Class ViewAuthorizerBase

  extended by
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewAuthorizerBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DataObjectAuthorizer, ViewAuthorizer
Direct Known Subclasses:
DocumentViewAuthorizerBase, InquiryViewAuthorizerBase, LookupViewAuthorizerBase

public class ViewAuthorizerBase
extends DataObjectAuthorizerBase
implements ViewAuthorizer

Implementation of ViewAuthorizer that verifies authorization with KIM permission checks

Each permission goes through one of the isAuthorized methods provided by DataObjectAuthorizer, these in turn call DataObjectAuthorizerBase.addPermissionDetails(Object, java.util.Map) and DataObjectAuthorizerBase.addRoleQualification(Object, java.util.Map) for building the permission and role maps to send with the permission check. Subclasses can override these methods to add additional attributes

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean canEditField(View view, ViewModel model, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean canEditGroup(View view, ViewModel model, Group group, String groupId, Person user)
 boolean canEditLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean canEditLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean canEditView(View view, ViewModel model, Person user)
          Checks for an edit view permission for the view id, and if found verifies the user has that permission
 boolean canEditWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
 boolean canOpenView(View view, ViewModel model, Person user)
          Checks for an open view permission for the view id, and if found verifies the user has that permission
 boolean canPartialUnmaskField(View view, ViewModel model, DataField field, String propertyName, Person user)
          Checks whether the partial mask authorization exists for the given property and if so whether the given user has the ability to unmask the value
 boolean canPerformAction(View view, ViewModel model, Action action, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean canPerformLineAction(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Action action, String actionEvent, String actionId, Person user)
 boolean canUnmaskField(View view, ViewModel model, DataField field, String propertyName, Person user)
          Checks whether the mask authorization exists for the given property and if so whether the given user has the ability to unmask the value
 boolean canViewField(View view, ViewModel model, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean canViewGroup(View view, ViewModel model, Group group, String groupId, Person user)
 boolean canViewLine(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Person user)
 boolean canViewLineField(View view, ViewModel model, CollectionGroup collectionGroup, String collectionPropertyName, Object line, Field field, String propertyName, Person user)
 boolean canViewWidget(View view, ViewModel model, Widget widget, String widgetId, Person user)
 Set<String> getActionFlags(View view, ViewModel model, Person user, Set<String> actions)
          Returns the set of action flags that are authorized for the given user
protected  Map<String,String> getActionPermissionDetails(View view, Object dataObject, Action action)
          Builds the permission details map for an action which includes the namespace, view id, and action id and event
protected  ConfigurationService getConfigurationService()
protected  Object getDataObjectContext(View view, ViewModel model)
          Retrieves the object from the model that is used as the context for permission checks
 Set<String> getEditModes(View view, ViewModel model, Person user, Set<String> editModes)
          Returns the set of edit modes that are authorized for the given user
protected  Map<String,String> getFieldPermissionDetails(View view, Object dataObject, Field field)
          Builds the permission details map for a field which includes the component namespace, component name, and field id, in addition to property name for data binding fields
protected  Map<String,String> getGroupPermissionDetails(View view, Object dataObject, Group group)
          Builds the permission details map for a group which includes the component namespace, component name, and group id, in addition to property name for collection groups
protected  Map<String,String> getWidgetPermissionDetails(View view, Object dataObject, Widget widget)
          Builds the permission details map for a widget which includes the namespace, view id, and widget id
protected  boolean isAuthorizedByTemplate(View view, Component component, ViewModel model, String permissionTemplateName, Person user, Map<String,String> additionalPermissionDetails, Map<String,String> additionalRoleQualifications, boolean checkPermissionExistence)
          Performs a permission check for the given template name in the context of the given view and component
 void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService)
Methods inherited from class
addPermissionDetails, addRoleQualification, getPermissionDetailValues, getPermissionService, getPersonService, getRoleQualification, isAuthorized, isAuthorized, isAuthorizedByTemplate, isAuthorizedByTemplate, permissionExistsByTemplate, permissionExistsByTemplate, permissionExistsByTemplate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ViewAuthorizerBase()
Method Detail


public Set<String> getActionFlags(View view,
                                  ViewModel model,
                                  Person user,
                                  Set<String> actions)
Description copied from interface: ViewAuthorizer
Returns the set of action flags that are authorized for the given user

Action flags are created for views to indicate some action or feature should be enabled. These flags can be used within expressions for configuring the view content. For example:

For each action flag, KIM is consulted to determine if a permission exist for the template associated with the action flag. If so, a check is then made to determine if the user has that permission. If the permission fails for the user, the action flag is removed from the returned set.

The Set of available action flags should first be exported by the ViewPresentationController.getActionFlags(View, org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase) method. The set returned from this method will be passed as the method argument here by the framework.

Specified by:
getActionFlags in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance the action flags apply to
model - - object containing the view data
user - - user we are authorizing the actions for
actions - - set of action flags to authorize
Set set of action flags that have been authorized, this will be equal to or a subset of the actions passed in
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer#getActionFlags(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel,, java.util.Set)


public Set<String> getEditModes(View view,
                                ViewModel model,
                                Person user,
                                Set<String> editModes)
Description copied from interface: ViewAuthorizer
Returns the set of edit modes that are authorized for the given user

An edit mode is a string that identifies a set of editable fields within the view. These are generally used when the entire view is not editable, but only certain fields. A field can be associated with an edit mode in two ways. The first is by using the edit mode in an expression when setting the field readOnly property. For example: The second way is with the ViewPresentationController.canEditField(View, ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.Field, String) method which can look at the edit modes map on the view to determine if the given field should be editable.

For each edit mode, KIM is consulted to determine if a permission exist for the 'Use View' template and the edit mode detail. If so, a check is then made to determine if the user has that permission. If the permission fails for the user, the edit mode is removed from the returned set.

The Set of available edit modes should first be exported by the ViewPresentationController.getEditModes(View, org.kuali.rice.krad.web.form.UifFormBase) method. The set returned from this method will be passed as the method argument here by the framework.

Specified by:
getEditModes in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance the edit modes apply to
model - - object containing the view data
user - - user we are authorizing the actions for
editModes - - set of edit modes to authorize
Set set of edit modes that have been authorized, this will be equal to or a subset of the edit mode set passed in
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer#getEditModes(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel,, java.util.Set)


public boolean canOpenView(View view,
                           ViewModel model,
                           Person user)
Checks for an open view permission for the view id, and if found verifies the user has that permission

Specified by:
canOpenView in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance to check authorization for
model - - object containing the view data
user - - user to authorize
boolean true if the user is authorized to open the view, false otherwise
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canOpenView(View, ViewModel,


public boolean canEditView(View view,
                           ViewModel model,
                           Person user)
Checks for an edit view permission for the view id, and if found verifies the user has that permission

Specified by:
canEditView in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance to check authorization for
model - - object containing the view data
user - - user to authorize
boolean true if the user is authorized to edit the view, false otherwise
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canEditView(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel,


public boolean canUnmaskField(View view,
                              ViewModel model,
                              DataField field,
                              String propertyName,
                              Person user)
Description copied from interface: ViewAuthorizer
Checks whether the mask authorization exists for the given property and if so whether the given user has the ability to unmask the value

Specified by:
canUnmaskField in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance the field belongs to
model - - object containing the view data
field - - field associated for the property and from which the ComponentSecurity will be retrieved
propertyName - - name of the property associated with the field
user - - user we are authorizing
boolean true if the value can be unmasked, false if it should be masked
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canUnmaskField(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.DataField, java.lang.String,


public boolean canPartialUnmaskField(View view,
                                     ViewModel model,
                                     DataField field,
                                     String propertyName,
                                     Person user)
Description copied from interface: ViewAuthorizer
Checks whether the partial mask authorization exists for the given property and if so whether the given user has the ability to unmask the value

Specified by:
canPartialUnmaskField in interface ViewAuthorizer
view - - view instance the field belongs to
model - - object containing the view data
field - - field associated for the property and from which the ComponentSecurity will be retrieved
propertyName - - name of the property associated with the field
user - - user we are authorizing
boolean true if the value can be unmasked, false if it should be partially masked
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canPartialUnmaskField(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.DataField, java.lang.String,


public boolean canEditField(View view,
                            ViewModel model,
                            Field field,
                            String propertyName,
                            Person user)
Specified by:
canEditField in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canEditField(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.Field, java.lang.String,


public boolean canViewField(View view,
                            ViewModel model,
                            Field field,
                            String propertyName,
                            Person user)
Specified by:
canViewField in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canViewField(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.field.Field, java.lang.String,


public boolean canEditGroup(View view,
                            ViewModel model,
                            Group group,
                            String groupId,
                            Person user)
Specified by:
canEditGroup in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canEditGroup(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Group, java.lang.String,


public boolean canViewGroup(View view,
                            ViewModel model,
                            Group group,
                            String groupId,
                            Person user)
Specified by:
canViewGroup in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canViewGroup(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.container.Group, java.lang.String,


public boolean canEditWidget(View view,
                             ViewModel model,
                             Widget widget,
                             String widgetId,
                             Person user)
Specified by:
canEditWidget in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canEditWidget(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.Widget, java.lang.String,


public boolean canViewWidget(View view,
                             ViewModel model,
                             Widget widget,
                             String widgetId,
                             Person user)
Specified by:
canViewWidget in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canViewWidget(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.widget.Widget, java.lang.String,


public boolean canPerformAction(View view,
                                ViewModel model,
                                Action action,
                                String actionEvent,
                                String actionId,
                                Person user)
Specified by:
canPerformAction in interface ViewAuthorizer
See Also:
ViewAuthorizer.canPerformAction(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.ViewModel, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.element.Action, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,


public boolean canEditLine(View view,
                           ViewModel model,
                           CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                           String collectionPropertyName,
                           Object line,
                           Person user)
Specified by:
canEditLine in interface ViewAuthorizer


public boolean canViewLine(View view,
                           ViewModel model,
                           CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                           String collectionPropertyName,
                           Object line,
                           Person user)
Specified by:
canViewLine in interface ViewAuthorizer


public boolean canEditLineField(View view,
                                ViewModel model,
                                CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                String collectionPropertyName,
                                Object line,
                                Field field,
                                String propertyName,
                                Person user)
Specified by:
canEditLineField in interface ViewAuthorizer


public boolean canViewLineField(View view,
                                ViewModel model,
                                CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                String collectionPropertyName,
                                Object line,
                                Field field,
                                String propertyName,
                                Person user)
Specified by:
canViewLineField in interface ViewAuthorizer


public boolean canPerformLineAction(View view,
                                    ViewModel model,
                                    CollectionGroup collectionGroup,
                                    String collectionPropertyName,
                                    Object line,
                                    Action action,
                                    String actionEvent,
                                    String actionId,
                                    Person user)
Specified by:
canPerformLineAction in interface ViewAuthorizer


protected Object getDataObjectContext(View view,
                                      ViewModel model)
Retrieves the object from the model that is used as the context for permission checks

Used to derive namespace and component details. Subclasses can override to return the object to be used

view - - view instance the permission checks are being done for
model - - model object containing the data and from which the data object should be pulled
Object data object instance to use


protected Map<String,String> getFieldPermissionDetails(View view,
                                                       Object dataObject,
                                                       Field field)
Builds the permission details map for a field which includes the component namespace, component name, and field id, in addition to property name for data binding fields

view - - view instance the field belongs to
dataObject - - default object from the data model (used for subclasses to build details)
field - - field instance the details are being built for
Map permission details for the field


protected Map<String,String> getGroupPermissionDetails(View view,
                                                       Object dataObject,
                                                       Group group)
Builds the permission details map for a group which includes the component namespace, component name, and group id, in addition to property name for collection groups

view - - view instance the group belongs to
dataObject - - default object from the data model (used for subclasses to build details)
group - - group instance the details are being built for
Map permission details for the group


protected Map<String,String> getWidgetPermissionDetails(View view,
                                                        Object dataObject,
                                                        Widget widget)
Builds the permission details map for a widget which includes the namespace, view id, and widget id

view - - view instance the widget belongs to
dataObject - - default object from the data model (used for subclasses to build details)
widget - - group instance the details are being built for
Map permission details for group


protected Map<String,String> getActionPermissionDetails(View view,
                                                        Object dataObject,
                                                        Action action)
Builds the permission details map for an action which includes the namespace, view id, and action id and event

view - - view instance the widget belongs to
dataObject - - default object from the data model (used for subclasses to build details)
action - - action instance the details are being built for
Map permission details for action


protected boolean isAuthorizedByTemplate(View view,
                                         Component component,
                                         ViewModel model,
                                         String permissionTemplateName,
                                         Person user,
                                         Map<String,String> additionalPermissionDetails,
                                         Map<String,String> additionalRoleQualifications,
                                         boolean checkPermissionExistence)
Performs a permission check for the given template name in the context of the given view and component

First standard permission details are added based on the type of component the permission check is being done for. Then the ComponentSecurity of the given component is used to pick up additional permission details and role qualifiers.

view - - view instance the component belongs to
component - - component instance the permission check is being done for
model - - object containing the views data
permissionTemplateName - - template name for the permission to check
user - - user to perform the authorization for
additionalPermissionDetails - - additional key/value pairs to pass with the permission details
additionalRoleQualifications - - additional key/value paris to pass with the role qualifiers
checkPermissionExistence - - boolean indicating whether the existence of the permission should be checked before performing the authorization
boolean indicating whether the user has authorization, this will be the case if the user has been granted the permission or checkPermissionExistence is true and the permission does not exist


protected ConfigurationService getConfigurationService()


public void setConfigurationService(ConfigurationService configurationService)

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