Class BindingInfo

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.BindingInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Configurable

public class BindingInfo
extends ConfigurableBase
implements Serializable

Provides binding configuration for an DataBinding component (attribute or collection)

From the binding configuration the binding path is determined (if not manually set) and used to set the path in the UI or to get the value from the model

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addToBindByNamePrefix(String bindPrefix)
          Helper method for adding a path to the binding prefix
 String getBindByNamePrefix()
          Prefix that will be used to form the binding path from the component name.
 String getBindingName()
          Gives the name of the property that the component binds to.
 String getBindingObjectPath()
          For attribute fields that do not belong to the default form object (given by the view), this field specifies the path to the object (on the form) the attribute does belong to.
 String getBindingPath()
          Path to the property on the model the component binds to.
 String getBindingPrefixForNested()
          Returns the binding prefix string that can be used to setup the binding on DataBinding components that are children of the component that contains the BindingInfo.
 String getCollectionPath()
          If field is part of a collection field, gives path to collection
 String getPropertyAdjustedBindingPath(String propertyPath)
          Returns the binding path that is formed by taking the binding configuration of this BindingInfo instance with the given property path as the binding name.
 boolean isBindToForm()
          Indicates whether the component binds directly to the form (that is its bindingName gives a property available through the form), or whether is binds through a nested form object.
 boolean isBindToMap()
          Indicates whether the parent object for the property that we are binding to is a Map.
 void setBindByNamePrefix(String bindByNamePrefix)
          Setter for the prefix to use for forming the binding path by name
 void setBindingName(String bindingName)
          Setter for the bind property name
 void setBindingObjectPath(String bindingObjectPath)
          Setter for the object path on the form
 void setBindingPath(String bindingPath)
          Setter for the binding path.
 void setBindToForm(boolean bindToForm)
          Setter for the bind to form indicator
 void setBindToMap(boolean bindToMap)
          Setter for the bind to map indicator
 void setCollectionPath(String collectionPath)
          Setter for the field's collection path (if part of a collection)
 void setDefaults(View view, String propertyName)
          Sets up some default binding properties based on the view configuration and the component's property name
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BindingInfo()
Method Detail


public void setDefaults(View view,
                        String propertyName)
Sets up some default binding properties based on the view configuration and the component's property name

Sets the bindingName (if not set) to the given property name, and if the binding object path has not been set uses the default binding object path setup for the view

view - - the view instance the component belongs to
propertyName - - name of the property (relative to the parent object) the component binds to


public String getBindingPath()
Path to the property on the model the component binds to. Uses standard dot notation for nested properties. If the binding path was manually set it will be returned as it is, otherwise the path will be formed by using the binding object path and the bind prefix

e.g. Property name 'foo' on a model would have binding path "foo", while property name 'name' of the nested model property 'account' would have binding path ""

String binding path


public String getBindingPrefixForNested()
Returns the binding prefix string that can be used to setup the binding on DataBinding components that are children of the component that contains the BindingInfo. The binding prefix is formed like the binding path but without including the object path

String binding prefix for nested components


public String getPropertyAdjustedBindingPath(String propertyPath)
Returns the binding path that is formed by taking the binding configuration of this BindingInfo instance with the given property path as the binding name. This can be used to get the binding path when just a property name is given that is assumed to be on the same parent object of the field with the configured binding info

Special check is done for org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.UifConstants#NO_BIND_ADJUST_PREFIX prefix on the property name which indicates the property path is the full path and should not be adjusted. Also, if the property is prefixed with org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.UifConstants#FIELD_PATH_BIND_ADJUST_PREFIX, this indicates we should only append the binding object path

propertyPath - - path for property to return full binding path for
String full binding path


public void addToBindByNamePrefix(String bindPrefix)
Helper method for adding a path to the binding prefix

bindPrefix - - path to add


public void setBindingPath(String bindingPath)
Setter for the binding path. Can be left blank in which the path will be determined from the binding configuration

bindingPath -


public boolean isBindToForm()
Indicates whether the component binds directly to the form (that is its bindingName gives a property available through the form), or whether is binds through a nested form object. If bindToForm is false, it is assumed the component binds to the object given by the form property whose path is configured by bindingObjectPath.

boolean true if component binds directly to form, false if it binds to a nested object


public void setBindToForm(boolean bindToForm)
Setter for the bind to form indicator

bindToForm -


public String getBindingName()
Gives the name of the property that the component binds to. The name can be nested but not the full path, just from the parent object or in the case of binding directly to the form from the form object

If blank this will be set from the name field of the component

String name of the bind property


public void setBindingName(String bindingName)
Setter for the bind property name

bindingName -


public String getBindByNamePrefix()
Prefix that will be used to form the binding path from the component name. Typically used for nested collection properties

String binding prefix


public void setBindByNamePrefix(String bindByNamePrefix)
Setter for the prefix to use for forming the binding path by name

bindByNamePrefix -


public String getCollectionPath()
If field is part of a collection field, gives path to collection

This is used for metadata purposes when getting finding the attribute definition from the dictionary and is not used in building the final binding path

String path to collection


public void setCollectionPath(String collectionPath)
Setter for the field's collection path (if part of a collection)

collectionPath -


public String getBindingObjectPath()
For attribute fields that do not belong to the default form object (given by the view), this field specifies the path to the object (on the form) the attribute does belong to.

e.g. Say we have an attribute field with property name 'number', that belongs to the object given by the 'account' property on the form. The form object path would therefore be set to 'account'. If the property belonged to the object given by the 'document.header' property of the form, the binding object path would be set to 'document.header'. Note if the binding object path is not set for an attribute field (or any DataBinding component), the binding object path configured on the View will be used (unless bindToForm is set to true, where is assumed the property is directly available from the form).

String path to object from form


public void setBindingObjectPath(String bindingObjectPath)
Setter for the object path on the form

bindingObjectPath -


public boolean isBindToMap()
Indicates whether the parent object for the property that we are binding to is a Map. If true the binding path will be adjusted to use the map key syntax

boolean true if the property binds to a map, false if it does not


public void setBindToMap(boolean bindToMap)
Setter for the bind to map indicator

bindToMap -

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