Class View

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
          extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
              extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
                  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DictionaryBean, UifDictionaryBean, Component, ScriptEventSupport, Container, Helpable, org.springframework.core.Ordered
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class View
extends ContainerBase

Root of the component tree which encompasses a set of related GroupContainer instances tied together with a common page layout and navigation.

The View component ties together all the components and configuration of the User Interface for a piece of functionality. In Rice applications the view is typically associated with a Document instance.

The view template lays out the common header, footer, and navigation for the related pages. In addition the view renders the HTML head element bringing in common script files and style sheets, along with optionally rendering a form element for pages that need to post data back to the server.

Configuration of UIF features such as model validation is also done through the View

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void assignComponentIds(Component component)
          Assigns an id to the component if one was not configured
 void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
          Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component.
 BooleanMap getActionFlags()
          Map of strings that flag what actions can be taken in the UI
 List<String> getAdditionalCssFiles()
          Declares additional CSS files that should be included with the View.
 List<String> getAdditionalScriptFiles()
          Declares additional script files that should be included with the View.
 Group getApplicationFooter()
          Footer for the application containing the view
 Header getApplicationHeader()
          Header for the application containing the view
 ViewAuthorizer getAuthorizer()
          Authorizer that should be used for the View instance
 BreadCrumbs getBreadcrumbs()
          Breadcrumb widget used for displaying homeward path and history
 String getBreadcrumbTitleDisplayOption()
          The option to use when appending the view label on the breadcrumb title.
 String getBreadcrumbTitlePropertyName()
          The property name to be used to determine what will be used in the breadcrumb title of this view
 List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
          List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle
 String getComponentTypeName()
          The name for the component type
 PageGroup getCurrentPage()
          Iterates through the contained page items and returns the Page that matches the set current page id
 String getCurrentPageId()
          The id for the page within the view that should be displayed in the UI.
 String getDefaultBindingObjectPath()
          For View types that work primarily with one nested object of the form (for instance document, or bo) the default binding object path can be set for each of the views DataBinding components.
 List<? extends Group> getDialogs()
          Provide a list of dialog groups associated with this view
 BooleanMap getEditModes()
          Map of edit modes that enabled for the view
 String getEntryPageId()
          Specifies what page should be rendered by default.
 Map<String,String> getExpressionVariables()
          Map that contains expressions to evaluate and make available as variables for conditional expressions within the view
 Class<?> getFormClass()
          Class of the Form that should be used with the View instance.
 Growls getGrowls()
          Growls widget which sets up global settings for the growls used in this view and its pages
 int getIdSequence()
          Current sequence value for id assignment
 List<? extends Group> getItems()
          List of Component instances that are held by the container
 String getNamespaceCode()
          Namespace code the view should be associated with
 Group getNavigation()
          NavigationGroup instance for the View
 BlockUI getNavigationBlockUI()
 String getNextId()
          Returns the next unique id available for components within the view instance
 Map<String,Class<?>> getObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping()
          Configures the concrete classes that will be used for properties in the form object graph that have an abstract or interface type
 PageGroup getPage()
          For single paged views (isSinglePageView(), gives the page Group the view should render.
 int getPreloadPoolSize()
          Specifies the size of the pool that will contain pre-loaded views
 String getPreLoadScript()
          Script that is executed at the beginning of page load (before any other script)
 ViewPresentationController getPresentationController()
          PresentationController that should be used for the View instance
 BlockUI getRefreshBlockUI()
 StateMapping getStateMapping()
          Gets the stateMapping.
 String getStateObjectBindingPath()
          The stateObject's binding path, this will be used along with the StateMapping's statePropertyName to determine what field in the model state information is stored in for this view.
 Set<Class<? extends Component>> getSupportedComponents()
          Set of Component classes that may be placed into the container
 ViewTheme getTheme()
          The theme which contains stylesheets for this view
 ViewHelperService getViewHelperService()
          Creates the ViewHelperService associated with the View
 Class<? extends ViewHelperService> getViewHelperServiceClass()
          Class name of the ViewHelperService that handles the various phases of the Views lifecycle
 ViewIndex getViewIndex()
          Holds field indexes of the View instance for retrieval
 String getViewMenuGroupName()
          Provides a grouping string for the view to group its menu link (within a portal for instance)
 Link getViewMenuLink()
          Provides configuration for displaying a link to the view from an application menu
 String getViewName()
          View name provides an identifier for a view within a type.
 Map<String,String> getViewRequestParameters()
          Map of parameters from the request that set view options, used to rebuild the view on each post
 String getViewStatus()
          Indicates what lifecycle phase the View instance is in
 List<String> getViewTemplates()
          List of templates that are used to render the view
 UifConstants.ViewType getViewTypeName()
          View type name the view is associated with the view instance
 void index()
          Invoked to produce a ViewIndex of the current view's components
 boolean isApplyDirtyCheck()
          Indicates whether the form should be validated for dirtyness
 boolean isFinal()
          Indicates whether the view has been updated from the model and final updates made
 boolean isGrowlMessagingEnabled()
          whether to use growls to show messages - info, warning and error
 boolean isInitialized()
          Indicates whether the view has been initialized
 boolean isMergeWithPageItems()
          Indicates whether the default sections specified in the page items list should be included for this view.
 boolean isPersistFormToSession()
          Indicates whether the form (model) associated with the view should be stored in the user session
 boolean isRenderBreadcrumbsInView()
          Indicates whether the breadcrumbs should be rendered in the view or if they have been rendered in the application header
 boolean isSinglePageView()
          Indicates whether the View only has a single page Group or contains multiple page Group instances.
 boolean isSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields()
          Indicates whether the view allows read only fields to be specified on the request URL which will override the view setting
 boolean isTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay()
          Returns whether the current view supports displaying KualiCode's name as additional display value
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          The following updates are done here: Invoke expression evaluation on view theme
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          The following is performed: Adds to its document ready script the setupValidator js function for setting up the validator for this view
 void performInitialization(View view, Object model)
          The following initialization is performed: If a single paged view, set items in page group and put the page in the items list
 void setActionFlags(BooleanMap actionFlags)
          Setter for the action flags Map
 void setAdditionalCssFiles(List<String> additionalCssFiles)
          Setter for the List of additional CSS files to included with the View
 void setAdditionalScriptFiles(List<String> additionalScriptFiles)
          Setter for the List of additional script files to included with the View
 void setApplicationFooter(Group applicationFooter)
          Setter for the application footer
 void setApplicationHeader(Header applicationHeader)
          Setter for the application header
 void setApplyDirtyCheck(boolean applyDirtyCheck)
          Setter for dirty validation.
 void setAuthorizer(ViewAuthorizer authorizer)
          Setter for the view's authorizer
 void setAuthorizerClass(Class<? extends ViewAuthorizer> authorizerClass)
          Setter for the view's authorizer by class
 void setBreadcrumbs(BreadCrumbs breadcrumbs)
 void setBreadcrumbTitleDisplayOption(String breadcrumbTitleDisplayOption)
          Setter for the append option
 void setBreadcrumbTitlePropertyName(String breadcrumbTitlePropertyName)
          Setter for the view label property name
 void setCurrentPageId(String currentPageId)
          Setter for the page id to display
 void setDefaultBindingObjectPath(String defaultBindingObjectPath)
          Setter for the default binding object path to use for the view
 void setDialogs(List<? extends Group> dialogs)
          Sets the list of dialog groups for this view
 void setEditModes(BooleanMap editModes)
          Setter for the edit modes Map
 void setEntryPageId(String entryPageId)
          Setter for default Page id
 void setExpressionVariables(Map<String,String> expressionVariables)
          Setter for the view's map of variable expressions
 void setFormClass(Class<?> formClass)
          Setter for the form class
 void setGrowlMessagingEnabled(boolean growlMessagingEnabled)
          enable or disable showing of messages using growls
 void setGrowls(Growls growls)
 void setIdSequence(int idSequence)
          Setter for the current id sequence value
 void setItems(List<? extends Component> items)
          Setter for the view's Group instances
 void setMergeWithPageItems(boolean mergeWithPageItems)
          Setter for the include page default sections indicator
 void setNamespaceCode(String namespaceCode)
          Setter for the view's namespace code
 void setNavigation(Group navigation)
          Setter for the View's NavigationGroup
 void setNavigationBlockUI(BlockUI navigationBlockUI)
          Set the navigation BlockUI used with single page blocking (such as full page loading/saving)
 void setObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping(Map<String,Class<?>> objectPathToConcreteClassMapping)
          Setter for the Map of class implementations keyed by path
 void setPage(PageGroup page)
          Setter for the page group for single page views
 void setPersistFormToSession(boolean persistFormToSession)
          Setter for the persist form to session indicator
 void setPreloadPoolSize(int preloadPoolSize)
          Setter for the preloaded view pool size
 void setPreLoadScript(String preLoadScript)
          Setter for the pre load script
 void setPresentationController(ViewPresentationController presentationController)
          Setter for the view's presentation controller
 void setPresentationControllerClass(Class<? extends ViewPresentationController> presentationControllerClass)
          Setter for the view's presentation controller by class
 void setRefreshBlockUI(BlockUI refreshBlockUI)
          Set the refresh BlockUI used with single element blocking (such as ajax based element loading/updates)
 void setRenderBreadcrumbsInView(boolean renderBreadcrumbsInView)
          Setter for the render breadcrumbs in view indicator
 void setSinglePageView(boolean singlePageView)
          Setter for the single page indicator
 void setStateMapping(StateMapping stateMapping)
          Set the stateMapping
 void setStateObjectBindingPath(String stateObjectBindingPath)
          The stateObject's binding path, this will be used along with the StateMapping's statePropertyName to determine what field in the model state information is stored in for this view.
 void setSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields(boolean supportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields)
          Setter for the the read only field override indicator
 void setTheme(ViewTheme theme)
          Setter for The theme which contains stylesheets for this view
 void setTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay(boolean translateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay)
          Indicates whether the Name of the Code should be displayed when a property is of type KualiCode
 void setViewHelperServiceClass(Class<? extends ViewHelperService> viewHelperServiceClass)
          Setter for the ViewHelperService class name
 void setViewMenuGroupName(String viewMenuGroupName)
          Setter for the views menu grouping
 void setViewMenuLink(Link viewMenuLink)
          Setter for the views link field
 void setViewName(String viewName)
          Setter for the view's name
 void setViewRequestParameters(Map<String,String> viewRequestParameters)
          Setter for the view's request parameters map
 void setViewStatus(String viewStatus)
          Setter for the view status
 void setViewTemplates(List<String> viewTemplates)
          Setter for the the list of template names that should be included to render the view
 void setViewTypeName(UifConstants.ViewType viewTypeName)
          Setter for the view's type name
protected  void sortItems(View view, Object model)
          Override sort method to prevent sorting in the case of a single page view, since the items will get pushed into the configured page and sorted through the page
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.ContainerBase
getComponentPrototypes, getDefaultItemPosition, getFooter, getHeader, getHeaderText, getHelp, getHelpTitle, getInstructionalMessage, getInstructionalText, getLayoutManager, getValidationMessages, setDefaultItemPosition, setFooter, setHeader, setHeaderText, setHelp, setInstructionalMessage, setInstructionalText, setLayoutManager, setRenderFooter, setRenderHeader, setTooltipOfComponent, setValidationMessages
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addDataAttributeIfNonEmpty, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAlign, getAllDataAttributesJs, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellStyleClassesAsString, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComplexDataAttributesJs, getComponentModifiers, getComponentSecurity, getComponentSecurityClass, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getMethodToCallOnRefresh, getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getStyleClassesAsString, getTemplate, getTemplateName, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, isSkipInTabOrder, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, pushToPropertyReplacerContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, setFinalizeMethodInvoker, setFinalizeMethodToCall, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setMethodToCallOnRefresh, setOnBlurScript, setOnChangeScript, setOnClickScript, setOnCloseScript, setOnDblClickScript, setOnDocumentReadyScript, setOnFocusScript, setOnKeyDownScript, setOnKeyPressScript, setOnKeyUpScript, setOnLoadScript, setOnMouseDownScript, setOnMouseMoveScript, setOnMouseOutScript, setOnMouseOverScript, setOnMouseUpScript, setOnSubmitScript, setOnUnloadScript, setOrder, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setSkipInTabOrder, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateName, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBeanBase
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBeanBase
getComponentCode, setComponentCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
addCellCssClass, addDataAttribute, addStyleClass, appendToStyle, getAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, getAdditionalComponentsToRefreshJs, getAlign, getAllDataAttributesJs, getBaseId, getCellCssClasses, getCellStyle, getCellWidth, getColSpan, getComplexDataAttributesJs, getComponentModifiers, getComponentSecurity, getConditionalRefresh, getConditionalRefreshConditionJs, getConditionalRefreshControlNames, getContext, getCssClasses, getDataAttributes, getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, getFinalizeMethodInvoker, getFinalizeMethodToCall, getId, getOrder, getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs, getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames, getProgressiveRender, getPropertyReplacerComponents, getPropertyReplacers, getRefreshTimer, getRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, getRenderedHtmlOutput, getRequired, getRowSpan, getSimpleDataAttributes, getStyle, getTemplate, getTemplateOptions, getTemplateOptionsJSString, getTitle, getToolTip, getValign, getWidth, isDisableSessionPersistence, isDisclosedByAction, isForceSessionPersistence, isHidden, isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, isReadOnly, isRefreshedByAction, isRender, isResetDataOnRefresh, isSelfRendered, pushAllToContext, pushObjectToContext, setAdditionalComponentsToRefresh, setAlign, setBaseId, setCellCssClasses, setCellStyle, setCellWidth, setColSpan, setComponentModifiers, setComponentSecurity, setConditionalRefresh, setContext, setCssClasses, setDataAttributes, setDisableSessionPersistence, setDisclosedByAction, setForceSessionPersistence, setHidden, setId, setOrder, setProgressiveRender, setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh, setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX, setPropertyReplacers, setReadOnly, setRefreshedByAction, setRefreshTimer, setRefreshWhenChangedPropertyNames, setRender, setRenderedHtmlOutput, setRequired, setResetDataOnRefresh, setRowSpan, setSelfRendered, setStyle, setTemplate, setTemplateOptions, setTemplateOptionsJSString, setTitle, setToolTip, setValign, setWidth
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.uif.UifDictionaryBean
getExpressionGraph, getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, getRefreshExpressionGraph, setExpressionGraph, setPropertyExpressions, setRefreshExpressionGraph
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DictionaryBean
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ScriptEventSupport
getOnBlurScript, getOnChangeScript, getOnClickScript, getOnCloseScript, getOnDblClickScript, getOnDocumentReadyScript, getOnFocusScript, getOnKeyDownScript, getOnKeyPressScript, getOnKeyUpScript, getOnLoadScript, getOnMouseDownScript, getOnMouseMoveScript, getOnMouseOutScript, getOnMouseOverScript, getOnMouseUpScript, getOnSubmitScript, getOnUnloadScript, setOnBlurScript, setOnLoadScript

Constructor Detail


public View()
Method Detail


public void performInitialization(View view,
                                  Object model)
The following initialization is performed:

Specified by:
performInitialization in interface Component
performInitialization in class ContainerBase
view - - view instance in which the component belongs
model - - object instance containing the view data
See Also:
ContainerBase.performInitialization(View, java.lang.Object)


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Component parent)
The following updates are done here:

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface Component
performApplyModel in class ContainerBase
view - - view instance to which the component belongs
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)
See Also:
ComponentBase.performApplyModel(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public void performFinalize(View view,
                            Object model,
                            Component parent)
The following is performed:

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface Component
performFinalize in class ContainerBase
view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data
parent - - parent component
See Also:
ContainerBase.performFinalize(View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public void assignComponentIds(Component component)
Assigns an id to the component if one was not configured

component - - component instance to assign id to


public List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle

Used by ViewHelperService for the various lifecycle callbacks

Specified by:
getComponentsForLifecycle in interface Component
getComponentsForLifecycle in class ContainerBase
List child components
See Also:


public Set<Class<? extends Component>> getSupportedComponents()
Description copied from interface: Container
Set of Component classes that may be placed into the container

If an empty or null list is returned, it is assumed the container supports all components. The returned set will be used by dictionary validators and allows renders to make assumptions about the contained components

Set component classes
See Also:


public String getComponentTypeName()
Description copied from interface: Component
The name for the component type

This is used within the rendering layer to pass the component instance into the template. The component instance is exported under the name given by this method.

String type name
See Also:


public PageGroup getCurrentPage()
Iterates through the contained page items and returns the Page that matches the set current page id

Page instance


protected void sortItems(View view,
                         Object model)
Override sort method to prevent sorting in the case of a single page view, since the items will get pushed into the configured page and sorted through the page

sortItems in class ContainerBase
view - view instance containing the container
model - model object containing the view data


public String getNamespaceCode()
Namespace code the view should be associated with

The namespace code is used within the framework in such places as permission checks and parameter retrieval

Specified by:
getNamespaceCode in interface DictionaryBean
getNamespaceCode in class DictionaryBeanBase
String namespace code
See Also:


public void setNamespaceCode(String namespaceCode)
Setter for the view's namespace code

setNamespaceCode in class DictionaryBeanBase
namespaceCode -


public String getViewName()
View name provides an identifier for a view within a type. That is if a set of View instances have the same values for the properties that are used to retrieve them by their type, the name can be given to further qualify the view that should be retrieved.

A view type like the LookupView might have several views for the same object class, but one that is the 'default' lookup and another that is the 'advanced' lookup. Therefore the name on the first could be set to 'default', and likewise the name for the second 'advanced'.

String name of view


public void setViewName(String viewName)
Setter for the view's name

viewName -


public Header getApplicationHeader()
Header for the application containing the view

When deploying outside a portal, the application header and footer property can be configured to display a consistent header/footer across all views. Here application logos, menus, login controls and so on can be rendered.

HeaderField application header


public void setApplicationHeader(Header applicationHeader)
Setter for the application header

applicationHeader -


public Group getApplicationFooter()
Footer for the application containing the view

When deploying outside a portal, the application header and footer property can be configured to display a consistent header/footer across all views. Here such things as application links, copyrights and so on can be rendered.

Group application footer


public void setApplicationFooter(Group applicationFooter)
Setter for the application footer

applicationFooter -


public int getIdSequence()
Current sequence value for id assignment

int id sequence


public void setIdSequence(int idSequence)
Setter for the current id sequence value

idSequence -


public String getNextId()
Returns the next unique id available for components within the view instance

String next id available


public String getEntryPageId()
Specifies what page should be rendered by default. This is the page that will be rendered when the View is first rendered or when the current page is not set

String id of the page to render by default


public void setEntryPageId(String entryPageId)
Setter for default Page id

entryPageId -


public String getCurrentPageId()
The id for the page within the view that should be displayed in the UI. Other pages of the view will not be rendered

If current page id is not set, it is set to the configured entry page or first item in list id

String id of the page that should be displayed


public void setCurrentPageId(String currentPageId)
Setter for the page id to display

currentPageId -


public Group getNavigation()
NavigationGroup instance for the View

Provides configuration necessary to render the navigation. This includes navigation items in addition to configuration for the navigation renderer.



public void setNavigation(Group navigation)
Setter for the View's NavigationGroup

navigation -


public Class<?> getFormClass()
Class of the Form that should be used with the View instance. The form is the top level object for all the view's data and is used to present and accept data in the user interface. All form classes should extend UifFormBase

Class class for the view's form
See Also:


public void setFormClass(Class<?> formClass)
Setter for the form class

formClass -


public String getDefaultBindingObjectPath()
For View types that work primarily with one nested object of the form (for instance document, or bo) the default binding object path can be set for each of the views DataBinding components. If the component does not set its own binding object path it will inherit the default

String binding path to the object from the form


public void setDefaultBindingObjectPath(String defaultBindingObjectPath)
Setter for the default binding object path to use for the view

defaultBindingObjectPath -


public Map<String,Class<?>> getObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping()
Configures the concrete classes that will be used for properties in the form object graph that have an abstract or interface type

For properties that have an abstract or interface type, it is not possible to perform operations like getting/settings property values and getting information from the dictionary. When these properties are encountered in the object graph, this Map will be consulted to determine the concrete type to use.

e.g. Suppose we have a property document.accountingLine.accountNumber and the accountingLine property on the document instance has an interface type 'AccountingLine'. We can then put an entry into this map with key 'document.accountingLine', and value 'org.kuali.rice.sampleapp.TravelAccountingLine'. When getting the property type or an entry from the dictionary for accountNumber, the TravelAccountingLine class will be used.

Map of class implementations keyed by path


public void setObjectPathToConcreteClassMapping(Map<String,Class<?>> objectPathToConcreteClassMapping)
Setter for the Map of class implementations keyed by path

objectPathToConcreteClassMapping -


public List<String> getAdditionalScriptFiles()
Declares additional script files that should be included with the View. These files are brought into the HTML page along with common script files configured for the Rice application. Each entry contain the path to the CSS file, either a relative path, path from web root, or full URI

e.g. '/krad/scripts/myScript.js', '../scripts/myScript.js', ''

List script file locations


public void setAdditionalScriptFiles(List<String> additionalScriptFiles)
Setter for the List of additional script files to included with the View

additionalScriptFiles -


public List<String> getAdditionalCssFiles()
Declares additional CSS files that should be included with the View. These files are brought into the HTML page along with common CSS files configured for the Rice application. Each entry should contain the path to the CSS file, either a relative path, path from web root, or full URI

e.g. '/krad/css/stacked-view.css', '../css/stacked-view.css', ''

List CSS file locations


public void setAdditionalCssFiles(List<String> additionalCssFiles)
Setter for the List of additional CSS files to included with the View

additionalCssFiles -


public int getPreloadPoolSize()
Specifies the size of the pool that will contain pre-loaded views

The spring loading of some views can take a few seconds which hurts performance. The framework supports pre-loading of view instances so they are available right away when a request is made. This property configures how many view instances will be pre-loaded. A value of 0 (the default) means no view instances will be pre-loaded

int number of view instances to pre-load


public void setPreloadPoolSize(int preloadPoolSize)
Setter for the preloaded view pool size

preloadPoolSize -


public List<String> getViewTemplates()
List of templates that are used to render the view

This list will be populated by unique template names as the components of the view are being processed. Additional templates can be added in the view configuration if desired. At the beginning of the the view rendering, each template in the list will then be included or processed by the template language

Note the user of this depends on the template language being used for rendering. Some languages might require including the template for each component instance (for example JSP templates). While others might simply include markup that is then available for rendering each component instance (for example FreeMarker which has a macro for each component that the template defines)

List list of template names that should be included for rendering the view


public void setViewTemplates(List<String> viewTemplates)
Setter for the the list of template names that should be included to render the view

viewTemplates -


public UifConstants.ViewType getViewTypeName()
View type name the view is associated with the view instance

Views that share common features and functionality can be grouped by the view type. Usually view types extend the View class to provide additional configuration and to set defaults. View types can also implement the ViewTypeService to add special indexing and retrieval of views.

String view type name for the view


public void setViewTypeName(UifConstants.ViewType viewTypeName)
Setter for the view's type name

viewTypeName -


public Class<? extends ViewHelperService> getViewHelperServiceClass()
Class name of the ViewHelperService that handles the various phases of the Views lifecycle

Class for the spring bean
See Also:


public void setViewHelperServiceClass(Class<? extends ViewHelperService> viewHelperServiceClass)
Setter for the ViewHelperService class name

viewHelperServiceClass -


public ViewHelperService getViewHelperService()
Creates the ViewHelperService associated with the View

ViewHelperService instance


public void index()
Invoked to produce a ViewIndex of the current view's components


public ViewIndex getViewIndex()
Holds field indexes of the View instance for retrieval

ViewIndex instance


public Map<String,String> getViewRequestParameters()
Map of parameters from the request that set view options, used to rebuild the view on each post

Views can be configured by parameters. These might impact which parts of the view are rendered or how the view behaves. Generally these would get passed in when a new view is requested (by request parameters). These will be used to initially populate the view properties. In addition, on a post the view will be rebuilt and properties reset again by the allow request parameters.

Example parameter would be for MaintenaceView whether a New, Edit, or Copy was requested (maintenance mode)



public void setViewRequestParameters(Map<String,String> viewRequestParameters)
Setter for the view's request parameters map

viewRequestParameters -


public boolean isPersistFormToSession()
Indicates whether the form (model) associated with the view should be stored in the user session

The form class (or model) is used to hold the data that backs the view along with the built view object. Storing the form instance in session allows many things:

Setting this flag to false will prevent the form from being kept in session and as a result will limit what can be done by the framework. In almost all cases this is not recommended.

Note all forms will be cleared when the user session expires (based on the rice configuration). In addition, the framework enables clear points on certain actions to remove the form when it is no longer needed

boolean true if the form should be stored in the user session, false if only request based


public void setPersistFormToSession(boolean persistFormToSession)
Setter for the persist form to session indicator

persistFormToSession -


public ViewPresentationController getPresentationController()
PresentationController that should be used for the View instance

The presentation controller is consulted to determine component (group, field) state such as required, read-only, and hidden. The presentation controller does not take into account user permissions. The presentation controller can also output action flags and edit modes that will be set onto the view instance and can be referred to by conditional expressions



public void setPresentationController(ViewPresentationController presentationController)
Setter for the view's presentation controller

presentationController -


public void setPresentationControllerClass(Class<? extends ViewPresentationController> presentationControllerClass)
Setter for the view's presentation controller by class

presentationControllerClass -


public ViewAuthorizer getAuthorizer()
Authorizer that should be used for the View instance

The authorizer class is consulted to determine component (group, field) state such as required, read-only, and hidden based on the users permissions. It typically communicates with the Kuali Identity Management system to determine roles and permissions. It is used with the presentation controller and dictionary conditional logic to determine the final component state. The authorizer can also output action flags and edit modes that will be set onto the view instance and can be referred to by conditional expressions



public void setAuthorizer(ViewAuthorizer authorizer)
Setter for the view's authorizer

authorizer -


public void setAuthorizerClass(Class<? extends ViewAuthorizer> authorizerClass)
Setter for the view's authorizer by class

authorizerClass -


public BooleanMap getActionFlags()
Map of strings that flag what actions can be taken in the UI

These can be used in conditional expressions in the dictionary or by other UI logic

BooleanMap action flags


public void setActionFlags(BooleanMap actionFlags)
Setter for the action flags Map

actionFlags -


public BooleanMap getEditModes()
Map of edit modes that enabled for the view

These can be used in conditional expressions in the dictionary or by other UI logic

BooleanMap edit modes


public void setEditModes(BooleanMap editModes)
Setter for the edit modes Map

editModes -


public Map<String,String> getExpressionVariables()
Map that contains expressions to evaluate and make available as variables for conditional expressions within the view

Each Map entry contains one expression variables, where the map key gives the name for the variable, and the map value gives the variable expression. The variables expressions will be evaluated before conditional logic is run and made available as variables for other conditional expressions. Variable expressions can be based on the model and any object contained in the view's context

Map variable expressions


public void setExpressionVariables(Map<String,String> expressionVariables)
Setter for the view's map of variable expressions

expressionVariables -


public boolean isSinglePageView()
Indicates whether the View only has a single page Group or contains multiple page Group instances. In the case of a single page it is assumed the group's items list contains the section groups for the page, and the page itself is given by the page property (getPage(). This is for convenience of configuration and also can drive other configuration like styling.

boolean true if the view only contains one page group, false if it contains multple pages


public void setSinglePageView(boolean singlePageView)
Setter for the single page indicator

singlePageView -


public boolean isMergeWithPageItems()
Indicates whether the default sections specified in the page items list should be included for this view. This only applies to single paged views.

boolean true if the view should contain the default sections specified in the page


public void setMergeWithPageItems(boolean mergeWithPageItems)
Setter for the include page default sections indicator

mergeWithPageItems -


public PageGroup getPage()
For single paged views (isSinglePageView(), gives the page Group the view should render. The actual items for the page is taken from the group's items list (getItems(), and set onto the give page group. This is for convenience of configuration.

Group page group for single page views


public void setPage(PageGroup page)
Setter for the page group for single page views

page -


public List<? extends Group> getItems()
Description copied from interface: Container
List of Component instances that are held by the container

Contained components are rendered within the section template by calling the associated LayoutManager.

Specified by:
getItems in interface Container
Specified by:
getItems in class ContainerBase
List component instances
See Also:


public void setItems(List<? extends Component> items)
Setter for the view's Group instances

Specified by:
setItems in interface Container
Specified by:
setItems in class ContainerBase
items -


public List<? extends Group> getDialogs()
Provide a list of dialog groups associated with this view

List of dialog Groups


public void setDialogs(List<? extends Group> dialogs)
Sets the list of dialog groups for this view

dialogs - - List of dialog groups


public Link getViewMenuLink()
Provides configuration for displaying a link to the view from an application menu

Link view link field


public void setViewMenuLink(Link viewMenuLink)
Setter for the views link field

viewMenuLink -


public String getViewMenuGroupName()
Provides a grouping string for the view to group its menu link (within a portal for instance)

String menu grouping


public void setViewMenuGroupName(String viewMenuGroupName)
Setter for the views menu grouping

viewMenuGroupName -


public String getViewStatus()
Indicates what lifecycle phase the View instance is in

The view lifecycle begins with the CREATED status. In this status a new instance of the view has been retrieved from the dictionary, but no further processing has been done. After the initialize phase has been run the status changes to INITIALIZED. After the model has been applied and the view is ready for render the status changes to FINAL

String view status
See Also:


public void setViewStatus(String viewStatus)
Setter for the view status

viewStatus -


public boolean isInitialized()
Indicates whether the view has been initialized

boolean true if the view has been initialized, false if not


public boolean isFinal()
Indicates whether the view has been updated from the model and final updates made

boolean true if the view has been updated, false if not


public BreadCrumbs getBreadcrumbs()
Breadcrumb widget used for displaying homeward path and history

the breadcrumbs


public void setBreadcrumbs(BreadCrumbs breadcrumbs)
breadcrumbs - the breadcrumbs to set


public boolean isRenderBreadcrumbsInView()
Indicates whether the breadcrumbs should be rendered in the view or if they have been rendered in the application header

For layout purposes it is sometimes necessary to render the breadcrumbs in the application header. This flag indicates that is being done (by setting to false) and therefore should not be rendered in the view template.

boolean true if breadcrumbs should be rendered in the view, false if not (are rendered in the application header)


public void setRenderBreadcrumbsInView(boolean renderBreadcrumbsInView)
Setter for the render breadcrumbs in view indicator

renderBreadcrumbsInView -


public Growls getGrowls()
Growls widget which sets up global settings for the growls used in this view and its pages

the growls


public void setGrowls(Growls growls)
growls - the growls to set


public void setRefreshBlockUI(BlockUI refreshBlockUI)
Set the refresh BlockUI used with single element blocking (such as ajax based element loading/updates)

refreshBlockUI -


public BlockUI getRefreshBlockUI()
BlockUI returns the refresh block object


public void setNavigationBlockUI(BlockUI navigationBlockUI)
Set the navigation BlockUI used with single page blocking (such as full page loading/saving)

navigationBlockUI -


public BlockUI getNavigationBlockUI()
BlockUI returns the navigation block object


public boolean isGrowlMessagingEnabled()
whether to use growls to show messages - info, warning and error

Growls use the messages contained in the message map. If enabled, info messages in their entirety will be displayed in growls, for warning and error messages a growl message will notify the user that these messages exist on the page.

If this setting is disabled, it is recommended that infoMessage display be enabled for the page ValidationMessages bean in order to display relevant information to the user. Note: the growl scripts are built out in the PageGroup class.

the growlMessagingEnabled


public void setGrowlMessagingEnabled(boolean growlMessagingEnabled)
enable or disable showing of messages using growls

growlMessagingEnabled - the growlMessagingEnabled to set


public boolean isApplyDirtyCheck()
Indicates whether the form should be validated for dirtyness

For FormView, it's necessary to validate when the user tries to navigate out of the form. If set, all the InputFields will be validated on refresh, navigate, cancel or close Action or on form unload and if dirty, displays a message and user can decide whether to continue with the action or stay on the form. For lookup and inquiry, it's not needed to validate.

true if dirty validation is set


public void setApplyDirtyCheck(boolean applyDirtyCheck)
Setter for dirty validation.


public void setTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay(boolean translateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay)
Indicates whether the Name of the Code should be displayed when a property is of type KualiCode

translateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay - - indicates whether KualiCode's name should be included


public boolean isTranslateCodesOnReadOnlyDisplay()
Returns whether the current view supports displaying KualiCode's name as additional display value

true if the current view supports


public String getBreadcrumbTitlePropertyName()
The property name to be used to determine what will be used in the breadcrumb title of this view

The title can be determined from a combination of this and viewLabelFieldbindingInfo: If only viewLabelFieldPropertyName is set, the title we be determined against the defaultBindingObjectPath. If only viewLabelFieldbindingInfo is set it must provide information about what object(bindToForm or explicit) and path to use. If both viewLabelFieldbindingInfo and viewLabelFieldPropertyName are set, the bindingInfo will be used with a the viewLabelFieldPropertyName as its bindingPath. If neither are set, the default title attribute from the dataObject's metadata (determined by the defaultBindingObjectPath's object) will be used.

String property name whose value should be displayed in view label


public void setBreadcrumbTitlePropertyName(String breadcrumbTitlePropertyName)
Setter for the view label property name

breadcrumbTitlePropertyName - the viewLabelFieldPropertyName to set


public String getBreadcrumbTitleDisplayOption()
The option to use when appending the view label on the breadcrumb title. Available options: 'dash', 'parenthesis', and 'replace'(don't append - simply replace the title). MUST be set for the viewLabelField to be used in the breadcrumb, if not set no appendage will be added.

the appendOption


public void setBreadcrumbTitleDisplayOption(String breadcrumbTitleDisplayOption)
Setter for the append option

breadcrumbTitleDisplayOption - the appendOption to set


public boolean isSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields()
Indicates whether the view allows read only fields to be specified on the request URL which will override the view setting

If enabled, the readOnlyFields request parameter can be sent to indicate fields that should be set read only

boolean true if read only request overrides are allowed, false if not


public void setSupportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields(boolean supportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields)
Setter for the the read only field override indicator

supportsRequestOverrideOfReadOnlyFields -


public String getPreLoadScript()
Script that is executed at the beginning of page load (before any other script)

Many used to set server variables client side

String pre load script


public void setPreLoadScript(String preLoadScript)
Setter for the pre load script

preLoadScript -


public ViewTheme getTheme()
The theme which contains stylesheets for this view



public void setTheme(ViewTheme theme)
Setter for The theme which contains stylesheets for this view


public String getStateObjectBindingPath()
The stateObject's binding path, this will be used along with the StateMapping's statePropertyName to determine what field in the model state information is stored in for this view. Used during View validation.

stateObjectBindingPath path to the object storing state information


public void setStateObjectBindingPath(String stateObjectBindingPath)
The stateObject's binding path, this will be used along with the StateMapping's statePropertyName to determine what field in the model state information is stored in for this view. Used during View validation.

stateObjectBindingPath -


public StateMapping getStateMapping()
Gets the stateMapping.

The state mapping object is used to determine the state information for a view, it must include an ordered list of states, and where to find the state information for the view. A stateMapping must be set for state based validation to occur. When stateMapping information is not included, the view's model is considered stateless and all constraints will apply regardless of their state information or replacements (ie, they will function as they did in version 2.1).

StateMapping information needed for state based validation, if null no state based validation functionality will exist and configured constraints will apply regardless of state


public void setStateMapping(StateMapping stateMapping)
Set the stateMapping

stateMapping -


public void completeValidation(ValidationTrace tracer)
Description copied from interface: Component
Validates different requirements of component compiling a series of reports detailing information on errors found in the component. Used by the RiceDictionaryValidator.

Specified by:
completeValidation in interface Component
completeValidation in class ContainerBase
tracer - Record of component's location
See Also:

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