Interface DataDictionaryEntry

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BusinessObjectEntry, BusinessObjectEntry, DataDictionaryEntryBase, DataObjectEntry, DocumentEntry, MaintenanceDocumentEntry, MaintenanceDocumentEntry, TransactionalDocumentEntry, TransactionalDocumentEntry

public interface DataDictionaryEntry

Defines methods common to all DataDictionaryDefinition types. DD: The highest level objects in the data dictionary are of the following types: BusinessObjectEntry MaintenanceDocumentEntry TransactionalDocumentEntry JSTL: The data dictionary is exposed as a Map which is accessed by referring to the "DataDictionary" global constant. This Map contains the following kinds of entries keyed as indicated: Business Object Entries - Key = dataObjectClass name Value = Map created by BusinessObjectEntryMapper Maintenance Document entries - Key = DocumentType name Value = Map created by MaintenanceObjectEntryMapper Transactional Document entries - Key = DocumentType name Value = Map created by TransactionalDocumentEntryMapper All elements are exposed to JSTL as Maps (where the element has a unique key by which they can be retrieved), or Strings. For collections of elements having no unique key, the entry's position in the list (0, 1, etc.) is used as its index. All Maps (except the top-level DataDictionary one) are guaranteed to present their entries with an iteration order identical to the order in which the elements were defined in XML.

Method Summary
 void completeValidation()
          Kicks off complete entry-wide validation which couldn't be done earlier.
 AttributeDefinition getAttributeDefinition(String attributeName)
 String getFullClassName()
          Returns the full class name of the underlying object.
 String getJstlKey()
 List<RelationshipDefinition> getRelationships()

Method Detail


String getJstlKey()
String used as a globally-unique key for this entry's jstl-exported version


void completeValidation()
Kicks off complete entry-wide validation which couldn't be done earlier.

CompletionException - if a problem arises during validation-completion


AttributeDefinition getAttributeDefinition(String attributeName)
attributeName -
AttributeDefinition with the given name, or null if none with that name exists


String getFullClassName()
Returns the full class name of the underlying object.


List<RelationshipDefinition> getRelationships()
a Map containing all RelationshipDefinitions associated with this BusinessObjectEntry, indexed by relationshipName

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