made through the messaging API. Take into consideration that this object (and the result of a method call) may survive machine restart and therefore it's recommended that you NOT depend on certain transient in-memory resources.

Chapter 12. Failover

Service call failover

Failover works the same whether making direct service calls or using messaging.

Services exported to the bus have automatic failover from the client's perspective. For example, if service A is deployed on machines 1 and 2 and a client happens to get a proxy that points to machine 1 but machine 1 crashes, the KSB will automatically detect that the exception is a result of some network issue and direct the call to machine 2. KSB then removes machine 1 from the registry so new clients to the bus don't try to acquire the service. When machine 1 returns to the network it will register itself with the service registry and therefore the bus.

When a message calls a service, the failover rules determine which service KSB assigns (topic or queue) to the message.

Failover with queues

Because queues require only one call between all beans bound to the queue, if a single call to a queue fails, failover to the next bean occurs. If successful, the call is done. If it is not successful, it continues until a suitable bean is found. If none is found, the message is marked for retry later. Eventually, the message either goes to KSB exception messaging or successfully completes.

Failover with topics

If a machine in a topic is unavailable, a failed call to that machine will continue to be retried until that call is successful or that call goes into KSB exception messaging.

Chapter 13. KSB Exception Messaging

Exception Messaging is the set of services and configuration options that handle messages that cannot be delivered successfully. Exception Messaging is primarily used by configuring your service using the properties outlined in KSB Module Configuration. When services are configured to use message persistence and there is a problem invoking a service, the persisted message or service call is relied upon to make another call to that service until the call is either:

  1. Successful

  2. Certain configuration policies have been met and the message goes into the Exception state

The Exception state means that KSB can't doing anything more with this message. The message will not invoke properly. That generally means that some sort of technical intervention is required by both the consumer and the provider of the service to determine what the problem is.

All Exception behavior is configurable at the service level by setting the name of the class to be used as MessageExceptionHandler. This class determines what to do when a client of a service cannot invoke a message. The DefaultMessageExceptionHandler is enough to meet most requirements.

When a message is put into the Exception state, KSB puts it back into the message store and marks it with a status of 'E'. At that point, it is up to the person responsible for monitoring this node on the bus to determine what to do with the message.

Because the node exposing the service configures the MessageExceptionHandler, any clients depending on the service need that MessageExceptionHandler and any dependent code and configuration.

Chapter 14. KSB Messaging Paradigms

KSB supports two types of messaging paradigms; Queues and Topics, and the differences are explained below. These are very similar to JMS messaging concepts. An open source solution was not used for KSB messaging because an open source JMS provider wasn't found that provided JTA synchronization, discovery, failover, and load balancing. Many claim such features, but when put to the test in real world scenarios (i.e., machines going down and coming back up, databases failing, network connectivity issues); none managed to reliably deliver messages.

The advantage here is that we can apply these messaging concepts to any support protocol with which we can communicate.


When any number of services is bound to a queue and a method is invoked, one and only one service gets the invocation.


When any number of services is bound to a topic and a method is invoked, all services are invoked AT LEAST once or multiple times.

Message Fetcher

org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.MessageFetcher is a Runnable that needs to be configured by the client application to retrieve stored messages from the database that weren't processed when the node went down. This can happen for many reasons. The machine can be under load and just crash.

When message persistence is enabled, a service that fails or throws an Exception stores preprocessed messages in the database until they can be resent. This makes certain that a crash or emergency restart of your machine will not result in message loss.

The KSB does not automatically fetch all these messages and attempt to invoke them when it starts, because often the KSB is started when the services the messages are bound for are not yet started. For now, you need to decide when to call the run method on the MessageFetcher. Because it's a Runnable, you could also put the MessageFetcher in the KSBThreadPool that is available on the KSBServiceLocator. You could wrap it in a TimerTask, etc. All that is required is this:

new MessageFetcher((Integer) null).run()

Unfortunately, the cast to Integer is required. The MessageFetcher also has a constructor that takes a long variable as a parameter. This can be used to pull any message in the message store and put it in memory for invocation. Integer is a fetch size; null means all.

Chapter 15. Load Balancing

Load balancing between service calls is automatic. If there are multiple nodes that expose services of the same name, clients will randomly acquire proxies to each endpoint bound to that name.

Chapter 16. Object Remoting

As of Rice 2.0, Object remoting support has been removed.

Chapter 17. Publishing Services to KSB

You can publish Services on the service bus either by configuring them directly in the application's KSBConfigurer module definition, or by using the PropertyConditionalServiceBusExporter bean. In either case, a ServiceDefinition is provided that specifies various bus settings and the target Spring bean.


A service can be exposed by explicitly registering it with the KSBConfigurer module, services property:

<bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.config.KSBConfigurer">
    <property name="serviceServletUrl" value="${base url}/MYAPP/remoting/" />
    <property name="services">
          <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.SoapServiceDefinition">
              <property name="service">
                  <ref bean="mySoapService" />
              <property name="serviceInterface"><value>org.myapp.services.MySOAPService</value></property>
              <property name="localServiceName" value="myExposedSoapService" />
          <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.JavaServiceDefinition">
              <property name="service">
                  <ref bean="myJavaService" />
              <property name="serviceInterface">
              <property name="localServiceName" value="myExposedJavaService" />

Service Exporter

You can also publish Services in any context using the ServiceBusExporter (or PropertyConditionalServiceBusExporter) bean. Note that KSBConfigurer must also be defined in your RiceConfigurer.

<bean id="myapp.serviceBus"
    <property name="serviceName" value="rice.ksb.serviceBus"/>

<bean id="myAppServiceExporter"
    <property name="serviceBus" ref="myapp.serviceBus"/>

<bean id="myJavaService.exporter" parent="myAppServiceExporter">
    <property name="serviceDefinition">
        <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.JavaServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service">
                <ref bean="myJavaService" />
            <property name="serviceInterface">
            <property name="localServiceName" value="myExposedJavaService" />

<bean id="mySoapService.exporter" parent="myAppServiceExporter">
    <property name="serviceDefinition">
        <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.SoapServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service">
                <ref bean="mySoapService" />
            <property name="serviceInterface">
            <property name="localServiceName" value="myExposedSoapService" />



The term "Callback Service" refers to services that client applications write and configure and which are used by various modules of Rice including KIM, KEW, and KRMS. Because of the naming convention on these, they are often referred to as "Type Services". These include:

  • KIM

    • RoleTypeService

    • PermissionTypeService

    • GroupTypeService

    • etc.

  • KRMS

    • ActionTypeService

    • PropositionTypeService

    • AgendaTypeService

    • etc.

  • KEW

    • PeopleFlowTypeService

These are typically called back into from the Rice Standalone Server when needing information for rendering of various components in the server-side user interface. Additionally, in some cases they can also be used to provide custom processing hooks for different components of the various Kuali Rice frameworks.

Version Compatibility for Callback Services

Callback services (like all services in Rice) can be evolved over time and across versions. This means that new functionality might be added to them. Since the Rice Standalone Server interacts with these services remotely, it really needs to know what version of a particular callback service that the client application is running. They also must be published as the appropriate type of service endpoint that the standalone server knows how to talk to (i.e. SOAP instead of Java Serialization). Thankfully, the KSB service registry can store metadata about a service which includes the service version. However, in order to for this to work properly the client application must be sure they publish the service with a version that matches the version of Rice they are using.

In order to make this easier on client applications, a helper has been implemented which can be used for this purpose in Rice.

Callback Service Exporter Helper

There is a helper class which can be used by client applications to export these callback services onto the Kuali Service Bus. The class is org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.CallbackServiceExporter. This is a class which can be wired up inside of a Spring context in order to publish a callback service to the KSB with the appropriate Rice version. The version of Rice is packaged up into the Rice jars inside of a file called common-config-defaults.xml and it uses the version that matches the version of Rice in the POM when the jar was packaged.

Typical configuration might look like the following:

<bean id="sampleAppPeopleFlowTypeService.exporter"

The javadocs for CallbackServiceExporter provide more detail on the options for publishing of callback services.

ServiceDefinition properties

ServiceDefinitions define how the service is published to the KSB. Currently KSB supports three types of services: Java RPC (via serialization over HTTP), SOAP, and JMS.

Basic parameters

All service definitions support these properties:

Table 17.1. ServiceDefinition Properties

ServiceThe reference to the target service beanyes
localServiceNameThe "local" part of the service name; together with a namespace this forms a qualified name, or QNameyes
serviceNameSpaceURIThe "namespace" part of the service name; together with a local name forms a qualified name, or QNameNot required; if omitted, the Core.currentContextConfig().getMessageEntity() is used when exporting the service
serviceEndpointURL at which the service can be invoked by a remote callNot required; defaults to the serviceServletUrl parameter defined in the Rice config
retryAttemptsNumber of attempts to retry the service invocation on failure; for services with side-effects you are advised to omit this propertyNot required; defaults to 0
millisToLiveNumber of milliseconds the call should persist before resulting in failureNot required; defaults to no limit (-1)
PriorityPriorityNot required; defaults to 5
MessageExceptionHandlerReference to a MessageExceptionHandler that should be invoked in case of exceptionNot required; default implementation handles retries and timeouts
busSecurityWhether to enable bus security for the serviceNot required; defaults to ON


ServiceNameSpaceURI is the same as the Message Entity that composes the qualified name under which the service is exposed. When omitted, this namespace defaults to the message entity configured for Rice (e.g., in the RiceConfigurer), thereby qualifying the local name. Note: Although this implicit qualification occurs during export, you must always specify an explicit message entity when acquiring a resource, for example:

GlobalResourceLoader.getService(new QName("MYAPP", "myExposedSoapService"))


Table 17.2. SOAPServiceDefinition

serviceInterfaceThe interface to expose and from which to generate the WSDLNot required; if omitted the first interface implemented by the class is used


Table 17.3. JavaServiceDefinition

serviceInterfaceThe interface to exposeNot required; if omitted, all application-layer interfaces implemented by the class are exposed
serviceInterfacesA list of interfaces to exposeNot required; if omitted, all application-layer interfaces implemented by the class are exposed

Publishing Rice services

We show how you can "import" Rice services into the client Spring application context in Configuring KSB Client in Spring. Using this technique, you can also publish Rice services on the KSB:

<!-- import a Rice service from the ResourceLoader stack -->
<bean id="myapp.aRiceService" class="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.resourceloader.GlobalResourceLoaderServiceFactoryBean">
    <property name="serviceName" value="aRiceService"/>

<!-- if Rice does not publish this service on the bus, one can explicitly publish it -->
<bean id="myAppServiceExporter"
    <property name="serviceBus" ref="myapp.serviceBus"/>

<bean id="myJavaService.exporter" parent="myAppServiceExporter">
    <property name="serviceDefinition">
        <bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.api.bus.support.JavaServiceDefinition">
            <property name="service">
                <ref bean="aRiceService" />
            <property name="serviceInterface" value="org.kuali.rice...SomeInterface" />
            <property name="localServiceName" value="aPublishedRiceService" />


Not all Rice services are intended for public use. Do not arbitrarily expose them on the bus

Chapter 18. Queue and Topic invocation

When you deploy a service, you can configure it for queue or for topic invocation using the setQueue property on the ServiceDefinition. The default is to register it as a queue-style service. The distinction between queue and topic invocation occurs when there is more than one service registered under the same QName.

Queue invocation

Remote service proxies obtained through the resource loader stack using getService(QName) (ultimately through the ServiceBus) are inherently synchronous. In the presence of multiple service registrations, the ServiceBus will choose one at random.

When invoking services asynchronously through the MessageHelper, an asynchronous service call proxy will be constructed with all available service definitions. The MessageServiceInvoker is called to invoke each service. If the service is defined as a queue service, then the ServiceBus will be consulted in a similar fashion to determine a single service to call. After the first queue service invocation the MessageServiceInvoker will return.

Topic invocation

The simplest way to invoke a topic service is using the MessageHelper functions to invoke the service asynchronously. As described above for an asynchronous queue invocation, an asynchronous service call proxy will be constructed with the list of all of the services registered as a topic under the given name. Each of these services will be independently obtained and invoked by the MessageServiceInvoker.

Invoking a topic synchronously, however, requires use of a synchronous service call proxy to aggregate all of the topic's services. This functionality is not directly available via the ServiceBus API because the ServiceBus acts as a facade for direct service invocation.

To invoke a topic synchronously, you can construct a SynchronousServiceCallProxy using SynchronousServiceCallProxy.createInstance, passing the list of Endpoint obtained using ServiceBus.getEndpoints(QName). This is done, for example, by MessageHelperImpl when the bus has been forced into synchronous mode via the message.delivery config param.

The synchronous service call proxy is the same as the asynchronous service call proxy, except that it does not queue up the invocation, it will invoke it blockingly. The same queue/topic distinctions described above apply when you invoke a topic synchronously. Under the normal queue situation, use of the synchronous service call proxy is not necessary because, as mentioned above, remote services obtained through the ServiceBus are naturally synchronous. You can see this in the example below:

List<Endpoint> servicesToProxy = KsbApiServiceLocator.getServiceBus().getEndpoints(qname);

SynchronousServiceCallProxy sscp = return SynchronousServiceCallProxy.createInstance(servicesToProxy, callback, context, value1, value2);

Chapter 19. KSB Parameters

Here is a comprehensive set of configuration parameters used to configure the Kuali Service Bus.

Core Parameters

Table 19.1. Core Parameters

serviceServletUrlURL that maps to the KSB Servlet. It handles incoming requests from the service bus.${application.url}/remoting/
rice.ksb.config.allowSelfSignedSSLIndicates if self-signed certificates are permitted for https communication on the service busfalse
application.idApplication identifier for client application 
keystore.filePath to the keystore file to use for security 
keystore.aliasAlias of the standalone server's key 
keystore.passwordPassword to access the keystore and the server's key 
ksb.modeMode in which to load the KSB modulelocal
ksb.urlThe URL of the KSB web application${application.url}/ksb
rice.ksb.struts.config.filesThe file that defines the struts context for the KRice KSB struts module/ksb/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
dev.modeIf true, application will not publish or consume services from the central service registry, but will maintain a local copy of the registry. This is intended only for client application development purposes.false

If true, will monitor and log the service calls made and general business activity performed to the database.

Recommendation: Enable this only for testing purposes, as there is a significant performance impact when enabled.

message.persistenceIf true, messages are stored in the database until sent. If false, they are stored in memory.true
message.deliverySpecifies whether messages are sent synchronously are asynchronously. Valid values are synchronous or asyncasync
message.offIf set to true, then messages will not be sent but will instead pile up in the message queue. Intended for development and debugging purposes only.false
Routing.ImmediateExceptionRoutingIf true, messages will go immediately to exception routing if they fail, rather than being retriedfalse
RouteQueue.maxRetryAttemptsDefault number of times to retry messages that fail to be delivered successfully.5
RouteQueue.maxRetryAttemptsOverrideIf set, will override the max retry setting for ALL services, even if they have their own custom retry setting. 
ksb.org.quartz.*Can define any property beginning with ksb.org.quartz and it will be passed to the internal KSB quartz configuration as a property beginning with org.quartz (more details below) 
useQuartzDatabaseIf true, then Quartz scheduler in Rice will use a database-backed job store; if false, then jobs will be stored in memorytrue


The URL that resolves to the KSB servlet that handles incoming requests from the service bus. All services exported onto the service bus use this value to construct their endpoint URLs when they are published to the service registry. See section below on configuring the KSBDispatcherServlet. This parameter should point to the absolute URL of where that servlet is mapped. It should include a trailing slash.


An identifier that indicates the name of the logical node on the service bus. If the application is running in a cluster, this should be the same for each machine in the cluster. This is used for namespacing of services, among other things. All services exported from the client application onto the service bus use this value as their default namespace unless otherwise specified.

keystore.file, keystore.alias, keystore.password

See the documentation below on keystore management.


Mode in which to load the KSB module. Valid values are local and embedded. There is currently no difference in how the KSB module loads based on these settings. It will always try to load the KSB struts module if a KualiActionServlet is configured.


The URL of the KSB web application screens


The file that defines the struts context for the KRice KSB struts module. The struts module is loaded automatically if a KualiActionServlet is configured in the web.xml.


Indicates whether this node should export and consume services from the entire service bus. If set to false, then the machine will not register its services in the global service registry. Instead, it can only consume services that it has available locally. In addition to this, other nodes on the service bus will not be able to "see" this node and will therefore not forward any messages to it.


If true, then messages will be persisted to the datastore. Otherwise, they will only be stored in memory. If message persistence is not turned on and the server is shutdown while there are still messages that need to be sent, those messages will be lost. For a production environment, it is recommended that message persistence be set to true.


Can be set to either synchronous or async. If this is set to synchronous, then messages that are sent in an asynchronous fashion using the KSB API will instead be sent synchronously. This is useful in certain development and unit testing scenarios. For a production environment, it is recommended that message delivery be set to async.


If set to true then asynchronous messages will not be sent. In the case that message persistence is turned on, they will be persisted in the message store and can even be picked up later using the Message Fetcher. However, if message persistence is turned off, these messages will be lost. This can be useful in certain debugging or testing scenarios.


Sets the default number of retries that will be executed if a message fails to be sent. This retry count can also be customized for a specific service. (See Exposing Services on the Bus)


Sets the default time increment between retry attempts. As with RouteQueue.maxRetryAttempts this can also be configured at the service level.


If set with a number, it will temporarily set the retry attempts for ALL services going into exception routing. A good way to prevent all messages in a node that is having trouble from making it to exception routing is by setting the number arbitrarily high. The message.off param does the same thing.


If set to true, then messages that fail to be sent will not be re-tried. Instead their MessageExceptionHandler will be invoked immediately.


When using the embedded Quartz scheduler started by the KSB, indicates whether that Quartz scheduler should store its entries in the database. If this is true, then the appropriate Quartz properties should be set as well (see ksb.org.quartz.* below).


Can be used to pass Quartz properties to the embedded Quartz scheduler. See the configuration documentation on the Quartz site. Essentially, any property prefixed with ksb.org.quartz. will have the "ksb." portion stripped and will be sent as configuration parameters to the embedded Quartz scheduler.

KSB Configurer Properties

In addition to the configuration parameters available in the KRice configuration system, the KSBConfigurer bean has some properties that can be injected to configure it:


By default, the KSB uses an embedded Quartz scheduler for scheduling the retry of messages that fail to be sent. If desired, a Quartz scheduler can instead be injected into the KSBConfigurer and it will use that scheduler instead. See Quartz Scheduling for more detail.


Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource to use for storing the asynchronous message queue. If not specified, this defaults to the DataSource injected into the RiceConfigurer.

If this DataSource is injected, then the registryDataSource must also be injected, and vice-versa.


Specifies the javax.sql.DataSource to use for reading and writing from the Service Registry. If not specified, this defaults to the DataSource injected into the RiceConfigurer.

If this DataSource is injected, then the messageDataSource must also be injected, and vice-versa.

Chapter 20. JAX-RS / RESTful services

Rice now allows allows RESTful (JAX-RS) services to be exported and consumed on the Kuali Service Bus (KSB). For some background on REST, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer.

For details on JAX-RS, see JSR-311.


  • The KSB does not currently support "busSecure" (digital signing of requests & responses) REST services. Attempting to set a REST service's "busSecure" property to "true" will result in a RiceRuntimeException being thrown. Rice can be customized to expose REST services in a secure way, e.g. using SSL and an authentication mechanism such as client certificates, but that is beyond the scope of this documentation.

  • If the JAX-RS annotations on your resource class don't cover all of its public methods, then accessing the non-annotated methods over the bus will result in an Exception being thrown.

A Simple Example

To expose a simple JAX-RS annotated service on the bus, you can follow this recipe for your spring configuration (which comes from the Rice unit tests):

<!-- The service implementation you want to expose -->

<bean id="baseballCardCollectionService" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.testclient1.BaseballCardCollectionServiceImpl"/>

<!-- The service definition which tells the KSB to expose our RESTful service -->
<bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.RESTServiceDefinition">
    <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="test" />

    <!-- as noted earlier, the servicePath property of RESTServiceDefinition can't be set here  -->

    <!-- The service to expose.  Refers to the bean above -->
    <property name="service" ref="baseballCardCollectionService" />

    <!-- The "Resource class", the class with the JAX-RS annotations on it.  Could be the same as the  -->
    <!-- service implementation, or could be different, e.g. an interface or superclass    -->
    <property name="resourceClass" 
value="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.remotedservices.BaseballCardCollectionService" />

    <!-- the name of the service, which will be part of the RESTful URLs used to access it -->
    <property name="localServiceName" value="baseballCardCollectionService" />

The following java interface uses JAX-RS annotations to specify its RESTful interface:

// … eliding package and imports

public interface BaseballCardCollectionService {
    public List<BaseballCard> getAll();

      * gets a card by it's (arbitrary) identifier
    public BaseballCard get(@PathParam("id") Integer id);
      * gets all the cards in the collection with the given player name
    public List<BaseballCard> get(@PathParam("playerName") String playerName);

      * Add a card to the collection.  This is a non-idempotent method
      * (because you can add more than one of the same card), so we'll use @POST
      * @return the (arbitrary) numerical identifier assigned to this card by the service
    public Integer add(BaseballCard card);

      * update the card for the given identifier.  This will replace the card that was previously
      * associated with that identifier.
    public void update(@PathParam("id") Integer id, BaseballCard card);

      * delete the card with the given identifier.
    public void delete(@PathParam("id") Integer id);

      * This method lacks JAX-RS annotations
    public void unannotatedMethod();

Acquisition and use of this service over the KSB looks just like that of any other KSB service. In the synchronous case:

BaseballCardCollectionService baseballCardCollection = (BaseballCardCollectionService) GlobalResourceLoader.getService(new QName("test", "baseballCardCollectionService");

List<BaseballCard> allMyMickeyMantles = baseballCardCollection.get("Mickey Mantle");
// baseballCardCollection.<other service method>(...)
// etc

Composite Services

It is also possible to aggregate multiple Rice service implementations into a single RESTful service where requests to different sub-paths off of the base service URL can be handled by different underlying services. This may be desirable to expose a RESTful service that is more complex than could be cleanly factored into a single java service interface.

The configuration for a composite RESTfull service looks a little bit different, and as might be expected given the one-to-many mapping from RESTful service to java services, there are some caveats to using that service over the KSB. Here is a simple example of a composite service definition (which also comes from the Rice unit tests):

<bean class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.RESTServiceDefinition">
    <property name="serviceNameSpaceURI" value="test" />
    <property name="localServiceName" value="kms" />
    <property name="resources">
            <ref bean="inboxResource"/>
            <ref bean="messageResource"/>
    <property name="servicePath" value="/" />

<!-- the beans referenced above are just JAX-RS annotated Java services -->
<bean id="inboxResource" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.testclient1.InboxResourceImpl">
    <!-- ... eliding bean properties ... -->
<bean id="messageResource" class="org.kuali.rice.ksb.testclient1.MessageResourceImpl">
    <!-- ... eliding bean properties ... -->


As you can see in the bean definition above, the service name is kms, so the base service url would by default (in a dev environment) be http://localhost:8080/kr-dev/remoting/kms/. Acquiring a composite service such as this one on the KSB will actually return you a org.kuali.rice.ksb.messaging.serviceconnectors.ResourceFacade, which allows you to get the individual java services in a couple of ways, as shown in the following simple example:

ResourceFacade kmsService =
 (ResourceFacade) GlobalResourceLoader.getService(

// Get service by resource name (url path)
InboxResource inboxResource = kmsService.getResource("inbox");
// Get service by resource class
MessageResource messageResource = kmsService.getResource(MessageResource.class);

Additional Service Definition Properties

There are some properties on the RESTServiceDefinition object that let you do more advanced configuration:


JAX-RS Providers allow you to define:

  • ExceptionMappers which will handle specific Exception types with specific Responses.

  • MessageBodyReaders and MessageBodyWriters that will convert custom Java types to and from streams.

  • ContextResolver providers allow you to create special JAXBContexts for specific types, which will gives you fine control over marshalling, unmarshalling, and validation.

The JAX-RS specification calls for classes annotated with @Provider to be automatically used in the underlying implementation, but the CXF project which Rice uses under the hood does not (at the time of this writing) support this configuration mechanism, so this configuration property is currently necessary.

Extension Mappings

Ordinarily you need to set your ACCEPT header to ask for a specific representation of a resource. ExtensionMappings let you map certain file extensions to specific media types for your RESTful service, so your URLs can then optionally specify a media type directly. For example you could map the .xml extension to the media type text/xml, and then tag .xml on to the end of your resource URL to specify that representation.

Language Mappings

language mappings allow you a way to control the the Content-Language header, which lets you specify which languages your service can accept and provide.

Additional Information

For more information on what these properties provide, it may be helpful to consult the JAX-RS specification, or the CXF documentation.



Action List

A list of the user's notification and workflow items. Also called the user's Notification List. Clicking an item in the Action List displays details about that notification, if the item is a notification, or displays that document, if it is a workflow item. The user will usually load the document from their Action List in order to take the requested action against it, such as approving or acknowledging the document.

Action List Type

This tells you if the Action List item is a notification or a more specific workflow request item. When the Action List item is a notification, the Action List Type is "Notification."

Action Request

A request to a user or Workgroup to take action on a document. It designates the type of action that is requested, which includes:

  • Approve: requests an approve or disapprove action.

  • Complete: requests a completion of the contents of a document. This action request is displayed in the Action List after the user saves an incomplete document.

  • Acknowledge: requests an acknowledgment by the user that the document has been opened - the doc will not leave the Action List until acknowledgment has occurred; however, the document routing will not be held up and the document will be permitted to transaction into the processed state if neccessary.

  • FYI: a notification to the user regarding the document. Documents requesting FYI can be cleared directly from the Action List. Even if a document has FYI requests remaining, it will still be permitted to transition into the FINAL state.

Action Request Hierarchy

Action requests are hierarchical in nature and can have one parent and multiple children.

Action Requested

The action one needs to take on a document; also the type of action that is requested by an Action Request. Actions that may be requested of a user are:

  • Acknowledge: requests that the users states he or she has reviewed the document.

  • Approve: requests that the user either Approve or Disapprove a document.

  • Complete: requests the user to enter additional information in a document so that the content of the document is complete.

  • FYI: intended to simply makes a user aware of the document.

Action Taken

An action taken on a document by a Reviewer in response to an Action Request. The Action Taken may be:

  • Acknowledged: Reviewer has viewed and acknowledged document.

  • Approved: Reviewer has approved the action requested on document.

  • Blanket Approved: Reviewer has requested a blanket approval up to a specified point in the route path on the document.

  • Canceled: Reviewer has canceled the document. The document will not be routed to any more reviewers.

  • Cleared FYI: Reviewer has viewed the document and cleared all of his or her pending FYI(s) on this document.

  • Completed: Reviewer has completed and supplied all data requested on document.

  • Created Document: User has created a document

  • Disapproved: Reviewer has disapproved the document. The document will not being routed to any subsequent reviewers for approval. Acknowledge Requests are sent to previous approvers to inform them of the disapproval.

  • Logged Document: Reviewer has added a message to the Route Log of the document.

  • Moved Document: Reviewer has moved the document either backward or forward in its routing path.

  • Returned to Previous Node: Reviewer has returned the document to a previous routing node. When a Reviewer does this, all the actions taken between the current node and the return node are removed and all the pending requests on the document are deactivated.

  • Routed Document: Reviewer has submitted the document to the workflow engine for routing.

  • Saved: Reviewer has saved the document for later completion and routing.

  • Superuser Approved Document: Superuser has approved the entire document, any remaining routing is cancelled.

  • Superuser Approved Node: Superuser has approved the document through all nodes up to (but not including) a specific node. When the document gets to that node, the normal Action Requests will be created.

  • Superuser Approved Request: Superuser has approved a single pending Approve or Complete Action Request. The document then goes to the next routing node.

  • Superuser Cancelled: Superuser has canceled the document. A Superuser can cancel a document without a pending Action Request to him/her on the document.

  • Superuser Disapproved: Superuser has disapproved the document. A Superuser can disapprove a document without a pending Action Request to him/her on the document.

  • Superuser Returned to Previous Node: Superuser has returned the document to a previous routing node. A Superuser can do this without a pending Action Request to him/her on the document.


The state of an action request when it is has been sent to a user's Action List.


The process by which requests appear in a user's Action List

Activation Type

Defines how a route node handles activation of Action Requests. There are two standard activation types:

  • Sequential: Action Requests are activated one at a time based on routing priority. The next Action Request isn't activated until the previous request is satisfied.

  • Parallel: All Action Requests at the route node are activated immediately, regardless of priority

Active Indicator

An indicator specifying whether an object in the system is active or not. Used as an alternative to complete removal of an object.

Ad Hoc Routing

A type of routing used to route a document to users or groups that are not in the Routing path for that Document Type. When the Ad Hoc Routing is complete, the routing returns to its normal path.


Optional comments added by a Reviewer when taking action. Intended to explain or clarify the action taken or to advise subsequent Reviewers.


A type of workflow action button. Signifies that the document represents a valid business transaction in accordance with institutional needs and policies in the user's judgment. A single document may require approval from several users, at multiple route levels, before it moves to final status.


The user who approves the document. As a document moves through Workflow, it moves one route level at a time. An Approver operates at a particular route level of the document.


The pathname of a related file to attach to a Note. Use the "Browse..." button to open the file dialog, select the file and automatically fill in the pathname.

Attribute Type

Used to strongly type or categorize the values that can be stored for the various attributes in the system (e.g., the value of the arbitrary key/value pairs that can be defined and associated with a given parent object in the system).


The act of logging into the system. The Out of the box (OOTB) authenticaton implementation in Rice does not require a password as it is intended for testing puposes only. This is something that must be enabled as part of an implementation. Various authentication solutions exist, such as CAS or Shibboleth, that an implementer may want to use depending on their needs.


Authorization is the permissions that an authenticated user has for performing actions in the system.

Author Universal ID

A free-form text field for the full name of the Author of the Note, expressed as "Lastname, Firstname Initial"


Base Rule Attribute

The standard fields that are defined and collected for every Routing Rule These include:

  • Active: A true/false flag to indicate if the Routing Rule is active. If false, then the rule will not be evaluated during routing.

  • Document Type: The Document Type to which the Routing Rule applies.

  • From Date: The inclusive start date from which the Routing Rule will be considered for a match.

  • Force Action: a true/false flag to indicate if the review should be forced to take action again for the requests generated by this rule, even if they had taken action on the document previously.

  • Name: the name of the rule, this serves as a unique identifier for the rule. If one is not specified when the rule is created, then it will be generated.

  • Rule Template: The Rule Template used to create the Routing Rule.

  • To Date: The inclusive end date to which the Routing Rule will be considered for a match.

Blanket Approval

Authority that is given to designated Reviewers who can approve a document to a chosen route point. A Blanket Approval bypasses approvals that would otherwise be required in the Routing For an authorized Reviewer, the Doc Handler typically displays the Blanket Approval button along with the other options. When a Blanket Approval is used, the Reviewers who are skipped are sent Acknowledge requests to notify them that they were bypassed.

Blanket Approve Workgroup

A workgroup that has the authority to Blanket Approve a document.


A path containing one or more Route Nodes that a document traverses during routing. When a document enters a Split Node multiple branches can be created. A Join Node joins multiple branches together.

Business Rule
  1. Describes the operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals.

  2. A restriction to a function for a business reason (such as making a specific object code unavailable for a particular type of disbursement). Customizable business rules are controlled by Parameters.



Identifies the different fiscal and physical operating entities of an institution.

Campus Type

Designates a campus as physical only, fiscal only or both.


A workflow action available to document initiators on documents that have not yet been routed for approval. Denotes that the document is void and should be disregarded. Canceled documents cannot be modified in any way and do not route for approval.


A routing status. The document is denoted as void and should be disregarded.

CAS - Central Authentication Service

http://www.jasig.org/cas - An open source authentication framework. Kuali Rice provides support for integrating with CAS as an authentication provider (among other authentication solutions) and also provides an implementation of a CAS server that integrates with Kuali Identity Management.


A Java Application Program Interface (API) for interfacing with the Kuali Enterprise Workflow Engine.


The use of one computer to request the services of another computer over a network. The workstation in an organization will be used to initiate a business transaction (e.g., a budget transfer). This workstation needs to gather information from a remote database to process the transaction, and will eventually be used to post new or changed information back onto that remote database. The workstation is thus a Client and the remote computer that houses the database is the Server.


A workflow action available on documents in most statuses. Signifies that the user wishes to exit the document. No changes to Action Requests, Route Logs or document status occur as a result of a Close action. If you initiate a document and close it without saving, it is the same as canceling that document.

Comma-separated value

A file format using commas as delimiters utilized in import and export functionality.


A pending action request to a user to submit a saved document.


The action taken by a user or group in response to a request in order to finish populating a document with information, as evidenced in the Document Route Log.

Country Restricted Indicator

Field used to indicate if a country is restricted from use in procurement. If there is no value then there is no restriction.

Creation Date

The date on which a document is created.


See comma-separated value


Date Approved

The date on which a document was most recently approved.

Date Finalized

The date on which a document enters the FINAL state. At this point, all approvals and acknowledgments are complete for the document.


The process by which requests are removed from a user's Action List


A user who has been registered to act on behalf of another user. The Delegate acts with the full authority of the Delegator. Delegation may be either Primary Delegation or Secondary Delegation.

Delegate Action List

A separate Action List for Delegate actions. When a Delegate selects a Delegator for whom to act, an Action List of all documents sent to the Delegator is displayed.

For both Primary and Secondary Delegation the Delegate may act on any of the entries with the full authority of the Delegator.


A workflow action that allows a user to indicate that a document does not represent a valid business transaction in that user's judgment. The initiator and previous approvers will receive Acknowledgment requests indicating the document was disapproved.


A status that indicates the document has been disapproved by an approver as a valid transaction and it will not generate the originally intended transaction.

Doc Handler

The Doc Handler is a web interface that a Client uses for the appropriate display of a document. When a user opens a document from the Action List or Document Search, the Doc Handler manages access permissions, content format, and user options according to the requirements of the Client.

Doc Handler URL

The URL for the Doc Handler.

Doc Nbr

See Document Number.


Also see E-Doc.

An electronic document containing information for a business transaction that is routed for Actions in KEW. It includes information such as Document ID, Type, Title, Route Status, Initiator, Date Created, etc. In KEW, a document typically has XML content attached to it that is used to make routing decisions.

Document Id

See Document Number.

Document Number

A unique, sequential, system-assigned number for a document

Document Operation

A workflow screen that provides an interface for authorized users to manipulate the XML and other data that defines a document in workflow. It allows you to access and open a document by Document ID for the purpose of performing operations on the document.

Document Search

A web interface in which users can search for documents. Users may search by a combination of document properties such as Document Type or Document ID, or by more specialized properties using the Detailed Search. Search results are displayed in a list similar to an Action List.

Document Status

See also Route Status.

Document Title

The title given to the document when it was created. Depending on the Document Type, this title may have been assigned by the Initiator or built automatically based on the contents of the document. The Document Title is displayed in both the Action List and Document Search.

Document Type

The Document Type defines the routing definition and other properties for a set of documents. Each document is an instance of a Document Type and conducts the same type of business transaction as other instances of that Document Type.

Document Types have the following characteristics:

  • They are specifications for a document that can be created in KEW

  • They contain identifying information as well as policies and other attributes

  • They defines the Route Path executed for a document of that type (Process Definition)

  • They are hierarchical in nature may be part of a hierarchy of Document Types, each of which inherits certain properties of its Parent Document Type.

  • They are typically defined in XML, but certain properties can be maintained from a graphical interface

Document Type Hierarchy

A hierarchy of Document Type definitions. Document Types inherit certain attributes from their parent Document Types. This hierarchy is also leveraged by various pieces of the system, including the Rules engine when evaluating rule sets and KIM when evaluating certain Document Type-based permissions.

Document Type Label

The human-readable label assigned to a Document Type.

Document Type Name

The assigned name of the document type. It must be unique.

Document Type Policy

These advise various checks and authorizations for instances of a Document Type during the routing process.


A link that allows a user to access more detailed information about the current data. These links typically take the user through a series of inquiries on different business objects.

Dynamic Node

An advanced type of Route Node that can be used to generate complex routing paths on the fly. Typically used whenever the route path of a document cannot be statically defined and must be completely derived from document data.


  1. An acronym for Educational Community License.

  2. All Kuali software and material is available under the Educational Community License and may be adopted by colleges and universities without licensing fees. The open licensing approach also provides opportunities for support and implementation assistance from commercial affiliates.


An abbreviation for electronic documents, also a shorthand reference to documents created with eDocLite.


A framework for quickly building workflow-enabled documents. Allows you to define document screens in XML and render them using XSL style sheets.

Embedded Client

A type of client that runs an embedded workflow engine.

Employee Status

Found on the Person Document; defines the employee's current employment classification (for example, "A" for Active).

Employee Type

Found on the Person Document; defines the employee's position classification (for example, "P" for Professional).


An Entity record houses identity information for a given Person, Process, System, etc. Each Entity is categorized by its association with an Entity Type.

Entity Attribute

Entities have directory-like information called Entity Attributes that are associated with them

Entity Attributes make up the identity information for an Entity record.

Entity Type

Provides categorization to Entities. For example, a "System" could be considered an Entity Type because something like a batch process may need to interfact with the application.


A workflow routing status indicating that the document routed to an exception queue because workflow has encountered a system error when trying to process the document.

Exception Messaging

The set of services and configuration options that are responsible for handling messages when they cannot be successfully delivered. Exception Messaging is set up when you configure KSB using the properties outlined in KSB Module Configuration.

Exception Routing

A type of routing used to handle error conditions that occur during the routing of a document. A document goes into Exception Routing when the workflow engine encounters an error or a situation where it cannot proceed, such as a violation of a Document Type Policy or an error contacting external services. When this occurs, the document is routed to the parties responsible for handling these exception cases. This can be a group configured on the document or a responsibility configured in KIM. Once one of these responsible parties has reviewed the situation and approved the document, it will be resubmitted to the workflow engine to attempt the processing again.

Extended Attributes

Custom, table-driven business object attributes that can be established by implementing institutions.

Extension Rule Attribute

One of the rule attributes added in the definition of a rule template that extends beyond the base rule attributes to differentiate the routing rule. A Required Extension Attribute has its "Required" field set to True in the rule template. Otherwise, it is an Optional Extension Attribute. Extension attributes are typically used to add additional fields that can be collected on a rule. They also define the logic for how those fields will be processed during rule evaluation.


Field Lookup

The round magnifying glass icon found next to fields throughout the GUI that allow the user to look up reference table information and display (and select from) a list of valid values for that field.


A workflow routing status indicating that the document has been routed and has no pending approval or acknowledgement requests.

Flexible Route Management

A standard KEW routing scheme based on rules rather than dedicated table-based routing.

FlexRM (Flexible Route Module)

The Route Module that performs the Routing for any Routing Rule is defined through FlexRM. FlexRM generates Action Requests when a Rule matches the data value contained in a document. An abbreviation of "Flexible Route Module." A standard KEW routing scheme that is based on rules rather than dedicated table-based routing.

Force Action

A true/false flag that indicates if previous Routing for approval will be ignored when an Action Request is generated. The flag is used in multiple contexts where requests are generated (e.g., rules, ad hoc routing). If Force Action is False, then prior Actions taken by a user can satisfy newly generated requests. If it is True, then the user needs to take another Action to satisfy the request.


A workflow action request that can be cleared from a user's Action List with or without opening and viewing the document. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending Acknowledge requests is in Processed status. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending FYI requests is in Final status. See also Ad Hoc Routing and Action Request.



A Group has members that can be either Principals or other Groups (nested). Groups essentially become a way to organize Entities (via Principal relationships) and other Groups within logical categories.

Groups can be given authorization to perform actions within applications by assigning them as members of Roles.

Groups can also have arbitrary identity information (i.e., Group Attributes hanging from them. Group Attributes might be values for "Office Address," "Group Leader," etc.

Groups can be maintained at runtime through a user interface that is capable of workflow.

Group Attribute

Groups have directory-like information called Group Attributes hanging from them. "Group Phone Number" and "Team Leader" are examples of Group Attributes.

Group Attributes make up the identity information for a Group record.

Group Attributes can be maintained at runtime through a user interface that is capable of workflow.


Hierarchical Tree Structure

A hierarchical representation of data in a graphical form.



The state of an Action Request when it is first created but has not yet been Activated (sent to a user's Action List).


A workflow routing status indicating a document has been created but has not yet been saved or routed. A Document Number is automatically assigned by the system.


A user role for a person who creates (initiates or authors) a new document for routing. Depending on the permissions associated with the Document Type, only certain users may be able to initiate documents of that type.


A screen that allows a user to view information about a business object.


Join Node

The point in the routing path where multiple branches are joined together. A Join Node typically has a corresponding Split Node for which it joins the branches.


KC - Kuali Coeus


KCA - Kuali Commercial Affiliates

A designation provided to commercial affiliates who become part of the Kuali Partners Program to provide for-fee guidance, support, implementation, and integration services related to the Kuali software. Affiliates hold no ownership of Kuali intellectual property, but are full KPP participants. Affiliates may provide packaged versions of Kuali that provide value for installation or integration beyond the basic Kuali software. Affiliates may also offer other types of training, documentation, or hosting services.

KCB – Kuali Communications Broker

KCB is logically related to KEN. It handles dispatching messages based on user preferences (email, SMS, etc.).

KEN - Kuali Enterprise Notification

A key component of the Enterprise Integration layer of the architecture framework. Its features include:

  • Automatic Message Generation and Logging

  • Message integrity and delivery standards

  • Delivery of notifications to a user's Action List

KEW – Kuali Enterprise Workflow

Kuali Enterprise Workflow is a general-purpose electronic routing infrastructure, or workflow engine. It manages the creation, routing, and processing of electronic documents (eDocs) necessary to complete a transaction. Other applications can also use Kuali Enterprise Workflow to automate and regulate the approval process for the transactions or documents they create.

KFS – Kuali Financial System

Delivers a comprehensive suite of functionality to serve the financial system needs of all Carnegie-Class institutions. An enhancement of the proven functionality of Indiana University's Financial Information System (FIS), KFS meets GASB and FASB standards while providing a strong control environment to keep pace with advances in both technology and business. Modules include financial transactions, general ledger, chart of accounts, contracts and grants, purchasing/accounts payable, labor distribution, budget, accounts receivable and capital assets.

KIM – Kuali Identity Management

A Kuali Rice module, Kuali Identity Management provides a standard API for persons, groups, roles and permissions that can be implemented by an institution. It also provdies an out of the box reference implementation that allows for a university to use Kuali as their Identity Management solution.

KNS – Kuali Nervous System

A core technical module composed of reusable code components that provide the common, underlying infrastructure code and functionality that any module may employ to perform its functions (for example, creating custom attributes, attaching electronic images, uploading data from desktop applications, lookup/search routines, and database interaction).

KPP - Kuali Partners Program

The Kuali Partners Program (KPP) is the means for organizations to get involved in the Kuali software community and influence its future through voting rights to determine software development priorities. Membership dues pay staff to perform Quality Assurance (QA) work, release engineering, packaging, documentation, and other work to coordinate the timely enhancement and release of quality software and other services valuable to the members. Partners are also encouraged to tender functional, technical, support or administrative staff members to the Kuali Foundation for specific periods of time.

KRAD - Kuali Rapid Application Development


KRMS - Kuali Rules Management System


KS - Kuali Student

Delivers a means to support students and other users with a student-centric system that provides real-time, cost-effective, scalable support to help them identify and achieve their goals while simplifying or eliminating administrative tasks. The high-level entities of person (evolving roles-student, instructor, etc.), time (nested units of time - semesters, terms, classes), learning unit (assigned to any learning activity), learning result (grades, assessments, evaluations), learning plan (intentions, activities, major, degree), and learning resources (instructors, classrooms, equipment). The concierge function is a self-service information sharing system that aligns information with needs and tasks to accomplish goals. The support for integration of locally-developed processes provides flexibility for any institution's needs.

KSB – Kuali Service Bus

Provides an out-of-the-box service architecture and runtime environment for Kuali Applications. It is the cornerstone of the Service Oriented Architecture layer of the architectural reference framework. The Kuali Service Bus consists of:

  • A services registry and repository for identifying and instantiating services

  • Run time monitoring of messages

  • Support for synchronous and asynchronous service and message paradigms

  1. Pronounced "ku-wah-lee". A partnership organization that produces a suite of community-source, modular administrative software for Carnegie-class higher education institutions. See also Kuali Foundation

  2. (n.) A humble kitchen wok that plays an important role in a successful kitchen.

Kuali Foundation

Employs staff to coordinate partner efforts and to manage and protect the Foundation's intellectual property. The Kuali Foundation manages a growing portfolio of enterprise software applications for colleges and universities. A lightweight Foundation staff coordinates the activities of Foundation members for critical software development and coordination activities such as source code control, release engineering, packaging, documentation, project management, software testing and quality assurance, conference planning, and educating and assisting members of the Kuali Partners program.

Kuali Rice

Provides an enterprise-class middleware suite of integrated products that allow both Kuali and non-Kuali applications to be built in an agile fashion, such that developers are able to react to end-user business requirements in an efficient manner to produce high-quality business applications. Built with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts in mind, KR enables developers to build robust systems with common enterprise workflow functionality, customizable and configurable user interfaces with a clean and universal look and feel, and general notification features to allow for a consolidated list of work "action items." All of this adds up to providing a re-usable development framework that encourages a simplified approach to developing true business functionality as modular applications.


Last Modified Date

The date on which the document was last modified (e.g., the date of the last action taken, the last action request generated, the last status changed, etc.).


Maintenance Document

An e-doc used to establish and maintain a table record.


The full description of a notification message. This is a specific field that can be filled out as part of the Simple Message or Event Message form. This can also be set by the programmatic interfaces when sending notifications from a client system.

Message Queue

Allows administrators to monitor messages that are flowing through the Service Bus. Messages can be edited, deleted or forwarded to other machines for processing from this screen.



A Namespace is a way to scope both Permissions and Entity Attributes Each Namespace instance is one level of scoping and is one record in the system. For example, "KRA" or "KC" or "KFS" could be a Namespace. Or you could further break those up into finer-grained Namespaces such that they would roughly correlate to functional modules within each application. Examples could be "KRA Rolodex", "KC Grants", "KFS Chart of Accounts".

Out of the box, the system is bootstrapped with numerous Rice namespaces which correspond to the different modules. There is also a default namespace of "KUALI".

Namespaces can be maintained at runtime through a maintenance document.

Note Text

A free-form text field for the text of a Note

Notification Content

This section of a notification message which displays the actual full message for the notification along with any other content-type-specific fields.

Notification Message

The overall Notification item or Notification Message that a user sees when she views the details of a notification in her Action List. A Notification Message contains not only common elements such as Sender, Channel, and Title, but also content-type-specific fields.



Stands for "out of the box" and refers to the base deliverable of a given feature in the system.

Optimistic Locking

A type of "locking" that is placed on a database row by a process to prevent other processes from updating that row before the first process is complete. A characteristic of this locking technique is that another user who wants to make modifications at the same time as another user is permitted to, but the first one who submits their changes will have them applied. Any subsequent changes will result in the user being notified of the optimistic lock and their changes will not be applied. This technique assumes that another update is unlikely.

Optional Rule Extension Attribute

An Extension Attribute that is not required in a Rule Template. It may or may not be present in a Routing Rule created from the Template. It can be used as a conditional element to aid in deciding if a Rule matches. These Attributes are simply additional criteria for the Rule matching process.

Org Doc #

The originating document number.


Refers to a unit within the institution such as department, responsibility center, campus, etc.

Organization Code

Represents a unique identifier assigned to units at many different levels within the institution (for example, department, responsibility center, and campus).


Parameter Component Code

Code identifying the parameter Component.

Parameter Description

This field houses the purpose of this parameter.

Parameter Name

This will be used as the identifier for the parameter. Parameter values will be accessed using this field and the namespace as the key.

Parameter Type Code

Code identifying the parameter type. Parameter Type Code is the primary key for its' table.

Parameter Value

This field houses the actual value associated with the parameter.

Parent Document Type

A Document Type from which another Document Type derives. The child type can inherit certain properties of the parent type, any of which it may override. A Parent Document Type may have a parent as part of a hierarchy of document types.

Parent Rule

A Routing Rule in KEW from which another Routing Rule derives. The child Rule can inherit certain properties of the parent Rule, any of which it may override. A Parent Rule may have a parent as part of a hierarchy of Rules.


Permissions represent fine grained actions that can be mapped to functionality within a given system. Permissions are scoped to Namespace which roughly correlate to modules or sections of functionality within a given system.

A developer would code authorization checks in their application against these permissions.

Some examples would be: "canSave", "canView", "canEdit", etc.

Permissions are aggregated by Roles.

Permissions can be maintained at runtime through a user interface that is capable of workflow; however, developers still need to code authorization checks against them in their code, once they are set up in the system.


  1. Id - a system generated unique identifier that is the primary key for any Permission record in the system

  2. Name - the name of the permission; also a human understandable unique identifier

  3. Description - a full description of the purpose of the Permission record

  4. Namespace - the reference to the associated Namespace


  1. Permission to Role - many to many; this relationship ties a Permission record to a Role that is authorized for the Permission

  2. Permission to Namespace - many to one; this relationship allows for scoping of a Permission to a Namespace that contains functionality which keys its authorization checking off of said

Person Identifier

The username of an individual user who receives the document ad hoc for the Action Requested

Person Role

Creates or maintains the list used in selection of personnel when preparing the Routing Form document.

Pessimistic Locking

A type of lock placed on a database row by a process to prevent other processes from reading or updating that row until the first process is finished. This technique assumes that another update is likely.


A plugin is a packaged set of code providing essential services that can be deployed into the Rice standalone server. Plugins usually contains only classes used in routing such as custom rules or searchable attributes, but can contain client application specific services. They are usually used only by clients being implemented by the 'Thin Client' method

Post Processor

A routing component that is notified by the workflow engine about various events pertaining to the routing of a specific document (e.g., node transition, status change, action taken). The implementation of a Post Processor is typically specific to a particular set of Document Types. When all required approvals are completed, the engine notifies the Post Processor accordingly. At this point, the Post Processor is responsible for completing the business transaction in the manner appropriate to its Document Type.

Posted Date/Time Stamp

A free-form text field that identifies the time and date at which the Notes is posted.

Postal Code

Defines zip code to city and state cross-references.


User options in an Action List for displaying the list of documents. Users can click the Preferences button in the top margin of the Action List to display the Action List Preferences screen. On the Preferences screen, users may change the columns displayed, the background colors by Route Status, and the number of documents displayed per page.

Primary Delegation

The Delegator turns over full authority to the Delegate. The Action Requests for the Delegator only appear in the Action List of the Primary Delegate. The Delegation must be registered in KEW or KIM to be in effect.


A Principal represents an Entity that can authenticate into the system. One can roughly correlate a Principal to a login username. Entities can exist in KIM without having permissions or authorization to do anything; therefore, a Principal must exist and must be associated with an Entity in order for it to have access privileges. All authorization that is not specific to Groups is tied to a Principal.

In other words, an Entity is for identity while a Principal is for access management.

Also note that an Entity is allowed to have multiple Principals associated with it. The use case typically given here is that a person may apply to a school and receive one log in for the application system; however, once accepted, they may receive their official login, but use the same identity information set up for their Entity record.


A routing status indicating that the document has no pending approval requests but still has one or more pending acknowledgement requests.


Recipient Type

The type of entity that is receiving an Action Request. Can be a user, workgroup, or role.

Required Rule Extension Attribute

An Extension Attribute that is required in a Rule Template. It will be present in every Routing Rule created from the Template.


See Responsible Party.

Responsibility Id

A unique identifier representing a particular responsibility on a rule (or from a route module This identifier stays the same for a particular responsibility no matter how many times a rule is modified.

Responsible Party

The Reviewer defined on a routing rule that receives requests when the rule is successfully executed. Each routing rule has one or more responsible parties defined.


A user acting on a document in his/her Action List and who has received an Action Request for the document.


An abbreviation for Kuali Rice.


Roles aggregate Permissions When Roles are given to Entities (via their relationship with Principals) or Groups an authorization for all associated Permissions is granted.

Route Header Id

Another name for the Document Id.

Route Log

Displays information about the routing of a document. The Route Log is usually accessed from either the Action List or a Document Search. It displays general document information about the document and a detailed list of Actions Taken and pending Action Requests for the document. The Route Log can be considered an audit trail for a document.

Route Module

A routing component that the engine uses to generate action requests at a particular Route Node. FlexRM (Flexible Route Module) is a general Route Module that is rule-based. Clients can define their own Route Modules that can conduct specialized Routing based on routing tables or any other desired implementation.

Route Node

Represents a step in the routing process of a document type. Route node "instances" are created dynamically as a document goes through its routing process and can be defined to perform any function. The most common functions are to generate Action Requests or to split or join the route path.

  • Simple: do some arbitrary work

  • Requests: generate action requests using a Route Module or the Rules engine

  • Split: split the route path into one or more parallel branches

  • Join: join one or more branches back together

  • Sub Process: execute another route path inline

  • Dynamic: generate a dynamic route path

Route Path

The path a document follows during the routing process. Consists of a set of route nodes and branches. The route path is defined as part of the document type definition.

Route Status

The status of a document in the course of its routing:

  • Approved: These documents have been approved by all required reviewers and are waiting additional postprocessing.

  • Cancelled: These documents have been stopped. The document's initiator can 'Cancel' it before routing begins or a reviewer of the document can cancel it after routing begins. When a document is cancelled, routing stops; it is not sent to another Action List.

  • Disapproved: These documents have been disapproved by at least one reviewer. Routing has stopped for these documents.

  • Enroute: Routing is in progress on these documents and an action request is waiting for someone to take action.

  • Exception: A routing exception has occurred on this document. Someone from the Exception Workgroup for this Document Type must take action on this document, and it has been sent to the Action List of this workgroup.

  • Final: All required approvals and all acknowledgements have been received on these documents. No changes are allowed to a document that is in Final status.

  • Initiated: A user or a process has created this document, but it has not yet been routed to anyone's Action List.

  • Processed: These documents have been approved by all required users, and is completed on them. They may be waiting for Acknowledgements. No further action is needed on these documents.

  • Saved: These documents have been saved for later work. An author (initiator) can save a document before routing begins or a reviewer can save a document before he or she takes action on it. When someone saves a document, the document goes on that person's Action List.

Routed By User

The user who submits the document into routing. This is often the same as the Initiator. However, for some types of documents they may be different.


The process of moving a document through its route path as defined in its Document Type. Routing is executed and administered by the workflow engine. This process will typically include generating Action Requests and processing actions from the users who receive those requests. In addition, the Routing process includes callbacks to the Post Processor when there are changes in document state.

Routing Priority

A number that indicates the routing priority; a smaller number has a higher routing priority. Routing priority is used to determine the order that requests are activated on a route node with sequential activation type.

Routing Rule

A record that contains the data for the Rule Attributes specified in a Rule Template It is an instance of a Rule Template populated to determine the appropriate Routing. The Rule includes the Base Attributes, Required Extension Attributes, Responsible Party Attributes, and any Optional Extension Attributes that are declared in the Rule Template. Rules are evaluated at certain points in the routing process and, when they fire, can generate Action Requests to the responsible parties that are defined on them.

Technical considerations for a Routing Rules are:

  • Configured via a GUI (or imported from XML)

  • Created against a Rule Template and a Document Type

  • The Rule Template and it's list of Rule Attributes define what fields will be collected in the Rule GUI

  • Rules define the users, groups and/or roles who should receive action requests

  • Available Action Request Types that Rules can route

    • Complete

    • Approve

    • Acknowledge

    • FYI

  • During routing, Rule Evaluation Sets are "selected" at each node. Default is to select by Document Type and Rule Template defined on the Route Node

  • Rules match (or 'fire') based on the evaluation of data on the document and data contained on the individual rule

  • Examples

    • If dollar amount is greater than $10,000 then send an Approval request to Joe.

    • If department is "HR" request an Acknowledgment from the HR.Acknowledgers workgroup.

Rule Attribute

Rule attributes are a core KEW data element contained in a document that controls its Routing. It participates in routing as part of a Rule Template and is responsible for defining custom fields that can be rendered on a routing rule. It also defines the logic for how rules that contain the attribute data are evaluated.

Technical considerations for a Rule Attribute are:

  • They might be backed by a Java class to provide lookups and validations of appropriate values.

  • Define how a Routing Rule evaluates document data to determine whether or not the rule data matches the document data.

  • Define what data is collected on a rule.

  • An attribute typically corresponds to one piece of data on a document (i.e dollar amount, department, organization, account, etc.).

  • Can be written in Java or defined using XML (with matching done by XPath).

  • Can have multiple GUI fields defined in a single attribute.

Rule QuickLinks

A list of document groups with their document hierarchies and actions that can be selected. For specific document types, you can create the rule delegate.

Rule Template

A Rule Template serves as a pattern or design for the routing rules. All of the Rule Attributes that include both Required and _Optional_ are contained in the Rule Template; it defines the structure of the routing rule of FlexRM. The Rule Template is also used to associate certain Route Nodes on a document type to routing rules.

Technical considerations for a Rule Templates are:

  • They are a composition of Rule Attributes

  • Adding a 'Role' attribute to a template allows for the use of the Role on any rules created against the template

  • When rule attributes are used for matching on rules, each attribute is associated with the other attributes on the template using an implicit 'and' logic attributes

  • Can be used to define various other aspects to be used by the rule creation GUI such as rule data defaults (effective dates, ignore previous, available request types, etc)



A workflow action button that allows the Initiator of a document to save their work and close the document. The document may be retrieved from the initiator's Action List for completion and routing at a later time.


A routing status indicating the document has been started but not yet completed or routed. The Save action allows the initiator of a document to save their work and close the document. The document may be retrieved from the initiator's action list for completion and routing at a later time.

Searchable Attributes

Attributes that can be defined to index certain pieces of data on a document so that it can be searched from the Document Search screen.

Technical considerations for a Searchable Attributes are:

  • They are responsible for extracting and indexing document data for searching

  • They allow for custom fields to be added to Document Search for documents of a particular type

  • They are configured as an attribute of a Document Type

  • They can be written in Java or defined in XML by using Xpath to facilitate matching

Secondary Delegation

The Secondary Delegate acts as a temporary backup Delegator who acts with the same authority as the primary Approver/the Delegator when the Delegator is not available. Documents appear in the Action Lists of both the Delegator and the Delegate. When either acts on the document, it disappears from both Action Lists.

Secondary Delegation is often configured for a range of dates and it must be registered in KEW or KIM to be in effect.

Service Registry

Displays a read-only view of all of the services that are exposed on the Service Bus and includes information about them (for example, IP Address, or Endpoint URL).

Simple Node

A type of node that can perform any function desired by the implementer. An example implementation of a simple node is the node that generates Action Requests from route modules.


An acronym for Service Oriented Architecture.

Special Condition Routing

This is a generic term for additional route levels that might be triggered by various attributes of a transaction. They can be based on the type of document, attributes of the accounts being used, or other attributes of the transaction. They often represent special administrative approvals that may be required.

Split Node

A node in the routing path that can split the route path into multiple branches.


The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform.


Defines U.S. Postal Service codes used to identify states.


On an Action List; also known as Route Status. The current location of the document in its routing path.


A workflow action button used by the initiator of a document to begin workflow routing for that transaction. It moves the document (through workflow) to the next level of approval. Once a document is submitted, it remains in 'ENROUTE' status until all approvals have taken place.


A user who has been given special permission to perform Superuser Approvals and other Superuser actions on documents of a certain Document Type.

Superuser Approval

Authority given Superusers to approve a document of a chosen Route Node. A Superuser Approval action bypasses approvals that would otherwise be required in the Routing. It is available in Superuser Document Search. In most cases, reviewers who are skipped are not sent Acknowledge Action Requests.

Superuser Document Search

A special mode of Document Search that allows Superusers to access documents in a special Superuser mode and perform administrative functions on those documents. Access to these documents is governed by the user's membership in the Superuser Workgroup as defined on a particular Document Type.


Thread pool

A technique that improves overall system performance by creating a pool of threads to execute multiple tasks at the same time. A task can execute immediately if a thread in the pool is available or else the task waits for a thread to become available from the pool before executing.


A short summary of the notification message. This field can be filled out as part of the Simple Message or Event Message form. In addition, this can be set by the programmatic interfaces when sending notifications from a client system.

This field is equivalent to the "Subject" field in an email.



An acronym for Uniform Resource Locator.


A person who can log in and use the application. This term is synonymous with "Principal" in KIM. "Whereas Entity Id represents a unique Person, Principal Id represents a set of login information for that Person."



A user(s) who views a document during the routing process. This includes users who have action requests generated to them on a document.


Web Service Client

A type of client that connects to a standalone KEW server using Web Services.


A character that may be substituted for any of a defined subset of all possible characters.


Electronic document routing, approval and tracking. Also known as Workflow Services or Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW). The Kuali infrastructure service that electronically routes an e-doc to its approvers in a prescribed sequence, according to established business rules based on the e-doc content. See also Kuali Enterprise Workflow.

Workflow Engine

The component of KEW that handles initiating and executing the route path of a document.

Workflow QuickLinks

A web interface that provides quick navigation to various functions in KEW. These include:

  • Quick EDoc Watch: The last five Actions taken by this user. The user can select and repeat these actions.

  • Quick EDoc Search: The last five EDocs searched for by this user. The user can select one and repeat that search.

  • Quick Action List: The last five document types the user took action with. The user can select one and repeat that action.



See also XML Ingester.

  1. An acronym for Extensible Markup Language.

  2. Used for data import/export.

XML Ingester

A workflow function that allows you to browse for and upload XML data.

XML RuleAttribute

Similar in functionality to a RuleAttribute but built using XML only