Table of Contents
Welcome to 2.2.0-M3! This maintenance release contains bug fixes and minor features.
Highlights of this release include:
Kuali Rice 2.2.0-M3 can be downloaded from the Rice website at
There are three different distributions of Rice available: source, binary and server. Please read the Installation Guide for more details on each of these distributions.
API Documentation can be found at
Formal documentation can be found at This documentation is still in the process of review and update for 2.0 which will continue through subsequent releases, so please follow the notes in each document to report any outdated information.
If you encounter any difficulty, please don't hesitate to contact the Rice team on
our public collaboration mailing list at <>
Please indicate that you are using the 2.2.0-M3 version of Rice.
We recommend backing up your database before performing any upgrade!
MySQL and Oracle scripts for performing these updates are available in the following locations in the Rice distribution downloads:
scripts/upgrades/2.0.0 to
scripts/upgrades/2.0.0 to
1 High Severity Security Fix, 1 Medium Severity Security Fix
[KULRICE-2101] - Log4j MDC user is not cleared
[KULRICE-3307] - Prevent workflow from attempting to activate requests for null principals
[KULRICE-5280] - KRAD - KS Test View: need Messaging component
[KULRICE-5382] - document type label is not required on the document type document, but it's the only thing displayed many places and the kns blows up if it's not specified
[KULRICE-5780] - Kuali Rice master database needs to be UTF8 and corrupted data needs to be cleaned up
[KULRICE-5825] - KimEntityImpl & KimEntityInfo use different logic for fetching default items
[KULRICE-5895] - Help text on Hover doesn't display onparts of Route log panel
[KULRICE-6415] - in KR-ApplicationResources defaults to creating a jira in the "KFS Testing" jira queue
[KULRICE-6455] - version 1.0.3 broke kns tab order functionality in some cases
[KULRICE-6573] - KRMS Term Specification Maintenance - Multiple Lookup Result Selection
[KULRICE-6585] - Look into possible memory and thread local leaks reported by tomcat on a shutdown
[KULRICE-6603] - Term Spec maintenance doc add context
[KULRICE-6691] - Cannot add permission to role
[KULRICE-6718] - Regenerate schema.html in docbook content as it is out of date
[KULRICE-6796] - PeopleFlow Copy fails while giving successful document save.
[KULRICE-6809] - Permission lookup does not return value when adding permission to Role
[KULRICE-6817] - Document search by document type doesn't allow wildcards or case insensitive searches
[KULRICE-6822] - Route Log Pop-up setting from Document Search not working.
[KULRICE-6827] - Loss of useful javadocs on KIM services
[KULRICE-6846] - null Lookup criteria causes sql exception
[KULRICE-6870] - PeopleFlow Member Delegate's Names aren't set.
[KULRICE-6874] - Able to create two document types with the same name
[KULRICE-6900] - User is required to enter ID when creating a new KRMS Context via the maintenance document
[KULRICE-6906] - Responsibility Document doesn't save details
[KULRICE-6946] - Responsibility data of the "Responsibility Details" section does not persist
[KULRICE-6947] - AgendaEditorBusRule does not support service names with namespaces
[KULRICE-6949] - Action section on a KRMS rule shows attribute names instead of attribute labels for custom action attributes
[KULRICE-6950] - Severe performance degradation on saving complex routing paths
[KULRICE-6954] - Code supporting Custom Functions in KRMS is not wired up properly or mapped properly in OJB
[KULRICE-6968] - Clicking on Send Notification Request's Document Id in Document Search results throws PropertyNotFoundException
[KULRICE-6970] - Rice 2.0 : IllegalArgumentException - argument type mismatch
[KULRICE-6971] - When copying a Term Specification, categories are not copied and you get a validation error when trying to submit on Context
[KULRICE-6985] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to check for JPA enabled in KualiDocumentMaintenanceAction
[KULRICE-6990] - Revert BusinessObjectDaoOJB.findBySinglePrimaryKey to original implementation in Rice 1.0.x
[KULRICE-6997] - "Active Indicator" is not checked by default when creating a new Namespace
[KULRICE-6998] - "Template Id" field on the Permission maintenance document should be a drop-down menu instead of a text field
[KULRICE-6999] - When creating, copying, or editing a permission the "Permission ID" shows up as a blank value
[KULRICE-7000] - Permission and Responsibility NamespaceCode+Name must be unique but the maintenance documents do not check this
[KULRICE-7017] - When attempting to open DocumentOperation screen as an unauthorized user, you just get a 404 instead of an error screen
[KULRICE-7024] - Agenda selection based on name is broken
[KULRICE-7035] - Rice Dev1: Error on Group Lookup when click the XML link
[KULRICE-7037] - Rice Dev1: Group Inquiry Screen not fully rendering
[KULRICE-7038] - Rice Dev1: Document Type Inquiry Screen not Exporting Route Node Information
[KULRICE-7042] - Component name cannot be null on KIM type table
[KULRICE-7043] - There is no longer a lookup icon on the "Document Type Name" field on the Responsibility screen
[KULRICE-7088] - Custom attributes for krms validation rule are not rendering
[KULRICE-7103] - Person Inquiry Screen doesn't load past the memberships section
[KULRICE-7104] - Group inquiry screen doesn't fully load
[KULRICE-7105] - Fix issue with SQL in NotificationDaoOjb.findMatchedNotificationsForResolution
[KULRICE-7106] - Proposition should not get the typeId of the Rule
[KULRICE-7116] - Copying a context moves all existing agenda items to the new context
[KULRICE-7118] - KRMS Agenda copy creates extra AgendaItems
[KULRICE-7161] - XStream unmarshalling of any DateTime object fails
[KULRICE-7172] - Should adhoc requests be persisted upon a blanket approve
[KULRICE-7174] - Configuation Channel items Throwing HTTP 500 Error
[KULRICE-7192] - Workflow Statistics search results count does not match the detailed doc search results
[KULRICE-7198] - Action description field has "instructional text" (literally) over the field
[KULRICE-7201] - Admin cannot create a new Rule Attribute or Rule template.
[KULRICE-7205] - Cache administration screen doesn't provide feedback on flush
[KULRICE-7224] - RoleService.principalHasRole caching wrong information
[KULRICE-7236] - Action List caching does not consider secondary delegates
[KULRICE-7244] - Maintenance Document multi-attachments sometimes throwing NPEs and downloading wrong files
[KULRICE-7245] - the document passed to Maintainable.processAfterCopy doesn't have the right dataObjects in it
[KULRICE-7252] - Component search criteria is ignored when searching for Parameters
[KULRICE-7289] - Can't use =/!= null conditions to build propositions because KRMS doesn't allow null facts
[KULRICE-7291] - caching issue exposed when creating agenda for new context
[KULRICE-7294] - ContextBusRule rules are broken
[KULRICE-7304] - Rice "Use Screen" permission for XML Ingestion is incorrect after 2.0 Upgrade
[KULRICE-7306] - Unconverted Values not carried through during a saveOnClose action
[KULRICE-7309] - Cannot replace KNS single Maintenance Document attachments
[KULRICE-7316] - ReloadingDataDictionary (when configured) prevents Rice from shutting down cleanly
[KULRICE-7327] - Fix invalid XML in spring files due to monitoring maven config
[KULRICE-7334] - Env1: Error when lookup for Person
[KULRICE-7336] - Env1: NPE when trying to clear security form
[KULRICE-7344] - Database updates for krim_perm_attr_data_t org.kuali.rice.kew.batch.web.IngesterAction ATTR_VAL
[KULRICE-7361] - Unable to add a Group to a Role
[KULRICE-7375] - Rice master data source has KREW_DOC_TYP_PROC_T.INIT_RTE_NODE_ID still defined as a NUMBER
[KULRICE-7377] - KREW_RTE_NODE_T still defines DOC_TYP_ID as NUMBER(19)
[KULRICE-7381] - Reenable UTF8AnyCharacterValidationPattern in Data Dictionary and Fix UTF8 Acceptance
[KULRICE-7386] - Rice doesn't compile on JDK 7 on the cli
[KULRICE-7403] - Issue with Action List an eDoc lite and return to previous
[KULRICE-4896] - Enable Maintenance Document Framework to allow associating multiple attachments to a Maintainable BO
[KULRICE-5424] - Incorrect UI artifact type information
[KULRICE-5429] - Moving to new page or closing a page in the Kuali hub ( is not signaled to the AT bridge
[KULRICE-5712] - Add status messages on actions that manipulate the agenda tree
[KULRICE-5931] - Recall from Routing Enhancement for KNS / KEW
[KULRICE-5932] - Skip Routing for KEW
[KULRICE-5947] - Add validation for data dictionary defined custom attributes
[KULRICE-5949] - Make type optional for PeopleFlow
[KULRICE-6554] - Rice Dev: Clicking on KSB/Configuration links on Admin tab as an unauthorized user throws 404 Error
[KULRICE-6640] - Improve error screen that is displayed when backdooring with an inactive or unknown principal name
[KULRICE-6724] - Override Spring class to improve startup performance
[KULRICE-6849] - Use of kewNonTransactionalDataSource is a problematic implementation for Action List cache handling
[KULRICE-6858] - If editing groups or roles, it validates the existence of all members before saving the doc, even those which are "inactive"
[KULRICE-6882] - Look into what it would take to allow someone to configure their Rice application for "KNS but not KRAD" and whether or not there would be much benefit there
[KULRICE-6952] - Action list performance issue with "Current Route Node(s)" preference enabled
[KULRICE-7108] - javadoc fix for AbstractLookupableHelperServiceImpl
[KULRICE-7147] - Make routing methods in DocumentAuthorizerBase non-final
[KULRICE-7168] - javadoc fix for
[KULRICE-7237] - KRNS_NTE_T is selected by a field with no indexes - full table scan every time
[KULRICE-7260] - Dropdowns with duplicate values are showing these duplicate values twice in readOnly mode
[KULRICE-6282] - AdHoc Route to Completion - MSU Contribution
[KULRICE-6305] - Create a mirror of the master db that is updated nightly for testing database changes
[KULRICE-6728] - Add support for "exists" operator in KRMS simple propositions
[KULRICE-6896] - Create Simpler SuperUser Tab for Documents
[KULRICE-5331] - UIF Framework - Add support for disabled on input controls
[KULRICE-5696] - Display appropriate icon based on attachment type for Persistable Attachments in Maintenance Documents
[KULRICE-5733] - Remove old rule attribute types that are no longer supported because of Document Search changes
[KULRICE-6022] - XAPool/Bitronix configuration documentation
[KULRICE-6069] - User's Guide: Review & Update KIM Chapter
[KULRICE-6322] - Add caching to KRMS
[KULRICE-6383] - Refactor view template
[KULRICE-6394] - set up separate database for rice-trunk-integration-test-mysql-bitronix and re-enable svn polling
[KULRICE-6427] - Selenium Smoke Test Creation: Load Testing
[KULRICE-6473] - Go through all apis which throw RiceIllegalArgumentException and ensure that their javadoc @throws clause declare this exception rather than IllegalArgumentException
[KULRICE-6706] - KSPD: Updates to JSON version
[KULRICE-6784] - Add index and constraint on KREW_RULE_ATTR_T.NM
[KULRICE-6823] - Component Lookup has both a drop down and a lookup option?
[KULRICE-6830] - Find a home for SchemaSpy output.
[KULRICE-6842] - Database: Disallow requests for null principals
[KULRICE-6843] - Create groovy folders in core-service-framework and core-service-web modules (src/test/groovy) to allow eclipse to compile
[KULRICE-6902] - Create Validation test for Document Type Label Requiredness Changes
[KULRICE-7039] - Add info on Recall from Routing to User's Guide
[KULRICE-7040] - Add info on new SuperUser's Tab to User's Guide
[KULRICE-7052] - Improve and automate collaboration options for downstream projects
[KULRICE-7056] - Notifications Option for SuperUser Actions
[KULRICE-7057] - Option to disallow superuser actions at a given route node
[KULRICE-7059] - KRIM_ROLE_PERM_ID_S Sequence needs to be changed to start at 10000 or later
[KULRICE-7090] - Documentation: expand documentation in KIM UG for delivered Permission Templates
[KULRICE-7091] - KimAttributeDataBo.toAttributes(..) always has null it.kimType
[KULRICE-7102] - Create an integration test for the action list service
[KULRICE-7128] - DATABASE: Link 'qualifierResolverProvidedIdentifier' attribute to Responsibility type
[KULRICE-7227] - NPE when trying to download multi-attachment from document that hasn't been routed/saved.
[KULRICE-7276] - Fix annotation in SendNotificationService
[KULRICE-7405] - Disable caching on PermissionService.isAuthorized* methods and RoleService.principalHasRole