001    /**
002     * Copyright 2005-2011 The Kuali Foundation
003     *
004     * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007     *
008     * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
009     *
010     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014     * limitations under the License.
015     */
016    package edu.samplu.travel.test;
018    import edu.samplu.common.ITUtil;
019    import edu.samplu.common.UpgradedSeleniumITBase;
020    import org.junit.Test;
022    import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
023    /**
024     * tests that user 'admin', can initiate, save and submit a FiscalOfficerInfo maintenance document
025     * resulting in a final document
026     * 
027     * @author Kuali Rice Team (rice.collab@kuali.org)
028     */
029    public class FiscalOfficerInfoMaintenanceNewIT extends UpgradedSeleniumITBase {
030        @Override
031        public String getTestUrl() {
032            return ITUtil.PORTAL;
033        }
035        @Test
036        public void testUntitled() throws Exception {
037            waitAndClick("link=KRAD");
038            waitForPageToLoad50000();
039            waitAndClick("//a[@title='FiscalOfficerInfo Maintenance (New)']");
040            waitForPageToLoad50000();
041            selectFrame("iframeportlet");
042            // String docId = getText("//span[contains(@id , '_attribute_span')][position()=1]");
043            checkForIncidentReport("", "https://jira.kuali.org/browse/KULRICE-7723 FiscalOfficerInfoMaintenanceNewIT.testUntitled need a better name and user permission error");
044            String docId = getText("//div[@id='headerarea']/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]");
045            waitAndType("//input[@name='document.documentHeader.documentDescription']", "New FO Doc");
046            waitAndType("//input[@name='document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.id']", "5");
047            waitAndType("//input[@name='document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.userName']", "Jigar");
049    //        waitAndType("newCollectionLines['document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.accounts'].number", "123123");
050    //        waitAndType("xpath = //input[@name='document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.accounts[0].number']", "123123");
051    //        waitAndType("//input[contains(@name , '.number')]", "123123");
052    //        waitAndType("newCollectionLines['document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.accounts'].name", "ChrisTravelAcc");
053    //        waitAndType("xpath = //input[@name='document.newMaintainableObject.dataObject.accounts[0].name']", "ChrisTravelAcc");
054    //        waitAndType("//input[contains(@name , '.name')]", "JustinTravelAcc");
055    //        waitAndClick("add");
056    //        waitAndClick("//input[@value='add']");
057    //        System.out.println("adding Row");
058    //        selenium.wait(90000);
060            waitAndClick("//button[@value='save']");
062            int docIdInt = Integer.valueOf(docId).intValue(); 
064            waitForPageToLoad50000();
065            selectFrame("relative=up");
066            waitAndClick("//img[@alt='action list']");
067            waitForPageToLoad50000();
068            selectFrame("iframeportlet");
069            if(isElementPresent("link=Last")){
070                waitAndClick("link=Last");
071                waitForPageToLoad50000();
072                waitAndClick("link="+docIdInt);
073            } else {                                  
074                waitAndClick("link="+docIdInt);
075            }
077            Thread.sleep(5000); 
078            String[] windowTitles = getAllWindowTitles();
079            selectWindow(windowTitles[1]);
080            windowFocus();
081            assertEquals(windowTitles[1], getTitle());
083            //------submit-----//
084            selectFrame("relative=up");
085            waitAndClick("//button[@value='submit']");
086            waitForPageToLoad50000();
087            close();
088            //------submit over---//        
090            //----step 2----//  
091            selectWindow("null");
092            windowFocus();
093            waitAndClick("//img[@alt='doc search']");
094            waitForPageToLoad50000();
095            assertEquals(windowTitles[0], getTitle());
096            selectFrame("iframeportlet");
097            waitAndClick("//input[@name='methodToCall.search' and @value='search']");
098            waitForPageToLoad50000();
099            //----step 2 over ----//
101            //-----Step 3 verifies that doc is final-------//        
102            assertEquals("FINAL", getText("//table[@id='row']/tbody/tr[1]/td[4]"));
103            selectFrame("relative=up");
104            waitAndClick("link=Main Menu");
105            waitForPageToLoad50000();
106            assertEquals(windowTitles[0], getTitle());
107            System.out.println("---------------------- :: Test complete :: ----------------------");
108            //-----Step 3 verified that doc is final -------//      
110        }
111    }