Kuali Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT Release Notes

Released: 11-09-2012

Table of Contents

Release Highlights
Upgrade Guide: Rice 2.1.0 to Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT
Upgrading the server database
Client Database Upgrade
Items Addressed in Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT
Bug Fix


Welcome to Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT!

Release Highlights

Highlights of this release include:

  • Addition of maven archetype for simpler project creation. See the Installation Guide for more information on how to use.
  • Application Document Status functionality was enhanced to provide better document search integration.
  • Numerous bug fixes. See below for details.
  • Documentation updates


Kuali Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded from the Rice website at http://kuali.org/rice/download.

There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.

Applications can also consume Rice from the maven site at http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|org.kuali.rice.


API Documentation can be found at http://site.kuali.org/rice/2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT/apidocs/index.html

Formal documentation can be found at http://site.kuali.org/rice/2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT/reference/html/portal.html. This documentation is still in the process of review and update which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.


If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on our public collaboration mailing list at . Please indicate that you are using the 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT version of Rice.

Upgrade Guide: Rice 2.1.0 to Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT


We recommend backing up your database before performing any upgrade!

Upgrading the server database

MySQL and Oracle scripts for performing these updates are available in the following locations in the Rice distribution downloads:


scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/final/update_final_mysql.sql


scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/final/update_final_oracle.sql

Client Database Upgrade

There was a MySQL-specific issue that affected a client table, therefore you only need to run a client upgrade script for MySQL.


scripts/upgrades/2.1.0 to 2.1.2/final/update_client_final_mysql.sql

Items Addressed in Rice 2.2.0-M5-SNAPSHOT

Bug Fix

  • [KULRICE-6938] - Adhoc Group Request results in stack trace

  • [KULRICE-6943] - Derived components are not showing the namespace in lookup or inquiry screens

  • [KULRICE-7045] - Group Viewer ID is mistakenly included on the "basic" doc search

  • [KULRICE-7089] - KNS version of MaintenanceDocumentPresentationControllerBase references KRAD MaintenanceDocument vs KNS MaintenanceDocument

  • [KULRICE-7096] - Detailed Document Search for PURAP - Application Document Status should be multiselect control to allow selection of multiple values for search.

  • [KULRICE-7303] - Able to add assignees to Derived Roles

  • [KULRICE-7335] - Env1: NPE trying to put message in queue from Quartz link

  • [KULRICE-7346] - KREW_RTE_NODE_T / ACTVN_TYP seems to be wrong size in Rice master data source

  • [KULRICE-7349] - PeopleFlow: UI allows attempted creation of duplicate PeopleFlows

  • [KULRICE-7376] - APPL_ID length is inconsistent

  • [KULRICE-7378] - MySQL Upgrade script for Rice 2.0 is dropping not null constraints

  • [KULRICE-7412] - KREW_HLP_T and KREW_HLP_S Still in master datasource and should not be

  • [KULRICE-7440] - KRMS_CNTXT_TERM_SPEC_PREREQ_S is still in master datasource

  • [KULRICE-7442] - Searching on component on parameter lookup returns no results.

  • [KULRICE-7465] - CoreServiceRemoteModuleService needs to support more EBOs

  • [KULRICE-7487] - Lookup links on Role document not functioning and appearing in too many places

  • [KULRICE-7494] - Document Search URLs are broken for non-Rice custom searches

  • [KULRICE-7501] - Lookups/Edit failing due to creation of child Interface object

  • [KULRICE-7502] - ObjectUtils could not create Object from a collection property with null value

  • [KULRICE-7503] - Document search not defaulting from date when document type entered

  • [KULRICE-7508] - Attempting to lookup groups by group type Organization Group results in stack trace

  • [KULRICE-7509] - Rice KIM documents stay editable after submission

  • [KULRICE-7546] - When doing a lookup from Detailed Doc Search, you are returned to Basic Doc Search

  • [KULRICE-7557] - Large attachments on notes and attachments framework cause exceptions

  • [KULRICE-7570] - Unable to edit groups with the KFS Organization Group type

  • [KULRICE-7571] - Entering an document type qualifier on a Role document causes stack trace on add

  • [KULRICE-7579] - Remoting of WorkflowRuleAttribute does not appear to be working well because WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService does not appear to be hooked up properly

  • [KULRICE-7580] - BO Notes are not brought from original document to the new document.

  • [KULRICE-7604] - County (not Country) maintenance document allowing bad state data

  • [KULRICE-7605] - Person and Role document broken when displaying data with role that has namespace qualifier

  • [KULRICE-7608] - Dynamic role membership being cached incorrectly

  • [KULRICE-7615] - Error loading action list when user has action request resulting from delegation for a group

  • [KULRICE-7616] - the KEW ActionSet class is mutable and I assume it should not be

  • [KULRICE-7619] - People Flow members of type Role appear as type Principal when editing

  • [KULRICE-7637] - show inactive / hide inactive button on subtab is not working correctly.

  • [KULRICE-7640] - Custom Action List processing throws NPE when processing KFS CustomActionListAttribute

  • [KULRICE-7642] - RoleResponsibilityAction APIs are insufficient

  • [KULRICE-7646] - On BO notes, the attachment can not be opened.

  • [KULRICE-7655] - WorkflowDocumentService.getActionsTaken has the wrong method name

  • [KULRICE-7661] - AdHoc Group request - isAddHocRouteWorkgroupValid() method should validate the groups permission and it is not.

  • [KULRICE-7694] - input field assumes option value of type string

  • [KULRICE-7695] - IndicatorYNNullSelectControl does not display the Y/N values. Always showing nulls

  • [KULRICE-7706] - KRAD role type services passing nulls to location/core service methods

  • [KULRICE-7707] - KIM Person document does not indicate fields with errors

  • [KULRICE-7709] - Doc Search - receive Stack Trace when clearing Created To & From dates

  • [KULRICE-7710] - Role type column on Role lookup links to role inquiry rather than KIM type inquiry

  • [KULRICE-7711] - Role qualifier validation being ignored when assigning a role as a member

  • [KULRICE-7712] - Validate adhoc reviewers when clicking add

  • [KULRICE-7715] - Hook up routing report feature to WorkflowRuleAttributeHandlerService

  • [KULRICE-7719] - Missing buttons on Super User Approval Tab

  • [KULRICE-7733] - Agenda Rule edit button js error when clicked.

  • [KULRICE-7738] - Responsibility Actions not appearing when adding a person to a role with action details defined at role member level

  • [KULRICE-7739] - Error when trying to nest one group inside of another group.

  • [KULRICE-7745] - County (not Country) maintenance document allowing bad state data - add FK constriant

  • [KULRICE-7748] - IdentityResponsibilityBlanketAppIT fails expected:<[ENROUTE]> but was:<[FINAL]>

  • [KULRICE-7749] - Unable to inactivate Role Assignment from a Person record when the qualifier data does not validate

  • [KULRICE-7753] - WorkFlowRouteRulesIT cancel confirmation missing from create new Route Rules.

  • [KULRICE-7761] - Super user approval - the role is showing up in addition to the people in the role. Approving for the Role leaves the Delegator column blank.

  • [KULRICE-7762] - Super user approved for two fiscal officers - annotation only showed up for one.

  • [KULRICE-7763] - Doc Search: need ability to alter results based on searcher's permissions

  • [KULRICE-7768] - RoleService.updateDelegateMember() throws exception if you pass in an existing delegate member

  • [KULRICE-7770] - DwrServlet initialization Stack Overflow

  • [KULRICE-7777] - Qualifier resolvers on KIM documents were not updated for Rice 2.0 classes

  • [KULRICE-7781] - DataDictionaryQualifierResolver class package was not updated in Rice 2.0 upgrade scripts

  • [KULRICE-7782] - Document Service superUserDisapproveDocument is not consistent with disapproveDocument

  • [KULRICE-7784] - Add application code to the subject of Incident Reports and other email from Kauli (i.e. email from batch jobs, etc)

  • [KULRICE-7785] - Role member update API not updating existing role member attribute records (inserting new ones)

  • [KULRICE-7786] - Document Specific Doc Search Application Document Status should be available (and groupable) on the basic version of search

  • [KULRICE-7790] - KimTypeQualifierResolver should be returning the custom document type from handleGroupDocument()

  • [KULRICE-7791] - Document configuration view blows up if any document-based permissions are not assigned to roles

  • [KULRICE-7792] - DB Update: Qualifier resolvers on KIM documents were not updated for Rice 2.0 classes

  • [KULRICE-7793] - DB Update: DataDictionaryQualifierResolver class package was not updated in Rice 2.0 upgrade scripts

  • [KULRICE-7796] - getWorkflowDocumentService().documentSearch saves the search into user options but is failing to save because the value for VAL is too big.

  • [KULRICE-7798] - Recall from Routing - Remaining Configuration Requirements

  • [KULRICE-7840] - Validation doesn't appear to be done correctly when completing a doc via the Super User Action tab

  • [KULRICE-7841] - Unable to designate a Group as a Recipient for an Ad Hoc Route

  • [KULRICE-7845] - Error message is given when role is longer than 10 characters.

  • [KULRICE-7855] - NOTIFY_PENDING_ON_RETURN Policy (related to Recall from routing functionality) doesn't appear to be inherited

  • [KULRICE-7863] - No cancel/disapprove button ad hoc route for completion recipient

  • [KULRICE-7875] - Role document not reporting some errors properly

  • [KULRICE-7879] - superUserActions.tag is displaying tab on un-submitted documents

  • [KULRICE-7881] - Copying/Creating a permission is not populating permission identifier even when the document is routed.

  • [KULRICE-7882] - KNS validationPattern property on AttributeDefinition being ignored

  • [KULRICE-7883] - Document requeuer does not forward back to the appropriate application properly

  • [KULRICE-7896] - NullPointerException if no role qualifier added on Person document

  • [KULRICE-7902] - filename value of Content-disposition Header should be quoted to ensure proper file download

  • [KULRICE-7906] - Unable to create a Role with Campus KimType

  • [KULRICE-7921] - Lookup parameters from AdHoc recipients tab incorrect for added group lines

  • [KULRICE-7931] - IdentityRoleBlanketAppIT.testRole fails expected:<[ENROUTE]> but was:<[FINAL]>

  • [KULRICE-7958] - Route Log "For Delegator" inquiry link broken with group delegations

  • [KULRICE-7964] - Add a method to ServiceBusImpl.java to get endpoints based on a given application id ; Contribution from IU

  • [KULRICE-7965] - With rice rev. 34214, the blank line(s) on any document is being validated and the document can not be saved/submitted at this point.

  • [KULRICE-7971] - KRMS maintenance prints unintelligible characters when adding a proposition

  • [KULRICE-7993] - findPrimaryDelegationRecipients logging is incorrect for primary delegate drop down list

  • [KULRICE-8005] - DataDictionaryIndexMapper change breaks transactional documents when institutions override business object classes

  • [KULRICE-8008] - Taking an action on any KRMS maintenance Documents in embedded mode returns to rice server

  • [KULRICE-8010] - Date attribute is not validating correctly. So the documents where user entered date fields are there, the documents can neither be saved nor submitted.

  • [KULRICE-8034] - Business object validation is validating reference objects when it should not

  • [KULRICE-8040] - PeopleFlow - delegates are not populated during edit

  • [KULRICE-8048] - People Flow - Adding roles to a stop allowed without selecting the role

  • [KULRICE-8062] - Change StandardGenericXMLRuleAttributeTest.java so it doesn't prevent error from being thrown if NodeInstance is null on the doc content

  • [KULRICE-8067] - ActionTakenValue#getDelegatorDisplayName NPE

  • [KULRICE-8074] - Getting client side validation errors when no errors are present

  • [KULRICE-8102] - DictionaryValidationServiceImplTest testRequiredNestedAttribute and testCollectionConstraints null pointers

  • [KULRICE-8103] - KRMS rule edit screen: "add parent" button on proposition tree bar just toggles edit mode on the selected proposition

  • [KULRICE-8124] - KIM rules are extending the KRAD DocumentRuleBase

  • [KULRICE-8125] - Permission Lookup by Role Name not working

  • [KULRICE-8134] - Investigate NPE in DocumentRuleBase.isDocumentOverviewValid(DocumentRuleBase.java:99)

  • [KULRICE-8142] - NPE in MaintenanceDocumentRuleBase.processAddCollectionLineBusinessRules

  • [KULRICE-8153] - Permission screen problems entering permission details

  • [KULRICE-8156] - KRMSConfigurer needs the ability to specify a datasource

  • [KULRICE-8161] - Work Flow Route Rules cancel new yields 404 not found

  • [KULRICE-8185] - Opening two docs of the same time at the same time blows up due to ConcurrentModificationException

  • [KULRICE-8186] - if principal name is null the Initiator name on doc search results can be incorrect

  • [KULRICE-8187] - After Blanket Approve, route header is not saved so the status stays in Exception

  • [KULRICE-8188] - Searchable XmlAttribute not working when column visibility set to false; not added to the document search criteria like it should be

  • [KULRICE-8189] - Searchable XmlAttribute should be ordered alphabetically

  • [KULRICE-8193] - Prevent null pointer exception from being thrown in DocumentSecurityServiceImpl.getDocumentTypeSecurity() if doc type is not found

  • [KULRICE-8198] - Wrap all calls to RoleTypeService within a loop with try/catch

  • [KULRICE-8199] - Make routing methods in MaintenanceDocumentAuthorizerBase non-final

  • [KULRICE-8201] - Group lookup by principal returns groups where member is inactive

  • [KULRICE-8202] - Person Inquiry screen hangs indefinitely at times

  • [KULRICE-8203] - Doc Search does not clear Document Status

  • [KULRICE-8204] - Exception on server side manifests as a security error on the client side of Kuali Rice web services

  • [KULRICE-8205] - Rice mailer implementation doesn't handle connecting to a secure mail SMTP server

  • [KULRICE-8208] - DeprecatedDocumentTagsTest.testDocTypeSecurityAndResponsibilityAndVisibilityWorkgroupNames rule attribute field does not have the expected visibility expected:<false> but was:<true>

  • [KULRICE-8209] - StartBusTest.testStartTheBus java.lang.SecurityException: class "javax.servlet.FilterRegistration"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

  • [KULRICE-8210] - Add SocketTimeoutException as a service removal exception in BusClientFailureProxy.java

  • [KULRICE-8211] - Potential Issue in BusClientFailoverProxy causing infinite loop

  • [KULRICE-8212] - In NoteAction.save, if note id is null need to make sure the note is preserved

  • [KULRICE-8213] - Document type individual email preferences are not working

  • [KULRICE-8218] - Emails can be sent to secondary approvers even if they should not be based on preferences

  • [KULRICE-8219] - Services in KIM referencing KRAD dictionary validation service

  • [KULRICE-8220] - BusinessObjectService.getReferenceIfExists should consult BOMetaDataService

  • [KULRICE-8222] - Error when inquiring on or attempting to edit user with delegations

  • [KULRICE-8224] - prevent null pointer exception during doc simulation

  • [KULRICE-8227] - Doc search initiator column doesn't link to person inquiry

  • [KULRICE-8228] - Missing ruleTemplate(attr)Id param which broke values on lookup screens

  • [KULRICE-8230] - Issue with KimTypeAttributeBo which causes problems initiating documents in bundled environment

  • [KULRICE-8231] - typo in the ActionList.jsp which caused the inline action list view to not display properly

  • [KULRICE-8232] - Routing & Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy searches are not pre-populating the ruleTemplate name correctly

  • [KULRICE-8233] - Super User search failing due to jsp error in SuperUser.jsp

  • [KULRICE-8236] - SchemaSpy link in Rice documentation is incorrect

  • [KULRICE-8241] - PhoneNumberFormatter should remove all non-numerics from string before formatting

  • [KULRICE-8249] - Unable to run simulation for KC documents in some cases

  • [KULRICE-8250] - Improve EDocLite Performance

  • [KULRICE-8254] - Editing Delegations does not work correctly

  • [KULRICE-8255] - Add a check to verify that the email address is not blank before trying to send email -- prevents frequent "Invalid Address in String" error messages

  • [KULRICE-8256] - KIM Role Document: stack trace when clicking to sort role members on

  • [KULRICE-8260] - Document descriptions have a max lentgh of 40, which does not match length of database field

  • [KULRICE-8261] - Error processing for Automatic Refresh Rate and Action List Page Size not working properly for preferences

  • [KULRICE-8264] - Groups tab on rule maintenance documents don't have a lookup for groups

  • [KULRICE-8265] - Update EntityDefaultInfoCacheBo builder to deal with entities missing principal names appropriately

  • [KULRICE-8300] - problems with implementation of super user tab

  • [KULRICE-8321] - KualiMaintainableImpl logging can throw NPEs

  • [KULRICE-8334] - Previous route level action is shown on the superuser screen when it is not valid

  • [KULRICE-8335] - Responsibility ID not being treated as string in DocumentRouteHeaderDAOOjbImpl

  • [KULRICE-8342] - Person document incorrectly validating "unique" attributes on role memberships

  • [KULRICE-8372] - Null checking needed in RoleServiceImpl.getRoleBoLiteMap()

  • [KULRICE-8373] - Delegation/Role caches not being updated after role document delegation change

  • [KULRICE-8378] - KNS-based maintenance documents are not using KNS Business Rules classes

  • [KULRICE-8395] - RoleServiceImpl.removeDelegateMembers() does not work

  • [KULRICE-8404] - KR-SAP namespace is in the server bootstrap master dataset

  • [KULRICE-8414] - Doc Search sort by numbers(dollar amounts) are not sorting by dollar amount but rather by text number

  • [KULRICE-8449] - Custom Doc Search lookups against Rice BOs are failing


  • [KULRICE-5063] - BusinessObjectService#getReferenceIfExists should consult BOMetaDataService

  • [KULRICE-7454] - decompose ActionListEmailServiceImpl.sendEmail(..)

  • [KULRICE-7483] - make doc search work like other lookups in terms of result limits

  • [KULRICE-7511] - Using max(actn_itm_id) for action list caching but the action item id is not guaranteed to be a numeric value

  • [KULRICE-7517] - Improve performance of RoleService by not loading membership information for the RoleBo for nearly every method call

  • [KULRICE-7612] - Update core and location services to not throw exceptions when passed null arguments

  • [KULRICE-7636] - Remove requirement that baseDocumentClass is a superclass of the documentClass

  • [KULRICE-7799] - Create a separate permission for accessing the new super user tab

  • [KULRICE-7802] - KREW_RTE_NODE_CFG_PARM_T is selected by a field with no indexes - full table scan every time

  • [KULRICE-8083] - Create permission and derived role used to support the ADHOC complete functionality.

  • [KULRICE-8084] - Create permission and derived role used to support the ADHOC complete functionality.

  • [KULRICE-8332] - Errors on passing a non-OJB-bound object into PersistenceServiceStructureImplBase.getBusinessObjectAttributeClass


  • [KULRICE-333] - Look into using Maven Archetypes for our rice_template project (aka createproject.groovy script)

  • [KULRICE-7992] - Fix issues identified by KFS with 2.0 and 2.1 upgrade scripts

  • [KULRICE-8063] - List of IU Rice bug fixes that should be contributed back to Foundation

  • [KULRICE-8075] - fix broken service failover tests in ServiceCallClusterTest.java

  • [KULRICE-8123] - Merge the changes from 2.2 branch to 2.1 branch for the validation.null error on required fields on maintenance documents

  • [KULRICE-8403] - Once KULRICE-8402 is resolved, delete un-needed classes

  • [KULRICE-8422] - Fix upgrade script issue: Update Rice default From email address